
Paris's POV:

"Hey, wanna try it?" Richard purred as he walked into the room with two boxes of VR helmets. He smirked. "It's all the rage after all... We should see what it's about." I frowned as I watched him come over.

"Why would we try those? We're in a VR game twenty four seven, it's called life." I told him. He shrugged.

"I just really want to tell Keegan I tried it. It'd make him happy...." He sat the boxes down and looked them over before he crawled into my lap and smirked, tugging on my shirt. "You know... I heard... that it spices up the sex life," he purred in my ear. "It makes it more interesting because you can do it in the games... and it feels real from what the couples say.... It'd be like one... major... roleplay," he purred and then shoved me onto my back, straddling my stomach.

"I swear if you make me a neko sex slave we're going to a marriage councilor." I joked. He purred teasingly in my ear and then scraped his fangs against my neck.

"They have Call of Duty too if you don't want to go that route," he said against my neck, making it tickle. He found my sweet spot easily and started to give me a love bite. I gasped and let out a small moan.

"But Richard... We go to war like every twelve months!" I gasped out, grabbing his sides. He smirked against my neck.

"Yes... but it could be just us fighting each other if we set it up right," he purred. "Don't you want to see who's top dog~?"

"I am." I purred. "That's why I'm always on top of you during sex." I teased.

"Are not," he purred back and then started to suck on my earlobe. "I'm on top right now~"

"That's because I'm letting you," I purred to him. He smirked and pulled back from my earlobe, looking down at me before I felt him reaching for my pants, sliding his hand down my stomach.

"Oh yeah? Prove it," he challenged as he slipped a finger underneath the top of my pants and started to unbutton my pants with his other hand. I felt him slowly inching his hand under my boxers then as he smirked at me. "Beat me at Call of Duty and prove to me that you were worth giving up my throne I could've had."

"Honey, what throne?" I teased. "Nikolai sits on it now. If you want to play Call of Duty with me then you're going to be in for some serious pain." I flipped us then and smirked. "I don't go easy on my target." He gasped and then looked up at me.

"Oh my demon, I love you," he said suddenly and leaned up, kissing me passionately as he slipped his hand all the way under my boxers, gripping my manhood. I gasped and leaned down into his neck then bit him, starting to drink his blood. I let my venom course through his veins. He moaned and gave me a squeeze as he leaned his head to the side to let me have his neck. I felt him working his other hand at my pants, trying to push them down. I smirked and started to grind my hips against his. We're not going to play any VR games so soon... He moaned and then leaned his head into my neck, starting to get aroused a little and I felt him slip his hand back out of my pants before he shoved them down, leaving me in my boxers. I looked down at his hands then smirked and kissed his neck then started to pull his shirt off. He let me and then went to flip us, giving a playful growl in my ear. I pinned him quickly, tsking in his ear.

"What'd I tell you? You had your chance to be dominant centuries ago." I teased him. He gasped and then leaned in, stealing a kiss before he tried again. I laughed and sat up on him, pulling my shirt off. He watched me and then grabbed my wrist, tugging me down to him before he flipped us quickly and smirked as he situated himself on top of me. He purred and leaned in, kissing my lips before he licked my bottom lip playfully.

"Who's dominant now?" He teased me and then slipped between my legs. "Do I have to remind you how we did it the first time? It was me... on you," he purred and looked down into my eyes before he grinded his hips against mine then leaned in, kissing my neck then gave me a love bite. I gasped and hid my face against his neck.

"Richard~" I mumble. He's bringing up how we both lost our virginity, that's so cruel. I blushed.

"What is it my love? Embarrassed?" He purred and then licked my neck. "Getting shy on me?" He trailed his hands down my sides, sending a shiver through me. I shook my head quickly.

"I'm not shy! If it wasn't for you, I'd be naked all the time. You're the one that wants me to wear clothes."

"Because I can't stand the thought of someone seeing you naked besides me," he purred in my ear and then sat up on me. He looked towards the VR helmets and went to get off me. "Anyways, want to play a game?"

"Really?" I mumbled, frowning. "Okay... we can play one game." I muttered. He just got me all aroused for nothing! He picked up a box and then smirked, glancing back at me before he leaned over my body and gave my stomach a kiss right above my boxers.

"If you win, we can have sex for an entire week with you on top," he purred to me and then started to give me a love bite there. I growled playfully.

"That's not exactly fair Richard when I could just take you here." I told him. He smirked and looked up at me.

"But it makes it more interesting," he told me and then pulled my boxers down just an inch and started on another love bite.

"Yeah well you're more interesting on top when you're not teasing me," I wrapped my legs around him and went to flip us. He pinned me down and smirked before he started to pull my boxers down some more, watching me.

"Teasing? Whatever do you mean? I'm being completely serious," he purred to me. "You're mine."

"You're mine too," I purred and watched him, smirking. He smirked back at me and then shoved my boxers down all the way before he looked me over.

"What should I do to you today?" He mused, laughing a little under his breath. "Should I make it sweet and passionate? Or should I make it full of lust and love?"

"Come and get me either way," I winked. He laughed and then gripped my thighs, pulling me closer to him before he grinded up against me and then leaned in, marking me on my neck. He pulled his pants off after a few seconds, making this morning even more interesting for me.

~Time Skip brought to you by a yellow pencil~

Richard rolled off me and looked up at the ceiling, taking in a deep breath as he had finished up. It had been a good twelve hours of nothing but straight up sex. I pulled him closer to me and growled playfully. "Want anymore?" I teased. He leaned his head against my chest and rubbed his cheek against me.

"I'm good.... I'd take you some more... but we have children who will eventually try wandering in here," he mumbled and then kissed my chest.

"True... They'd be blind witnessing us." I teased. He nodded and then leaned in, kissing my lips passionately and let a moan slip as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you Paris...." He whispered as he pulled back from the kiss and looked me in the eyes. "More than you'll ever know...." I smirked and kissed him back.

"I love you too, Richard." I purred then sat up, looking around the room before I crawled off the bed and started for the bathroom. He watched me as he rolled over onto his stomach, purring.

"I'll get the VR stuff set up," he suggested and then went to the boxes on the floor, starting to open them.

"Who said we're playing them?" I asked him and turned around. "Let's take a shower." He frowned and looked over at me but walked up.

"Alright... I'll just get someone else to play it with me then," he whispered then trailed his fingers across my chest as he walked past me into the bathroom. "After all, Keegan really wanted me to try it."

"No, I think you just want to play some COD with me." I told him, walking after him. I know he likes those games... but I don't want him focused on just games when our life is pretty hectic and crazy as it is. I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Nope," he purred to me, glancing back at me. "I don't need you to play with me," he teased and then kissed my cheek. "Don't worry about it. I'll just ask someone else later."

"Well if that's what you think," I teased and then cut the shower on for us. "You can keep thinking I'll let you play." He purred as he watched me.

"I think you will.... Why wouldn't you? It's not like I'm going to get addicted to the games like Keegan did. If anything, I think you'd have to worry about me playing the piano too much and not giving you enough attention before you'd have to worry about me getting hooked on a video game."

"Well you were pretty serious about gaming earlier." I teased. "About a few centuries ago." He shrugged and then sat on the counter, watching me.

"It's okay though.... I got you real good earlier, so I don't have to kick your butt in a game. It's already sore," he teased me and then opened his legs a little to mess with me as he rested a hand on his upper thigh. I smirked and stepped in, getting under the cold water.

"You wish you could kick my butt in a game," I teased. "But I don't need games."

"I could kick your ass easily, game or no game," he told me and then got down off the counter, walking up to the shower. He crossed his arms and then smirked at me as he leaned up against the wall, choosing to wait till the water was warm. "You just underestimate me."

"You underestimate me too," I purred. He laughed a little.

"I guess it's a good thing we don't get into too many fights," he whispered. "It'd be terrible.... It'd last for days in my opinion. At least if we both played all our cards right." He shook his head and slid down the wall, sitting on the floor. He looked towards the cabinets and sighed softly.

"I don't want us to have fights, neither do you. We have kids instead." He nodded.

"I really wouldn't want us to have another real fight.... I already feel so bad about the first one. Paris... promise that you'll never leave me?" He asked me quietly, looking towards me.

"I'd never leave you," I purred. "Never, ever, ever, ever." He smiled at me and then nodded, relaxing.

"Okay," he whispered and then got up, getting in the shower. He leaned in and kissed my lips before he grabbed the shampoo and started to wash his hair. "I love you...." He smiled at me sweetly and then rinsed his hair out.

"I love you too," I purred and started to wash my own hair. "We can play some games tonight, if you really want to." He shook his head no and laughed.

"No... I know you don't want to. You don't have to do that to please me," he told me and then reached for the conditioner. "It doesn't matter that much to me to make you go out of your way to play a game with me. It's not that important." I sighed and rolled my eyes then started to wash my body.

"I guess you don't want to play with me then." I purred. He frowned.

"No... I do...." He grabbed a lock of my hair then. "Don't roll your eyes at me like that," he mumbled and then pulled me into a kiss. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and then started to dance with mine before he pushed me up against the wall of the shower. I growled playfully and wrapped my arms around him.

"Well don't try to get out of doing things with me when I'm trying to suit you." I growled. He nodded and then kissed my neck, purring sweetly in my ear.

"Alright," he whispered to me and then ran his hands down my sides. He nuzzled his head against me and then softly began to hum our song. I grabbed the conditioner and started to condition my hair, smirking towards him. He watched me and then moved away, finishing up cleaning himself, using my body soap before he rinsed off and then got out, grabbing my towel and giving me a wink as he started to dry off with it. I rinsed my body and hair before getting out and grabbed a new towel, wrapping it around my waist. I walked up to the sink and started to brush my teeth.

"So Nikolai and Raven think Dante has been haunting their son." I told Richard. He frowned as he looked over at me.

"Dante? That prick? He's in hell," he told me and then walked towards the closet. "What makes them think Dante is after their son?"

"Their son has an imaginary friend named Dante, so we checked out the room earlier... turns out it was very suspicious in there." I told him. He sighed and then came back out with one of my shirts on and no pants.

"What do you think then? Did you hear anything?" He asked me as he came up and wrapped his arms around me.

"Nah, not really." I told him. "I didn't hear any of Dante's plotting thoughts. The room was empty when we got there."

"Think he's actually here? Where would he have gone?" Richard muttered, glancing at the mirror thoughtfully. "Maybe we should get their kid alone to check it out."

"Maybe... Nikolai had Rose and Victor take him away for a few days though." I told him. Richard shrugged.

"Doesn't Victor come when he's needed? He said he senses that kind of stuff. Let's just need him so he comes and then we have him take us to Castrian."

"Or we could text my sister." I told him, smirking.

"That works too, but my idea was cooler," he joked and kissed my cheek. "I'll text Rose." He went back to the closet and came back with pants on and then handed me a shirt and some pants. He walked out of the bathroom and I heard him collapse on the bed as he started to text her. I rinsed my mouth out before I dried off and got dressed. I walked out to him with a smile and sat down on the bed by him. He looked up as he finished texting her and sat the phone down. "Hey beautiful," he purred and then rolled over onto his back, watching me.

"I think I might've unleashed Dante now that I think about it," I told him. "I crushed his stone in hell." He frowned at me and then tilted his head.

"That was extra vengeful...." He mumbled. "You might've.... It would explain why a pureblood soul has come back to haunt the manor. Purebloods don't get to haunt because we're bound to stones." He sighed and then ran a hand through his hair. Victor appeared in front of us then and smiled.

"You wanted something, da?"

"Oh, look at that... He is here." I purred. Richard smirked.

"Told ya he comes when he's needed," Richard told me and then looked Victor over. Victor sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Just because I can sense those things doesn't mean that you should always use it," he purred and then laid down between us.

"He's got that extra sense," I purred. I have it too... though I prefer to ignore everyone unless it's Richard. Victor looked towards me and then smirked.

"So what did you two want? My time is valuable to me. Especially when I'm taking care of my grandson," he told us and then hummed lightly.

"Richard wanted you," I pointed to him. Richard smirked and then leaned in towards Victor's ear.

"Could you bring sweet little Castrian back home to this room? Just for a few minutes.... Nikolai doesn't have to know." Victor looked towards him and frowned but disappeared then reappeared with Castrian who looked around from Victor's arms and then nuzzled his head against Victor, looking a little tired. I reached out for Castrian, smiling softly.

"Hey Castrian, come here for a minute, sweetie." He looked towards me and then shrunk back against Victor shyly, but Victor handed him over, placing him in my lap. Castrian whined and then went to crawl away from me. I laughed and rocked him in my arms, keeping him with me. "Hey cutie," I purred. He looked up at me and then towards Victor, reaching for him. I could hear his thoughts clicking into place that he didn't want to be in my arms.

"Grampy," he called out, giving him a cute look to try to get Victor to take him back.

"What's the matter?" I asked him and started to tickle his feet. "Think I'm going to eat you?" I purred. He giggled and then reached for my hands, trying to get me to stop.

"Nuh-uh! Don't tickle me!" He giggled some more and then grabbed my hands before he leaned his head against it. Victor smiled.

"Text me when you're done," he told me and then disappeared. Castrian's eyes widened and he started to panic in his head as he looked towards where Victor had been standing.

"Yeah, we'll text you." I told Victor as he vanished then gave Castrian a kiss on the cheek. He rubbed it off and looked towards me then at Richard before he glanced at the door. I'm back here again.... He smiled and then giggled a little before he leaned his head up against my chest, resting his hand beside his head on my chest. I watched him and rubbed his head. "I love you sweetie," I purred to him. He looked up towards me and smiled.

"Wuv you too," he said cutely. Why's he so weird? He watched me and then giggled a little before he kissed my cheek and then hugged me.

"I'm not weird," I growled playfully then picked him up and started to toss him in the air to mess with him as I caught him. He yelped and looked terrified as he screamed. Richard frowned a little as he watched us, but he stayed silent, watching him closely. I laughed and caught him one last time then laid him down on his stomach and grabbed his toes, starting to tickle his feet. He tried to keep from giggling, but he couldn't help it.

"Stop it!" He told me and reached for my hands, giggling from being ticklish. Curse this! I pulled him to me and rolled him over on my stomach and pulled his shirt up, starting to tickle his sides.

"I've got you now," I teased. He shrieked and then giggled, pushing at my hands as he tried to get his shirt back down.

"Paris!" He burst out into a fit of giggles as I brushed my hand by a really ticklish spot on him. He squirmed and tried to sit up. I laughed and pulled him closer to me and kissed his stomach.

"Yeah cutie?" I asked him and brought him into my arms and gave him a tight hug. He squirmed and let out a small groan.

"You're squishing me," he complained and then looked into my eyes. I laughed and handed him to Richard then, smirking.

"Richard's turn!" Castrian shrieked and jumped out of the bed quickly, racing for the door. I laughed and teleported to the door and scooped him up when he got to me. "Where ya running off to so fast?" I asked. Anywhere but here! You're insane!

"To find mommy," he said innocently, looking up at me from my arms and then smiled before he leaned his head against my shoulder. I smirked towards him then teleported him into his bedroom.

"Can you tell me where Dante is?" I asked him. He glanced around the room and frowned.

"Daddy said that Dante was helping him set up my new room," he told me innocently and then looked towards the tea table before he reached out for it. "He drinks tea with me~"

"Yeah?" I asked. "What does Dante look like?" He looked towards me and then smiled sweetly.

"He's got black hair," he told me and then giggled. "Why?"

"I'm curious about him," I explained. He smiled and then leaned his head against my shoulder.

"He says he is a prince," he mumbled and then watched me. "He's my best friend."

"That's too bad because he ran away." I told him, wanting to know how he'd react. His eyes widened.

"Dante ran away?! Dante!" He called out and looked around worriedly. "He can't leave me! We never finished having tea!" He started to cry then.

"He decided he wanted to be someone else's best friend." He looked at me and then gripped my shirt.

"B-but... he's my best friend!" He whimpered and looked around the room towards one of the drawings on the walls. "He taught me to make smileys! He can't leave me! I won't let him! We pinky promised!"

"He's left you." I told him, frowning. "So now you're going to be alone in this room." He shook his head and buried his face into my chest.

"Get him back for me," he begged me.

"How about you just have tea with me for now on, ok?" I asked him. He sniffled and then looked towards the tea set then at me. He rubbed at his eyes, trying to calm down as he gave a small nod.

"Okay," he mumbled. "But... I want Dante too...."

"Dante told me to tell you goodbye," I kissed the top of his head.

"Auf wiedersehen," he mumbled, saying goodbye in German almost perfectly. I frowned.

"Did Dante tell you how to say goodbye in German?" I asked him. He looked up at me and gave an innocent smile.

"Yes," he said sweetly. I kissed his cheek then teleported us back into my bedroom and placed him down on the bed.

"Okay sweetie." I purred. He looked around and then frowned as he noticed Richard was missing. He looked up towards me, and I caught his eyes lingering on my chest before he looked up into my eyes. I smiled sweetly towards him. "Let's watch cartons together," I suggested. He gave a nod and smiled at me before he crawled up to the top of my bed and grabbed Richard's pillow, hugging it. He giggled and looked up at me.

"You want to watch TV with me?" He asked sweetly. I nodded and laid down on the bed then gave him the remote so I can watch him pick his favorite cartoon out to watch. Castrian looked the remote over and then started to play with the buttons for a second before he managed to turn the TV on. I laughed. That's my little boy Castrian. He wouldn't know how to use a remote. He's only played with tea pots and invisible tea. Now lets see what cartoon he picks. He started to scroll through the cartoons after a few seconds of looking the remote buttons over and then put on something, not his favorite, but his second favorite. I kissed his cheek then tilted my head.

"Castrian, how do you spell your name?" I asked him. He looked towards me and smiled.

"C?" He asked me and then giggled. "A, B, C, D, E, F, G~"

"That's the first few letters of the Alphabet silly." He giggled and then snuggled up to me. I petted his head and kissed it. "So where'd you learn it?" I asked him. He looked up towards me and tensed up a little.

"Dante," he told me after a few seconds.

"Oh yeah?" I asked him. "What letters do you know?"

"All of them," he said sweetly. "Want me to sing it?"

"Sing it for me." He giggled.

"A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z," he sung out and then gave me a huge smile when he finished. I rubbed his head then pulled him closer and rocked him in my arms.

"I love you cutie," I purred. He giggled.

"I love you too," he said and then looked towards the TV, watching it. I rocked him, trying to get him to fall asleep for me. After fifteen minutes, he started to look a little tired and yawned, being lulled to sleep by it. He eventually closed his eyes and relaxed in my arms, sleeping softly as his breathing slowed. I carried him with me then as I teleported to my study and looked around for Richard. I frowned when I found him at my desk, in my chair. I walked up to him and placed Castrian in his arms.

'What're you doing in here?" I asked him.

"Researching," he told me and set his phone down then looked at Castrian. He looked up towards me. "Was there anything strange about him?" He whispered, keeping his voice low.

"No, not really. He's learned a lot from Dante and he chose his second favorite cartoon to watch instead of his first." I shrugged. "I don't see anything strange about Castrian besides his strange thoughts."

"Strange thoughts? Any possibility Dante is in him and is a really good actor?" He asked and frowned. "I mean, if I was going to possess someone... I'd hang around them a lot and learn everything about them in order to make it look like nothing happened. Dante isn't an idiot. He'd do the same, especially if he picked a Grimm child to possess."

"So we should go get Eremiel to preform an exorcism on a Grimm baby that has demon blood in him and hope that he survives?" I asked. He frowned.

"That's not what I said.... Just that if there is a possibility Dante latched onto him... then we need to find out quick. He hates you and I bet he'd try to kill you if he could," Richard told me.

"Well then we should go get Eremiel." I pulled out my phone to call him. He held Castrian close to him and brushed Castrian's hair out of his face. Castrian opened his eyes and looked up at Richard tiredly then widened his eyes and shot up in Richard's arms. I laughed as I called Eremiel, waiting for him to pick up. After a few more rings, I heard him answer.

"What is it?" He asked sleepily. "I was taking a nap...." Castrian looked towards me and then escaped Richard's arms, taking off towards the door. I teleported in front of the door and snatched Castrian up.

"Could you come to my office?" I asked. "I need you to take a look at something."

"Sure, I'll be over in a second," he told me and hung up. Castrian struggled to get away from me, growling a little under his breath in frustration. I sat down on my couch with him and started to rock him in my arms as I sat my phone down.

"Castrian, calm down." I told him. He whined and then looked towards me.

"But I wanna find mommy," he told me quickly.

"Mommy is on a date." I lied to him quickly. He struggled to get away from me, but after a few minutes, he started to settle down, unable to fight it as he started to get sleepy again. I rubbed his head and kissed it. "Good boy." He blinked slowly and looked up at me, a small look of panic in his eyes, but he was too tired to get away from me. I rubbed his cheek and looked towards the door, waiting for Eremiel to come in. He walked in after a few minutes and stopped in the doorway, freezing up. His eyes shot to Castrian in my arms immediately.

"This is Nikolai and Raven's child." I told him. He walked over slowly and sat down on the couch.

"Yes... I can tell," he whispered, looking Castrian's sleeping face over with wide eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked him. He looked up at me then back at Castrian with a frown.

"Is he what you wanted me to look at? The boy who had that evil spirit following him around?" He asked me cautiously, a hint of danger in his voice.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"I found your evil spirit," he told me after a few more seconds of staring at Castrian.

"Looks like you're right Richard." I looked towards him. He sighed and sunk down in his seat.

"Great.... He's possessed by Dante... and Dante got good at acting," Richard muttered. Eremiel reached out towards Castrian then, frowning, but right before he could touch him, Castrian's eyes shot open in panic and he sat up quickly, crawling over me to get away from Eremiel. I tightened my grip of him quickly and frowned.

"Castrian, behave." I told him. "You're about to be blessed." He widened his eyes and looked from Eremiel and then at me then back at Eremiel. Hell no! He exposed his fangs and bit down into my hand, making me let go then jumped down into the floor quickly, running for the door. Richard let out a growl from the desk, watching closely. I teleported in front of the door then and snatched Castrian up then looked towards Richard.

"Hold him down?" I asked. He got to his feet and started to walk over, but Castrian let out a loud shriek and then started to struggle. He looked at Richard in panic then at Eremiel in fear. I looked Castrian over, wondering if we should just place his stone in holly water. Richard went to take him from me, but as soon as his hand touched him, I felt Castrian dig his hand down into my chest and he gripped my stone in a last ditch effort to avoid getting near the angel. He looked up at me with wide eyes and then at my chest, trembling. Richard let out a sharp growl at him, looking ready to tear Castrian apart for that, but he held back. I gave Castrian a small glare and snatched him back a bit but felt a little dizzy since he had my stone so I stopped. "Cassy, let go." I said firmly. "Let go of my stone or you'll be in serious trouble." Richard narrowed his eyes at Castrian and watched him closely, ready to snatch him from me the moment he let go. Castrian looked at my chest, trembling as he debated about it. I've got Paris right here... but even if I do let go... they'll take me over to that angel and it'll be over.... He squeezed his eyes shut and then stopped trembling after a few seconds. He opened his eyes and gave my chest a determined look. I can't let it end here....

"Dante, you crush my fucking stone and you're going to have to face my furious mate." I snarled. Castrian tensed up as I said Dante's name and he looked up at me with wide eyes, shocked at hearing it. He loosened up on my stone in the process as he gasped slightly. "Don't. Do. It." I hissed. "Because if you do you're going to have to face Richard- who knows that when I die I'm going to be Satan's bitch and you're going to be whipped from existence when it happens. We'll let you leave peacefully if you let go now." He looked back at my chest and then clenched his jaw slightly but he let go, taking his hand away from my stone slowly. Richard relaxed and let out a sigh of relief.

"I don't want to go back," he mumbled to me.

"To hell?" I asked. "No one wants to spend eternity in that place." He leaned his head against my chest and then looked towards Eremiel.

"He's going to send me back, isn't he?" He whispered to me, scared looking.

"You did take over Castrian's body. We need him back." He frowned slightly. He looked up at me and then at Eremiel again who watched us with interest.

"Can I at least stay in the room?" He asked me softly. "I really don't want to go back... and you crushed my stone twice." He gripped my shirt slightly to keep from trembling as he found Eremiel watching him.

"You deserved it though." I crossed my arms and let him fall to the floor. "So did Charlie." He yelped as he hit the floor and whimpered.

"Ow.... This body is so hard to use.... That shouldn't have hurt me.... and then the stupid rocking thing," he muttered and then looked up towards me. "You didn't have to crush my stone in hell!"

"I thought I would peacefully send you on to your next life... but here you are." I smirked and knelt down, watching him. "Terrorizing the innocently."

"It's not like he didn't let me," he muttered. "He practically begged me to never leave him."

"What?" I asked.

"He let me."

"You tricked him. He's innocent minded." I pointed a finger towards him. "We've been babying him as much as possible because of his genes."

"Raven's genes or your genes?" He asked and wrinkled up his nose. "By the way, the blood is weird.... There's so much demon that it's smothering."

"You're being over dramatic." I rolled my eyes. "Get out of his body and we'll talk about getting you something better." He sat up slowly, wincing in pain.

"Like what?" He mumbled.

"We'll get you a new life." I told him, shrugging. He looked me over suspiciously, having a hard time trusting me. He glanced over at Eremiel then sighed before he laid back down.

"Fine.... I'll give him back," he mumbled.

"You better give him back or you're going to hell again. Richard, get Hachi in here." Richard pulled his phone out and started to text him the details. Castrian watched me for a few seconds before he closed his eyes and then relaxed the best he could. "Dante, look me in the eyes." I told him firmly. He opened his eyes again and looked towards me, meeting my eyes. I grabbed his chin then and pulled him closer.

"You'll never possess Castrian again," I began to compel him. "You'll never do anything to put my family in harm of danger of yourself, repeat it back and promise me." He blinked and then nodded a little.

"I'll never possess Castrian again... and... I won't put the Grimm family in danger from me... promise."

"You'll be given a new form here on Earth by Hachi and I hope you live a very long and happy life, never thinking about Raven again, never wanting her." I instructed.

"Didn't want her anyways," he said calmly.

"Why did you possess Castrian then?"

"For revenge," he whispered. "Plus I wanted Charlie back."

"Charlie can't come back... You know this." I sighed out. "He's gone... The whole Ainsworth family is gone. Just like how Lauren is gone." He frowned a little and watched my eyes.

"Charlie can't come back?" He pouted a little.

"That's how it works... his soul gets recycled and he comes back as a new mate for you in a different form. That's what parents have been saying for generations." He nodded and relaxed a little.

"Okay... are you going to make me human?" He asked me softly.

"Do you want to be human?" I asked.

"Nuh-uh, they suck," he told me.

"Good answer. I'll give you your stone back." I told him just as Hachi appeared in the room and looked around then tensed up as he saw Castrian and me. Castrian glanced over at Hachi, breaking eye contact with me. I let him go and looked towards Hachi.

"I want you to work with Eremiel to separate Dante from Castrian then give Dante a new form, his pureblood stone form and body." I told Hachi.

"Are you sure?" Hachi asked.

"I've compelled him to never harm my family again." I told him. Hachi gave a nod. Castrian rubbed his eyes and then looked up at me.

"I can leave his body myself," he suggested innocently.

"Will you do it then?" I asked him. Looks like we don't need Eremiel then.

"I need you to go get me a stone," Hachi told Richard. Richard nodded.

"I'll go get one of the fake stones in the cleansing room," he said and walked out of the room. Castrian gave a nod.

"Uh-huh, I'll do it," he told me and then closed his eyes. Castrian suddenly fell over and Dante's ghostly form sat a few feet away from him. He smirked. "That feels so much better," he whispered. Hachi looked him over and gave a small smirk.

"You know I could make you my little lost soul instead," Hachi suggested evilly. Dante's eyes widened and he looked over at Hachi.

"Huh?" He asked and then looked Hachi over, glancing him over from head to toe.

"I was just kidding." Hachi said and walked over to him and then waved his hand over him, making Dante turn into a ball of light. He held onto it tightly and waited for Richard to come back. When he finally walked back in, he tossed one of the stones from hand to hand and then looked at Castrian worriedly as he saw him passed out on the floor then looked at Hachi. He gave him the stone and then glanced at the ball of light before he rushed over to me and got beside me, hugging me. I rubbed RIchard's head and looked towards Castrian before I watched Hachi enchant the stone and make it glow as something glowed in him. The light of Dante suddenly appeared in the stone as it came to life like a pureblood's stone. Hachi licked it then and dropped it to the floor as it started to form a body, but it was a familiar small version of Dante.... maybe around the same age as Castrian. "I thought it would be funny." Hachi said and smirked. Dante's little body curled up and he whimpered, holding his chest before he opened his eyes slowly. He looked towards us and then frowned. I could tell he didn't recognize a single one of us.

"Gotta go." Hachi said and disappeared. I frowned and looked to where Hachi had been then towards Dante. I held my arms out for him and knelt down.

"Come here," I called to him. He sat up and crawled over, taking it slow and then sat down in front of me, looking up at me innocently before he smiled and giggled.

"Your hair is white," he mumbled, reaching up towards it. Raven will flip if I call him Dante... I should rename him while I'm at this. I looked him over with a playful smile. I could be a bitch and name him Charlie... but then again.... People would still flip... I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Looks like we've got another son, Richard." I purred. "Pick a name for him?" I asked. Castrian's eyes fluttered open and he started to look around. Richard frowned slightly.

"Wait... what? We're gonna... raise him? Him?" He looked Dante over as Dante innocently giggled and started to play with my hair.

"Yeah," I nodded and started to bounce him in my arms. "We're going to raise and adopt him and he'll be number sixteen." I told Richard. He looked unsure but he gave a nod.

"Alright.... I'll think." Dante squealed in delight and hugged me, wrapping his arms around me as I bounced him. His memory was completely blank. I couldn't feel a thing from him. He was lucky he could understand us.

"He can't remember anything after all." I whispered. "Raven serait fou si on commençait à l'appeler Dante, alors on l'appelle autre chose. De plus, il est notre nouvel enfant maintenant, alors nous devrions pouvoir choisir un nom plus joli pour lui." I told Richard in French, so that Dante wouldn't understand at all. I've taught Richard French over the years, luckily. He nodded.

"Alright... I can understand doing that," he mumbled and looked towards Dante. "He's kind of cute... not looking hateful. I think it was his parents' faults."

"Maybe," I agreed. "I don't quite remember ever meeting them though." I whispered. "Did you?"

"No... but my father was friends with them. I could hear them conversing in German, but he never really let me in the room," he told me and shrugged. "I was more into the piano anyways than seeing them."

"Understandable." I whispered and felt Castrian tugging on my pants.

"Paris.... Where's my mommy?" He asked softly, rubbing his eyes. I looked down at him as he looked me over and sniffled. Dante looked towards him and gave him an interested look, leaning in and smelling him. I picked Castrian up then and carried them towards the door.

"She's letting me babysit you," I explained. Castrian looked Dante over then gave a small and confused look then leaned against him almost instantly.

"Dante..." He mumbled softly. I heard Richard following behind me and he sighed.

"Do I still get to rename him?" Richard asked me. "It looks like Castrian wants to name him though."

"Yes, we're still renaming him." I told Richard. Castrian looked up at me in wonder then grabbed my shirt and brought it closer to his cheek. Dante looked around in awe at the halls and then hid his face in my chest. I saw Raven walk through the hall a few feet down it, on her phone. "Hey Raven, I hope you don't mind but I took Castrian off of Victor's hands for awhile and solved the Dante problem." I told her. "Don't worry. I'm still taking care of him." Raven paused and looked up then saw Castrian. Her eyes lit up and she was in front of me in seconds, purring towards Castrian as she reached out for him. She froze up though when she noticed Dante hiding in my arms.

"Uhmm, is that..." She looked from me back to Dante.

"Funny little guy, am I right?" I asked her. "I found him in my study with his memories completely blank so I'm going to adopt and raise him. I'm still thinking of a name with Richard but Castrian wants to call him Dante." I told her. "Too bad I don't like that name." Castrian rubbed his eyes and looked towards Raven then gave her a huge smile.

"Mommy!" He grabbed Dante's hand. Raven looked them over and then relaxed giving a smile.

"Memories gone huh? Well... I guess that's alright," she whispered, calming down as she saw the innocent look on Dante's face. She laughed and then ruffled Castrian's head. "Got yourself a new friend kiddo?"

"Yeah!" Castrian nodded. "I want to have a tea party with him." He said in excitement. She smiled and nodded.

"Alright, you can have a tea party together," she purred to him. "Take Paris for tea too though, okay? Mommy needs to go tell daddy about your new friend."

"Ok," Castrian nodded and looked up at me expectantly.

"I need to get some clothes for him first before we go to a tea party." I told him, starting for Liam's room since they're about the same size. I walked in there and started for his closet, being quick about it. Richard was right behind me and waiting as he murmured names under his breath, trying them out to see if he liked them. I placed the two of them down in the floor and pulled out Liam's lion onesie then sat down and pulled Dante to me, dressing him in it. I laughed as I looked the cute tail over and pulled the hood on him to show off the ears.

"You're so cute!" Castrian giggled out and hugged Dante. Dante looked towards Castrian then down at the onesie.

"Where'd my feet go?" He asked and then frowned as he looked up towards me.

"I want one too! I want to be your twin!" Castrian cried out, making me laugh at them.

"Your feet are inside," I explained to Dante then looked towards Castrian. "Okay, we might have another in the sixtuplet's closet. Want me to go look real quick?" I asked. He nodded. I teleported into their closet and found one then teleported back and dressed Castrian in the matching onesie that fit him perfectly. I kissed them both on the head. Castrian giggled with delight. Dante smiled huge and then crawled back into my arms, nuzzling his head against me as he giggled a little and played with the ears on the hood. I pulled Castrian into my arms then got up with them and carried them out to Richard. "They're twining." I purred to him. He laughed as he looked them over.

"That's adorable.... Hold still." He pulled his phone out and took a picture of us. "So keeping that~"

"You better send it to me." I purred then carried the boys to the door. "Still thinking on a name?" I asked.

"Mhm~" Richard hummed out, following after me with a little bounce in his step. "How about Luca? Luca Grimm."

"Sounds good enough for me. We could have his middle name be Agapy," I teased. Richard laughed then.

"Agapy? Isn't that supposed to be unconditional love and stuff? Alright, it's kind of ironic though because he wasn't like that at all before," he purred to me and then got up beside me before he opened the door and led me out into the hall. "Luca Agapy Grimm... sounds great~"

"Luca?" Castrian asked, looking towards Dante who just got his new name, Luca.

"Yes, from now on, you'll call him Luca instead of what you're used to," Richard whispered to him. "Don't tell him his old name. We want him to forget all about it."

"Why?" Castrian asked.

"Because he's getting a new chance at life and we want him to be like a whole new person... and he's going to be our son- one of your cousins," he explained then kissed Castrian's head. Luca looked up at Richard in confusion then hid his face into my chest. Castrian looked towards Luca and then leaned in, kissing his cheek then gave him a hug. Luca looked towards him and giggled before he hugged him back, nuzzling his face against him before he hid his face against him.

"Cassy," he mumbled happily. Castrian giggled with delight. I walked up towards his bedroom and walked into it, sitting them down at the table. Luca shivered and looked around the room before he glanced at the table and frowned. Richard laughed and sat down in one of the chairs, smirking before he looked at Castrian.

"So little guy, going to serve us some tea?" He asked, deciding to play with them. "Or would you rather me do it?" I sat down in the last empty chair.

"I'll serve!" Castrian announced. "But I need to wash these cups. They've been used already." He took them and ran off with them, going to his little kitchen set he had begged for and started to pretend to wash them then came back. "Oh, forgot to make the tea." He grabbed the tea pot and went over to the stove, starting to mess with it. He giggled. Luca watched him with interest before he got up and stumbled over to me then fell down right by my seat. He whined and then tried to crawl into my lap, finding it hard. I laughed and picked him up then kissed his cheek.

"What's wrong Luca?" I asked. Castrian came running back with the tea pot.

"Ready!" Luca looked towards him then rested his head against my chest with a small smile, watching him.

"Luca, you should sit back down in your seat," Castrian instructed. "Otherwise the seating will be uneven." He whined and held onto me.

"I don't wanna leave daddy," he complained.

"But Luca," Castrian whined "You're making it uneven." Luca shifted and then shrunk down against me before he sighed and then crawled out of my lap and sat back in his seat, curling up unhappily. "Better, would you like tea, Luca?" Castrian asked. He glanced towards the tea pot and then nodded.

"Mhm," he hummed softly towards him.

"Tea, for you." Castrian poured tea into a cup for him and passed it his way. "Do you want tea, Richard?" He smirked and gave a nod.

"Yes," he told him then leaned back in his seat. "I would love some tea." He poured tea for Richard and gave him the tea cup. He looked towards me then.

"Tea?" He asked. I gave a nod.

"Yes, thank you." I purred with delight. I've never seen a kid so interested in tea parties. Not even Laurence. I wonder what he was like as a child... A younger child.

"You're welcome," He poured me tea and gave it to me then poured himself some. Luca purred softly and then pulled his tea cup closer to him, making Richard laugh a little. I looked towards Richard with a playful smirk. What's he laughing at, Luca? Luca loving the tea cup.... sure. I widened my smirk. "Enjoy." Castrian told us and started to sip of his invisible- make believe tea. I should give him a real tea set when he's older and start teaching him more about tea parties and tea. Richard smirked at me when he saw me looking at him and then winked before he pretended to drink the fake tea Castrian had poured him. I laughed and sipped on my tea, letting out a moan.

"Why Castrian this is the best tea I've ever tried." I told him, making him giggle.

"Really?" Castrian asked. Richard nodded.

"In all my years, you make the best tea. Not even Paris makes tea that's better than this and he's centuries old," he teased, giving Castrian a smirk. Castrian widened his eyes and blushed.

"Thanks!" He giggled and sunk in his chair.

"You'll make a fine gentleman one day. I'll teach you to play to please the ladies... or other gentlemen. Whichever you prefer to entertain," Richard told him then took another sip.

"A gentleman?" Castrian asked and then raised his head. "I am one already." Richard laughed at that.

"Yes, yes you are. A little gentleman who loves his tea parties," he purred to him. "Guess I could start giving you piano lessons tomorrow. Every gentleman needs to know how to play it."

"The piano? What's that..." Castrian looked confused and sat up more.

"I'm going to give you something special soon after." I purred. Richard looked towards me with a small frown.

"And what would that be?" He asked me and then leaned forward slightly. "You don't even give our kids much."

"I give them everything they've ever wanted except freedom to leave this manor... which Rory has already abused. Good thing I made Shiloh follow him." I purred. "But I want to give Castrian more lessons on tea. Real tea with real glass tea cups and a pot." I looked towards him, watching his eyes widen big in excitement. Richard laughed and nodded.

"That'd be good," he said and then took another sip of the tea. Luca turned his teacup over and sat it down on the saucer, giggling a little. Castrian looked towards Luca and frowned.

"Luca, you don't sit tea cups like that." Luca looked towards him and frowned.

"Why not?" He asked him and then pouted.

"Because now it's pouring out." Luca looked towards it and then sat it upright and nudged it on the saucer.

"Fine," he mumbled and then looked towards me with a longing look before he glanced back at Castrian. Castrian started for Luca then with a giggle and reached out to tickle him. Luca widened his eyes and fell out of the seat, hitting the floor. "Cassy!" Castrian got on him quickly and started to tickle his sides.

"You spilled my tea and now you'll pay!" Castrian told him. Luca started to giggle and went for Castrian's hands.

"Cassy! That tickles!" He giggled and tried to sit up.

"Uh-huh! Tickle fight!" Castrian giggled and then licked Luca's face. Luca blushed and then went to wipe his face off.

"Eww! You licked me! Daddy! I got licked!" He tried to push up on Castrian then to escape. Richard smirked and leaned over, knocking my teacup off my saucer and into my lap.

"Oops," he said and then looked at me. "I spilt the tea all over you...." He gave me a playful smirk. Castrian giggled and laid down on Luca, curling up to him.

"My Luca," He purred. I glanced towards Richard than picked the tea cup up and sat it down on the table. I started for Richard then with a playful growl.

"You knocked my tea over on purpose." I purred and then tackled him out of the chair. He laughed at me and then leaned up, licking my neck.

"Oh? I did? I knocked it over on purpose? Naughty me," he purred back and brushed his hands down my sides. I leaned in and gave him a soft kiss before I looked over at the kids.

"Bedtime." I told them quickly. Luca looked towards us and then at Castrian before he hugged him and sat up. He got away from him and walked over to me. Richard laughed and looked up at Luca.

"You better ask Paris first. I know that look when I see it. You want to sleep in our bed, don't you," he purred to Luca.

"I want to sleep with Luca," Castrian cried out. He sat up and rushed for Luca and grabbed his wrist. Luca looked towards him and then pouted. Richard laughed a little and looked up at me before he stole a quick kiss.

"You want it to be just you and me, right?" He teased me, whispering in my ear. "How about we put them to bed together... and then me and you have a slumber party in our room? Castrian can babysit Luca easily." I nodded then picked them both up and started for Castrian's crib.

"Maybe tomorrow night Luca, I want you to sleep with Castrian and keep him company. He doesn't have his stuffed animals." I told them as I sat them down in Castrian's crib. Castrian was quick to curl up in it. Luca looked up at me and then whined, hugging me around my neck as I lowered him into the crib with Castrian.

"Daddy," he mumbled. Richard laughed a little at my side.

"You'll be fine Luca," he promised him. "Castrian is a gentleman and will keep you safe." Luca whined but let go of me then looked at Castrian then up at me longingly.

"Goodnight boys," I purred. "We love you." I kissed them both on top of the head. Castrian curled up and his eyes fell heavy.

"I love you too daddy," Luca mumbled and then looked towards Richard. "Night night...." Richard laughed.

"Night cutie." He ruffled Luca's hair, making him giggle. I took a step back from the crib then and started for the doors. Richard was hot on my trail, opening the door for me and then shutting it behind us. He smirked at me and then grabbed my wrist. I growled playfully and teleported us into our bedroom and pushed him down on the bed.

"So you want to spill tea huh?" I teased. He laughed and then gave me a seductive look, running a hand up his sides.

"Yeah, spilt tea is best hot," he purred, teasing me.

"Well you burned me." I teased and then pulled my shirt off. "Now you're going to pay." He smirked at me.

"Pay? I don't pay baby. You got the wrong idea," he told me and then moved into a sexy position, smirking at me playfully. "I am a gentleman after all.... I could never do something so scandalous."

"You better do something gentleman or you're going to jail." I teased and started for the handcuffs. He sat up quickly and went for them too, trying to be faster than me. I laughed and reached them first then looked towards him as I tossed them across the room. He gasped and then looked at me.

"Those were mine," he mumbled and then got to his knees on the bed, grabbing me by my belt loops. "Thief."

"Tea spiller," I tossed back with a smirk as I started for his belt, pulling it off of him. He purred and leaned in towards my neck, biting down and marking me. I moaned and leaned up against him, dropping the belt. He pulled back and looked at me as he slowly licked his lips clean of my blood, his fangs exposed as he had a seductive look in his eyes. I purred and teleported us into the music room, throwing him down on top of the piano. He widened his eyes and looked around then at the piano before he looked at me.

"Paris~!" He laughed a little.

"What?" I purred.

"Are you wanting to do it here instead of in our room?" He asked me and sat up, tilting his head. "Or are you suddenly bored with the idea?"

"I thought we should do it here. Are you afraid they'll catch us in the act?" I teased. "We could do it in the gardens too." He blushed a little.

"What would they say when a clumsy gentleman and a thief get caught together? You know... I don't think I mind if we get caught. I'm so sick of playing proper," he purred, smirking at me.

"After we raise these batch of kids I want a break." I told him. "I want one like we had between Myra and Donnie. We're going to have sex together in these forms throughout the manor no matter how many times we get caught and then some in the castles we own. Then I'll take you anywhere else you want to have sex at." I purred playfully and kissed him deeply. He moaned and leaned in to the kiss more before he licked my bottom lip then wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him so that I made a noise on the piano and had me brushing up against his knees. I purred and moved closer to him and growled playfully. He pulled back from the kiss slightly and looked up into my eyes before he closed them again and leaned in, slipping his tongue into my mouth as he traveled his hands down my back. I yanked his pants off and laughed. He pulled back quickly and looked down at himself before he blushed a little and then looked up at me, running his hand down to my butt and gripped it. I gasped and grabbed his, forcing him closer to my body. He purred and then leaned in, giving me a love bite on my neck.

"So thief... are you going to rob me of my love too?" He purred playfully in my ear.

"Are you going to spill my blood if I do rob something?" I asked, leaning in towards his neck.

"Depends on what you steal," he teased me, giving my butt a squeeze.

"I don't think I have anything else to steal from you." I teased. "We've already gave eachother our virginity... what more could I want?"

"Everything," he mumbled in my ear. "You could want everything you see."

"True... I'll just steal you- Oh wait I already did." He laughed and then looked me in the eyes.

"You think you stole me?" He teased me.

"Oh yes." I nodded. "From the first moment we met."

"I stole you," he purred and then squeezed my butt again. "I bit you first."

"I loved you first. You thought of me as a meal," I teased. He gasped.

"Did not! I thought of you as mine. Who told you about mates?" He leaned in and stole a kiss from me.

"You..." I whispered. He purred and then pulled me closer, wrapping his legs around my hips.

"That's right.... Now don't ever think I thought you were merely food," he whispered in my ear.

"Okay," I mumbled and leaned in for a kiss. He kissed me quickly and then purred against me as he slowly laid back on the piano, pulling me with him. I could hear the piano play a chord as he did so, my body hitting it. I looked down at the piano then back into his eyes. "I love you." He purred and then grabbed the hand that had my wedding ring on it and then gave it a kiss.

"I love you too.... I don't mind the idea of a break.... It lets us be more focused on each other instead of chasing around our children," he mumbled and then looked up at me before he slowly started to tug my pants down. "Sixtuplets is a bit much."

"That's true... you're the girl next." I teased.

"Yeah, we're taking a break," he said quickly and laughed before he shoved my pants down all the way and rubbed his foot against my thigh. "At least a decade if not longer." He purred and then slipped his leg further up against mine, leaning in and giving me a love bite on my neck as he trailed his hands up a little, tickling me..

"That sounds good for me." I purred. "Let's enjoy life together. Let's go exploring. It's a new age." He nodded before he leaned in again and started on another love bite on my chest, running his hands back down my sides. I growled playfully towards him and then grabbed his hands. He gasped and then looked from his hands to me.

"Paris~ That's naughty of you... taking my hands like that," he purred. "How am I supposed to please you without them?" I let his hands go.

"Okay, please me." I smirked. He laughed and then leaned in, kissing my neck.

"Please you? Okay," he whispered against me and started to slip a hand down to my boxers. "Want it rough?"

"I want you to be as rough as you can. Show me your tough side Richard. I want to see you dominant again." He smirked and then nodded.

"You'll want pills in the morning," he purred to me and then shoved his hand down into my boxers and gripped me, giving me a growl. "About twenty of them."

"How about we go have fun in the dungeon?" I asked. He smirked then and nipped at my ear.

"You want to play downstairs too? That's a tall order. Alright. Let's go~" I smirked as I teleported us into the dungeon where we had fun with the equipment all night long and all through the morning and it didn't stop for a week.

Luca's POV:

It's been a week! Where's daddy?! I curled up behind the play kitchen that Castrian had and tried to hide from him. He keeps making me play tea party with him.... I squeezed my eyes shut as I heard him waking up. I had managed to crawl out of the crib this morning... He wasn't exactly good at crawling out though- afraid of the jump. I heard him start to cry. "Luca?" He asked. I shivered and buried my face into my knees. Not again! I don't wanna play with invisible tea! "Luca...." He sniffled. "I'm alone..." I heard him start to cry. "He said he'd never leave me!" I frowned slightly, trying to remember when I said that. Did I? I don't think I did.... No... he must be imagining I did.... I peeked through the window of the kitchen wall towards the crib to check on him, feeling slightly bad. I made him cry.... He had curled up to Mr. Trunks and hid his face against him. I frowned a little and then looked towards the door before I sighed and started to crawl out from behind the kitchen set and over to his crib. He kept crying, not hearing me approaching him. I reached through the crib bars after I managed to stand up and grabbed his shirt, tugging on it.

"Cassy," I mumbled and then held onto the crib with my other hand to keep me from falling. He looked up towards me and then looked excited to see me and crawled closer to the bars and grabbed my shirt.

"Luca, come back into the crib." He begged. I frowned slightly, but I didn't want to make him cry again, so I crawled over to one of the chairs and started to pull it back to the crib and got up on it, crawling over the railings to get back in with him. He pulled me in with him and curled up to me. "Luca~" He purred. I smiled and then hugged him.

"Don't cry," I whispered to him. "It makes me sad." He hugged me tightly.

"Don't leave me." He begged. I blushed and then buried my face into his hair.

"Leave you?" I mumbled, holding him. Does that mean I can't wander off at all?

"Nu-uh. Stay with me forever. We can wonder together... Wander... Wonder...." I sighed a little then smiled. He's not that bad.... He's my friend too.

"Okay," I whispered. "I won't leave you."

"Yay!" He rubbed his head against mine. "I'll never let you go." I frowned a little and then went to move back from him. Never let me go? What if I need to go potty? I don't want him in there with me! That'd be weird. He looked me over and frowned. I froze up. Oh no... He's frowning at me....

"Uhhhh.... Don't ever let me go?" I gave a smile, trying to cheer him up then hugged him. He smiled towards me and then rested against me, starting to fall back to sleep against me. I watched him for a few minutes and smiled before I gently laid him down and replaced myself with the stuffed animal in the crib.

"Luca..." He mumbled and squeezed his stuffed animal. I blushed a little and then laid down, looking around the room and then towards the door, wondering where my daddy was. He hasn't come back for me.... Am I abandoned? Did I do something wrong? I pouted and then looked towards him before I pulled the stuffed animal away from him and then tossed it out of the crib, wanting a hug. I crawled over to him and then hugged him, burying my face against him as I whined a little. He snuggled up to me and then leaned in towards my neck, giving it a kiss. I gasped and squeezed him as I felt my face heating up. That was my neck! I heard the doors open then and my daddy Paris walked into the room and started towards the crib.

"Morning boys~!" He gave us a huge smile. I looked towards him and quickly pushed Castrian away, reaching for him.

"Daddy!" I smiled and giggled as I crawled up to the bars, holding my hands out for him. Castrian whined and sat up. Paris scooped us out of the crib then started for the door.

"You guys have a busy day. You both have a play date this morning right after breakfast then piano lessons and afterwards for lunch we will be having a real tea party." Paris told us. I snuggled up to him and smiled.

"Okay," I said sweetly. What's a playdate? I glanced over at Castrian and then grabbed his hand, knowing he was probably upset with me for shoving him away for daddy earlier.

"Will Lien and Liam be there?" Castrian asked, sounding excited. He gripped a necklace around him then.

"Yeah, they'll be there." Paris told him. "A playdate is where you go and meet other children. These children are family though. You have older brothers and sisters Luca that you're about to meet so be nice to all of them." I nodded and then smiled. I have brothers and sisters? I giggled and then looked over at Castrian with a huge smile.

"Cassy," I purred and then leaned up against him. I hope they're as nice as Castrian is.... My Cassy.

"Your older brother Liam is my friend." Castrian told me. "I'm apart of his friendship with Lien. This necklace is what Lien gave me to show his love for me." He told me.

"You're number sixteen of my children Luca." Paris told me. I frowned. Number sixteen? That's a lot of siblings.... And what does Cassy mean by love?! I pulled away from him and then hid my face in my daddy's chest, whining. He's my Cassy....

"They're just friends." Paris whispered in my ear. "His affections are for you." I looked up to him and then blushed. Just friends? There's more than just friends? Castrian kissed my cheek then and giggled.

"We're going on a playdate," He sung softly. I looked towards him and smiled, seeing he was happy. It can't be bad then. I rubbed my cheek where he kissed me then snuggled up to my daddy as I leaned my head against him and watched Castrian. We were suddenly in a new room and Paris sat me down in front of a TV on a couch. There was already others our age here. I looked around with wide eyes and shrunk down into the couch. There's so many.... A boy with cat ears and a tail looked up then from the corner of the room then smiled.

"Liam," he whispered to a white haired boy beside him. "Look, it's Castrian~" Liam looked over and then giggled.

"Castrian!" He held out his hands for him then. Castrian left my side, running to them and tackled Liam into a hug then giggled.

"Liam, Lien~ I want you to meet your brother Liam- it's Luca." He pointed to me. "He's so cute! He's my friend. Can he be our friend?" The cat eared boy flicked his tail and looked me over then looked at Castrian.

"Why?" He asked bluntly. That must be Lien if the white haired boy is Liam. I frowned and sunk down a little, curling up to myself. I can't compete for Castrian's friendship against a boy with cat ears!

"Because I want him to be our friend?" Castrian asked innocently. Lien sighed and then looked towards Liam who was already nodding.

"Crud," he muttered. "Fiiiine... he can join the circle."

"It's a quad." I heard a girl tell them as she passed by. She had black curly hair and a book in her hand. "Circles need more people." Lien flattened his ears against his head.

"No one asked you, outsider," he hissed.

"No one said I couldn't butt in." She pointed a finger towards him and giggled. "It's not like I can't hear you, insider." He flicked his tail, looking upset.

"W-well... no one..." He groaned. "Liam, help me."

"Nuh-uh, the look on your face is funny," Liam said innocently, giggling. Lien looked towards him and hissed.

"Take it back!" He tackled him to the floor then, getting on top of him. Liam giggled and then kissed Lien's cheek.

"Love you Lien," he said sweetly and then smiled. Lien flicked his tail, but I saw his ears perking up at that. He purred and then leaned in, rubbing his head against him.

"I love you too~!" Castrian gestured for me to come over. I bit my bottom lip a little then shook my head no, not wanting to be attacked by the cat. Plus Castrian left me for them.... Castrian's eyes watered up then. Oh no... He's gonna cry.... I shrunk into myself as I watched him. Please don't cry.... please don't cry.... He busted out crying then, making two boys who were singing stop and look towards him. I whimpered and then got up, crawling over to him to make him stop crying. He sniffled and whipped at his tears before reaching out for me. I huffed out a sigh as I sat down in front of him then looked away. He tackled me into a hug and I heard the boys start back to singing. I blushed and looked towards Castrian and then hugged him back, smiling happily. It felt better to be in his arms..... He giggled and then looked towards Liam and Lien.

"This is Luca~" He pointed to me. "Luca Agapy Grimm. Luca, this is Liam- your bubba and Lien." He pointed towards them. Liam smiled from under Lien and then giggled.

"Hey Luca!" He said sweetly. Lien growled a little and sat up on Liam, looking me over. I widened my eyes as I suddenly got an image of him attacking me and hid against Castrian to avoid his eyes.

"Wanna join us for piano lessons?" Castrian asked them. "Then afterwards we're going to a tea party." Liam nodded and giggled.

"Okay!" He sat up and pushed Lien off him then crawled over. "We'll join you," he promised us and then looked towards me before he pulled me away from Castrian and hugged me, leaning in towards my neck and smelling me. I widened my eyes and tensed up, watching him out of the corner of my eyes as I tried not to shove him away. He's in my neck! "Brother," he mumbled in my ear and then kissed my cheek, giving me a squeeze. Lien looked over with narrowed eyes, glaring me down as he flicked his tail back and forth. Castrian looked towards me with wide eyes.

'Breakfast!" I heard a woman shout. "Come on kiddos, come into the dinning room for breakfast." She told us, she had pretty white hair like my father. Lien stood up and walked over, grabbing Liam's shirt collar and started to drag him away from me and towards the kitchen. I relaxed and then laid there in the floor, trying to calm down. He looked like he was going to get mad.... The other kids were rushing for the kitchen as well. Castrian grabbed my hand and pulled me after them. I followed him, deciding I didn't want to be left behind or dragged. He led me past the kitchen and into a room with a huge table. There was tons of food sat up on it and plates for everyone. Castrian led us over to two chairs across from Liam and Lien and right beside a girl our age that was seated by a very similar boy. I sat down in the chair and then felt my tummy grumble as I smelled the food, making my mouth water a little. Liam smiled over at me and then looked at Lien, kissing his cheek sweetly. Lien's eyes lit up happily and he looked over at Liam with a purr, calming down. I saw a girl with purple hair walking up towards us and she leaned over Castrian's chair, purring as she kissed his head.

"Hey sweetie," she whispered to him.

"Hey mommy!" Castrian giggled. "Where've you been?" He asked.

"Doing some things with your father... hunting around the house... setting up Luca's room," she purred to him and glanced over at me before she looked back at him. "Stuff like that."

"Where's Luca's bedroom gonna be?" Castrian asked. "I know Paris keeps his kids on his hall but I want Luca's bedroom close to mine." He reached out and grabbed my hand. "Right Luca?" She frowned slightly and then shook her head.

"Sorry sweetie... but Paris's children go on his hall. He's taking care of Luca as his own, so Luca is on his hall," she told him. Castrian frowned.

"But Paris's hall is a hall away from mine!" Castrian shouted. She sighed and then kissed the top of his head.

"I know," she mumbled. "You can still play together though. I'm sure he'll come visit you." Castrian looked towards me.

"You will, right?" He asked me. I nodded and kept myself from frowning. I'm not going to be with him anymore?

"See, there you go. You can't always have everything sweetie, but at least he will still come play with you," she purred to him.

"But what if Luca wanted his room closer to mine?" He asked softly.

"Paris's kids go on Paris's hall," she told him, giving him a look. Castrian turned away from her then with a sad look.

"Ok." He mumbled and started to fix himself a plate of waffles.

"I love you sweetie," she whispered to him and frowned.

"Love you mommy..." He mumbled and drenched his waffles with syrup.

"If you really don't like it... you could always ask Paris why," she purred to him, ruffling his hair before she started to walk off. Castrian looked towards me then and sniffled. I bit my bottom lip and then took his hand in mine to comfort him. I'm going to be on a hall where I won't be near my only friend.... I looked towards my plate and started to fix myself something before I picked up my fork and began to eat some eggs.

"Liam's room is on Paris's hall so maybe you'll be close to him." Castrian mumbled. I shivered a little at that. That means that the cat will probably try to eat me in my sleep... with the looks he gives me. I shrunk down into my seat, feeling my heart speed up at the thought. I don't wanna sleep somewhere else!

"And... and the..... the sixtuplets sleep on that hall and... and I find them to be very nice." He looked towards the six older looking children that all looked alike and sat close together. I gave a small nod, half hearing him as I took another bite of my food. I'm going to die.... "And.... Takara and Solis sleep on that hall.... They're dragons." He pointed to two weird looking kids. "But I won't be there cause I sleep on a hall all by myself," He cried out. I looked towards him and frowned a little before I felt my eyes start to water up. I don't wanna be separated! He sunk in his chair and rubbed at his watery eyes. I started to cry then, unable to keep myself from doing it.

"What's going on in here, why is there two sad little boys?" I heard the white haired adult ask and walk over. She scooped me up and then scooped Castrian up. "What's the matter sweeties?" I whimpered and wiped at my eyes, sniffling.

"C-Cassy and I can't be near each other's rooms!" I cried out.

"Aweee," She gave me a sad look and then kissed my cheek. "Don't cry sweetie." She took us into the kitchen then and closed the door behind her so the other kids couldn't hear as she sat us on the counter.

"Castrian's room is on my hall." She told us. "I'm his grandmother so I can always move in whoever I want. Would you like me to talk to your daddy sugar?" She asked me. "I'll tell him he has to move you on until you either make new friends or get older. See we usually don't move children around unless it's a mate issue.... but we can move you because you're cute and sweet and adorable." She tapped my nose. I sniffled and looked up at her before I nodded and tried to calm down.

"P-please don't put me with those other kids," I begged her. "They're scary."

"They're not scary sweetie. They're actually very nice but I'll talk to Paris about moving you until you're older and braver to live on his hall." She promised me then rubbed my cheek. "Don't cry. I'm his favorite sister. He's going to listen to me." I grabbed her hand and leaned my head against it before I nodded.

"I don't wanna be away from him," I mumbled to her as I sniffled and then closed my eyes.

"What's the matter with my baby boy?" I heard my daddy asking as he suddenly appeared. I opened my eyes and looked towards him, sniffling again.

"D-daddy," I called out for him and reached for him. He picked me up quickly and rocked me in his arms.

"What happened?" He asked sweetly.

"I wanna be on Cassy's hall," I whimpered and looked up at him, feeling a little calmer as he rocked me.

"Cassy's hall?" He asked me softly. "That's not my hall though... wouldn't you love to be closer to me and your daddy? We'd be able to get to you quicker if a monster tried to get you from under your bed." He grabbed my feet then. I yelped and then whimpered at the idea. What if the cat tried to get me from under my bed?! I looked up into his eyes then, wanting to be near him too.

"I wanna be near you and Cassy," I told him. "Both."

"I'm sorry sweetie but you need to sleep on my hall. Castrian belongs on his grandmother's hall because that's where his parents sleep at." He told me calmly. "When you're older you'll understand better. If you two ended up being mated though then I would let you two work it out on which hall you'd sleep on but that's a different story. After all in the beginning of Raven and Nikolai's relationship Nikolai moved onto Raven's hall but I quickly fixed their bedroom arrangements so that they're on the right hall. It's the way I ordered things." He kissed my cheek. "So you can share with Liam if you'd like. He's got plenty of room for one more. Just until you're older." I whimpered and looked over at Castrian and then up at him. I don't wanna leave my Cassy.... I leaned my head against him and nodded anyways, not wanting to make him upset with me. He kissed the top of my head.

"You two can have sleepovers though. Just remember that you belong on my hall and he belongs on his hall. That's just the way it is. That's how I make sure we all know who's child is whos." I nodded again, not really getting it, but sleepover sounded like something I wanted. I looked towards Castrian then and snuggled up to my daddy. He kissed the top me of my head and then sat me down in the floor.

"Now go back to your breakfast, you too Castrian." He put him in the floor with me. I smiled up at him and hugged his leg before I looked over at Castrian then grabbed his hand, giving them both a sweet smile.

"Love you daddy," I purred to him and then felt my tummy growl. I looked towards the door and then started for it unsteadily. The woman opened it for us as Castrian followed me. I smiled up at her and then tugged Castrian out of the room and towards our seats. I giggled a little when I almost fell over and then made it to my seat. He crawled up into his seat then started to eat his food.

"I love you," Paris called and almost everyone at the table yelled it back. I giggled and sunk down in my seat. That's a lot of love. I smiled happily and then ate a big bite of my food before I looked over at Castrian and gave him my hand to hold that I wasn't using to eat. He held my hand and hummed happily. I leaned over and kissed his cheek then smiled before I looked back at my food and took a bite. I'll go see him everyday! As soon as I wake up till I fall asleep.... He looked towards me and giggled.