A Little Crooked House

Nikolai's POV:

Paris appeared in my study suddenly and walked up to me. "Nikolai, I'm doing somethings to day with the kids. I want you to take care of something for me." He purred and then sat down on the top of my desk. "Take Raven and go check out Angel's organization. I want to attack it soon and get rid of it." He glanced over at Raven who was on the couch. "Since you're king I think you can handle doing this task. Aaron knows all about the organization so take him and go sneak in and find out what you can and get me a good map of the layout of the place." Raven looked at Nikolai then at me before she smirked and got to her feet.

"I'll get Aaron~ OH AARON!" She disappeared quickly, looking excited.

"So soon? Is Laurence okay with this plan? It might mess something up and he'll go crazy mad."

"No, he hasn't told me I can't." He told me. "I think it's time to rip that organization down while we still have the advantage. I don't want her attacking this manor out of the blue. Not with all the young children around here." Raven appeared with a struggling Aaron who looked terrified. She giggled at him and leaned in towards his ear.

"Awww, what's the matter? Crazy vampire got you?" She purred in his ear, making him shiver.

"Aaron, I want you to take these two into the heart of Angel's organization and map it out for me as well as get me their schemy plans as well as anything else you can grab up for me. Even weapons that they're making." Paris told him. Aaron tensed up and looked towards Paris with a nod.

"C-can you let go?" He asked Raven. She smirked at him and tilted her head.

"Nope," she purred and then shoved him down to his knees. He winced and then looked up at Paris then at me.

"I already can map it for you," he whispered to me. "But I'll take you anyways."

"Raven, Aaron is our family now so stop making him feel less." Paris ordered. "He might be human but he's still going to be our family and we don't treat family like that." She looked at him and then frowned, letting go of Aaron.

"Okay," she told him then gave a smile. Aaron shot to his feet and quickly put distance between each other, getting closer to Paris. I smiled towards him, trying to be nice.

"Aaron, you can shoot her but I don't think it'd do you any good." Paris told Aaron. "She's a little loopy from having a child. We still love her though. Just try not to shoot her it might provoke her." He patted him on the head. "Raven don't kill this human, ok?" He asked her. "His best friends are three spawns of satan- might I remind you." She glanced Aaron over and then nodded.

"Okay, I won't harm him," she promised and walked up, sitting in my lap then kissed my cheek. "I'll play nice~"

"I have to go, come find me when you get back." Paris told me and then teleported away.

"Don't worry Aaron, I'll keep my mate's eyes only for me." I teased. Aaron frowned slightly and then walked up to the desk.

"Y-yeah... Anyways, you want to go see Angel's place, right? Do you even know where it is?" He asked me.

"Not exactly." I sighed out. "That's why Paris told me to take you." I looked towards Raven then started to stand up, moving her off my lap. "We need to get in and out safely and I'm sure you know how to do that." He nodded and then started for the door.

"Come with me then. I need to dress the part incase we get caught," he told us. Raven smiled and followed him to the door with a look of interest.

"Okay," I started after them. "Paris mentioned we could take others but three will do." I told Raven. "In case we get caught." She nodded and then let out a soft purr as she kissed my cheek.

"I'm sure we'll be fine. If anything bad happens, I can just get us out," she murmured to me and then looked at Aaron. He took us to his room and then stopped outside his door, looking back at us.

"Wait here. I need to change," he told us and then opened the door and went inside.

"Yeah, unless they've got new high tech that'll prevent us from escaping." I told her. "Laurence will come for us though." Raven shifted a bit when I said that, looking slightly nervous.

"Yeah... I hope they don't have new tech.... The last batch was terrible...." She rubbed her shoulder then and glanced towards Haven and Hassel's room. "At least Aaron isn't requesting that we take those two. It'd get really messy if we did...." She sighed and looked back towards Aaron's door.

"No, we need to keep them here where they can be safe with Paris and the family protecting them. Hassel's still weak from his experience with the Cross girl and Haven is too... well.... Innocent to take with us." I chuckled. She laughed.

"Yes... they are," she purred and then smirked as the door opened. Aaron came out of his room dressed in combat boots, a pair of jeans, a black shirt and a light black jacket that was unzipped. He had a silver cross around his neck that was embedded with a ruby in the center. He had slicked his hair back and had two pistols at his side, holstered on his belt and extra magazines in his pockets. He looked us over and then held out two sets of handcuffs.

"Bit too much or do you want to go with this when we go through the gates?" He asked us. "I'll take them off once we're inside, but if we get caught, these definitely go on."

"Seriously..." I frowned. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Unless you've got a better idea. You look too suspicious to get through the gates as recruits," he told me and then pointed at my hair then at Raven's hair and eyes. "You're both not normal. Now, unless you can get through the gates without being seen... or you want to get into the trunk of the car, then this is probably best," he said and jingled the cuffs. Raven frowned.

"Give me a picture of a place inside the gates if you have one," she told him. He looked her over and pulled out his phone then started scrolling through something on it before he held it out to her. She took it from him and looked it over then smirked. "I can do that." She passed it back and grabbed us then teleported us in front of a house on a street lined with other houses that looked pretty identical to it. Aaron glanced the house over and then looked around before he started walking in a direction.

"Obvious those eyes are contacts," I teased Raven. "And our hair is dyed if anyone asks." She looked up at me and smirked.

"Okay," she purred and then linked arms with me. "We'll say I'm an anime geek." Aaron glanced back at us and then rolled his eyes before he looked ahead of him and then glanced around before he crossed a street.

"If they don't buy it then we'll snap all their necks and kill them before Paris can," I laughed out. She smirked at that.

"That'd be fun," she purred and leaned her head against me with a small giggle.

"They're humans... We could easily take them on. These hunters don't even have add ons like the Hunters Association had. That was annoying to deal with- so Paris's journals say.... you know.... I wonder who Hunter was." She looked at me and raised an eyebrow then giggled.

"Yeah, these guys will be easy to take out," she purred.

"I can hear you," Aaron muttered. "If I can hear you, the others will hear you. I don't want to be shot today."

"Hahahahahahaaaa," I laughed and looked Aaron over. "We should hang out in a gym Aaron." He looked back at me and then frowned.

"Why? You want a fight or something?" He asked me and then put his hands in his pockets. "It'd be nice to sharpen my skills on someone else besides Hassel and Haven. They aren't as good as me and it's hard to keep my abilities up with the circumstances." He groaned and then looked up at the sky. "It's been so long since I've had a good fight."

"You should practice with Paris then. He's very strong and I think it'd be good practice for you. If you can start managing to kick his ass- like Richard does sometimes- you'll be able to hunt anything.... besides people like Laurence." He nodded.

"I'll keep that in mind and ask," he told me and then smirked a bit. "That'd be an interesting fight...." He glanced around and then began to head for a large building that we were nearing. "That's HQ. This is the housing district where we can live if we are approved for it. If not, you live in the dorms within the HQ. It's more peaceful out here though... and you don't have to eat the food offered around HQ. I had Hassel and Haven out here for a bit," he told me and then glanced around. "That house we were in front of was mine after I started taking care of them, but then Angel had Hassel taken because of that Veronica bitch," he muttered and then narrowed his eyes. "I'd shoot Angel myself...."

"Did Paris tell you about Veronica and Jacob Cross?" I asked him, wondering how much he knows about the Cross family. He glanced back at me.

"Sort of. I read Paris's diaries. Something about the Cross family doing stuff to the Grimms for centuries... killing one of his kids and then doing DNA stuff on it." He shrugged and then looked ahead. "It doesn't really matter though, does it? Veronica is dead. I know because I shot her, and I watched Laurence tear her heart out and finish it."

"Yeah, well Veronica was sister to Jacob which was best friends with the Ainsworth twins. Have you read about the twins?" I asked him. He nodded and frowned a bit.

"Yeah, I can't believe they betrayed you guys like that," he whispered. "I wouldn't really trust any hunter after that...."

"We're trusting you though," I told him. "Let the Ainsworths be a.... life lesson." I laughed softly. "Paris was very fond of the twins because they reminded him of himself and Louis. So the betrayal was hard on Paris but he still ended them. Just like he ended his parents. He's not going to let someone bad live for too long and trample and rain on his parade." He nodded.

"I see what you mean. That's why I'm here right? To help Paris get inside to kill Angel off...." He sighed and then froze up. He looked sharply to his right and widened his eyes. "Shit." He backed up and then shoved us back, reaching towards his gun. I could hear someone approaching from where he had looked, the sound of boots clicking on the sidewalk.

"What?" I asked and looked the way he was looking. A guy with blond hair came around the corner and stopped as he saw us. He narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked towards our necks and then at Aaron.

"Recruits or prisoners?" He asked Aaron, frowning. Aaron smirked.

"Recruits," he said and then relaxed a bit. "Angel asked me to train them for her. They're really promising." The other guy smirked and then leaned up against the fence of the house we were standing in front of.

"Oh really? What's your name?" Aaron looked him over.

"How about you give me your name? It's rude not to tell me your name then ask me to tell mine." The other guy laughed and then nodded.

"Manners huh? That's rare around here. My name is Aden," he told him then looked him over with a smirk. "Executioner Aden. I live a few houses down. What about you?" Aaron raised an eyebrow and then crossed his arms over his chest.

"Executioner Axel," he lied to him. The guy frowned then.

"I've never heard your name before.... You new?"

"No, I've been here a few years, but I don't play the make friends game," Aaron told him then smirked. "Now you going to move?" I gave a huge smile towards Aden.

"Hey Aden, I plan on making friends, how about I come by your house later?" I asked and gave him a playful gay wink as I looked towards Raven, giving her a seductive look. "My girlfriend and I love it when others join us."

"Only if you drag Mr. Hottie along," the other guy said and smirked, looking Aaron over then looked towards me. "We'll get him to loosen up with that attitude," he told me. Aaron tensed up a bit and looked at me then at Aden.

"Whatcha think Axel? Want to loosen up with us later?" I asked him and then wrapped my arms around Raven and gave her cheek a kiss. "Racheal doesn't mind at all if we have two members tonight tag in. Go get Aden's number." Raven purred and leaned in, stealing a kiss from me before she looked over at Aden, smirking as she leaned her head against me and then gave him a look. He laughed and then looked at Aaron.

"Yeah, you should totally join," he murmured to Aaron and pulled out his phone. Aaron didn't look to happy about this, but he pulled his phone out anyways and exchanged numbers with him. Aden glanced around then and looked Aaron over. "So what are you up to? Getting a new mission?" Aaron nodded and then put his phone up.

"Yeah, boss man called me in," he said. "There's a vampire out or something." He shrugged and then started to walk. Aden trailed after him with a smirk, watching him walk.

"Vampire huh?"

"Yeah." Aaron told him and glanced back at Aden with a frown, looking a little upset that he was following.

"Yeah but you don't have to worry about that Aden. We can handle it." I told him and started to follow Aaron with Raven in my arms. Aden looked at me and then nodded.

"Okay. I'll send you my address incase you're interested by the time the mission is done," he told us and then started to walk off, pulling his phone out. I heard Aaron's go off after a few seconds and he pulled his phone out and looked at it then looked back at me.

"We're not really going to his house later, right? Definitely not for that," he said and gestured me and Raven over. "I can delete the address?"

"Dude, that was just to get him off our shoulder. I'd delete it so Hassel doesn't flip out." I teased him and rolled my eyes. "As if I'd ever share Raven." He frowned at me.

"I meant, did you want to kill him?" Aaron asked me and put a hand on his hips. "After all, we have where he lives. I was wanting to make sure you didn't have any plans to kill him today before I delete the address. Why would Hassel flip anyways?" He asked and looked towards me with a frown.

"I don't know it's a joke amongst the maids." I shrugged. "Should we kill him Raven?" I asked her. "Or leave him alive to tell on us later and spook people." Raven tilted her head in thought and then giggled.

"We could always bring him back to Paris for Paris to play with," she purred to me. "Paris would enjoy a playtoy- especially a hunter. Get all the information he wants from him."

"What kind of information would that guy have though?" I asked. "He looks like he doesn't know anything." She shrugged.

"Does it look like I know anything?" She countered me.

"Yeah." I teased. "I'd kidnap you." She giggled and then looked me over.

"Kidnap? I think I'd kidnap you first," she purred and then wrapped her arms around my neck. She leaned in and kissed my neck then scraped her fangs against my neck.

"Raven, try to be a human..." I purred. She giggled and then kissed my neck again before she moved her face away from me.

"Alright, I'll try my best," she said and then tapped my nose. "You know, I can do a really good helpless human in an alley act.... I've done it before."

"I'm not sure if I want you to be that innocent..." She giggled and leaned in, kissing me.

"Mkay," she purred to me and then started to lead me after Aaron who had started walking off without us. I followed Aaron, being quick about it and looked around. He led us into the building, waving at one of the guards like it was normal and then took us through the halls. I noticed a lot of people dressed like Aaron with crosses on, running around with guns at their sides. A girl suddenly stopped Aaron after a bit of wandering and then grabbed him by his shirt.

"Where are you going? Weren't you assigned to the attack squad? You're going the wrong way if you are," she told him and then let go of his shirt. Aaron looked at her and then frowned a bit then looked her over.

"Yeah, I was assigned, but I forgot my orders in my room," he told her and then gave a sheepish smile, rubbing the back of his head. "Where're we meeting at again?" He laughed and then shut up when she glared at him.

"I don't know why they let screw ups like you into the organization anymore. We don't even need idiots for numbers now," she growled and then rolled her eyes. "Come with me." She started to walk off down the hall in the direction the other guys had been going. Aaron frowned and followed after her cautiously.

"Sorry miss," he said softly, acting shier.

"Attack?" I whispered to Raven. She frowned and looked at me then at the girl. Aaron looked her over and then glanced around before he snuck up behind her and knocked her head against the wall, making her go unconscious. He quickly dragged her to a door and opened it before he took her inside then looked to us.

"Come on," he told us and then held the door for us. I rushed inside with Raven then looked around. It was a lab set up, but the lights were dark. Aaron shut the door and locked it then walked over to the light switches and cut them on then pulled one of his guns out and put a silencer on it. He shot out a camera across the room and then walked over to the girl on the floor before he dragged her over to one of the tables and put her on it. He strapped her down and then walked over to a sink and grabbed a beaker then filled it up. He brought it over to her and then dumped it on her face, watching as she gasped and her eyes fluttered open. I walked up to her and rested my hands by her head and looked down at her.

"Hiya sleeping beauty." I purred. "Let's get this straight and over with as fast as possible. Now you'll answer truthfully or we'll break one bone at a time per answer we don't like. How many bones are in a body and how many bones does it take to end your pathetic life?" I asked her. She widened her eyes and struggled to get up then looked down at the straps in alarm. Raven giggled.

"I like Aaron," she whispered to herself. The girl looked towards me and then narrowed her eyes before she tried to get to the weapon on her belt. Aaron snatched it and held it against her arm.

"You better tell us what we want," he told her and narrowed his eyes. "What's the attack squad for?" She narrowed her eyes at him.

"Aaron? The traitor Aaron? You're dead meat when Angel gets her hands on you! You have no right to wear that cross! Protector of the unholy!" She screamed at him then spat his way. He clenched his jaw and then shot her hand, making her shriek in pain.

"Hmmm.. I didn't like that.... Raven, break her toes." I told her and then looked the girl over. "Wrong answer sugar. We want to know what the attack squad is for. Cough it up." Raven smirked and pulled her shoes off before she grabbed her big toe. The girl shrieked and tried to get her foot away from her.

"No! Please don't!" She begged and then looked up at me for help. "W-why do you want to know about the attack force?" She asked me as she struggled. Raven held off for a few seconds, holding her toes as she looked to me.

"Because I'm King Nikolai Grimm." I hissed in her ear and sharpened my fangs. "I have a right to know of any threats to any of my creatures I rein over." She widened her eyes and froze up.

"You're... the vampire king...." She looked at me in awe then.

"Yeah, that's the Queen." I gestured to Raven. "My wonderful mate Raven." She smirked and then looked the girl over before she let go of her toes.

"You should let me turn her Nikolai.... I could order her to tell us... and then we'd have another one to my collection," she purred to me and then ran her fingers over the girl's necks.

"Let's see if she'll tell us first." I looked the girl over that was strapped to the table. "Cough up what you know." She looked away and then frowned.

"W-well...." Aaron leaned in towards her ear then.

"If you don't tell us, then you will have to live with the guilt of having played a part in all this, the guilt of killing innocents. Angel doesn't just kill the evil ones. She kills the ones who have done nothing." She frowned and looked at Aaron, seeing a look in his eyes then looked up at me.

"They're coming to kill your family," she whispered to me after a few minutes.

"When?" I asked her. She bit her bottom lip and looked away from me. Aaron hissed in her ear.

"They have children there," he muttered to her. "Little kids who are just learning to walk." She squeezed her eyes shut then.

"T-today," she whispered, barely saying it.

"What time?" I asked, giving a small growl.

"At night... near midnight," she told me then looked up at me, looking unsure about telling me all this. "They thought it'd be easier."

"If you're smart.... You'll get the fuck out of here within the hour." I told her. "Unstrap her and let her go." I told them. "We're going home to tell Paris." Aaron nodded and then handed me her gun before he started to unstrap her. She shot up as soon as she was free and ran for the door, leaving quickly. Raven watched her with a small pout then looked towards me.

"So... we'll have to move all the ki- CASTRIAN." She freaked out then and grabbed me. "Nikolai, we need to move him," she told me quickly, looking panicked.

"We'll move all the kids to my castle in Russia." I told her. "Then when we have them out of the way- which we need to include Kasai and Hassel and Haven because they can't fight so we don't need to be worrying over them. We'll send Rose and Victor with the kids to protect them. We need to take Jasper there as well... Raven take us home now." She nodded and grabbed both of our hands. We were suddenly standing in the living room before she smelled the air then pulled me closer to her, teleporting us all into the music room where Paris was. Richard glanced up and frowned as he saw us then nudged Paris.

"We've got visitors," he whispered to him then looked at Luca, Castrian, Lien, and Liam. "How about we go get some ice cream while daddy takes care of what they want, okay?" He suggested then stood up, picking up Liam and started for the door. Lien gasped and ran after him quickly, grabbing Liam's hand from Richard's arms and held onto it. Luca looked towards Paris longingly before he got to his feet and stumbled after Richard, holding onto Castrian's hand. When the kids were out of the room I rushed towards Paris.

"They're coming for us. Tonight at Midnight or sooner. We need to be ready. Call the pack and get the kids to my castle in Russia along with anyone else that's not helpful to fight and will get in the way. Hana and Hiko need to leave. Call Rory and Shiloh and bring them home. We need to be ready. Get everything ready and loaded." I rushed out quickly. Paris frowned. "The Angel organization!" I shouted.

"I heard you. Gather the teleporters to get that the innocent to safety." Paris told Raven. "I'm going to tell Richard right now-"

"I want my parents watching the kids." I told Paris.

"Understandable. I'm going to call Val and Alex to come home and help this fight. We don't know what to expect from them do we?"

"No, I didn't get the chance to look at the weapons but ours are better. I mean we have this..." I tossed the gun towards him.

"I'll get Perry to look at this- No I'll get Rory and Keegan to do it. They'll make a great team for this." Paris told me. "Get the kids to safety. Get everyone suited and everyone wears an ear piece." Paris pulled out his phone and surfed through it then suddenly the alarm to the manor went off. "There, now everyone is on high alert and getting their asses up and downstairs." Raven looked up at me and kissed my cheek.

"I'll get the others and move the kids with them," she whispered to me and disappeared from my sight. I could hear her shouting around the house for teleporters to go to her after a few seconds. Richard walked back in quickly and over to Paris with a frown.

"What's going on?" He asked Paris and then looked at the four kids behind him that had wandered back in. Lien was holding his ears, wincing from the alarm while Luca was looking around in panic. Liam started to cry and was holding onto Lien tightly.

"Don't worry nothing is happening right now." Paris told his children. "This is like a fire drill." He looked towards Richard. "Angel Organisation vient ici à minuit et nous devons être prêts. Les enfants vont en Russie pour se cacher en toute sécurité." Paris spoke to Richard in what sounded like French. Richard tensed up and then nodded before he turned to the kids.

"Hey kiddos, while the fire drill is going on, want to go have a slumber party over in Russia? You could all camp out in the ballroom and tell stories to each other with the other kids," he suggested, giving them a calm look. Luca looked up at him and started to calm down before he walked up and hugged Richard's leg, making him laugh. Liam sniffled and looked up at his dad then nodded.

"Slumber party," he mumbled and hid his face against Lien who was flicking his tail in irritation and holding his ears tightly.

"Rose and Victor will be with you," I told them. "They're going to show you what it's like to be Russian." I tried to sound calm as well and excited for them. Liam started to giggle and then wiped at his eyes.

"Russian!" He giggled again and then looked towards Castrian.

"Now go with Richard to some teleporters who will take you to Russia and remember that no matter what's happening around the manor right now it's all just a drill." I told them sweetly. "No need to be worried. Now off you go." Richard started to lead them towards the door, glancing back at Paris and then down at the kids before he took them out of the room, talking to them about how Russia was going to be fun and that they could party while the adults held a fire drill. "I want to gather two groups," I told Paris. "One group stays here while the other goes and destroys Cross manor and then Angel's little manor. I want her page taken down too online. It's all going out tonight."

"Agreed. When Richard gets back well as Raven we'll start deciding on who goes where." Paris told me.

~Time Skip~

Richard walked back into the room then and over to Paris. "All the children are out along with those who can't fight yet," he told him and sighed. "Raven said she would be back after she gets her newborns nearby for just incase."

"Aaron," I turned towards him. He looked up and then nodded.

"Yeah?" He asked me.

"I want you to lead the attack on Angel organization." I told him firmly. "You know it well. You'll also lead the attack to finish off anything in Cross association. Angel might have took it over so go there and clean it up. Keegan can take down the web page. He's good at electronics." I texted Keegan to get it done. Paris was off doing what he said he had to do earlier and we were waiting for him to return. "Richard, let's start splitting up who stays and who goes. The werewolves will stay here because they're less likely to travel a few states over due to other werewolf territories. That's off. Paris's army will be split in half. Do you want to stay or go? Louis's place depends on where you go." Richard looked thoughtful then shook his head.

"I'll go... just so I can keep Paris updated on the attack," he told me. Aaron looked him over and then looked towards me.

"Do you want Angel dead or alive? I can bring her back to you," he suggested.

"Let Raven decide. She's going with you after all." I told him. "I'm staying here with Paris and Louis. Haru is going with you to Angel's. Hachi is staying here. I want Isaac here with Hachi." I put on my ear piece as a maid brought ear pieces into the room for us. "Okay here are who you guys are taking; Laurence, Ashton- if he's here, Eremiel- I don't know how useful he'll be at night though so Aaron talk to him, Isabelle, Val, Alex, Donnie, Sage, Lori, Astrid, Star, and Shiloh. The rest will be staying here. You also take Raven, her army, and half of Paris's army brats. What's left here is enough to defend the manor. You guys have a powerful team to so let me know if you disagree about someone staying here that you feel that you need." I discussed through the ear piece as well as towards Richard and Aaron. Aaron shrugged.

"That's fine with me...." He looked towards Richard who looked to be thinking then he nodded.

"Yeah, that's good. Aaron, come on. We're going to take our team outside to meet up and then go. Everybody on that list, be out front in ten minutes," he said into the earpiece and pulled Aaron out of the room. Raven appeared after a few seconds and walked up to me with a smile.

"Be safe for me," she purred and leaned in, kissing my cheek. "Don't get hurt too bad." She leaned in and kissed my neck then. "I love you Nikolai...."

"Midori, would you like to stay here with the treasure to defend or go with Donnie?" I asked into the ear piece and then looked towards Raven and gave her a kiss. "I love you too Raven." I gave her a cute smile. "Everyone here, wolves I want you waiting around the manor. Let's make this look like they're going to ambush us. We'll turn all the lights out and be waiting for them." I heard Midori let out a small growl over the ear piece.

"Why can't Donnie stay here at the manor?" He asked stubbornly.

"I want Donnie to go on the mission I've assigned him because he'd be useful there. I'm trying to divide the power Midori. We can't send a weak group to go attack a manor- no actually two manors. That wouldn't be right. I could send you to watch over your kids Midori if you'd like to do that instead. Our team here is pretty powerful." He got quiet for a few minutes.

"Will Donnie get shot?" He asked me.

"No," I heard Donnie snap. "I don't get shot. Losers get shot. I'm a winner."

"Is there a possibility Takara could get hurt?" He asked after a few seconds.

"I doubt they'd have enough people to go to Russia and try to invade one of my castles- my exact castle I'm housing the children but if you want to be safe we can afford you going there to watch over them." I told him.

"Uhhhmmm... Is Hachi staying here or going?" Midori asked and then purred. I heard a clatter of coins and he moaned softly.

"Hachi is staying here because I've sent Haru. We don't need two wizards in one place with the same powers."

"Then I'll stay here and help Hachi," he purred into the earpiece. "Donnie, if you get shot, I'll be upset with you."

"I've got Isaac staying here." I told Midori. "If you want to go then go Midori. You won't loose a single gold piece. I promise."

"Not a single one?" He asked me quickly.

"They won't even make it to the treasure room."

"Hmm... O-okay... Uhhhmmm... I'll go then.... My fighting is destructive," he whispered. "I don't want to make Donnie mad and burn the manor down on accident...."

"Okay. You hear that Richard- Aaron? Midori is on your team now so watch your heads in the manors." I ordered them. "I want the butlers and maids safely in the basement where we keep the army. They can hide out in the coffin room. Until the war is over. Are all the kids gone and everyone that doesn't know how to fight?" Raven nodded to me and then pulled away.

"Yes, they're all safe in Russia. Victor has them set up in the ballroom in a slumber party," she told me and then curled a lock of her hair around her finger. "I'm going to head out now, so don't get hurt, okay?" She gave me a smile. "You have a child to raise with me." She disappeared then and I heard her talking over the earpiece to the others. After a few minutes, I heard them start to gather and then they were moving out.

Paris's POV:

I heard someone sneaking through the house around 11 pm and heard faint whispering. They're here. We had the werewolves set to sneak behind them and attack while the army was set to attack from above. Meanwhile the rest of us were waiting behind curtains or doors to sneak and attack the ones that venture down halls. Nikolai had taken the main floor to watch over while I was set up upstairs to attack. We had the basement locked up tight. After a few minutes, I spotted a girl walking down the hall with her blond hair pulled back into a braid that went over her shoulder. She stopped suddenly and looked at her group and frowned. "It's too quiet," she whispered to them. "Something's wrong." One of her men frowned at her.

"Miss Angel, you knew it was going to be quiet. You discussed it at great length that we were going to attack at night because of the easier time we'd have." She shook her head quickly.

"This is different. I want to regroup," she muttered and then held up her hand to the others before she started back down the hall. "We're walking into an ambush." She pulled a gun closer to her and took the safety off it. The men tensed up and then started to follow her, muttering amongst themselves. Everything was to go as I planned. We'd attack at my go. I watched her quietly. I'm not going to attack until she doubts herself. She glanced around and walked back down the hall then froze as her phone buzzed. She stopped them and then pulled out her phone then tsked. "Those sneaky bastards," she hissed under her breath, looking furious. The same guy from before frowned and looked towards her phone then tensed up.

"Oh my god," he mumbled. "They're attacking us back at HQ.... Angel, we've got to get back there and protect it." She narrowed her eyes.

"Shit," she muttered and looked up. "We've got to get out of here. HQ is gone. We can't make it back in time to save it. We're all that's left." She looked them over and then started heading back towards the stairs quickly. "Move out. Now. We'll be lucky if we make it out of here alive."

"Now." I said quickly and heard my wolves howl as the alarms broke out in the manor to send their hearts pounding. None of us moved in the manor that was hiding. This was just to make their hearts pound. Her eyes widened and she looked towards the guys. They looked around and then one of them ran up to a window, looking out.

"Angel... that pack you were worried about? They're here," he told her. She clenched her jaw and then looked down at the ground. "Angel, you need to make a decision. Do we fight or run?" She looked up at him after a second and then walked up to the window, taking aim with her gun. I heard her shoot and then heard a sharp whimper from my werewolves as she took one down. "Guess we're fighting," he whispered. "We're going to die."

"Don't say that.... Don't you dare say that. We're getting out of here," she told him. "You've just got to stay calm. Notice that it's only werewolves. The vampires have not stirred from their rooms. We're being toyed with. I told you it was an ambush, didn't I? The alarms would've tripped when we walked in, not now. This is them trying to scare us and make us less aware of our surroundings. You will die if you don't keep your wits about you," she muttered. "They're crafty bastards. Remember that. This is the home of the Vampire King."

"Cue my army," I whispered and heard a battle cry downstairs. I suddenly heard a gun go off and a sharp pain spasmed through me from my chest. I was suddenly on the floor writhing as electricity ran through my body and I could feel poison making me weak. Angel walked up and pointed the gun at my chest, aiming where my stone was. She narrowed her eyes.

"Found the ring leader," she said through an earpiece and then stomped down on my stomach. I groaned, hearing Nikolai cue the others suddenly as my men broke up around us and started to attack. I smirked towards the woman, well I didn't expect this. I nodded for her to pull the trigger.

"Go ahead and shoot me again." I told her as Rory appearing from behind a curtain. He let me get hit... but I'll get him back later. She looked up towards Rory and widened her eyes. One of her men shot at him then.

"NO YOU IDIOT!" She screamed at him, but she was too late. "It's a damn trap!" The bullet missed Rory and went straight into a picture of one of the roses. Rory gave a smirk and whistled as he started to load his gun casually. She widened her eyes and then looked back at her men. "Get off this hall," she told them quickly and shot another bullet into my stomach before she took off running. Her men quickly followed after her, not wanting to be left behind with Rory. Rory laughed and looked towards me.

"Hey Daddy-o is down. We've got the ring leader here though Richard. Looks like all the fun is here." He said into his ear piece then pointed his gun towards the crowd running and started to shoot at them with his bullets taking their targets instantly. The others attacking on the hall followed after the scardy cats. "We need someone up here to help Paris," He said through the ear piece and suddenly one of my army brats was by me with a glove on and pulled out the bullets. I heard Angel fall as one of the bullets got her, and she let out a small groan, gripping her knee where it had hit. One of her men crawled over to her and then grabbed her and pulled her close, examining her knee as he held a hand over his bullet wound.

"Angel got shot," he said into the earpiece. "Retreat. Everyone, the priority is to get out alive." Angel looked up at him and then around the hall before she grabbed her gun and pulled it closer to her. She grabbed something out of his pocket and stabbed him in the neck with it, making him groan in pain. "A-Angel," he groaned. She injected him with some kind of liquid then yanked the needle out of his neck and threw it.

"Get the others," she told him. "Now." He nodded and reached into her pockets, taking more needles from her.

"Looks like they're injecting some weird liquid into their system. Don't bite them, I repeat don't bite them. Just shoot." Rory ordered.

"No one survives," Nikolai ordered through a hiss. "Kill them all and bring me Angel."

"Are you sure, I have her in my sights," Rory teased playfully. "Let's kill her. She's not even cute." I was suddenly shot again and Angel looked towards me then at Rory before she threw one of the extra guns at him, knocking his out of his hands. She sat up and got to her feet, wincing in pain as she found it hard and almost fell down. She limped a few steps towards Rory, looking suicidal before she fell over. Her men looked at her in panic and started to go for her to stop her.

"Angel, come on. We've got to get you out of here. Let us handle him," one of them told her. Rory looked towards his gun with a smirk and it went off on it's own, shooting her in the arm.

"Wanna dance? Alright let's dance." Rory looked towards me. "Still breathing pops? You don't look so good." One of her men grabbed her then and put her behind him. She started to yell at him, but he ignored her as another one picked her up and started to carry her off quickly.

"DAMN IT! I'M YOUR LEADER! PUT ME DOWN!" She struggled, but he didn't let her go as they disappeared around a corner. The ones that were still breathing stood up and winced as they looked Rory down, planning on stalling him. They were going to get Angel out. Rory laughed and suddenly the two guns went off as well as the guns in their hands and the ones that were supposed to stall him dropped instantly with a bullet in their head. The brat by me got the bullets out and I started to recover fast. Rory chased the ones running down the hall then and snatched a gun on his way as he lead my team down the hall. I grabbed the vampire by me and bit down into his wrist to help heal my wounds then got up after a few seconds and teleported downstairs, getting a gun from a dead guy and found Nikolai fighting a vampire hunter and about to throw him down the stairs. The hunter struggled and looked behind him in fear and then at Nikolai before he tackled him to the floor and hit him in the head with the gun in his hand. He shot Nikolai then and got to his feet before he took off down the stairs, trying to catch up to his friends that were getting out the door. I heard my wolves outside stopping them though from escaping. I laughed and shot the one that was running down the stairs. Hachi was sitting on a couch with his book in his lap white others were trying to attack him but failed due to a field around him he had create to protect himself and suddenly he rose to his feet in excitement.

"I'll use this spell!" He announced to the ones trying to attack him and suddenly Harry appeared and in his dragon form and started to attack the hunters around Hachi's field. "Awwww... bummer. Guess I can't use this spell." He laughed and flipped it over then started to chant something and the dead rose and started to attack the hunters. "I'll use this instead." They started to scream and tried to run, but they were quickly killed, taken by surprise. I heard the fighting dying down outside and inside, only a few fights left. I rushed to the top of the stairs and pulled out a knife to help Nikolai then pulled out the bullet in him. He gave me a grateful look as I pulled him to his feet. I saw Isaac walk past me calmly, heading for Hachi as his tail flicked. Louis walked out of a hall with blood all over him and I saw his hair was stained red in some areas with all the blood splatters over his face and body. He had a pistol in his hand, and I saw his fangs exposed as he had a pair of headphones on, heading for the railing to shoot down the ones that were still trying to leave. I smirked. That's my twin for you. I laughed and started after him with Nikolai since we were free. He quickly shot down the last ones and then turned to us, looking us over blankly before he pulled down his headphones.

"I'M ON THE HIIIIGH WAY TO HELL! THE HIIIIGH WAY TO HELL!" I heard his headphones yelling as he put the pistol in a holster at his side.

"Where's Angel?" I asked suddenly. "Rory?" I asked.

"What?" Rory asked. "I'm busy." He snapped.

"I'll get her," Louis groaned out and then started walking past me, brushing up against me. I got a whiff of his scent, and I could smell he had fed off some of them before they had started to contaminate their blood. I followed after him quickly with Nikolai. Hachi suddenly appeared at the top of the stairs and started towards the hall. Isaac appeared beside him then, smirking.

"Looks like we're all going to get her," Isaac purred. Louis tossed his headphones to the side then and smirked.

"Race ya," he said and then disappeared. I teleported onto the hall I know Rory was probably on and found him draining a maid. He had some guns pointed towards a room though and inside was where we found Angel tied to a chair and Myra pointing a gun at her head while looking at her phone with little interest. Angel looked up towards me as I walked in then sighed before she looked down at the ground, clenching her jaw. Louis appeared beside me and he smirked as he saw her then looked towards me as he leaned against the wall. Myra looked up and then put her phone up.

"Oh good you two are here." Myra gave a frown instead of a smile and then shot Angel in the shoulder. "Well Angel, say your last words." Myra told her and then pointed the head against her head. "I'm not very patient either." Angel looked towards her then smiled.

"I won't be the last one," she promised Myra, looking ready to die. She hadn't even yelped when she got shot.

"The last hunter or the last Angel?" Myra asked and exposed her fangs. "You're right about not being the last one." She whispered to her. "Because I'm one." She shook her head.

"I wasn't talking about that. I won't be the last one to come for your family," she told her. "I know about you Myra."

"Yeah? What do you know?" Myra asked and rolled her eyes. "You don't know shit."

"You're only a Halfling that was abandoned with humans, and you grew up not knowing why you were different... and then you became a hunter which led you back home," Angel whispered, watching her. "It doesn't matter though.... You're not really a hunter anymore. You've chosen to be one of them, so can you really call yourself a hunter?" She looked away from Myra then and towards me then back at the gun. "Are you going to shoot me or are you going to stand there talking to me? If you're going to do it, get it over with." She looked up at Myra calmly then before she leaned her head against the gun, watching her.

"I'm sorry.... were you talking?" Myra asked her and then smirked. "I missed everything after You're." She shot Angel in the head then and her brains splattered onto the nearby wall. She looked towards me. "Oh wait.... did you want to do that daddy?" She gave a playful smile and tossed me the gun. "You can try to do it again but I already did." Louis whistled.

"Talk about hatred," he said and smirked, getting off the wall. "That's the last of them," he told me and waved. "I'm not cleaning it." He started for the door then. Myra bounced past me and down the hall. That's my daughter.... I started out the room.

"Rory, you're on cleaning duty." I told him, gesturing to Angel then texted the maids they were good to come out. "Richard, how's it going?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah, my bad." I heard a gunshot go off on his end. "Sorry. We've been busy.... RAVEN, GET DOWN OFF THAT!" I heard Raven's mad giggles then.

"Updates," I purred for them.

"We're finishing up over in Angel's place and then we'll move on to the other. Want any alive or all dead?" He asked me and then I heard him shoot another person and a scream shortly followed. "There's this hunter facing off Aaron, calls himself Aden. It looks like a funny fight. It's like if you and I got in a non serious fight- one real pissy and the other being flirtatious." I laughed and shook my head.

"We're done here. I took care of Angel. Tell Aaron to finish it or you'll do it for him. I want you guys to pack it up there and go to the next manor. Kill them all. No survivors." I ordered. "AARON GET YOUR ASS FOCUSED AND KILL FLIRTY KISSY KISS ALREADY!" I shouted. I heard him groan.

"It's harder to do when he won't stop messing with you," he muttered into the earpiece.

"If I can take on a demonic Paris who wants to sleep with me, you can kill kissy face," Richard told him, laughing.

"I'll teleport over there and kill him for you," I offered.

"No, I want to see this play out~" Richard purred to me. "It's funny. I'm recording it too~" Aaron cursed under his breath.

"If you don't stop recording thi- HEY GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME! WHAT THE HELL MAN?! WE'RE HAVING A FIGHT!"

"Oh man.... I'm missing out! Why did I stick myself on cleaning duty?" I asked as I started to go downstairs to help clean the manor and get it spotless.

"Then get your fine ass over here Mr. Prissy Pants," Richard purred through the earpiece. "Oh, that was a dirty move Aaron. I like it~"

"Damn it I'm coming." I purred. "Send me a picture of the place." I begged. I heard Richard laughed and then my phone vibrated.

"See you soon, my love," he purred. I looked down at my phone and looked for the picture so I could go watch them kick each other's butt. I saw a picture of a dimly lit room where a bunch of my army was standing in a circle with Aaron and some blond guy rolling around in the floor with each other. "Did you get it?" I teleported to the room quickly and glanced around. I heard Aaron yelp and then a thud.

"GET OFF ME!" He shouted and I heard Richard laughing beside me as he held his phone up, recording their fight. The blond guy laughed at him and then leaned in, kissing his neck.

"Awww, why not? If I'm going to be killed by these other guys, why don't we have a bit of fun before I die? Last wish kind of stuff," he said and then smirked down at Aaron. Aaron narrowed his eyes at him and kneed him between the legs, shoving him off him then got to his feet quickly, running towards a gun a few feet away. One of my vampires laughed and then kicked the gun further into the crowd so Aaron had to chase it.

"I love my men sometimes," I laughed softly. Richard looked towards me and then smirked.

"Oh, they're amazing. They've been making Aaron run in circles for a good ten minutes now." I heard Aaron fall to the ground as the blond haired guy grabbed Aaron's ankle, yanking him to the ground.

"Aaron, you look a little held back," I called out to him. He looked towards me then and frowned, about to say something when the other guy ran his hands down his sides and then pulled him closer. His eyes widened and he looked towards the blond before he started to try to push him away.

"Quit it," he muttered, pissed. He suddenly flipped them and pinned the other guy down, glaring at him. "We're not going to do anything together except I'm going to kill you," he hissed to him and then went for a knife poking out from his boot. The other grabbed it and tossed it before he leaned up and kissed Aaron on the lips, gripping his shirt as he pulled him down into the kiss.

"Aaron! I didn't know you had a boyfriend," I called. "Hassel is going to be upset." The other pulled back from the kiss and looked towards me then up at Aaron with a smirk.

"Who's this Hassel?" He asked Aaron and then leaned in for another kiss. Aaron reacted quickly and jumped up, running from him but was chased down. "Get back here~"

"No way! You're a weird pervert! WHERE'S MY GUN?!" He looked towards the vampires and narrowed his eyes. They laughed at him and I saw one waving it before he tossed it to a friend of his. Aaron's eyes widened. "HEY!"

"Hassel is a devil's child who's got the hots for Aaron," One of my army brats told him with a teasing tone. "The maids talk about it all the time." The blond looked towards them and raised an eyebrow.

"Really now? Aaron, some devil's child defiled you first?" He asked Aaron. He tensed up and turned to the blond quickly, blushing.

"No! What do you mean defiled?!" The blond laughed and he started walking towards Aaron, making him back up.

"Are you a virgin Aaron?" He teased him. Aaron's blush deepened then, but he couldn't say anything, making the other smirk. "Adorable. I will get your first time... and then there's no way you'll ever be straight after that~"

"If he's living with me there's no way he's straight." I laughed out. Richard laughed then.

"Hey Paris, should we show Hassel this?" He asked me, looking towards me with a smirk as Aaron tackled the other with a growl.

"Why would we do that?" I asked playfully.

"Influence," Richard told me and shrugged. "Make him jealous. Oh well~" He sighed and gave me a playful look before he looked back at Aaron and the blond, Aden. "Guess we better not... He'd throw a devil's tantrum."

"Devil tantrums are scary." I purred.

"Uh huuuh," he hummed out and smirked some more. Aaron suddenly had the other pinned on the ground, holding his hands down. He smirked at Aden and then looked towards the other vampires before he dug his fingernails into Aden's wrists, cutting him and making Aden's scent stronger. I looked Aden over curiously. How's he still alive... Aden narrowed his eyes and then leaned up, biting Aaron. Aaron yelped and yanked back quickly as he started to bleed then widened his eyes.

"You idiot, now we're both bleeding," he hissed to him.

"Then we'll go out together~" He said sweetly and leaned in, stealing a kiss. Aaron smacked him and got to his feet, giving him a cold look.

"Don't kiss me."

"Awwww, don't be that way hot stuff!" He said and smirked, looking Aaron over. "I promise I'll be gentle if you just stop fighting me like this."

"Alright, is this the only two still fighting?" I asked Richard. Richard nodded.

"Yeah, we sent Midori over to torch the other manor. He should be about finished. It's over besides this little spat right here," he told me and then looked up. "Why, want me to end it for Aaron since how the others are playing keep away with his weapons?" I walked out towards Aaron and Aden then and yanked them apart, dropping Aaron as I picked up Aden.

"Hey boys, chew on this." I told my men and threw him at their feet. "Kill... turn.... I don't care what you do with him. Make him your brother if you want. Let's go home." I ordered. Aden's eyes widened and he looked towards the others before he quickly got to his feet and knocked one over, trying to get his gun to protect himself. Aaron watched him then shivered before he got to his feet and then started walking towards Richard. I walked towards Richard with him. "Chow time." I called over my shoulder as I grabbed Aaron and Richard then teleported us home. Aaron looked around blankly and then pulled away from me. Richard smirked towards him.

"You did good kiddo," he told him then ruffled his hair. "For a human without any weapons. I'm sure you would've killed him in ten seconds if the others hadn't taken your guns from you," he purred and then tilted Aaron's chin up. "I'll train you sometime if you want.... Don't worry. I don't think you were weak during that fight, and I'm sure Paris doesn't think that either or else he would've fed you to his army."

"Nah, I just wouldn't take you back into war again," I teased Aaron. Aaron looked towards me and frowned a bit before he pulled away from Richard.

"I'm not worried about that," he told him then started to walk off. "Damn it... they still have my gun," he muttered under his breath, heading for the kitchen. Richard sighed and then looked towards his phone with a smirk before he got on it, starting to send the video to Victor.

"Richard, make sure he gets his gun back..." I purred. He looked up at me and nodded before he sent me a copy of the video and put his phone in his pocket. He walked up to me with a smirk and stole a kiss from me.

"I'll get his gun back for him," he told me and then wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me closer and then leaned in towards my ear. "How about a victory round in the dungeon?" He whispered into my ear seductively and curled some of my hair around his fingers, tugging on it as he leaned in towards my neck and scraped his fangs against it. I nodded in agreement and gave him a playful growl.

"I'd love one." I purred. He smirked and then pulled away from my neck before he grabbed my hands and started to pull me towards the entrance to our dungeon, smirking at me.

"Good... because I wasn't taking no for an answer today," he purred. Oh.... maybe I should stop letting him play dominate so much... He took me downstairs and then pushed me up against the door when we reached it, leaning in and biting down hard into my neck as he shoved the door open behind me and made us fall into the floor of the torture cell. I laughed and let out a moan, grabbing his sides. He pulled back after a few seconds and licked his lips clean before he got up and grabbed my shirt collar, starting to drag me across the floor to one of the chairs bolted to the ground and grabbed some chains off the wall as he passed them. I widened my eyes and looked towards the chains. Wait a minute... he's going to chain me up again!? He pushed me into the chair when we reached it and smirked, starting to chain me down to it with a little hum. "What shall we play with this time?" He asked and glanced around the room as he surveyed the tools. His eyes lingered on one of the whips, giving a faint laugh. I pulled on the chains quickly.

"Uhmmm.... not the whip?" I asked. He glanced at me and frowned then straddled my lap, leaning in towards my neck.

"You don't like the whip?" He asked me softly in my ear.

"I think you like it too much," I purred. He pulled back from my neck then and looked into my eyes, giving me a lustful look.

"Too much? That's too bad," he purred and then started to undo my belt. I watched him and then leaned in for a kiss. He smirked and pulled back from the kiss before I could get one and yanked my belt off then dropped it in the floor. He leaned in and kissed my neck then started on a love bite as he slowly started to undo my pants, unzipping them. I growled playfully towards him.

"Richard... we've defeated our enemies..." I purred. He pulled back from my neck and looked towards me with a smirk.

"Yes, we did.... Together," he purred back and leaned in, kissing me deeply. I purred then and kissed him back. Now we can raise our children and everything is going to be perfect, as perfect as a crooked house can get.