Raging Over A Bird

Eremiel's POV:

I felt someone moving beside me and slipping away as an arm wrapped around my waist and brought me closer, making me feel a very hard manhood against my thigh. I felt someone laying on my stomach then and boobs were placed against my naked body. I heard a groan at the food of the bed and snoring down on the floor. I could smell bacon off in the distance as well as the TV on to the news. I opened my eyes slowly. Salem! I glanced towards the girl on me and then tried to keep my breathing normal so they would think I was still sleeping before I glanced at the guy beside me out of the corner of my eyes, not turning my head in case he would notice. As I glanced around I noticed the storing person on the floor was naked like us all and a male. So far that's two naked males and a girl on me. The person at the foot of the bed was another girl who was snuggling up to the male's feet. The one moving off the bed was another male. I frowned slightly... Please tell me I didn't actually... participate with a male.... God, please give me a sign that it was that girl moving out of the bed or something.... Please.... I can take that at least.... I slowly started to tense up, going to move the girl off me gently so I wouldn't disturb her. She woke up a bit to let me move her off and then curled up. As I started to wake up more I felt my body start to ache downstairs. The girl moving off the bed noticed I was awake and then gave a sheepish smile as she started for the bathroom. We were all naked... and clothes was scattered across the bedroom. The room smelled like cum and must.... It needed to be aired out. I could also smell pot... Salem liked to smoke drugs and cigarettes. I found my pants nearby on a chair with a piece of paper on it. He left me small notes sometimes to be a dick and be ironic. I frowned and then started to sit up, trying to move the guy away from me. He groaned and pulled me closer to him then, his strong arms pulled me further in as he slipped his knee between my legs and made me spoon with him. I yelped and then fluttered my wings slightly, trying to get them into a more comfortable position. How am I supposed to get out of this without being mean? I sighed and then went to slip downwards to get out from under his arms. He started to chuckle then.

"Where are you running off to?" He asked me and suddenly he had me on my stomach and my butt in the air as he mounted me. "I'm going to punish you for trying to run off." I heard the girl at our feet groan and roll off the bed. I widened my eyes and tried to push him back with my wings. Oh man.... I slept with him mostly last night... didn't I? Salem! I swear I'm going to go to a deserted island for the night! I felt Salem's presence stirring awake in me a little, he giggled a bit.

"BREAKFAST! GET YOUR ASSES UP AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE." I heard a girl screaming as she walked towards the bedroom. I threw my wing back quickly then in a desperate attempt to get the guy off me, trying to crawl away. He grabbed my butt firmly then smacked it before he let me go.

"Maybe I'll hit that later," He teased and started towards the door. "I want some breakfast, what'd you cook?" I sighed out in relief and fell against the bed before I looked back towards my pants and started to crawl towards the edge of the bed, getting up and then went for them. I picked up the note first to read it even though it probably wasn't nice.

Dear Angel dude:

I'm pleased to announce that our dear brothers ran away. I found the apartment gone after going out for a little bit. So I decided to go chill out with some friends. You'll probably feel very sore. Too bad I took all the pain killers last night. Oh... if you're dead, good riddance. I'll tear this up upon reading it and yell freedom. Anyways, collect some money from the whore cooking breakfast and get out fast. They're all demons in human form. You might die- Like I said... They hate angels. Oh and the guy that's sleeping to my left if a weirdo so if you end up getting it stuck up your ass that's all on you. Just make sure he's using a condom. I don't want a demon disease.

I widened my eyes and dropped the note quickly before I scrambled to get my pants on. Where's my shirt?! I started walking around the room quickly, looking for it as I tossed the clothes around into a pile of what wasn't mine. I found a tank top that was my size and smelled like me. There was no sign of my shirt anywhere. Salem must've burned it. I frowned and slipped the tank top on before I walked out of the room quickly, tucking my wings tight against my body as I started looking for the front door to leave.

"Going so soon, sugar?" A girl asked me. She grabbed my arm and lead me towards a front door. "This way then. Here's the money I owe you. Dang you really did show me a good time." She stuffed the money into my pants, not even getting my pockets. I blushed and looked over at her.

"Yeah.... I've heard that I'm good," I mumbled, referring to the multiple times I've woken up beside someone I didn't know and they claimed they had sex with me the night before. "Glad you enjoyed it," I told her and smirked, trying to act like Salem would just in case he didn't tell them about the split personality.

"Oh yeah, here's my number.... Sex me- I mean text me when you want more." She begged and placed a card in my pocket and started to rub her chest against me as she kissed my cheek. "Too bad you don't want to stay longer~" I touched her lips gently and gave her a playful smirk. Oh man, I feel so disgusting just doing this....

"Well doll... if I stayed too long, then you wouldn't be dying to see me again later," I teased her.

"Want a muffin for the road anyways?" She asked. I thought it over then nodded.

"Sure, that'd be nice," I told her and stopped walking. I don't know.... Do I let Salem have the number? She giggled and bounced off, coming back with a muffin for me.

"You're a nice fuck, Salem. Come see me next week?" She asked. "I've got more I want from you." I smirked at her.

"I'll text you tonight if I decide I want to take you up on that offer," I told her and then walked to the door. "Enjoy yourself~" I opened the door and then walked out, shutting it behind me before I unfurled my wings. SALEM, WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! He laughed inside my head, obviously awake now. Don't you mean what is wrong with you? Angel? I frowned and then got up into the air. Nothing is wrong with me. You just sin and I don't. That's the difference between us. You're a devil and I'm an angel. You're going to Hell, and I'm going to Heaven. Though I don't think we can die.... Why demons?! Why men?! You could've gone with a nice female vampire or a werewolf if you had to sin last night! Or a human! Don't judge what I like to have in my bed. Tomorrow night I'm thinking about having a neko. What do you think? Want a neko for a sex slave? Dad says they make the cutest faces. I narrowed my eyes slightly. No, I don't even want sex. You know how I feel about sex outside of marriage... and I'm not married, so no. Even if you get married at night... I won't approve it for the day. How about you get your head out of the gutter and start thinking about the fact that you probably made dad upset last night? Do you know what he does when I disappoint him? That's not for me to worry about. That's your mess to clean up. I sighed and then landed on the top of a nearby skyscraper. Salem... could you at least call me Eremiel instead of just angel? I at least took the time to learn your name, and I cook you meals and leave you some money to spend at night. You never leave me enough though. I want more then just food money. I only get the night. Do you know how limited I am because of that!? Most shops are only open during the day. I want to go into coffee shops. So stop being a little bitch and be grateful for the day. I frowned softly and then looked down at the city. You want to go into a coffee shop? Well... if you stay awake long enough... I guess I could take us to one and drink some coffee or whatever you want to experience about a coffee shop. Okay, fine. Eremiel, I'll acknowledge you have a name besides angel. I laughed softly and nodded. Thanks Salem. I'm sorry for being upset earlier.... I know you can't help it.... It must be hard... being in control only at night. I really should be more grateful. I took off again, heading for a nearby coffee shop. I can't help I have manly urges you know nothing about. It's probably because I'm a demon too. Sins is just my best friend. You should know this. I guess I could locate our stupid brothers though before I fall asleep... I could hear it in his voice he was tired. I frowned and sped up, quickly landing near the shop and rushed in as I managed to hide my wings somewhat.

"One cup of coffee!" I said quickly, rushing to the counter and then pulled out my wallet and handed the cashier the money. He frowned and started to make me one then handed it over. I took a sip of it then headed for a seat by the window for Salem. Tastes like I would expect it to taste like... Heavenly... In a good way. Our brothers are a few states over. I can feel a dragon- no three and five wizards where they're at. Looks like it's Grimm's manor. Grimm is the only one with dragons around here. I also feel demons. The Grimm family is a cursed family. The main ones of the family have demon running through their veins but it's not strong because they're still living. Once they die they'll become demons under our father's wing. Grimm is the head of the house hold. We met him once. You were asleep though when we did. He's out to get his family members... I heard him yawn. It's a long story about why. He kind of board me with it over a bottle of wine. I nodded and finished up the coffee for him before I stood up. Get some rest Salem.... I'll let you keep the phone number. I tossed the disposable coffee cup away and stretched before I went outside to head for Grimm manor.

~Time Skip~

I landed on the roof of it and fell to my knees. "Finally~ I made it. I swear I'm getting too lazy," I mumbled. Living in one place and having that church to take care of is getting me out of shape for this kind of flying. I sighed and then laid down on the roof of the manor, looking towards the sky to rest. There was a sudden alarm that went off in the manor. I was knocked off the roof quickly and pinned to the ground as fangs were exposed in my face. Dozens of other vampires crowded instantly and I heard howls coming closer. Someone teleported outside quickly and over to us then knelt down grabbing my shirt.

"Who are you?" It spat towards me, exposing his fangs. He smelled sort of like a demon but was definitely a vampire. It sniffed me then snapped his fingers. "Cut the alarm. Go back downstairs." He ordered and dragged me towards the manor's doors. "I never had an angel step foot on my property." He joked. I frowned and looked towards him as he dragged me. He's got white hair....

"Uhhhmmm... what are you doing?" I asked him softly. I hope he's not crazy.... That was a really quick reaction though to me just landing on the roof.... I'll have to watch myself more when I go places.

"We just had an attack yesterday so the place is all crazy and swarming with tension. My pack is nearby stalking the manor because of the rogues. It's been pretty hectic. My name is Paris Grimm. This is my manor, Grimm manor. Why're you here?" He asked. "I'm assuming you don't mean any harm. You smell like sex... You should probably take a shower or my boys might come after you." He teased. "You had coffee this morning." I nodded and gave him an innocent look.

"I'm looking for my brothers," I told him and then smiled.

"Haven and Hassel?" He asked me. "They came here with Aaron. I'm letting them stay here. Guess you can too." I rubbed my shoulder and then looked around as he dragged me.

"Uh huh.... I'm sorry if I caused a ruckus," I mumbled and then looked back towards him. "I didn't realize landing on your roof would cause that. Salem says that we met the demon Grimm before," I told him and then rubbed my cheek. "I don't remember him though.... I have a hard time figuring out what happens at night." I sighed.

"You're the daytime/nighttime cursed son of the devil." He told me quickly. "I learned a thing or two in hell myself." He chuckled. "So you've met my ancestor Grimm? He's quite known... In the family but I never knew he had friends outside of us." He chuckled. "Guess he would since he stays in hell." I shrugged.

"I don't remember him though.... Hey, Paris? You're still dragging me," I whispered and gave him an innocent look as I fluttered my wings slightly. "It's starting to scrape me up...." I could feel a slight pain from it, but it wasn't bad. He stopped and then let me go.

"Sorry about that." He gave a small smile. "Well, Aaron and the boys are upstairs in their rooms. You're my third devil's child. I swear if your father sends me another kid I'm going to hell just to smack him across the face." He smirked and then gestured towards a grand stair case. "The hall on your far right." I nodded and then smiled.

"Thanks.... Oh, if I'm still here at sunset, I apologize for anything Salem does," I told him quickly. "He doesn't control himself at all...." I rubbed the back of my neck and frowned. "I'll probably leave for the night though before sunset that way it doesn't cause a problem."

"We already have enough evil here. Please make sure you either lock yourself up or leave my estate for town." Paris looked me over then rubbed my cheek. "I'm sure you understand that I don't want something bad to happen here anytime soon. I've had enough on my hands dealing with the rogues attacking and turning as well as killing some of my family members." I nodded.

"I understand," I whispered and then grabbed his hand before I closed my eyes and used my angelic powers to bless him with good fortune.

"Ummm.." He pulled back. "You can have the room next to your brothers." He told me. "I'm not sure if you'll ever use it though." I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"I won't," I told him then smiled. "I'm only hanging around until Hassel and Haven know more about themselves. My father wanted me too... and he kind of threatened me, so I don't feel like not doing it anytime soon," I mumbled and then started for the staircase. "I'll try not to cause problems though. It'll be like I'm not even here."

"I'll be counting on it." He told me and teleported away. I walked up to Hassel and Haven's room then went in with a huge smile.

"Haven~!" I called out, rushing into the room for him. "I missed you!" Haven was sitting on the bed playing a game when I rushed in and practically jumped to the roof at the sudden change in the room. He looked towards me with wide eyes.

"B-Brother?" He asked.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Hassel asked as he stood by the bathroom door, about to go in.

"I'm here for the day~!" I told him and gave him a sweet smile before I shut the door and went over to Haven, sitting on the bed by him. "Paris said I could if I leave at night." Haven jumped into my lap and gave me a tight hug.

"Get out of our room, no one said you could come in!" Hassel shouted, pointing a finger at me.

"No one said I couldn't," I said back and gave him an innocent look before I kissed Haven's cheek and started rubbing his ears. "I'm not hurting anyone."

"Oh yeah?!" Hassel asked, his eyebrows twitching with rage. "I'm saying it now that you can't."

"I'm already in here," I complained and rustled my wings slightly, adjusting them. He glared me down.

"Well get out!"

"It's my room too," Haven complained. "I want him to stay."

"I DON'T!" I smiled at him and nuzzled Haven's cheek.

"Well I'm staying~ Go see Aaron if you have a problem with seeing me," I told him and smiled. "I had one heck of a flight to get here, so I'm getting my rest in."

"No one asked you to come here," He snapped and then went into the bathroom, slamming the door shut. I frowned slightly and then laid back on the bed with Haven.

"Dad did!" I shouted to Hassel then curled up, exhausted and sore.

"You really flew here?" Haven asked as he picked at my feathers.

"Yeah," I told him and smiled softly. "I really did fly here. I use my wings."

"That's so cool!" He rubbed his head against my chest, getting his ears really good. I laughed and started to pet his head.

"Maybe I could take you flying when I'm not so tired," I told him then rubbed one of his ears. "Of course we can't tell Hassel. He doesn't like me too much."

"He doesn't like you cause you're new and he doesn't want you to get in the way. He wants me all to himself. He's even jealous about Aaron but he's warming up to him. You'll stay so he can warm up to you too.... right?" He asked and grabbed my shirt. I blushed and then nodded.

"I'll try to come back every morning," I whispered to him then kissed the top of his head. "I want to be apart of this family."

"You mean it?" He asked and looked into my eyes with wonder. I nodded and gave him a big smile.

"Yeah.... I don't really have much of my own family," I told him and then rubbed his ear some more. He purred and wrapped his arms around me.

"You're my family." He purred, his ears twitching a bit towards the bathroom. I smiled softly and then relaxed, curling up to him.

"Okay," I whispered and then started to close my eyes for a nap.

"You smell funny..." He told me, starting to sniff my body. I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"That's... because... I was flying?" I said, trying to come up with an excuse. I didn't want him knowing what sex smelled like....

"I don't want to go flying if I'm going to smell like that..." He mumbled. I frowned.

"Oh! That smell. That's because of... my shift from night to day time," I told him quickly, changing my excuse. "I sometimes smell funny because of it."

"Oh... You mean your different personalities?" He asked and started to fake like he understood but I could tell he was confused. I smiled at him and ruffled his hair.

"Don't worry about it. I'll smell better after I take a bath. Oh Aaron~!" I started to get to my feet then. He clung to me and wrapped his legs around my waist like a monkey. I paused and looked at him. "I thought you said the smell was weird...."

"You're not getting away from me that fast, weird smelling brother." He purred. I bit my bottom lip and then glanced towards the door.

"But... what about my bath? I don't think you want to see that.... I'll come back," I promised him. He let go of me then and got back on the bed.

"Okay. I hold you to that promise!" I smiled and then started for the door, opening it.

"AARON~!" I called out, laughing slightly. Hassel stormed out of the bathroom then and ran for the door.

"Don't you dare!" He snapped towards me. I widened my eyes. Crap! I ran for Aaron's room and threw the door open, falling in on my face. Hassel ran it, tripping over me and falling on top of me. He let out a huff as struggled to get up and move off of me. I helped him and then got to my feet, dusting myself off before I walked into Aaron's room. He looked up from where he was laying on the bed and frowned.

"Eremiel?" He looked me over and then looked towards Hassel then back at me. I gave him an innocent smile.

"Can I use the bath and borrow some of your clothes?" I asked Aaron sweetly.

"NO!" Hassel growled, showing his rage as he walked past me and stood between us. "That's Aaron's clothes and you're not even his size. You're like twenty times his size. Plus your wings would rip holes into his clothes and then they'd never be his again. You can go get your clothes from wherever you came from. Better not stay away from me! Especially Aaron." I frowned and then groaned.

"But it's such a long flight back.... and I'm just about maybe three to five inches taller than Aaron!"

"Exactly! You're too tall. Nope. You can go ask for someone else's clothes to ruin with your sins." He crossed his arms. Aaron sighed.

"There are some shorts in the closet... and you can borrow a tank top," Aaron told me and then started to roll over onto his stomach. I smiled and bounced off towards the closet.

"Don't touch his clothes perv!" Hassel ran after me. I opened the closet door and went in, seeing the shorts almost immediately. I picked up a pair and then started to search for the tank tops, ignoring Hassel. "HEY!" He snatched the shorts from me. I frowned and looked at him before I grabbed another pair. He grabbed them from me as well. "Those are Aaron's clothes!"

"Hassel... I don't care if he uses those shorts. I almost never wear them," Aaron groaned out from the bed.

"I care," Hassel groaned out.

"It's not like he's going to wear my boxers Hassel," Aaron said and then rolled over in the bed before he accidentally fell out of it and yelped.

"Ewe, don't you even think- AARON!" He started for the bedroom to help him. "Are you okay?"

Hassel's POV:

I heard Eremiel getting another pair of shorts as I ran out to Aaron then heard him duck into the bathroom, locking it behind him. I glared the door down then stormed over to it and started to bang up against it. "EREMIEL YOU BETTER NOT PUT HIS CLOTHES ON!" I snapped. "I'll make you run around naked, don't mess with me!" I jiggled on the door handle. He's going to wear Aaron's clothes! I can't let him put his clothes on. I felt rage boiling up in me. Why's he even here? I don't care that my father sent him! I don't want to know anything about the devil, I already know he's evil! EVIL! Eremiel is evil! "I'M GOING TO SEND YOU TO HELL!" I screamed.

"Dude... calm down.... I'm letting him wear my clothes because he hangs out near Haven," Aaron mumbled from the floor. "You don't want him running around naked near Haven right? Plus he smells like he just crawled out of a harem." I felt my stomach doing back flips as my head got a little dizzy. I stumbled back from the door, shaking with rage. Little bastard... I should be the only one that gets to wear Aaron's clothes. "I'll see about getting him some more clothes to keep on hand for when he's around," he mumbled and then stood up, walking over to me. "Hassel... please calm down," he whispered, giving me a worried look. "You look like your about ready to rip his wings off and feed it to dogs then rip his heart out... and then give it to the devil as a present and then kill him." I looked towards Aaron, feeling my eye twitching.

"HE'S IN YOUR BATHROOM. PUTTING YOUR CLOTHES ON." I growled. Would dogs even eat him? Where would I find a dog.... Aaron sighed and then started to massage my shoulders.

"Yeah... I know..... You wore my shirt before. How is this different?" He asked me softly. "It's not like I'm going to wear those shorts again. He's going to get himself all over them, so I'm not going to wear those shorts again."

"I'm different from him..." I mumbled. I started to feel a little better with his touch then leaned into him. "I don't want him in your clothes..." I grabbed his arms and felt my rage boiling inside me mellow out. He looked towards my hands and then looked up at me, blushing slightly.

"Okay.... I won't let him again... but I already told him he could, and I'm not going to tell him he has to walk around naked," Aaron whispered. I caught him glancing at my lips for a second before he quickly looked back up at me, trying to hide it.

"There are robes in the bathrooms he can wear." I hissed out. "He just needs to stay away from Haven in them." Aaron shook his head.

"He probably won't stay away from Haven.... He likes Haven," he told me and then leaned in, kissing my cheek. "It'll be fine. Just don't think they're my clothes."

"But they are your clothes and they have your scent on them..." I whined. "That perv is going to be wrapped up in that all day." Aaron gave me a thoughtful look before he pulled away and walked into his closet. He came back out with one of his favorite jackets and then walked up to me, slipping it around my shoulders and put my arms through it, putting it on me then tugged on it lightly to get it situated.

"There," he whispered and blushed. "Now you're wrapped up in my scent too," he told me and looked up into my eyes. "It's my favorite one, so it really does smell like me." I blushed and leaned In towards the shoulder to smell and then gave a small smile as I caught his scent. I fell down to my knees and rested there, smelling his jacket. He laughed softly. "See, is that better?" I grabbed one of the sleeve and pulled it down and then brought it to my nose and smelled it, nodding his way. He smiled at me and then walked over to his bed, getting back in it. I heard the shower cut off in the bathroom then and heard Eremiel stumbling around as he was getting dressed. I glared the bathroom door down, waiting for him to come out. After a few minutes, the door unlocked and Eremiel came out of the bathroom, setting down Aaron's hairbrush on the counter then bounced over to Aaron's bed, getting past me quickly.

"Thanks Aaron!" He said sweetly and then hugged Aaron who sighed. I glared him down and got to my feet, starting for Eremiel.

"GET OFF HIM!" I shouted, tackling him to the ground. He yelped and looked up at me before he started to struggle.

"I didn't do anything! It's not like I slept with him!" He told me and then tried pushing me off.

"NO! BUT YOU LIKE SLEEPING IN HAREMS!" I yelled. He frowned.

"That wasn't my fault. That was Salem's fault. No, if this body was to sleep with Aaron, it'd be while Salem is in control which is at night... so no, it won't happen... and no... I'm not going to be here at night, so stop being so jealous," he told me and tapped my nose.

"I'M NOT JEALOUS!" I yelled, glaring him down as my pulse was going strong in rage for him. I'm going to kill this little ball of feathers! He frowned and then laid still, watching me.

"Okay," he whispered, looking calmly up at me. "If you're not jealous... then you're not jealous."

"You're... dead." I snapped out and started to choke him. He widened his eyes and gripped my hands. I felt someone tackle me then and Aaron pinned me down.

"Don't kill him," he whispered to me and then looked at Eremiel. "Stop provoking him too!" He stood up and then glared us both down. "If you don't stop fighting, neither of you are going to be my friend."

"Wh-what?" I asked him, looking Aaron over. How could he say that? "Aaron?" I asked, starting to feel crushed. Why would he stop me.... I had that bird in my jaws. He looked towards me and then froze up.

"Not you. You can still be my friend," he told me quickly. "Don't look so crushed. Jeez, you look like your girlfriend just broke up with you on Christmas and you were about to propose...." He sighed and then crossed his arms. "Look, you two need to stop fighting. If not because of me, then for Haven because he's sweet and innocent."

"Maybe HE should leave." I snapped my head towards Eremiel. Eremiel smiled innocently at me and then got to his feet before he hugged Aaron.

"I won't fight him... I'll stop provoking him too Aaron, so don't be upset with us," he said sweetly.

"YOU'RE PROVOKING ME RIGHT NOW!" I yelled out, balling my fists up and digging my nails into my skin. Eremiel looked at me as Aaron was standing there wide eyed. He pushed Eremiel away in shock and then held up his hands.

"No offence Eremiel... but I don't know you too well," he told him and then sat down on the edge of the bed. Eremiel pouted before he went over to the door, leaving us. I calmed down after a few minutes of him leaving us then got to my feet, shaking a bit. My stomach growled with hungry unlike before, making me stumble towards the door.

"I'm going to go get something to eat," I sighed out weakly. I'll kill that little bird for tempting me. Aaron got to his feet and started to follow after me in his PJs.

"Okay.... I can cook you some breakfast if you want," he told me with a small smile.

"That'd be nice," I looked towards him, giving a weak smile then pulled my phone out to check the day, noticing that tomorrow was my birthday. Aaron grabbed my hand and then gave it a squeeze as he started to lead me down the hall.

"Were you really jealous?" He whispered softly, looking towards me.

"N-no... I don't know why but I feel so much rage and hatred towards him," I muttered. "So much it's made me hungry." He nodded and then kissed my cheek.

"Okay," he mumbled and looked away as he took me to the elevators and took me down in one. He seemed a little off. I felt a little tense and light headed for the rage I had built on for that bird just flying back into my life when I thought I had gotten rid of him. He took me to the kitchen and sat me down, starting to make me a breakfast. He moved around the kitchen effortlessly, the food he was making smelling great and making my mouth water. I sat down at the island counter and started to pour salt into my hand. I felt someone blow on the back of my neck then.

"You should only pour salt like that when you're going to throw it at another demon," I heard that dumb bird whisper to me. I tossed it over my shoulder then at him. It's good luck to throw salt over your shoulder, you know. I smirked and then turned to face him, kicking his knee. He yelped and fell to the floor then whined, looking up at me. "Why do you hate me?" He asked me right out.

"I don't know," I told him. "I just feel rage for you." I spun back around to shun him. He got up and walked around the island, going over to Aaron then smiled big at him.

"Can I help?" He asked Aaron sweetly, catching his attention. He looked over at him blankly then nodded.

"Wash your hands," he told Eremiel then continued to cook as the bird walked to the sink. I felt the glass salt shaker break in my hands as I squeezed it too much. I looked down, hissing from the glass cutting me and the salt getting on my wound. I yanked my hand back, dropping the glass and salt then started to wipe it on my shirt. Aaron glanced back and widened his eyes as he saw what happened. "Hassel!" He ran over quickly, gently taking my hand in his to examine it. "You should be more careful," he whispered and gave me a sad look. "I don't like it when you get hurt...."

"I can't help it," I complained and watched him. I felt a little better through my pain as he paid me attention. He started to pick the glass out of my hand gently, taking great care not to hurt me as he cleaned up the wound for me. He gave it a small kiss and then looked up at me, gently touching my cheek.

"I'll get you some stuff to numb the pain," he whispered to me and then kissed my forehead. "Stay here?"

"Okay." I whispered, watching him as I felt butterflies in my stomach fluttering. He smiled softly and then gave my hand a slight squeeze before he walked to the door. I noticed a small natural sway in the way he walked as he left the room to go get me something. I tensed up more as he was gone and I was left with the bird. I glanced towards him. I can kill him now, no one is looking. He kept quiet as he started to pick up where Aaron left off on my breakfast, starting to cook it.

"HEY! THAT'S MY BREAKFAST, DON'T GET A FEATHER IN IT!" I told him, getting to my feet and fixing myself a glass of milk. He glanced at me then went back to making my breakfast. I'm so no eating it... He's touched it. I felt like puking at the idea of no meal though. Aaron walked back in with the first aid kit and set it down on the counter before he brought over some bandaids and some antibiotics. He gently took my hand in his again and started to clean it up for me.

"OWE~" I hissed as he wiped an alcohol wipe on my hand. "It stings!" He looked up at me and frowned.

"I'm sorry," he whispered and then leaned in, stealing a kiss. I could barely feel him working on my wound, distracting me as his lips pressed against mine. I widened my eyes in shock and pulled back slightly. Why'd he kiss me? In front of Eremiel too... He smirked as he put a bandaid on my hand. "There all done," he told me and then smiled up at me. "Bet you didn't feel the pain," he teased before he walked back over to the first aid kit. I watched him and rubbed my lips. He kissed me.... He put things back in the kit and left it there as he tossed out the used stuff and then walked over to Eremiel, nudging him out of the way as he took over my breakfast again. I guess I could eat... He's cooking again. Aaron glanced over at me and smiled innocently. "You're not freaking out, right?" He asked me as Eremiel got on the counter and sat down, watching Aaron work. "It was just to distract you." I looked away from him then and sipped on my milk.

"No... I'm not freaking out." I said calmly. He sighed and then turned the stove off after a few more seconds.

"Well... that's good," he murmured and then got a plate down, putting some food on it then gave it to me. He looked me over and then rubbed the back of his neck before he started for the door, blushing slightly. Where's he going? I frowned and watched him then looked towards my plate. He picked up the first aid kit and then looked back at us. "I'll be back in a minute. I better not see any signs of fighting when I come back in here," he told us and then walked out. I grabbed the pepper shaker and started to pour some on my breakfast, glaring Eremiel down. He watched me and then got down off the counter before he walked out of the room, looking bored. He better leave Aaron alone... I'm not even sure why I'm so worried. I groaned and face planted the counter. After a few minutes, Aaron walked back in and over to me, sitting down next to me. He smiled and rubbed my back a little, making me feel better. I sat up and started to eat my food, taking small bites as I tried to settle my hunger. Is it possible it's just hanger? I'm angry because I'm so hungry? I haven't had much to eat lately and I've had to go through six months of torture recently. I pushed my plate back after finishing it then looked towards the glass on the counter. I'm still upset... and hungry. Aaron leaned in and kissed my cheek before he picked up my plate. "Want seconds?" He asked me and laughed a bit. "I could get you some more."

"Yeah," I told him then picked up a piece of the glass. He nodded and then got up, starting to get me more then yelped as he accidentally touched the hot part of the stove and yanked his hand back quickly. He looked his hand over and frowned before he set my plate down and used his other hand to carefully get me more. He brought it over and gave it to me before he went to the sink and started to run his burn under cold water. A little girl bounced into the kitchen then with strange tattoo marking on her body. She looked towards Aaron and then at me before she headed to Aaron and took his hurt hand away from the water and rubbed her face against it. Her body started to glow as well as Aaron's hand before she pulled back and started towards me. I frowned and got on top of the island, creeped out by her. Aaron watched her in wonder and rubbed his hand.

"T-thanks," he whispered, his hand healed. She sat down in my seat and started to eat my plate of food, watching me. Aaron frowned as he saw her eating my food and then got down another plate and made me another plate of food before he brought it over to me. I grabbed my plate and slowly got down off the island on the other side, watching her. She hummed and giggled as she ate my breakfast like nothing was wrong. I heard little whines at my feet and a little neko boy and a normal looking boy looked up at me, mostly at my plate of food.

"Um.... Are you hungry?" I asked them, feeling mine growl for more food. "I guess..." I whined as I handed them my plate. I can't deny kids food... They looked up at me gratefully and sat down in the floor, sharing the plate as they started to eat. Aaron frowned and then sighed.

"I'll make more breakfast," he whispered and started back to the stove to make more.

"Good morning Liam and my sweet Lien," I heard as the guy who was with Paris walked in and started towards the fridge. "What do you want for breakfast? Why're you sharing a plate in the floor?" He asked and then looked towards the girl. "You're supposed to be asleep still Solis until your parents are awake." He teased her then looked around and then at me. "Hey...." He started towards me. "You don't look so good." The neko let out a loud purr and got to his feet, tackling the guy's leg into a hug.

"Daddy~ This guy gave me food," he told him.

"I'm going to get you something in a minute..." He promised as he sat him down on the counter then grabbed the other off the floor to do the same. He looked towards me again and walked up, grabbing my wrist and started to feel my temperature on my forehead. "You should sit down and let me fix you something." He glanced over at Aaron. "Get me a pot, will ya? Boil some water." Aaron looked over and frowned but didn't argue, doing what he was told. I saw the neko make a small galaxy around him and giggle as he looked it over and reached out towards one of the stars. I heard the little girl giggling and purred from her seat. The guy started to work around the kitchen, fixing two bottles for the boys full of a red liquid then gave it to them. He walked over to his boiling water then dug around in his pockets, pulling out some herbs and tossed them in with a few other things I couldn't tell what it was. The neko laid his ears back and started to sip on the bottle quickly, looking starved. The other boy watched him for a second before he started to drink his own. The galaxy disappeared slowly, each little star fading as the neko began to look calmer. Hachi scooped up a drink then from the pot before he sipped on it and poured it out in the sink then started to cook other things with his magic and poured it into the pot. After ten minutes he brought me a mug over of this thick white oatmeal stuff. It was steaming up in my face, smelling delicious and a tad bit of whiskey was in the scent. I took a sip of it then melted as it calmed me completely. I started to swallow it down as he fixed Aaron a glass. "This is safe for anyone to drink." He told Aaron. "Have some." Aaron smiled and then took it from him.

"Thanks," he said and then took a sip of it. He relaxed visibly. "Whoa.... this is awesome," he whispered under his breath. The more I swallowed the more I was comfortable and full. I relaxed, forgetting all about my odd brother Eremiel for now. Hachi scoops some up into bowls and grabbed two spoons then brought it over to the boys and sat it down by them. He even made a bowl for the girl, Solis.

"It's not enough to get you drunk, the hint of whiskey. It's to numb all your pain. Hungry, anger, sadness, anything. It mellows you out and calms you." He told us. "It's wonderful for children too since they get so hungry sometimes. It'll fill them up for most the day." He laughed. "It's an old recipe I picked up from a Scottish wizard's spell book." The neko's eyes lit up in recognition, and he quickly started to eat it, purring loudly. Aaron watched the guy with interest as he took another bite of the food. "Feel better?" He asked us. Aaron gave a soft nod and then smiled as he took another bite. The neko looked up at the guy with a huge smile. "Oh, I'm Hachi by the way."

"Tanks daddy," he said sweetly and then reached out for him as he finished his food. Hachi picked him up and started to bounce him.

"You're welcome, want any more?" He asked. The neko looked towards the pot and then purred happily before he giggled and looked back at Hachi. He snuggled up to him, laying his ears back as he tucked his head under Hachi's chin.

"Nuh-uh... I'm full," he told him sweetly. "Daddy, look. I made you something~" He held out his hand and then a ball appeared in his hand, filled with what looked like blue stars and swirls of fire in a glass ball.

"Thanks sweetie, I'll put it with the rest." He took it then put it in his pocket. The neko twitched his ears a little then looked up at him.

"I love you daddy," he said sweetly then wrapped his arms around Hachi's neck before he kissed his cheek. "Best daddy ever!"

"I love you too," Hachi smiled softly. The neko nuzzled his cheek against him and purred before he looked back towards the boy on the counter and then flicked his tail.

"Liam, make sure to eat it all," he purred sweetly to the boy who looked up and frowned.

"But Lien... I'm full already," he mumbled and sat the bowl aside. Lien pouted.

"Daddy worked hard on it."

"You don't have to eat it all, Liam." Hachi smiled sweetly and sat the neko back down on the counter. Lien whined and then latched onto Hachi's arm, not letting go before he started to work his way back into Hachi's arms then curled up. Hachi sighed and rubbed Lien's head. "What are you... a sloth?" He teased and then started to drink his own cup. I finished mine off and put the cup in the sink. Aaron glanced over and then smiled before he started to wash the dishes. He finished up and then turned to Hachi.

"Hey, thanks for that," he told him and then looked towards Lien curiously before he walked towards the door. "Hassel, I'm going to go train in the gym, so don't get lost around the house, ok?"

"You're not going alone." I told him, heading for him and grabbed his hand. "I don't want Eremiel to come find and do odd things with you." I looked around for him to make sure he wasn't around. "I'm coming with you." Aaron frowned but gave a nod.

"Okay," he said softly and started to lead me out of the room. "I don't think he'd do weird things to me though."

"I don't care, he's suspicious and he better not try anything funny with Haven... I'd definitely have to kill him." I squeezed his hand. He glanced at our hands and blushed before he looked up at me.

"Hassel," he mumbled.

"What?" I asked softly.

"Is he really bothering you that bad?" He asked me and then pulled me closer by my hand as he looked up into my eyes, searching them. "You don't even know him too well and you already have decided to not like him or give him a chance.... You could've easily have done the same to me. In fact, you pretty much did. I used to think you didn't want me around at all for a very long time... and it was only until after I got you back and after Eremiel showed up that you're starting to open up to me... or at least I think you are, but I might be wrong.... I don't know," he mumbled and then looked away from me.

"We-well...." I mumbled. "Yeah.... He's sort of bothering me that bad...." I whispered. He nodded and then sighed.

"I'll ask him to go then if he comes back tomorrow," Aaron whispered to me and then got quiet.

"I told him to go but Haven wants him here," I groaned out. He glanced over at me and gave my hand a small squeeze.

"Hassel, when he's gone... you're going to get more quiet and moody again, aren't you?" He asked me softly, frowning. "I think it's only because of him that you're actually being nicer to me than before.... You did team up with Haven to pull that gun on me...."

"I done that because I knew I couldn't trust you," I told him. "Things are different now... especially since you saved me." He bit his bottom lip then nodded before he looked away.

"Okay Hassel...."

"Thanks for that..." I whispered. "You're starting to stick to me but I don't know about Eremiel..."

"Yeah.... I guess I'm lucky then," Aaron told me and laughed. "Poor Eremiel."

"Don't feel bad for him," I snapped. "He's a lunatic."

"He didn't ask to be born that way though," he pointed out to me.

"I don't care." I wrinkled up my nose. "I don't want him around us." Aaron sighed and then looked up at me.

"Okay," he told me and then kissed my cheek. I rubbed the kiss off quickly.

"Aaron," I grumbled. "What have I told you about kissing me like that?" He frowned and then pulled his hand back before he put his hands in his pockets.

"Whatever," he muttered and looked away from me.

"Yeah whatever," I frowned towards him. "You know I don't like you kissing me like I'm three."

"Uh huh, and you don't like me touching you either," he said and then ran a hand through his hair.

"If you're trying to baby me then yeah, do it to Haven." I stuffed my hands into his jacket's pockets.

"That's not what I was doing," he mumbled.

"Then what was you doing?" He looked over at me and frowned.

"Letting you hold my hand because you wanted to," he told me and then crossed his arms. "The kiss was friendly, not babying."

"No one kisses in a friendly matter like that," I huffed and walked past him.

"Family does," he muttered. "But if you want to act that way, then you can go glare down Eremiel for all I care."

"Maybe I will," I snapped and stopped walking. "If I actually cared enough to look at the creep. I don't want nightmares." He stopped beside me then looked up at me for a few seconds before he relaxed and let out a sigh.

"Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten upset. It's just it's weird," he mumbled and looked down at the floor. "I don't know what I'm doing anymore because I'm not sure how you'll take things because of that kiss...."

"So you're thinking I should be more fawned over the kisses?" I asked him. "Are you trying to be my boyfriend or something?" He shook his head.

"No... I'm not," he whispered. "You don't like me that much... and I'm just weird."

"Okay..." I mumbled and started towards the gym. "You are weird." He sighed and started to follow me, keeping quiet. I looked towards him and frowned. "No you're being quiet." He glanced up at me and frowned slightly.

"Not really.... Just thinking about what I'm going to do in the gym is all," he whispered.

"Train me?" I asked him, knowing we have six months to catch up on so we might as well start there. "You can do that." He gave a nod and then lead me to the gym, getting the door for me before he walked in and then glanced around. He smiled as he saw it and then nodded.

"Yeah, I can work with this," he said and then started towards a punching bag. "Hassel, you're going to work with this and get your strength back up," he told me and smirked before he walked over towards the knives with a curious look.

"Seriously..." I muttered and looked the punching bag over with a frown. "I rather go running on a treadmill." I complained and looked towards him. I noticed two others were using the gym this morning. One of them was staring straight at us with a playful smirk. It's that idiot that I tried to shoot and the one that looked pissed about it... What were their names.... Aaron glanced towards them then tensed up, frowning slightly.

"Damn... It's them," he muttered and then grabbed a knife, looking it over. The boy who I had tried to shoot started for Aaron then with a purr. Oh no... Aaron... I started for him as well, grabbing his arm. He looked towards me and then at the boy as he stopped in front of us. He purred and then looked me over in amusement before he looked back at Aaron, locking eyes with him.

"Aaron, sweetie, how about you come show me and Rory what you got? We've been curious what hunters have been up to these days," he purred, giving a smirk. Aaron's eyes glazed over before he nodded.

"Okay," he whispered and went towards him. I grabbed a hold of Aaron's wrist tightly and yanked him to me. He's using mind control.

"Shiloh... Play nice," The other guy said as he cleaned a gun. The guy tensed up and looked towards the other then pouted.

"But Rory... his blood is virgin blood! He'll make a great friend.... We could let him hang out with us," Shiloh complained and then started back for the one cleaning the gun, Rory. "Come on... don't you want another friend?"

"Yeah... we could... But I rather drink your blood an I prefer not getting yelled at because I shot the devil's spawn." The one cleaning the gun shrugged off. "I don't want to make friends with them." Shiloh groaned and then glanced back at Aaron longingly before he smirked and gave him a wink.

"Later," he mouthed at Aaron before he walked over towards Rory with a sway in his hips.

"There won't be a later." I muttered and looked towards Aaron. I'm starting to think it'd be safer out- away- FAR AWAY from this place. We should've never come here. He's a human and this place is crawling with things that either want to kill, eat, or turn him. The rogues.... Rory and Shiloh, and now Eriemiel is really starting to bug me about this place. There's so much... bad here. Aaron could walk five feet and I might never have the same Aaron ever again. Heck.... He doesn't even have to step... Vampires prey on those that sleep. "Aaron, I'm sleeping with you tonight." I said quickly. He looked up at me with wide eyes and dropped the knife in his hand.

"Wait, what?" He asked me and then blushed big time. "N-no you're not."

"Why not?" I asked him. "I am." He shook his head as his face went red.

"Nuh uh! I don't let people sleep with me," he told me quickly.

"You won't let me sleep with you? Okay... fine...." I started to drag him out of the gym anyways. There's no way we're going to stay in there with them. Aaron yelped and stumbled after me then blushed.

"H-Hassel?" He asked me softly.

"Yeah?" I asked him. "Let's go train outside..." He frowned but gave a nod as I pulled him along. He looked up at me with a faint blush, watching me curiously. I took him outside so we could train out there in peace, taking him a few feet into the woods for shade.

"So... Get in a fighting stance," he told me as he pulled away from me and then walked a few feet away before he turned back to me. "You'll defend yourself from me."

"Okay... this shouldn't be too hard..." I mumbled as I put my fists up and separated my feet, starting to pass my weight from one foot to the other. "Come and get me." He smirked as he looked me over and then was in front of me in seconds, sweeping my feet out and sending me to the ground before he put his foot on my chest and then leaned against his knee, looking down at me.

"Got you," he teased me. I huffed, looking up at him. My head rung a bit from my fall.

"Yeah... you got me." I mumbled. I really am out of shape from those six months in hell with Veronica. He took his foot off me then went back a few steps to give me some space, watching me.

"Don't underestimate me again," he told me firmly.

"I wasn't..." I mumbled, then kicked his feet out from under him. I may be weak but I can still kick... I got to my feet quickly, my head spun from the movement. He rolled back from me then got to his feet, running a hand through his hair to get it out of his face then rubbed the back of his head like it hurt. He narrowed his eyes slightly and then started for me. I yelped and took off running from him.

"Hey! Where are you going?" He called out after me then tackled me to the ground, landing on top of me. He groaned and then leaned his head into my chest as he tried to catch his breath. I caught mine, panting a little.

"No where..." I told him. Obviously... he got me. He gripped my shirt as he was catching his breath still from the sprint and fall then looked up at me from my chest and winced.

"No where? Sure looked like somewhere," he mumbled out.

"Get off me," I grabbed my shirt's collar then pulled on it. He let go and rolled off of me to the side and then curled up. I looked towards him. "You okay... You're taking this too seriously. We're only play fighting." I joked. He glanced over at me and frowned.

"Well... I'm trying to make this more difficult for you because you got shot by Rory.... I don't want to see you get shot again," he told me then started to sit up, rubbing his head.

"I got shot because he forced my gun to turn on me, there is no way I could have prevented that." I told him.

"I still don't like seeing you get shot," he grumbled. "Especially when it's because of me." He got to his feet then stretched before he glanced down at me. "Besides... we live with a ton of vampires and other supernaturals that would want to prey on you Hassel or use you to their advantage. A son of satan is probably worth a lot to them." I nodded and got to my feet.

"Yeah you're right..." I whispered. If we're going to stay here then we need to up our game.

~Time Skip~

After training for a bit, Aaron said we were done for the day and started to lead me back inside near sundown, having taken the whole day to teach me to fight. I had managed to take him down a few times, but it was still hard to get my hands on him. He tugged me inside by my hand and then let me go as he shut the front door behind me. "Alright, go do whatever you want," he said sweetly, looking up at me. "I'm going to my-"

"AARON! Let's have a slumber party~!" Eremiel snatched Aaron up and then kissed his cheek. "Just till thirty minutes before sundown... then I have to go," he whispered. "Pleaaaaase? I got another two hours~" I glared Eremiel down then tackled him to the floor, pinning him there.

"LOOK YOU PERV, YOU'RE LEAVING RIGHT NOW. GET THE HECK OFF THIS PROPERTY AND DON'T COME BACK! YOU'RE NOT SLEEPING WITH HIM!" I grabbed his shirt, and lifted him a bit before I made him hit his head against the floor. "STAY OUT OF HIS ROOM!" He yelped and then frowned up at me before he kicked me off him and used his wings to throw me back, grabbing Aaron who was standing there in shock.

"I'll do what I want," he told me, being stubborn as he gave Aaron a cute look and then started to lead him towards the stairs. "Come on Aaron~"

"AARON!" I yelled and got to my feet, going after them. I snatched Aaron away from Eremiel and placed him behind me as I glared that bird down. "Stay away from Aaron." Eremiel frowned at me.

"I'm not going to do anything to him. I'm an angel that follows God's laws," he told me and then started for Aaron again, reaching behind me. "Please Aaron? I really want to talk to you too. There's something I need to tell you... and I can tell you in your room...."

"No." I snapped, shoving Eremiel away. "I don't want you around him. Especially not alone." He frowned at me and then suddenly the lights went off as everything went dark. Aaron yelped behind me and when the lights came back on, they were both gone. "AARON!" I yelled, running up the stairs and towards his room. When I reached it I tried the door handle, jiggling it. It was locked, and I could hear Eremiel laughing inside as he was telling something to Aaron. I threw my body against the door, trying to get it open. "AARON!" I panicked. "GET AWAY FROM HIM!"

"No way! Aaron is my friend more than yours," Eremiel said from inside. "Right Aaron? We're going to be best friends.... After all, there's no way that Hassel will ever be able to understand you the way I do. He's a full demon." I glared the door down and then stepped back and rammed it, trying to break it open then tried again, and again, and again.

"AARON!" I called in a worried voice. "GET AWAY FROM HIM YOU SICK MONSTER!" The door suddenly opened on me and I fell in. Aaron stood over me and looked down at me as Eremiel stood beside him, frowning.

"Sick monster?" Eremiel asked me. "I am not forcing Aaron to do anything. I let him let you in," he complained. I got to my feet quickly and threw Eremiel away from Aaron, separating them.

"YOU. TOOK. HIM." I snapped and started for him, grabbing him and started towards the windows, throwing him into them and making him go through them and start falling towards the ground. I heard his wings snap out to save him and he landed on his feet, beating his wings to keep his balance. He looked towards the sun and then glanced up towards me before he pulled out a phone and checked it.

"BE BACK IN THE MORNING! SLEEP WELL BROTHER~!" He called out to me and then waved as he started for the woods, singing softly under his breath. Aaron groaned and I heard him fall down onto his bed.

"Damn it... that was my window...." He rolled over in the bed and I could feel him watching me. "Hassel... I needed that window." I glared down where Eremiel had been. I need to get angel repellent fast. I started towards the bed and grabbed Aaron then dragged him towards the door with me. I can't leave him alone in here. I started down the hall towards the library. He frowned and then hissed under his breath. "Hassel! You know that was my window, right? I sleep in that room and now anything can get in it!"

"You can sleep with in Haven's bed. He doesn't use it." I told him as I dragged him into the library and started to search for a spell book so I can make sure that Angel never comes back. Ever! He started to wander off from me, mumbling something about diaries to himself. I looked towards him then back at the shelves, feeling rage boiling inside me over Eremiel. I sighed as I eventually came up empty handed and tired. I sat down on a couch, rubbing my temples. Aaron walked up with a book in his hands and then frowned as he saw me.

"Hey... You didn't find one, did you? I'm sorry Hassel.... You know, he said that your father sent him... so maybe if you ask your father to make him go away he'd leave," he suggested to me. "Want to try to contact him?"

"No... I don't want to talk to my dad. You know the devil will want something in return and I don't have much to give.... I don't even have a soul." I mumbled. He frowned and then knelt down in front of me.

"Who said you don't have a soul? Hassel, you're one of the best people I know," he told me and sat the book aside. "Don't you know you and Haven are the reason why I can talk to others easier now?" I looked him over and nodded slowly.

"Aaron I'm a demon and a devil... I'm not even a good halfbreed. I suck in fact and I have this rage building in me." I mumbled, looking at the books ahead. He bit his bottom lip.

"Maybe it's because he's an angel? Isn't there supposed to be a war between demons and angels over who gets the human race?" He asked me softly.

"I wouldn't know." I whispered. "I wasn't much into going to church with the orphaned kids and praying for a family to take me away from that hell. I wanted to be with Haven and keep him safe. That's all I've ever needed was my little brother safe." He nodded and then sighed.

"Well, maybe it's instinctual hate.... It's just a thought.... You'd probably be fine with him if he was a human. Look, you don't suck either," he told me firmly and then looked me in the eyes. "You are pretty awesome. I mean, look at what you've done for Haven! You protected him all that time in the streets and kept you two alive! I think that's way better than sucking. You don't suck. You're not a bad halfbreed either. You're you," he said and then gave me a sweet smile. "Haven and I both like you the way you are." I nodded towards him and looked down at my phone, turning it on to see the time. It's close to midnight now. It's about to be my birthday. How old am I again? Let's see... Haven is..... I can't even remember... When were we born again? No... when were we given to the orphanage.... No.... this all can't be right I've been loosing the time.... I don't even know my age I'm about to turn... wow I suck. I don't even remember Haven's. Aaron looked towards the time on my phone and then sighed. "It's getting late," he whispered and then looked up at me but stopped when he saw the look on my face. "Hey... what's the matter?"

"Huh?" I looked towards him. "Oh.... I was just thinking.... It's my birthday in a few hours." I told him. He widened his eyes.

"Really? You didn't tell me!" He pouted then. "Hassel! I wanted to know these kinds of things!"

"I think that's why Haven is so distant lately. He's been setting things up for me." I mumbled. "He's cute like that. He brought me a cupcake one year before we met you." He smiled softly.

"That's so sweet.... I'll have to go out to town and get you something in the morning," he whispered then got to his feet.

"You don't have to," I told him. "I'm not into celebrating it." I got to my feet and put my phone away. Especially after learning who my parents are. He frowned and then grabbed my hands.

"But I want to celebrate it Hassel. You're important to me... and you being born is something that changed my life," he told me and then looked up into my eyes. "If you hadn't been born... I'd still be with Angel.... I'm happy to have met you and Haven... and I know Haven's life is so much better because of your existence in this world.... We're celebrating your birthday!" He leaned in and stole a quick kiss then blushed as he realized what he did. He quickly let me go and put a hand over his mouth. "Sorry! I didn't mean to," he told me quickly and looked away before he scrambled to get his book, looking panicked. I blushed and rubbed my arm, watching him get the book. He stole another kiss from me... I didn't think he'd do it again.... I started for the door.

"You can celebrate it for one hour tops." I whispered. He stopped and looked towards me.

"O-okay...." He watched me for a few minutes, not following. I got to the door and then stopped, looking back at him.

"Only for one."

"No promises," he whispered and then looked towards a window before he sat down on the couch.

"Are you coming?" I asked him... I hope Eremiel stays far away for my birthday. That'd be the best wish granted ever. He looked towards me then widened his eyes before he got up quickly and ran up to me.
