
Hiko's POV:

I laughed a little as I brushed my hair out after having fell onto the floor in my usual routine of getting out of bed. Yesterday was amazing! Keegan actually said yes to me, and we got sushi in town! I smiled happily, feeling a warm glow in my chest that made me feel bubbly and light. I got to my feet and put my blanket back on the bed before I changed into a pair of pants and then a plain t-shirt and grabbed my light jacket, pulling it on my arms. Maybe I can get him to go out again soon? I probably shouldn't ask today since how he likes staying inside and playing games.... I walked out of my room and started for the kitchen to get myself something to eat for breakfast before I would go find Keegan. After making myself a bowl of rice with some vegetables in it, I sat down in the dining room by myself and brought my knees to my chest, starting to eat as I pulled my bowl close to me. I smiled as I got a good taste of it and then relaxed in my seat as I looked towards the window, seeing the peaceful looking sky. Suddenly the alarm went off, making me yelp and jump in my seat as my eyes widened. I heard howls going off outside as it sounded like rogues or another pack was invading. I scrambled to my feet and started to run for the stairs to get to a safer place, knowing better than to hang around as a human. I'd get in the way... or get killed! I heard a crash at the door, making me freeze up and then heard loud growls echoing from the doorway to the house. Oh my god... I glanced behind me and saw a huge black werewolf bristling it's fur as a few other, smaller looking werewolves backed him up and started to smell the air. The black one looked towards me and snarled before it started to run after me, making me shriek. I ran up the stairs as quickly as I could and took off for my hall to get to my room to hide in. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my shinigamis! I heard my heart racing in my chest as it pounded in my ears as I heard the werewolf right behind me. "Hiko!" I heard Rory say a little further down the hall then ran up towards me. He grabbed me by my hips and threw me behind him as he took on the werewolves chasing me.

"RUN AND HIDE!" He told me firmly. "Now!" He pulled a sword out from his side, something I've never noticed he had as he started to fight and hold back the werewolf. "Lock the door and put a dresser in front of it," He told me. "SHILOH! Sage! Hold these werewolves off." He ordered, that's when I noticed the other two had been close by. "We can't let the rogues bite Hiko. We'll never hear the end of it." Shiloh looked towards Rory and snarled at the werewolf, exposing his fangs. I widened my eyes. They... they're helping me? I felt Sage snatch me up then.

"I'll get him to his room safely," Sage suggested and then started to throw me over his shoulder and took off with me. "RORY, DON'T GET BIT OR I'LL BE ANGRY WITH YOU."

"Sage!" I heard Alistair running past us. "I've got Rory's back!" He laughed as he pulled out some ninja stars. "I get to finally use these~!" I widened my eyes as Sage kicked my door in and tossed me to the floor, making me yelp.

"Stay in he-" I shrieked as I saw a werewolf behind him and it threw Sage down the hall with a snarl.

"SAGE!" I screamed out in worry and then widened my eyes as the werewolf got in the room. He started for me just as I managed to get to my feet and then knocked me back to the ground. I shrieked and started to crawl away but he put his paw on me, forcing me down as he leaned in and growled in my ear. I shrieked and then tried pushing up on his paw in panic. "KEEGAN!" The werewolf watched me in amusement before he leaned in and bit down into my shoulder deeply, making me cry out in pain. I screamed and started to kick at his belly as pain throbbed in my shoulder and he savagely tore out a chunk then ate it, getting my blood on my face as his paw pressed down firmly on my chest. I heard gunshots go off then from across the hall on Louis's. Suddenly a window broke and the werewolf started to fly off of me as bullets were shot into him and his body exploded, leaving the smell of a herb in the room. I heard howls coming towards the manor then as a savage war broke out downstairs. I whimpered and gripped my shoulder as I slowly sat up and winced in pain, looking around. I felt it throbbing, making me grit my teeth as I kept from crying out and then started to weakly crawl towards my door to shut it. Keegan crawled through my window then with a heavy sniper riffle and machine gun strapped to his back. He had his monocle on and an ear piece in. He walked up to the door and shut it firmly then looked towards me and walked up, picking me up.

"Sorry I didn't get here sooner, I was in the gym with my Uncle Louis." He told me then brushed my hair out of my face and looked towards my wound. "It takes a few hours for the bite to come active and transform you so you'll be fine now. I've got to go help my family. Our werewolf pack just got here, luckily they were already tracking down the rogues." He handed me an ear piece then. "Put this on to keep up with what's going on. I'm taking you to my electronics room. It's the safest room here." He kissed my cheek and hugged me tightly. "We'll get that wound taken care of soon, I promise." He started to cry then. "I'm sorry you've experience this." I buried my face into him and shook my head.

"I-I'm fine Keegan," I whispered to him and then hugged him. "I'll be fine.... Don't cry...." I sniffled and then put the ear piece in obediently. "It's not your fault," I told him and then tried to fake like it didn't hurt for him. "Your litter mates helped me get away in the hallway," I told him, trying to cheer him up.

"They.... what?" He asked.

"Keegan, we could use you out in the hall," I heard Rory telling us in the ear piece. I pulled back and then smiled.

"Yeah, Rory got me away from it with Shiloh's help and Sage put me in here but he got thrown back while he was trying to get me in here," I told him and then kissed his cheek. "They sort of saved me too.... Go on Keegan. I'll be fine," I promised him and then rubbed his tears away. "I'll wait for you... just don't get hurt."

"Okay, I've got to go clear a path.... Stay in this room until I come back," He kissed my cheek then leaned me up against the wall by the door then opened it and pulled out the machine gun as he stepped out and closed the door.

"Glad to have you here," Rory said, I could hear him talking through our ear piece. "Hold still and let me take care of the place with the guns." I heard the gun start to go off then. "Shiloh, go see how Sage is holding up."

"I'm fine," Sage said and groaned. "Ugh... I swear werewolves are nothing but disgusting creatures...."

"Sage, you know better than to get caught," Shiloh told him and then I heard him say something to Rory about a werewolf behind him. I sunk down against the wall as I heard all the gunshots and the voices of the people at the manor fighting them off and talking to each other through the ear piece. I held in a groan as I looked towards my bleeding shoulder and then bit my bottom lip as I started for the bathroom, taking it slow. It hurts so bad.... I winced as it sent a shock of pain through me and almost fell to the floor, but I fell into the bathroom door. I opened it up and went inside, sitting down on the edge of the tub and then pulled my shirt up over my head. I looked it over and then widened my eyes as I could see down to the bone of my shoulder. Oh my.... I held in a scream and almost fell back into the tub, but I caught myself and winced in pain as it sent another wave of it over me. I started to feel nauseous as the smell of my blood reached me and looked away from it before I started to press my shirt against it firmly to try to make it stop bleeding, crying out in pain a little as it stung. Keegan came into the bathroom after a few minutes and grabbed me, picking me up in his arms.

"Shhh, it's okay... I got you." He kissed my cheek then started to carry me out of the bathroom. He bit into his wrist then and held it out in front of me. "This might help." I looked towards it weakly and then shook my head slightly, feeling wrong about taking his blood.

"It'll be fine." He promised. "My blood heals others." He explained and then pressed his wrist against my mouth. "Drink up." I whimpered but didn't push him away. I looked up at him and then drank a little of his blood before I turned my head away from his wrist. He kissed my forehead and looked towards my wound before carrying me out into the hall where Rory, Sage, Shiloh, and Alistair was waiting. There was tons of dead werewolves in the floor, shifted back into humans or exploded over the walls.

"At least now we'll have something hard for the maids and butlers to clean up." Rory joked. He looked me over. "Sorry about the bite Hiko, we tried to keep the werewolves back." I looked towards him and gave a pained smile.

"I-it's fine Rory.... I'm just happy to not be dog chow," I whispered to him and then leaned my head against Keegan. "Thank you for saving me... all four of you," I mumbled and felt my eyelids getting heavy. I held my shirt against the wound tighter, wincing as another wave of pain went through me.

"We need Hachi or Haru on Paris's hall," Rory snapped into the ear piece, noticing my drowsiness. "Hachi? Haru?" He asked, holding the ear piece closer.

"I'm taking trash out," Hachi yelled into the ear piece. "Haru, upstairs, now!" Haru appeared in front of Rory then and looked around.

"Why do you need me?" He asked and then spotted me and Keegan. "Hey... did you get bit?" He asked me and then walked up, an interested look on his face.

"Yeah, by a werewolf." Keegan said quickly. "I'm pretty sure he's not interested in becoming a dog anytime soon. So can you reverse the process?" He asked.

"It's easier to reverse the process for vampires.... Werewolves are tougher," Hachi informed us in the ear piece, obviously listening in. Haru frowned and then looked towards the shirt that was quickly becoming red with my blood. He reached over and took it from me then sniffed it before he tossed it at Rory and then started to get closer to me, leaning his face over my wound to look at it.

"Hey Hachi... he's got a real nasty bite. I can see all the way down to his bone in his shoulder," Haru whispered. "I don't think I can reverse that all the way... and his blood is starting to already smell like dog... plus he's got werewolf venom all over him." Rory dropped the shirt and kicked it away from him in disgust.

"If the bite went into the bone it'll be a hopeless case." Hachi told us. "I can't get venom from a skellington.... Not a living one with functioning organs around it. Sorry Hiko."

"Well, the bone isn't broken.... It's just he's missing a lot of his flesh because the werewolf was eating him.... I think I could get it cleaned up and healed... but I doubt I could make Hiko be normal after this.... I could try though," Haru said thoughtfully and then dug a finger into the wound, making me shriek out in pain. He paused and looked at me before he pulled his finger back and looked the blood over before he wiped it on Keegan and then put his hand over the wound, muttering something under his breath. I groaned as my wound started to sting and he held his other hand up, watching a vial of murky looking liquid started to fill up. He watched it with interest and then moved his hand back as it filled to the top. He put a cap on it and then looked it over before he put it in his pocket. "Well, I got almost all of it out if not all...." He looked my wound over as I shivered and then started to heal it up then looked at Keegan. "I'd try making him a vampire just in case Keegan. It might stop the werewolf process if it's still going on inside him... maybe even neutralize what might be left inside him. I'm not sure, but it's worth a shot," he suggested and then looked towards me curiously.

"Okay..." Keegan looked into my eyes and then kissed me deeply before pulling back. He bit down into his wrist hard and held it over my mouth, forcing it on me.

"They're starting to fall back," I heard Paris calling out downstairs. "Stay here and let them go. My pack can handle the rest. I want this place cleaned up and spotless. Burn the werewolf bodies and bleach the blood off my damn walls. God that's disgusting. Who said you guys could blow them up in my manor?!" I whimpered and tried not to gag, not wanting to drink his blood again. Haru watched with interest and started to record something on a notepad, watching intently as he scribbled quickly.

"This is so going to go in my book if this works~!" He laughed and looked at the notepad as he started to take more notes. Hachi appeared then drenched in blood and walked up to us, looking me over.

"God... Uncle Hachi..." Rory started to gag then. "You smell foul." He walked down the hall then holding his nose. "Ugh, never again. I'm leaving when I get the chance so I don't have to witness another werewolf rogue attack. That's like... twice in my life."

"But Rory, I really like it here," Shiloh complained, following after him. Sage started to go after them and glanced back at us over his shoulder, giving me a slightly worried look before he looked at Keegan and then put his hands in his pockets and focused on his litter mates. Alistair started off down the hall, in search of someone. Probably his mate... or Nikolai.... or his father Victor. Keegan pulled his wrist back from my mouth.

"Okay, well I need to go take care of someone." Hachi said, disappearing. I curled up in Keegan's arms and whimpered as I started to feel my throat burn after a few seconds. Keegan slid down the wall and sat us down on the floor. He ran his fingers through my hair to provide me comfort. I started to cry then and gripped his shirt as pain racked through my body, making me tremble. He rubbed my cheek then and looked me over before he ran his hand down to my neck. Haru sat down in front of us and looked me over before he frowned and wrote something on the pad, not looking pleased. I gasped as my throat started to burn more, making me cry out as my teeth sharpened a little.

"You're probably going to puke since I didn't drain you of your blood..." Keegan whispered. I whimpered and then buried my face in the crook of his neck.

Keegan's POV:

I felt my shoulder getting wet as Hiko tried not to cry. He smelled a little like dog still... but I could smell vampire on him too. His body was probably a battleground inside. I felt guilty for this... I should have been with him instead of training with Louis... I could have prevented it. I leaned my head back against the wall, closing my eyes tightly. I can't let him do this consciously... I trailed my other hand down to his neck then snapped it before he could react. I sat him down slowly by me then got up. I picked him up and carried him into his bedroom then started to prepare for when he wakes up, getting him blood incase he'd want it. Haru frowned and darted into the bedroom just as I left it.

"Keegan, I wanted to get notes," he muttered and then sat down on Hiko's bed, watching him. I brought back a hot towel and a bucket of ice with a wine bottle in it then two bottles of blood and sat down by Hiko, putting everything on the side table then placed the hot towel on his stomach. Haru glanced at me and then sighed, glancing at Hiko's alarm clock at the time. I suddenly heard a bone snap, making Haru tense up as he looked back at Hiko. He frowned then. "But... I saw fangs," he mumbled and then used the pen to check Hiko's mouth, showing off two fangs that were already exposed. "That's so strange.... You still have them... but why are your bones snapping?" I slid back down the bed a bit. If I get bit I might die... Werewolf bites are not friendly at all to vampires. Haru frowned and then laid down by him before he started to write something down.

After about an hour, there was a little brown russet colored wolf laying in the bed, covered in gunk. Haru sighed and then pouted. "That sucks. I thought it would work.... I honestly did...." He poked the small cub in the face with the pen and then picked it up by it's collar. The wolf shivered and pulled it's tail between it's legs as it let out a whine and opened it's eyes. I recognized Hiko's pretty brown eyes as they looked at Haru tiredly. I sighed and grabbed the towel, wrapping him in it then started to carry him to his bathroom.

"I need to wash him off." I told Haru as I entered the bathroom. Hiko smelled me and then looked up at me before he looked around the bathroom. He jumped out of my arms and fell to the floor, yelping as he landed wrong. I sighed and picked him up again and put him in the tub. "Hey Hiko... Don't bite me, ok?" I asked him. "I'm going to get this sticky substance off of you." I turned the water on warm and plugged the tub up then poured some soap into the water. He watched it rising and then sat down, looking up at me and then licked my cheek as he gave a soft whine. I rubbed behind his ear then started to pour some soap on him and scrubbed it into his fur. He watched me and then laid his head down on the edge of the tub, looking miserable. "I'm sorry Hiko... We'll have to get you into the pack soon or you'll become a rogue." I sighed out. He laid his ears back and then whined before he looked at the water. I rubbed the soap all over his body then started to rinse him off. "I still love you though." I promised. I should have turned him when I first met him.... He looked up at me and then sunk down into the water to his muzzle. I unplugged the tub then grabbed a towel and wrapped him up in it then took him to his bed. When he got in his bed, he started to crawl away from me and curled up near his pillow, bringing his tail around him as he pulled the towel over him and shivered as he rubbed his head against it, trying to dry himself off. I grabbed him and pulled him back to me and started to dry him off. "You know that if you huff in my face I will be able to understand you.. right?" I asked him. He looked up at me and then laid his ears back slightly before he breathed in my face then laid his head down on the bed. "You feel ok?" I asked softly.

"Yeah," he whispered to me. "Just... I don't really want to join a pack... and I know you're upset...."

"Yeah... I'm upset because I wanted you to be a vampire... Werewolves die..." I whispered. "My uncle Louis lost his mate to old age...." He laid his ears back and then looked up at me as he pulled his tail closer to him.

"I'm sorry," he whimpered.

"It's fine... We'll just have to focus on getting your immortality... you can't leave me... Rory will basically rule me when you do." I sighed out, laying down on the bed. "I'll be miserable..." He crawled closer to me and then shivered before he crawled up under my shirt and poked his head out of the collar, his fur freezing. I rubbed his head. "I'm sorry.... maybe I can change me to suit you?" I asked. I could easily turn human and he could bite me... I mean... it won't actually be that easy... I was born a vampire... It would be easier if I was made one... He growled softly and then looked up at me.

"No," he told me firmly, not edging around like he normally does.

"But..." I mumbled. "I can't live without you...." I whispered softly. He growled at me again and then moved closer to my face.

"I don't want you to change," he said and then relaxed a little before he licked my cheek. "I love you the way you are...."

"I love you too..." I whispered and looked away. He laid his ears back and leaned his head against me, wagging his tail a little and tickling my stomach as his fur rubbed against me. I felt his small paws kick a little as he tried to get closer to my face. I laughed and looked towards him, rubbing his head. "Okay... we'll work something out with this." I promised. He perked his ears up and then started to lick my face excitedly. I rubbed his head. "You still have to have a pack... and you'll have forced shifts on full moons." He paused and then laid his ears back again.

"But... I don't want to be in a pack. I want to be around you," he mumbled and then nuzzled his head under my chin. "I don't want to be with them...."

"You won't be all the time," I promised. He whined softly and then curled up against me in my shirt.

"I'm not used to having to talk to anyone else besides you and Hana," he complained. "Plus they don't live here.... Does that mean I have to go?"

"No my dad will have them move back in." I told him. He looked up at me and then smelled me curiously, leaning in towards my neck as his nose tickled me.

"You smell funny," he mumbled.

"Please don't bite me. I'll die." I told him. He licked my neck and then smelled me some more, his tail starting to slowly wag a little. "You must be smelling my mate scent that attracts you to me..." I purred. He scratched my chest a little on accident as he moved closer to my neck and then his tail wagged more.

"You smell really good," he said and then licked me again. He started to smell towards my ear then, tickling me. I laughed and rubbed his head.

"Are you tired?" I asked softly.

"Nuh-uh," he told me and then pulled back from my neck to look me in the eyes before he pressed up against me and gave me a cute look, his ears perked up.

"Really?" I asked. He wagged his tail and then crawled out of the collar of my shirt and nuzzled his head against my chin, getting his small body up under it. He looked around his bed and then let out a small growl before he pounced on the blanket and started to gnaw on it. "Well... This actually could be a good thing now that I think about it..." I purred. "My litter mates can't stand the stench of dog so you're going to pretty much be my off repellent. They won't want to come near us." He looked back at me and started to crawl back to me on his belly before he licked my nose.

"That's true.... Shiloh will stop trying to compel me to go to their room," he said and wagged his tail then nipped at my nose lightly, giving me a cute look. I gave him a soft expression.

"Maybe soon we can move out on our own.." I whispered. He tilted his head and then laid it down, watching me as he laid his ears back.

"You want to move out?" He asked, his eyes watching me with a sweet look in them full of adoration.

"Yeah... I'm ready to leave my nest. Donnie left once before... I should be able to as well. I had a brother named Dannie that left. Myra didn't even live here until her hunters association went bye bye." He nodded a little and then wagged his tail.

"Okay," he told me, rubbing muzzle with his paw. "We can go if you want. I don't mind. You and Hana are the only reason why I stay."

"Well... We could see about getting a place for the four of us... Hana, Myra, you, and me. What do you think?" I asked curiously. "My father might let us move out early if Myra comes. She's a trained hunter after all and one of his oldest children." He wagged his tail more and then crawled up right against me.

"I'd love to," he told me and then licked my neck. He smelled me again in curiosity and slowed the wagging of his tail before it picked back up and he giggled.

"How about we see about going to get something to eat? Then we'll get you back to human form and go play some VR.... Maybe we should get you human first..." I rubbed his head. He leaned against my hand and then pounced on my chest playfully, giving a small growl. "Just try thinking about your human form... I think that helps you transform back. Don't try to slow the process.... just let it happen it'll be faster and you'll heal up right after and feel better." He looked at me and wagged his tail a little.

"Okay," he said and then got off me, crawling to the other side of the bed and then laid down as he closed his eyes in concentration. I watched him, sitting up a bit and then crawled off his bed and went into his closet, getting some clothes for him to wear then walked out, sitting them on his bed. He managed to shift back after about twenty minutes, relatively quick for a first time. He whimpered and sat up a little and then blushed as he noticed he was naked. He grabbed the blanket and quickly covered himself with it then looked towards the clothes a few feet away from him.

"It's okay, I won't look." I purred, turning around. I heard him getting dressed behind me and then heard him get up.

"I'm dressed," he whispered to me. I turned back around walked up to him, pulling him into a hug. I leaned into his neck and smelled him. I got a faint scent of dog and vampire under his intoxicating scent that pulled me to him, calling out that he was my mate. I pulled back slightly.

"Whoa..." I muttered, trailing my eyes to his lips. He watched me and then blushed a little.

"What?" He asked softly. "Is something wrong?"

"Open your mouth." I told him, exposing my fangs. He widened his eyes slightly as he saw my fangs but did as I told him. I could see two sharp baby fangs in his mouth, not fully exposed but still there. I leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Let's go get something to eat," I purred, grabbing his hands and pulling him towards the doors. He can't be.... both.... that's never been possible.... He stumbled after me and then frowned slightly.

"Okay," he whispered. "Can I have a pork cutlet bowl?" I looked towards him, frowning.

"You don't want sushi?" I asked. He looked thoughtful then.

"No, I want sushi more," he said after a second, excitement in his eyes. "That sounds good." I nodded. I'll pour a bit of blood on them just in case... I pulled him down the hall, most of the disaster was still in the manor, the servants were still cleaning at it. I pulled him into the kitchen when we reached it, finally getting downstairs. I began to cook him sushi, using my supernatural speed to do so. He sat down on the counter and swung his feet back and forth slowly. "Hey, can you make me one with tuna?" He asked me sweetly.

"Tuna, crab, salmon, ell, anything else?" I teased. He blushed and looked away from me.


"Okay~!" I purred. I had it ready half the time it normally took. I poured a few drops of blood onto the rolls, letting the rice take it in then poured soy sauce on it so he wouldn't see the stained red rice. I handed the plate to him with chopsticks. "Anything to drink? I'll get you some water." I suggested. He smiled and gave a nod, watching me.

"Thanks Keegan," he said and then picked up a piece of sushi with tuna in it, eating it. He froze up after a few seconds and dropped his chopsticks. I looked towards him curiously, waiting for his reaction to show up. He swallowed it after a few seconds and rubbed his throat, looking at the other pieces of sushi in confusion.

"What's wrong?" I asked him, trying to play innocent.

"It's... probably nothing.... It's just that it tastes different..." he whispered, but I could tell he was keeping something from me.

"Better?" I asked him as I started to fix him a glass of water. He gave a small nod after a few seconds and rubbed at his throat again before he picked his chopsticks up. I put a glass of ice water down beside him, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"My throat burns," he mumbled to me and then picked up the glass of water before he started to take a sip of it and frowned before he set it back down and then started to take another piece of sushi.

"Was the water any help?" I asked him.

"No," he whispered and then put the piece of sushi in his mouth.

"Hiko..." I mumbled..." I think.... I think..." I sighed and then poured out the glass of water. I walked over to the fridge and then pulled out a bottle of blood and walked up to him, opening it and gesturing it towards him. "I think you're a hybrid." He looked at it and then at me with a frown.

"A... what?"

"Half werewolf.... half vampire." I told him cautiously. "You have baby fangs," I gestured to his mouth. He swallowed the sushi and then opened his mouth slightly, reaching in and touching one then yelped as it cut him. He yanked his hand away from his mouth and looked at it with wide eyes, watching his blood start dripping down his finger. "Here, try this. Some people like their blood warm though so we'll try it both ways." He looked at the bottle of blood and slowly sat the plate aside before he took it from me and smelled it. I could see hunger on his face as he went and started to drink it then gagged and spat it back out. I took the blood and grabbed a mug, pouring it inside then sat it in the microwave. I warmed it up before I brought it back to Hiko. "Try again." He looked towards it and then hesitantly took it from me.

"It was gross the first time," he mumbled and then looked it over before he sipped a little of it then moaned and started to drink it quickly.

"You like it more warm." I noted. "Okay. Makes since. We'll try human blood in a little while. You'll love it. It's better then bottled blood." He sat the glass down as he finished it then looked towards me. I could see his fangs exposed as he glanced me over and then grabbed a bite of sushi and ate it. I smiled and washed the glass out for him then grabbed a bottle for myself and started to drink it. He hopped down off the counter as he finished his sushi and then walked up to me and frowned slightly.

"So... I'm a hybrid then?" He asked me and then tilted his head. "I thought you said it wasn't possible...."

"Because it's not possible. No one has ever seen it actually working.... Louis's twins came out as a vampire and the other a werewolf. They weren't born halflings...." I muttered. He curled his hair around his finger and then let it go.

"So... what am I?" He asked me and then frowned more.

"Exactly what's impossible." I laughed out. "Maybe there is more... hiding. It makes since in a way why they'd hide. Maybe you have cool powers of both." He hugged me then and hid his face in my shoulder.

"Is this good or bad? I don't know...." He gripped the back of my shirt tightly.

"It might be good." I told him, not exactly sure. It must be... He pulled back from my shoulder to look up at me and then glanced towards my lips before he blushed and then hid his face in my chest. I smiled and rubbed his head. I started to pull him out of the kitchen, leading him to my gaming room. I paused on our way up the stairs. "Would you like to go see your sister or VR?" I asked him. He looked up at me and then smiled.

"She's probably with Myra.... I wouldn't want to bother her... and she'd probably freak once she smells me," he told me innocently and then continued up the stairs, going towards my gaming room. "Besides, I'd rather spend time with you today."

"Okay but eventually we'll have to go see her~" I purred to him. "She's your sister and we should see how she is doing after the attack and all... She's probably worried about you." He whimpered and glanced back at me.

"But she won't be happy once she finds out," he mumbled to me.

"Why do you think that?" I asked him. "She'll be happy if you are."

"Because she wanted me safe," he told me and then looked ahead of him. "She won't be happy to learn that a werewolf tore me up."

"Yes... but you're fine now." I purred, trying to cheer him up. He sighed and then came back, grabbing my hand.

"Do you want me to go see her now?" He asked me, looking me in the eyes and then leaned in, smelling me again.

"Yeah let's go see her." I nodded and pulled him into the direction of her room that we moved to Paris's hall after Myra asked for it from Paris. He followed behind me, keeping quiet. We walked up to her room and knocked on it. After a few seconds, she opened it and then looked out me with a smile then froze as she caught Hiko's scent. She looked towards him with wide eyes.

"H... Hiko," she whispered and then grabbed him, smelling him. "What happened?" She asked him softly and then looked at me like I was the spawn of Satan.

"Ummm... well during the little werewolf fiasta he got bit.... and well... it couldn't have been helped." I told her, looking away. "We tried, I had Haru and Hachi helping. He's now a hybrid." I looked towards her. She pulled him close and then took him into her room, shutting the door with her foot. I sighed and went into her bedroom anyways, shutting the door behind me.

"Are you okay Hiko?" She asked him, sitting him down on the bed and then started to look him over for injuries with a worried look. He whined and then went to pull away but she stopped him.

"I'm fine," he told her and looked up at her. "Don't blame Keegan."

"No... she's right.... It's my fault for being late. I was training this morning with my Uncle Louis in the gym. We were talking about something important as well..." I sighed, remember Louis telling me he was going to have a child with Ann. Hiko looked towards me and shook his head.

"No it wasn't," he said firmly. "It was not your fault." She softened her gaze a little as she looked towards me. Hiko grabbed her hand then. "It wasn't his fault at all Hana...." She sighed and relaxed then gave a nod.

"Okay Hiko... if you're alright," she whispered to him and then sat down on the bed beside him. I looked away from him. I looked around the room for Myra, seeing she wasn't here. I walked up to them and sat down at the foot of the bed. Hana sighed and then rubbed Hiko's head, giving him a slightly worried look before she looked over at me. "You'll help him though, right? I can smell it was your blood that made him a hybrid."

"He's my mate Hana, I'm always going to be here for him." I looked towards her, giving a smile. She smiled and then nodded.

"I'll hold you to that," she purred and then kissed Hiko's cheek. He smiled up at her sweetly, giving her a cute look.

"If I fail him... you have my permission to crush my stone." I told her firmly. She looked over at me and then frowned.

"That's a little extreme Keegan... but okay... at least I know you won't abandon him. I know what it feels like after all to not want to fail someone or abandon them.. so I trust you," she said and then kissed my cheek. "You'll do right by my brother."

"I love him," I whispered. Hiko blushed as he watched me and then crawled over, sitting beside me. Hana smiled as she watched the two of us then stood up and walked over to her dresser, grabbing some eyeshadow and started to apply it, using a small mirror that was set up.

"I know...." Hiko watched her and frowned slightly.

"Are you going somewhere today?" He asked her, grabbing my hand slightly.

"Yeah, with Myra. We're going to go shopping," she said simply and then smiled as she set the eyeshadow down.

"Shopping for what?" I asked curiously.

"Dresses, shoes, that kind of thing," she said and shrugged, turning to us. "Myra said something about wanting to spice up my closet."

"That's funny..."I laughed out. "Myra putting spice in your wardrobe... She's usually in overalls with paint splattered all over them when I see her running around in the halls." She laughed.

"True, but I think she's just looking for an excuse to go into town," she purred then walked over to her closet, going inside. Hiko shrunk down and then looked at me.

"Keegan... I think something is going on between them," he whispered and then gripped my hand.

"Ask," I whispered in his ear. He bit his bottom lip and then nodded before he looked towards the closet door as she walked out.

"So... is it like a date?" He asked her, giving her an innocent look that made her pause. She frowned a bit.

"What makes you think that?"

"Well you're always following her around now," he pointed out to her and smiled. She blushed a little and rubbed the back of her neck, looking away.

"Y-yeah... about that... well... I guess you could call it a date.... I mean, we are mates after all," she told us. I bit my bottom lip to hold back a smile. Wow, she's mated to Myra... I wonder how that's working out for her!

"Really?" Hiko asked, giving her a cute smile. She blushed and looked at him.

"Yeah... but don't tell her I told you. I don't think she wants anyone to know just yet," she told us quickly.

"Yeah, my dad freaks out about thing like this." I laughed at the idea of him finding out. She sighed and then walked over to us.

"I think that's why she might not be saying anything about it to anyone.... Anyways... I found out while I was away with her," she told us then reached out and touched Hiko's cheek. "So yes... it's a date cutie."

"So you don't want us tagging along?" I teased her. "That's cool. We'll go play VR games." She blushed and look at me.

"Yeah, you should go play games until I come steal Hiko away from you," she told me and then smirked. "I'll come for him soon."

"Oh yeah? Ok. He needs some sister time." I agreed with her. She giggled and then ruffled my hair before she grabbed her purse off the nightstand.

"Good, glad you agree because I'm thinking about a year," she teased me, joking as she gave me a wink.

"How about a day?" I asked, trying to reason with her.

"We'll talk about it later," she purred and went towards the door. "Alright, out you two. I need to go find Myra." I smiled and got to my feet, pulling Hiko with me towards the door.

"Bye, have fun on your date Hana." I purred. Hiko laughed and then walked out with me as Hana followed us out and shut the door behind her.

"I will," she whispered and then bounced off down the hall towards Myra's room, humming lightly. Hiko watched her and then smiled.

"I'm glad she's happy," he whispered and then started off down the hall.

"Yeah, come on and lets get to my game room before we get stopped by someone." I purred, dragging him off down the hall. I hummed as I took him into my gaming room where we began our VR gaming.

Rory's POV:

I plopped down on the couch in our club room, throwing my legs over the back of it as I hung my head over the edge. "Mhhhhmmmm.... I haven't killed anyone in what felt like ages.... someone that'll actually be missed I mean." I laughed out. Shiloh walked up and smirked, sitting down beside me then crossed his legs as he rested a hand on his thigh.

"Got all that stress out tiger?" He asked me playfully. I nodded and rested my head on his legs then.

"Yeah, I'm ready to feast on someone now." I purred. He smirked at me.

"Really? Want me to go get you Sage?" He teased me.

"Where is Sage...." I sat up, sure that he had followed us here.

"Checking on his mate," he sighed out and then leaned his head back, unintentionally showing off his neck as he looked up at the ceiling. "He said he'd be back." I sat up then and crawled into Shiloh's lap.

"I feel like it's always just us now.... Shiloh." I purred, leaning in towards his neck. "It's dulling on us... They're all leaving. It's just us." He picked his head up and looked towards me.

"We still have Sage though.... He comes here almost all the time... but you're right. He's not like he used to be. That mate of his is changing him too...." He sighed and then watched me. "You're hungry... aren't you?"

"I'm always interested in blood," I purred. I leaned down into the crook of his neck and rested my forehead there. "We should bring it up to Sage that we feel like he's becoming distant." He rubbed my back then, purring to me.

"Yes... we will.. but what if he says that he prefers being with his mate than us?"

"What will we do?" I asked, frowning.

"Do we force him to stay with us... or do we let him go?" He whispered and then rested his hand on my back. "Our litter pack is falling apart Rory...."

"We'll bring in Alistair," I suggested. "If Alistair is away from his mate then Star and Astrid will hang out more and we'll have Sage back." I smirked. "I know I'm cleaver. We'll just replace Keegan." He purred and then kissed my cheek quickly.

"I love your mind," he purred in my ear.

"I bet you Keegan will grow desperate for our attention after that," I purred. "Then we'll get him back and a new member, Alistair." I bit down into him then. He moaned and leaned his head back against the couch, giving me better access to his neck. I started to drink his blood, running my fingers down his sides. He shivered at my touch and tilted his head, trying to keep in another moan. I pulled my head back from his neck and licked my lips. "We've got competition growing though... Paris's new litter has six kids.... SIX." I looked him over. "We're starting to get crowded." Shiloh looked towards me and then ran his hand to his wound, touching it.

"Well... maybe we could start sweetening our attitudes up around Paris so that way he agrees to let us have our own place and be able to come and go as we please instead of just kicking us out," he purred to me.

"Our own place?" I asked him. "You're talking about moving out...." I thought it over.

"Nevermind, it was a silly idea," he purred to me and leaned in, kissing my cheek before he rubbed his blood against my lips with his fingers.

"We might as well go move out a see the world... Let's go to France. Our parents aren't giving us much attention anyways. We don't even have to tell them. We'll round up Sage and Alistair and just go." Shiloh smirked and then tapped my lips before he leaned in a little, changing direction last minute and moving in towards my neck before he kissed it. He ran a hand through my hair and gripped it, tugging on it a little to make me tilt my head and then scraped his fangs against me. "Or we can stay here and deliver more torment to our favorite brother." I purred.

"How about we stay a little longer and then we can go explore before we come back home?" Shiloh suggested and then licked my neck teasingly. I nodded in agreement. My phone buzzed in my pocket so I pulled it out, seeing a text from our father Paris. I looked it over then.

F- Paris: We're having a family reunion tomorrow! In the ball room starting at nine pm. Love you!

Shiloh stole my phone and looked at it with an amused purr before he tossed it a few inches away from us the leaned back in and kissed my neck. I growled playfully then moved us onto the fuzzy rug and pinned him down. I leaned in towards his neck then bit down in it, marking Shiloh as mine again. He moaned sharply and leaned his head back, arching his back. I smirked and started to drink his blood, wondering when Sage was going to come in. After a few minutes, Shiloh flipped us and smirked, starting to lean in towards my neck just as the door opened and Sage walked in. "What the hell you two?" He asked softly. "I swear it looks more incestual every time I come in here."

"What's the matter?" I purred. "Are you jealous we left you out?" I teased, slipping my shirt up a bit and winked. He watched and then sat down on the couch.

"No... just wondering when you two are going to realize you should only do that stuff with a mate."

"Do you see a pathetic looking mate making googly eyes at me anywhere?" I asked him. I already knew the answer was no. "Bug off about my sex life unless you want to be in it." He frowned and looked over.

"Wait.. do you and Shiloh actually do it when my back is turned?" He asked us.

"We were about to do it now, imbecile," I teased, I was just joking with him though. "We were just doing it there where you was sitting last week. That's why Shiloh was walking around funny." I laughed and looked up at Shiloh as I rubbed my stomach. "I think I'm pregnant." I purred. Sage smirked.

"Now you know the rules. You get pregnant, you get bit," he said and exposed his fangs at me.

"Better bite me in my no no areas..." I started to unbutton my pants as I nudged Shiloh off of me. Sage got up and walked over with a smirk.

"Like a cat in heat," he teased me.

"Sucks to be a girl cat," I purred. "I heard it hurts." He knelt down in front of me and then started to crawl up between my legs, giving me a teasing growl as he messed with me. I laughed and buttoned my pant, sitting straight up. "Sage dear, Shiloh and I feel like you're not wanting to be around us anymore... we're feeling like you spend too much time with that girl you call a mate." Shiloh watched him curiously as he looked me over.

"You feel that way, huh?" He asked me.

"You're spending too much time with her and not enough with us." I leaned in to kiss his cheek. He let me and purred.

"Well I can't very well pick between the two of you. You're both important to me," he told me and then hugged me. "I will try to divide the time more evenly if it bothers you."

"We were here first," I muttered. "I was the one that was there when you fell off the bed." He pulled back slightly and looked at me.

"Rory..." He gave me a sad look then. "I have a mate.... I need to spend time with her too... but I haven't forgotten you or Shiloh.... I love you both. You're the only ones that can ever understand me the way you do."

"Oh yeah?" I asked him. "Prove it by getting me a human from town." I smirked. He smirked at me.

"I can give you something better," he said and then unbuttoned the top three buttons on his shirt. "I can give you me."

"I don't want you," I told him, looking away and trying to resist him. "I want a human to fill my needs and desires." He narrowed his eyes slightly and then started to button up his shirt again.

"Hmph, rejecting me like that. So cold Rory," he muttered and then got to his feet.

"Maybe you'll remember this the next time you're with her." I told him. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"You don't have to be an ass."

"Me?" I asked him, turning to look at him. "You left me." I told him, pointing a finger at him. "This is what you get. I want you to go get me an offering for my affections brother." He rolled his eyes.

"Ridiculous. If you actually wanted me Rory, you wouldn't be having me go get you a human. You think they're useless, but I'll get your damn human. Then I'll go to her since how my own brother rejects me," he hissed and started for the door.

"See, my Sage wouldn't let me boss him around," I told Shiloh. "He has changed." Shiloh pouted slightly and then watched Sage pause. He turned around slowly and glared me down. "He's starting to act like one of my servants," I went on, acting like I didn't notice him. Shiloh glanced him over then looked at me before he caught on and nodded.

"Mhmm, Sage doesn't deserve to be with us," he purred and then crawled over to me. He was suddenly thrown back and Sage turned to us, crossing his arms.

"Did you feel that draft?" I asked.

"You're both such asses," he hissed and then stormed over, yanking me to my feet by my shirt. He leaned in and bit down into me hard. I groaned and leaned into his body for support. I really got him riled up this time! Maybe he'll stay away from her for the rest of the day. He shoved me up against the wall and then started to drink my blood as Shiloh laughed behind us, watching. I winked towards Shiloh, giving a small smile and arched my back. Good brothers... Now if only I could have Keegan wrapped around my finger.... Sage calmed down after a few minutes and started to purr as he licked my neck.

"Shiloh.... go get us a maid." I purred. He pouted slightly at me.

"But they aren't as good as you," he complained.

"Who said we was drinking blood tonight?" I asked. He gave me a funny look and got to his feet.

"Any specific way you want her?"

"Wrapped in a ribbon." I joked. Shiloh went and sat down on the couch, kicking his feet up on it then started to play on his phone.

"Okay," he said simply.

"Sage," I smirked, looking him over. "I forgive you." He pulled back slightly and then looked me in the eyes before he leaned in and kissed my cheek. He purred and then moved back to my neck and bit in, marking me. I gasped and melted against the wall. He's marking me! He's actually marking me... Shiloh might get angry... He's marking me! I wrapped my arms around him then. He licked my neck clean and then started to give me a love bite to tease me. I exposed my fangs, thinking about devouring the maid when she stepped in. After a few seconds, Sage licked up my neck to my chin, pausing at my lips as he looked at them, his breath hitting them. I leaned in and forced a kiss on him. I heard Shiloh's phone crack as he saw it. I bit Sage's neck and started to suck on it. He moaned slightly and I heard Shiloh get up, throwing the phone at us and hitting Sage in the back of the head. I pulled back and looked towards Shiloh, licking my lips.

"Shiloh~" I purred. He tilted his chin up then.

"What?" He asked and then put his hands in his pockets. Sage rubbed the back of his head and groaned then looked behind him at Shiloh.

"If you wanted in on it, you know all you had to do was walk up and bite one of us," he told her, growling a little. I slipped my hands down Sage and grabbed his butt, pulling him closer to me.

"Yeah, Shiloh." I winked and then leaned in to kiss Sage. He watched us and then walked over to my phone and picked it up, slipping it into his pocket. Sage looked towards my lips as I went to kiss him and smirked.

"Who said you could kiss me?" He teased.

"I did. I'm older than you." I teased and stole a kiss. "Let's go to sleep?" I asked and started to push him a little towards Shiloh. "Shiloh, bedtime."

"If you fool around in the bed... I'll go sleep with Keegan," he warned.

"He sleeps with Hiko then you'll be smelling like dog." I wrinkled up my nose. "Like you'd even go. You know you'd join." I purred as I started for the door. Sage followed behind me with Shiloh and I heard Shiloh mumble something under his breath. "What was that?" I asked. Shiloh brushed up past me, letting me get a whiff of his scent and then started to walk ahead of me with a sway in his hips.

"Oh nothing," he purred to me, glancing over his shoulder at me with a playful look. Oh man.... I'm so going to hit that tonight.... rather Sage is joining or passed out by us... Shiloh led us to the bedroom then leaned up against the door as he turned to us and opened it with a smirk before he walked over to my closet and went in. Why's he in my closet... I walked towards the bed, kicking off my shoes and socks then ditched my shirt and pants. I don't want the smell of dog blood on our bed. Sage stripped down to his pants and then got in the bed, laying down in his favorite spot and pulled the blanket over him. Shiloh came out after a few minutes, wearing one of my shirts and a pair of shorts before he walked over and crawled into the bed.

"Why're you wearing my clothes?" I asked him.

"Because I like this shirt," he purred to me. "It's comfortable... and it smells good," he told me and then stretched out. I smirked towards him before I closed my eyes.... No I think I can resist them for one more night. I felt Shiloh's arms wrap around me after a few seconds and then heard him yawn before he rested his head on my chest. I rubbed his back then to bring him comfort then snatched Sage, bringing him to me. He exposed his fangs at me and then squished Shiloh between us before he smirked and closed his eyes. I wrapped my arms around them, running my fingers softly against Sage's side. He shivered and opened his eyes, watching my hand and then slowly looked at me. I gave him a loving smile. We might not have Keegan tonight to wine about the nightlight... but it still feels nice being just us. I felt Sage rub his foot against mine, giving me a smirk as he teased me while Shiloh innocently slept between us. I smirked towards him.

"You know.... If Keegan was here he'd want the nightlight on." I purred. He laughed and then exposed his fangs.

"I could put it on if you miss him," he teased me and then leaned in towards Shiloh's neck, scraping his fangs against him. Shiloh instinctively tilted his head in his sleep, a small gasp escaping his lips.

"Mhmmmmm...." I smiled softly. If Keegan happens to sneak in to sleep with us he'll see we kept the light on for him. That's a low chance of him coming in here willingly though. Sage pulled back from Shiloh and then got up and turned Keegan's nightlight on before he got in the bed again and bit down gently into Shiloh. It didn't take me long to fall asleep.

Louis's POV:

I threw the sponge at Paris after spending most of the night cleaning with him and then smirked. "Want to help me fix my room up?" I asked him.

"I thought you wanted to do that on your own," He purred to me. I walked up to him and then wrapped my arms around him.

"Hey... want me to come get you when she takes the pregnancy test?" I asked him softly, kissing his cheek. "I know how big this is for you too.... You love family."

"Honey, you'll want the joy with her first." He purred. "Then tell me afterwards." I purred back and then leaned in and bit down into his neck. He moaned and melted in my arms. I drank some of his blood and then started to show him my memories of the first time we met before I pulled back from him and looked into his eyes.

"You ready to be an uncle to my children again?" I teased him. "Uncle Paris, bet you haven't heard that being called around here lately."

"Your daughter Aiyana just doesn't come around enough," Paris sighed out. "Quinton loved me though..." I sighed and then leaned my forehead against his.

"I'm sorry about that.... I hope that my next kid will spend time with you.... I'd hate it if all my kids either died or didn't want anything to do with anyone," I mumbled and then pulled away from him.

"It's okay... let's beg that they turn out good and not like my crazy children Rory and Shiloh." I shook my head at that.

"I won't have another kid if I have one like that," I muttered and then started to walk off. "I'm going to go talk to Hachi about giving Ann the ability to have kids. I'll see you later~" I teleported outside Hachi's room and then started to knock on it. "Hachi~ Can you do me a favor~?" I called out, giving a purr.

"Come in Louis," Hachi called from inside the room. I walked in and then over to him, smiling sweetly before I sat down beside him on the bed.

"Hachi, can you help me?" I asked, pulling him into a hug and then kissed the top of his head. "I know all we ever do is ask you to help us... but after this, I promise I'll take you anywhere you want for a whole day next week."

"I don't mind helping you Louis," Hachi gave me a smile. "It makes me feel wanted and needed. It's a warm feeling. So what do you want?" I smiled and then kissed his cheek.

"Can you give Ann the ability to have kids?" I asked him sweetly.

"Uhmmm... sure... I'd have to turn her into a pureblood, Louis." He told me, getting out of the bed. I gave a nod and then followed him.

"That's alright with me," I told him and then smiled softly. "Thanks for doing this for me Hachi.... You're the best~"

"Yeah, no problem. Go get Ann for me and a stone." He smirked. I nodded and then teleported outside to the river in the woods before I picked up a smooth stone from inside the bank and then teleported back inside to Ann's room and knocked on it, slipping the stone into my pocket.

"Ann! We need to go see Hachi," I purred sweetly. She opened the door after a few minutes.

"What for?" She asked, looking me over. She looked like she just got out of the shower because her hair was wet. She was also wrapped up in a towel. I purred and pulled her into a hug.

"Because he's going to do us a favor.... He's going to make you a pureblood like me," I told her and then teleported into Hachi's room, sitting us down on his bed. Isaac looked over from where he was brushing out Lien's hair a few feet away on the bed.

"I wanted to get dressed first..." Ann muttered. I frowned slightly and then took my shirt off before I slipped it over her head.

"Sorry... I'm just really excited," I mumbled to her. She shook her head then looked towards Isaac.

"Give me some shorts?" She asked him. He sighed and then snapped his fingers, using his magic to have Ann clothed in some sweatpants and my shirt.

"There," he said and then flicked his tail as he started to brush Lien some more. He growled and laid his ears back a little as he started to flick his tail back and forth. "Behave Lien... then you can go play," he whispered. "Hachi! Louis is here with Ann!" Hachi walked back into the bedroom through the door and sat down, pulling out his spell book.

"Now, let's start this." Hachi purred. Ann's eyes widened then as she realized something.

"Wait, what!? You're going to make me a pureblood?" She asked.

"Yes." Hachi nodded.

"So that way you don't die as easily... and that way we can have children," I whispered to her then rubbed her shoulders, massaging them.

"Ummm...." She blushed and then rubbed the back of her head. "Really?"

"Really... you can't have kids like you are. Newborns aren't usually fertile... and then on top of that, I would like to be able to save you by taking your stone if something were to happen to you," I purred in her ear. "There's lots of perks to this."

"Okay..." She sighed out. "If that's what you want." I nodded and then looked towards Hachi with a sweet smile.

"We're ready Hachi," I told him and then rubbed her shoulders to comfort her.

"Okay. Ann..." Hachi sat down in front of us, getting closer. "You'll need to hand me your heart." He pointed towards her chest. "Louis, give me the stone." I reached into my pocket and gave him the stone then kissed Ann's cheek.

"It's okay Ann.... This has been done before. Val has kids because her lover did this," I mumbled to her and then purred softly, leaning in towards her neck. She frowned then started to reach into her chest to get her heart like he asked for. She let out a small yelp as she started to pull it out. She managed to get it to Hachi before her body fell over. Hachi started to mutter something having the stone glow with the heart then suddenly he crushed the heart and after a few minutes the stone came to life like a pureblood's stone and he tossed it to me.

"There you go." I caught it and then smiled, leaning in and kissing his cheek.

"Thanks Hachi!" I laughed softly and then got up. "Start thinking about where you want to go, okay?" I grabbed her body off the bed and then teleported out quickly to my room. I walked over to my bed and then bit down into my thumb, rubbing it across the stone and then gently placed it on my bed. Her body from before started to decompose as her stone began to form her body. I purred as I watched her and then covered her body up with the blanket just before her eyes could open then leaned in and kissed her lips softly before I pulled back. "How do you feel?" I asked her softly.

"Hungry..." She mumbled. I nodded and then sat down on the edge of the bed before I bit down into my wrist then held it over her lips.

"Here, drink up," I purred to her. "If you're still hungry after this, I'll get you a maid." She grabbed my wrist then bit down into my wrist and started to drink my blood. I ran my fingers through her hair and purred to her, letting her drink as much as she wanted. I leaned in and kissed her forehead before I laid down beside her. I started to get a little light headed as she drained me, drinking greedily. I pulled my wrist back then and licked it before I moved out of bed, doing my best to not fall over before I pulled my phone out and texted for a maid to come up here. I walked over to the couch and sat down, holding my wrist as a girl walked in and then gave a curtsy. "Feed Ann," I told her, glancing her over before I looked back at my wrist. She walked over to the bed and leaned over Ann, scratching her neck until she bled. Ann leaned in and bit down on the other side of her neck, beginning to drain her instead of me. I watched them before I sunk down on the couch. Hopefully she gets full soon. I'd hate for her to become a blood binger like Richard.... Plus I need her to be okay so I can start making my room up for her and make it a night that she won't forget..... She pushed the maid away after a few minutes then laid back in the bed and pulled the covers over her head. The maid groaned and then started for the door, almost tripping. After she left, I got back to my feet and walked over to the bed, getting in it. "Hey sweetie," I whispered and then pulled her to me, kissing her cheek. She curled up to me and gave me a small smile.

"Hey." She purred softly. I smiled back at her and stole a kiss before I ran my fingers through her hair.

"I'm going to set my room up for tonight soon... so if you want to be surprised, you should probably go hang out with Raven," I whispered to her and then smiled sweetly at her. "After all, my love deserves the best, doesn't she?"

"What's happening tonight?" She asked innocently, giving a small smirk. I laughed and then stole a kiss.

"Well... maybe I should keep that as a surprise too," I teased her and then pulled her into my arms. "Unless you'd rather skip the chocolates and roses."

"I'm going skating." She smirked and then shoved me out of bed. "Didn't I tell you once before there wasn't room in this bed?" She asked. I dropped my jaw a little and then frowned, watching her.

"Ann...." I got to my feet and then sighed before I started to go around my room, picking it up a little. "See you at dinner?" She smirked and got up, wrapping the blanket around her body and walked out of my room, not saying anything. Oh she's so going to get it tonight. I smirked as I started to fix up my room, making it all nice and romantic like girls liked it.

Nikolai's POV:

I looked at the clock, tapping my fingers on the desk. I was trying to figure out what to do for Raven. I didn't want it to just be the typical flowers and candle lit bedroom scenery. No I was already deciding that it was going to be very different to impress her... Maybe I'll take her to the lake house and set up a blanket outside on the dock... Make it very odd but special and different. She'll never suspect my creativity in something like this. I got to my feet as I decided to do just that and started for the car in the garage. I'll call her later and tell her to teleport to the lake house for the surprise....

I got in my car then started to drive to a nearby liquor store where I got a bottle of wine to take there then drove over to another store to get us a thick blanket to lay on then another one to cover up with as well as some pillows. I bought them then started to drive towards the lake house that took a good two hours to reach... but once I was there I walked out to the dock where I set up the pillows and blankets. I got two wine glasses out of the house and brought them down to the dock with the bottle of wine then kicked my shoes off as well as socks and sat down on the blankets, pouring two glasses halfway full just as the sun was starting to sit on the lake, casting a beautiful shine on the water. I pulled out my phone then sent Raven the text.

Me: Hey Raven, come out to the dock at the lake house.

Raven: Uhhh, okay.... Is something wrong?

Me: No.

I saw Raven appear a few feet away at the edge of the dock. She glanced around as she held her phone and then spotted me. I waved towards her then held up one of the glasses her way. "Come down and have a seat. Kick your shoes off." I smiled softly. She walked over, putting her phone in her pocket then tilted her head before she smiled.

"Is this supposed to be a surprise date?" She asked me as she pulled her heels off like I told her to and set them aside.

"Maybe," I teased. "Maybe more," I purred. She raised an eyebrow at me before she took the glass from me.

"Uh huh?" I picked up my glass then tinged it against hers.

"Yeah," I whispered, leaning in to give her a kiss. She smiled and gave me a small one before she looked towards the sunset.

"That's really pretty," she mumbled.

"Yeah, I planned this pretty well..." I whispered and then took a sip of the wine. She giggled and then sat down on the blanket before she took a sip of her drink.

"You must've," she purred and looked up at me with a smile. I got closer to her, wrapping an arm around her. She looked up at me and then leaned in, kissing my cheek before she took another sip of her wine. I downed the rest of mine then started to lay her back, giving her a deep passionate kiss. She gasped and then started to kiss me back, setting her glass down. She purred to me and then wrapped her arms around me before she bit my bottom lip gently. I groaned softly then smirked. I pulled back slightly.

"I love you," I whispered. She looked up at me and blushed slightly.

"I love you too," she mumbled and then leaned in, stealing a kiss before she ran her fingers through my hair, getting them tangled in it. I smiled and then ran my fingers down her sides and to the edge of her shirt then started to slide it up her stomach. She giggled and then leaned in, kissing my neck. I purred then leaned in towards her neck and bit down, marking her as mine again. She moaned softly and then started for my shirt, pulling it off quickly before she bit down gently into my shoulder and marked me too. I gasped then grabbed her shirt, pulling it off. She pulled back from my shoulder and then purred to me before she kissed my lips, licking my bottom lip. I smiled softly as I ran my fingers down to her pants. She pulled back from the kiss and looked towards my hands, biting her bottom lip softly then looked up into my eyes. She looked towards my lips then and leaned in, giving me another kiss as she pulled me closer to her. I managed to slip off her pants, beginning the climax of our night.

Louis's POV:

I sighed as I finished up and then walked over to my closet, pulling out a nice looking shirt and changed into it before I slipped some new pants on I had gotten recently. I looked myself over and then went into the bathroom, combing my hair out and then brushed my teeth, wanting to look my best for Ann before I take her out for dinner and then bring her back for tonight. I purred softly as I spat the toothpaste out and then teleported to Ann's room, knocking on the door. "Ann! We're going out for dinner!" I didn't hear a reply... most likely she was still on the lake skating. I sighed and then walked away from the door, going back into my room then picked the rose I had dethorned for her and placed on a box of chocolates for her. I'll have to bribe her off the ice.... She might not want to go on a date just yet. I frowned before I smelled the flower and then looked around my room. I teleported out to the ice and then sat down on the edge of it, looking out to it for her. I didn't find her on the ice though, but there was a faint scent of her being here about an hour ago. I frowned and slipped my phone out of my pocket, deciding to text her.

Me: Hey, Ann.... Want to go on a date?

Ann: I'm going to take a shower... I'll be inside in a few minutes. Where are we going?

Me: Out to eat at a supernatural bar. I thought it'd be a nice change.

Ann: You take me out to one all the time. JK. Okay I'll be ready tomorrow.

I frowned slightly and then laid back on the ground, looking at my phone. This is going to be rough if she's reverted back to joking with me twenty four seven.

Me: I'll be by your room in an hour to get you, whether you're ready or not.

Ann: Three or you'll get frozen.

Me: Hour and thirty minutes.

Ann: Four.

Me: Two or else I'm going to the bar by myself and I'll give this pretty little gift to Paris.

Ann: Suit yourself.

Me: See you at two.

Ann: You mean in two?

Me: Yes, see you in two hours.

Ann: Did you mean three?

Me: Definitely meant two.

Ann: Very well, three it is.

Me: I'll drag you out of your room if I have to Ann.

Ann: I'd love to see you try.

Me: I can teleport.

Ann: Precisely why you don't know how to drag.

Me: Lol, want me to drag? I think I could pull it off. Jk. I'll be by your room in two hours, but I'm giving you an extra thirty minutes to take a shower.

Ann: Okay hot shot. I'll be ready.

I smirked and then stood up, looking around before I started for the woods. After all, I need something to do for two hours.... It won't take me too long to smell better for her, so I could definitely go for a walk before all this.... I probably won't see alone time for another.... century probably. I sighed and put my hands in my pockets as I started in the direction of the stream the werewolves liked to run to when they had stayed here. I should be able to have it to myself....

~Time Skip~

I teleported into Ann's room and walked over to her bed, laying down on it as I looked towards the bathroom. I was about ten minutes early.... I heard music coming from in the bathroom and her stumbling around inside. I could smell her straightening her hair and hear her faintly muttering something to herself. I purred softly and curled up in her bed, setting the rose on her pillow. At least she's getting ready.... Of course I made reservations for a more fancier place to impress her than the bar after I got to thinking about it in the woods... but I'm sure she's probably already dressing up. It's not like it matters much to me if she dresses up or not though.... I heard her yelp suddenly and curse under her breath as something dropped into the floor, making other things drop. "Ann?" I called softly and frowned. Hopefully she's alright....

"Are you in my room?" She asked from inside. "Glad I don't need anything out there."

"No," I said simply and smirked. "You're hearing things." I heard her grumbling and picking things up. Ten minutes later she came out of the bathroom, turning the light off. She had straightened her hair and put on heels and a black dress that showed off her curves. Her hair was up in a rough French braid. She also had applied makeup lightly on her face. She walked over to the bed then sat down on it and leaned in, giving me a kiss.

"You're in my bed." She tsked and then shoved me into the floor. I yelped and then sat up, exposing my fangs her way. She exposed hers playfully then got to her feet, purring. I stood up and then picked the rose up off her pillow before I teleported in front of her and placed it gently in her hands as I leaned in and gave her neck a soft kiss.

"So... are you ready?" I asked her as I pulled back to look her in the eyes with a small smile. "For our date?"

"Yeah if you want to go," She shrugged. "Raven didn't answer her phone when I tried calling so I might as well spend tonight with you." She teased. I smirked as I got what happened. Nikolai probably picked the same night as me.... I wonder if he took her someplace....

"She's probably with her mate," I told her and shrugged before I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and started to lead her towards the door.

"Yeah I about figured... or Rose is watching anime with her and leaving me out." She pouted then.

"They're not watching anime," I said and smirked as I laughed a bit. "I almost guarantee she's with Nikolai."

"What makes you say that?" She asked, looking me over.

"Nikolai is looking to have kids with her," I whispered, not sure if she knew yet or not. "He probably is with her right now trying to have some."

"Or she's with Rose." Ann crossed her arms. "Either way I've been ditched tonight."

"You got me," I purred to her and then kissed the top of her head. "So don't cry over Raven being gone for one night. Besides, I've been a girl before. Bet I could paint your nails perfectly~"

"You're not painting my nails!" She shook her head and brushed away from my arms to get a little ahead of me, swaying her hips a bit. I watched her and then sighed as I made sure I had the keys in my pockets. Good.... I didn't forget them in the room.

"Ann... you do remember what I asked you, right?" I asked her softly.

"Yeah, I remember, you wanted me to go on a date with you. That's why I'm dressed up." I frowned slightly then looked away. Maybe I shouldn't.... I should hold this off for another year.... Nikolai can manage.

"Yeah... good," I whispered.

"You're not talking about that though, are you?" She asked, humor in her voice now.

"No, I was talking about the date," I lied to her and then gave her a smile.

"Sure you was," She purred and walked up to the elevator, taking it down with me. I led her to the garage and helped her into the car before I got in the driver's seat and set it up for the restaurant I had picked for us.

"So, I changed the dinner plans. I hope you don't mind, but we're going to go to this fancier place than that supernatural bar. We're going to go to a human restaurant that has a back area for supernaturals," I explained as I put the GPS on the restaurant's address and sat back as the car began to drive itself.

"Sounds fun," Ann purred. "Restaurants make me feel human." She placed her feet in my lap then. "So when do you want children again?" I looked over at her and gave an innocent smile.

"What brought that on?" I asked her sweetly, giving her a loving look. I don't think she's really ready for kids just yet....

"Well you know... We're supposed to be having kids with Raven and Nikolai. So if they're really doing it tonight shouldn't we?" She asked, holding a straight face.

"I thought you thought she was watching anime," I teased her and then turned the radio on low. "Besides, you're assuming I prepared."

"So did you?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "Or are you just being plain?" I sighed.

"I did prepare honestly... but I'm not sure if we should.... Maybe we should wait until Nikolai tells me that he did it.... I don't think you really want kids," I whispered, looking her in the eyes.

"I want kids... but I know I'll have to take time off the ice to do so and then even more time just to care for them and I'm still young and beautiful... Being stuck this eternal age makes me think I should wait longer.... I'm not even sure how old I am now." She looked away and towards the window. "I don't know.... I do want kids...." She looked towards me. "Whatever you want." I frowned slightly and then ran a hand through my hair.

"Well... I'll think about it.... I do have my room set up because I was planning on it being tonight... but I'm not sure," I whispered to her and then started to rub her ankles. "I just don't want you to be unhappy."

"Well it's not fair to break what we said we'd do with them," Ann muttered. I nodded.

"It's not," I admitted. "But I'm not going to if I don't think that we're ready."

"You know you're ready." Ann laughed. "You're centuries old." She sunk in her seat then. I watched her and then looked towards the window.

"Yeah... I'm pretty old, aren't I? I already have one kid.... I could always watch the kid we have and let you skate if that's what you want," I mumbled. "I know how."

"No if I'm going to have a child then I want to take part in it's raising. I'm not going to shun it away for ice." She sighed. "I don't want to be looked upon as Ann in my children's eyes. I want to be their mom." I gave a soft nod and looked back to her before I leaned over and gave her a soft kiss.

"Are you sure that you're okay with doing this?" I asked her and then rubbed her cheek.

"Yeah sure... It'll be fine." She looked me over and gave a smile. I nodded and then smiled back before I leaned in and stole another kiss.

"Then we will tonight," I purred to her sweetly. "I think I want a girl."

"I haven't thought about it," She told me. "But a girl would be nice to have around. I could braid her hair and tell her guys aren't worth her time." I laughed and then kissed her neck.

"Alright... we'll do our best for a girl," I told her and then rubbed her cheek before I pulled back and gave her a loving smile. "If it's a girl, we'll name her after Brook.... and if it's a boy, let's name him River," I decided and then let out a soft purr. Brook for her lost friend that brought her to me... and River because it sounds cool....

"I thought I was naming them," She mumbled.

"You can pick their middle names," I purred sweetly. "I thought you'd really like to name our girl after Brook.... If you don't like it... you can pick her name."

"Maybe I was never actually considering Brook as her name. I might've wanted to name her after my mother or maybe something prettier." I smiled at her and then nodded.

"Okay," I purred and leaned back in my seat, getting comfortable. "We'll name her whatever you want, my love."

"I'm not even pregnant yet and you're already talking about names... I do think River is beautiful though. August's middle name was River." I widened my eyes slightly and frowned.

"I honestly forgot about that," I whispered. "We can change the boy name if you want," I told her quickly, not wanting to upset her.

"No we're not. River is going to be his name. Most likely I'll have a male first anyways. It's common in this family for the first born to be male." I gave a small nod and then relaxed.

"Okay," I told her and smiled.

After the dinner and getting her home, I took her into my room to show her the room I had done up with candles. I had put crystals by them to reflect their light and shine around the room, creating patterns on the walls, ceiling, and floor. I purred in her ear as I walked her across the rose petals I had thrown around the room and then picked a dove's feather off the bed and tossed it onto the floor with the rest of them before I turned back to her and picked her up. "Are you sure?" I asked her sweetly, wanting to check one more time with her as I laid her down on the bed, getting between her legs as the satin bedsheets rustled softly under us.

"We're not little teenagers. I'm sure." Ann told me, giving a small smile and pulled her dress up over her hips so I could get between her legs more. I purred to her, leaning in towards her neck then bit down gently, marking her again as mine before I reached behind her and started to unzip her dress. She blushed and let out a small moan, arching her back. I smirked and then pulled my fangs out of her neck before I started to give her a love bite, pushing her dress off and then into the floor before I reached for her hands. She avoided letting me capture them as she went for my shirt, yanking it off me. I pulled back from her neck and leaned in towards her lips, kissing her passionately with a small moan as I started on her bra, able to get it off easily. She shoved my pants down to my ankles then kicked them off me. I licked her bottom lip teasingly before I trailed my fingers down her sides. She grabbed my hands quickly and giggled, leaned in to kiss me deeper. I laughed and then tilted my head before I slipped my tongue into her mouth and got a hold of it, gently sucking on it as I tried to get my hands back. She grabbed my hands and yanked them above our heads as she managed to get on top of me after rolling us. I widened my eyes and pulled back from the kiss, looking up at her.

"Ann?" I bit my bottom lip, accidentally cutting it with one of my sharp fangs.

"What?" She asked, sitting up on me. "I can't be on top?" She asked, tilting her head. I blushed and then shook my head.

"No... you can be on top if you want," I whispered to her. This is new....

"Good, I won't have to handcuff you then to get what I want." She teased me then ran her fingers down my body to my boxers. I shivered and watched her hand curiously before I looked up at her.

"What handcuffs? You don't even have any in here," I pointed out to her.

"There's some under one." She smirked and then reached under my pillow, pulling them out. I frowned as I looked towards them. Did I put that there? Or was it her? Maybe it was a maid.... I think they make my bed.... "You and August had so much fun with these..." She told me then handcuffed me to the bed suddenly. "Looks like it's time to use them again." I widened my eyes and looked towards her before I tugged on the cuffs.

"Hey... Do you even have the key?" I asked her worriedly. Oh man... what if the keys got lost?! I'm screwed! I'll have to ask Paris for help.

"You don't have it?" She asked and frowned as she pulled off my boxers. "Looks like you're going to be stuck like this all night then." I frowned and then bit into the pillow, trying to move it aside to see if the key was there. "Louis, focus on me." She groaned. I paused and then let go of the pillow before I looked towards her.

"How can I not focus on you? You're so beautiful and sweet and loving... and the ice skating is really amazing~ That's why I want my hands free... so I can make you happy," I purred and then leaned in, kissing her lips.

"You're staying handcuffed," She purred as she pulled back and just like she said.... I stayed handcuffed through the night.