Unknown Number Part A

Nikolai's POV:

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket as I sat at my desk in my office, distracting me from what I was doing. I sat my handheld gaming console down and took out my phone to check it.

Unknown Number: Want some information on a soon to be attack on your precious family?

I frowned then stood up, looking over towards Raven. "Hey, can you go get Paris?" I asked her. She glanced up at me and then disappeared from my sight quickly before she was back in an instant with Paris, holding his wrist.

"What's going on?" Paris asked me.

"Someone messaged me this..." I tossed my phone towards him, watching him catch it and look the message over.

"Okay..." He tossed the phone back to me. "I'm going to go see Laurence, play along." He told me and teleported away. I looked towards my phone, responding to the message.

Me: Alright, cough it up.

Unknown #: How about a deal?

Me: What kind of deal?

Unknown #: Information for a reward.

Me: Okay, how much do you want?

Unknown #: 5,000.

Me: Deal.

Paris's POV:

I walked into Laurence's bedroom, sitting down next to him while he was sleeping in his bed. I leaned in towards his scent and smelled he had a distant smell of blood on him. I looked him over then glanced over at Ashton, watching him sleep. I grabbed Laurence's shirt then yanked him up, slamming his back up against the headboard. "Laurence~!" I purred. "A little bird told me we've got a threat coming." I purred to him. "Know anything?"

"Uh-huh, that hurts." He mumbled, rubbing the back of his head. "Don't be rough on me, Paris. I was going to tell you when the timing was right." He explained. "You've been so happy go lucky lately with the marriage and all.... I didn't want to ruin it." Ashton groaned and then rolled over in the bed, pulling the pillow over his head.

"Laurence... I'm really sleepy..." he complained.

"Paris, if you were going to be harmed any time soon I would have already made a move..." Laurence grumbled out. "Now let me go back to sleep. Oh and make sure to send that kid money."

"What kid?"

"Aaron.... He needs money. He's raising demons." Laurence yawned out.

"Why do you smell like blood?"

"Just play along Paris..." He pushed me off and the shadows grabbed my ankles, taking me towards the door. "We still have a couple of more years to wait on Angel."

"Come here," Ashton mumbled and then grabbed Laurence, pulling him down next to him then curled up with him as he yawned and started to fall asleep again.

"Don't worry Paris," Laurence told me before I was dragged out of the room and the doors closed. I sighed then teleported back to Nikolai and Raven.

"Laurence says it's nothing to worry about so just play along with the texts and get that information. Pay what he wishes." I waved a hand and started for the door. "It's nothing to worry and sweat over. Nikolai you're a fine king." I told him then teleported into my bedroom, crawling back into bed with Richard and our newborn cuties. Richard looked over at me and smiled as he had all six of his kids by him, watching over them carefully.

"Hey baby," he purred to me. I leaned in and gave him a kiss.

"How're they?" I asked, looking them over. We had five boys and one girl... It was hell giving birth to them.

"They're all safe and happy," he told me and then smiled big. "I fed them while you were gone." I saw Roan's eyes open slightly and he yawned then began to suck on his thumb, slowly closing his eyes again as he moved his head to the side. All my kids were dressed in small animal onesies, Roan's being a fox. For some reason their growth was faster than my usual children, so I had them early. They've been growing faster since birth. Alread looking like toddlers. Their ages veried from three to five. It made me a little worried.... they might grow and die quickly... Like how Dannie was here one day and gone the next it seemed like. Richard purred and pulled Roan a little closer to him as he saw Roan moving and rubbed his free hand gently, making Roan open his baby blue eyes some more then giggle. I smiled, leaning in to give him a kiss. I'll just have Hachi turn them immortal if they do start to age over twenty. I felt another one of my kids grab my hand then as he sat up a little and giggled, Ezra. He smiled big, being one of the faster aging of my sixtuplets. I looked him over.

"You're almost as big as Liam," I teased him. I kissed the top of his head. "Liam is going to start looking like your littermate." I joked. "Where is Liam?"

"He's playing with Lien again," Richard told me as he watched Ezra move into my lap. He looked up at me with a cute smile and then pulled my hand closer to him, hugging it. I laughed softly, starting to rock him in my arm.

"Hey sweetie," I purred. I heard Yolo and Bowie start to bite eachother. Ezra looked towards them and shrunk into me, closing his eyes as his grip tightened on my hand. I watched Yolo pull away from Bowie, crawling over to his sister Kyoko and grab her hands. I felt Ezra kiss my hand then before his baby fangs scraped my skin lightly.

"Daddy," he whined and then looked up at me, his black hair falling back out of his face.

"Don't bite," I warned him. I didn't want them turning out like Shiloh and Rory... "You've got to drink from bottled blood." He gently touched one of his fangs and then pouted.

"Why do we have fangs if we don't use em?" He mumbled and leaned against me as he closed his eyes.

"I let your older sibilings bite all they wanted to... now they're monsters, terrorizing everyone they come across with their fangs." I teased him. "So you've got to be more sweeter. You can have some if you ask... but I want you to learn to drink from humans too." He nodded and then looked up at me, giving me a sweet look.

"Can I daddy?" He asked, tugging on my hand a little.

"Okay," I nodded. "You may." He smiled big and then leaned in, gently biting down into my wrist with his fangs and pulled them out before he drank the blood that flowed. I watched him and glanced up at Richard. "So, Nikolai got an unknown text." I told him. He frowned.

"He did? That's interesting. Are we going to hunt down who texted him?" Richard asked and pulled Roan closer to him.

"Laurence says that we don't have anything to worry about..." I mumbled. "He said we still have a few more years before someone named Angel attacks?"

"Okay? Ummm..." Richard frowned and then looked me over. "So we aren't going to go confront who texted our darling nephew?" He kissed Roan's head and then rubbed his cheek, purring to our child.

"No, I don't think we should. Laurence told us not to worry." I sighed out. He nodded.

"Okay... So I overheard Hiko was planning on taking our baby Keegan out on a date~ He was talking to his sister and I happened to hear them planning it out together! It's so adorable! He's taking him for sushi after surprising him with the date," Richard purred to me, giving me a sweet smile. "Our baby is growing up! Going out on dates!"

"Are you sure Hiko is going to get Keegan away from his games?" I teased. He laughed and shook his head.

"I think Hiko will make it a really big surprise so Keegan can't tell him no.... Besides, they're always playing games together. I'm sure they've been bonding a lot during that time, whether it was more friendly or more as mates I don't know," he whispered and then laid his head back. Owen crawled over Roan and got on Richard's stomach, giggling as he started to play with Richard's face. Bowie crawled up on the pillows, reaching for the headboard, giggling. Roan watched Bowie and then went for him, falling over as he crawled. Bowie swung on the headboard, getting on top of it then started to balance out on it.

"Bowie... You're going to get hurt." I warned him. Richard leaned up and then grabbed him off the headboard, bringing him to him as Owen whined from being crowded by Bowie. Roan crawled on top of Richard and hugged Bowie, smiling happily. Bowie started to cry then, looking up at the headboard. I couldn't help but laugh as Yolo glanced over at Bowie then started to cry with him, feeling his pain of loss. Kyoko covered her ears. Owen whimpered and then fell over, falling off the bed. Richard's eyes widened as he looked towards where Owen fell and I could feel his stone starting to panic as Owen started to cry out in pain, screeching. I got off the bed quickly and picked Owen up.

"It's okay!" I told him, starting to bounce him in my arms. "I've got you." I purred. "You're okay." I promised him and placed him back on the bed. "You're perfectly fine, now you know though that the edges are dangerous." I pinched his nose playfully. "So don't go near them." He whimpered as he watched me then grabbed my hand, his face wet with tears.

"D-daddy..." He cried and then pulled me closer. I crawled back into bed with him and rubbed his cheek.

"Yeah, I've got you." I purred and kissed his cheek. "You're fine." He crawled into my lap and gripped my shirt, hiding his face in my chest as he tried to calm down. Richard looked over in relief and relaxed, watching as Roan let Bowie go and started for Owen in my arms.

"Owen~" He smiled sweetly and then sat beside me, reaching out and touching his brother to comfort him. Bowie crawled over to Yolo and then growled at him playfully, pushing him over a bit then crawled over him towards me and started over me. He reached out and snatched the TV remote from my night stand then started to chew on it, pushing buttons. Richard frowned and sat up, grabbing Bowie again and took it from him.

"Don't do that sweetie... Here," he purred and gave Bowie a toy instead. Bowie growled and gave Richard a glare, reaching for the remote, tossing the toy over the edge of the bed. Richard frowned. "Bowie, you don't need the remote," he told him firmly and then turned on the TV with it, putting on some cartoons. "Watch cartoons~" Bowie looked frustrated then as he grabbed the remote from Richard and crawled away with it, going towards the foot of our bed. Richard snatched him back up and held him down as he took the remote back and placed it down on the pillow. He smirked and then started to tickle him. Bowie giggled and started to paw at Richard's hands.

"Daddy!" Bowie giggled out. Yolo grabbed the remote then, giggling and started to change the channels. Richard purred and kissed Bowie's cheek before he let him go and then gave Yolo a playful look before he started for him and then started to tickle Yolo too. Yolo giggled and let the remote go. Bowie sat up and looked towards the TV, giggling. "Rockstar! Rockstar!" He pointed towards the TV where Yolo had changed it over to a show for rockstars. Bowie started to repeat the rockstars stinging on the TV. I didn't keep up with today's bands. Roan looked over at Bowie and at the TV before he got in my lap with Owen and snuggled up to me. Ezra came back over and crawled up my back, hanging over my shoulder as he giggled and started to play with my hair. Yolo crawled away from Richard and sat by Bowie, hugging him. Kyoko crawled into Richard's arms, snuggling up to him.

"Hey baby," Richard purred to him and hugged her, kissing her cheek. "I love you all.... You're all so very precious to me." He smiled and then closed his eyes, starting to fall asleep with Kyoko against him. Kyoko was asleep almost instantly in his arms. She liked to sleep a lot. Probably because of how young she really is. She shows her age more then the others. Ezra nipped at my ear and then hugged my head, giggling. I chuckled and rubbed his head. I heard Bowie and Yolo start to sing together, giggling. Owen and Roan passed out against me as they relaxed and then curled up together in my lap.

"We need another family reunion soon." I suggested, glancing towards Richard and frowned since I realized he was asleep. I frowned then texted Louis and Rose about my idea.

Rose: What a wonderful idea! We have so many new members, it's time for a reunion. I'll start passing the word around! I'm going to set up a huge party for the ball room. You just tell me which day you want it on lovely.

Louis: Sounds good to me! I'll set up an after party for the guys.

I laughed and shook my head. He would want an after party... Thanksgiving is coming up too... We'll have to make plans before Thanksgiving and then have Thanksgiving soon after. So it'll be double family reunion. Louis appeared in my room and laid down in my bed, grabbing Bowie and then kissed his cheek as he pulled him to him. Bowie giggled and reached up, grabbing Louis's hair.

"Uncle Louie!" Bowie shouted in excitement. Louis smirked and then held him close.

"Hey kiddo," he said and then started to tickle him. "Who's the best uncle in the world?" Bowie giggled.

"You are!" Bowie struggled to make Louis stop tickling him. Yolo looked towards them, giving a jealous look.

"That's my Bowie! Give 'em back." Yolo started for them then. Louis stopped tickling Bowie then grabbed Yolo and started to tickle his feet, laughing. Yolo gasped and kicked at Louis.

"Stop! Stop! That's my feet!"

"Louis.... Stop it or you're not my favorite uncle anymore.... OH UNCLE VICTOR!" Louis quickly dropped Yolo's feet and looked at Bowie with a pout.

"He's not even your blood uncle! I'm your favorite!" He hugged Bowie then and kissed his cheek. "Besides, I'm more fun than Vicky."

"I think Uncle Laurence is more exciting." Yolo told Bowie.

"Yeah! Or Uncle Hachi!" Bowie giggled, sticking his tongue out at Louis.

"That's not very nice," I warned them. Louis frowned and let him go then crawled over to me.

"Oh well, that just makes you not my favorite nephew," he countered and crossed his arms.

"YOU'RE PLAYING FAVORTIES!?" Yolo shouted, looking angry then.

"Aweee... You're still my favorite uncle." Bowie told him then crawled over to Yolo, hugging him. "But you're my favorite brother."

"You're playing favorites too!?!" Yolo asked him. Louis laughed and looked over at them.

"Your daddies play favorites too," he purred to them.

"I do not." I purred. "Richard does." I kissed Louis's cheek. "Where's Ann anyways?"

"Oh, she's with Isabelle today," he said and then looked at the kids all over me then began to pick them off, frowning a little.

"What're they doing? I'm surprised she's not out ice skating. They must be doing girl things. What about Jasper and Benjamin? Have you even been checking in on Benjamin?" I asked, frowning.

"No, I haven't checked in on Benjamin at all lately," he told me and shook his head. "I honestly forgot I was supposed to be checking in on him, what with making Ann happy... keeping Isabelle and Jasper safe and happy...." He crawled into my lap as he got the kids off me.

"You don't have an idea what's going on with him?" I asked and stood up, looking the kids over. "Stay with daddy." I warned them then started towards the door. "Come on Louis." He got to his feet and followed after me.

"He might not even be here anymore," Louis said and frowned. "He hasn't come to ask for anything for a few months."

"Who said we're going to check on Benjamin right now?" I asked. "Nikolai got an unknown text, we're going to go chill with him."

"Oh... Okay," he said and put his hands in his pockets as he followed after me. "So... an unknown text huh?" He got beside me and then grabbed my hand as he slipped one of them back out of his pockets. I got a flash of how I looked with three kids all over me and Louis thinking it was adorable.

"Yeah, when are you having more kids, Louis? Val and Alex made it possible, you should." I purred. Which I need to check in on Val and Alex... He frowned.

"I don't plan on anymore kids.... I don't think Ann wants them.... She hasn't said anything about wanting her own children to take care of."

"Well she's still youngish... She's still thinking about teenage desires. Maybe in another decade or two she'll want them." I purred. He tilted his head and gave me a funny look.

"Not everyone thinks about having kids like you do Paris," he whispered to me.

"Alright..." I sighed out. "But we're old. We both are. It's time to have kids." I rubbed his back. "We might not always be here... You need to leave something behind. Kids are wonderful."

"I had Aiyana," he told me and smirked. "Plus I have my two favorite newborns."

"You should have some kids with Ann." I purred. "Ann can be a good mother and teach them how to skate."

"You really want more nephews and nieces from me," he sighed out and then leaned in and kissed my cheek. "That's cute."

"You want more from me." I teased him. "I've only ever had two from you and I've given you so much more." He smirked and then hugged me.

"That's true..... You've given me so many nephews and nieces. Birthing those sixtuplets must've been hard~"

"You have no clue..." I grumbled. "You owe me Louis." I purred. "So please give me some more nephews and nieces." He gave a laugh and then kissed my neck.

"Alright, I'll talk to Ann," he purred.

"Let me know when you two are planning to have them." I kissed his cheek. He nodded and then we appeared in Nikolai's study. Louis sat down on the desk and crossed his legs, smirking.

"Soooo~" Louis purred and then looked towards Nikolai.

"What?" Nikolai asked. He looked us over and then smirked. "Want something?"

"Oh, you know... grand nephews and nieces," Louis teased him.

"Oh yeah, Takara is a cutie, isn't he?" Nikolai asked us. "Donnie keeps showing him off to me."

"Hmmm... I was thinking from a certain Russian guy I know," Louis purred and tapped Nikolai's nose.

"Alistair?" Nikolai asked. "He's got her pregnant already?" Louis sighed and then tugged on his hair.

"No, I want them from you, Mr. King. What are you going to do when you have to have someone to take the throne over hmm? You gonna pass it to someone who isn't from your direct bloodline? Because if you get killed, someone needs to be king," he told him and tugged on Nikolai's hair again. Nikolai frowned.

"What if I don't die though?" He asked, and then brushed Louis's hand away.

"If you don't die, then you got some children that you can choose to ignore, or you can love and nourish. Plus, it'll give Raven something to do instead of cling on you and try loving up on you when you don't want to be loved up on," he purred in Nikolai's ear.

"Why're we talking about me?" Nikolai asked. "Go ask someone older then me like Myra for grandchildren. Besides, they'd be Rose and Victor's grandchildren."

"I want grand nieces and nephews though," he purred and then looked him over before he rubbed Nikolai's head. "That's okay.... I got Donnie. You be king."

"Ugh..." Nikolai sighed. "I'll talk to Raven..." He muttered. Louis smirked and then got off the desk.

"Okay," he said and then gave a big smile before he walked up to me and tackled me into a hug.

"When Raven comes into your studies kicking your asses though.... It's your fault." Nikolai warned.

"Mhmmm~ It'll be fine!" Louis smiled and then bit down into my neck, purring. He gripped my shirt as he started to drink my blood then pulled back and licked his lips. "So, just ask her Nikolai. She's way older than you and might not kill someone because you asked."

"Or she'll kill us all." Nikolai whispered. "She's really scary."

"Nonsense, mates shouldn't be afraid of each other. They understand each other."

"Good, then I will call her in and ask her in front of both of you." He suggested, picking up his phone and started to call her. Louis watched him curiously and hugged me as he waited.

"Hey Raven, come to my office, I need to ask you something." Nikolai hung up then. I felt Louis start to laugh silently as he smirked. Raven appeared in the room then, curling her hair around her fingers. She had gotten all the dye out and got it back to purple and shoulder length, but it wasn't quite as long as it used to be....

"Paris and Louis think that it's time we have kids," Nikolai told her. "What do you think?" She looked him over and then glanced over at us with a frown.

"I think that they shouldn't be the ones telling you to have kids," she said and then looked back at Nikolai and smiled sweetly at him.

"Well... Do you want them?" Nikolai smirked and crossed his legs, leaning back in his chair. She blushed and then bit her bottom lip.

"Uhhhm... do you want them?" She asked, unsure.

"You didn't answer me." Nikolai raised an eyebrow.

"You didn't answer me either," she said and giggled.

"I asked you first," He chuckled. She walked up to the desk and leaned against it.

"Nikolai... you still have a hard time sometimes giving me a kiss or snuggling with me," she whispered to him and then frowned. "Even if I did say yes, I don't think that you could have kids."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Nikolai asked. "You think I can't last a minute and create a kid with you? You're probably right... But we don't have to do it to get you pregnant." She frowned at him.

"Uh... I'll... just... yeah, you don't want kids, and I only would've considered it if you really wanted them," she whispered to him and then ran her fingers through her hair before she started for the door.

"Aweeee Raven!" I begged. "Don't you want kids?" I asked her.

"Raven I wouldn't mind if you want kids," Nikolai whispered.

"There is always handcuffs." I told her. "That'll keep him still enough," I teased. "Plus Ann is going to need a girlfriend to help her go through her pregnancy. You two can have a baby together."

"That sounds wrong." Nikolai hissed.

"I didn't mean it like that," I pouted his way.

"Ann's not getting pregnant either," Raven said quickly, turning around and pointing a finger at us. "No."

"Why not?" I asked. "Louis help me out here," I nudged him. He looked at her and then smiled.

"Raven, kids are good! Besides, if you two both have kids at the same time... you two will be hanging out a lot, and you'll both do mom things together. Think about it. You'll be best of friends- more than you are now!" Louis pointed out to her and laughed. Raven frowned.

"I'm not having kids if Nikolai doesn't want them, and Ann will want to ice skate which doesn't mix with pregnancy,' she told us and then crossed her arms.

"Good point..."I whispered.. "But Ann has an eternity of ice skating. She can lay off for nine months to have a child. You have no good excuses though... Nikolai is offering you a chance of a life time. How often will you get this?" She frowned and looked me over.

"Probably never," she said softly. Nikolai leaned forward then.

"So let's agree that if Louis and Ann have children then Nikolai and you will have them as well." I told her. She blushed and then glanced over at Nikolai.

"I remember what happened to Louis when that kind of deal was made," she told me and then turned back to the door. "And he ended up in lots of trouble until it finally happened for him."

"Raven it's up to you about this, you'll be having them." Nikolai told her. "I won't be officially a dad until they're born. If you want children, you better say so now. I might not be around tomorrow."

"Oh right, because of that text." I teased. She frowned and then walked back over to him, sitting down on the side of his desk.

"What about the day after tomorrow?" She asked him, pouting.

"You never know Raven, I might die." He told her, shrugging. "Then I'd have to pass my throne back to my uncle.... or worse.... it falls to Alistair." She shook her head and then kissed his forehead.

"I don't want you to die," she mumbled and then looked him in the eyes. "So if something does happen... you better not get killed. I just found you a few centuries ago... and I am not letting you go easily." He smiled and then patted her cheek.

"You don't want kids, that's okay. She doesn't want kids Louis- Paris. Let's leave her alone." Nikolai pulled out his phone. She frowned and then grabbed his phone from him and sat it down.

"Nikolai," she mumbled and then moved his chair closer to the desk before she leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Tell me honestly.... Do you want to be a father?"

"Raven~" Nikolai gave a small smile. "I told you I wouldn't mind." She bit her bottom lip gently before she thought about it for a few minutes then gave a nod.

"I don't mind either," she whispered softly to him.

"Great! Let's go ask Ann how she feels." I suggested. "Louis, go get Ann." Louis looked at me and then disappeared. Raven blushed a little before she moved into Nikolai's lap and hugged him.

"Okay, looks like we're having a kid?" Nikolai asked her. She nodded and then kissed his cheek again.

"It does, doesn't it? I guess I'll get off the birth control I've been taking," she whispered to him.

"You've been taking birth control?" Nikolai asked her. "Why?"

"Because I wanted to get used to taking it in case one day you wanted to... and I kind of figured you wouldn't want to but I did on the off chance," she told him and then smiled sweetly.

"You know," I heard Rose say as she walked in. "That taking birth control for a long period of time makes it harder for you to have kids, right?" She asked Raven. "Overheard the conversation. So you two going to give me grandbabies?" Raven looked over at her and smiled.

"We'll try," she said sweetly and kissed Nikolai's neck.

"Sounds fun, I'll help you design the nursery." Rose suggested, smiling.

"Okay," Raven hummed out and giggled, getting to her feet then walked over to Rose, grabbing her hand. Louis appeared back in the room with Ann and kissed her cheek.

"So Ann... I was wondering if you ever thought about kids," he whispered in her ear and then kissed her neck sweetly.

"Kids?" Ann asked, blushing as she looked around at us. "No not really..."

"That's okay.... I was just wondering if maybe you would give me a kid of our own," Louis mumbled and then kissed her lips softly before he pulled away.

"Ummm... You said I couldn't have kids though, silly." She giggled.

"We can get help," he told her and gave her a sweet smile. "It's been done before."

"Well...." She bit her bottom lip. "I guess I could give you kids one day." She nodded.

"What about in the next year?" He asked and then wrapped his arms around her waist.

"W-what?" She asked. "Louis... I don't know about this year. I'd have to give up skating." He frowned slightly and then kissed her cheek.

"Please? For me? Don't you want a kid? I mean.... I would think you would want one because I already have Aiyana," he whispered to her and then stole another kiss. "You can always skate afterwards... and I'd watch them if you don't want to...."

"Yeah but Aiyana was August's child." She whispered to him. "I've never had kids before. You have."

"So it won't be too hard for you because I could help you," Louis purred. "You could go back to skating after a few weeks if you wanted. I'd bottle feed them and take good care of our kids. I know how."

"You do realize I'd only have one..." She whispered to him.

"Some of us have twins... or more."

"Please?" Louis asked and then kissed her sweetly. "I'll let you pick the name."

"I'd pick the name anyways," She muttered.

"But I won't fight you on it," he said and smirked. "Let's have a baby." He kissed her neck and started a trail of them down to her collarbone. "I'll make a good dad again. I promise."

"O-okay... We'll have a kid." Ann caved and hugged him. Louis smiled and then pulled her closer before he kissed the top of her head.

"I'll talk to Hachi about getting you a way to have a baby with me," he purred and then looked towards me. "Looks like you get another nephew."

"YES!" I started to clap then.

"Awe Ann, I'll help you with the nursery too!" Rose giggled. "Raven is having a child."

"You are?" Ann asked Raven. Raven nodded and gave her a big smile.

"Yeah, Nikolai asked me a few minutes ago too," she told her and then pulled her away from Louis. "Now let's sneak off before they can keep us here," she teased and they disappeared quickly, making Louis frown.

"Welp... You two have some sexy romantic things to plan." I told Louis and Nikolai. "So Nikolai, let me take care of the text messages."

"Okay." Nikolai shrugged. "You've got to deliver some money to this locations...." He grabbed his phone then sent something to mine, making it vibrate. "I also sent you how much and when." He explained. "Don't get killed, take someone with you, like Laurence or Hachi." He ordered. I nodded and laughed. Louis looked at me and smirked.

"I would go with you... but I'm going to go deck my room out," he said and then walked out of the room, humming. I looked towards Nikolai.

"Nikolai, girls like flowers and candles." I told him then teleported into Hachi's room. "Hey, Hachi! Wake up and come with me on a small adventure." I told him, smirking.

"Hmmm? Okay..." Hachi sat up in bed, yawning and then slipped away from Isaac. He wrapped his arms around my neck and I picked him up, teleporting us down to the garage. "So what're we doing Paris?" Hachi asked curiously as I sat him down in the passenger's seat.

"We've got to go check out something for Nikolai." I explained. I went around to the driver's side and got in then started up the car, putting in the address and looked towards him, groaning. "I forgot to get some money from the treasure room so we'll have to stop by the bank on our way so I can take out the money. You don't mind right?"

"No, I'm just here because you want me to be." Hachi smiled sweetly.

"Okay, I'm going to get the money situation taken care of then and afterwards we'll be on our way to get this thing done for Nikolai."

"Shouldn't you be calling him King Nikolai? He is your king."

"No, I don't call anyone my king and he knows it." I laughed at the thought of me calling someone else king that wasn't Richard. It's a silly thought!

Aaron's POV:

I sighed as I leaned against the wall. This is weird.... I've never hit anyone up for money before like this.... At least I will be making them leave it in a nearby alley.... I don't exactly want to meet them.... That'd suck to get killed if this family is like that. Hassel... your plan would be great for someone who looks huge and looks really strong... but I don't exactly meet those requirements. My muscles are more lean.... I frowned as I pulled out my phone. I've been standing here for a good hour.... What if they don't show? I seen a car pull up suddenly, it was a nice sports car. A male with snow white hair stepped out from the drivers side and a younger little male got out of the passenger's side. He had stitches running along his body and his black hair curled around his face. They started to walk towards the alley with a shoe box. I watched them for a second before I went back to my phone, surfing the internet as I looked at new releases for games to put on my phone for Haven to play- preferably not horror for him. The two guys that went into the alley walked back out and I suddenly got a message. I pulled it up to check it and hummed softly to myself.

Vampire King: Alright, the money has been dropped off.

I nodded slightly and then went back to looking at the games, not wanting to look suspicious. I mean... I don't really want to call attention to myself and go into the alley right now while they're leaving. I don't want to run into them.... They could kill me in seconds if they wanted. I watched them get in the car and leave. After a few more minutes, I picked Candy Crush for Haven and walked into the alley, glancing for the shoebox then picked it up when I found it. I glanced it over and then sat it down on another box and nudged it open with my phone, preparing to jump back incase something else was in it besides money... like a snake. The money was there with a small piece of paper that had a smiley face on it. I laughed a little and then shut the box. "Okay... I guess they aren't that bad. I bet the younger guy drew the smiley face on it." I started for the beginning of the alley again and then walked over to the car, getting in it and put the money at the feet of the passenger seat before I drove back to the hotel and went up to my room with it and sat it down on my bed as I got into the room. "Hey boys," I said and gave them a smile before I kicked my shoes off and then got into my bed.

"Did you get the money?" Hassel asked. "You should send them the text now."

"Yeah...." I pulled my phone out as I laid my head back on my pillow.

Me: Got it. Thanks.

Vampire King: What's the information?

Me: There is an organization growing called the Angel Association. They're all supernatural hunters that kill almost every supernatural they come across and take the others that live as experiment subjects. They're coming for your family soon. I'd prepare yourself.

Vampire King: You underestimate my family.

Me: Just saying. You should probably be watching for them. They could come at anytime. Angel has been watching you guys since Veronica Cross mentioned you to her.

Vampire King: Veronica Cross? What do you know of her?

Me: She started her own Organization for a bit and brought hunters into the world. She hates your family very much or something like that.... She was a vampire herself.

Vampire King: Where are these organizations located?

Should I tell him that? I frowned slightly as I looked the screen over. I guess I should. He gave me a lot of money....

Me: Angel has her organization a few states over... and I know who wiped the majority of the Cross Organization out plus Veronica herself.

Vampire King: That's too bad Veronica died before I could get my claws around her. Send me an address for Angel's organization.

I sent him it and then shook my head. Good thing I have no friends there.

Me: There. You should find it. If you want more details, let me know. I know the building inside and out.

Vampire King: How about you come stay with me for awhile. Your information is useful and I'll give you more money every time you hand over some information. We're always open to new family members.

I frowned slightly and then looked towards Hassel. "Hey Hassel, come tell me what you think about this," I said and then patted the bed beside me. Hassel pulled away from Haven's arms and got up, walking over. He snatched the phone from me and looked it over, scrolling through the messages.

"Um... Do you think we'd be safe?" Hassel asked me, looking up. I shrugged.

"I don't know.... I could go scope it out for us first and let you two stay here until I think it's safe being with them," I suggested.

"No, if you're going then we're coming too. I'm sure my father won't let anything bad happen to us. So if it's a bad idea he'll tell us no." Hassel started to gather our things, tossing the phone back. "Tell them ok." I sighed and then looked at the phone. This is all such a hassle. I rolled onto my stomach and then started to text back.

Me: Okay, but I request that my two friends accompany me.

Vampire King: As you wish. We'll meet officially at a nearby rundown bar. From there I will take you three to my manor. The bar's name is Perriantoes. It's boarded up so wait outside.

Me: Heading over now then.

I put my phone up and got to my feet before I started to put my things into my bag. "We're going to a bar to meet him." I finished and then put my bag on the bed and looked towards Hassel and Haven. "If they attack... you two both run," I said firmly, giving them a look. "Don't look back either. If I survive, I will come find you."

"We'll come back here." Haven told me quickly.

"Good idea Haven," Hassel finished gathering his and Haven's things.

"Don't wait more than a week," I whispered and then grabbed my bag and took Haven's from Hassel then took Hassel's from him.

"Hey.... I can carry my own bag." Hassel grumbled. I smiled at him sweetly then.

"I don't mind Hassel." I kissed his cheek then and started for the door. "After all, you two are really important to me." Hassel rubbed my kiss off then followed after me. Haven got by me quickly and grabbed my hand.

"If they turn out to be bad guys, we'll try to stick together.... right?" Haven asked. "I don't want to just run away without you." I smiled at him and then nodded.

"If they do... I'll protect you both and follow after you both get out," I promised.

"What about when we get to their manor and then they turn on us?" Hassel asked. "It'll be harder."

"Then you abandon me," I told him firmly. "You both take the car and you both get out."

"Hassel, you'll be able to run with me.... right?" Haven asked, sounding concerned. "You're still recovering...."