Golden Sun

Midori's POV:

I vaguely heard Hachi talking behind me as I opened the door and quickly left, planning on going to find these wizards and maybe even eat them. They can't take the eggs! That's wrong! Dragons need to be in the dragon realm! My treasure hoard is in danger, and not only that, but they used me to get to the dragon realm. I need to set this right. I can't believe wizards are doing this when they worshipped our kind! I felt a bubble of anger reach the surface as I headed for the front door, feeling my claws start to sharpen. We're not supposed to be slaves. Our kind is not meant for that. Donnie appeared in front of me and wrapped me up in his arms, squeezing me.

"Hey, calm down." Donnie told me. "Hachi's going to go get Haru and we're going to head to the wizard realm to take care of it right after I find someone to take care of Takara, ok?" He asked me. "Easy, deep breaths. Hachi was already planning to raid them. He was just playing around and dancing to see how you felt about it." He rubbed my cheek. "Come on, let's get some sushi to go." He kissed my lips then teleported us into the kitchen. "Calm down, it can wait until we make sure Takara has a proper babysitter." I frowned and looked towards the door then at Donnie.

"It's not fair," I whispered and then looked away from him. "Just because I come here, my race is being enslaved? It's not right.... Wizards are supposed to adore and worship us, not take our eggs out of the nests.... They can't raise them. They can't teach them what they need."

"Here's the plan... we'll go there and we'll kill the wizards doing this then take the eggs back home to the dragon realm." Donnie suggested. "We probably can't slip them back into their proper nests though..." I frowned and looked up at Donnie. Yeah... the wizards probably lost a lot of their friends taking just one egg....

"I'll do it," I whispered. "I can put the eggs back. I just need to find out who they belong to.... I'll do it quietly.... The eggs need their mother's presence...."

"Okay, I got Haru." Hachi appeared in the kitchen.

"Oh hey... Since you're here, will you watch Takara for a few hours? He's easy to take care of and he's like a human. He eats mostly sea food but he'll need a bottle of blood with it." Donnie asked Aaron. "He's cute though." He gave a smile as he finished up the sushi and gave Aaron a plate then one to me. I quickly ate a piece and melted in pleasure then looked over at Takara. I've got to make this world safer for my own baby too... and if it means I have to kill some wizards that have lost their way, then I will. I gave Takara a piece of sushi and kissed his face then looked over Aaron. Aaron widened his eyes and looked at Donnie then at Takara.

"I-I guess." I smiled big at him then.

"Good, here's what you need to know. Don't let him get too high in the air. I suggest you take him into the living room and feed him... or..." I paused and then bit my bottom lip, watching him. Oh man... the best place for Takara is the treasure room... but that means letting a human in my hoard.... I closed my eyes and then clenched my hand. "The treasure room.... You may go to the treasure room if Paris says it's alright.... If he doesn't, use these to play with Takara." I reached into my pocket and hesitantly gave him a handful of gold coins. "I want those back when I come home," I told him quickly, not liking that I had to part with some of my gold for the moment. "If I find one piece missing... I'll eat you," I threatened and then looked at Takara as Aaron paled. "Be good, my winged wonder," I purred and kissed his cheek. "Daddy will come back and play with you when daddy saves some other little babies." I pulled away from him then glanced at Aaron one more time before I ran over to Donnie and grabbed his hand.

"So we put Kasai in Paris's room with little detail..." Hachi told Aaron. "You can fill him in there if you'd like but he might get worried... Anyways.... Ummm...."

"Wait, we can't leave Aaron alone-" Donnie told us then was gone. He came back suddenly with Raven in tow. "Take Aaron the human and Takara to Paris. Got to go." Donnie told her. We were consumed in Hachi's magic, taking us somewhere I've never been before. We appeared in a town much like New York with tall towers. It was different though since there was a presence of magic.

"Not many vampires come across this realm." Hachi told Donnie. "You're very lucky. Oh man... I forgot Isaac... He's going to kill me..." Haru's eyes widened in excitement.

"Whoaaaaaa! We never had anything like this in my world!" He went to run off then, giggling.

"HARU! DON'T RUN OFF!" Hachi ordered, having his magic stretch out and grab Haru then pull him back to us. "You can explore later." Haru frowned and looked up at Hachi.

"B-but... but... but..." He pouted and then looked around longingly. "But it's a wizard city," he whispered and then watched a wizard walking a few feet away. He bit his bottom lip and then crossed his arms, looking like a child who got told Santa isn't real. I glanced him over and then tensed up as I saw a few wizards stop in the street and look towards me with wide eyes. Oh... yeah... Whoops. I started to walk then, smelling the air for the scent of dragon eggs. Only another dragon would be able to smell them though.... They call to parents, so it should be extremely easier for me to find this place. Hachi waved an arm over me and suddenly the eyes started to wonder off like I had disappeared.

"I cloaked your scent..." Hachi explained, glaring down a few of the wizards. They stayed by my side, letting me guide them. Haru followed and then grabbed Hachi's hand.

"Hachi... how'd you do that?" He asked him curiously. "I never learned it.... Is it in the book?"

"In my book, yeah." Hachi told Haru. "I've added on spells to mine throughout the years of studies. I've stolen so many wizard books in my time." He laughed. "I'll teach you later if you want." Haru nodded quickly and gave Hachi a sweet smile. I stopped suddenly outside a club and then narrowed my eyes.

"Donnie," I mumbled and then started for the door quickly, letting out a growl.

"Business is done in the back," Hachi told us. "What I've been told anyways. Let's try to be careful. We don't know what'll be in store for us on the inside. Might be more then we expected..." I flung the door open with my powers and then stormed inside, ignoring Hachi.

"Or we just barge in, that's cool. Always a good idea." Hachi followed after me, unleashing his powers and glanced around. I stopped and then smelled the air again before I started for the back, confirming that it was in the back. Haru unleashed his powers and smirked.

"Can I eat them?" He asked Hachi cutely, giving him a big smile. "I can take care of these... and you can have the egg snatchers in the back."

"Sure, how about you save some of their bodies and we store them?" Hachi suggested. "Only eat a few." He started for the back doors then. Haru nodded and then attacked the nearest wizard quickly. I looked away from him to do my best to ignore it and then stormed into the back, throwing the door open and then snarled as I saw wizards back here. I had them all thrown up against the wall and stepped into the middle of the room. There were crates stacked, full of dragon eggs, mysterious items, and treasure from my realm. One of the wizards against the wall had an egg in his hand while the guy next to him had money. I had caught them making a deal. There was a small girl around ten sitting in a crate, playing on a phone and ignoring what was happening. I could instantly tell she was a dragon in human form, some sort of magic was stuck on her in neat red/ goldish designs that looked like crisscrosses and suns.

"Solis, run!" The wizard with the egg yelled. The girl in the crate looked up then, a shocked expression on her face and she sunk in the crate. I looked towards her and then looked at Donnie.

"Get her to a safe place," I whispered and then looked back at the guy with the egg. "HOW THE HECK DID YOU GET IN MY REALM?!" I screamed at him and then went for him, snarling. I felt my teeth sharpen as I had him dragged to me. I snatched the egg from his hands and looked it over before I sat it down in a crate and then grabbed him by the throat, digging my claws into his neck. I showed him my teeth as I flashed my eyes gold then went in and bit down into his shoulder, tearing a chunk out and then snarled loudly in his ear, letting him feel my power as my vision was going black around the edges. I smelled him and then went to bite down into his neck as I had the other wizards killed in seconds, using my powers to crush their hearts in their chests. I heard Donnie taking the girl away as instructed. The guy in my mouth yelped out in pain. I could taste sun on him, like he's been sun bathing for years. It reminded me of summer.

"It- it wasn't that hard," He yelped out in pain. "I'm a sun wizard." He told me. "Easy, Easy." He reached up for my chin and rubbed it to try to calm me. I growled at him and then pulled back from his neck, looking at him.

"I am not three years old," I hissed at him. "Don't you dare touch me like that."

"Yes you're a very old dragon," He told me. He looked me over in amazement. "I found a portal to your lands." He admitted. "I took a few eggs to give to wizards here. I thought we should bring them back here. It's time for dragons again." He looked me over. "You killed my customers." I tilted my chin up at him and then narrowed my eyes.

"I'll kill you too," I warned and then shoved him back. "I'll let Hachi have his way with you instead though," I hissed, pissed at him. He thinks it's time for us to come back?! We retreated for our own safety! I started for one of the crates then and knelt down by it, pulling out an egg from inside it and looked it over to make sure that they were at least handling them with care. Hachi snapped his neck instantly, leaving no mercy like he taught me. Hachi walked up to me.

"Are they okay?" He asked me. I could feel that they were a bit cold from storage in the crates. I narrowed my eyes. Bastards... They'll kill them.

"Get me Isaac," I told him quickly and waved him off as I held the egg close to my chest, heating my body up to help it. Hachi disappeared and took a minutes to come back, probably having to take Liam and Lien to Paris. He came back with Isaac. I looked at Isaac and then gave him a pleading look. "Heat the eggs up, please," I whispered. His eyes widened as he looked around and then he walked over and looked inside the crate.

"What... There's so many...." He looked them over in awe and then I felt him using his magic to heat up the room, mostly the eggs in the crates. How am I going to get them all back to the portal in Japan? I frowned and then my eyes travelled over to Hachi, landing on his pockets. I got to my feet and then walked over to him, putting the egg in his pocket.

"Whoa! Easy, my pockets are bottomless..." Hachi told me and then pulled the egg out. "Cold like space." He looked at me. "We'll have to put them in my empty one, with Isaac's warm- no wait.... I've got a better idea." He smiled. His powers unleashed around us as he zoomed up to a warm earth like planet. "Here." He told me and then suddenly we were on the planet. "We'll keep them here." He told me as the crates started to appear with us as his magic worked his way around. "Take me with you to the dragon realm to help you put them back." He told me. "This planet will keep them warm and safe while we're traveling. My pockets won't do what this planet can." I looked around and then bit my bottom lip. It does look alright... but should I really take Hachi into the dragon realm? I glanced him over and then looked at Isaac.

"Isaac stays on the planet to watch the eggs," I said firmly. "If they get cold Isaac, I'll be angry with you...." I looked back at Hachi and then grabbed his hand, moving in towards him and smelled him before I rubbed my cheek against his chest. Hachi wouldn't do anything wrong if I took him.... He worships my kind too much to do anything bad.... He'd listen to me if I took him in with me. "I'll let you in the dragon realm," I whispered to him. "But you have to listen to me, no matter what happens."

"I'll always listen to you," Hachi purred. He looked towards Isaac. "You'll be safe." Hachi promised. Isaac nodded and sat down on the ground next to a crate, leaning up against it.

"Okay... I'll make sure that they are safe...." He closed his eyes and I felt him still using his magic. I looked over at Hachi again and then tugged on his hand to get him to take us back.

"Take me to Japan? Or would you prefer to ride?" I asked him and then bit my bottom lip. I could fly it... easily. He smirked and suddenly the environment around us changed as we ended up in Tokyo Japan. I glanced around and then started to lead him to a less crowded part of Tokyo before I got in a secluded spot and started to shift so I could take him to the portal. He climbed on me as I shifted. I looked back at him and then let out a small purr before I nudged his face with my head and then got up into the sky and got high enough to hide my form from humans.

"So how will you be able to tell how to put the eggs back to their correct nests?" Hachi asked me.

"I will be able to tell by the type of the egg... and then they smell like their parents. You have to be pretty powerful to smell it though... unless it's your own egg...." He nodded and held onto me tightly. After flying for a bit, I landed at the base of a remote mountain where a cave was hidden by moss and trees. I picked Hachi up by his shirt and set him on the ground then transformed back. I stretched and then walked inside, using my powers to put a cloak around me. I headed for the back of the cave and stopped suddenly, falling to the floor and then fell through an invisible door that kept mortals out of the actual part of the cave that held the portal. You had to know exactly where to hit to get in. Hachi started to walk into the cave, looking around and being cautious. I looked towards him as he got past the door and then felt the portal nearby calling out to me and promising safety and refuge. I started for it, picking my way across the floor as a light glow lit up the cave barely from the enchanted moss on some of the stones, casting a blue glow. He started towards the portal and stretched. Once I got up to it and saw a light swirl against the cave wall, I smiled softly and then looked at Hachi, grabbing his hand. "Hold my hand tightly," I whispered to him and then nuzzled my face against his. "You'll be thrown into limbo because you can't go there alone... the others only got through because of their ability."

"Okay," Hachi nodded as he held my hand. I looked back at the portal and then stepped through it, pulling him with me. I felt like I was falling, making me yelp and then I relaxed as I remembered it from the first time I travelled through it. I squeezed Hachi's hand as the darkness started to lighten up and we were suddenly standing on a rocky cliff. I glanced around and then smelled the air.

"We're near another hoard. We'll have to be careful. If the dragon smells me, I might get into a fight," I whispered to him and then frowned. Is it mating season? No... no it ended for them a few weeks ago.... Darn. I sighed and then tilted my head. A few might still be though... late bloomers. I let go of Hachi's hand and started to walk away from the hoard, ignoring the call from the gold. I wasn't going to be barbeque today. Nope, not for gold here. "Can I have one of the eggs?" I asked Hachi sweetly. He held his hands out and suddenly one appeared in his hands. He held it out to me. I took it from him and looked it over then froze. No... No way... I whimpered as I recognized it as my mother's egg. She had another child.... I have to go back....

"You okay?" Hachi asked me. "Maybe I can try to use my powers to take them all home?" He suggested. "It'll be tough..." I shook my head, not wanting to risk it and then started for my old nest.

"No... I'll put them back...." Flashes of my last run in with my mom went through my head, making me shiver. "It's just... this is my sibling...."

"Wow... She had another batch?" Hachi asked, looking the egg over. "That's amazing." I whimpered and looked away from him.

"No it's not," I muttered. "You ate my last one, remember?"

"Tasted just like chicken." Hachi told me, jokingly. He smirked and then another appeared in his hands. "What about this one?" I looked towards the egg and then tilted my head.

"It's an earth dragon's egg," I told him and shrugged. "It shouldn't take long to find that one's nest. They like being closer to the bases of crags and stuff."

"Okay, " Hachi nodded and then started to place it down, summoning another egg. I frowned at him.

"Quit summoning eggs until we have these taken care off," I told him quickly. "Don't do that. You'll attract attention... and we can't carry too many at once."

"What if more than one belongs to a nest? I don't know about you but I don't want to go around in circles." Hachi groaned out. I frowned as I thought about it.

"Take me back to the planet and I'll sort them," I promised him. "We'll take them out of the crates and then place them back in the crates according to who they belong to." Hachi nodded and suddenly a door opened in front of us. "There you go, right through there." He told me and then picked up the other egg and went towards it. I opened the door and then went through it, going to the planet and begun an hour long task of sorting the eggs. When I finished, I picked up a crate that belonged to my mom and frowned. Why'd she have five?! I pouted and then walked out with Hachi. Let's get this over with....

After I got to the outside of my mother's nest, I tensed up as I smelled her inside and then looked down at the eggs. I don't know if I've ever told Hachi what exactly happened- what made me leave.... My mother had tried to eat me, and if I hadn't have been quick enough, I would not exist today.... She tried to kill me and I was barely old enough to survive by myself when she did it too.... She lost her mother instincts early which is a risk with some dragons. I whimpered as I remembered the fear I had felt and the sheer terror of the only one I had known all my life trying to kill me suddenly and backed up a little, almost tripping. "So we just put them back and get out as quick as possible," Hachi told me. I looked at him and then at the entrance.

"Y-yeah," I said shakily and then tried to keep from shaking as I slowly walked towards the entrance, freaking out inside. Hachi stayed by my side, looking around with wonder. After I got inside to the main room where she would be, I snuck against the side of the wall and then tensed up when I saw she was in human form, sitting on a pile of gold. Her black hair ran down her back, waist length. She held up a piece of gold and then tossed it before she fell back into the gold and let out a soft moan, rubbing her cheek against the mound of gold under her.

"Midori, just leave them and let's go?" Hachi seemed to beg me. I looked towards him and then up at her. Would she notice that the eggs are back? I snuck up to the pile of gold where her nest had been when I was little and then placed the crate inside it quickly. I heard her suddenly growl and a clatter of gold.

"What are you doing?" I heard her hiss as she noticed us. I froze up and looked towards her, seeing anger in her eyes.

"Let's go," I said quickly and took off running as she started to shift. "HACHI, SHE'LL EAT US." Hachi looked towards the eggs and then took off running after me quickly.

"She'll still love and care for them... right?" Hachi asked me.

"Nope!" I shouted over my shoulder. "SHE TRIED TO EAT ME WHEN I WAS TWO!"

"What about them then!?" Hachi asked.

"What am I supposed to do?! Give them to another dragon?!" I panicked as I heard her coming for us.

"I don't know! They're your siblings though..." Hachi looked behind us. "Oh well.... It won't matter." He had us back at the door within seconds. I threw the door open and went inside quickly, falling down on the ground as I panted. Isaac looked towards me and frowned.

"What happened?" He asked me curiously and then walked over, peering out of the door. "Is that your mother? She looks like you...." Hachi ran in and grabbed Isaac, shoving him back as he shut the door quickly and had it disappear. Isaac yelped and looked towards Hachi before he twitched his tail. "I'll take that as yes...." He sighed and then walked over to another crate. "So... these look cool.... You should take these to their nest next," he suggested, pointing to some molten dragon eggs. I frowned as I looked them over.

"Of course you'd think those are cool.... They specialize in fire," I muttered.

"If Isaac could be a dragon..." Hachi giggled out and then walked up, counting the crates. "We still have fourty-nine to go." He told me. I let out a sigh and then banged my head against the ground. Why're there so many?! I groaned and then got to my feet, going towards the molten eggs then picked the crate up.

"Hachi, you should probably stay outside of the nest for the next one.... I'll have to do it in my dragon form.... It's too dangerous to do like this. They pretty much live in a volcano."

"Ummm... I can stay here and keep the door open for you," Hachi suggested in a joking matter as he walked out the door. "Come on, let's get this over with and go home. I'm sure by the time we get there Haru will be back with Donnie and I'll have a frozen world of wizards to eat for the next month or two."

~Time Skip~

After I finally finished the task of putting all the eggs back, we went back to the human world and I took Hachi back to New York, landing us down in the wizard part of it then shifted back before I looked at one of the burns on my shoulder I had gotten today. Donnie won't be too happy... and then there is the scratches all over me... and the new bruises... and then not to mention the fact that I have blood on my shirt.... Hachi looked around and pulled out his phone, texting someone, probably Haru. After a few seconds, Haru appeared in front of Hachi with blood spattered all over him. His eyes were swirling with the galaxy even more as he looked up at him then started to rub the blood off his chin. Hachi's eyes swirled then with a galaxy as he caught the scent of Haru and something clicked in him, making him go towards Haru with a hungry look. Haru watched him and then had him pinned against the ground with his magic. He tossed an eye onto Hachi's chest and smirked. Hachi looked towards it then took it and started to eat it, relaxing and moaning from the flavor.

"Did Donnie go home?" Hachi asked Haru.

"Yes," Haru said and then licked his lips clean. He started to eat another eye that he had in his hand and closed his eyes in pleasure.

"Let's go then," Hachi determined. "You froze all the other wizards in a planet like I taught you, right?" Hachi asked him. Haru nodded and then popped another eye into his mouth. Hachi had us in the livingroom back home in no time. I looked them over before I tensed up, sensing another dragon's presence here besides Takara. I let out a hiss of anger and then started for the kitchen, smelling her in there. I found Donnie fixing her a sandwich while she sat in the floor tucked up in a corner. I looked towards her and then at Donnie. Traitor.... I narrowed my eyes and then growled before I started for the door, planning on going to retreat to my treasure room. I'm not leaving it if she's here.

"Midori!" Donnie shouted. "Come here for a minute, I need to talk to you." I paused and looked at him over my shoulder, flashing my eyes gold at him. He finished the sandwich then handed it to her before he walked up to me and dragged me just outside the kitchen, letting the doors shut.

"Let's keep her." He told me. I tensed up and then growled at him, showing him my teeth. "I know how you feel about other dragons but I think this one is different from ones you've been exposed to through your years." He told me. He held up a foreign piece of gold and placed it in my hand. It wasn't my gold coin... I've never touched it before. "She handed this to me along with multiple ones." I looked it over with interest and then looked up at him.

"Nuh uh," I told him quickly and gave him back the coin. "She'll take my wizards."

"Oh yeah? You think she'll take you wizards?" He teased me. "Aren't you more worried about the gold?" I nodded and then stepped back from him, looking away. If he wants to keep her... then he can sleep with her. I growled softly and then started for the treasure room, throwing the door open to it with my powers. "Midori!" Donnie shouted, walking with me. "Please can we keep her?" He begged. I growled and started down the stairs.

"Keep her if you want," I muttered. I'll just stay downstairs.

"Awe don't be that way. You just got a new daughter." Donnie purred sweetly. "I'm going back to her to learn from her, I want to see what all she knows. Maybe you might know somethings about her that she doesn't." I looked back at him and then narrowed my eyes slightly before I went back to going down the stairs.

"Fine," I told him simply.

"You're acting just like your mother." He snapped. I froze up then.

"What?" I asked him, panicking. "No I'm not."

"Yes you are." Donnie smirked and crossed his arms. "You're jealous and going to your hoard to protect it." I growled and looked up towards him.

"How would you feel if someone with your abilities came in and then stole everything from you and then got Paris to like them? Huh? I bet you wouldn't," I hissed.

"Actually I have fourteen other brothers so I know a thing or two about sharing. What are you going to do to Takara once he's old enough to leave the nest? You gonna just kick him out? You're being very stubborn and selfish." He snapped and then started up the stairs. "Sleep in your hoard if that's how you feel." I flinched as I watched him go. I wouldn't kick Takara out.... I love him.... I watched him with a pout and then looked down the stairs. He's mad at me.... I heard him shut the basement door behind him, leaving me in dim lights. I looked back up towards the door and then frowned. Well if he's going to be that way! Then maybe I will sleep downstairs! I growled and then walked down the stairs, going into my treasure hoard and then had the vault door shut, locking it before I fell down into my nest and curled up. Jerk. He didn't have to do that. I was going to give in before he slammed that door shut. I pouted and then grabbed a gold coin, pulling it to me. If he's going to be like that to me... then I think I'd rather sleep down here anyways. He can love up on her and whatever he wants.... I don't need him. I whimpered and then buried my face into the golden sheets. That's no fair! Teaching me to pay attention to him and getting me away from gold so I could actually live with him and be happy with him and then doing that to me! I whined and then looked at the gold before I felt a little sick. He reads minds too... and he still did that. I heard the doors to the vault unlock and the door swung open. Takara stumbled in then fell down to his knees and crawled the rest of the way towards the gold. He giggled. I perked my head up and let out a purr, watching him before I got up and walked over to him.

"Takara," I purred sweetly and then picked him up. "Wanna sleep with daddy tonight?" I asked him and had the door to the vault shut. He looked down at the gold, reaching for it.

"Gold." I frowned slightly and then walked over to my nest.

"Good enough," I whispered and placed him down inside it before I got in beside him and handed him a gold coin. He giggled and started to rub it against his cheek. I laughed and then kissed his forehead. "You're so cute," I purred to him and then started to rub under his chin where dragons loved to be rubbed. "Mommy thinks I'd throw you out.... I don't think I would. I love you too much," I mumbled to him. "One day you'll understand love besides just gold... but until then, we can be like this." He dropped the gold coin and gave me a hug.

"I love you daddy," He purred. I widened my eyes slightly and looked at him.

"I love you too," I whispered then hugged him. "I guess you do get it," I mumbled and then laughed a little. His wings started to flutter and he giggled some more, rubbing his head against me and stabbing me with his horn a bit. I winced as he got me and then laughed a little. It's going to be rough for him if he ever finds a mate.... His mate won't be happy about those horns. I tapped one of them then looked at him. "Would you like to learn to fly? You're getting about old enough," I whispered. "I could take you flying."

"Mommy says that I shouldn't learn to fly until I'm this old," He held up ten fingers. "That's in vampire years." I frowned and then picked him up, putting him in my lap.

"Yeah... uh... about that. Your mommy is not a dragon," I reminded him. "Mommy doesn't know when you should start flying... and mommy is pissed at daddy, so daddy will teach you to fly early."

"Ummm...." He looked me over. "I don't want to upset mommy..." I frowned and then leaned my head against his.

"Okay," I whispered and then kissed his cheek. "We'll stick to teaching you how to change into a dragon then."

"Dragon goes rawr." He giggled out, having his fangs extend and his fingers curl to express claws. I laughed and then nodded.

"Wanna see one?" I asked him, tickling him a little.

"Yes!" He nodded in excitement. I purred and kissed his cheek before I moved him out of my lap.

"Stay here," I told him and then walked a few feet away before I transformed for him and then let out a small roar to make him giggle. I looked at him and puffed some smoke at him before I laid down by the nest he was in. He reached out and grabbed a scale of mine, tugging on it.

"Tough dragon, tough." He told me. I purred as I watched him and then leaned over to where he was trying to get a scale and pulled it off before I placed it in his hand. He's so adorable.... Of course he can have a scale. He looked it over then placed it in his pocket and started to place some gold pieces with it. I nuzzled his small body with my head, knocking him onto his back and then purred as I rubbed my head against him, my scales scratching him lightly as I managed to get to where he would love to be rubbed up against under his chin. He melted against the gold and I could hear him start to fall asleep. When he was passed out, I moved my head back and looked at him before I shifted into my human form and went into the nest with him, curling up beside him.

"Get some rest, my darling Takara," I whispered to him and then continued to rub under his chin to comfort him while he slept. "We'll play games when you wake up," I mumbled, thinking about playing hide and seek with him. He'd like that... right? I see the other kids do it.... "And I'll talk to mommy again when he calms down...." I kissed his cheek lovingly and purred as I let my warmth radiate from me to keep him warm like how a baby dragon would like it and then rested my head by his, watching him sleep. I wouldn't kick him out... ever.... Even if he tried to bite my hand off... I'd let him stay.... He's my child, and I love him. I wouldn't let anyone take him from me either.... Takara is going to stay here with me... and I'll let him share some of the treasure with me. He's not going to France like we suggested before he was born. I don't want him to leave at all.... I don't even like the thought of him not being here with me... and it's not just because he's a baby and I'm a dragon parent. I really and truly do love him... and I love Donnie too... enough to let him keep the other dragon here. I frowned slightly and glanced towards the vault door. That girl... she can't transform into a dragon. I glanced at the gold around me then back at the vault door. If she was thrown out, she couldn't protect herself from being put in captivity again.... She doesn't deserve that life.... I really was acting selfish. I whimpered as I felt bad and then curled up besides Takara. I'll make an effort to raise her too then.... I can't just abandon another dragon like that especially a baby... even if it's not my own child. Takara curled up into my warmth. I could feel his happiness and pureness radiation off of him. I looked back at him and smiled softly before I sat up with him in my lap then got to my feet with him in my hands. Maybe I should go see the other dragon.... She could learn from example and learn to not follow the natural dragon instinct. I carried Takara over to the door, having it open before I picked up a handful of gold and stuck in in my pocket before I headed up the stairs and had the door lock behind me. After I got upstairs, I smelled the air and held Takara close to me before I started for the kitchen to get a snack before I do anything. I could feel her presence in the living room now instead of the kitchen. After I got something from the refrigerator and ate it, I headed into the living room then sat down with Takara, glancing towards her as I kissed Takara's cheek. She was sitting in the floor playing checkers with Donnie. Donnie gave me a small smile. I watched him and let out a soft purr before I rubbed Takara's back, massaging near his wings. Takara let out a small huff. The girl turned to look at me then, her eyes looking me over. I met her eyes and watched her, flashing mine gold to show her. She gave a small smile and then looked back at the board. I watched her curiously and then rubbed my head against Takara, getting my scent on him as I purred softly.

"She can stay," I told Donnie sweetly.

"She was going to anyways, Paris already said yes." Donnie told me, smirking.

"Now you have my blessing," I said and smirked back at him.

"Oh? So I need your blessing?" Donnie teased me. "Well it's good you're going to accept her."

"Mhmmm," I hummed softly and watched him with a small smile as I rubbed my chin against our child. "I'll raise her with Takara.... I'll be her adoptive daddy," I mumbled. "We'll see about getting that magic removed too...."

"Hachi can probably do it," Donnie mumbled, looking her over. "She said that it's been on her all her life. Looks like that guy stole her when she was an egg and raised her." She nodded in agreement.

"He's been raising me." She pouted. "He's not a very good daddy though." I frowned.

"Well I'm your new daddy," I told her and then pulled out a coin from in my pocket. I looked it over as it called to me and then looked up at her before I tossed it her way. "I'll teach you to fly after we get those marks off you," I promised her and gave her a smile. "Then I'll teach Takara." She looked towards the gold piece as it landed by her then back at the board.

"That's okay." She told me. "I'm not interested." Huh? I frowned and sat up a little. How's she not interested in flying?

"You don't want to learn to fly?" I asked her.

"No thanks." She told me, moving a piece on the board and took out Donnie quickly, making his jaw drop. I frowned and then held Takara closer to me.

"Well... when you feel that you want to learn... I'll teach you," I whispered and then looked down at Takara. She's strange....

"I want to go outside," She told Donnie, getting to her feet.

"Ummm...." Donnie looked towards the windows.


"I don't know...." He pouted. "You might stumble across a werewolf or wizard...."

"I won't go that far." She promised.

"Okay." Donnie caved.

"See ya!" She ran for it then, running out of the living room in excitement. Well maybe it's a sun dragon thing.... Maybe they're not big on flying. I smiled and then curled up with Takara in my lap, looking towards Donnie sweetly.

"Donnie~" I purred and then kissed Takara's head. "You're such a sweet mommy." Donnie smiled and started to put the board and pieces up.

"Yeah well... I've had a lot of practice." He smiled towards me. I nodded and then rubbed Takara's cheek.

"I'm sorry for being such a dragon earlier," I whispered to him and then leaned my head against the top of Takara's head.

"It's fine." Donnie walked over to me and kissed my cheek. "How about we put Takara in his crib?" He asked, looking down at him. "He's all tuckered out." I looked down at him and then up at Donnie.

"Okay," I whispered and then stood up, holding him close to me. I smiled and then leaned in, kissing Donnie's neck before I went towards the door, bouncing a little. Donnie followed after me.

"So what made you change you mind?" He asked playfully. I laughed a little and looked over my shoulder at him.

"Takara," I purred to him.

"What'd he say?" Donnie asked, giving a smirk. I shrugged.

"Nothing really but being adorable.... You know I'd never throw him out Donnie," I told him then looked down at Takara lovingly. "And it made me think that I was being selfish... and then I thought about how she can't even defend herself and she'd be put in captivity again... and I couldn't abandon a baby dragon like her or Takara to the world...." I kissed Takara's head again.

"I'm glad you're the man I hoped you'd turn out to be," Donnie purred. I looked over at him and then smiled at him sweetly before I leaned over and kissed his lips lovingly.

"You raised me," I whispered to him. "Of course I'm better than being a selfish dragon who only cares about gold."

"Yeah but you could easily be one if you wanted to." He teased and looked towards Takara. "That little girl isn't interested in gold... Not the way you are." I frowned a little.

"Yeah... I noticed.... At least I don't have to worry about sharing with her too though," I whispered. "I can just help her understand things and keep her out of harm's way...."

"She's so cute though," He purred. "I think Takara will love her as a big sis." I laughed a little and then reached Takara's nursery right next to my room and then went inside, placing Takara down inside the crib then began to rock it a little before I bounced back to Donnie and then wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him.

"Takara will.... If she plays with him, I think that's all he needs. Did you know he told me he loved me today?" I asked Donnie sweetly and purred, rubbing my head against Donnie's neck.

"He's starting to grow up faster then I want," Donnie sighed out. "Already learning how to say love." I laughed and then kissed his neck before I started to give him a love bite, backing him out of the nursery and had the door shut behind me.

"He'll be two in dragon years when he's a teenager," I purred against his neck and started on another one.

"Yeah..... I don't know how my parents done it, watching their kids grow up... I guess that's why they have so many." He purred and kissed me. I melted against him and then started to play with a few strands of his hair as I kissed him back and then pulled away slightly.

"Are you wanting another when he gets older?" I asked Donnie curiously, wondering about it. I mean... he's already upset now that Takara is getting older... and he's only about six months old.

"Ummm.... No..... Two is enough." He smiled sweetly towards me. "Plus I've hard my fair share of raising children. I had to raise one before. Then I get to see Liam all the time." I smiled and then leaned in towards his neck, purring to him as I started to give him a love bite. He moaned softly then pushed me back a bit and smirked.

"How about we go outside?" He asked. "Someone should probably watch her." I pouted and then leaned in, kissing his lips.

"Mhm," I hummed softly and then started to pull him down the hall to go outside with him.

"So what kind of dragon is she?" He asked. "Because I never seen a dragon that didn't like gold." He teased me. I looked towards him and then frowned.

"Donnie... I was two!" I complained and then rubbed my cheek. "Besides, she's a sun dragon."

"I know you still like gold... but what's a sun dragon?" He asked. I frowned slightly.

"I guess she likes being outside a lot.... Her being a sun dragon might be why she doesn't really care about flying. She might like laying around a lot.... Plus her being hatched in this world under those wizards' watches probably have something to do with it and her missing passion for gold," I mumbled and then took him down the steps.

"That must make some since. She was raised by wizards... there's no telling how much it affected her." He muttered and then wrapped his arms around mine. I purred as I looked towards him and then smiled.

"Pretty big I'd imagine," I told him. "Early years are the most influential in how a dragon behaves later in life." I leaned in and kissed him then. "I wouldn't be loving if I hadn't been near you...."

"That's good to know you're loving because of me." He laughed softly. I smiled at him sweetly.

"You raised me, didn't you? You and Hachi and Isaac...." I purred and then rubbed my head up under his chin as we reached the bottom of the stairs. "You're my love...."

"Of course, I love you." He kissed the top of my head then started towards the front door with me. I got the door for him and then walked out, sitting down on the swing on the porch and purred as I saw Solis. He walked up to me and sat down by me, looking out at her. She was laid out in the middle of the yard sun bathing in a patch of dandelions. I leaned my head against him and then purred as I started to rub my head on him, getting my scent all over him. He laughed and kissed the top of my head, starting to swing us. I crawled into his lap after a few seconds and then rubbed my head against his chest, letting out a soft moan from the pleasure of it as I hit my favorite spot on my neck. He wrapped his arms around me, kissed my cheek. "I'm so happy Midori," He whispered. I looked up at him and then purred a little louder.

"That's good," I whispered and then leaned in, looking at his lips longingly before I kissed them quickly. I'm glad we aren't fighting anymore.... It feels good to be with him....

"We weren't fighting." He told me firmly. "I was just trying to provoke you into coming upstairs." He teased. I pouted and then looked him in the eyes.

"It felt like fighting," I mumbled.

"You took it harder then I expected." He rocked me in his arms then. "That's okay. I love you." I nodded and then leaned my head against him, sniffling.

"I love you too," I whispered to him. "Promise I can always sleep in bed with you?"

"Of course. We'll never go to bed mad at each other." He promised. I looked up at him and then nodded.

"Okay," I whispered then leaned up and kissed his lips softly. He kissed me back, purring happily. I wrapped my arms around his neck and then tilted my head as I deepened the kiss and then ran a hand down to his arm. I love him more than I love gold.... He pulled away then looked me over.

"Go take a shower." He said firmly. I frowned and looked down at myself and then up at him with a whine.

"I don't wanna.... Take one with me," I mumbled and then rubbed my head against his chest.

"Then who'll watch Solis?" He asked me, pouting.

"Me." I told him and then purred. "Because I'm not taking a bath."

"You're disgusting though... Look at that blood and you look like you just fought... well dragons! I want you to go take a bath." He pointed to the door. "Get all good and smelling for me."

"But... but..." I whined and then looked towards the door then at him.

"You can come back after your bath." I pouted and then moved off his lap, looking at my shirt that was stained with blood and then sighed before I got to my feet.

"Now you notice," I mumbled and then walked towards the door.

"I noticed before." He muttered. "I just didn't want to say anything because of the conversation we was having, it might have upset you even more." I glanced back at him and then frowned before I went inside to take my shower and then when I was finished, I slipped one of Donnie's shirts over my head and grabbed a pair of shorts before I walked back outside to him and then smiled at him before I went out to Solis and laid down next to her. Solis looked towards me then out of the corner of her eye.

"Hi," She whispered. I smiled softly and then closed my eyes.

"Hey," I mumbled back and then opened them, looking up at the sky. "So Solis huh?"

"Mari Solis," She told me. "He liked to call me Solis though."

"What would you prefer I call you?" I asked her and then turned my head to watch her. "I have people call me Midori because my real name can't be pronounced by their languages."

"Solis," She smiled. "I don't think I'd respond to well to Mari..." She looked up at the sky. I looked her over and then noted that she looked about ten in human years... not even two in dragon.

"Okay.... I don't know much about sun dragons... so I'm going to have to learn from you about them," I whispered to her. "Me and Donnie want to take care of you." She sat up then and reached over, pressing her hand down on one of my healing wounds.

"I can heal," She told me. She started to glow a light gold and my aching wounds started to heal faster. I widened my eyes slightly as I watched in wonder and then looked up at her.

"That's... really cool," I whispered. "Thanks Solis...."

"Uh-huh," She nodded. "No ones ever said thanks before to me." She blushed and pulled back. I noticed the grass around us had grown. It was probably three feet now. I looked at it and then tilted my head. She made it grow? I laughed and then pulled her down into a hug, kissing the top of her head.

"You're so cute," I whispered. "I can't believe no one has ever told you thank you...." I rubbed her head and then got curious. Do sun dragons like being rubbed? I started to rub under her chin then as I purred to her. She started to purr then and melted against me like Takara does. I laughed a little and then nuzzled my face against her cheek. I'll take that as a yes! I continued to rub under her chin until I got to where most dragons liked to be rubbed and purred to her. She leaned in to my hand and gripped my shirt. I could feel her falling asleep at my touch. After I got her to sleep, I pulled her into my arms and then picked her up, walking over towards Donnie and then placed her in his lap, giving him a sweet smile. "We should make her a room mostly out of windows- like with a window wall. She'd love it~!"

"Okay, we'll start on her room right after putting her in our bed. She can sleep there until we get her room fixed up." He suggested. "I don't think you want her in your nest downstairs." I looked at her and then frowned.

"I doubt she'd like it in there," I whispered to him and then rubbed under her chin. "She likes being closer to the sun than being underground in a basement."

"Our room it is. We'll open the curtains for her." Donnie suggested and stood up, carrying her upstairs to our room. I followed behind him and got the bedroom door for him then purred, walking over to the bed and then sat down on it as I looked at Donnie expectantly for Solis. He walked up and sat her down in my arms then walked over to the curtains and opened them, checking the child safety locks we installed because of Takara then walked towards the door. "We'll go get Richard and Paris to help, they'll like that." I nodded and placed Solis down on my side of the bed and tucked her in, kissing her forehead before I got up and walked after Donnie quickly.

"Okay," I said cutely and then shut the door behind me. Paris and Richard teleported in front of us in the hall.

"I over heard." Paris shrugged. "How is she?" He asked curiously, looking at the door.

"Fine," I told him and purred before I wrapped my arms around Donnie's waist and leaned my head against him.

"Okay, we'll make her room right next to Takara's nursery." Paris suggested, going over to the empty room and going inside. A few maids walked up, looking ready to help us as well as butlers.

"You called for extra help?" Donnie laughed and walked in, following Paris. I looked some of the servants over before I sat down on the floor in Solis's room and glanced the walls over.

"Paint them a pretty gold," I suggested. "Red trimming."

"I thought we could put up some suns and stars on them... I know just who to call..." Donnie pulled his phone out and called someone. "Hey Myra, can you come down the hall and paint some suns on a wall? It's for our newest family member, pretty please? THANKS!" He hung up. "Myra is going to go get the paint from her art room and then she'll come do that for us, all the wall painting. Let's take out that outer wall and replace it with nothing but glass," He suggested.

"Okay, I'm going to go get the glass wall. You guys text me the measurements and Richard, you can smash the wall out with Midori." Paris told us, starting down the hall. I watched him leave and then looked towards the wall, using my powers to fling it off the house perfectly and down into the yard. Richard's jaw dropped as the dust started to settle and looked at me.

"You were supposed to let me help you," he whispered.

"We should totally put up a glow galaxy on her ceiling for when she turns off her lights to sleep she can have it glowing." Donnie suggested. A butler was starting to list things on a notepad. I laid down on the floor and then pulled a coin out of my pocket, flipping it in my hand as I looked it over before I rolled over onto my stomach. "We should take out some of this furniture and put something nice in for a child her age." The maids started to clean the dust from the room.

"Can we get her a nice place set up by the window for her to lay down?" I asked and then looked up at Donnie sweetly. "Like a nest. I could make it~"

"You know what would be nice, a hammock! We could set one up over there with a cute blanket and pillows on it. She'll love that." A maid suggested.

"Great idea," Donnie told her, nodding. I frowned slightly and then put my chin down on the ground as I played with the gold coin. Well I guess a hammock is like a nest... just... off the ground.... I breathed a little smoke out and then started to kick my feet slowly over my head.

~Time Skip~

After we had gotten the room set up for her and remodeled (which took up most of the night), I purred and then left the room to go check on Takara, wanting to make sure he was still safe, asleep, and not hungry. I walked into his nursery and over to his crib before I looked down in it for him, reaching in and pulling the blanket aside a little to see his adorable face. I purred to him softly as I rubbed his cheek and leaned in, kissing his other cheek. He reached up and grabbed my face, waking up from my touch and started whine a little before he broke into a cry. I widened my eyes and reached in, quickly picking him up. "Shhh, don't cry," I purred to him and then kissed his cheek again. "I'll get you something to eat...." I started to carry him to the door, holding him close as I rubbed his back to comfort him. Donnie was waiting for me in the hall and smiled when he seen Takara in my hands.

"Aweee, is the baby hungry?" Donnie asked Takara. He buried his face into my shirt and I could hear his stomach grumbling. I looked him over and then frowned before I started to carry him towards the stairs.

"I'm sorry Takara," I whispered to him. "Daddy is hungry too.... We'll both get something to eat."

"I'll cook you both something to eat," Donnie told us, teleporting away... most likely to the kitchen to start. I bit my bottom lip as I thought about fish and then felt my mouth start to water. I really am hungry too.... All that work.... I held Takara close to me and got us down the stairs then headed for the kitchen, getting out a bottle of blood when I reached it and started to heat it up with my dragon warmth before I put some in a baby bottle for him then held it up to his lips to bottle feed him it as I took a seat at the counter. He started to drink the blood, calming down. Donnie was already starting on cooking fish. He had some in the oven this time and was cooking other things on the stove.

"You're having salmon, corn, and green beans." He told me. "So try not to wine for sushi tonight." He purred. This must be one of those nights he's trying to spice things up for my diet. I heard footsteps walk into the kitchen then and Solis appeared, rubbing her tired eyes. I looked at Donnie with a whine about the green beans before I looked over at Solis and purred.

"Solis~" I called out to her and then looked at Takara in my arms. "This is your baby brother," I told her sweetly. She walked up to me and looked down at Takara, poking his cheek.

"What're you feeding him?" She asked, looking the bottle over. I looked up at her and then smiled.

"It's just a little blood. Your mommy is a vampire... and your baby brother likes to eat like both dragon and vampire," I explained to her. Solis nodded then walked over to Donnie, standing on her tip toes to look into the pots.

"What're you cooking?" She asked him.

"Are you hungry?" Donnie asked.

"Yeah, can I have some?" She wondered.

"Sure, I made enough." Donnie rubbed her head. "We have a surprise for you. Do you want to see it tonight or in the morning?"

"What does daddy want?" She looked towards me. I smiled.

"You should see it in the morning so you can love it better," I purred. "Sunrise."

"Okay," She nodded.

"You can sleep with us tonight after supper," Donnie suggested. "Midori won't mind." I pouted slightly but didn't complain since how I was the one to suggest her to see it in the morning. I looked down at Takara as he finished the bottle and then slowly pulled it away from him. He glanced around then fluttered his wings, getting away from me and landed on the ground. He sat up then started to crawl towards Solis. She yelped and jumped up on the counter by the stove, pulling her feet over the counter as well. I laughed and then got up, following Takara.

"His name is Takara," I told Solis softly before I bent down and picked him up before I brought him up to Solis. "He won't hurt you." He reached out towards her then grabbed a lock full of her blonde sun like hair and pulled it up close to his face, smelling it.

"Dragon, dragon, dragon, daddy, dragon," He told me, pointing towards her. She widened her eyes and watched him. I laughed and kissed his head.

"Yes, it's another dragon... so be nice," I told him. "She's going to be your friend." He nodded in excitement and reached out for her, wanting to be in her arms now. I placed him in her lap and then smiled, watching them. Hopefully she won't reject him. He rubbed his face against hers, purring. She yelped as he accidentally got her cheek with his sharp horns.

"Oweeeee," She mumbled, rubbing her cheek. She started to glow as it healed up.

"Sorry about that...." I whispered to her and then bounced over to Donnie, giving him a playful growl as I put my teeth against his shoulder to tease him. He laughed and moved away from me.

"Don't bite the cook, I'm going as fast as I can." He pouted. Solis held Takara close to her, starting to cuddle with him. She's not rejecting him, that's good. I purred as I watched them for another second and then looked up at Donnie and gave another playful growl towards him.

"Grawr!" I tackled him into a hug but didn't go as far as knocking him to the floor. He laughed and hugged me.

"It'll be ready soon. How about you fix yourself something to drink and get Solis something as well?" He asked me. I nodded and then kissed his neck before I went over to the refrigerator and got out some milk and started to pour two glasses of it. I put the milk back and then snuck back over to Donnie, getting behind him before I wrapped my arms around his waist and leaned my head into the crook of his neck. I sharpened my teeth and started to scrap them against his skin lightly, purring to him. He laughed and turned around in my arms, leaned in for a kiss. I kissed him and then pulled him closer to me, tugging on his belt loops as I tilted my head and deepened the kiss. He purred and leaned in, kissing me deeper before pulling back to tend to the food. I watched him with interest and then purred, hanging on him as I felt my mouth watering from the smell of the fish. I heard my stomach grumble at me, making me whine a little as I hid my face in his shoulder.

"Can you get my two plates and two forks?" He asked, smiling softly. I looked up at him and then nodded before I did as I was told then brought them over to him.

"Can I just eat the fish?" I asked him sweetly, giving him a cute smile.

"No, you know you need to eat other things besides just fish." He purred, pointing a finger at me. I pouted and then looked towards the green beans and wrinkled up my nose.

"But fish is the best thing in the whole wide world to eat.... Green beans are yucky."

"They're perfectly fine! You're going to eat it with fish and corn." I sighed and then looked them over.

"Fine... only because you cooked them," I whispered, not wanting to upset Donnie. Donnie nodded and within seconds he had two plates prepared and handed one to me then exchanged with Solis, getting Takara from her for the plate of food. I started to eat the fish quickly, moaning at the taste and then my piece was gone quickly. I looked towards the green beans and then picked at one before I hesitantly ate it and whimpered, wishing it was more fish. Solis ate her food, looking pleased to eat the combination of food. I watched her and pouted. How can she eat that and look that happy?! I sunk down a little and looked at my plate of food as my tummy grumbled then started to chase another green bean around with my fork, not wanting to eat it but still hungry.

"Eat the rest on your plate and you can have more fish." Donnie promised both of us. "That's if you are still hungry." I looked up at him and then whined before I sucked it up and started to eat the food for another piece of fish. When I was close to being done, I bounced over to Donnie and gave him a cute, pleading look.

"Please, can I have some more fish?" I asked him sweetly, begging for another even though I had one mouthful of green beans and corn left. He nodded.

"Yeah, I'm proud of you." He kissed the top of my head and gave me more fish. "You better eat the last of your greens and corn though." He pointed a finger at me. Solis finished her plate then sat it down beside her and hopped off the counter. I glanced towards her and frowned. She actually ate all the vegetables.... I took a bite of my fish and moaned in happiness, closing my eyes as I enjoyed the flavor then finished up my plate quickly, downing the last of the vegetables to make Donnie happy with me. I put my plate in the sink then took Takara from him, snuggling up to my baby then kissed his cheek. Donnie put all the dishes in the sink for the maids to clean up then grabbed Solis right before she could adventure off and picked her up. He walked up to me and kissed my cheek then gave Takara a kiss. "Let's go put Takara to bed and head to our own." I looked up at him and then pouted.

"Let's let him sleep with us too," I whispered, not wanting to put Takara down.

"Okay," He nodded in agreement as Solis leaned against his chest and curled her hair around her fingers. Takara grabbed his toes, giggling. I watched him then laughed before I started for the door, carrying him then held him up in the air and lightly tossed him a few inches before I caught him, holding him up. He giggled and fluttered his wings. I smiled sweetly at him then brought him close to me, rubbing my cheek against his then purred in his ear before I led us all up the stairs and into my room. I walked over to the bed and crawled in it with Takara in my arms then laid down on the gold sheets, pulling him close to me as I watched him. Donnie walked up and laid Solis down in the bed then got in beside her, scooting her closer to the middle to do so then rubbed her head. She curled up into a ball, bringing the sheets tightly around her. I purred and then started to rub under Takara's chin to put him to sleep. When his eyes finally shut and he passed out, I reached over to Solis and started to do the same for her. Babies love it when they get this kind of attention.... They fall asleep quicker, and it's like the equivalent of a bedtime story for a baby.... Now adults don't go to sleep as easy with this of course. I laughed softly as her eyes closed then looked towards Donnie with a loving look before I snuggled up to Takara. Donnie reached over and brushed her hair out of her face then reached over to Takara and rubbed his cheek. "Goodnight my sweet babies..." Donnie whispered to them. He gave me a sweet smile before he dragged his hands back from Takara. "Goodnight my love," He purred to me.

"Night night," I purred back and then closed my eyes, falling asleep next to my baby Takara, my new daughter Solis, and my favorite treasure, Donnie.