Mad Demon

Aaron's POV:

I groaned as I woke up, feeling sore from yesterday's fight. I rolled over in my bed and planted my face in the pillow. I don't feel like getting up at all.... I curled up and pulled the blanket over my head as my whole body ached. It hurt to move.... I overdid it in that fight... I should've just tried snapping his neck instead of going for my gun like I did. I felt the bed shift beside me and felt someone pull me to them. "Shh-shh-shh," I heard a guy whisper in my ear. "Calm down Aaron. You had a bad fight yesterday. Take it easy," Eremiel whispered in my ear. "I found you crying out in your sleep this morning...." He rubbed my shoulders then, trying to help me relax. Why's Eremiel in my bed?! I looked towards him out of the corner of my eyes as I moved the blanket a little.

"Why... are... you... in... my... room?" I asked him, trying not to snap in my aching state. He smiled innocently.

"To help you feel better this morning," he said and then continued to massage my shoulders. I gasped as he hit a knot and let out a small groan, moving to where he could get at it better.

"Okay," I said quickly, not wanting him to stop. It felt so good on my muscles! I closed my eyes in happiness then and relaxed against him. I heard my door start to open then and Hassel stormed into the room quickly and froze up seeing us.

"WHAT. IS. HE. DOING. IN. YOUR. BED?" Hassel asked me and pointed to Eremiel. He already looked to be in a bad mood. I widened my eyes and kicked Eremiel out of my bed into the floor, not wanting to get on Hassel's bad side today.

"He snuck into my bed," I told him quickly. Eremiel frowned and sat up.

"Only because you wouldn't stop crying in your sleep... and you looked really beat up. Besides, it's not like Salem crawled in bed with you," he told me and then looked at Hassel innocently.

"GET. OUT." Hassel hissed. Eremiel scrambled to his feet and quickly left the room, going around Hassel and leaving at least two feet of space between them. I tensed up and then slowly sunk into the bed, pulling the blanket over my head. Not here... not here... not here.... Please tell me that's all he wanted.... He started to walk towards the bed then. "What'd you do yesterday?" He asked me. I frowned a little and poked my head out from under the blanket.

"I killed some of Angel's followers," I told him and tilted my head. "You know that.... That's why you were sent to Russia with Haven."

"Yeah but you fought a guy yesterday!" He hissed. "I watched the video." Video? Who took a video of me?

"Video? Look, that guy was just a guy," I told him and sat up with a frown. "Hassel, you can't be angry at me for that. I wasn't the one who was all up on the other trying to get into the other's pants."

"Yeah but he acted like he knew you.." Hassel muttered.

"Met him yesterday.... We infiltrated the place first Hassel," I whispered and then started to pull the blankets off me and then crawled over to the edge of the bed, taking it slow as I felt my body protesting. Hassel was glaring me down and suddenly had me pinned to the bed. He was more tense that usual and his eyes were a rich red. I widened my eyes and started to struggle. "Hassel! Calm down! Why're you acting like this?!" I felt my heart speeding up as I found I couldn't get away. Oh no.... He looked me over and our eyes connected, making me feel faint a little as his eyes swirled. I gripped his shirt and looked away before I tried to push him off. Oh man... why'd I take in sons of satan?! I should've seen something like this coming.... This was going to blow up in my face.... Oh man, I'm going to die. I'm going to be killed! He gripped my wrists suddenly and pinned them above my head as he pulled my shirt up a bit. I widened my eyes and looked towards my shirt in panic. "Hassel, stop," I whispered, hearing my heart pounding in my ears. "Stop, please...." What is he doing?! He growled towards me and looked up into my eyes.

"Why should I? You betrayed me. You won't betray me any longer," He hissed and leaned in towards my lips. Betrayed?!

"W-what do you mean, betrayed?! I didn't betray you!" I tried to get away from him then, panicking. What's gotten into him?! "HAVEN!" He covered my mouth then and glared me down.

"You did betray me!" He snapped. "But I won't let you do it again." He's going to kill me! What the hell?! I jerked my head to the side to get my hand free then looked towards my hands, leaning up to them and then licked his hand that was holding mine down, hoping to gross him out. He didn't like that stuff. He'd let me go and then I can escape! He looked towards his wrist then pulled my shirt up over my head and I felt him starting to dig his nails down into my chest. I groaned in pain and looked back at him quickly.

"H-Hassel, stop!" I shrieked at him and then tried to kick him off me. "Please! You're hurting me! Knock it off! Hassel, what do you want?! An apology?! Fine, you can have an apology for me fighting! Just stop! Please!" I begged him, starting to cry in partly fear and pain. He ignored me as he started to reach into my chest for my heart. I leaned in and bit him quickly, trying desperately to make him stop. He's trying to murder me! He yelped and then drew back from me as he looked towards his bite then flicked some of his blood off his wrist and I felt some land on my chest. I took the opportunity then to shove him off me and scrambled to my feet, running for the door in panic as I put a hand over my chest, trying to stop it from bleeding. Oh man... what if I can't get help from someone?! He suddenly appeared in front of me, licking his blood off his wound as he watched me then looked towards me with a furious look. I widened my eyes and froze up. I'm so screwed.... I glanced towards my closet then back at him. The last time he was upset, I gave him one of my jackets and he calmed down.... Maybe if I give him a shirt or something? I held up my hands and gave a nervous smile as I started backing up towards my closet that was connected to my bathroom. "Hassel, can't we talk this out? You don't want to kill me," I told him and then reached behind me for the doorknob as I kept my eyes on him. "Haven would get upset." He tilted his head a bit and suddenly I was thrown up against the wall.

"Who's Haven?" He asked. I widened my eyes. Oh man... He doesn't remember Haven.

"H-Haven... your baby brother?" I asked and then looked him over. It can't end like this! There was more I wanted to do in life! Like train them! I don't want to die! "Please don't kill me! He'd be very angry with you!" He wrinkled up his nose then and glared me down as the lights started to flicker in the room. He began walking towards me slowly. My windows were flung open as wind picked up and stirred in the room, making the temperature drop. Oh my god... he's going to kill me..... I whimpered and squeezed my eyes shut, unable to watch this. I'm going to hell... probably.... I doubt I'm getting into heaven.... I tensed up as I waited for him to get it over with, keeping my eyes shut. I suddenly felt darkness consume me as it felt like he had ended me.

I groaned as I felt my chest aching and my head pounded. "Ow," I mumbled and then slowly opened my eyes. Everything looked blurry... but from what I could make out, it was definitely some sort of hellish nightmare. I could hear screams in the background, making me shiver. I sat up a bit and rubbed at my eyes, glancing around again and then felt the pain in my head easing up and my vision became less blurry. I saw a couch in front of a fireplace that was roaring with a bright fire in it. The screams seemed to be coming from it.... Where the heck am I? I frowned and sat up all the way. "What the hell?" I mumbled and then shivered as I remembered my last moments with Hassel. Oh man... I'M DEAD!

"Good helleven." I heard Satan's voice enter the room as a man in a red robe walked up. "Get it? Hell- you're in hell and it's an evening?" He asked me. I looked towards him and frowned. He's... I'm in Hell.... I rubbed my chest and then started to get to my feet but fell over as the whole world spun.

"E-evening?" I asked him as I groaned from hitting the floor.

"Easy, Hassel did a real number on you. I had to pull you out of there before he could eat your soul." He chuckled. "He's feeling pretty bad too right now." I looked towards him then.

"Eat my soul?" Wait... am I dead... or alive? Why'd he save me if I am alive?!

"Yeah, Hassel is a demon- half demon, remember?" He asked me. "He was about to eat you." I sat up then and looked him over.

"Why?" I whispered. "I didn't do anything to him...."

"He was of age anyways. I forgot to tell you that when Hassel get's a certain age he starts well... You got the picture right? So he tore out your soul and I couldn't put you back in your human form. You're a demon now." I widened my eyes then.

"D-demon?" I asked him. I'M A WHAT?! NO WAY! MY DAD IS A PRIEST! HE'LL KILL ME IF HE SEES ME! I shivered and then hugged myself. "Nuh-uh."

"I'm sending you back to watch my sons." He told me, pointing a finger my way. "Now don't fail me." I frowned and looked him over then glanced around the room before I looked back at him.

"O-okay," I whispered. So... I'm a demon... and being reinstated as babysitter? "Thanks?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah you better thank me. I could send you someplace else in hell. Let me tell ya.... hell isn't that pretty." He snapped his fingers and suddenly I was in my bedroom where a maid was scrubbing blood off the wall and it looked like a had a couple of more hours of daylight left. I watched her and frowned. Is that my blood? I tilted my head a little before I walked up to her slowly and then looked the blood over before I started for my closet. She looked towards me and tensed up. I paused and looked at her.

"What?" I asked her.

"I... thought.... you... died." She whispered.

"Well... apparently I'm not dead, but thanks for cleaning up," I told her and gave her a small smile before I walked into my closet to get some new clothes out and to go take a shower and get hell off me. I didn't want it on me more than I had to have on me.... I walked into my bathroom and shut the door, starting up the shower and then took a bath before I got dressed in some comfy clothes. When I had brushed my hair out, I walked out towards my bedroom door and snuck out, glancing around before I started to head for the kitchen, feeling a little hungry. Paris appeared in front of me then and looked me over then leaned in and smelled me. I yelped and jumped back. "H-hey..." I mumbled and glanced behind him towards where the stairs was to get to the kitchen downstairs then back at him. "What's the matter?"

"We thought you were dead." He hissed softly. He pulled out his phone and texted someone then and put his phone away then grabbed me and tugged me down the stairs. "What happened? What did he tell you?"

"Uhhhh.... I was going to be eaten by Hassel because he was throwing a tantrum... and then his dad said something about how he rescued me... and wanted me to go back to babysitting... and that he couldn't put me back... or something like that.... something about demon," I mumbled, deciding to be honest. He could read my mind anyways, right? He looked me over and then sighed.

"Don't take this the wrong way..." He told me as we walked into the kitchen and there was a gym bag on the table. He walked me up to it then unzipped it, revealing cash. "Get out of my manor. Take Hassel, Haven, and Eremiel with you as well as this cash. I don't care where you go. You can go stay in my castle in France but don't come back here unless it's an emergency." I frowned slightly and looked him over then looked towards the money.

"Uhmm... is this because of what happened today?" I whispered and then rubbed my arm, looking back towards him. "I'll leave though... since how you told me to...."

"I'm not sure I can help you guys. I want you away from my family incase you accidentally hurt one." He told me then looked away from me. "You have two days." I nodded and then sighed.

"I'll have us out of here by then.... I can understand why you want us gone," I whispered. "After all... I got attacked and I was one of the ones that was closer to Hassel... and then Eremiel has that split personality.... That's not a good thing to have kids around...."

"Keep in touch, if you ever need me for anything just let me know. Be careful because there are demon tamers out there." He warned. I nodded.

"I'll keep in touch with you.... Thank you for the warning...." I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck. Crud.... I'll have to figure something out again.... I was really starting to like it here too.... He frowned and then grabbed my jaw, forcing me to look at him.

"If you find out how to control yourselves then come back to me." He whispered. "I'll welcome you back. I just have too many kids to be thinking about right now." I looked up at him then nodded.

"We'll work with Eremiel," I whispered to him.

"Think of this as a journey I'm sending you on." He told me. "To find yourself. You'll always be apart of my family. I'm sure you'll be coming back within a month or two." I nodded and then smiled a little.

"Okay," I said softly. "We'll be back.... I think they like it here too... and I'm sure I can get us to have more control over this...." I'm going to have to learn how too... aren't I? He said something about me being a demon... and then that maid thought I was dead... and so did Paris. Well... at least I can go through this with those two to help them out instead of watching them deal with Eremiel. "Thank you Paris.... You really don't mind if we stay in France?" I asked him.

"No, I don't mind at all but Shiloh and Rory have been staying there." He warned me. I bit my bottom lip as I thought about it then sighed.

"We'll keep out of their way if you let us go there," I mumbled. "We'll try not to cause problems with them."

"You guys can take my private jet." Paris told me. "I'll get my pilot aware that you're going to my castle in France. Technically it's my sisters now. We don't care much about that though. We also have a lake house if you're interested." I nodded.

"Which do you think would be better then?" I asked him. "For while we're learning."

"The lake house." He muttered. "Here, I'll send you the address. Take one of my cars or yours." He started to text something and my phone went off. I pulled it out to check it then nodded at him.

"Okay... thanks Paris...." I smiled at him sweetly then. He really is one of the nicest vampires I've ever met.

"You're welcome kid." He rubbed my head. "Maybe it's my age that makes me so nice," He whispered then started towards the fridge and pulled out a bottle of blood. "Two days," He reminded me. I nodded quickly.

"I promise we'll be out before then.... I'll start packing our stuff tonight," I whispered and then started for the door quickly, giving up on the food idea tonight. I could eat later... after I get us out of here so Paris doesn't change his mind about helping us.... I started up the stairs, putting my phone back into my pocket before I went to my room and started to pack my bags up, cutting on some music from my phone as I tossed it onto the bed. Paris appeared in my room then and sat the bag on my bed.

"Forgot this." He told me and teleported away. I looked towards it then sighed softly. Thanks.... It took me a few hours before I had all my bags packed up, but at least that part was over.... All my stuff was ready to go.... I just needed to go pack Hassel's, Haven's, and Eremiel's stuff. Oh man... I'm not going to get much sleep, am I? I sighed and left my room, going up to Haven and Hassel's room then knocked on it. I felt a small spike of fear start to make me freak out as I remembered what Hassel did to me, and I froze up, watching the door. I hope he doesn't attack me again.... I should've waited... I've already knocked! I looked towards my room in panic, wondering if I could make it back to it before they got the door. Haven opened the door quickly and then tackled me.

"Aaron?" He asked and then rubbed his head against me. I spotted Hassel sleeping on the bed. I relaxed and then looked at Haven with a small smile.

"Hey Haven," I whispered then kissed his forehead. "Did you eat something today?" I asked him sweetly, wanting to make sure he wasn't starving.

"Eremiel cooked me something to eat." He whispered. "So I'm fine. Can I sleep with you tonight?" He asked. I smiled and gave a nod.

"Yeah, I don't mind," I told him sweetly. "We've got to pack your bags though.... We're leaving for a bit, but we're coming back."

"A vacation?" He asked. "It's a vacation?" He looked excited then. "Okay. I'll help you pack." I laughed and nodded, deciding to let him believe it was a vacation. It was kind of like one anyways. I walked into his room and shut the door behind us before I got his bags out from under his bed and started to pack his things then started on Hassel's until their stuff was ready then looked at Haven.

"My bed or yours?" I asked him softly, giving him a smile.

"Yours," He whispered and then reached out for me. "Carry me?" I nodded and then picked him up and carried him towards the door, leaving their bags on the floor and then took him to my room, setting him down in the bed and tucked him in before I got in with him and curled up, yawning.

"Night Haven," I whispered to him. This is so strange... letting him sleep in my bed... but maybe Hassel won't attack me if Haven is around me... and Haven is sweet.... Haven curled up to me and rubbed his ears against my chest before he settled down with a small purr.

"Goodnight Aaron." He whispered. I smiled softly and started to drift to sleep, wrapping him into a hug.

Keegan's POV:

Hiko looked out the window and frowned a little then looked at his phone before he pouted and looked at me. "Keegan... tonight's a full moon," he mumbled, looking upset. "I get really weird too.... Maybe we shouldn't play another game.... I think I should go back to my room before the moon rises."

"Okay... if that's what you want." I mumbled and started to stand up from my gaming chair. He bit his bottom lip and looked up at me before he walked up and hugged me.

"I'm sorry.... It's just that I know that you don't really like me being weird," he whispered to me. "You'd rather play games with me like normal...."

"I know...." I muttered. "But you're now half wolf and vampire so you've got things to take care of on full moons and I think I can understand that." I started towards the door. "I'm going to go to my bedroom I guess. Lock up tonight." He rubbed the back of his neck then nodded.

"Ok Keegan.... Hey, I did tell you right? That I have control over myself during the full moons?" He mumbled and then blushed a little. "Just that I get urges? I know the Halfling thing is new... but I don't know if I told you... because I didn't want to admit it." He walked towards the light switches then to turn the lights off behind me. I opened the door quickly to keep the darkness away from me then looked towards him as I stepped out into the hall.

"What urges?" I asked him. He blushed and walked out, shutting the door behind him then locked it.

"U-umm... well... you know," he whispered and looked at me shyly.

"No I don't..." I mumbled. He bit his bottom lip then and turned to me.

"Mate things?" He whispered, barely getting it out as he found it hard to meet my eyes. "That's why I leave you every full moon... because it's hard. I don't know what gets into me... but I know that I know what's going on and that it's just... well... urges," he mumbled and looked down at the ground.

"Oh.... desires...." I mumbled. He wants to do it with me.... Well.... "Time for bed." I said quickly. He nodded and started down the hall fast.

"Uh huh," he hummed over his shoulder. "Night Keegan."

"Goodnight." I mumbled and then started down the hall for the room I used to share with Shiloh, Rory, and Sage. Now that Shiloh and Rory left, Sage doesn't sleep there. I get the whole room to myself now. It's a little scary though.... and lonely. I walked into it when I reached it then locked the door behind me and started towards my nightlight, turning it on quickly. I kicked my shoes off then my shirt and pants and slipped into the cold-big bed. The full moon shinned through the curtains after an hour and lit my room up instantly. I could hear the howls starting off faint in the distance as they were starting the full moon run across their territory. A small howl came from outside in the yard, probably Hiko planning on joining them. He had grown into a runt for the most part.... I sat up quickly in bed and started towards my window and looked out it to watch him run off. He was wagging his tail outside a few feet away from the house, looking towards the woods with interest. He perked his ears up as another howl reached him and he let out an excited yip, running for the woods then tripped. I laughed softly then shut the curtains to hide the moon and went back to my bed, crawling back into it then curled up to myself. After another thirty minutes, I heard howls breaking out everywhere, battle cries. I shot up quickly as worry broke through me and I shot over to the window and opened it. What's going on!? Another battle? We just had one several months ago! I felt panicked and a longing need to save my runt mate. I could see a glimpse of werewolves running around closer to the manor as they seemed to be chasing another wolf I hadn't seen before, but they suddenly stopped and yelps rang through the pack as more wolves appeared and a fight broke out, spilling into the yard. I heard the alarm in the manor trip. Paris appeared on the roof top then and glanced out at the battle below before he disappeared and suddenly his army rushed outside and stood guard for our manor as the alarm went off. I looked down at the battle.

"Hiko...." I mumbled, getting worried. I suddenly saw Hiko then, scrambling to get back as a wolf almost fell into him, over twice his size. He yelped and then looked towards the wolf that had thrown the other then laid his ears back, tucking his tail between his legs as it started for him. He took off running for the woods to get to cover, but the other wolf picked him up and bit down into his shoulder, making him stop squirming as he fell limp. I slipped the window open then landed down by some of the army brats and grabbed a gun from them and ran for Hiko, wanting to save him as I shot at the wolf holding him. "HIKO!" I yelled. The other wolf snarled and threw Hiko aside, turning to me with a look of anger as it bared it's teeth at me and started to run for me to get me. I heard Hiko yelp as he hit the ground, but before the wolf could get to me, he had jumped up onto it's back and bit down into it's ear, growling loudly. A wolf jumped by then and grabbed Hiko, ripping him off as another wolf took down the wolf that was going to attack me. Hiko was shoved into my arms and a sharp growl was aimed at me. "Yes, I know. I'm getting him out." I said quickly and took off running for the manor quickly. Hiko looked up at me and laid his ears back, shrinking down into my arms as he glanced behind me at the battle then nuzzled his face against me. I rubbed his head as I slipped back into the manor and ran straight into Paris.

'WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU DOING OUTSIDE!?" He snapped at me. "Get your ass in your room." He ordered. I yelped and started down the hall to do as told. "KEEGAN!" He yelled. "Don't you dare set foot onto a werewolf battle field like that again. You could have died!" He shot at me. "I'M SO DISAPPOINTED." I shrunk as I continued down the hall and started up the stairs. Hiko trembled in my arms then and curled up into a ball, whimpering as he laid his ears back.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered to me.

"It's okay." I whispered as I took him towards his bedroom. "Stay inside tonight." I whispered. He looked up at me and then rested his head against my chest.

"I will," he mumbled and then watched me. "Thank you for saving me...."

"That was nothing," I shrugged and reached his bedroom then went inside and placed him on his bed. He looked his bed over and then looked up at me with a small whine before he crawled up to the top of his bed and nuzzled his head under the blanket then crawled under it and poked his head out. He looked up at me and wagged his tail a little before he shifted back and brought the blankets close around him.

"Still... he really had me good," he told me and gave me a sweet smile, rubbing his shoulder that was healing slowly.

"Well I'm glad you're healing. Do you want me to stay in here tonight?" I whispered. He blushed and looked towards the windows then up at me before he gave a small nod and curled up.

"Please...." He mumbled and rubbed his shoulder. I noticed it was the same one he had gotten bit on before when he was turned.

"I need to go to my room real quick-" I whispered. I'm only in boxers and I left my night light on. "Uh- get dressed and we'll go sleep in there." He nodded and then glanced at his closet as he waited for me to leave. I turned around for him. I heard him get up and then walk over to his closet, moving around in there before he came out and up to me with a cute smile, dressed in fuzzy pajama pants and an anime t-shirt.

"Ready," he told me sweetly. I grabbed his hand and dragged him out and towards the elevator to take upstairs to get to my room quicker. He stumbled after me and then glanced towards one of the windows as another howl went off. He shivered a bit and then quickly followed me, getting closer. When we reached my bedroom I stopped at the door, realizing it was locked.... Fuck. I looked towards him with a cute smile.

"Uhmmmm...." I began. "It's locked so... stay here." I told him firmly. I walked up to a window. He watched me with worry as he rubbed his wrist, keeping himself from coming with me. He let out a soft whine and looked towards the door to my bedroom. I slipped out the window and onto the ledge then started to slide across the small ledge and towards my open bedroom window. After ten minutes of heavy concentration I managed to get inside my room. I unlocked the door for Hiko and stepped aside for him to come in. He came in quickly and then walked over to the couch in the room, laying down on it and curled up, giving a small yawn. I looked him over and then shut my door, locking it. I walked back over to my bed and laid down in it and curled up. He watched me for a few seconds before he let out a soft whine and turned to face the other way, curling up into a ball. I stretched out on my bed and let out a small yawn. I started to drift asleep then.

The next morning, I felt someone curled up right against me and felt someone's breath hitting my chest as arms kept me close to him. I recognized his scent as Hiko's then and realized that he was almost half on me, his head against my chest as his hair tickled my chin. I opened my eyes slowly and glanced around the room before I looked back at him. At least he's not Sage. Sage is harder to escape from- because if I wake him I'm definitely not getting away. I pulled myself away from him and replaced myself with a pillow. He snuggled up to it and then began lightly gnawing on a corner of it as his teeth sharpened a bit. He growled playfully and then buried his face in it. I slipped on my pants and shirt from yesterday then snuck out of the room, going downstairs towards the kitchen to get a bottle of blood. Aiyana glanced over at me as she sipped on a bottle of blood then frowned a bit. "Haven't seen you in forever," she said and looked me over. "You smell like you slept with a dog."

"Hey cuz~" I walked up to the fridge in the kitchen and opened it, yanking a bottle from the fridge then looked it over. "What have you been doing lately?" I ignored her question about my scent.

"Little bit of this, little bit of that. I'm an official member of this club out in town," she purred and smirked a bit. "You should come to one of the reading sessions."

"No thanks." I told her quickly. "I rather stay in VR." I popped the top off of the bottle then started to sip on the blood. She nodded.

"Suit yourself.... It's just a psychic after all- those kinds of readings. He knows what I am already, so I get private readings because of it," she told me and shrugged. "Would've done the same for you."

"I don't need private readings." I told her and gave a small smile. "I have Laurence."

"Eh, he's a good friend to have just to hang with too. He's not as condescending as Laurence can get," she told me and then took another sip of her blood. "It's nice to have a human friend too, you know? All we do is hang around each other. I like to get out while I can."

"Why would you want to go out there?" I asked her, looking out the window. "The world is an ugly place."

"Because when Paris goes demon, I'd like to have somewhere to go to," she told me and looked her blood over. "It's bound to happen again... if not him then Richard... and then even my dad has issues with our blood. I'd rather be somewhere safe if something were to happen. Plus humans know how to party~"

"How do you like your new mother?" I teased as I started towards the door to end this conversation quickly.

"Eh, see ya Keeg-man," she said and then waved. I looked towards her with a raised eyebrow before I continued my way towards my game room. When I got close to it, I heard a soft growl behind me and then felt someone gently scratch my leg then let out a soft whine. I looked down quickly. Hiko... I scooped him up into my arms then carried him towards his bedroom.

"Hiko...." I mumbled. He looked up at me and wagged his tail a little before he nuzzled his head against me.

"Where were you?" He asked me softly. "I woke up all transformed and everything... and you weren't there, so I figured you might've gotten scared or something...."

"I went to get something to drink," I explained, tilting the bottle of blood a bit then sipped from the bottle. He looked towards it then up at me before he laid his ears back.

"Oh... okay.... So why are we walking away from the game room?" He asked me curiously, glancing over my shoulder towards it then in the direction we were walking. "Where are you taking me?"

"To your bedroom so you can get some clothes on." I explained. He wagged his tail and then put his front paws on my chest, stretching his small wolf body out to reach my face then licked my cheek.

"Thanks Keegan~" He said sweetly and then licked my cheek again with his ears perked up. I nodded and reached his room, opening the door for him and sat him down on his bed.

"Get dressed." I told him and shut the door. I heard him moving around inside after a few minutes and then the door opened. He had brushed his hair out and put on a simple t-shirt, jacket, and a pair of sweatpants. He smiled up at me sweetly then walked out, giving me a quick kiss before he shut the door behind him. I grabbed his hand then started for my game room but froze up. "Are you hungry?" I asked him. He tilted his head and looked up at me with a small frown.

"I can wait..." he whispered to me and then shrugged. "I'll eat something after we log off for the day." I frowned and then pulled him towards the kitchen.

"We'll eat some sushi before we get online." I told him. I downed the rest of my blood. He blushed a little and then gave a small nod before he followed me.

"Okay," he mumbled and rubbed the back of his neck. He looked towards me then and gave a small smile before squeezing my hand slightly. "I love you Keegan."

"I love you too," I purred. "My cousin Aiyana is hanging out in the kitchen- or was." I told him. He nodded and then giggled a bit.

"It's been awhile since I've seen her.... I barely remember her," he told me and then shook his head. "She's quiet... or we are... or we both are...."

"Well most of the girls in the family are quiet types." I told him. "We're just gamers." He nodded and then smiled as he tugged me into the kitchen then walked over to the refrigerator, getting a small bottle of blood before he got down a glass and started to fix himself some in the glass, heating it up how he liked it. When he finished up, he got up onto the counter and started to sip on it, watching me. Aiyana looked over at him from where she was sitting at the counters with Peyton and frowned slightly.

"We're being invaded.... New plan, let's go hide out in the library," she whispered and got to her feet, grabbing Peyton and then quickly left the room with her.

"See, they're quiet." I told him. "They're not big on talking. But can you blame them? Paris only loves Rose and Raven because they've worked hard for his love. Otherwise you get ignored if you're a girl." I started to make us some sushi like I promised. He sighed and then took another sip of the blood.

"I'm glad I'm not a girl then...." He sunk down against the counter top and then frowned. "That'd suck if your dad didn't like me or approve of us being mates...."

"He'd approve- he'd just not be that interested in you." I explained. He looked me over and then took another sip of his blood.

"Okay... Hey Keegan... can we go on another date? Maybe in the VR?" He asked me sweetly, giving me a cute smile.

"We're dating right now," I teased him and started to cut up tuna.

"I want some!" I heard Takara yell out as he ran up to me and looked over the counter and started to fly to get a better view. "Give me?" He asked.

"I'm not done." I told him and heard Solis run up on my other side and yank on my shirt for my attention. I looked towards her as she gave me big- pleading eyes. "You'll have to wait." Midori was suddenly behind me and hugged me quickly, puffing smoke against my skin.

"Pleaaaaase?" He begged me. He let out a soft whimper as his tummy growled and he looked the fish over.

"I'm not done yet!" I hissed and pointed my knife towards him. "Get your kids and wait over there." I pointed towards the island bar then found Donnie by me and helping me cut up the fish. Midori pouted and picked Takara up out of the sky and held him close as he hovered by Donnie for a minute, watching us and then went over to the island with Takara and Solis where he watched our every movement. Hiko frowned as he watched them then took another sip of his blood. I blushed as I looked towards my oldest brother then went back to cutting up sushi. He knows how to cook sushi? I looked towards Midori and the kids.... I guess he would know. Hiko looked towards us and then laid down on top of the counter, sipping on the blood and then sighed.

"I could help if you want," he offered us. "It's not like I don't know how to do this."

"How about you give your sister a call and ask her if she wants any," Donnie suggested. "We're making plenty to go around." We are? Okay... Hiko pulled his phone out of his pocket and started to text her before I heard a game pull up on his phone and he looked at it with interest, starting to play. "We'll make Tuna, Salmon, Crab, Lobster, Shrimp, and Eel rolls." Donnie told me, going into the fridge to pull out the rest of the meat.

"I don't like Eel!" I heard Takara complaining.

"That's gross! Make something else!" Midori complained and then growled a bit towards Donnie, showing his teeth off.

"You don't have to eat the Eel roll." Donnie told them.

"I like it..." Solis mumbled. Midori looked at her with horror.

"You can't like Eel," he told her quickly. "Fish only. Fish, gold, and that pretty sun in the sky... and the sky... and your brother and me."

"What about me?" Donnie asked.

"Here, have a coin." Solis pulled one out of her pocket and threw it towards the boys. Midori snatched it out of the air first and let out a purr as his eyes turned to match the coin's color as he looked at it. He loosened his grip on Takara then as he got distracted easily. Solis giggled and then looked towards me and smiled happily. I went back to focusing on the meat then. Hiko hummed softly and then sat his phone down after a few minutes before he leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"What'd your sister say?" I asked him.

"She said yeah," he said sweetly and then stole a kiss from me.

"That's good." I purred and checked on the rice. He watched me before he leaned in and then gave my neck a small kiss.

"It smells good," he whispered to me.

"I hope so," I leaned in and gave him a small kiss. He giggled and nipped at my lip playfully before he pulled back and looked towards the rice. I started a pot of tea then for him and smirked. "How about some tea..." He nodded quickly and looked excited before he tackled me into a hug.

"I love you!" He laughed happily. "I was really thinking about making some myself...." He looked up at me before he smiled sweetly and then leaned in and kissed my neck. "Best mate ever... making me sushi and tea...."

"You know you love me. Want some egg rolls?" I asked. He nodded and looked up at me again and gave a playful growl, leaning in for another kiss. I pulled back to go for the fridge and pulled a box out from the freezer and started to place them in the oven. I pulled out some soy sauce and sat it down on the counter.

"Thanks Keegan," he purred to me and then went to sit by Midori and the other two dragons. "Thanks Donnie... for helping him make this for us."

"No problem. We can all go into the dinning room and eat as a family." Donnie told us with a huge smile. "What do you guys think?"

"Yeah!" Solis giggled. "I want to eat as a family."

"Mhmmmm," Midori hummed and then looked us over in amusement before he stood up and started to lead the dragon party to the dining room. Hiko followed after them quickly, laughing. "I'll be waiting Donnie," Midori called over his shoulder with a purr. I looked towards Donnie.

'We better not disappoint them then," Donnie told me as he started to speed up the process with supernatural speed. After a few minutes we had sushi rolls made, tea made, and the egg rolls were done. we started to bring the food into the dining room then with help from a few maids as we gave everyone plates and cups. Myra and Hana was in the dinning room waiting for us as well. Midori gave his kids some sushi first and then got himself a lot before he ate a piece quickly and moaned.

"I love you," Midori purred towards Donnie looking towards him as he ate another piece of sushi then looked Donnie over longingly. Hiko giggled and got himself a little bit as he looked towards his sister and Myra, giving them a sweet smile. Myra grabbed an egg roll and drenched it with soy sauce then started to eat it. I poured everyone hot tea as Donnie gave Midori a loving look.

"I love you too." Donnie purred. Midori got up then and walked up to Donnie, hugging him before rubbed his head against Donnie's chest, giving a small moan as he closed his eyes in pleasure. "Okay sweetie go sit down and eat," Donnie encouraged as he got himself a plate of sushi and then gave me a smile. Midori didn't listen and then sat down in Donnie's lap, stealing sushi from Donnie's plate. "Hey, that's my shushi," Donnie muttered and grabbed a piece, popping it into his mouth. I glanced over at Hiko.

"Hey, do you like the sushi?" I asked him. He smiled and nodded.

"Yeah! Of course I do! It's sushi!" He laughed a bit and sipped on the tea. "The tea is delicious too.... Thanks sweetie~"

"You're welcome," I purred and started to eat a crab roll, moaning at the flavor. Myra got herself some sushi then and started to eat a piece that had tuna in it. She took a sip of her hot tea afterwards. Lien appeared on the table then, flicking his tail as he went for some of the sushi quickly. Liam ran into the room and frowned.

"Li-Li! You left me for food?!" He walked up to the table and pouted. "We were playing a game!" Lien looked over at him and laid his ears back.

"But food," he countered and then stuffed Liam's mouth with an egg roll to make him quiet down.

"Lien, please get off the table," Donnie ordered firmly. "There are chairs for a reason." Lien looked towards him and frowned, flicking his tail again.

"But Donnie~" He whined and walked up to him then pouted.

"We're not raising barn animals," He pointed to the chair. "Sit." Lien flattened his cat ears against his head but obeyed, sitting down beside Donnie with a huff. Liam giggled at him then ran over Donnie and Midori, crawling into their laps.

"Second daddy!" He giggled, hugging Donnie quickly. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too," He kissed Liam on the head. "I'm sorry I haven't been around you much," He purred. "Where's daddy?" He asked. "Or have you been too busy with Lien?" He smiled innocently then.

"Too busy," he told him then looked over at Lien who was stuffing his face with sushi. "But he's too busy with that sushi," he mumbled with a pout. "Silly cat."

"Have some sushi if you wants some," Donnie purred and rubbed Liam on the head. I looked Liam over. I was supposed to be the last one born but he came along and ruined my hopes of being the last one. I looked away from him. Liam looked over at me and smiled sweetly.

"Big brother!" He giggled and got off Donnie and Midori then walked up to me and crawled up into my lap, kissing my cheek. "I wove you," he purred and hugged me.

"Grah," Who told him we were kin!!? I placed him back in Midori's lap quickly as I spotted Myra slowly sliding down in her seat. Liam noticed her and then brightened up.

"Sissy!" He ran up to her then and bounced up and down lightly. "Sissy Myra!" He giggled and then got in her lap, kissing her cheek and let out a sweet purr. She shrieked and handed him over to Hana.

"Take it!" Myra begged. Liam frowned and then reached for her.

"Sissy! Don't you like me?" He asked her and sniffled, on the verge of tears.

"No." Myra said with a straight face. "I'm not your sister. I just live here so I don't have to live alone in my manor." Liam started to cry then and pointed to her hair.

"But you're on the family trwee!" He cried out and then reached for her. "Sissy!"

"What'd I tell you?" Myra asked him. "I'm not your sister." She said stubbornly. "My name is Myra Moore, it is not Grimm." Liam somehow got away from Hana and was back in her lap in seconds, snuggling up to her.

"Grimm," he told her and sniffled. "You're my big sissy!"

"I'm not your sister," She groaned and then held him at arms length away from her. "Please stop hugging me, we're not related."

"Liaaaaaaaam~" Lien called out after he swallowed his food. Liam's eyes shot to Lien with a look full of love and he giggled, racing over to him then crawled into the seat with him. Lien smirked and looked towards Donnie, mouthing "mine". Donnie laughed and looked over at Myra.

"Hey, you know Paris changed your last name to Grimm right?" Donnie asked her.

"WHAT!?" Myra asked.

"Yeah, he did about a couple of years- no centuries back." Donnie told her. "He just hasn't found the time to tell you."

"I'm not going to switch my name over," She grumbled.

"It already is though," Donnie teased. "Too late."

"You can change your name to mine if you want," Hana whispered to her and smiled sweetly. "I wouldn't mind. Neither would Hiko, right Hiko?" Hiko looked towards them and frowned.

"Uhhhh... I... don't... what?"

"Care if she was to change her name to ours," she purred at him. He tilted his head.

"Why would she? It's not like it matters to her what her last name is, right? She's just Myra."

"It's okay Hana, I'm going to go have a serious conversation with Paris about my last name in a few minutes. He has no rights to change it without asking me first." Myra hissed out, looking totally pissed about it. Donnie laughed and pulled out his phone, beginning to text someone. Hiko got up then and started for the kitchen, taking his plate and cup with him. As he walked by, I got a good whiff of his irresistible scent that drew me to him, smelling like a Japanese garden and oranges. I watched him walk into the kitchen then looked down at my plate, trying to calm myself from going in there and marking him as mine. He walked back out after a few seconds and smiled at me, walking over.

"Hey, I'm going to go ahead to the game room," he whispered in my ear as he leaned over the back of the chair. I could smell him stronger now, getting a faint scent of the sweet smell of a vampire underneath the garden, tea, and oranges.

"I'm coming with you," I told him and got to my feet and grabbed his hand. He widened his eyes slightly but nodded.

"Okay," he mumbled and then started to tug me out of the room, leading me down the hall. I could see his neck was vulnerable as he led me, looking straight ahead as he focused on getting us to the stairs. I walked past him then and let his hand go so I could get his neck out of my sights and focus more on VR.

"Did you enjoy your sushi?" I asked him.

"Yeah, it was great," he told me and I heard him laugh a little. "Better than what I've had in a bit...." He hummed softly as he followed me. "Soul Eater today, right?"

"Right," I nodded in agreement and walked up to my game room, punching in the password right as I heard something down the hall.

"NIKOLAI!" I heard Alistair yelling. "WHERE'S MY BABY NEPHEW, I WANNA KISS HIM!"


"CASTRIAN, WHERE ARE YOU!?" Alistair asked. I pulled Hiko inside and closed the door behind me. "Poor Castrian," I mumbled. Alistair is just like Rory and Shiloh.

"I'M GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS!" Raven shouted at him and I heard fighting start up in the halls.

"BUT I WANNA SEE MY NEPHEW! Lori is already sneaking into the room before me!"

"No I'm not," I heard Lori shout.

"YOU'RE NOT SEEING YOUR NEPHEW!" I heard Raven slamming him into a wall. Hiko shivered and backed up from the door as the fighting got closer to the room. I heard her giggle madly then as the smell of Alistair's blood reached me. "Did you bang your head too hard on that wall sweetie? You're not getting away from me now~!"

"Raven, don't hurt my son!" I heard Rose shouting at her. "He may have a few screws loose but he's still my son. Just let him see a damn picture." I heard it get quiet out there for a few seconds and then a small giggle.

"Okay~" Raven purred sweetly. "Here's one of Cassy when he was playing with his tea sets!"

"AWWWWWW," I heard Alistair laugh. "I can't wait for him to grow up and venture out of his bedroom. He's going to be a big handful."

"Awww, you think I'm going to let him leave his bedroom. How cute," Raven said and I could hear the smirk in her voice. "He's my son."

"Wow, overprotective much?" Rose teased.

"Why not? He should come out and play."

"Not with you," she told him and laughed. "He'll come out when I send you to Russia to do some things for me."

"Russia? I don't want to go to Russia," Alistair complained. "Is Victor coming at least?"

"Ehhh... no. From the look Rose is giving me... no. Besides, I don't want you rubbing off on my sweet little boy. You're like me," Raven purred to him. "Just... you can't handle it like I can."

"You're not being very nice." I heard Alistair going down the hall then and muttering about going to find Nikolai or Victor.

"LOVE YOU ALI!" Raven called after him and giggled. "You can see Cassy later today when Cassy has had his nap!"

"YES!" I heard Alistair say in excitement. Poor guy probably hasn't seen Castrian at all since he was born. Hiko sat down in his chair and then started to rub one of his sharp teeth, frowning a little.

"They're sore," he mumbled. "I think they're getting sharper." I walked over to him and then sat down in my gaming chair.

"Sharper?" I asked him. "What do you mean by that? You just had food."

"They feel- OW!" He yelped and yanked his hand back as it started bleeding quickly, dripping down his hand and his arm. He widened his eyes as he saw a descent sized cut on his hand.

"What..." I muttered and looked over at him. "Sharper?" I mumbled and then started to reach out towards him. He looked towards me then got up, walking over as he cradled his bleeding hand to his chest.

"Y-yeah... like... I didn't even use my fangs, and I did this to myself," he whispered to me, wincing. I looked him over and then reached out towards his jaw.

"I want to see your teeth," I told him. He blushed and then got down on his knees before he opened his mouth. I could see his k-9s had gotten sharper and the rest of his teeth weren't as dull looking as before.

"Yeah, you're just getting sharper teeth," I told him. "Nothing to worry over." I gave him a smile. "Go sit back down and let's log in." He nodded and licked his hand as he walked back to his seat, cleaning his blood off him.

"Okay," he whispered. I looked towards my robot, wondering if he was awake. He appeared to be sleeping in the corner of the room. Hiko sat down in his seat and brought his knees to his chest.

"Elister," I called to him, trying to wake him with my voice. His eyes fluttered open as he recognized me calling for him and he looked over, rubbing his eyes. He glanced us over and then got up, walking over to me obediently.

"Yes Keegan?" He asked me softly. "You want to play some more?"

"Yes," I told him. "I want to play." I looked over towards Hiko. "So does Hiko."

"I figured," he mumbled and then started to get ready to inject us. I gave him a playful smile.

"Thanks Elister," I purred. He nodded and then turned to me and Hiko.

"Who wants to go first?" He asked and then looked at Hiko. "Keegan went first last time.... I think you should." He walked up to him and then started to clean Hiko's neck. Hiko blushed and looked towards me as he stayed still. I gave Hiko a cute smile as I waited for my turn.

"See you there," I purred. Elister stuck him with the needle then before he pulled away and Hiko's eyes fell shut after a second. He turned to me then and walked over, starting to clean my neck up to inject me.

"I hope you have fun today," he whispered to me, giving a soft smile.

"I always do," I told him and looked him over. "Don't wait up."

"I never do," he sighed out. "I have hardly anything to do most days while you're playing. The room is always spotless...." He stuck me with the needle then and I started to feel sleepy as the game started to pull me into it, giving me the game selections.

Aaron's POV:

I woke up beside Haven and tensed up until I remembered letting him sleep with me. I sat up slowly and then glanced at the clock, widening my eyes as I realized what time it was. We'd need to leave soon.... We need to go if we want to make it out of here and have everything there before sunset... when Eremiel will go Salem on us. I don't want that to happen in the car on the way there! I got up out of bed and grabbed my car keys off the nightstand then my phone before I walked to my closet and changed into an outfit. I put my phone and then my keys into my pockets before I walked back out to Haven and picked my things up, deciding to get my things to the car first. I slowly snuck over to the door in order not to disturb him then went downstairs to the garage and put my things in my car before I walked up to Haven and Hassel's room, going inside to get their bags. Hassel was already up when I went in and he was standing in front of the window, looking outside in a daze. I paused and tensed up, watching him for a few seconds and then relaxed a little. He probably wouldn't attack me like yesterday.... I picked up Haven's bags and then got his, sighing softly. "Hassel, can you get Eremiel's bags?" I asked him quietly, not wanting to startle him if he hadn't heard me come in. He tensed up at my voice then looked over his shoulder towards me.

"Aaron?" He whispered. I smiled at him.

"Yeah? What's the matter?" I asked him. "Haven's in my room, so don't worry about him."

"I... thought.... I killed you." He muttered. His face held no emotions. I frowned at him then.

"Well... I'll get Eremiel's bags myself then," I muttered. Fine, be that way. I snatched up Eremiel's bags, barely able to carry it all then walked towards the door. "We're leaving today, but we're coming back soon."

"Why're we leaving?" He asked quickly. I glanced over my shoulder at him and narrowed my eyes slightly.

"I wasn't going to really tell Haven... but since how you put it so bluntly, you killed me. That's part of it. Paris has children to raise, and he doesn't want us accidentally hurting his kids, so we're leaving until we can control ourselves."

"I was doing find until Eremiel showed up in my life," He snapped and turned back to looking out the window. I frowned at him and then opened the door, leaving the room as I took the stuff down the hall. Jerk... he killed me yesterday and he knows it... and he couldn't even apologize.... He didn't even ask how I was here. Then he blames it on poor Eremiel. I tensed up as yesterday came back to the front of my mind again and I froze up in the hall in fear. He really hates me... doesn't he? He really wanted to kill me.... I whimpered and then glanced back at Hassel's door before I kept walking quickly, feeling a pain in my chest. He talks about trust and all those other things, but then he goes and betrays me.... I looked towards their stuff and thought about dumping Hassel's stuff on the floor and making him carry it himself, but I kept walking, deciding not to be that way. I'd be the better man... and just ignore him. I walked down to the garage and put their stuff in the trunk and then headed back for my room then paused, glancing over at Hassel's door and growled softly as I felt a little angry. What right does he have to treat me that way anyways?! I narrowed my eyes and then walked into my room, slamming the door shut behind me.

"What's the matter?" Haven asked as he shot up quickly from the slamming. His ears twitched and he went to get up out of bed.

"Your brother is a jerk," I muttered to him and then looked down at the floor. "That's all."

"He's not a jerk, he just has a lot of anger issues he doesn't know how to work out." Haven told me and started for me. I looked towards him and then frowned.

"You know... he tried to kill me yesterday, and all he had to say this morning was he thought he killed me. He didn't apologize," I told him. "He didn't even look like he felt terrible.... What if I was really dead Haven? If I could never have come back? Would he have just gone on with his life?" I felt my eyes stinging with tears then as I looked towards him, wanting to cry. I really mean that little to him? Haven started to cry then.

"Hassel tried to kill you?" He asked me and started to sniffle. "But Hassel loves you," He told me and started to whip away his tears. I bit my bottom lip watching him and then walked up, pulling him into a hug.

"Haven, don't cry," I whispered to him and kissed his cheek. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything to you.... You didn't need to know about it...." He whimpered and held onto me.

"I don't wanna sit by him in the car, Aaron. I wanna sit with you." He sniffled and tried to keep himself together then. I nodded and then pulled back to look at him. I could give him that.

"You can sit in the front seat with me then...." I whispered. That leaves Eremiel and Hassel in the back together... but you know what, screw Hassel. Haven wrapped his arms around my neck and leapt up to be in my arms as he pressed his head into my neck. I laughed, feeling a little better and smiled at him. "Come on cutie. Let's go round up the others and get them in the car. It's going to be a long drive," I whispered to him and then walked to the door, opening it before I went to Hassel's door and knocked on it. "GET YOUR ASS IN THE CAR HASSEL. Back seat!" The door swung open and he brushed past me.

"I'm not sitting in the damn back." He hissed out as he started down the hall.

"I'm driving," I told him and followed behind him, knocking on Eremiel's door. "Eremiel~ You're sitting in the back!" I called out to him and then continued to follow Hassel. "Haven wants to sit in the front with me."

"Too bad, I'm in the front. I don't play well with birds." He told me. Haven sniffled and rubbed his ear then.

"Hassel... I don't want you sitting in the front with me," I whispered to him. "Not after yesterday." He tensed up and stopped walking then. Haven tightened his grip on me. "Please sit in the back."

"Whatever," He muttered and kept walking. "I'll sit in the back." I followed behind him then and sighed a bit.

"Thank you Hassel. Oh, your father says hi," I told him, brushing past him to lead him to the garage as I heard Eremiel following us.

"So happy he has the decency to remember to say hi," Hassel hissed out. "After all he's the devil." I glanced at him over my shoulder.

"Hassel... you know I'm not human anymore, right?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Aaron," He muttered. "Stop rubbing it in."

"Why?" I asked him and frowned. "Thought you didn't care and wanted me dead."

"That wasn't me. I don't even remember doing it. I woke up with you dead in my arms." He whispered. "That's all I know." I paused then and turned to him.

"Wait... you don't remember what happened at all?" I whispered softly in shock.

"No... I think I was sleep walking or something.... that's what it was like anyways." He rubbed the back of his head. "I don't want to talk about this... no in front of Haven." I looked at Haven then at Eremiel before I set Haven down.

"Eremiel... can you take him to the car?" I whispered to him. Eremiel frowned and nodded.

"If you're sure..." He looked at Hassel before he walked up and started to lead Haven down the hall, talking to him about butterflies or something like that. I walked up to Hassel slowly and then frowned, looking up at him.

"I'm sorry I got mad at you then," I whispered to him. "I didn't know that you didn't remember it at all.... It was like a nightmare... and you didn't seem to even care this morning."

"Because I'm still registering last night," He whispered and looked away. "I felt horrible and I still do Aaron... Can we not talk about it now?" I gently took his hand and gave it a squeeze.

"Sure... just know that even if someone chases me, it doesn't mean I like them back," I whispered to him, gently starting to lead him to the cars. "After all... I have someone else I like," I mumbled, blushing a little.

"What's this got to do with your love life... did Eremiel try something with you?!" He tensed at my touch.

"W-well... you saw a video of me fighting another executioner that was trying to kiss me and stuff... and then you came in to yell at me about it and found Eremiel trying to help me feel better that morning because I was sore from the fight... and he was trying to help me relax... so you yelled at him to get out and then attacked me," I whispered to him. "That's why you tried to kill me... something about betrayal."

"I'm sorry...." He whispered. "Maybe you need to leave me Aaron." I quickly shook my head and looked towards him.

"No," I told him and pulled his hand closer. "I couldn't leave you..." He came closer from my tug and widened his eyes a bit.

"O-okay." I smiled at him sweetly then.

"Besides, I forgive you," I told him and then kissed his cheek. "It's okay.... I'm not upset anymore... and you can't really kill me again."

"You mean I can't kill that bird?" He asked and frowned. "I thought I could if I threw him into the mouth of a volcano."

"Sorry, I don't think you can kill an angel... or a demon," I told him and sighed. "So we're going to the lake house to learn to control ourselves. I'll be learning about demons... and you'll be learning to control your tantrums." I looked him over and then blushed. I'm so glad he can't really kill me again.... that'd suck. That was terrifying the first time..... "Your father said you were 'of age'. Whatever that means, but he said you'd be throwing more fits or something like that...."

"G-great... What another perfect day to be demonic and a spawn of satan." He hissed. I frowned a little.

"At least you got me and Haven by your side," I told him and gave his hand a slight squeeze. I really couldn't stay mad at him for too long... not if he couldn't remember doing it to me.... After all, I like him... and he's one of my only friends....

"Yeah..." He muttered. "Haven didn't sleep with me last night..."

"Because he wanted to sleep in my bed," I told him and gave him a smile. "You know... if you really want... we could all camp out in one room together and make Eremiel sleep outside or something."

"He's not going to be allowed two miles from where we sleep." He told me. "Not at night... not in the morning. Only between the hours of lunchtime." I frowned a little but gave a nod, not wanting to argue with him.

"Okay," I told him and then blushed a bit. Am I a doormat? I'm not, right? Oh man, what if I look weak?! Agreeing with him just readily like that.... I looked away then. "We should at least feed him breakfast and dinner though... before the sun sets."

"I'm not feeding him." He told me firmly. "You can give him kitty nibble." I frowned slightly but didn't argue. I'd sneak Eremiel some real food. I held his hand as we started to go down the stairs and then looked towards him, blushing a bit as I found myself staring and looked away, hoping he didn't notice. He pulled away from my touch after we stepped off the stairs and he stuffed them into his pants pockets. I frowned and watched him. Why'd he do that? He let me hold his hand all the way down the stairs.

"Hassel," I mumbled, pouting slightly.

"What?" He asked and started to walk past me.

"Jerk," I muttered, watching him.

"What'd I do?" He asked and turned to face me. "Besides kill you." I looked towards his hand in his pocket before I bit my bottom lip, taking in a deep breath to calm myself a bit before I leaned in and kissed his cheek.

"Just I liked holding your hand was all," I whispered, deciding to tell him. He blushed and stepped away quickly.

"My hand? You're throwing a fit over my hand?" He asked and then started to hurry towards the garage. I frowned and watched him, standing there. Maybe... I shouldn't tell him stuff anymore.... Stuff like that.... We were in the garage now and he walked up towards Haven and Eremiel.

"I'm sitting behind Aaron," Hassel told Eremiel firmly. "So don't even think I'll let you sit behind him." Eremiel laughed and then opened the door behind the driver's seat, getting in and sitting behind where I'd be sitting.

"But I want to sit behind Aaron!" He told him and gave an innocent smile. "Besides, Aaron doesn't like you."

"Fuck you," Hassel hissed.

"Hassel..." Haven whined.

"Get in the car," Hassel told him as he got in on the other side and then I watched as Hassel crawled over and opened the door then shoved Eremiel out and took his spot. Eremiel yelped and got to his feet quickly then looked at Hassel.

"Hey! You stole my spot!" He complained then crawled into the car, pushing Hassel back behind Haven.

"I'll bite you," Hassel threatened and went for his spot. Eremiel stopped him and then tsked.

"Nuh uh, I'm sitting here! Besides, why do you even want to sit there?" He asked him. "What's wrong with me sitting here?"

"I don't want you closer to Aaron," Hassel hissed. "I can't trust you."

"Do you have a crush on him or something?" Eremiel asked innocently, watching him. Hassel kicked him out of the seat then closed the door- locking it as he buckled up. Eremiel frowned and then went around the car before he got in again and then crawled over, sitting down on Hassel.

"Get off me you're as heavy as a pig!" Hassel hissed then glared him down. "I'll kill you if you don't move." Eremiel frowned then looked towards Haven.

"Can we trade spots? I wanna be close to Aaron too!" He told him and then gave him a sweet smile. "Please? Besides, you get along better with Mr. Frowny Face."

"Nope," Haven said and then buckled up. "I don't want to sit back there. I'm sitting by Aaron. You two can suck it up." I smiled and then got into the car, buckling up before I started it up and plugged in our address we'd gotten then let the car drive. I turned my seat to face everyone and then reached past Haven for the glove box then got out a deck of cards before I started to shuffle them up.

"So... what shall we do while we wait?" I asked them with a small smirk. "How about Mafia?"

"Wake me up when we get there," Hassel groaned out and slipped his hoodie over his head. Eremiel looked towards him then slowly unbuckled before he crawled into the space between the back and front seats and then up into my lap.

"I don't want to play Mafia.... How about we play Old Maid?" He asked me and smiled, hugging me. I widened my eyes and looked at him. Is he insane? Hassel grabbed a hold of Eremiel's wings and yanked him back, grabbing his shirt and pulling him closer.

"Didn't I make myself clear?" Hassel asked. "That's it... you're flying." He told him and started to roll the window down to stuff him out the window. Eremiel shrieked and started to struggle, trying to get away.

"Don't throw me out the window! I didn't do anything!" He complained. I widened my eyes then tossed the box at Hassel.

"Hey, both of you. Knock it off. You act like you're competing or something," I told them then looked them both over. "Neither of you are getting me if that's what that is." Hassel shoved Eremiel into his spot then placed his feet down in his lap and laid down, trying to get comfortable.

"I swear if I wake up with your arms wrapped around Aaron again- I'll eat your brains for supper tonight." I frowned.

"Guys, the only one who is getting a hug from me is Haven. Hassel, too bad. Eremiel, stop making Hassel want to eat you or something," I told them then looked at Haven. "You get cookies when I make some." Haven looked up from my phone- playing candy crush on it. How'd he get that!? Haven gave me a cute smile. I frowned slightly and looked him over. "You should ask first," I mumbled and then looked back towards the other two to see Eremiel slowly moving Hassel's feet off him, taking it real slow to try to keep him from noticing. Hassel quickly slammed a foot down on Eremiel's lap.

"Knock it off," Hassel said in annoyance.

"I don't like feet," Eremiel complained, whining slightly. "Plus you're dirty...."

"You're dirty!" Hassel growled out. "I'm not switching my body over for your pleasure. Deal with my feet."

"Let me sit with Aaron and then you can have the whole back to yourself," Eremiel suggested, looking towards him then at me with a smile.

"Over my dead body!" Hassel shouted and then sat up, unbuckling and then switched his body to where his head was in Eremiel's lap. "There, now you're definitely not going anywhere." Eremiel pouted and then looked him over.

"That's no fair.... I like being around Aaron," Eremiel mumbled.

"Aaron doesn't like being around you," Hassel hissed.

"It's not like he's yours," Eremiel shot back.

"One more word and you'll be back in hell kissing dad's feet." Eremiel gagged at that.

"Ewwwww! I don't even like hell! You go to hell!" He told him then pointed at him. "Everyone else is okay with me here but you."

"Because I can see right through you," Hassel hissed. "You're evil! Evil!"

"I am not! You're the evil one, Mr. Half Demon Half Devil," he told him then narrowed his eyes. "I'm an angel."

"You reek," Hassel sat up then and opened the car door, going to shove him out. I widened my eyes and snatched Hassel to keep him from doing it. Eremiel was frozen to the seat as he stared outside at the rushing pavement of the road and then slowly shut it as I held Hassel in my arms. "Let me go," Hassel hissed as he glared down Eremiel. "I'll shove him out and we'll never deal with him again!"

"Hassel," I mumbled in his ear and then kissed his cheek. "Calm down.... Just ignore him and you'll be fine.... You're supposed to be learning to control yourself. Don't you want to go back to the manor? I know I do."

"I can't help my temper," Hassel groaned out. "Especially when he's around and being annoying!" I frowned and then looked towards his lips, wondering if he'd calm down if I just shut him up with a kiss. I tilted my head slightly, thinking about what he'd do. Probably shove me out of the car or something.... I sighed and then leaned in slightly, debating as I could feel my breath hitting his lip. "Aaron," He muttered and then looked towards my lips. "Let me go." I could hear Eremiel agreeing with Hassel in the background as I looked up into his eyes.

"Let you go?" I asked him softly and then pulled him a little closer.

"Aaron..." He muttered and looked me over. "I said let me go," He whispered. I frowned and then shoved him off me into the floor, crossing my legs.

"Fine," I said and looked out the window. He crawled back into his seat and curled up in it, looking out his window. Eremiel relaxed a bit and looked towards me with a small frown before he looked out the window with a small sigh. I glanced towards Hassel longingly and then brought my knees up to my chest before I glanced back out the window. I'm such an idiot....

~Time Skip~

I got out of the car when we arrived and looked towards Eremiel. "Can you get the bags inside Eremiel?" I asked him softly. He nodded.

"Yeah, sure!" He smiled and then caught the keys as I tossed it to him. "Where are you going?" I glanced around the lake and the woods beyond it and started for the woods.

"For a walk," I told him simply. "Don't wait up. I doubt I'll be back for a few hours.... Goodnight Eremiel- just in case I'm not back by sunset...." I glanced over my shoulder at him then back to the woods as I kept walking.

"Oh great, you're still here," Hassel said towards Eremiel as he crawled out of the car. "I thought you would have jumped out the window by now. You're babysitting demons after all." Eremiel looked towards him.

"Shush," he told him then started to get the bags. "Make sure you come back inside before too long, okay Aaron? Don't stay by yourself for too long!" He called out to me. I sighed and shoved my hands into my pockets. I didn't feel like going back... not for a long time.... I needed to clear my head and get my priorities straight. This weird thing with Hassel has to stop... and maybe I need to get a girlfriend that way it does stop. I frowned a bit as I thought about that. Did I even want a girlfriend? No... not really... but that's what I need, so I guess I'll try to meet someone nice or something. "That's great Aaron! I support you! I know a lot of sweet girls if you'd want to meet them Aaron!" Eremiel called after me. I froze up and looked at him. How'd he know that?! He widened his eyes. "Oh... sorry... divine stuff and whatnot...." He waved his hand in the air. "Sometimes God helps me like that."

"What?" Hassel asked. "Ugh, please go back to wherever you came from," Hassel growled towards Eremiel. "You give me a headache."

"Hey, it's not my fault you don't make Aaron happy," Eremiel complained. "After all, the poor guy is head over-" He cut himself off and put a hand over his mouth. I glared him down and turned to look at them.

"Say another word... and you'll be staying outside," I told him, pointing a finger at him. "My love interests are my own business."

"He's staying outside anyways, like the dog he is." Hassel started for the doors. "Ugh, why're you still here?" Eremiel ignored him and looked towards me.

"I'm sorry Aaron.... I forgot that you didn't tell Hassel yet," he told me and then gave me a sheepish smile. "It'll be alright though. A girlfriend would be great for you."

"Girlfriend?" Hassel asked and froze up in the doorway.

"Yeah, girlfriend," Eremiel said then looked towards Hassel innocently. "Aaron is going off on his own to think about getting one soon."

"No he's not.." Hassel looked towards me then. "Girls are gross... You don't want a girlfriend Aaron! They have germs."

"No they do not.... Besides, it's probably best he gets a girlfriend. He likes you too much," Eremiel said. I widened my eyes and then started for the woods. He didn't shut up.... He's so not going to be on my good side.

"What? Aaron likes Hassel?" Haven asked and looked up from my phone. "Since when?"

"Since... the... stairs?" Eremiel said unsure. "Yeah... right about then was when he started to have feelings...."

"Eremiel shut up," Hassel hissed. "You don't know anything. Get inside and just shut up."

"I do know what I'm talking about," Eremiel grumbled. "I'm an angel... and I get to see things you don't." He walked inside though with the bags. I sped up into a run then, seeing a trail leading into the woods. I'm so not coming back for a long time.... I felt my heart racing in my chest, not from the running though.... Eremiel could've just ruined my life with those two... thanks to his blabbing. I felt my eyes sting as the thought of rejection entered my mind and I quickly whipped at my eyes. I can't let that happen.... I have to get a girlfriend... so I'll forget about Hassel like that.

"Yeah well you don't go spilling other peoples affections for another out to everyone you know," Hassel snapped. "This is why no one likes you." He went inside then. I think I'll just... keep my distance....

Hassel's POV:

Eremiel frowned and looked back at me as I walked into the lake house. "Well it's not like you didn't know, right? He's always watching you."

"Eremiel shut up," I snapped in annoyance and started towards the livingroom. Aaron's definitely not going to admit he likes me now. Not after being embarrassed like that. I sat down on the couch in the livingroom and kicked my shoes off, placing my feet on the coffee table. Haven bounced inside with his bag and went upstairs.

"I CALL PICKING A ROOM FIRST!" He shouted. Eremiel laughed as he watched him then sat our bags down before he looked towards me.

"You know... if you don't want to know about his feelings... I could just erase your memory of it... and erase Aaron's about me telling you," he suggested with a frown. "It's the easy way out... but since how you don't seem to really care about Aaron's affections..."

"Eremiel you ruined everything so go sit in a damn corner and shut up." I hissed. "I don't want you anywhere near me either." He frowned and walked over, sitting down beside me.

"Why're you always so angry?" He asked me softly. "I didn't do a thing to you and you just hated me right off the bat...."

"I'll continue hating you too," I hissed. He frowned.


"Because I don't like you, duh." I looked him over. "I'll never like you."

"That's a little mean," he mumbled and then looked towards his hands. "Come on Hassel... at least let me fix it so you don't remember. Aaron will probably be upset still when he gets back, and I could take his memory of that too."

"You're not taking my memories!" I shouted at him then stood up and started towards the kitchen. "I don't want you to even touch me."

"But I want to get along with you," he told me and started to follow me. "You and Haven are the only two siblings I've met that I'm not repulsed by." I looked towards him.

"I don't like you," I told him. "You're always getting on my nerves."

"If I was quiet, would you like me better," he asked me softly, frowning. I turned on him then and pinned him against a wall.

"Eremiel... I will never like you because you're an angel and I'm a demon. We only have one thing in common and that's who our father is now shut. the. fuck. up." I snapped and pulled back, whipping my hands off. He widened his eyes as he watched me then took off running.

"Haven! Hassel's being mean!" He whined and went up the stairs to go be with him. I rolled my eyes as I heard Haven running towards him.

"Awwww, he's just got anger issues." Haven told him. I felt my body boiling inside me as I heard them upstairs.

"No wonder he hurt Aaron," I heard Eremiel mumble as they started for one of the rooms and I heard a door shut. It wasn't me that hurt Aaron though... I'd never hurt him like I done... I walked into the kitchen and looked into the fridge, seeing there was food inside waiting. I guess Paris has someone come and keep the kitchen stalked incase someone wants to vacation here in the family. I walked out back then to check out the lake, admiring the view. I walked down to a dock and walked out onto it, getting on another tied dock that was tied to the wooden dock. I walked onto the two story dock and sat down in a swing on it then looked out over the lake. Eremiel is the most annoying thing I've ever had to keep around me. I know why my father sent him to me. To make my life a living hell.... I've got to get rid of him... Convince him to leave or something. I sunk in the sing and closed my eyes. How annoying. He's ruining my life.

After a few hours, I heard someone approaching and saw Aaron out of the corner of my eyes. He hesitated before he joined me, sitting down with a good foot between us. "I'm sorry I ran off earlier...." He whispered, looking out towards the water as the sunset was reflecting on it. "I should've stayed and taken the bags inside instead of leaving you alone with him.... I know you don't like him around...."

"No.... I don't like him at all." I muttered. "He should just go away." He looked towards me and let out a soft sigh.

"Yeah... I'm starting to see why you don't want him around... but about what he said earlier... he was right... and I thought you should know," he told me and then ran a hand through his hair. "I don't know why... but he was right about it...." He blushed a bit and looked away. "Though I probably should get a girlfriend. It'd help me quit."

"I don't want to see you with a girlfriend..." I muttered. "Girls aren't worth your time Aaron." He looked towards me and frowned.

"A boyfriend then? I don't know.... I think I'm bi," he whispered. "I guess I could try a boyfriend though...."

"What? No Aaron..." I muttered and sat up quickly. "I don't want you with anyone else." He furrowed his eyebrows then and frowned.

"But Hassel... I don't know what else to do," he told me. "My feelings make it weird... and if I gave them to someone else, maybe it'd stop being weird."

"But I like you..." I whispered. He blushed and looked at me in shock.

"B-but... then...."

"So don't get with anyone." I told him. He rubbed the back of his neck then.

"But I thought you weren't interested," he whispered. "You always pull away from me... and you never let me hold your hand... and you didn't like it when I kissed you...."

"What?" I asked him. "I did like it." I whispered. "You're the weird one." I told him. "I'm interested." I looked away from him. He watched me for a few seconds then looked back towards the water and frowned a little.

"You always pull away when I kiss you though.... Where do we go from here?" He asked me softly. "Do we ignore it?"

"Whatever you want." I told him and started to rock the swing. "I don't mind if you want a relationship with me but don't go kissing other guys." He blushed and looked towards me.

"Why would I kiss other guys if I was with you?" He asked.

"I don't know...." I muttered. "Eremiel is really annoying." He nodded and then looked back at the water.

"He should be switching to Salem soon...." He whispered. "I don't... I don't mind the idea of being in a relationship with you... but if you don't want to be, then I won't ask you."

"Aaron...." I muttered and then looked away. "I want to be in a relationship with you..." I mumbled. He laughed softly then.

"I thought I was more shy than you," he pointed out to me and then shook his head. "Alright Hassel, we'll try a relationship then."

"Okay... but I've never had any good experience..." I told him. He looked at me and then smiled sweetly.

"Hassel... you're my first relationship if that makes you feel better," he told me then gently took my hand in his. "So it's not like I know more about relationships than you. You probably know more than I do."

"No I don't...." I shook my head. "Street life is all I know and we don't come across girls often in the streets." He smirked a bit before he leaned in and kissed my lips quickly.

"Good, I might've gotten jealous," he told me then laughed.

"There's nothing to be jealous about." I looked off towards the water. "Now Haven knows you like me though...."

"Is that a bad thing?" He asked me and tilted his head.

"I just really didn't want him to know so soon...." I muttered. He nodded and then looked towards the house before he looked back at me.

"Want to stay out here for a bit longer, or do you want to go inside and see about me cooking us some dinner?" He asked me sweetly and smiled. "You pick tonight's dinner though. I think you deserve to do that." I heard the door open and Eremiel walked out of the house, looking towards the sunset then spotted us. He waved and gave a huge smile.

"Hey guys!" He called out and then started walking towards us cheerfully. Aaron tensed up and looked towards him, looking irritated just a bit by him. I could see his eyes faintly glow a light red, barely noticeable as he glared Eremiel down.

"Damn angel," he muttered.

"Go away," I called. "No one likes you." He frowned.

"Haven likes me," he countered and then walked up onto the dock, sitting down between me and Aaron. "So whatcha up to?" He asked us, giving a smile.

"Making plans to kill you," I hissed. He frowned towards me and then wrapped his arms around Aaron who tensed up, clenching his jaw.

"Aaron wouldn't kill me," he mumbled.

"Oh yes he will." I whispered. "If I wasn't going to get to you first." I grabbed him by his wings and dragged him towards the edge of the dock. He widened his eyes and shrieked.

"SALEM! HELP!" He begged and then struggled. "PLEASE WAKE UP EARLY!" I knocked him into the water and then started towards Aaron.

"Let's go in." I told him. He nodded and got to his feet, walking up and then grabbing my hand before he started to tug me off the docks.

"Thanks Hassel," he whispered. "I never noticed how annoying he gets real quick...."

"He's a stupid angel, what do you expect?" I asked. He shrugged.

"I just don't remember ever... well, feeling that much dislike towards him," he told me and then looked towards me. "Maybe it's because he didn't shut up about us... or maybe it's being demon or something.... I don't know," he whispered and then frowned.

"Let's eat him later," I whispered. He tilted his head then.

"Eat him?"

"Roast him like a chicken." I smirked.

"Wouldn't that be... weird?" He asked and then glanced back behind us as Eremiel was crawling out of the water. "I don't think I hate him that much...." I caught Eremiel looking towards us with a pout and Aaron suddenly tensed up by me. "Oh man... I really do hate him." He growled under his breath and then his eyes glowed slightly again.

"Let's go get him." I suggested. He looked towards me and then smirked. I turned around with him then and started back towards Eremiel. Eremiel's eyes widened as he saw us coming and he jumped to his feet quickly.

"H-hey, calm down guys," he said quickly, holding up his hands with a nervous look as he backed up a bit. Aaron narrowed his eyes and was suddenly in front of him, grabbing his wrist and then slung him towards me, making him hit the ground between us. He yelped and then went to get up, looking terrified. I smirked and went towards him, putting my foot down on one of his wings then started to stomp on it.

"We're tired of you. Go away and never return." I hissed out. He yelped and then grabbed my foot, yanking me off my feet. He started to sit up but Aaron quickly pinned him down, sitting on top of his stomach as he growled, his eyes turning red. I smirked and started to move closer to them with interest. "Poor Eremiel...." I hissed. "The demons are after him." He looked towards me in fear and then up at Aaron.

"H-Hassel, please," he whispered, his voice trembling. "Make him stop.... Please?" Aaron laughed and then dug his fingernails into Eremiel's wrists, making him yelp and start to squirm. I shook my head.

"No, we're getting rid of you." I hissed out. Aaron smirked and then looked towards me.

"Want the honors?" He purred to me, his red eyes looking me over as he trailed a hand to Eremiel's chest. Eremiel shrieked and kicked him off, running away quickly. Aaron laughed and watched him as he laid there, his smirk widening. I chased after Eremiel then, laughing.

"Get back here birdie, I want to roast you." I called. He unfurled his wings and quickly started to fly to get away from me, landing on the roof of the lake house. He looked down at me and then laid down, watching me in fear. I frowned and looked back at Aaron. "He's too far up." I rolled my eyes. "Let's just go in and get something better to eat." Aaron got to his feet and walked up to me, letting out a playful growl before he kissed my lips then started for the house. I blushed and followed after him. He kissed me... I walked up to him and grabbed his hand. He looked at me and I saw his eyes slowly fading back to it's normal color as he seemed to be calming down.

"What do you want for dinner?" He asked me after a few seconds then smiled, giving my hand a small squeeze as he had me walk close to him. "Anything you want."

"Uhmmm.... I think I want some fish sticks and French fries." I told him. Haven will love fish for dinner. He nodded and then led me inside before he took me to the kitchen and started to work.

"So~ I think we'll give Eremiel a certain room for him to never leave while we're here," he suggested as he dumped fish sticks onto a pan.

"The roof?" I asked. "Perfect place for him." He laughed and then nodded.

"Sounds good to me," he whispered then glanced outside. I could see it starting to get dark out there. He probably had switched to Salem by now. I sat down on the counter and watched Aaron, trying to ignore Eremiel. He put the fish sticks in the oven then walked over to the trashcan, putting the box in the trash. I noticed he had a small natural sway in the way he walked, almost too difficult to see. He turned to me and then walked up, kissing my cheek. "I'll put the fries on when it's closer to time," he told me.

"Yeah okay..." I whispered and looked him over. "You feeling better?" I asked. He nodded and then gave me a smile.

"A lot better actually." He laughed and then looked towards the door. "Want to watch some TV while we wait?" I nodded in agreement and followed him towards the living room to watch TV and wait on the food. We'll tell Haven dinner is done when it's ready.