Unknown Number Part B

"Shut up, I can run." Hassel rolled his eyes. "It's not that hard." I shook my head slightly and then lead them down to the car and helped them in before I put our stuff in the trunk and got in the driver's side, using my phone to navigate to the closed down bar. Once I got there, I parked and then turned the car off, glancing around to get a good understanding of my surroundings like where to take cover... where would be best to escape to... that sort of thing. The car from before pulled up and the driver stepped out, walking up to us with the car still running.

"Hello, I'm Paris Grimm, the king's uncle." He told us, holding out a hand. "I'll be more then happy to take you home to my manor." He looked us over and then looked towards Hassel. "You smell familiar..." I tensed up and glanced at Hassel then at Paris.

"Maybe you're imagining things," I mumbled and then tilted my head. So this is Paris? His hair is white....

"Like snow." Paris purred. "The male in the car with me is Hachi, he loves my hair." He looked me over and then smirked. "But I do know their scent." He pointed towards Hassel and Haven. "You smell different, you're human. They're something else- do you know?" I frowned. Does he read minds? Yea- No.

"Nope," I said and put my hands in my pockets.

"Liar." Paris smirked towards me. "That's okay though. Do they know?"

"They know," I mumbled, glancing at them in defeat. Damn... he does read minds. He laughed.

"Sons of the devil.... I never thought I'd be housing them. We're old friends. Come on, let's go to my manor." He held out a hand to shake mine. "What are your names?" I took his hand and shook it, giving a small smile. Well, he hasn't attacked them when he found out. I guess it's alright.

"Aaron," I said and then laughed. "The neko is Haven and the other one is Hassel."

"Okay~! How do you know so much about Angel?" He asked, looking me over. Would he kill me if he knew the honest answer?

"I used to work for her until she started working with Veronica," I told him, being honest. He could read my thoughts anyways. "I killed Veronica though."

"Veronica Cross's family have been trying to drive me into extinction... You've killed the last of them though, thank you for that, Aaron. I'm sure you're starting to see that supernatural aren't as bad as they've been pictured." He glanced towards Hassel and Haven. "Let's go home. For now on my family is your family and my home is your home. We have a huge growing family and I hope you'll enjoy living with me." He glanced towards my car. "You'll follow behind mine? Oh and since you're a human I'd carry a weapon around if I were you. My army brats don't know the difference between servants and family. So one might try to feed from you... if that happens just kill it." I nodded towards him.

"I carry one anyways," I told him and then looked at Hassel. "Want to try driving?" I asked sweetly, holding up the keys and jingled them together.

"Uhmmm.... Not right now." Hassel told me, going towards the car and climbed in. Haven snatched the keys from me.

"I WILL!" Haven raced towards the car.

"Adorable..." I heard Paris say as he went towards his car. I widened my eyes as I saw a car crash coming if I let Haven drive.

"Haven sweetie! How about we let you drive later when I can get you to a safer spot to learn the basics?" I ran over to him and picked Haven up, kissing his cheek then stole the keys back from him.

"Grrrrrrrr...." Haven's ears laid back and he glared me down. "I wanted to drive." Oh man... he's going to get me....

"Uhhhhhh.... here?" I held out the keys hesitantly.

"Nu-uh." He looked away then. "Whatever, I'll sit in Hassel's lap." I frowned and then hugged him.

"Don't be mad," I mumbled and kissed the top of his head. "I'll teach you to drive. I promise."

"You swear it?" Haven asked. I heard the car Paris was driving pull up to mine.

"I swear it on my life," I promised and gave him a huge smile. "Starting this week, you will learn to drive."

"You can't teach him how to drive before me," Hassel hissed. "Get in and let's go." I sighed and then helped Haven in then got in the driver's seat, shutting the door. Why does Hassel do that? I started up the car and gave Paris a thumb's up to go. Paris's car took off, like a bullet. It slowed a tiny bit to make sure I could keep up. I followed after it, trying to keep up and not crash as I turned the radio up and started tapping to the song with my thumb on the steering wheel. Hopefully this all goes alright.... I don't want to end up with fangs in my neck.... We traveled out of town and as soon as woods surrounded us Paris's speed increased, going up towards the 100's.

"He's insane..." Hassel whispered, looking towards our own speedometer.

"He's a vampire and he's lived here for a very long time. I doubt he even has to look at the road to drive it," I told him and hit the gas. "Just make sure you're buckled up."

"Haven, buckle up." Hassel told him firmly, doing it for him anyways. I sighed and tried to relax and focus on what I was doing so I wouldn't crash. When we finally turned off onto a drive, I saw a gate that led to a huge manor with large grounds. Oh... well it makes sense.... I'll have to keep Hassel and Haven close to me at all times.... We pulled up into a garage and I parked the car in an empty space then got out, locking up the car as the other two got out. Paris was leaned up against his car while the other male disappeared through a door.

"I'm going to set up two rooms." Paris purred. "You'll be sleeping across from each other." He started towards the door the other disappeared through. "Come this way." At least we'll be near each other. I sighed and started to follow after him, putting my hands in my pockets. I'll come back and get my stuff later along with Hassel and Haven's....

"Okay, there are servants everywhere so if you ever need anything you can always ask them. You can recognize them by their maid and butler uniforms. My army brats sleep downstairs. I had to remodel this place after a fire. There are pictures of maps all up on the corners of walls. The maps are of the manor in case you get lost. They're hidden behind a picture of a rose. This is so if an invasion happens... well you get the ideal." Paris explained. "So when you move the picture make sure to move it back." He lead us through a hallway that ended up leading us to a huge staircase. There was elevators on both sides of the stairs though. "You can take the stairs or the elevators." He started up the stairs. "Stairs are healthier though and you'll be fit this way in case of an invasion." I smirked and started to follow him up them. That's a good policy. You could probably get really out of shape here. I'll have to find a way to keep my abilities up while I'm here. I glanced back at Hassel and Haven then paused to let them catch up. Hassel started to pass me then, I catch an uneasy look from him as he seemed to be aiming for the top as fast as he could. Haven grabbed one of his ears as he walked by me. "If you have any questions you can always come find me. I'm either in my study, music room, or bedroom." He informed.

"Okay," I said and smiled. "I'll remember that." Hopefully I won't have to ask too many questions.

"We have a dragon here so if you need money stay clear of the treasure room and just ask a maid to risk it. Midori doesn't like strangers playing with my treasure." Paris told me. Hassel started to slow down a bit and grabbed his head before he turned back towards me and reached out for me.

"Aaron.... I c-" He fell forward and into me, making us fall down the stairs and we landed at the bottom with a kiss. I widened my eyes as my back hit the floor and groaned from the pain then blushed as I noticed that our lips were touching. W-wait... NO, MY FIRST KISS! Hassel pulled back slowly and laid his head down by mine.

"Aaron? Hassel?" Haven asked.

"U-uhhhhh.... Yeah?" I asked, glancing his way then looked at Hassel as I heard my heart speeding up. We kissed....

"Are you two okay?" Paris asked. "Looks like that hurt." Hassel curled up on me and I could hear his breathing slow. I frowned and then rubbed his head.

"Are you okay?" I asked him softly, worried. What if he got really hurt?!

"Yeah.... I'm just tired... my head is spinning..." He leaned his head into my neck and I could feel it hot and sweaty.

"Do you need my help?" Paris asked. I blushed and then hugged Hassel.

"I'll carry you," I whispered to him and slowly started to sit up with him, moving him into my lap. He wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Okay..." Hassel sighed out. I got to my feet with him, carrying him bridal style and then looked at the steps as my body was sore from the fall. Oh man... let's just get this over with. I started up the stairs slowly, taking it a step at a time till I got used to carrying Hassel and caught up with them.

"I could carry him, you look like you're struggling." Paris looked me over. I shook my head no, not really wanting to give Hassel over to someone I just met today.

"No... I got him," I told him and then focused on the stairs again.

"We're having a family reunion soon, you'll want to come to meet everyone that lives here." Paris told me, starting back up the stairs. "I'll let you know when. It'll be before thanks giving." He looked back at me and gave a smile. Haven grabbed Hassel's shirt.

"Okay," I said and gave a small smile as I readjusted Hassel and then made it up the stairs with him. Paris turned to us.

"Okay, these halls are as the following, my hall and my children are there," He pointed down the hall towards the farthest one on the left. "Louis and his child as well as mate and close 'pets'" He pointed to the next hall, "Rose and her children, then guest hall." He turned to face them. "There are halls further down them that connect to another hall closest... You get the idea. Head of the family or important figures are always at the end of the hall." He turned towards me. "So that's how I designed the upper halls." I nodded and did my best to get it memorized quickly. I'd put faces with names later. I glanced at Hassel and blushed a bit before I looked back at Paris and shifted Hassel's weight to make it easier for me. Paris started towards the guest hall. "You'll live on this hall. I have a friend named Perry that lives down here with Alexis- his newborn. Val comes over sometimes and stays on this hall with her children and mate. So you won't be the only ones on this hall." He informed me. "Hachi and Laurence live over here because it was hard for me to place them on my hall. I have a growing family. Fourteen and counting. Anyways, there is also Haru and Kasai... I can't remember who all lives on this hall.... Midori stays with Donnie on my hall... Hmmm.... Anyways... This hall has five floors. This elevator-" He pointed to one as we walked by it. "Will only take you up to the five floors. It won't take you down to the main floor." He told me firmly. "On the other halls there are elevators just like this." I gave another nod and made a note to remember that.

"Thanks," I said and smiled at him. "I'll do my best to remember it for us."

"Like I said, there are hidden maps on the walls." Paris informed me and turned to look at me as we came across two doors. "You'll be on the right and they'll be on the left... Or... Haven can be on the left and you can take the right room with Hassel." He teased. I widened my eyes and shook my head quickly.

"Nuh-uh," I said and almost dropped Hassel to get away from him, but I remembered that he wasn't feeling too good so I didn't.

"It's a joke." He purred. "Is there anything you'd like before I leave you to it?" I thought it over and shook my head.

"No," I told him then smiled before I walked over to Hassel and Haven's room and managed to get the door open. "I got it." I walked in and then over to the bed, putting Hassel down and sighed in relief. Haven ran in then jumped up onto the bed and hugged Hassel.

"Good day then," Paris called. I could hear him walking away. I glanced over my shoulder and then looked at Hassel before I quickly left the room, shutting the door behind me. Oh man... a guy got my first kiss?! And it was an accident too.... Damn it! I was wanting to make my first kiss special! I pouted and then started back the way we came, getting the bags out of the car and brought them back, putting mine in my room and then opened the door to Hassel and Haven's room before I sat their bags inside their room and started for the door quickly.

"Aaron..." Hassel said. "Look, sorry about accidentally kissing you.... I didn't mean for that to happen." I blushed and paused, glancing over my shoulder at him.

"I-it's fine.... I know you didn't mean it," I whispered.

"It was nice though..." He told me, biting his bottom lip. "For a first kiss."

"U-uh huh... you don't have to say anything Hassel. I understand it was an accident," I mumbled and then turned to look at him. "You didn't mean it.... You don't have to worry about it, okay?"

"O-okay..." He closed his eyes, smiling softly. Haven wasn't in the room, the bathroom light was on and the door was shut. I glanced towards it and then laughed a bit. He must be enjoying himself.... I walked over to the bed and then leaned in, kissing Hassel's forehead.

"Get some rest and feel better," I whispered to him. He looked up at me and then kissed my cheek.

"Okay, I will." He promised. I smiled big at him and then tucked him in.

"It was nice though," I whispered, admitting that much before I started back for the door.

"It was?" He asked me.

"Y-yeah... for it being an accident and with a guy," I mumbled and glanced back at him as I reached the door.

"Yeah.... Sorry about that..." He whispered and I heard him sinking further down the bed. I frowned slightly.

"Hassel, are you okay?"

"Yeah... I just got really light headed on the stairs.... I was going to tell you but I lost my balance when I turned around and well... I fell into you. I feel a little better now." I nodded and smiled.

"Well that's good that you're feeling better. I'm glad to feel it. Look, I don't want any weirdness between us, okay? So if you're bothered by what happened, let me know."

"I'm not bothered! I kinda liked it." He admitted. "I just didn't expect to be kissing you so soon." He laughed out. I blushed and rubbed the back of my neck. He liked it? What does he mean by so soon?!

"U-umm... well, I guess that's good that you're not bothered by it," I said and laughed a little. That was an enthusiastic answer from Hassel....

"I mean... ummm..... Okay just leave before I make this awkward." He laughed. I gave him a sweet smile and nodded.

"If that's what you want Hassel," I said and then opened the door.

"Unless you want to stay..." Hassel whispered. I stopped and glanced back at him. Does he want me to stay? I bit my bottom lip and glanced to the hall, debating about it before I slowly shut the door and walked back to him, sitting down on the edge of his bed. He sat up then and leaned against the headboard. "Okay, so you're staying?" I smiled and shrugged.

"I guess," I said then laid back on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. "So I'm going to leave you and Haven to unpack your bags this time so you can put your stuff where you want it."

"Good, I hate where you put my pants," Hassel teased me. I glanced over towards him and smirked.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah." He dared. I sat up a bit and started to move towards him.

"Then why don't you start putting up your own damn clothes," I teased him.

"Because.... I'm getting lazy." He smirked.

"That's not good," I told him and tapped his nose. "You don't want to get lazy because you have to make sure that Haven doesn't fatten you up."

"Haven doesn't know how to cook." He told me.

"He can certainly put more on your plate though and think you don't have enough out of love," I told him and then smirked, sitting down right in front of him. "Plus I'm still teaching you both to fight."

"I know.... I'm behind six months though...." Hassel frowned. I tilted my head and then grabbed his hand.

"I'll have Haven take a break and give him video games and work with you until you two can train together," I said, deciding to catch him up.

"Okay. We'll have to work on shaping me up. I couldn't even take the stairs..." He muttered. I frowned slightly as I thought it through then nodded. I'll start him with running and stuff like that then. I looked him over and then sighed.

"We'll start tomorrow," I whispered. "You'll run for the rest of the week and work on cardio."

"Run!?" He asked me.

"Well you fell on me while we were going up the stairs, so yeah, running," I told him and then smirked. "Why? Can't do it Hassel? You can steal my first kiss, but you can't run?" I teased him.

"Don't...." He muttered, looking me over with a serious expression. "You're not the only one who's first kiss got stolen."

"You fell on me, not the other way around," I pointed out and then laid back on the bed. "Besides... you could always not count it.... I might end up doing that."

"Hey.... Why wouldn't you count it!?" He asked. "I'm counting it. Ours lips touched, it's countable." I blushed and looked over at him.

"You really want it to count?" I asked him softly.

"Uhmmm.... yeah." He nodded. "I'm going to count it." I blushed a deeper shade of red and curled up. He's really wanting to count it....

"Okay," I whispered and then started to pick at the blanket. "I guess I could count it...." I glanced up at him and met his eyes, hearing my heart pound in my ears then quickly looked back at the blanket.

"Then we'll count it..." He whispered. I nodded and then laid my head down on the blanket. Does that mean he really liked kissing me like that? Or does that mean that he just wants to count it? What if he was planning on kissing me later?! What if he doesn't like me?! Wait! What the hell is wrong with me! I'm not gay! I shouldn't be thinking and worrying about that stuff! It was just an accident Aaron! Get over it! You're straight! Straightest as they get! Straighter than a pole!

"So Paris said he had fourteen and counting... sounds like a lot." I nodded, trying to listen to him as I looked up at him. I found myself glancing towards his lips and quickly corrected myself, looking back at his eyes.

"Uh huh... that is a lot of kids.... I wouldn't even have that many if I got married," I told him and laughed. "Maybe two if I wanted any."

"He's still counting too! There is no way I could do it... Haven is enough." Hassel joked. I shook my head and laughed.

"Yeah... you're right about that. You two are enough," I whispered. I don't need any kids.... I already have Hassel and Haven to take care of like that.

"Hey!" Hassel narrowed his eyes. "Stop thinking of me as a kid..." He sat up off the headboard then. I frowned and watched him curiously. Well... is he really a kid? He's my age... but I take care of him.... He's like a kid.... Hassel gave me a small glare and then started to crawl onto me. I widened my eyes and went to sit up.

"H-Hassel?" I blushed a little.

"I'm not a kid." He muttered, pinning me down. "I'm grown enough to make my own decisions." I gave a small nod and then looked up at him.

"Okay," I whispered as I laid there, deciding to not fight him. He wouldn't do anything. He'd just move off me after he gets me to tell him he's not a kid... and he's not. He's right about that.

"Glad we agree." He looked me over and his eyes lingered on my lips. I blushed a little and bit my bottom lip. I-I guess he really did like it if he's looking at my lips again.... He laid down by me then and rolled over onto his back, looking towards me.

"Hassel?" I asked softly and then grabbed one of his hands gently.

"Yeah?" He asked, looking towards our hands. I blushed and glanced at our hands. I could.... Well... I liked it too.... It felt nice... and I don't really mind anymore that my first kiss went to him... even if it was an accident.... Does that mean I'm gay?

"C-can I try something?" I asked him hesitantly, wondering for myself.

"Umm.... yeah..." He looked up into my eyes. I gave a shy smile and then glanced at his lips before I slowly leaned in and kissed him, testing to see if I really liked it or if it was the moment. He tensed up a bit before he relaxed and let me kiss him. I felt my heart speed up as I did it and closed my eyes, smiling as I felt a warmth spreading in my chest as I kissed him. It felt good.... I wrapped my arms around him and tilted my head. OH MY GOD, I AM GAY. Hassel slipped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, slipping his tongue between my lips. I gasped and tensed up slightly before I hesitantly kissed him back then leaned into the kiss, letting our tongues dance together. He likes me too? I heard Haven starting to come out of the bathroom so Hassel pulled back quickly. His face was red and flustered. I blushed as I saw him and quickly slipped out of his arms, moving down the bed a bit and hid my face in it for a few seconds. He liked it.... He really did.... We're both gay, aren't we?

"Hey guys... I want to go exploring. I'm taking my phone with me. See ya!" Haven started towards the door. "Don't miss me too much." I glanced his way and smiled as I sat up a little.

"Okay Haven. I'll text you when I start to get worried, okay? Don't get hurt," I warned him.

"I'd be more worried about you here, Aaron. Paris said that you'd need to watch out because you're human. I'll be fine. I'm a cute neko." Just like that, Haven disappeared through the door. I frowned as I watched him. Cute nekos can still get hurt. I sighed and then glanced over at Hassel curiously. He was faking that he was asleep. I bit my bottom lip and slowly started to crawl out of the bed, trying to be quiet about it and not move the bed too much. If he wanted to fake being asleep... I'd let him.

"Where are you going?" Hassel asked. "Aren't you going to stay?" I paused and glanced back at him and then bit my bottom lip.

"I thought you wanted a nap.... Wouldn't I keep you up by talking to you?" I asked him softly.

"No... not really.. want to go exploring together?" He suggested. I sat down and then thought about it.

"If you want," I said and then gave him a sweet smile.

"Or we can stay here and talk about that kiss." He looked me over. I blushed big time.

"U-uhhhmm..." I rubbed the back of my neck and laughed a little. "Well... did you like it?" I asked him, deciding that I'd ask him whether or not he did.

"Didn't you?" He smirked. I blushed and brought my knees to my chest.

"Y-yeah," I admitted softly.

"Okay...." He mumbled, getting off the bed and stretched. "So we both discovered something..." I bit my bottom lip as I watched him.

"Oh? What's that?" I asked him, wanting to make sure. "That I'm weird?"

"No that we enjoyed kissing each other." He crossed his arms. I blushed and then gave a nod.

"Okay... so... ummmm... are we going to let it mean something... or..." I tilted my head, unsure what he wanted. I mean... I know there are some people that kiss and it doesn't mean anything to them but they'll like it....

"I mean... What do you want?" He asked and started towards the door.

"I'm not sure.... I mean... I thought I was straight... but I liked that too much to be straight," I whispered and got to my feet, following him towards the door. "I guess that if you don't want it to mean anything... we can forget about it." This is so awkward! He looked towards me and then grabbed my arms.

"No way am I going to tell you to forget about it." He told me. "Not after what happened. How about we just.... let this see where it takes things between us." I bit my bottom lip and then gave a nod.

"Okay," I whispered and looked up into his eyes. "I'm fine with that...."

"We'll just keep going like things are normal... this is normal." He nodded.

"Mhmm," I hummed and then went to pull away from him. Like things are normal then.... He looked me over then let me go.

"We've got a new home now... Tons of money... and that brother of mine will never suspect we went here." I laughed at that, remembering Eremiel. He's so strange.... I opened the door and walked out, going past him.

"Yeah, I doubt he'd come looking here for you." I put my hands in my pockets and started walking down on the hall, taking it slow so he could catch up if he wanted. He caught up to me and then rubbed the back of his neck. I glanced over at him and smiled happily before I glanced around and then started heading in one direction, figuring I'd find something cool after a bit. I eventually heard the sound of a piano that caught my ear. I paused as I marveled at how excellent it sounded. It was dark, mysterious, soul driving.... Was that Paris playing? Or someone else? I started wandering down the hall towards it, being slow as I listened to the way the notes harmonized and gasped in awe. Whoa... I've never heard this piece before... not that I normally listen to this kind of thing.

"Oh, so you found your way here?" I heard someone ask from behind us. It sounded familiar... it's that guy from Veronica Cross's manor. The one that was talking to me and had the shadows take us to the apartment. I paused and glanced behind me, tensing up a little.

"It's you," I whispered and frowned a little. I wonder if Hassel remembers him too... or if he was too knocked out. "You're the one who took Veronica's heart after I shot her."

"Only true way to kill a vampire bitch, yes?" He asked and laughed. This time he wasn't surrounded with shadows. I could see him clearly. He walked up to me and gave a cute smile. "Paris is like a brother to me. I live with him. I'm Laurence," He reached out for my hand. "I can see everything." I looked at his hand and hesitantly took it, shaking it.

"E-everything? Like... the future and stuff?" I asked him curiously.

"Yeah," He nodded and looked towards Hassel. "It's a good thing you're here Hassel." He smirked. "You would've caused my family problems if you stayed away too long." I looked over at Hassel and frowned. Because he's the son of the devil? I guess that would cause problems for a family of vampires. I bit my bottom lip and took my hand back, putting it in my pocket. If he would've caused problems... why would Laurence have helped me take him back if there was that chance? "Let's just say it's a domino effect... the smallest things you do can affect future events." He explained, seeing the looks we were giving him.

"So you killed Veronica?" I heard Paris ask, appearing. "That's why you smelled like blood." I grabbed Hassel's hand and pulled him closer to me, seeing Paris. Damn... these guys appear out of no where. "A lot of my family can teleport," Paris explained towards me then looked towards Laurence. "No fair Laurence, I was wanting to sink my fangs into the last of Cross-"

"That wasn't the last of her." Laurence said quickly. "No we still have more of them to take care of." He smirked. I frowned. That's not cool.... I hated her. If they're all like her, then I don't want them anywhere near Hassel or Haven- not after what that bitch did to him. I narrowed my eyes slightly and squeezed his hand before I heard a chord on the piano that sent a shiver up my spine. "Richard is calling for you," Laurence teased Paris.

"Yeah, I know. You better start talking about what you meant though.... That wasn't the last of her?" Paris asked, snatching Laurence's arm and dragging him down the hall.

"You know how her father like to play with clones..." Laurence began.


"Oh yes."

"Did you burn her manor down?"

"Nah, I thought you'd like the challenge."

"And when were you going to tell me?!"

"Now, obviously. I see the future remember?"

"Smart mouth." I frowned. That's a weird relationship if they're supposed to be like brothers.... I heard the piano stop and then the door to a room opened, a dark haired male stepping out. He glanced towards a maid and smirked.

"Your mate is hungry, how about you feed him." Laurence chimmed, walking away from Paris.

"We're talking later Laurence! Avoid me all you want but I'm coming for more answers!"

"You don't want them just yet!" Laurence disappeared using shadows and Paris looked towards the male that came out of the room.

"Richard~! I want you to meet our new family members." Paris purred. Richard, the guy, paused midstep towards the maid and looked towards us then frowned.

"One is human," he said and then looked at Paris. "He's not mated to another one of our kids, right?"

"Not that I know of... do you want me to check anyways?" Paris asked, walking up to him. "We have three new family members and two of them are the sons of satan." Richard exposed his fangs, looking upset at that name.

"Paris... you better tell me that they are in no way related to you," he said and then pointed at Paris. "I mean it."

"Ewe... no." Paris whispered. "Don't let them overhear." He looked towards us. "It's something I'd like to keep secret!" Richard watched him for a second then smirked.

"Okay, that's fine." He looked me over curiously and then grabbed the maid, sinking his fangs down into her neck. I winced and looked away, uncomfortable with the sight.

"Richard, take your meal into the music room. You're making our family cringe." Paris pushed them into the music room and shut the door then looked towards me. "Sorry Aaron, you'll have to get used to Richard though. He likes to drink blood straight from our maids... or me."

"Your cringe worthy apologizing like that!" Richard shouted from inside the room.

"Love you!" Paris shouted back and laughed. He started towards me and held out an arm to escort me. "Come on. I'll show you the livingroom and kitchen." He looked towards Hassel and gave him a smile. I looked towards his arm and then took it.

"Okay," I said and smiled. He's not that bad.

"Wait until you see him pissed off at someone," I heard someone say as a guy teleported in front of us. He looked like a younger version of Paris and Richard combined. "I'm Donnie, the oldest kid of Richard and Paris." He told me quickly. "I can read minds like Paris. So dad, you're collecting new people for our family?" He asked playfully. "When are you going to stop doing that? We've got a house full as it is with those bratty boys you had before Liam." He crossed his arms. "Stay away from them Aaron. They'll drain you before you blink twice. They're pure evil."

"Am not," I heard a guy say, walking up. He had a small sway in his hips like a chick would. "I'm just misunderstood by you." He smirked and then hugged Donnie. "See? I can be nice. It's all Rory."

"It is not all Rory," I heard another on say walking up. "It's you too." He snapped. "I'm just the sexy leader. You're my fangs." He walked over and started to sniff me. "Who's the new human? Are you going to be a new butler, can I have you if you-"

"This is a new family member, so step back Rory." Paris purred sweetly but held authority in his voice.

"God get off me." Donnie groaned. "I can smell evil melting off of you." I looked towards Rory and then got closer to Paris. Yeah... he looks like a delinquent. The other boy that was on Donnie smirked and exposed his fangs.

"Really? Want some?" He asked Donnie playfully. "We could always show you that you're living wrong."

"I swear if you bite me I'll put you in the treasure room and let Midori handle you." Donnie threatened.

"Oh yeah... You're the dragon's mate. I remember hearing Paris mention it." Hassel said, smiling.

"Shiloh, play nice." Paris grumbled.

"I want first dibs." Rory walked towards Donnie. "This is playing nice, we're getting a meal from it."

"Rory, remember when I told you that if you didn't stop acting like your grandparents I was going to throw you out of my manor and never let you come back? I wasn't joking." Paris snapped.

"Awww dad, you do this all the time with Richard." Rory pointed at him.

"Yeah but that's different because it's foreplay." I frowned and then let go of Paris, going to leave. Jeez... I didn't need to hear that. Shiloh snatched my arm and smirked.

"Where ya going? You smell good," he purred and leaned in, smelling my neck. "Bet you'd make a good vampire once you're toughened up a bit.... Wanna be my pet?"

"Shiloh," Paris snapped. "Don't tempt him. He's a trained hunter and I'm sure he'll blow your face off in seconds if you piss him off enough." Rory busted out laughing.

"You're letting another hunter stay here? It's bad enough we have Myra."

"Myra is your sister." I tensed up a little as I watched Shiloh as he didn't back away, leaning in towards my neck.

"Quit," I muttered under my breath, my heart speeding up. He laughed at me.

"You think I'll quit because you told me to little hunter? Aw, that's adorable. Rory, let's keep it." He pulled back slightly and looked towards Rory. "We can take his guns and then compel him to be our blood pet." I felt Hassel grabbing my gun quickly and pointing it towards Shiloh, pulling the trigger. For an instant I heard someone gasp before someone busted out laughing and Shiloh was on her ass with Rory in front of me holding the bullet in his hand. He dropped it then looked towards Hassel, exposing his fangs.

"That's my brother," He hissed and then tilted his head up a bit and I heard the gun going off again. Hassel fell down quickly by me and Rory crossed his arms. "That's why you don't fuck with Grimms."

"Rory, go to your room." Paris snapped.

"Why? I didn't kill him. He's a spawn of satan. He'll be up within the hour."

"Rory, get out of my sight." Paris snapped.

"Ugh... I hate you." Rory grabbed Shiloh's leg and started to drag him.

"Hey! Don't drag me!" He complained and then groaned, laying his head down on the ground then looked towards Paris. "Bye Dad," he said and gave a smile before he glanced back at Rory and tried to get his foot away. "Rory, I'll bite you." Rory dropped Shiloh's foot and disappeared behind a corner. I heard Paris moving over to Hassel as well as Donnie.

"He'll be okay. Let's take him over to Haru and ask for some help." Paris suggested. "We've got to get that bullet out and I've already pestered Hachi today." I heard Shiloh take off after Rory as I looked down at Hassel worriedly then knelt down beside him, pulling him into my arms and frowned.

"Hassel... you should've let me shoot him," I whispered and then looked towards where he got shot as rage started to make me want to go after that bastard and get him back for what he did to Hassel.

"I'd kick them out tonight but I've still got to take care of Angel," Paris whispered to Donnie, as if he was answering a question. Hassel had been shot in the head.

"How'd this happen?" Donnie asked.

"Rory has the ability over weapons, he can manipulate them and make them turn on their masters." Paris explained to both of us what happened. "I learned recently while training with him." I gritted my teeth and then held him closer. They better be telling the truth about Hassel being alright. I wiped some of Hassel's blood away from his head and then picked him up, giving him another worried look.

"Donnie can you take them to Haru? I'm going to go punish Rory." Paris said and started off in the direction Rory and Shiloh fled to.

"Okay," Donnie got to his feet and looked towards me. "It's okay Aaron, this stuff is pretty common around here and Haru can get Hassel back to normal." He promised then grabbed my hand. We were suddenly in front of a door and he knocked on it. "This is Haru's room. If he's not in here then you can go to Hachi's room or to the infirmary downstairs. Sometimes they hang out in the kitchen, cooking up some potions." He told me. "Anyways, it's good to hang out with other supernatural around here, you understand why now right?" He asked. "Shiloh is interested in you so she might try to take you again." I bit my bottom lip then nodded.

"Okay," I whispered softly and then held him closer. The door opened suddenly and a smaller boy looked out at us, brushing his teeth. He looked at Donnie curiously then looked towards me then at Hassel.

"He's been shot." The boy said through his toothbrush and then tilted his head.

"Yeah, he was playing with Rory and Shiloh. Can you get the bullet out and help him?" Donnie asked. "It's just happened."

"Who's at the door, Haru?" I heard some ask from inside. Haru's eyes lit up as he heard the voice and glanced behind him with a sweet look on his face. The toothbrush disappeared along with the toothpaste in Haru's mouth. He laughed a little.

"Donnie is at the door Kasai~" Haru said and then looked at us before he walked up to me and then poked Hassel's cheek before he looked at the wound and then looked at Donnie. "You want the bullet out?"

"Preferably, maybe some stitches and a promise he's going to wake up within the next ten minutes." Donnie told him, looking over at the bed. "Hi Kasai!" He waved. A boy around Haru's age ran up to the door and then tackled Donnie into a hug.

"Donnie! You came to see me?" The boy asked. Haru pulled out a phone and called someone with a huge smile on his face.

"Hey Hachi! Guess what just happened! Someone just asked me to give someone stitches! I'm getting a pet!"

"WHAT!?" I heard from inside the room and the phone click. "NO WAY! YOU CAN'T DO THAT SO FAST! IT'S NO FAIR! I NEVER GET TO STITCH PEOPLE UP!" I seen an older looking male compared to the other two yelling. He looked like the older version of Kasai except he had galaxy eyes and stitches all over his body.

"Hachi, dad didn't want you to huff over this...." Donnie muttered. Haru hummed happily and then snapped his fingers, making Hassel appear on the ground in front of him. He knelt down and then held his hand over the wound, his eyes swirling with it's own galaxy as he mumbled something and then the bullet appeared in his hand. He tossed it towards Donnie and then smirked as he got up and bounced over to the older version of Kasai, reaching into his pockets and quickly snatched some needle and thread out of them and ran back to Hassel. What's going on? This is weird.... He must be a wizard....

"These are the last of Hachirobei. They're a patchwork wizard family. One of the rarest kinds of wizards and the two with galaxy eyes have extra rare powers from eating their whole family and gaining a new power." Donnie told me. "That's Hachi on the bed. He's from our universe but these two are from another dimension.

"He's here?" Kasai asked, looking towards the bed in excitement.

"Yeah." Hachi told him. "I'm here."

"Kasai can't see his self from here, Hachi." Donnie explained to me. "If they were to see eachother-"

"We'd all die." Kasai finished.

"Stitch, stitch, stitch~" Haru said and then giggled as he started to thread the needle.

"You do realize that using my stuff makes him mine." Hachi purred and walked over. I frowned and held back from snatching Hassel away from the wizards. Haru looked up at Hachi innocently and the thread started to glow.

"It's not your stuff anymore," he said innocently.

"Bastard." Hachi snapped and snatched is stuff back. "Don't take my stuff. We have the same deep pockets." He pointed a finger at him. "I'll take your spell book." Haru's eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

"You can't take my spell book! I enchanted it so you can't even touch it! Yeah! That's right! It's my book!" He said and then looked at the thread. "But you can have your string back," he said sweetly and then got up, giving Hachi a hug. "Sworry?"

"You two, we've got a guy in the floor needing some stitches," Donnie grumbled, picking up Kasai and hugging him.

"Haru, do your job." Hachi encouraged. Haru looked up at him and smiled big before he gave a nod and then looked back at Hassel. He closed his eyes and sat back down by him, touching the wound before he brought his hand back to his lips and licked the blood off it. Hassel's wound started to glow a faint blue as it took the form of stitches and closed the wound up. Haru opened his eyes as he looked at Hassel as the glow disappeared and the stitches with it, leaving Hassel without a mark on him.

"There," Haru said and licked his lips with a small smirk. "Demon."

"No, part devil." Hachi told him. "I can smell that from here." He looked towards Donnie then at me. I watched him then looked down at Hassel curiously, hoping to see him move. Haru leaned in and smelled him then pulled back.

"He smells like death... but good too... so that's what devil smells like." Haru got to his feet and then stretched. "He should wake up in the next twenty minutes. I healed the internal damage too. He's pretty lucky. If it had been over a little more, he would've been paralyzed," Haru said and then giggled. "That'd suck." He bounced back over to Hachi and grabbed his hand. "Did I do good?" He asked cutely, looking up at Hachi. "I'm getting better right?"

"Yeah you did good." Hachi promised, then looked towards me. "There's nothing we can't fix so if you ever need something just come our way. We live on the same hall after all." He winked. I bit my bottom lip slightly before I knelt down beside Hassel and pulled him closer to me, hugging him.

"Okay," I whispered then buried my face into Hassel's chest as I started to get worried about how he'd feel when he wakes up. What if he feels terrible when he wakes up? And it was my fault too because I didn't shove that guy back from me.... He wouldn't have pulled my gun on Shiloh if I had stood up for myself sooner.

"So why did he act on your behalf?" Donnie wondered. "He seemed a little upset watching you."

"I've got to go back to Isaac, see you Haru." Hachi told him and disappeared. Haru frowned and then walked over to Donnie, taking Kasai from him.

"Let's play sailors," he whispered to his look alike and then went back into his room, shutting the door behind him with magic. I looked towards Donnie and frowned.

"I... I don't know.... I told him not to worry about me at all," I mumbled. "I could've handled it, and then Hassel wouldn't have gotten shot."

"Well looks like he worried. Let's go place him in his bed then I'll take you to the kitchen to fix something to eat." Donnie suggested. I gave a nod and then stood up with Hassel and started for his room.

"Okay," I whispered. "Are you sure he'll be alright?" I asked Donnie worriedly. He still hasn't moved....

"He's going to take some time, he just got shot in the head. He'll be up in a couple of hours." Donnie promised me. "He's not human at all, don't let his looks deceive you. He's part demon and devil. He might even be up within the next thirty minutes. This is probably his first time but the older, stronger, and more times it happens he'll come back faster." Donnie explained to me. "I used to have a werewolf mate that would get shot and eventually he healed quicker." He told me, smiling. "He died though," He muttered. "But it's a long story. Oh and I'm sure Paris hasn't told you but if you go into the library here there is a shelf full of his journals you can read through. He won't mind, that's why they're in the library." He told me. That's a little strange... letting someone read that kind of stuff, but okay. I nodded and then reached Hassel's room, opening it. I went in and laid him down in the bed before I tucked him in and ruffled his hair. He'd be so upset with me if I did it to him while he was awake. I laughed a little and then kissed his forehead before I started back for the door.

"You can go to my sister Myra to get him a hair cut," He told me suddenly, leaning on the wall out in the hall. "Myra is shy though, so this might be good for her if you do go. She only has a handful of friends here." I frowned a little but nodded. Hassel would throw a fit if I made him get his hair cut... but maybe it should happen. It's getting too long.... He'll look like a girl if he keeps that up. I shook my head and then shut the door behind me.

"I'll see about asking her then," I told him and then glanced at the door with another worried look before I walked up to Donnie.

"He'll be fine. Every door is sort of enchanted. So if someone means him harm they won't make it past the door." Donnie explained. "His hair is past his chest, he already looks like a girl." He teased me. "Anyways, dad told you about the rose pictures, right?" I nodded, remembering that there were maps behind them.

"Yeah, he told me," I said and smiled.

"Okay, that means he trusts you." He told me, smiling. "He doesn't tell everyone that. Like Shiloh and Rory, they've got to pretty much stick it out." Wow... not even his own children... though I can see why. They're definitely not anyone I want to go around... ever. Not even if my life depended on it. I'd jump off a cliff first.

"It's mostly because Keegan's hide out rooms are listed on the map and my father wants to keep him safe. They like to hunt Keegan because he's their litter mate. He's the youngest. There is four of them. Quadruplets." He looked towards me. I gave another nod and then shivered.

"Quadruplets huh? I thought twins were rough to have," I whispered and then stuck my hands in my pockets.

"Paris just had sixtuplets actually." He told me. "They're a month old but for some reason they've been aging faster than we expected and were born early. Five months and they look like four year olds... It's a little unique. Before them is Liam and then it's the quadruplets." That's a lot of kids. I laughed a little and shook my head. I guess if you're a vampire it's alright to have that many.... You have eternity. I looked Donnie over and then started off down the hall.

"So you're his oldest, right?" I asked Donnie curiously.

"Yes, I'm his oldest child." Donnie told me, walking by my side. "You see, It's a long story. Paris and Richard have a rich history. You might not know much about them. They've been alive for well over 2000 years." He explained. "Laurence is even older then them." Yeah... I see why they have a lot of kids... but most vampires don't have kids.... I wonder what made them want kids. I frowned as I thought about it and then looked at Donnie curiously.

"So... they're really that old?" I asked and then ran a hand through my hair. "I guess there are a lot of diaries then."

"He's been journaling since he learned how to write at age seven." He told me, smirking. "I think you should read his journals. It'll help open your mind up and understand what's going on here." I guess it wouldn't hurt anything to read some of them in my spare time.

"Okay," I whispered. "I'll read a little of them if it's alright."

"Paris won't mind." Donnie purred. "I'm his oldest then it's Myra." He told me. "Then it's Dannie.... Peyton.... Then quads, Liam, the sixes." He told me, smirking. "That should be all of us for now but Paris is still counting." Well, when you put it that way, I guess it makes sense. That's more about how many they had at one time... not how many times they went to have children. Why is he still counting? That's a lot of kids still! If I was asked to have that many, even as a dad, I'd say hell no. Donnie laughed.

"Hmmm, would you like to see Takara, my child?" He asked sweetly as we started down the grand stairs. I glanced over at him. He has a kid too.... Okay... I'll assume that this family just likes having kids....

"Sure," I said and shrugged. I don't have much to do... and if I'm going to be living here for awhile with Hassel and Haven, I should at least try to get to know the others living here....

"There is a huge family tree painted in the library." He told me, smirking. "So if you'd like to go look at it you can." He laughed. "I've only got one kid and that was by accident thanks to my parents wanting a grandchild." He shook his head. "But I still love Takara." We stepped off the stairs and he took me down a hall and into a grand kitchen. Why'd he name his kid Takara? Oh... yeah, he said his mate's name was Midori.... I'll guess that Midori picked the name.... I smiled and looked around the kitchen. At least I should be able to figure this out soon... so I can cook the other two stuff instead of making them fend for themselves.

"Takara is a nice name. It sounds cool," I told him and then went and sat at the counter, watching Donnie curiously. His mate is a dragon.... Dragons exist too.... That's awesome! Though kind of scary to think about... especially when they're made out to be ready to eat you in seconds.... I heard the door open and a boy with black hair and green eyes walked in, carrying a little baby in his hands.

"Donnie~" He purred sweetly and bounced up, looking excited to see him. I looked the boy over curiously and then tensed up as I noticed the baby had horns and wings. Wow... that's... interesting.... I relaxed as I smiled a little. I guess that this family has strange perks or genes or something.

"Hey, I was just about to start cooking. Do you want something to eat?" Donnie asked him and kissed his cheek. "Oh, Midori, meet our newest family member Aaron... Aaron this is my mate Midori and our child Takara." He introduced us. Midori looked over at me and then lost interest quickly, looking back at Donnie happily.

"Sushi~!" He said and then moved closer to Donnie and purred. I glanced at the baby again. So that's Takara... and the dragon.... I thought dragons looked like... well you know... dragons. Why's he human looking? Can they do that?

"Midori, how about you go over to Aaron and explain to him about dragons, your forms, and Takara for me while I cook us something." Donnie suggested, giving him a cute look. Midori frowned and then nuzzled his head against Donnie.

"Who's Aaron again?" He asked and then purred. "Why does he wanna know?"

"Well I thought it would be a great thing for him to learn." Donnie explained. "He's our newest family member," He spun Midori around and pointed me out. "See, that's Aaron." He kissed his cheek then slipped a gold coin in front of his face. "Here you go." Midori looked at it and then purred as his eyes changed to gold to match the coin. He took it quickly and then looked the coin over with a smile before he glanced at Takara and then purred, handing Takara the coin instead. Takara giggled and started to rub his face against the coin.

"Midori," Donnie purred. "Don't forget about Aaron." He told him as he started to look around the kitchen taking things to the counter to cook with. "Aaron, Midori is an open book so you can ask anything you want about dragons and our son to him." I smiled at that and watched Midori with interest as he looked at me and tilted his head.

"Aaron huh... you're human," Midori mumbled and then looked down at Takara with a sweet, loving look before he walked up to me. "Whatcha wanna know?" He asked and then purred as he sat Takara down on the counter and leaned up against it, playing with Takara's hair. I laughed softly.

"Well... how do you look like a human?" I asked him curiously. He smiled.

"Because I come from a really powerful family of dragons. Most of my family has the ability to take a human form, but it's rare among dragons and there aren't many in my family. My family has a tendency to eat the children." I tensed up as he said that, but he noticed and quickly shook his head. "I'm different," he explained. "Donnie taught me better. He raised me."

"Hachi and Haru are cannibal wizards but living here they've started to calm down and are more relaxed. Meals seem to walk up for them though with Midori being here. Dragons attract wizards." Donnie told me. I nodded and then looked Midori over with interest. I could see why.... Dragons are so awesome!

"I wish they wouldn't eat them... but that Northern Lights wizard needed to be eaten," Midori said firmly, crossing his arms. "Bonding me to him like he did was a dirty move." He growled, making me notice his sharp teeth.

"Yes but that little round trip made Paris want to marry Richard." Donnie pointed out then looked towards me. "About half a year ago a northern lights wizard stumbled here and cast a spell on Paris- it was supposed to be for Hachi. Paris was placed in an alternate dimension and he ended up meeting Haru and Kasai- it's all explained in a recent diary- anyways Paris had to get a true loves kiss to break the spell... well in order for him to get his true loves kiss he had to have his Richard in the AU. So Haru travel over and sent Richard to the AU where they shared a wonderful kiss and everything was back to normal. They got married as well after Haru ate the Northern lights wizard. Without going to the AU, they would have never gotten married.... maybe not as soon as they did. It's all very romantic and well written in Paris's journals. My parents are what humans call true love. They're that old couple sitting on the front porch surrounded with love and family. They're that couple that's been together and stayed together... Never got a divorce and their love is still strong to this day." I smiled softly. That's really nice.... It's rare today to see a couple like that.... That kind of love is beautiful.

"That's really sweet," I whispered and leaned my head against my hand, propping it up. Midori laughed and looked me over before he reached out to me.

"You're a cute human," he said sweetly and then went for my hand. Donnie continued to focus on his cooking then, turning quite as he focused on cooking. Takara giggled and his wings started to flutter, making him fly up a bit. Midori froze up and then purred, looking towards Takara before he breathed a little smoke at him with an amused look. "Do you like that?" He asked him and then reached up for Takara. Takara reached out towards Midori, giggling and sneezed, making sparks fly. Midori gave him an interested look before he picked Takara up out of the air and then snuggled him up to him. "Cutie," he purred and then kissed Takara's cheek. "I can't wait to show you what the sky feels like~"

"Hey Midori, quick question..." Donnie purred. Takara leaned his head up against Midori. Midori turned to look at Donnie and smiled big.

"Yes my treasure?" He asked Donnie sweetly, giving him an adoring and loving look.

"When do dragons start to feel their mates? I know vampires can't until they're past a certain age- sixteen usually." Donnie walked up to him. "I never caught the age for your kind." He tilted his head. Midori frowned in confusion and then held Takara closer to him.

"I dunno.... In our world... we don't focus on mates much and we live solitary because of the treasure hoards. I'd imagine pretty early because I recognized you as important to me, didn't I? I thought you were second mommy," he told him then giggled a little. "But no... dragons don't normally tend to even recognize a mate and if they do, they ignore it... or eat them... or find them during the season.... Usually during the seasons, we don't even mate with our mates... just whoever we think is worthy enough," Midori told him and then looked at Takara, kissing his cheek before he looked up at Donnie. "We usually eat them too. You're one of the first ones who has lived with a dragon, shared a treasure hoard with one, and mated with one then lived to tell the tale. I'm completely different from a dragon that was born and raised in the dragon realm in the normal way. I'm sweeter and able to love someone. You'd all be dead if I came here when I was around three or five-ish...." He smiled sweetly at Donnie then. "In fact, I believe you're the first one to actually be truly mated to a dragon that has lived with their mate and actually didn't die."

"Well that's what you know of anyways," I heard Hachi say as he walked into the room and stretched. "I heard about dragon snatchers, recently. I went to this bar with Issac... sat down with some other wizards.... his friends. Apparently there are wizards that can pin point portals and jump into the dragon realm... then snatch eggs from their nests. There is a small organization growing that's been doing it for some time now. They're stealing dragon eggs and selling them on the black market. Something like that." He sat down on the counter then. "So if that's happening... recon the mommy dragons will come looking for the missing eggs or will they not give a fuck?" He smirked. Midori's eyes widened.

"Wizards are stealing the eggs?" He asked and then looked horrified. "The dragon realm is supposed to be our refuge!" He paled then as something seemed to click in his head. "I don't want dragons in this world! They'll take my treasure hoard from me! Only me and Takara!" He growled then and sat Takara down on the counter. "Is this because your kind is attracted to us? We're not supposed to be your slaves!" I saw his eyes start to glow gold then.

"Word got out that a dragon was in this world again, they spread word about you and then decided to look for the portal you came out of. Some wizards banded together or whatever and it turns out there is this type of wizard now that can leap over into the dragon realm. They can sense the portals and well... You can guess what happened." Hachi frowned. "I got word recently of this club called the Golden Sun. It's in New York. That's where all the wizards hang out at in the wizard realm to stay safe from well... your kind. They've been trading the eggs there." Hachi started to play with a stitch on his lip. "Sounds pretty nasty.... if a dragon was to hatch and come into this realm." Midori looked down at the ground and then started for the door, leaving Takara on the counter. "This is the biggest treasure hoard..." Hachi leaned back a bit. Takara started to pull a cooking jar to him and opened it, looking inside then pulled out a chocolate chip cookie and started to gnaw on it. "I was thinking.... That if these wizards keep it up they'll be more powerful than me..." He sighed. "I might just put together a small party to whip the club out."