Little Lamb

Louis's POV:

"A-Ann," I whispered, my eyes wide as I felt my stone pulse in my chest. I was holding a baby boy in my arms, but the thing was, he wasn't breathing... or moving... or even alive. His body was freezing. I panicked as I tried rubbing his foot to make him wake up, not wanting to already have lost one of my children. Not again.... Not so soon! I could hear the girl, his twin, crying out in Paris's arms.

"SOMEONE GET HACHI!" Paris yelled as he walked up to me, glancing at the boy in my arms.

"Hold in there Ann," Rose rubbed a wet cloth on Ann's forehead. "You've made it. Now try to relax, they're both born. They're out. Relax."

"I'M ON IT!" I heard Laurence say, disappearing. Paris looked the child over, with a worried look. Something haunted him in his eyes, pure horror... from a memory. He had something like this happen to him before. A dead twin born. I looked up at him worriedly and then back down at my baby, holding back from crying because I knew Paris was hurt seeing this too.... I sat down in the chair as I felt my stone trying it's best to keep up.

"River," I mumbled, looking him over and then rubbed his foot again. "Sweetie...." I held him close and then leaned my head against his. I heard Brook crying in the background from Paris's arms, like she knew something was wrong with her twin.

"What's wrong!?" Ann asked in a panicked voice. She was already getting a bad vibe.

"Ann, relax." Rose comforted her, rubbing her head.

"Give me my children!" Ann yelled, worry in her voice. Paris handed her Brook, rubbing Ann's cheek before he disappeared. Hachi came into the room then, rushing up to me and grabbed the child from my arms and started out the room, muttering something like he needed to be alone for this. I watched him in panic, not liking that he was leaving with him but stayed down before I got up and walked over to Ann to comfort her. I sat down on the edge of the bed and forced a smile as I leaned in and kissed her cheek then looked at Brook. I felt my breath catch as I noticed a silvery scar on her back that looked like ice had gotten to her and then rubbed her back, but she shivered and then hid in Ann's arms from my touch. Ann let out a small cry, a smile on her face as she adored our child Brook. Forgetting River for now. I heard Hachi come back into the room within fifteen minutes with crying in his arms. I tensed up and looked towards Hachi before I got up and rushed over to him, seeing my white haired River in his hands.

"Hachi!" I let out a sigh of relief and then hugged him. "Thank you so much.... I swear you're our saving grace.... I was so scared...."

"Easy, here... take him." Hachi handed over River. "I've got to go somewhere else, I'm needed." He rubbed my cheek before he left the room. I looked down at River as he quieted down and started to fall asleep, looking exhausted. I smiled softly and kissed his cheek before I walked over to Ann and sat down on the edge of the bed, showing her River as he started to suck on his thumb. She reached out to him and brushed her hand against his cheek, giving him a loving look. He opened his eyes a little and looked towards her. I widened my eyes as I saw his change from blue to green as he giggled a little. He's got my eyes too.... My changing eyes.... Plus my hair. Rose looked us over.

"Hey.... those eyes remind me of Paris," She said softly. "He wears contacts now to hide them but they change by his moods." She mumbled softly and then gave River a kiss on the cheek. River looked towards her and touched her face, making her eyes look dazed as he giggled softly and then pulled his hand back before he innocently started to smile and suck on his thumb. She smiled and then looked towards me. "He could be your triplet." She teased towards me. "He's got your genes. They're dominate, very dominate in him. He's a little happy camper." I laughed and then looked down at River before he looked over at Ann and then reached out for her. She looked towards him and then reached out, grabbing him from me and bringing him to her. She managed to hold them both in her hands. Brook looked towards River and then grabbed his hand, giggling happily before she leaned up against him. I laughed softly as I watched them and then relaxed. They're so adorable....

"Brook! Come back!" I shouted, chasing after her with her shirt. She giggled and dove under the bed.

"Nuh uh!" She said and then crawled out from the other side, crawling for the toy box. I groaned and went after her but stopped as I heard the door open. I looked behind me, seeing River had gotten the nursery door open by pushing a chair up against the door and getting up on it. He was just starting to get down, looking a little afraid like he thought he was going to fall.

"River! Don't leave the roo-" He fell to the floor and laid there, his eyes wide. Ann stepped through the door then with a bottle of blood in her hands then looked around and down at River. She smiled towards him then picked him up.

"Were you going to look for me cooger? Here." She gave him a sip of the blood. "Let's stay in here, right?" She asked him. He looked up at her innocently and then leaned his head against her. I finally caught Brook and put her shirt on her, making her giggle.

"Daddy, rocket!" She reached up for me. I smiled softly and picked her up then started to lightly toss her in the air and spin her around like she was flying, watching as she giggled then sat her down. She spun around for a few seconds before she raced over to Ann and hugged her leg. "Mommy~"

"Hold this." She told River, handing over the bottle to him then picked Brook up and carried them towards me. "I'm pretty sure it's your nap time sweeties." She giggled to them. "Want a bedtime story?" She teased, kissing their heads. Brook giggled.

"Stowry!" River watched them then took a sip of the blood, accidentally getting it on him, but it didn't look like he cared. She sat them down on their bed and covered them up then took the bottle from River.

"Okay. Once upon a time..." She started to tell them Red Riding Hood. I smiled softly as I watched them then walked up to Ann, wrapping an arm around her waist then watched as Brook fell asleep first, going out like a light. River yawned and then looked at his twin before he curled up and started to suck on his thumb, deciding to take the nap. I smirked and then picked Ann up, giving a playful growl before I carried her towards the door and out into the hall.

"You know... I think little red riding hood got caught," I purred, teasing her and then leaned in and scraped my fangs across her neck. "Grrrr~"

"Sorry Louis," She shoved on my chest and got out of my arms. "I'm going skating." She purred. Picking up the skates by the door. I frowned but gave a nod.

"Okay... I'll watch the kids," I whispered to her. River was getting more crafty everyday with getting the door open... He'd try it again when he wakes up which won't take him too long. He'll stay asleep for about an hour before he'll start to wake up again. "Go get some time in on the ice," I purred sweetly and kissed her softly before I nudged her down the hall. She giggled and skipped off down the hall, practically running for it. It's probably the first chance she's gotten in a week to go out to the lake. I sighed and shook my head with a smile, watching her go. I swear I love her more than the galaxy is big.

River's POV:

I opened my eyes as I heard the door shut then slowly sat up, glancing down at my twin before I snuck out of the bed, landing on the floor with a thud. I held back a cry from the pain and then started crawling for the door, sitting by it as I waited on my daddy to open it and come back in. He would.... I know he would.... Come on daddy.... I pouted and sat still, watching the door closely. When it finally opened, I slipped out behind him before he could notice and heard him shut the door. I smiled triumphantly, having escaped the nursery successfully for the first time in my life. Course I'm only two! I started to crawl down the hall then, looking around it with wonder before I accidentally bumped into a table, almost getting hit by a vase that fell off it and shattered beside me. I widened my eyes as I looked towards the pretty shards then shivered as I saw that it looked sharp. I started to crawl around it but yelped then started to cry as I felt my hand get cut. I saw that red stuff- blood- coming out of my hand, freaking me out. I heard footsteps coming my way then and hands snatch me up, sitting me on the table and a guy I've never met before started to examine my hand, pulling a piece of glass out then sniffed my hand. He let out a small moan and I caught a very comforting scent from him... It was pleasing to be around, reminding me of my parents. This guy was younger looking than my dad though. He kissed my hand and then licked it, healing my wound.

"What are you doing crawling away from your nursery... River?" He asked, looking into my eyes. "You're not old enough to escape from it yet." I looked at him in wonder and then reached out for him, making a small noise as I tried to get to him without falling. Who is he? He picked me up and started to carry me back towards my nursery. I widened my eyes and then started to crawl up his shoulder before I tugged on his hair gently, shaking my head no. "Owe, don't pull on my hair!" He groaned. "Stop that. You need to go back there before your dad bites my head off seeing you in my arms." I shook my head quickly and then hid my face against him, letting out a whine. I showed him my memories of this noise I had heard a couple of nights ago that sounded beautiful. I wanted to find it... but daddy only laughed softly when I tried to show him my memory. He wasn't going to take me anytime soon to find it. "That's my fathers playing the piano." I told them. "Well usually its them... there is that rare occasion someone else plays it." He told me. "I'm your cousin Rory." He rubbed my head. "You'll understand this later on though... and will never want to come find me." I looked up at him and then frowned before I reached towards the floor. He wasn't taking me either! Ah! Why can't these guys get it? I want to find the sound!

"Where are you going? I'm not putting you down there." He held me up high then. I whined and looked towards him then started to grab his thumb, trying to get him to put me down. "No." He told me. He rolled his eyes and then started off in another direction. "Fine, you asked for this. If I die from your childish wants then you'll be sorry in the future." We took two new halls before he reached a door and opened it. "Hey, Paris .... Richard. You have a fan." He walked into a bedroom and dropped me between two males. "He wants to hear you play the piano." I looked up towards the dark haired one first and then over at the one who had my hair and then back up at Rory before I reached out for him. Those are just those two who come into the nursery with daddy sometimes! That's not my sound! I whined and then tried crawling but fell over on the surface. The guy.... Rory rolled his eyes. "I've got to go find Shiloh..." He mumbled. "Oh and I'm moving out." I frowned and then looked up at him. What's moving out? Why don't I like the sound of this? That's scary sounding.... I whimpered and then tried to grab his shirt. He was just out of my reach. Paris- the white haired that looked like my daddy frowned.

"Rory, you can't move out until I say so. You're not old enough and there is danger out there-"

"Dad, I'm almost Donnie's age when he moved out on you. I think I can handle myself. I'm leaving by tonight and I'm leaving the country." He opened the door. "Don't try to act like you actually care." The dark haired male frowned.

"I care," he told him. "Rory~ You haven't wanted to move out until just now. What happened? You know that I love you... even if you sometimes cause a lot of problems... and try biting almost everyone... and your sister manipulates everyone she finds... but I still love you. You're my child Rory," he purred. "I don't want you to leave."

"I'm ready to leave though." Rory gave a small smile. "It's time I leave my nest. I'll be back for family holidays." He promised. "Maybe."

"Rory," the dark haired guy mumbled and frowned. "I don't like you growing up.... Stay a kid...."

"I can't. I'll come back someday like Donnie did. Bye." He left the room then.

"Richard... I don't want Rory to go.... Not alone.... He's always been with others. I'm not worried about his safety.... just how he'll do on his own." Richard- oh yeah... that's his name- looked over at Paris and frowned.

"I don't want him to go either... but you're right... if he goes tonight, we need to send someone with him.... Send Shiloh with him.... He will want him when he's halfway across the world. Let's send them to Paris.... They can stay in the castle," he whispered and then looked towards me, picking me up and setting me in his lap. I whined softly as I looked towards the door, already missing him. I felt like I needed him around.... I fidgeted and then tried to crawl away, but he kept me to him.

"Go take River to the music room. I'm going to go talk to Rory and Shiloh together." Paris sighed out and got to his feet, disappearing. I looked towards him and then looked towards Richard. He sighed and then stood up with me, taking me towards the door and then took me down the hall. He eventually stopped outside a large door and then opened it, revealing a room lit up by outside light from the windows. A large instrument stood in the middle, black and white looking rectangles all over it. Richard purred and shut the door behind him then took me over to it, sitting down on the bench and put me in his lap. He started to run his fingers over it and then kissed the top of my head before he hit one of the rectangles with his finger. It made the noise I was looking for, instantly catching my attention. I widened my eyes and then hit one myself, giggling as it made the noise but it sounded slightly different. Richard smirked down at me and then started to play the exact sounds I had heard from my nursery, creating a song that sent a shiver through me. I heard the door swing open and after a few seconds something flew into the room, giggling as the doors shut quickly. A boy with wings and horns landed on the piano then slipped up under it, giggling. The door opened and a girl stumbled into the room, looking around.

"I know you're in here Takara!" She yelled. "I CAN SMELL YOU!" I widened my eyes and then shrunk back into Richard, hiding as I watched the boy with wings. He's... got wings... and horns. DEVIL. I gripped Richard's shirt as my stone started to pulse in panic. It's going to get me! The windows flung open and the boy under the piano crawled out then rushed out the window. "CHEATER!" The girl yelled and then ran out the room. I relaxed a little as he left and then looked back towards the piano, noticing that Richard hadn't stopped playing for a second. That devil must be the closet monster..... I heard some screams down the hall then. I tensed up again and then hid against Richard, whimpering. He paused and then hugged me, kissing my cheek.

"Shhh, it's alright. No one will hurt you cutie," he purred to me and then ran his fingers through my white hair. "You look so much like your father and uncle.... I can barely see Ann in you... but it's there, just under the surface.... Louis tells me you won't talk at all," he mumbled and then looked me in the eyes. "Is something wrong?" I shook my head no and then relaxed as I looked up at him, feeling safe with him. "You just don't want to?" I nodded and then hugged him. He laughed and kissed my head again. "You'll have to talk eventually River.... I want to hear that sweet voice call me Uncle Richard...." I heard footsteps approaching the door then and my uncle Paris walked into the music room and up to us.

"Did you get enough music in for the day?" Paris asked. "I need to take you to your dad." I looked towards him and then snuggled up to Richard. No way! I'm not leaving.... I found the sound I wanted.... Finally.... "You can't stay in here or with him forever." He teased. "When you're older and are still interested then we'll teach you how." I pouted his way and then hid myself against Richard, making him laugh.

"Come on cutie, don't you want to see your dad?" I shook my head. Nuh-uh.... I see him all day.... I looked towards Paris and then smiled sweetly. I never get to see these guys much.

"Okay... we'll let you stay longer then." Paris decided. "Do you want anything to eat?" I didn't feel hungry yet. I looked towards the piano and then pressed a key, giggling as it made a noise. Pwetty.... Paris sat down on the bench with us then and started to play a nursery rhyme I knew. It was merry had a little lamb. I giggled and then crawled into his lap, snuggling up to him as he played and got in the crook of his arm.

"Merry had a little lamb, little lamb.... little lamb!" I heard from the door way as two boys started to sing. Richard let out a purr and looked behind him with a loving look. I glanced towards him curiously and then glanced behind Paris towards the two boys singing then looked up at him before I touched his cheek, showing him something my daddy had shown me once... something about a beach and daddy and Paris.... The two boys had disappeared down the hall, before I could spot them. I sighed softly and leaned against Paris as I started to get curious about that memory. Paris looked towards us then frowned.

"It's just something rough about our past. How I met Louis and how Richard was being stubborn." He explained. I looked up at him with wide eyes. Does he read minds? "Yes, I read minds." I gave him a sweet look and then kissed his cheek happily. I don't have to talk to get him to understand me.... I giggled softly and hugged him, not wanting to let him go. He's my favorite uncle now!

"You shouldn't play favorites.... but I know I'll still be because I remind you of your dad." He teased me. I giggled and then looked up into his eyes, seeing mine change in his. I don't want to forget finding my sound when I get older.... I smiled sweetly and then nuzzled my head against him as I got closer. He wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my head. He stood up then and started to carry me to the door. I widened my eyes slightly as I saw he was taking me out of here. He's going to put me back in the nursery! I whimpered and then hid my face against him. I just got out.... I felt my eyes start to tear up from the disappointment.

"Relax. I'm taking you to see someone. He's around your age." He kissed my head then. "His name is Castrian. I think you'll like him." I pulled back from his shoulder and looked up at him as I started to calm down then nodded. Someone named Castrian? I hope he doesn't have wings... or horns... or look like a shark... or scream... or look like he comes out of the closet. WHAT IF HE LOOKS LIKE A WOLF?! He'll eat me.... I bit my bottom lip and then looked my uncle over before I worked my way back to his neck, hiding my face. I don't want to be like the granny in Red Riding Hood! Nuh-uh! I don't wanna be ate. I don't wanna be gone gones.... WHAT IF HE LOOKS LIKE THE BOOGY MONSTER?! What if he is?! Oh no! Uncle Paris is gonna feed me to him because I snuck out of the nursery! I started to tremble then, glancing at the floor behind him and then started trying to figure out how to get away so I wouldn't be devoured by the boogy monster.

"I'm not taking you to the boogy monster." He laughed and kissed my cheek. "Relax. You're not going to be punished for exploring the manor and being curious about it- enough to sneak out of your nursery before you're old enough to leave. If you've survived Rory though... then you'll be okay here. Castrian is the grandson of Rose, your Aunt. He's your age though. So in other words he's your cousin Nikolai's son. He's practically normal... well sort of. He's got a few small flaws. I think originally he was supposed to be a girl because he likes girlish things. At least I know he's definitely going to turn out gay. Here, see for yourself." We stopped at a door and he slowly pushed it open. There was a small boy, probably two like me- like my uncle said- he was sitting at a table having a tea party with an empty chair, stuffed elephant, and a stuffed unicorn. A pink stuffed unicorn. He was currently pouring tea for the empty chair and talking to it. Paris put me down in the floor then, gesturing for me to go play as he left the room quickly... leaving me alone with the lunatic having invisible tea at a table with no one else but himself. His hair was a dark purple... almost black. He glanced towards me then, showing off his red eyes.

"Look.... Someone is joining us for tea." He told his stuffed animals and empty chair. He giggled and leaned over towards the empty chair. "Who's the small boy?" All over the walls were crayon markings of crosses and stick figures holding hands. Around his neck was a small pretty gold chain with a gold cross on it. I frowned and got a bad feeling about him, but I was pretty much abandoned in here.... I started to crawl towards him slowly, slightly embarrassed I couldn't walk just yet. He probably can... and he talks like my sister.... I stopped by his side and glanced around the room, shrinking back into myself in fear. He must be the boogy man.... He's got crosses everywhere! And... he wrote on the walls.... He's not even getting in trouble for it! I frowned and then tugged on the bottom of my shirt nervously, fidgeting. I glanced behind me towards the door and then back at the boy. Why's his hair purple?! Is he a demon too?! He's got to be the one under the beds! "Oh... I do know him? He's Brook's brother... No... He doesn't go out of his room. That's not River." He whispered to the chair. "Why's he giving us funny looks... I'm not inviting him to tea, Mr. Trunk will have to move over!" He reached out for his stuffed Elephant. "Mr. Trunk stays! He's my best friend.... You're my friend too! Don't be like that... Where ya going?" He looked from the empty chair up a bit as if someone was about to leave. "Sit back down, I poured you tea." He's... insane.... I slowly started to crawl back towards the door, freaking out inside as I tried to not get his attention. I'll just go... I'd rather get eaten by the flying thingy. "He's leaving? Good riddance. There's no room here for visitors." He reached out towards the chair. "Now sit back down and drink your tea." Just as I reached the door, it opened, hitting me in the head. I fell back and started to cry in pain, holding my head as a lady walked in and froze up.

"What are you doing in here? Oh my hell, I hit you in the head," she said and bent down, giving me a worried look as she scooped me up into her arms. "Oh, I'm so sorry River! Don't tell your dad." She wiped at my tears, giving me a nervous smile. I looked up towards her and met her golden colored eyes then slowly looked up towards her bright purple curly hair. I widened my eyes and froze up, pausing in my cries as I stared at it in shock.

"Momma?" The boy asked at the table. "MOMMY!" He got up and rushed over then tackled her legs into a hug. "Mommy, join me for tea! Dante can move over." She looked over at him and widened her eyes.

"Dante? Where'd you hear that name?" She asked, sounding off. I frowned and then smelled her before I curled up in her arms, deciding she was safe to stay with.

"Dante?" The boy asked and looked towards the table. "He told me that was his name." He pointed towards the empty chair. She glanced at it then looked down at her boy with a small smile.

"Oh? Well that's a nice name," she whispered and rubbed his head, bending down a little with me to do so. "I'll gladly join you for tea, my little sweet angel," she purred and then grabbed his hand, leading him back to the table with me in her other arm. He pulled back from her and ran up to the unicorn at the table and grabbed him, bringing him over to his crib and tossed him in then ran back to the table. "There, Dante you can sit where Mr. Rainbow was sitting." He suggested as he took his seat back. "Yes, you have to move for my mommy." He told the empty chair, watching as something I couldn't see moved to the next chair. "There. Now we can all have tea together. Oh wait! You're now getting Mr. Rainbow's tea... let me fix this." He hurriedly exchanged the cups and then giggled. "There, mommy can drink after a unicorn and be fine." His mother smiled and took the empty seat that the boy had told her to sit in and placed me in her lap.

"Thank you Dante and Castrian," she purred sweetly then started to play with my hair, running her fingers through it before she glanced towards the other empty chair nervously then looked back at her son with a huge smile.

"Dante, quit giving my mommy strange looks and drink your tea." Castrian ordered as he picked up his tea cup and started to drink the 'tea'. She copied him after a second and then sat it down gently before she giggled.

"Castrian, did River introduce himself?" She asked him and then tapped me on the nose gently, making me sneeze.

"No, he looked frightened of me." Castrian told her. "But I know him through his sister anyways. Where's Brook?" He asked. "I want to show her my new box of crayons."

"Well... you know that they aren't allowed out of their nursery. Their dad is really protective of them," she purred towards him. "I'm surprised to see him in here at all. You two weren't going to be introduced till he was about six."

"So?" Castrian asked. "Looks like I've met him. Uncle Paris brought him in." He looked towards the tea in his hands and then sat the cup down.

"Uncle Paris did? Well I guess it's alright then," she purred and then leaned over and kissed her son's cheek. "So, how are the drawings coming?" She asked him and glanced at the walls in interest. "They're starting to look really good! You'll be able to draw like mommy one day."

"It's okay. I'm running out of space though..." He glanced towards the walls then looked at the ceiling. Probably thinking about starting there next. She glanced up at the ceiling then looked the walls over.

"I'll have a maid wash the walls," she whispered and then took a sip of the imaginary tea. I watched her and then went to crawl out of her lap, going towards the empty chair to check it out.

"Dante is sitting there," Castrian told me, standing up as he tensed. I looked towards him then at the chair before I slowly reached out towards it, wondering if there really was someone.... Maybe he's invisible? His mother glanced towards me and frowned slightly but didn't move to stop me. "No, don't!" He yelled, rushing for me. I widened my eyes and fell back in an effort to get away. He stopped coming for me then. "Don't touch Dante!" He snapped. "Don't sit on Dante, don't touch Dante, Don't talk to my Dante." He ordered me. "Dante is mine." I started to cry then. Why's he yelling at me? I didn't do anything! He sat back in his chair then, smirking. His mother lightly hit him on top of his head then scooped me up.

"Play nice Castrian," she told him and then sighed before she started to rock me a little to make me stop crying. "Otherwise all the attention I give you will be given to poor little River," she teased him.

"I'm your son though!" Castrian whined. "You're supposed to be on my side. DADDY!" He yelled, starting to cry. "I want my daddy!" She frowned and then picked him up to, placing us both in her lap before she kissed his cheek.

"I love you, cutie," she purred in his ear and then started to hug us both. "Now you two stop crying~" He shoved me out of her arms then.

"My mom." Castrian growled. I whimpered and curled up on the floor, watching him. He's so mean to me.... I don't even remember doing anything to him.... Why does he hate me?! She looked down at Castrian then kissed his forehead before she picked me up and stood up with us both. She walked towards the crib then put Castrian down inside it.

"Nap time," she purred, holding me. "I'll be back after I return him to his little nest."

"Mommy!" Castrian tried to crawl out of the crib then. "I don't want nap time." She frowned slightly and then picked him up, carrying us both.

"Alright...." She started for the door then and held onto us both the best she could before she got the door open and started to carry us down the hall.

"You left Dante alone in the room." He told her, looking over her shoulder for him. "Come with us!"

"Dante is a grown man. He can take care of himself," she muttered, glaring back at the door then started to walk faster.

"Why'd you leave Dante?" He asked her and reached over her shoulder. "I'll be back Dante!" She sighed softly and then shook her head before she reached a spot I recognized, stepping over some glass on the floor. I widened my eyes. No! Not the nursery! I started trying to crawl out of her arms and get to her shoulder so I could maybe get down to the ground. She grabbed me quickly and we were suddenly standing in the middle of our nursery. My father was searching under the bed with a flashlight, panicking.

"River! Where'd you go?!" Brook was crying off to the side, holding a teddy bear.

"I want my brother daddy!"

"Then help me find him! Quick! Before your mother finds out! She's got ears like a hawk," he told her quickly. Castrian's mom giggled and then walked up, nudging my dad with her foot.

"Missing one?" She purred and then watched as he slowly looked up. He shot up to his feet as he saw me and stole me back quickly, holding me in a hug.

"RIVER! DON'T YOU EVER LEAVE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!" He held me tightly and sat down on the bed with me. Brook ran over and jumped up into the bed, getting close and then grabbed my shirt, tugging on it.

"River! Play with me!" She smiled big at me.

"Mom, we left Mr. Trunk alone with Dante at the tea party. I feel bad. Let's go back now!" Castrian begged, grabbing her shirt and tugging on it. She giggled and then sat him down on the floor.

"How about you play with people your own age sweetie?" She suggested and nudged him our way. I looked towards him and shrunk back into my father, letting out a whimper. Brook noticed and looked at Castrian.

"You made my brother cry!" She pointed a finger at him. "Cas, I'm going to get you!"

"GHAH! I WON'T PLAY BARBIES WITH YOU ANYMORE!" Castrian ran from Brook and got behind his mother. Brook got off the bed and went for him.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" She tackled him to the floor and sat on top of him. "You're my friend. You have to."

"No I don't. Not when you're threatening me." He told her and poked her chest. "I'm not going to play as ken anymore." She grabbed his hand and then pinned it down by his head.

"What was that?" She asked him, giving him a dangerous look. I shivered, recognizing it. She gets that way when she's denied what she wants.... She isn't afraid to show her fangs....

"I said I won't play with you anymore! I'm not going to play with Ken! You'll have to make River do it. Good luck cause he's quiet." He struggled under my sister. "I'm going back to my tea parties." She sharpened her fangs and glared him down.

"Play. With. Me." He looked up at her and frowned.

"Fine but I want to play with Barbie this time." She looked him over and then kissed his cheek before she got off him and crawled over to her toys, grabbing Barbie from the box and then brought it to him, placing it in his hands.

"Okay!" She giggled and then started to tug him towards her huge dollhouse. He giggled and seemed to forget the small fight.

"I'm going to dress Barbie in the prettiest dresses!" He told her.

Raven's POV:

I watched my son running off with Brook then looked back towards Louis, seeing River was starting to fall asleep in his arms. I smiled. "Watch the kids for me?" I asked him then teleported out of the room before he could answer, going to my mate's study. I walked up to his desk and sat down on it, giving him a sweet look. "Nikolai~" He looked up from a tablet in his hands, he was reading through a document.

"Yeah?" He asked me, giving a small smile. "You okay?" I nodded and gave a small purr before I looked towards the tablet then at him.

"Hey... have you been to see Castrian lately?" I asked him, crossing my legs. I was freaked out that he had an imaginary friend named Dante....

"Not in the past few days, to tell you the truth I've been caught up in a few things in here. Is that bad? Is he mad at me or something?" He asked and cut the tablet off, putting it down to look at me.

"He's not mad.... He wanted to see you though a few minutes ago.... You know, I think he got an imaginary friend," I said, trying to play it light. I wanted to see what he thought about it.... If he freaks out too... then I'll worry more....

"Yeah? Donnie had one." He laughed softly. "You probably know that from reading Paris's diaries. Donnie's friend disappeared though when he reached the age ten. So I wouldn't be too worried."

"Yeah... You're probably right. Dante is just a passing phase," I whispered, watching him closely.

"Dante?" He asked, giving a frown. "His imaginary friend's name is Dante?" He sat up a bit then and started to get up. I nodded.

"He calls him Dante... and he shares tea with him.... He doesn't like leaving him in a room either," I told him and then looked up into his eyes.

"I have an idea.... We take them on a drive to a fast food restaurant and throw Dante out the window. Problem solved." I frowned slightly and then looked away from him. He's not taking it seriously.

"Mhmm... Okay.... Anyways, you should go see him soon. He misses you," I purred softly.

"We'll sleep with him tonight if you want." He suggested. I shook my head.

"No, it's alright," I told him then got to my feet, getting off his desk. "I was worried about nothing," I mumbled then kissed his cheek. "So whatcha working on?" I smiled sweetly towards him.

"New construction documents. I'm going to build some factories in Russia." He told me, looking towards the tablet. "I'm running through the contracts right now." I nodded and then pulled away from him.

"Sounds like a lot," I told him then smirked. "Good luck with that."

"Yeah, thanks." He picked up his tablet. "It's kind of boring me." He laughed. "I'm probably going to make Donnie run through the other half of it." I giggled and then stole his tablet from him, tossing it to a nearby chair then sat down in his lap before I kissed his cheek.

"Boring? Aww, that stinks. I thought contracts were interesting to read," I teased him.

"No, they're not." He shook his head. "You'd hate it." He rubbed my cheek. "How about you tell Castrian that we're going to let him sleep with us tonight. He'll be happy about that." He shrugged. "We'll let him sleep between us." I glanced at him and then tilted my head.

"Sounds more like you want him to sleep with us than you just being nice," I whispered and then smirked. "Awww, you miss your baby! That's sweet~"

"If you don't take him then I will," I heard Rose say from the door, giggling. I looked towards her and smiled at her.

"He's mine," I told her firmly and then giggled. "Hey Rose~"

"Hey Raven! I went by the playroom to check in on Castrian but I couldn't find him in there.... Where is he?" She asked, looking around the room like he'd be in here. I got to my feet and walked over to her.

"I let Louis watch him. He's taking care of Brook and River today and Castrian wanted to play dollies with Brook," I told her and then glanced at Nikolai. "See ya in our room?" I purred and then took Rose out of the room, shutting the door behind me then looked up at her. "We should probably go get him though. Louis already lost River today and I had to bring him back to Louis." She nodded and held my hand.

"I'm so glad I got a grandson from you two... I really didn't think Nikolai would want children... Let's go get Castrian and fix him something to eat. Victor is dying to babysit him so whenever you need a good babysitter Raven, we're here." I nodded and then smiled at her.

"I know.... Hey, Rose? Did you know he's taken to having tea parties lately?" I asked her, giggling. He was so cute, trying to hold tea parties with his stuffed animals....

"That's kind of girlish..." Rose giggled. "He needs to start hanging out with other kids." She told me. "He's getting a little odd." I sighed.

"Well... he likes playing dolls with Brook... but other than that, he doesn't talk to other kids around here.... He even bullied River this morning."

"Bullied? I think we need to get River, Brook, Castrian, Liam, Lien, and Takara together to play. We could even get the sixtuplets and Solis but they're growing so fast and Takara is almost Solis's age." I nodded.

"Yeah... but you know, maybe that would be a good thing for him.... He'd see what they act like in their older age and start working towards it... and then I don't want him making River cry...." I shook my head a little. "All over the imaginary friend he has now...."

"He's got an imaginary friend?" Rose asked, giggling. I nodded and shivered.

"Yeah, he named him Dante," I muttered.

"I wonder how that happened," Rose giggled. "Seems like he needs to be around others. He's spending too much time alone, enough time to create an imaginary friend. Let's get them all together this afternoon in the livingroom." I gave a small nod and took her to the nursery that Louis had set up for his kids then opened the door, peeking inside. Brook looked up from the dolls and then held Castrian close to her.

"Don't look.... It's her," she whispered to him. "She'll take you."

"Hide me, hide me!" He told her quickly, giggling as he climbed into the doll house. She threw a blanket over it and started to hum like nothing happened. She was suddenly snatched up under the blanket. Rose started to bust out laughing. I giggled and walked in, sneaking my way over to the doll house.

"The itsy bitsy children hid in the doll house...." I sung out, messing with them. "Down came the mother, and snatched the babies out!" I yanked the blanket back and then kissed them both on the head before I pulled them out of the doll house. Castrian giggled and reached out for the doll house.

"Mommy, momma! I want to play dollies more with Brook." He told me. I laughed and set them down, sitting on the floor with them. "You play too!" He gave me a Barbie doll then. "Yeah?" Nodding, I ruffled his hair with a sweet smile then looked at the doll in my hand before I started to play with them. I glanced over towards the bed, seeing Louis knocked out on it with River in his arms. Yeah... I shouldn't let him babysit again.... He's got so much on his plate just chasing twins around..... Rose walked up after a few minutes and sat down with us.

"Hey sweeties." She purred. "How are you?" She kissed the top of their heads. "I'm setting up a playdate for you this after noon." Brook looked up at her and smiled sweetly before she dropped Ken and crawled into her lap.

"I'm playing dollies...." She told Rose sweetly then hugged her. "Auntie Rose... can I have a cookie?"

"Yeah I'll bake some for the playdate." Rose suggested. Castrian sat his doll down and crawled up to Rose.

"Grandma, what's a playdate?" He asked her, getting into her lap with Brook.

"It's where you go and play with other kids," I purred to him, smiling at my son. "Like how you play dollies with Brook." Brook giggled.

"That's me," she mumbled under her breath.

"Will there be a doll house and dollies there?" He asked me, looking from me to Rose. Rose giggled.

"No, we're going to put some cartoons on and give you guys puzzles to play with." I smiled at the thought and then sat my doll down. River suddenly crawled up into my lap and curled up in the crook of my arm, having escaped Louis's grip.

"Well let's go to the playdate now!" Castrian begged. "First we need to go get Dante from the room and Mr. Trunk. They've been stuck at the tea party without me for some time now." I frowned a little at that but nodded.

"I'll go get them," I whispered to him and got to my feet. "Stay with your grandma Rose," I said and then sat River down, watching as he started to crawl up towards them slowly, reaching for Brook but giving Castrian a fearful look. I frowned and teleported into my son's playroom before I picked up Mr. Trunks and Mr. Rainbow. I looked them over and then glanced around the room, smelling the air. I tensed up as something about the room felt off and made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I narrowed my eyes a little and walked over to the chair that he said Dante had been sitting in and kicked it over before I sat it back up. I froze up as the room dropped about sixty degrees, making my breath visible in front of my face. I widened my eyes as I was suddenly shoved back, and I could smell a familiar smell that struck me as odd. I quickly teleported out, going back to Rose as I clung to the stuffed animals. I could still smell a faint residue of the scent on me, freaking me out.

"Mom, I didn't ask for Mr. Rainbow! I wanted Dante..." He looked around the room and then reached for his stuffed animals anyways. I handed it to him and then smiled, trying to act like nothing happened.

"Dante said he's a little busy at the moment," I whispered, lying to him to try to make him happy. "He said don't worry."

"Oh... okay." He nodded and then hugged his stuffed animals.

"Well. Off to the living room." Rose purred sweetly and teleported the kids away suddenly. I quickly teleported down to the living room to join them then sat down on the couch. Rose smiled towards me and disappeared, bringing back Liam and Lien then disappeared- starting to bring back all the other kids slowly. When they were all here she started for the kitchen, talking about cookies. I watched as Lien and Liam started to play off in a separate corner, Lien showing Liam magic tricks. River started to crawl away from them but was tackled by Roan. He widened his eyes and started to panic, trying to get away from Roan who was twice his size easily.

"Where ya going?" Roan asked him then giggled. "Nuh uh! Bowie! We got a new one to keep!"

"What?" Bowie asked with a frown as he crawled up on the back of the couch and hung over it. Kyoko curled up in an arm chair, reading a book. She ignored everyone else as much as possible. Yolo got to his feet and shoved Bowie into the floor, giggling.

"Bowie! Bowie! Booooooooowie!" He sung out. "Let's play rockstars! I'm the lead singer."

"Nu-uh!" Bowie hissed. "I'm lead singer, duh! My name says it all."

"Why're you holding a unicorn?" Takara asked Castrian, giving him a funny look. "That's a girl's toy."

"Is not." Castrain blushed. "It's my toy and I'm a boy so it's a boy's toy."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Takara giggled out. Solis giggled and hugged Takara close to her. River whimpered and then pushed Roan back before he went for the door, trying to get it as he shakily stood up but fell over. He whimpered and then put his hands against the door, trying to stand up again. We had installed little gates at the doors so even if he did get the door open he'd be faced with the gate that'll prevent him from going further. This was starting to turn into the room for family members will small children. Solis rubbed her head against Takara's cheek, purring. Kyoko groaned and started for the door, going after Rose, giving up on reading.

"I want to help, Aunt Rose!" She called to her. Roan got up and went after her quickly, followed by Ezra. I giggled and sunk down on the couch, watching them then heard River whimpering as he couldn't reach the door knob. He gasped as he tried standing on his tippy toes and fell over, making Brook giggle at him. Castrian slipped off the couch and started for Liam and Lien, looking them over in wonder.

"Hi, my name is Castrian," He tried. Lien looked towards him and laid his ears back as he quickly stopped doing magic tricks. Liam giggled.

"Hi Castrin," he said sweetly. "My name is Liam. That's Lien." Castrian sat down by them and held his stuffed animals close to him.

"What were you doing with those cool lights?" Castrian asked, looking towards Lien. Lien blushed a little.

"What lights?" He asked innocently. Liam frowned and then tugged on Lien.

"Don't be like that," he mumbled. Lien sighed and then laid his ears back as he held his hand out and a small star appeared in his hand. Castrian reached out for the star in wonder. Lien frowned and twitched his tail before he pulled his hand closer to him. Liam frowned, pouting at Lien then nudged him with his foot. Lien sighed and then closed his eyes, expanding his magic until the whole room was consumed in a galaxy, little stars floating around and little swirls of solar systems. Castrian giggled and started to clap his hands, excited from it and reached out towards a star. Lien purred, starting to warm up to Castrian a little and then took a star down from the galaxy and then his hand glowed before he opened his hand again and a pendant was softly glowing in the palm of his hand, a lot like the one Liam was wearing. He waved his hand over it and a silver chain appeared on it.

"Castrian," he purred and then slipped the necklace around Castrian's neck. "You can be one of us." Castrian giggled and looked down at the necklace and then hugged Lien.

"Thank chu!" He purred. I giggled at him and watched him with a sweet smile. My baby boy is making friends with the Hachirobei family.... Lien tensed up, his ears perking straight up before he started to relax and purr in Castrian's ear, hugging him back. Liam hugged them both quickly, giggling softly. Castrian giggled and pulled back from the hug first then looked down at his necklace. "I can't want to show Dante," He mumbled. I frowned a little.

"What about daddy? Daddy will want to see it," I purred to him, trying to get him away from the idea of Dante. He's never going back in that room..... Lien started to play with fire then, making a small ball of it in his hand then extinguished it before he lit it back up again, giggling. Castrian got to his feet and started for the door, giggling and went to open it, pushing River out of the way. I got to my feet and picked him up before I sat down on the couch again and held him to me. "Play with your new friends," I whispered to him then kissed him on the cheek. "Hey... wanna sleep with mommy tonight?" I asked him sweetly, tapping his nose gently.

"With mommy?" He asked. "Can Dante sleep with us?" He asked and then giggled, sitting his stuffed animals by us and hugged me. I frowned and shook my head no.

"Sorry sweetie... but I talked to Dante and he said that he had to go talk to his friends tonight... something about getting you some colored pencils for the walls," I told him, deciding to lie and just get him colored pencils later.

"REALLY!" He got excited then. "Yay! I get new color pencils." He slipped from my lap and went back to Lien and Liam, sitting down by them to tell them. Yolo and Bowie flipped the TV over to karaoke and started to sing together, giggling.

Bowie's POV:

I felt arms wrap around me halfway through the song and smelled Roan all over me as he leaned up against me. "You sing beautifully," he purred, his silky voice in my ear. I blushed and looked towards him.

"T-thanks Roan." I mumbled.

"Bowie! Quit getting distracted." Yolo grumbled, grabbing my wrist. "We're going to be stars one day and you can't stop singing in the middle of a song." He told me. Roan looked towards him and purred before he walked up to him and kissed his cheek sweetly.

"Don't be upset Yolo.... It was my fault," he mumbled to him.

"Yucka yuck." Yolo rubbed his face and then frowned. I giggled and tackled him into a hug. Roan giggled as he watched us and then sat down, glancing up at the TV before he quickly stole the remote and changed the channel, putting on Black Butler. I groaned sat down in an arm chair with Yolo, kissing his pretty brown freckles, making him blush. I loved Yolo because of his cute freckles and brown hair. I rubbed my face against his cheek. Roan looked at the TV with excitement, bouncing up and down as he sat on the floor right in front of the TV. As soon as Sebastian started to speak, he squealed in delight and hugged the TV screen the best he could.

"One day I'll be just like you! I wanna voice anime people!" He giggled and dropped the remote as he listened to Sebastian speak. I looked towards Roan then rubbed my face against Yolo some more before I curled up to him, resting my head against his chest and yawned.

"Bowie..." Yolo grumbled. "You're heavy."

"Am not." I mumbled. Ezra glanced at us and then walked over, sitting down on both of us with a cute smile. Yolo sighed and looked away, giving an annoyed look. I giggled and pushed my hair back out of my eyes, annoyed by it and then kissed Ezra on the cheek. Ezra hugged me and then kissed my cheek back, giggling before he rubbed his face against me and then started to relax. Roan was suddenly yanked back from the TV by Owen who frowned at him.

"Hey, you're going to hurt your eyes if you stay that close to the TV," Owen told him. Roan gasped and reached out towards the TV.

"B-but..." He whined. I made room for Ezra to sit with us so we wouldn't be squishing poor Yolo. He sat beside me and snuggled up to me, starting to fall asleep on us. Roan suddenly was by the TV, appearing next to it. Owen's eyes widened as he stared at him.

"ROAN!" He went for him, making Roan yelp and disappear altogether. Kyoko came back into the room after a few minutes with a juice box and sat down in the floor to watch Black Butler. Owen looked at her and sat down beside her, pouting as he lightly tapped his fingers against his leg, glancing around the room like he was checking for Roan. Ezra rested his head against my shoulder and wrapped his arms around me, huffing out a sigh as he took a nap. Yolo bit down into my neck suddenly and started to drink my blood, hiding it from Raven's sight as he licked my neck. I gasped softly and tensed up. Ezra's eyes fluttered open as he smelled it and he leaned in, looking towards my neck hungrily. I growled towards them. They need to get someone else to feed them! I don't want to be their blood bag. I pushed Yolo away from my neck, growling. Ezra's fangs sunk down into my neck and he held me closer, gently rubbing my arm to comfort me as he started to drink my blood. A soft moan escaped him as he did so and he leaned in more, hiding his face against the crook of my neck as he pulled his fangs out and started to suck on the wound. Yolo instantly came back to me and started to bite me again, continuing where he left off. Ezra tugged me closer and I suddenly felt something coursing through my veins, making me shiver- a good shiver. It felt amazing! I groaned and melted against him. Yolo growled possessively then and I felt him do the same to me. What're they doing!? I want my daddy now.... I whimpered, getting scared. Ezra continued to drink from me, but he didn't do it again, ignoring Yolo at the moment. Yolo wrapped his arms around me and started to pull me into his lap, glaring down Ezra. I was suddenly picked up then by Raven and she gave them both a look.

"Your father will not be happy with you," she told them firmly then tsked, looking at me. "You okay sweetie? Does your neck hurt?" She inspected the bites then and frowned. "We'll get you something to drink. You might pass out...." I wrapped my arms around Raven and rested my head against her shoulder, feeling better about getting away from my hungry brothers. Kyoko glanced over and gave a frown before she walked up to Yolo and grabbed his shirt.

"Yo-yo you know mommy and daddy don't want us drinking from each other without permission. You're gonna get in trouble now!" She told him, looking disappointed. "Bad brother." She let him go and then looked towards Ezra with a disappointed frown before she started back for her spot on the floor and wrapped her arm around Owen's shoulders. He gave her a sweet smile and kissed her cheek before he looked back at the TV. Raven pulled out her phone and pulled up my mommy's number, texting him that I had been bitten then put her phone up, going towards the kitchen with me. Paris teleported into the room and I heard him start to go off towards brothers about biting. I tucked my head against Raven and tried to block out the stern voice my father was giving them. Mommy doesn't like it when we bite people without permission... especially each other. Raven glanced back at him then went into the kitchen, placing me down on a counter and went over to the refrigerator before she got a bottle of blood and took it to the blood warmer, heating it up for me and then gave me some in a cup. She smiled at me sweetly before she leaned in and licked one of the wounds, healing it for me then did the same for the other wound before she pulled away.

"Does that feel better?" She asked me and then kissed my forehead. I nodded and rubbed my eyes. I started to sip on the blood as my aunt Rose turned to us, busy cooking cookies.

"What happened to Bowie?" She asked, walking up and gave me a spoon full of cookie dough.

"He was bitten by Yolo and Ezra," she told her and crossed her arms. "Paris is scolding them right now for it." I ate the spoon full, smiling from the taste and then finished up my cup of blood.

"Well the good thing is Paris is starting to scold his children about it... After all we don't want more little Shiloh and Rory babies running around and biting everything they like." Rose sighed and gave me a cute smile. Raven nodded and then rubbed my head. I heard someone jump up onto the counter beside me and a boy with cat ears looked at me with faint interest before he looked at the spoon in my hand and then at Aunt Rose, flicking his cat tail back and forth.

"I want some~" He purred, giving her a cute look as he laid his ears back and laid down on his stomach, putting his head on my lap as he watched my aunt. Rose laughed and then started to get him a spoon full of cookie dough and brought it back, handing it to him. I rubbed the boy's ears and started to admire them. He melted against me as he put the spoon in his mouth and his ears flicked before he leaned his head into my hand, purring in pleasure as his tail made cute little curls, flicking from one side to the other like a question mark. I looked him over then realized he was that wizard boy... where's his friend... I looked around for the other since they were pretty close. I spotted Liam and Castrian in the living room playing with stuffed animals. He must've snuck away from them.

"What're you doing in here?" I asked Lien. "You usually don't leave Liam." He pulled the spoon out of his mouth and looked up at me.

"I wanted cookie dough," he said innocently. "Plus I wanted to make sure you were okay.... Those bites were nasty looking."

"I'm fine." I told him sweetly. I think Lien is older then me.... but he sure doesn't look it. He rubbed his head against me like a cat and purred as he set the spoon aside and then laid his head down in my lap, turning onto his back to look up at me. He reached up and curled a strand of my hair around his finger and giggled. I watched my black hair and silver tips swirl around his finger and fall back to my neck. I gave him a cute smile. Rose gave us two cookies suddenly and carried a plate towards the living room full of them. Lien looked at the cookie with wonder and quickly ate it, letting out a loud purr before he rolled off the counter and landed on his feet easily. He ran after Rose then, begging for another cookie. Raven giggled, watching him before she picked me up and set me on the floor. I started for the livingroom slowly, looking towards my dad as he was still telling them that biting others was wrong. Ezra started to cry after a few more seconds.

"But I was hungry," he whimpered out, rubbing at his eyes as he sniffled.

"You both know to ask first and before you even ask you should be finding your way to a maid or the kitchen to drink blood, not from another vampire. You can't always drink vampire blood because it's unhealthy." He pointed a finger at them. "Next time I hear about this you're both grounded."

"But daddy! It's not fair! Yolo bit him first, and I couldn't help it. I woke up and smelled it," Ezra defended and wiped at his eyes again, trying to stop crying. "I would've asked...."

"Yeah but you didn't." Paris pointed out. "Plus you should have corrected your brother." He looked towards me then. "Bowie, don't let your brothers bite you without asking,"

"I- I told Yolo to stop-" I began.

"Bowie." Paris groaned. "You need to be more firm."

"Y-yes daddy..." I whispered.

"Alright.... I think I've said enough on this matter. You three know what'll happen if I catch this again."

"Three?" I asked.

"Mhmmm." Paris left us then, teleporting away. Great, I'm getting in trouble... Ezra shrunk into the seat and then hid his face in his knees as he brought them close to him, shaking.

"Here, have a cookie boys and lighten up." Rose offered cookies to them. "You're not grounded, yet." Ezra looked towards the cookie and then slowly took one before he mumbled out a thanks and started nibbling on it, looking upset still. Yolo took a cookie then got up and sat down by Kyoko and ruffled her hair, smirking. She gave him a disappointed look again. Owen looked at him and pulled Kyoko closer to him.

"Nuh uh, you bite," he said and then shook his head. "No biters." Kyoko moved into sitting in Owen's lap and stuck out her tongue towards Yolo.

"That's mean." Yolo grumbled. I smirked and sat down with them. Owen looked him over.

"Sinner," he said and then held Kyoko close to him as he looked back at the TV. "Go sit with the other sinner." Yolo frowned and sent us a glare before he got up and stomped back to Ezra and sat down with him.

"I'm not a sinner." Yolo grumbled.

"Yeah you are! You bit innocent Bowie! You're a sinner because you used your fangs on another vampire without asking," Owen shot at him. "No sinners allowed." I glanced around and noticed Castrian had vanished from the room. Where'd he go? He's going to be in trouble... Lien was playing with Liam again by themselves over in the corner and I saw Lien leaning in towards Liam's neck before he gently bit down. Liam gasped and looked at Lien before he relaxed and started to rub his ears, giggling. I looked over at Raven to see if she's noticed her missing child yet. She was glancing around the room with a frown and then disappeared after a few seconds, probably going to find him. I laid down in the floor and started to take a small nap, smelling Liam's blood lingering in the air.

Castrian's POV:

I giggled, having made it to my bedroom without my mommy noticing then opened the door and went inside. I glanced around for Dante, picking up Mr. Trunks since I had to put him down to open the door. I rushed in and sat them down on the floor as I looked for Dante. "Dante, I'm back!" I told him. He should be here... He appeared in front of me then and smirked.

"Hey kiddo," he said and knelt down, looking me over. "Where've ya been? Your mommy was upset."

"On a playdate." I told him and then opened my arms out to him for a hug. "I'm back now though!" He hugged me and laughed softly in my ear before he moved away from me.

"Playdate? Without me?" He asked and then tsked at me playfully.

"Mhmm. Mommy made me go... I wanted you to come but she didn't bring you back with Mr. Trunks and Mr. Rainbow..." I mumbled, wondering why she's been replacing Dante with other things to do or have. He frowned.

"You know... I could always make her stop.... She'd never separate us again if you just ask me," he purred, sitting down backwards in my favorite chair for tea parties.

"Make her stop?" I asked him and sat down in front of him on my knees, pulling my two favorite stuffed animals into my lap. He smirked and gave a nod.

"Yes... all you have to do is say: Dante, please don't let mommy ever separate us again," he purred and then leaned his head against the back of the chair, watching me. "After that, I'll never leave you."

"Dante, I don't want you to ever leave me." I whispered, giving him a huge smile. He plays tea parties with me and taught me how to draw smiles on the stick figures. He smirked.

"So yes?" He asked me and then stood up, walking over to me.

"Uh-huh!" I nodded. He knelt down in front of me and then touched my cheek, leaning in towards my ear.

"You promise?" He purred softly in my ear. "You promise that you never want me to leave you?"

"I don't ever want you to leave me, promise." I held out my pinky. "Pinky swear." He smirked and then locked pinkies with me before he leaned in and I felt him bite down into my neck. He pulled away after he got a taste and licked his lips.

"There... now seal the deal and I'll be yours," he promised me and tilted his head to the side with a smirk. I looked him over and tilted my head. Did he want me to bite him too? I leaned in and bit him like he bit me and pulled back. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He rubbed my back and purred softly in my ear as I started to feel drowsy, the edges of my vision going black as my body began to get heavy.

"Dante..." I mumbled sleepily. "I feel tired..." I started fall against him. Why am I so tired all of a sudden? I thought I was done taking naps...

"I'll tell you a story then," he whispered to me and picked me up before he took me over to the couch in the room and sat me down on it. "Once upon a time... there lived a little boy who liked tea parties." I smiled softly. That sounds like me....

"Uh-huh?" I asked.

"And that little boy... was friends with a certain person that scared his mother," he purred and moved some of my hair out of my face. "Now, the little boy wanted to live happily with his mother, his father, and his best friends and stuffed animals for the rest of his life...." He smirked at me and leaned in, kissing my forehead. "His mother thought he was seeing the person that terrified her, and his father thought his mother was overreacting and the kid simply had an imaginary friend."

"Like me..." I yawned out, grabbing his shirt and pulled it closer as I looked up into his eyes. He nodded and laughed.

"Yes, exactly, just like you," he told me and then smirked as my vision started to go black. "Sorry kiddo."

Raven's POV:

I teleported into Castrian's bedroom in a panic, freezing as I saw him on the couch sleeping. I relaxed a little and walked up to him, glancing around nervously before I picked him up and teleported him to my own bedroom then placed him down in the bed. His eyes opened a little and he looked up towards me with a small smile before he curled up and then grabbed a pillow, snuggling up to it. I sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed before I started to rub his back. "Castrian, you shouldn't just run off from mommy.... You scared me," I whispered to him. He looked back at me and frowned.

"Sorry mommy.... I just really wanted to show Dante my necklace," he told me and then showed me the necklace. "Can you go get my stuffed animals?" I nodded and then got to my feet to go get them for him. When I came back with them, he was knocked out on the bed, sleeping peacefully. I smiled and then gave him the stuffed animals. He must be really tired.... Poor little guy. I laid down in the bed with him and started to run my fingers through his hair as I watched him. Nikolai came into the room after a few minutes and walked up to us with a tired sigh then collapsed on the bed, pulling Castrian to him and rubbed his head. Castrian opened his eyes slowly and then whined, going to get away from him. "Daddy... I'm sleepy," he complained.

"I love you kiddo," Nikolai purred and then let him go and rubbed his head before he dozed off on us. Castrian watched him for a few seconds and then leaned in, smelling him with a small frown before he moved away and then back up to me, curling up against me in my arms. He looked up at me and smiled sweetly. I giggled and kissed his cheek, making his eyes light up.

"Get some sleep my love," I whispered to him and then looked at Nikolai. "Nikolai... I love you," I mumbled sweetly his way even though he was sleeping. I closed my eyes and started to fall asleep beside Castrian, snuggling up to him.

Nikolai's POV:

The smell of Raven's blood reached me and I heard giggles from Castrian as I woke up. Her body was laid out on the bed and her neck had been torn out. My son's face was bloody and I could see him clutching something in his hand that pulsed with a glow, making my own stone pulse in my chest in a panic. I could tell it was Raven's.... He looked towards me and started to squeeze it with a smirk. I panicked. "Castrian, put the stone down. That's your mother. You're going to kill her." I told him, reaching out to take it from him. He shattered it then and giggled at me as her body began to decay.

"Don't you get it? You can't win," he purred to me as he slowly dropped the dust from her stone. I widened my eyes and then grabbed his shoulders.

"Castrian... that was your mother! How could you do that?" I asked him, feeling my stone cracking. "She's in hell now because of you." I've got to go get her.... I have to go travel to hell to get her! Why would he hurt his mother, he should love and adore her? I'm a bad father! I didn't give him enough attention... I shook my head and started to cry. He hugged me then.

"Don't worry daddy~" He giggled then and I felt a sharp pain in my chest as his little hand gripped my stone. "You'll soon join mommy.... I love you, but Dante said that I have to do this for you both," he told me innocently. He yanked the stone out of my chest and I felt him crush it as my body began to decay away....

I woke up with cold sweats going down my body and I could smell Raven's blood. I sat up in bed fast and glanced around for her, grabbing at my chest. Fuck, what the hell was up with that dream?! I need to talk to the family demon... He might know what's happening.... Dante... why the hell... I rubbed at my chest some more. I must be over pressured from work... I saw her sleeping soundly on the bed with our son curled up in her arms, but that's when I noticed the writing on the walls. She had marked up the walls with her blood again in her sleep. I got to my feet and went into the bathroom slowly, my stone practically panicked when I left her. I grabbed a wash cloth and wet it then went back into the bedroom, beginning to clean the walls off. I don't want Castrian waking up to these walls. Most of what she had written was gibberish, but one word stood out to me when I finally reached it. She had written Dante on the wall pretty huge. I frowned. Usually when Raven done this- at least the way my mom put it was Raven was trying to say something about the future... was Dante coming back? I frowned... Maybe Laurence knows something too... but then again if he knew he would have told us. I cleaned the word off the wall, frowning. I looked over at Castrian. He's got an imaginary friend named Dante.... could it be Dante? Is that where imaginary friends come from? I shivered. Dante... Without Charlie around he was after Raven. I finished cleaning the words off the walls then threw the washcloth into the bathroom to take care of later then picked up Castrian and rocked him in my arms as I started to take him out of the bedroom. I tried not to wake him as I went down the hall and towards my parent's room then knocked on it, marching my way into the room.

"Mom, dad?" I whispered. Victor groaned and then slowly sat up in the bed, looking towards me tiredly.

"What is it?" He mumbled, rubbing at his eyes. "Did something happen? You don't come visit me this early... and you said mom."

"Yeah..." I mumbled. If I leave Castrian with them for the day my mother can pick up on any signs of odd.... I placed him between the two. "I need you to watch Castrian for the day." I told them. Rose looked towards me tiredly and glanced at the time on the clock.

"Nikolai... it's like.... six in the morning sweetie." She reached out for my hands. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, just don't let Castrian out of your sights, ok?" I asked them. "I've got some things to do with Raven." I mumbled.

"What kind of things sweetie? Is that her blood I smell on your hands? Has she been writing on the walls again?" I nodded slowly, I don't really want to lie to them. Victor looked towards my hands and then sighed softly.

"We'll watch him," he promised me and then laid back down, bringing Castrian close to him. He scrunched up his face in his sleep, not liking the disturbance.

"Alright... Love you guys." I whispered and then left them with that as I went back to Raven to check on her. I walked into the bedroom and glanced around. She was just starting to sit up in the bed, noticing our absence. She frowned and looked towards where Castrian had been then up at me as she saw me come in.

"Nikolai? Where's Castrian?" She asked me tiredly. "Did he run off again?"

"No, I took him to my parents. He's going to stay with them today." I told her and shut the door behind me as I walked up to her. "You wrote on the walls again," I mumbled. "Did you have any funny dream?" She frowned and looked towards the walls curiously before she glanced back at me.

"Not that I can remember," she mumbled to me.

"Okay." I nodded. "I think we need to deal with our son's imaginary friend." I told her. "You wrote Dante in big letters on the wall. I don't think we should ignore it either.." I thought back to my dream I had. It's like Dante was our family demon influencing him to kill his parents... I shivered. She tensed up and then looked down at the bed.

"W-well... I didn't want to say anything because you weren't really worried about it.... I was just going to keep him out of his room... but I went in there to get his stuffed animals for him yesterday and I was attacked by something," she whispered, rubbing the back of her neck. "Well more like shoved."

"I'm going to go get some people together, I want you to come with me.... We're going to figure it out together." I told her. "I'm thinking about having Hachi, Haru, Laurence, Paris, Donnie, the demon, Aaron, Haven, Hassel, and Eremiel gathered outside of our son's room. We're all going to figure out what's going on." She nodded and then got up, walking over to me before she hugged me.

"Okay," she whispered and then looked up at me. "Thanks Nikolai." I nodded and kissed her cheek then started towards the door with her, not wanting to let her leave my sight for now. If it really is Dante then she might just be in danger.

I managed to get everyone outside of my son's bedroom door. They all looked confused- or rather everyone besides Laurence looked confused at me. I didn't tell them what was going on, deciding to wait until we was all here before I explained. "Okay, so Castrain was acting weird yesterday," I began. "He told Raven he has an imaginary friend named Dante." I watched as Paris and Donnie had horror on their face before I said everything I wanted. Laurence was curiously glancing towards the door and then demon looked like he really wanted to sleep, giving me a 'wtf am I doing here' look. In fact Haven and Hassel was giving me the same look. Aaron frowned.

"Who's Dante?" He asked, looking me over and then looked towards Paris and saw the look on his face. "Guessing he's not a nice guy," he muttered and then sighed. "Why am I here? I'm human," he complained.

"Your father is a priest, so I thought I could use your help but I mostly want Eremiel's help and Haven and Hassel are automatic tag alongs." I explained, knowing them so well. Aaron frowned but nodded. Haru looked towards the door and started for it curiously. Hachi stretched before he followed Haru, looking around them and then snatched Laurence to take with him. Eremiel followed behind them, his wings rustling a little as he had them out, relaxed looking. Paris walked in with them and glanced around, checking everything out. Donnie gave me a small caring smile before he went in.

"I don't think there is anything here," Hachi said after a few minutes. "Haru? Sense anything?"

"Just you," Haru said sweetly. "That's about it." Eremiel watched them curiously before he walked over to one of the chairs and nudged it with his foot. Raven tensed up beside me as she saw Eremiel messing with it and gripped my hand. The demon looked towards me and frowned.

"Are you worried that I'm messing with your child? Is that why I'm here?" He asked. "It's not me. I'm not choosing one of your children. So be relieved. Can I go now? I was sleeping off a hangover." He looked towards Eremiel then smirked playfully, noticing him for the first time. "EREMIEL?" Eremiel tensed up and looked towards him.

"Huh?" He pulled his wings tighter to him and looked him over then frowned. "I think you want Salem."

"Yeah, Tell Salem I said I missed him and to come see me sometime," He winked suddenly and leaned against the door frame. "We'll have another good time together." Eremiel frowned.

"Salem hasn't slept with you too, right?" He asked him cautiously.

"Unlike my younger generations, I don't sleep with males." The demon purred. "My wife would slap me straight across the face and tell me I'm a bastard then leave." He laughed and started off down the hall.

"Demon," I called out. "I need to know.... if it wasn't you then could it really have been Dante?" I asked.

"Where do you think imaginary friends come from?" He asked me, turning around. "How unfortunate and a wonderful coincidence you should thank the devil for the match up." Eremiel nudged the chair again and frowned then looked at Aaron who was messing with one of the tea cups. He walked over and whispered something in Aaron's ear, making him tense up. Hassel walked into the room then, glancing around it and walked up to the couch and sat down on it, looking directly towards the tea set on the table. Haven laid his ears back, staying out of the room but looked worriedly towards Hassel. Eremiel looked over at Hachi, rustling his wings as he stretched them out for a second then folded them.

"Hachi, can you sense nothing at all? Absolutely not even a residue?" He asked him curiously, sitting down in the chair he had been messing with. Raven tensed up as she saw it and then shivered.

"Well... If you want to be honest right now..." Hachi began. Laurence gave a small frown and walked out the room then, going down the hall to the demon and pinned him against it, starting to mutter something to him. "I can feel something... like a trail of a lost soul here. I mean... not exactly a lost soul but it's similar to one. More like... an evil spirit straight from hell." He looked towards the couch and then at the chairs and then walked towards the crib. "Starting here. It's done a lot of leaning over the crib and looked down at the sleeping baby." Hachi reached out to nothing in the crib then up at the small crosses on the walls and touched one directly then froze up and suddenly everyone in the room shivered and their breath started to show as the door slammed shut in our face. I gave a small frown.

"Are you okay?" I asked them and tried to open the door but the handle was jammed. Raven grabbed me and we were suddenly standing on the other side of the door in the room. Everything in the room was frozen almost except for the people in here. Hachi must be using his powers to keep us warm. He stepped away from the crib then.

"What do you feel?" Hachi asked the others. Aaron sat down the teacup and shrugged.

"Mostly like there is something disturbing. That's all I can get," he said and then walked over to Hassel, sitting down beside him. "This couch and that tea cup in particular." Eremiel nodded and smiled softly.

"Yes... there definitely was something living in here with the child," he said and picked the teacup back up. "He probably was using him for something and giving him empty promises.... I wouldn't go as far as demon... but it is definitely from hell. It has the stench all over it." He sat the teacup down and then sat back down in the chair then looked towards Raven. "It's on you too," he told her. I looked towards Raven.

"Lower than a demon," Hassel told us suddenly. "But definitely from hell." He looked towards his half brother. "It's more foul than you, brother." He gritted his teeth.

"So it's possible it is Dante," Paris said at last. "Now where'd he go?" Eremiel shrugged and then looked towards Raven.

"I could search the house for him," he suggested and then looked her over. "Still... the only one who remotely has the scent of him on someone is her... but it's more like he messed with her, not a possession."

"Possession?" I asked. "They can do that?"

"Eh," Hachi said. "Not exactly possession... more like...." He searched for a word then.

"It's not here though," Hassel told us. "So we might as well leave. Just move your baby into a different room." Eremiel looked towards Hassel before he walked over and sniffed near the couch then wrinkled up his nose before he started for the door.

"That's probably the best advice for now Nikolai.... Move him until we can banish whatever is here if we find it," Eremiel told me and got the door open.

"Don't worry Nikolai," Paris purred sweetly to me. "Just make sure you stay around your son. He's the one that's being hunted. If Dante comes back it'll be around him." He stretched and then teleported away. I sighed. Hachi walked up to me and hugged me before he vanished. Hassel stood up and looked towards the crosses on the wall with a small frown before he started towards the door.

"You should wash the walls." He told me. "The crosses sting." Aaron walked behind him and pulled Haven along, taking them down the halls. Eremiel watched me for a second like he wanted to add something but held back and gave Raven another glance before he walked out of the room and followed Hassel and the others from a distance. I looked towards Raven, giving her a small smile.

"Maybe it was a one time thing? Let's go check on Castrian real quick." I suggested. She gave a nod and walked out of the room, tugging me out of it and then we were suddenly outside my parent's room, using her teleportation powers for us both. I knocked on the door then snuck in with Raven, looking around for them. Victor was holding Castrian in his arms on the bed, reading to him. Castrian looked up as the door open and giggled, reaching out for us.

"Mommy! Daddy!" He smiled big and then got away from Victor, getting off the bed and then ran up, tackling Raven's legs into a hug. I knelt down to my knees.

"Hey sweetie," I rubbed his head then picked him up. "We've decided to move your bedroom, I hope you don't mind." I purred, rubbing his head. "Until we get it set up you'll have to sleep with us." I rubbed his head. "Or you can sleep with grammy and grampy." I looked towards my parents teasingly. Victor smirked and then kissed Rose passionately in front of us. Castrian looked over and wrinkled his nose then wrapped his arms around my neck.

"I'll sleep with you," he told me sweetly and then leaned his head against my shoulder.

"Yeah, I don't blame you. I never liked sleeping with them either," I teased and looked him over. "You're going to be hanging out with them for the day though. We just came by for a visit." I rubbed his head. His eyes widened, and he tightened his grip on me.

"Nuh-uh," he mumbled and then looked at Raven with puppy dog eyes. "Don't leave me alone for a day mommy.... We've got to have a tea party....."

"Have one with your grandparents," I suggested, walking him towards their bed. "We'll play with you tomorrow, promise big boy." I kissed the top of his head. He whined.

"But Dante doesn't like having tea parties with others," he told me. "He lets mommy."

"Yeah, but he hurt mommy yesterday so we're going to have to teach him a lesson, right?" I asked him. "No one hurts mommy." His eyes widened innocently.

"Mommy got hurt?" He looked towards her and then sniffled. "Dante didn't do it, right?" She frowned and walked over to him then kissed the top of his head.

"Don't worry about it," she whispered to him. "I'm fine.... Just enjoy spending time with your grandparents."

"We love you kiddo." I purred to him and with that I pulled Raven out the door and ditched him there. When the door was closed I looked towards her.

"He seems okay. My parents will message us later about anything strange, I'm sure of it." I pulled her down the hall. "I'm thinking about going to hell Raven with the family demon. I want to go find Dante's stone and crush it there and find Charlie's to crush.... I'm not sure yet about doing this... I want to do something... something has happened to where Dante is starting to come around- I'm not sure how.... I don't understand. He's supposed to be in hell... right?" She nodded towards me.

"Yeah, that's how hell works. We die and we go there as stones.... It's practically legend," she said and then looked ahead. "I've never really heard of a pureblood coming back to haunt the world though...." She frowned a little. "Maybe we should get a picture of Dante and show it to him... to see if he recognizes him? Just to make sure...." I nodded. Charlie wasn't a pureblood though... so he's probably recycled by now and back as a human somewhere.

"I just don't understand what's happening..." I whispered. "Laurence looked mad earlier towards the demon...." I muttered, getting suspicious about it. "I wonder what that was over." She looked up at me and then held my hand a little tighter.

"Go ask him then...." She leaned in and kissed my cheek. "I could go get a picture and you could go talk to Laurence.... We'll meet up in your study?" I shook my head.

"I wouldn't know where to find him... maybe I'll just text and ask him." I mumbled, pulling out my phone to do it.

Me: Laurence, why were you pinning my family demon against the wall?

Laurence: I needed to know a few things, with Hachi being around it's hard to see stuff. I'll explain more later. Don't do anything extreme Nikolai.

I slipped my phone back into my pocket. "He said he'll tell me later..." I told her. She gave a nod and then pulled me up to my study and then pulled out her phone, sitting on top of my desk as she started to scroll through something. I watched her and sat down in my desk chair then leaned back in it.

"Raven... I had a bad dream last night," I whispered. She frowned and set her phone aside, looking towards me.

"A bad dream?" She asked me softly and then got in my lap.

"Yeah... I had a dream that I was waking up and Castrian crushed your stone and then mine..." I muttered, looking down into my lap. "It was awful." She rubbed my cheek and then kissed me.

"I'm sorry you had a bad dream," she whispered to me, looking me in the eyes. "Castrian wouldn't crush our stones though.... He loves us too much."

"Yeah but he said it was what Dante told him to do or something like that... It was like how the demon was influencing me as a child to kill my parents." I muttered. She gave me a worried look and then leaned her head against my shoulder.

"Do you think he is in danger?" She asked me softly. "Should we leave with him?"

"I don't know... I feel like we need him far away from us and here though, Raven." I looked away with a worried look. "I want my parents to take him away for a few days." She frowned.

"Out of the house... or just babysitting?" She asked me curiously.

"Out of the house. My mother is a doctor. So they'll be fine. If anything is off with Castrian... like Dante's presence around him she'll call us. If they're gone we can spend more time focused on his room and getting it livable again for him... or closed off from everyone." She looked up at me thoughtfully and then nodded.

"Okay... as long as it's for a few days.... I don't want him gone for more than a month though," she whispered and then hugged me. "I want him safe too...."

"He'll be safest away with them." I promised her. She nodded and then kissed my cheek.

"Alright, you can tell them they can take a vacation with him.... Take him to Russia...."

"Yeah, my castle in Russia. They'll be safe there. Far away and safe. We need to send them away tonight."

"If we tell Victor the plan, he'd be able to do the best thing.... He is the king of Russia after all," she mumbled. "Plus it gives Castrian a chance to see where some of his family comes from."

"Yeah, I'll text my dad now." I told her, pulling my phone out.

Me: Hey, I want you to take mom and Castrian to our castle in Russia, my castle. Just for a few days. We're having some weird experiences here where we believe Dante is haunting. So take Castrian away and keep him safe for me.

Victor: Leaving now. I'll show him some cool stuff in Russia while we're gone.

Me: Tell him I love him.

Victor: I will. Why don't you call him when it gets dark to tell him goodnight too? Little kids like that kind of thing.... Oh, and I hope you don't mind, but I'm showing him the torture room~

Me: Dad, he's not even three yet! Don't go showing him pointy objects. Show him fluffy things. Like bear rugs. I'll call tonight.

Victor: Alright, I'll show him when he's five. I was learning torture techniques when I was his age though....

Me: Yeah well I wasn't!

I put my phone away. "He said he's taking them now. We'll call tonight to tell him goodnight and hear about his day." I suggested. She nodded and kissed my cheek.

"We'll get his room fixed," she mumbled and then gave my lips a soft kiss. "I'd suggest having Eremiel bless the whole house, but we have a demon family living here."

"Yeah... just the main rooms he's been in." I told her. "Let's go talk to him about getting that done." I stood up and moved her to her feet. She nodded and started walking towards the door, picking up her phone.

"I think it's good we have an angel living around here now.... We can get help with things like this," she mumbled to me, pulling me with her. I nodded in agreement. It's a little odd having an angel living with a demonic family but maybe god really did send him in some way to help us. She led me down to Hassel's room and knocked on it, pushing the door open and peeked inside. Eremiel was curled up in Haven's bed with him, kissing his cheek as he giggled and was whispering to him about how heaven is the most beautiful place he's ever been. Haven giggled and rubbed his ears, looking towards the door.

"We've got company," Haven pointed towards us. Eremiel glanced over and then smiled sweetly.

"Hello," he mumbled and then played with a feather in his hands. Raven giggled and walked in, going over to him and then sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Hey Eremiel," she purred and then glanced at Haven then at him. "Can you do me a huge favor and bless the main rooms that my son has been in... just to get rid of Dante's lingering presence... and maybe if he's in it, he'll go away."

"It'd be really helpful," I told him. He nodded and then grabbed Raven's hand gently.

"Sure... I don't mind.... I love doing things like that," he mumbled and then looked her hand over before he let it go. "I'll do it later before sunset though."

"Thanks Eremiel," I looked towards Raven, expecting her to come with me now. She glanced back at me then got to her feet, walking up. She smiled at him before she took my hand and leaned in, giving me a soft kiss before she pulled us out of the room and sighed.

"We won't lose our son," she mumbled and then gave my hand a squeeze before she began to lead me back to my office. "We'll find Dante's spirit and lock it in a jar for the rest of eternity."

"We'll do something with it..." I muttered. "He can't just mess with you or my son all the damn time. I thought he got over it with Charlie and with death." She shook her head.

"I don't know... maybe he's angry because I got him killed and this is his way of trying to get revenge.... Maybe he wants to provoke you into hell or something."

"I am not going to hell if that's what he wants." I grumbled. I was suddenly tackled at my legs and I heard Castrian purr.

"Daddy! Dad! I found you!" He giggled and then rubbed his head against my leg. I gasped and looked down at him.

"Castrian you're supposed to be with your grandparents." I told him firmly. He smiled innocently up at me.

"But I wove you," he said sweetly and then reached up for me. I heard Raven giggle. I laughed and scooped him up.

"I love you too kiddo but you know I want you spending the day with your grandma and grandpa."

"I wanna be wit you and mommy," he mumbled and then leaned his head against my shoulder. He looked towards my neck and then leaned in a little, smelling it. "Daddy, don't send me back.... You love me, right?"

"I do love you but I want you to spend time with my father and learn what its all about being a Russian Prince, ok?" I asked him. He whimpered and then buried his face into my neck.

"But daddy~" He whined and I felt him bite down gently, his little fangs barely getting in my skin.

"Castrian," I whispered, rubbing his head and then pulled him back from my neck quickly. "No biting me."

"Mommy lets me," he complained and looked towards her. She smiled at him.

"Only when I say you can though," she reminded him. "Your father doesn't like being bit."

"At all and you know that," I told him, poking his nose. "Now we need to get you back to my parents, they're probably worried." He started to cry then and reached out for Raven. She frowned and went to take him from me. I snatched Castrian back from her arms with a smirk. "Castrian don't start crying. This is very tough for mommy so be strong for her and hang out with your grandparents like we wanted you to do."

"But I don't want to! I want mommy!" He sniffled and reached for her again. "Mommy!"

"Nu-uh." I told him firmly. "You can hang out with grammy." He looked towards me and started crying louder.

"You're so mean daddy! You suck!"

"I love you too," I kissed the top of his head and started to rock him in my arms. "I'm taking him to my dad," I told Raven. She nodded, looking at our son anxiously like she wanted to snatch him from me, but she turned around and started walking away to keep from taking him. He reached for her over my shoulder, crying out for her again.

"Momma! Don't leave me! Mommy! Please! What did I do wrong?!" I pulled out my phone and called my dad, heading for their room. He answered after a few rings and then sighed.

"Yes Nikolai? I'm trying to find your son. He somehow gave us the slip while I was packing Rose's bags."

"Yeah I got him in my arms," I told him. "I'm bringing him to you."

"Alright," he purred and then hung up. Castrian took my phone from me and then hugged me around my neck, whimpering.

"Daddy please," he mumbled to me, begging. "I wanna be with you and mommy...."

"I love you Castrian but you need to go with your grandparents." I told him, starting to rub his back to sooth him. "You know that I love you baby boy." He whimpered again and curled up in my arms.

"D-daddy... can you go get Dante so he can come too then?" He asked me.

"No sweetie, Dante said that he wanted to stay here and help us fix your new room up." I explained.

"But daddy... I want Dante if I can't have mommy," he told me, crying. "Please don't send me away!"

"Aweeee sweetie," I shushed him and kissed his cheek then started to rock him in my arms again, trying to get him to tire down. After a few minutes, he started to quiet down as he looked exhausted and then tuckered out, sleeping in my arms as he gripped my shirt in his hands. I kissed his forehead, glad that little kids are easy to make fall asleep. I came across my parent's room and walked in. "Here we go," I called and sat him down on the bed, giving him a kiss on the forehead. He nuzzled his head against the blanket and smiled softly. Victor walked up and looked down at him with a smile.

"Little kids are so cute... but they're so much trouble," he muttered and then picked him up. "Say goodbye Nikolai. I'll bring him back in a month."

"Less then a month," I told him then kissed Castrian's forehead. "I love you guys," I whispered. Victor smiled.

"Love you too Nikolai.... I'll be back with him in a year." He pulled my mother to him as he grabbed the bags and then was gone in an instant, taking my child with him.

"I swear if I have to hunt you down to get my child back," I muttered then started down the hall. I walked towards my study and went inside, sitting down at my desk.