Powerful Feelings

*A 15 year time skip, brought to you by the half of the universe fate reins over.~

Castrian's POV:

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine... You make me happy.... when skies are gray... You'll never know dear.... how much I love you.... Please don't take... my sunshine away...." I hummed out to myself while sitting in the bath tub- taking my morning bubble bath. I watched the yellow duck float by me as the TV announce Yolo and Bowie was about to perform. I looked towards it and smiled as I watched them start to walk on stage. They became rock stars like they always wanted and now tour the world, singing. I hummed along to their beginning song, and watched Bowie's wild fans fan over his mullet styled hair. Some of them even dressed their hair like his. Yolo had his hair cut short and it was brown and matched his cute freckles. I giggled as I watched them. My hair was long and a dark purple. My hair favors my mother mostly... I even have girlish features. I heard a servant knock on my door then.

"Master Castrian~! You need to finish up in there and get dressed." She warned me and I heard her ducking into my closet to pick me out something to wear. I frowned and sunk down in the tub. I don't want to get out though!

"Just a little while longer," I begged and grabbed my ducky and started to squeeze it.

"Mr. Trunks and Mr. Rainbow are waiting for you~!" She bribed me. I sat up quickly and continued to wash my body, humming to Bowie and Yolo's voices. I finished with my body and soon started on my hair before I got out of the tub and wrapped a towel around my waist. I walked up to the sink and started to brush my teeth.

"I'm done~" I told her, hearing her walk in and drain the tub for me.

"Oh, Master Bowie and Yolo are on TV this morning... this is early." I heard her comment as she walked up to me and started to brush my wet hair out for me then grabbed the blow drier and began to style it, using hair products to make it curly for me. She finished up within minutes then checked my teeth and filled my nails for me. I'm not sure why but apparently the servants are strict about keeping our nails short and filed. She finished up then lead me out to my bedroom where she ditched me. I noticed my clothes was laid out on my bed for me. I slipped on the cargo pants, tank top, and combat boots then pulled off my hair bow and put my hair up in a messy bun. I exposed my fangs then looked towards my door. This is it... The day I leave my bedroom for the first time in ages... literally... ages. My mom is super protective and I can tell she doesn't like Luca for some reason. I walked over to my table I kept in my room for tea parties then picked up Mr. Trunks and Mr. Rainbows then carried them with me to the door. I pulled it open and stepped out into the hall, glancing around for my mother or father then started down it when the coast was clear. Now... where is Luca's room again? I want to surprise him by coming to him today. I heard some commotion this a few halls away and found a few maids rushing to get to the next hall over... What's going on? I started to follow after them. I couldn't hear Paris or Richard playing... Louis wasn't playing either. I walked up to a rose picture and slipped it aside to look towards the map. According to this map, I'm on Rose's hall... that's my grandma... I need to get to Paris's hall. That's where all the maids are running to though... and the butlers. I hummed as I followed after the servants and found myself standing around a door and talking softly.

"What's going on?" I asked them.

"It's Myra," One of them spoke up, giving a sad and worried look. "One of the servants found her outside in the garden this morning, painting... well she was but when she was found she... well...." They all moved then as I walked towards the door. Myra... I know from the family tree in the library that she's one of Paris's children. "She wasn't paining... She was unconscious with a pained expression on her face."

"Has someone told Miss Hana yet?" I heard one of the servants asking frantically.

"We're still sending word to Paris but no one wants to go wake them- that's signing your own name to your death warrant." I looked towards them.

"You guys, I'll go tell Paris and Richard but you'll have to take care of Miss Hana finding out." I ordered.

"Yes Master Castrian." I heard them all say together. I start off down the hall then, worried about what's happening to Myra. I stumbled across Paris's door rather quickly.

"Paris?" I asked. "Richard?" I leaned against the door to listen in. "I need you to come quickly... It's about Myra. The servants are worried." I explained. I heard a door open right by the door I was leaning against and found Donnie- the eldest child born from Paris rushing down the hall. According to Paris's diaries he's got a soft spot for Myra... Donnie and her are closer then most of this family could ever be to Myra. I felt the door open suddenly and I stumbled into Paris.

"What's the matter with Myra?" He asked me.

"I'm not sure..." I whispered. He looked up quickly behind me, where Donnie was running to. He suddenly vanished then from my sight. I looked in their room and towards the bed before I turned around and started back down the hall for where the servants were gathering. When I reached it, I could hear Paris barking orders at the servants to get him Hachi- the well trusted family wizard and Laurence- the family friend that sees the future. A few servants rushed away to do that. I walked towards the door then and ducked into the room and glanced around. This looked like an emergency infirmary room we keep downstairs in the basement... Myra was resting on the bed. She had brown curly hair that reminded me of Yolo. Rose- my grandma was already standing over Myra with Paris beside her. Ops... I'm caught. No biggy, she's got this to worry about. "What's wrong with her?" I wondered as I walked up to them and looked down at Myra.

"Myra was born a half breed," Rose explained towards me. "So she was bound to get sick sooner or later and begin to die of old age." I widened my eyes and looked down at Myra. She's dying? She's going to die?

"But we can help her... right?" I asked with worry.

"Hachi can probably help her," Rose told me and gave a smile. She reached down and picked up Myra's hand then started to check for a pulse.

"I want Myra's permission..." Paris said, sounding weak in his voice. This was probably killing him deep inside. I could actually feel his feelings of depression radiating off of him and onto me. I could feel what he was feeling for his daughter. Something was telling me though... this isn't his first child that's died.

"If I can get her conscious enough..." Rose pulled out a flashlight and started to force Myra's eyes open then shinned the light on them. "Myra? Myra can you hear me?" She asked. "Myra, Paris wants to know if he can have your permission for something. Myra?"

"Huh..." Myra huffed out and blinked a few times from the light aggravating her. "I'm not dead yet, back off." She hissed and shoved my grandma's hand back so the light was out of her eyes. "I was sleeping!" She grumbled.

"Myra, your pulse is weaker than normal." Rose told her.

"So whatcha gonna do about it?" Myra asked. "Maybe I am dying..." She suddenly coughed and leaned up, blood poured out of her mouth.

"Organ failure!" Rose shouted. "Myra, listen carefully to Paris." I widened my eyes and backed up a few steps as I watched them. Myra! She's going to die in front of me and she's laughing about it like it's no surprise to her. Maybe she's known for quite awhile her time was running out.

"Myra, I need you to tell me I can turn you into a full pureblood," Paris hissed towards her. "I need your permission Myra otherwise you'll die." I could feel Myra's fear then stretching the room as her eyes were like a black abyss. Fear was eating her alive about death.... No she's been scared of this throughout her existence. I'm the only one that can feel this too! The other's are so calm and can't understand that I know what she's going through right this instant. She's trying to act strong but everyone wants her to admit she doesn't want to die.

"Y-you...." Myra coughed out as best as she could and started to fall unconscious again. I could feel her slipping.

"Myra?" Rose and Paris asked at the same time and Hachi rushed into the room then.

"Myra we need an answer," Rose begged.

"Walk through eternity here, Myra." Paris begged. "You're my daughter and I love you. Stay with us." I felt his fear of losing her then and his stone pulsing for Richard as he couldn't take any of this much longer. He was ready to choose her fate for her. I'm almost ready to do so as well! I felt Donnie brush past me then and up to the side of the bed.

"Her thoughts are clouded by memories," Donnie rushed out. Some say your life flashes before your eyes right before you die... maybe that's what's happening to Myra right now. Where's Hana and Richard? Where's Laurence? I need Luca and my mommy and daddy! I'm scared for Myra. I dropped Mr. Rainbow and pulled Mr. Trunks up and under my chin as I watched this situation play out. Lien? Liam... Someone come and hold me. I fell to my knees and started to cry against Mr. Trunks' head. I could feel it then... Just like that... Myra slipped away and I could no longer feel her feelings.

"NO!" I woke up to my own screams and my stone pounding in my chest for help along with my heart. It was just a dream! Myra didn't truly die. I relaxed then and started to fall back, letting my head hit the pillow. A servant rushed into the room then and glanced around, her whole body was tense until she noticed I was safe. She began to relax and breath out a sigh.

"Master Castrian, you gave me a fright." She walked up to me then. "What's the matter sugar?" She sat down on the edge of my bed and stretched her arm out to curl her fingers around my long dark purple hair I keep down when I sleep.

"Just a bad dream..." I mumbled and looked towards her neck.

"Would you like Mr. Trunks? I noticed he's on the floor." She pointed towards the floor then. How'd Mr. Trunks end up in the floor? I nodded quickly and reached for the edge of the bed. She got him before I could and handed him to me. I gave him a hug and sat him down by me. "Want me to run you a bubble bath?" She asked.

"No... I want a shower this morning..." I sighed out and turned the TV on in my bedroom, watching as it turned the exact channel from my dream with the same announcer introducing Bowie and Yolo who stepped onto a stage and waved towards their fans. I crawled out of bed then and looked towards the time before I stumbled towards the window and looked out towards the garden. Myra was sitting in front of a canvas, paining the sunrise. This wasn't unusual though.... She's a painter and I often see her paintings hanging up on the walls because her parents steal them out of her art room and instruct the servants to hang them up. She's actually an inspiration to me. She enjoys painting as much as I enjoy my tea parties. Most of the younger generation of Grimm talk about her the most... We're all wanting to get close to her because she's just so untouchable. She's got a black heart for Paris and Richard and when I'm around the three of them I can feel her emotions turning in different directions. She's confused about how to feel about her own parents and I hardly understand why she doesn't love them like Donnie does. Liam told me once that he's tried to get her to like him but she refused to admit their relations. How is it she's opened up for Donnie but not the rest of the family? She's even let Hana hang around her. Her eyes flickered up towards the window of the manor then and I swear her eyes locked on mine. I shrieked and fell back from the window quickly.

"Okay, the shower is ready for you!" My maid told me as she sat down an outfit on my bed. I looked towards it and found the exact outfit from my dream. I frowned and got to my feet, peeking out the window one more time for Myra's sake then started for my bathroom. After doing my normal bathroom routine I walked out of my bathroom and up to my clothes then got dressed for the day- again. The only difference in the outfit from my dream to reality was that I placed my cross necklace around my neck as well as the one Lien gave me. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun then walked over to my window to check on Myra. She's doing just fine, still painting. I sighed out in relief that today wasn't the day she'd die. But her time is coming up... She's a half breed after all.... there's no way she'll live as long as a pureblood can. She might not be showing any physical aging but her body inside must be aging... dying. I shivered at the thought of death. Some people don't want to live for all eternity, Castrian. Some people want to die eventually. Some people accept death.

I took in a deep breath then let it out. "Okay," I whispered. I looked towards the door and thought about going to open it but decided I would wait for Luca to come to my room instead. I started to set up the table in my room, placing it in front of my window then for better lighting... Plus I could watch Myra like this. I sat down at the table and began to watch over her like her guardian angel as well as listen to Bowie and Yolo's performance. A maid brought in a tea pot, a sugar jar, and four cups on a tray for me with saucers. She also had two bottles of blood set up on it. She sat it down on my table then started to sort out the cups to the four chairs then sat the pot of tea in the middle of the table with my sugar jar. She sat the two bottles of blood in front of me then rubbed my head before she left the room. I looked towards the bottles and knocked one over, watching it roll towards my bed and go up under it. I knocked the second one over and watched it follow the first bottle.

"Cassy?" I heard a soft voice behind me then. "Why're you playing with the bottles?" Luca walked up and wrapped his arms around me from behind then let out a purr. "The tea smells good~"

"Luca!" I widened my eyes and turned around in the chair to face him, grabbing his shirt to pull him closer. "Finally! Sit down and join me for tea." He laughed and then pulled back before he went and sat down in his favorite seat.

"Don't mind if I do...." He smiled and looked towards the tea. "Want me to serve us today?"

"Nope~ You know I like to serve the tea." I got to my feet then and grabbed the hot pot of tea and poured him some tea and then myself some. "There we go." I sat the tea pot down. "Want some sugar?" I asked him and motioned towards the jar or sugar. He nodded and started to reach for it to do it himself. I grabbed the sugar jar and walked up to his side of the table and scooped out two spoon fulls for him and dropped them both in then walked back to my side of the table and scooped myself out the same amount. I sat the sugar jar down then took my seat. He frowned towards me and then started to stir his before he took a sip of it.

"I could've done it," he mumbled and looked at me. I glanced back out the window, noticing Myra was starting to pack up her art supplies to go in for the day. I hummed and started to stir my tea.

"Sorry but you know I like to do it," I purred towards Luca. He blushed and then took another sip of his tea.

"Y-yeah... I know," he whispered. "How are gentleman lessons going?"

"Normal~!" I looked towards him. "Bowie and Yolo are on TV," Pointed to them then. "Guess they're not home."

"Oh...." He looked towards it and then frowned. "I didn't notice...." He smiled as he took another sip of his tea. "This is great.... Just what I needed."

"Your brothers are very talented," I purred sweetly towards him.

"Mhmm... you're getting good yourself you know? With the piano? I can hear you playing it sometimes...." He sat his tea down and then rubbed his head.

"Eh~ I rather be serving tea than playing the piano," I yawned out and leaned over my warm cup of tea and sipped on it.

"Yeah, I like the tea too...." He sunk in his seat and then took another sip of it as he closed his eyes.

"Luca?" I asked him and kicked his foot under the table. "Are you feeling okay? Do you want some of my blood?" He opened his eyes and yelped, jumping a little. He spilled his tea all over his shirt and then blushed as he dropped his tea cup into his lap.

"U-uh... I'm fine," he whispered. "Just... I'm happy to be in here...." He gave me a sweet smile and then picked his teacup up and placed it down on the saucer before he looked his shirt over. "Awww, it's ruined!" He pouted and then tugged on it, examining it as it started to stain.

"You can borrow one of mine~!" I pointed towards my closet. "I won't mind." I smiled towards him and leaned over the table, laughing. "I'm glad you're in here too." He smiled at me and then got up before he ruffled my hair.

"Thanks Cassy," he purred and then started for my closet, pulling his shirt over his head as he walked. I watched him with interest and sipped on my tea. I looked towards my bedroom door then and smirked, hiding it with my tea. After a few seconds, he came out dressed in my favorite shirt and walked up to me before he took his seat back. "This is much better.... I'll see if a maid can save my shirt," he told me and then gave me a smile before he picked up the teapot and started to make another cup of tea for himself.

"If you ruin that shirt you'll have to buy me another one," I told him and looked down at my empty tea cup. "I want to go outside today and go to town, you want to come with me?"

"To town?" He asked me and widened his eyes. "S-sure," he whispered and took a sip of his tea. "But why?"

"Because I'm tired of being cooped up in here. Bowie and Yolo look like they have tons of fun getting out of the manor and cutting loose." I started to tap the table then. "I'm ready to see the world."

"So... we're going to go to the town nearby?" He asked me and then looked a little nervous. "We've never even left the manor... except for that time we went to Russia."

"Why do you look so nervous? I'm ready for an adventure." I stood up then. "So help me get out of here without my mom seeing." He watched me and then slowly got up, finishing the tea. He sat it down and then grabbed my hand.

"Alright, I'll get us out of here," he promised me then gave a small smile before he begun to lead me to the door. I giggled and followed after him, getting excited by the second. Yes! I get to go outside and into town for the first time since Russia! He laughed and glanced back at me, giving my hand a squeeze. "You better act normal or we might get caught... and you know my daddy can hear thoughts."

"Okay~!" I whispered and wrapped my arms around his and leaned my head against his shoulder.

"What're you boys doing?" I heard from behind us, right down the hall. It was my father. Luca tensed up a bit and glanced back at him.

"Getting some treats to go with tea?" He said nervously and gave a smile.

"Why're you so nervous sounding?" My dad walked up to us and smirked.

"Because I'm wearing one of Cassy's shirts because I spilled tea on myself?" Luca laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. Nikolai looked him over then looked towards me.

"Castrian, you boys better put some distance between you or your mom might flip." He warned and started down the hall then, passing us. I frowned and let go of Luca.

"Okay..." I whispered. Luca pouted and watched him go then quickly grabbed my wrist, taking me a different way before he got us to the stairs and walked us down them. He glanced around and smirked before he started for the garage, being quick about it. I laughed and followed him, trying to hold in my voice. "Luca~!" I giggled and squeezed his hand. He smirked and then ducked down as a servant passed, watching as the butler walked off and then yanked me into the garage, going over to where the keys were and glanced them over before he picked one out and took me over to a red convertible. I looked the car over then climbed into the passengers seat and started to play around with the seat belt, putting it on and then back off. He got in beside me and then turned the car on, looking at all the controls before he started to figure out how to put it on autopilot and set it for the town. The car started to slowly drive out of the garage then, and he hit the button in the car that opened it, letting us out. I laughed in excitement and grabbed Luca's hand. He laughed and looked over at me before he pulled me into a hug. I blushed and crawled into his lap then rested my head against his shoulder.

"This will be fun," he whispered to me and then kissed the top of my head as he held me to him.

"We should get a girl to feed off of too~!" I suggested and giggled. "I want to check out a school while we're in town. I want to know what they're like."

"Okay," he purred and then nuzzled his head against me. "We'll explore as much as we can before we come home."

"Yeah, we might as well because there is no way my mom will let me out of her sights after this if we get caught." I laughed out. He sighed and then nipped at my ear.

"Kay," he murmured and then turned the radio on low. I purred and leaned in towards his neck and went to bite him as I exposed my fangs. I bit down before he could react and started to drink his sweet blood. He yelped and tightened his grip on me before he started to relax and then leaned his head back for me, giving a soft groan as he let me. "Cassy," he whispered and laughed a little. Ops... I forgot to ask him... Paris is going to be mad at me for this.... Oh well... I pulled back from the bite and started to suck on it. He moaned and I felt his hands traveling to my sides slowly. I pulled back from the bite and licked my lips.

"I'm sorry Luca, I forgot to ask." I said innocently. He looked at me and blushed before he went to take his hands back.

"I-it's okay," he whispered and then looked away, embarrassed. "I can't be upset with you for biting me... not when I got caught up like that." I blushed and leaned in towards his lips a bit but kissed his cheek instead. He tensed up and looked towards me before he smiled and kissed my cheek back. "You okay Cassy?"

"Yeah," I nodded and gave him a sweet smile. "Are you okay Luca?" He nodded and then wrapped his arms around me again.

"Yes... I'm fine," he purred to me as he leaned in a little towards my ear. He leaned in towards my neck and then rested his head there, his breath tickling me a bit as he relaxed. I exposed my neck better for him and purred. I felt his phone in his pocket buzzing then. He pulled back and pouted before he reached for his pocket and pulled it out, answering. "Hello?" He asked and then sat back in his seat with a frown.

"Where ya going kiddo?" I heard Paris ask him. I tensed up. Luca's eyes widened.

"Going?" He looked panicked and glanced out the window.

"Yeah, in that red convertible." He purred. "You better turn that car around and come home Luca." He pouted then.

"But... I want to see the town," he complained. "I never get to go outside as much as the others."

"Because you're my baby boy~" He purred. "Now come home and wait until you're older."

"But I get older every second," he whined and then looked towards me. "Alright daddy... but I really want to see it, so I'll ask you next month."

"What?" I asked and frowned.

"You boys better come home or I'll send Raven to get you." Paris warned. Luca's eyes widened.

"We're coming home," he said quickly. "Love you daddy!" He reached for the controls to have the car go back.

"No!" I whined and tried to stop Luca. "I don't want to go back yet."

"But she'll get us," Luca said, sounding terrified.

"We're already in trouble," I grumbled. "We better try to make the best of this before we have to go back and suffer our punishments." He frowned.

"Daddy, are we in trouble?" He asked, sitting back in his seat as he waited for an answer.

"You'll be in bigger trouble if you don't obey me and come home right now." I heard Paris tell us.

"What kind of trouble?" Luca pouted and sunk in his seat, glancing back towards the manor.

"Well you'll be grounded to your room and Castrian will have to tell his mother what he's done." Paris told us. I gulped. Luca whined and then hung up before he started to have the car turn around, looking upset about it.

"Luca!" I whined and then curled up in his lap. "I still want to go."

"But... but I don't wanna be grounded. That means I can't see you... and then you'll get in trouble with your mother," he mumbled and pulled me close, burying his face into my neck. "I don't want to be away from you... and I don't want daddy mad at me."

"But...." I groaned out and started to cry. "Why can't we go into town... We're teenagers." He pulled back slightly and wiped at my tears.

"Do you still really want to go? Even with all the trouble we'll be in?" He asked me softly and cupped my cheek, looking me in the eyes.

"Yeah!" I nodded and looked him in the eyes. "They can't keep us locked up forever." He watched me for a few seconds then leaned across me and had the car start heading back for town. He pulled away from the controls then looked me in the eyes before he let out a purr and leaned in towards my neck. I felt his fangs scrape lightly against it, barely touching me as he pulled me closer to him. I blushed and wrapped my arms around his neck. "You can have a bite," I whispered. He nodded and then buried his face against my neck before he slowly bit into me and started to drink my blood. He let out a soft moan as he got a taste and pressed his body up against mine as he leaned me up against the steering wheel. I gasped and felt my breath catch as I hit the steering wheel. I closed my eyes tightly and tilted my head back. He purred as he ran his hands down to my sides and lightly held them as he kept drinking my blood, keeping his fangs embedded in me.

"Luca, you're hurting my neck.... Take your fangs out." I complained softly, trying not to be a bother to him but his fangs was making my neck sore... and his hands holding me on my sides is starting to turn me on.... I blushed a bright red. He took a few seconds before he pulled his fangs out and then licked the bite and started to suck gently on it for more, purring in my ear. I groaned and let my arms drop down to his sides. He pulled back a little before I suddenly felt his lips against mine, his grip on me tightening as he kissed me deeply with a soft moan. I gasped and widened my eyes. Luca is kissing me! I leaned in towards the kiss quickly and shut my eyes. I felt him press his body up against mine as he licked my bottom lip and slipped his hands a little lower to my hips. I pulled back from the kiss and stopped his hands. "Luca?" I asked and took in a deep breath. He paused and then blushed.

"S-sorry," he whispered and started to move back.

"Your sorry?" I asked and shook my head quickly. "No, I'm sorry." He shook his head at me and then sighed.

"I don't know what came over me.... I didn't mean to scare you... or well... do something you didn't like," he told me and then leaned back against his seat, looking out the window. "You have no reason to apologize."

"I.. uh.... I did like that though...." I whispered and then leaned in towards his cheek and kissed it. He tensed up a little and looked towards me.

"You did?" He asked and then sighed in relief, giving me a smile. "Good," he purred and wrapped me up in his arms again, kissing my cheek. I giggled softly.

"Good?" I asked him and exposed my fangs. "You want me to be more than your friend?" I dared. He exposed his fangs back and then leaned in, kissing my neck gently.

"Don't you want to be more than my friend?" He purred bravely.

"Yeah," I nodded quickly.

"Then Cassy... we'll be lovers," he whispered into my ear and nipped at it. I gasped and felt my face heating up even more.

"You mean it?" I asked him.

"Mhmm," he hummed. "You like me, right?" He asked me and then started to trail his hand down my spine.

"Of course I do!" I told him and smiled.

"Then from this moment forward, you're my lover," he whispered in my ear and then pulled me closer to him, kissing my neck before he started to give me a love bite. I gasped and leaned in towards his neck and kissed it lightly.

"Lovers~" I purred. He purred and then pulled back from my neck, stealing another kiss from my lips.

"Can I try something?" He asked me, his breath hitting my lips as he looked me in the eyes.

"What's that?" I asked curiously. He blushed a bit before he leaned in towards my neck again and scraped his fangs against it, testing the waters.

"Uhmmm~ Yeah." I purred and closed my eyes. He's just going to bite me so that's okay. He bit down gently and then pulled me closer. After a few seconds, I suddenly felt his venom enter my body, sending pleasure through my veins and a good shiver up my spine. I felt a moan slip through my teeth and I melted against Luca. How'd he do that?! I trembled with pleasure against his body. He pulled his fangs out after a few minutes of giving me his venom and then started to give me a love bite on the bite mark. I bit my bottom lip, making blood gush out suddenly and fall down to my chin. He pulled back from my neck then and licked my chin up to my lips slowly, getting all the blood up before he kissed my lips deeply. I pulled back from the kiss and looked him in the eyes. "Luca," I whispered. He kissed my cheek and smiled.

"Yes?" He asked me softly, rubbing my back.

"What'd you do?" I asked him curiously.

"Well... I was reading some of my daddy's diaries... and he called it marking... says he does it with dad all the time," he mumbled to me.

"Oh~" I blushed and touched my neck then. He purred and then kissed my lips again.

"You're not upset, right?" He asked me and then gave a smirk.

"N-no I don't think so." I looked his smirk over. He ran his hand through my hair and then tugged on it gently before he leaned in and kissed my neck again. I leaned in towards his neck and kissed it softly. He purred to me and then had the seat turn to the back and laid me down on the backseat before he crawled over me and started to trail kisses down my neck. I laughed and ran my fingers through his hair. "Luca?" I asked him. "This back seat is more comfortable then the front." He laughed and looked up at me.

"It is? Then we'll stay back here," he purred and then leaned in, kissing my lips passionately. I purred towards him and laid my hands against the bottom of my shirt on him then started to slide it up a bit. He slipped his tongue into my mouth then as he reached down to my thigh and gave it a slight squeeze, purring against me. I gasped as our tongues fought in my mouth for dominance, I was quick enough to win and start sucking on his tongue. He moaned and melted against me before he pulled my leg up around his waist, holding onto it. I exposed my fangs then pulled the shirt off of him. He pulled back from the kiss and looked me over before he leaned in and kissed my neck, starting another trail of kisses as he started to take my shirt off me and pulled it over my head as he reached my collar. He gave me a love bite on my collar bone and started a slow trail of them, giving me a small moan as he did so. I gasped and kicked my boots off and started to nudge his shoes off with my feet. He let go of my thigh and reached down to my pants, starting to undo the button and unzipped them before he played with the top of my boxers. He paused in his trail and then slipped his hand up under my boxers slowly, looking down at what he was doing. I blushed a bright red and let out a small moan as his hand was getting closer to my aroused manhood. Oh man.... We're going to do it? He's going to touch me... He leaned in and gave my lips a kiss as he gripped my manhood, adjusting himself over me a bit. I gasped against his lips then reached down for his pants and went to take his belt off. He purred to me and kissed my neck again, giving me a squeeze and sending a shiver of pleasure through me. I froze up with pulling his belt off and melted under him.

"Luca," I groaned out.

"Yes Cassy?" He purred in my ear and kissed my cheek. "Is this too much?" He mumbled.

"N-no," I shook my head and took his belt off, dropping it to the floor. "Not at all." He nodded and then slipped his hand out from my boxers before he tugged my pants down and got them off, sitting up on me. He looked towards me as he started to unbutton his pants and gave me a smile.

"Alright," he purred. I watched his hands moving over his pant's buttons.

"Luca~" I purred and sat up a bit, leaning in for a kiss. He quickly gave me what I wanted, slowly laying me back down as he kissed me deeply. I could feel him working his pants off him as he kissed me, tilting his head. I leaned in and deepened the kiss, starting to wrap my arms around his neck. Oh man.... my mom is going to kill us. He moaned against me before he got his pants off, kicking them into the floor. He reached down and grabbed my thigh again, moving between my legs. I looked down towards our boxers then back up to his face and bit my bottom lip, feeling a little nervous now. He noticed and stopped, loosening up on my thigh.

"Cassy... if you don't want to, just say no," he whispered to me and looked down into my eyes. "I know I'm going really fast with this... and if you aren't okay with this, just tell me." He kissed my cheek as he gently rubbed my thigh with his hand. "I can stop..."

"What? I don't want to say no Luca! I told you once before I don't want us to ever be apart." I leaned in and gave him a kiss. He purred and kissed me back, firmly gripping my thigh then as he pulled my legs around him again. "I love you Luca," I whispered softly. He looked down into my eyes and smiled.

"I love you too Cassy," he whispered back, giving me a loving look. I felt a smile coming on then and I giggled.

"You really do?" I asked him and leaned in for a kiss.

"I really do.... I swear I love you," he promised and met my lips quickly, kissing me passionately. I moaned and started to slip his boxers off of him. He purred to me sweetly before he leaned in towards my neck and kissed it again. He started to slowly grind his hips against mine. "I'll let you get used to it," he whispered to me softly. I moaned and closed my eyes tightly, arching my back a bit. Get used to what though? I blushed. I could feel him aroused against me as he gave me a love bite on my neck, gently pushing me down as he leaned his weight into me. I bit my bottom lip hard against and made it bleed.

"Luca?" I moaned out. He pulled back from my neck and looked at my lips, kissing them quickly as he licked the blood up, moaning softly. He grinded a little harder against me as he got a taste, running his hands down my side. I groaned and felt my manhood pulsing now and my heart beat started to speed up. I could feel his feelings suddenly radiating off of him- something new I was experiencing and it made me aroused more as I could feel exactly how he felt. He purred to me and then gripped the top of my boxers, looking down into my eyes.

"Are you ready for me Cassy?" He asked me, giving me a playful smile.

"Yeah~" I nodded quickly and started to slip my boxers down for him. He looked me over and then looked back to my eyes before he leaned in and kissed me deeply, taking this car ride further and taking my virginity with it.

~Time Skip~

Luca sat up on me, looking a little worn out as the car was pretty much parked at the side of the road. He had it stop on the outskirts of the town for our privacy instead of having it go into town like he originally planned. He looked down at me as he caught his breath and then smiled. "You alright?" He asked me softly, looking down at me full of love. I was panting myself as I looked up at him and gave a small nod. My whole body was aching from our act of love.

"Y-Yeah," I purred and leaned up for a kiss. He kissed me and then pulled back a little, glancing out of the window then back at me.

"Do you still want to explore.... It's getting a little late... and I don't know if you're feeling up to it.... I got rough," he mumbled and then kissed my cheek gently. "We could go home and try to sneak out again tomorrow...."

"Do you really think we'll be able to go out again tomorrow?" I asked him and blushed. "What if we just... sleep in here tonight?" He bit his bottom lip as he looked to be considering it then nodded.

"If you want," he whispered to me and then kissed my lips again. I blushed and kissed him back then started to grab my boxers to put on, groaning from the movement. He watched me and then put his on before he started to massage my body with a small smirk. I blushed and looked his smirk over. Why's he smirking like that? I grabbed my pants then and started to put them on. "I love you," he mumbled and then kissed my cheek again. "Do you want to make a run into town to get you some pain killers for tonight and tomorrow morning? You look like you're having a hard time...."

"I'm not having a hard time," I shook my head quickly. "Nope, I don't know what you're talking about." I reached past him then and turned the air on since it was so hot. He raised an eyebrow at me but didn't argue.

"If you're sure you don't want anything...." He mumbled and then laid down on top of me, slipping one of his legs between mine. I gasped from his weight on me, making me lay down. I reached over towards the little drawer under the back seat and pulled out a blanket then laid it down over us and kissed his cheek.

"I'll feel better soon.... Vampires heal..." I mumbled.

"Okay... I'll try to be gentler with you next time," he said softly and I felt him rub the inside of my thigh with his own leg as he laid his head down on my chest with a smile. "I shouldn't have made the first time so rough on us both...."

"But I enjoyed it so much," I mumbled and gave a small smile. He looked up at me from my chest.

"Really? You liked it like that? You don't want me to loosen up next time?" He asked me and then smiled. "I think I can manage it again."

"You don't mind?" I asked him and then blushed. "I thought it was all perfect for my first time." He laughed then.

"I was that good?" He asked and then blushed a little. "I don't mind doing it rough if that's what you like."

"You can do whatever you want to me," I purred and hugged him. "I'll still love you." He smiled and wrapped his arms around me, curling up to me.

"I love you Cassy~" He purred sweetly and then leaned in, giving me a kiss. "You know... we have all eternity together...."

"Yeah~ Eternity is a long time so I hope you're prepared for this... Luca.... I don't want to go home just yet.... I don't know how long it'll be until we get another chance like this." He nodded to me.

"I understand.... We'll stay out of the manor for awhile.... We'll be in trouble once we come home," he whispered to me. "I don't want to be separated from you... not after what we just did.... You're my lover now," he purred and then nipped at my ear. "We belong to each other."

"Then... let's run away together?" I asked him softly and leaned in for a kiss. He quickly kissed me, slipping his leg up a little as he let out a small moan. I'll take that as a yes! I bit my bottom lip then and looked towards the drivers seat. "Where should we go then?" He glanced towards it and tilted his head.

"How about... How about we go to Ohio. I heard it's nice there," he told me and then looked down at me. "I got my phone.... I could easily get money for us."

"Ohio?" I asked him and tilted my head. "I want to go to Florida and buy a house on a pretty beach and then register to go to school!" I told him quickly. "Please?" He frowned slightly as he watched me then caved.

"Okay... We'll go to Florida," he promised and sat up on me, starting to reach towards the front seats before he got off me and got to the controls, typing in something. The car started to move after a few seconds and he came back to me with a smile, getting back on top of me. "We'll have to sleep in the car for a bit while we travel down the coast."

"I don't mind." I purred and closed my eyes to get some shut eye. I felt him relax on top of me as he decided to do the same, listening to the radio that was still playing quietly in the background as we fell asleep together.

Paris's POV:

Richard tapped his foot as he waited by the front door, looking worried as he stared it down. He was thinking about Luca.... The sun had already set hours ago, and they still hadn't come back. "What if hunters got them?" He whispered quickly and looked at me then at the door. "Paris! What if my baby Luca is out there being tortured?!"

"Hunters are just a myth now," I laughed out towards him but I was worried at the same time. He glanced me over and looked back to the door.

"Can't you ask Laurence where they are?! Better yet! Track his phone!" He looked ready to run out of the door to find him. I could hear Raven pacing in the next room, mumbling to herself as she worried about Castrian. Laurence walked down the stairs then, headed for the kitchen and didn't pay us any attention as he hummed a lullaby to himself. Richard pulled out his phone then and started to try to track down Luca's phone, biting his bottom lip as worry filled his eyes.

"Laurence? Where's Luca and Castrian?" I asked him, starting to go after him.

"Huh? You don't know?" He teased me. Richard was following in seconds.

"No, we don't know. Spill the beans," he begged, staring Laurence down.

"Those two love birds aren't coming home," He told us and hummed.

"Why not?" I asked him, starting to panic.

"They ran away." Laurence said casually. "Together."

"Why would they do that? They have everything they could want here," Richard said quickly, putting his phone in his pocket. "Where are they running away to? Paris! We have to go get them!"

"No, let them go. It'll be a great learning experience for them." Laurence suggested. "They remind me of you two actually. Running away to be together because their parents have been too strict on them." Richard's jaw dropped at that.

"Too strict? Paris! Are we strict?" He asked me quickly, looking panicked. "OH MY GOD, WE'RE TURNING INTO OUR PARENTS!" He freaked out then and sunk to his knees.

"Laurence, that wasn't nice... Look at what you did to my mate. Don't jab at us." I frowned and reached for Richard.

"Paris, Richard, You two can let them run away for a few days. They'll come back when they realize they miss you." Laurence smirked. Richard started to cry then.

"Okay fine... They're on their way to Florida," Laurence sighed out.

"RAVEN THEY'RE GOING TO FLORIDA, LET'S CUT THEM OFF!" I shouted. She was by me in seconds, having teleported.

"Okay," she said quickly and reached for our hands. Richard froze up then and started to laugh.

"No... leave them.... Paris~ Luca will never leave us again once he sees the horrors of life outside the manor! He's not accustomed to being outside the manor at all! He can't take care of himself! He'll come back and never leave and love us forever!" Richard told me and then hugged my leg. "Like Laurence said! Think about it! Luca still has you read him bedtime stories!" Nikolai walked up to us then.

"I think we should let them go to Florida... if they make it that far. They'll call us when they're desperate to come home and then they'll never leave us. We're having a family reunion soon though, let's hope they come home in time. It's supposed to be the day after tomorrow." Nikolai sighed out as he pulled out his planner. Raven looked towards him with wide eyes then.

"N-Nikolai..." She whispered.

"Yeah," I muttered.

"It'll be okay Raven, we have Laurence watching over them. Nothing bad will happen. Right Laurence?"

"No, not really." Laurence shrugged. Raven tensed up and looked us all over then glanced to the door, debating on going herself to get them.

"Raven," Nikolai purred. "This gives us some alone time." She glanced back at him then at the door before she sighed.

"If they aren't home in a week," she whispered, trying to calm down. "I'll drag Castrian home...."

"I think that's fair enough," I agreed.

"What're you guys discussing?" I heard Rory ask as he threw open the front doors and walked through them with a suitcase in one hand and Shiloh linked with his elbow. "Oh, I'm home." Richard looked towards them then smiled huge, getting up quickly as he found an outlit for his parental love. He ran over to them and tackled them both into a hug.

"Welcome back!" He purred and kissed their cheeks quickly. Raven watched him then walked over to Nikolai, glancing through his planner as she looked at it over his shoulder and then wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Your home early," Nikolai commented towards them.

"Yeah, we'll be home for the next three days," Rory shrugged. "It's longer then I hoped for but Shiloh wanted to see Sage and Keegan for more then a few hours." He pulled back from Richard. "What's wrong? Why are you guys standing around in the hall by the door? You look worried."

"Our two younger additions to the family just ran off together," Richard told them and sniffled. "Luca and Castrian left us...." He looked back at me then before he walked up and hugged me, leaning his head against my chest for comfort.

"They'll be back," Rory snickered and pulled Shiloh with him towards the stairs. "I'm going to go put my clothes up and rest from the flight over here. I'll chat later." Richard watched them go and then looked up at me before he gave me a small kiss.

"If they don't come home within the week... we ground them," he whispered to me.

"We'll do more then ground!" I hissed angrily.

"Bowie and Yolo are supposed to be home tomorrow," Nikolai told us. "So cheer up for them? Raven, let's go make something sweet to eat." Raven nodded and then started to pull him off. Richard looked up at me and then pulled me closer.

"What do you have in mind?" He asked me and then nuzzled his head against me.

"We'll start setting limits around the house for them once they get ungrounded and they can only have bottled blood and they won't be able to see each other until they learn that they can't leave us without our permission." Richard frowned and then pulled back from me.

"No," he told me firmly. "If you do that, you'll be a hypocrite."

"But.... Richard..." I groaned and looked away then. "I know they've got feelings for each other but I don't want them running off from us until they're older and can defend their self. Rory is only allowed to leave us because he can manipulate guns and Shiloh is with him." I huffed. He put his hands on his hips.

"When they come home, they won't want to leave again. They've been babied so much that they will quickly crawl back to where they know it's safe. They wouldn't have left in the first place if we hadn't been so strict with them. If Luca had gotten more trust from Raven, Castrian wouldn't have felt like he couldn't be with Luca here, and if we'd allowed them visits into town like we did with our kids before, they would have been satisfied and wouldn't have felt the need to disobey and leave. We killed our parents for our love. Don't become your parents Paris," he told me and then looked me over. "I don't want to be mine. Don't let everything we've done, our whole love, go to waste and become defiled because we're being stricter because of how Rory and Shiloh turned out. Not all our kids are like that. We can stand to loosen up on them. We fought a whole revolution so that vampires could love who they wanted and that we could bite each other if we wanted.... Don't take that away from our kids."

"Your right," I sighed out and fell to my knees. "I'm not going to be like my parents but if we don't give them some rules while they're still young Richard I might have to compel them like I done to Rory." I frowned. "I don't like compelling my kids." Richard gave me a soft smile and knelt down in front of me, taking my hand in his.

"We won't have to.... Paris... all our other kids turned out alright. What we need to do is find the right balance. Let's show them where enough is enough and where to stop, when it becomes wrong... not teach them that doing anything is wrong. Biting is not wrong if it's done for love.... Our kids need to understand that, not think that biting is wrong all the time. You don't want them to get older and never mark their mates... or enjoy their love.... We didn't teach Rory when he was little where the line is drawn, but don't draw the line where we become our parents Paris... not because of Rory. Our kids have all turned out fine besides the quadruplets. We were doing just fine in our parenting until we got to them, and not all our kids can turn out alright. In fact, maybe we neglected them just a bit. We didn't pay them as much attention as we did each other... and Keegan turned out alright because he was a daddy's boy and made us baby him. Sage is starting to act right because of his mate. You need to trust our kids," he whispered and then kissed me. "We're supposed to set the example."

"I know..." I muttered. "I'm hoping Shiloh and Rory will grow out of their bad habits.." I grumbled. "We won't punish them when they come home. We'll just tell them we're disappointed in them for running away." I decided. He nodded and then pulled me into his arms.

"We'll take a break from parenting after they're all grown up, okay? It'll help us clear up our minds and when we have kids again, we'll be alright with them.... Plus it'll help if we only have one kid at a time instead of litters... so maybe I should be the mother. You seem to get two more each time.... No offence.... I love you Paris... and I don't ever want us to be our parents," he murmured in my ear and then leaned in and bit down into my neck. I groaned and closed my eyes tightly.

"Yeah I know you don't... I don't either." I sighed out. "Maybe we're just getting too protective over nothing. I mean honestly... We don't have much to fear about anymore. We took care of the hunters." He purred to me and then started to mark me. I moaned and leaned against him, letting my mind slip about worrying over Castrian and Luca for now.

Rory's POV:

"Well what do ya know," I laughed softly as I stood in the doorway to our bedroom. Keegan was sleeping in the bed with his shirt halfway up his stomach and a laptop right by him that was playing a scary movie. "He's been sleeping in here this whole time." I dropped my bag and started for the bed to shut his laptop. Shiloh purred and walked over to the bed, crawling into it and then got next to Keegan, laying against him as he pulled him close.

"Such a sweet brother," he purred and then kissed Keegan's cheek. Keegan curled up against Shiloh and groaned a little. I shut the laptop then sat it down on the nightstand. I turned on the nightlight for him then shut our bedroom door. I walked back over to the bed and crawled in with them, putting Keegan in the middle. Shiloh looked towards me then back at Keegan before he wrapped him up in his arms and smirked.

"I figured by now he'd be sleeping with Hiko." I laughed and reached over, rubbing Keegan's head to mess up his hair. Shiloh smelled him and then laughed, looking towards me.

"He's still a virgin Rory," he purred to me.

"Wow," I smirked. "Still a virgin? What does he do with his mate all day? Play video games?" I shook my head. "Yah, that sounds like him." Shiloh smirked towards me.

"Hey Rory... you're lucky your not a virgin," he teased me.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"I know you did it with French maid," he purred.

"I won't deny it. She screamed so loud it woke up the other maids down the hall." I laughed then. He smirked at me.

"So... are we going to pick up another person to take back with us to France and make this a trio?" He asked me and had a mischievous look in his eyes. "If I remember correctly, there is a certain pureblood here with your name written all over him. Completely, undeniably made just for you by Fate for your possession."

"You know... we're having a family reunion for a reason and I came home for a good reason." I purred. "And it's not to introduce myself to that little twit made just for me. Nikolai told me that something is going to happen at the meeting and everyone needs to be there to know about it." He laughed.

"Alright, alright.... Then he's mine," he told me and smirked. "If you don't want him, I'll take him."

"Go ahead," I growled. "I'll just rip your tongue out."

"Oh yeah? Why? It's not like you want him," he purred to me and then leaned over Keegan, kissing my cheek. "If you're not going to take what yours, what's the point in even having it?"

"Are you jealous because you're the only one that doesn't have a personal play toy?" I teased him.

"H-...Hiko?" Keegan mumbled and exposed his fangs. Shiloh tensed up and looked down at Keegan.

"Hey... he's actually got fangs. It's not a myth!" Shiloh joked and then gently touched one of them. "Woooow.... They're sharp too.... We should totally get him Hiko. Maybe Keegan will have some fun for once."

"Mmmm..." Keegan curled up to himself then, starting to hold his stomach as he moved away from Shiloh. He flipped his back over a bit then as he stayed curled up. The position he was in looked unpleasant as hell.

"But if we go get Hiko he'll wake up and leave us." I told Shiloh. He frowned at me.

"Shouldn't we help him though? It looks like he is having problems.... He still is a virgin.... His body looks tense.... He isn't sleeping well.... He's having dreams about Hiko but apparently hasn't made his move for him.... Come on, all it would take to make him happier is to get Hiko and probably leave them in a room together tonight. I bet he is sleeping like that because he hasn't been taking care of his mate life."

"You're speaking in a foreign language," I told Shiloh and shook my head. Keegan sat up then and stayed like that with his eyes shut. I frowned.

"Our littermate needs to express his sexual desires he keeps locked up because of the games- He needs to relieve his tensions.... The bluntest way to put it is: he probably needs to mate with Hiko! He's been with Hiko for how long and has been holding back his sexual desires for him? The natural ones? The ones that everyone gets for their mates eventually? I bet he needs a push... and that push could be just simply putting Hiko in here while Keegan is tired and will probably act on instinct," Shiloh told me and then smirked. "Guys need sex every once in awhile."

"Yeah you would know," I teased him. "Fine, we'll do this little experiment of yours." I agreed and looked towards Keegan, watching him sleeping upright. "How is he doing that?"

"Well I have been sleepwalking the castle in France lately," Shiloh told me and shrugged. "Usually when you're off doing the maids." He got up and then started for the door. "Watch Keegan. I'll get his little mate."

"Okay..." I muttered and waited for Shiloh to come back. Keegan threw his head back then and started to slowly fall back and had his head hit the pillows. Shiloh carried Hiko in after a few minutes and laid him down on the bed.

"Got him," he purred and looked towards me. "So... didn't think this through... but how do we get this to work?"

"I don't know, this was your plan." I teased Shiloh then leaned down in Keegan's ear. "Keegan..." I purred.

"Hik.....o....." Keegan mumbled.

"I want you," I purred.

"Yeah?" Keegan asked.

"Keegan.... I'm ready for you."

"Put the helmet on..." Keegan grumbled.

"Keegan.... I'm taking my clothes off for you..."

"Hiko? Why..."

"Because I want you," I grabbed Hiko's hand and moved it towards Keegan's crotch. Hiko whined in his sleep and tried to pull his hand back from me. Shiloh laughed a bit and then started to unbutton Hiko's shirt, taking it slow so he wouldn't wake up on us.

"You want me?" Keegan mumbled and started to sweat a bit at Hiko's touch.

"Yeah..." I husked in his ear. Keegan started to move closer to Hiko then, starting to climb on him. "Time to go." I told Shiloh. Shiloh's eyes widened.

"Wait! I didn't finish getting the shirt off!" Shiloh hissed towards me. Hiko whimpered from the weight on him and his eyes started to open a little. Keegan's hands were already trailing down Hiko's body and one snuck into Hiko's pants. I held in a laugh and yanked Shiloh towards the door. Hiko suddenly moaned, making Shiloh laugh at them.

"See, that's what happens when you hold onto your virginity too long. You get too eager," he purred and then walked out of the room with me, shutting the door behind him. "Soooo~ Let's find a different room to sleep in." He started to tug me down the hall, humming to himself as he looked pleased.

"Well our room is going to have to be cleaned..." I grumbled. "No way am I sleeping in those sheets tomorrow night." I shook my head and started for the room near ours. "Let's sleep in here." I suggested and opened the door, stepping into it. He nodded and then walked over to the bed, falling down into it.

"Hmmm... bed," he mumbled and then curled up with a smile. I laughed and walked up to him then laid down by him in it and curled up to a pillow.

"Shiloh... You're not seriously going to take that kid back to France with us... right?" I asked him. "It's supposed to be just us." Shiloh looked towards me and frowned.

"No, of course I'm not serious. I don't want to have much to do with your little mate.... Besides, it's not really just us when you're sleeping around with the maids," he muttered and looked up at the ceiling. "But yeah, I know.... I am not even inviting Sage to come with us."

"Sage is caught up in his little mate... but anyways we'll talk about this more later." I purred and closed my eyes. After all I came home for a good reason. I wouldn't be risking running into my mate for just any sucky reason. Shiloh got quiet beside me, starting to fall asleep.

I felt Shiloh moving out of the bed, mumbling something about finding a maid. I opened my eyes slowly, watching him leave the bedroom then sat up. I crawled out of the bed and started for the door, walking out. I felt my mouth water at the thought of blood. I smirked and started to follow Shiloh down the hall. "Yeah, I want something to eat too." Shiloh froze up and looked back at me.

"No... you're not allowed to drink from the maids here," he told me and smirked before he started to walk down the hall. "You'll sleep with these too." I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, I'll go drink from something else." I started for the nearest elevator and took it down a few flights and stepped out, walking down a hall, going towards Sage's mates bedroom. I'll drink from my brother Sage! When I reached it, I saw Sage slowly shutting the door behind him quietly, looking afraid to make a noise. As soon as the door was shut, he relaxed and started off down the hall the opposite way, not seeing me.

"Let's see... I should get some practice in while I can," he whispered to himself, looking thoughtful. I smirked and let him keep walking down the hall then started down the hall. I'll just go get a bottle of blood. I don't want to wear him down.... His mate is doing that. It seemed like forever before I reached the kitchen downstairs. This manor is more confusing than I remember. I walked up to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of blood then started back towards the stairs.

When I reached the stairs, I saw a young male at the top of it, starting to walk down it silently. He glanced my way and then frowned a little before he kept walking, going past me. His smell hit me like a tidal wave just as he passed, making me pause as it was intoxicating. He smelled so sweet. I felt the bottle in my hand slip and drop to the floor. He smells nothing like the French maids... I could feel my mouth watering for a bite. No. This is that baby I met years ago.... I groaned and bent down, picking up the bottle. I can't believe I've already passed him this morning. I wasn't planning on ever meeting him while I'm here. I don't even want to be passing him in the hall. I glanced over my shoulder for him. He was watching me at the bottom of the stairs with a curious look before he gave a soft smile. He walked up to me again and then gently touched my arm. I suddenly saw from his eyes the moment we met in the hall and how I had helped him. It stopped when he removed his hand and he smiled before he walked back down the stairs, giving me a look before he started in the direction of the kitchen. What the hell is wrong with that kid? I felt my jaw clinch. He's just going to walk away?

I took in a deep breath before I turned to continue walking up the stairs. I felt seriously annoyed now. I'm being ignored by my own mate! I mean.... hell.... If he was going to ignore me then I would have never left the manor. I stopped at the top of the stairs as I heard the doors to the manor swing open.

"WE'RE HOME!" I heard Yolo sing out and a few bags dropped down on the floor. "WHO'S MISSED ME!"

"No one," Bowie teased and walked past him. "WHOA! LOOK AT WHO'S AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS! IT'S RORY!" He pointed a finger at me and I felt like dying then. "MY BROTHER IS HOME!"

"It's my brother too." Yolo snapped. "He came home to see me! MOMMY DADDY! WHERE ARE YOU!?" River was suddenly by me and I felt him grab my hand before we were suddenly standing in the library. He smiled at me before he let go and took a sip of his blood he had in his hand. I frowned towards him then looked around the library, seeing the family tree painted on a wall. I walked up to it then opened my bottle of blood and took a sip from it.

"I remember when Myra put this up..." I muttered. I heard him walk up behind me and he looked at the painting on the wall then traced his fingers over it lightly, trailing them across all my siblings with a small frown before he glanced towards his own part of the tree where there were only four kids. "Yeah," I laughed. "Your father doesn't really want a huge family like mine does." I whispered and started for the door then. "Thanks kid." I heard him make a small noise and he reached out towards me but stopped and quickly took his hand back, looking away. I looked over my shoulder at him then frowned as I looked behind him at the family tree. Ah hell kid... we're related... Isn't that enough for you? I looked back towards the door and walked out of the library and looked around. Ugh... which way..... There needs to be some damn maps on the walls or something. I started down one way, figuring if I keep going in one direction then I'll get out of this maze. He appeared in front of me again and frowned before he gently touched my shoulder and we were standing outside the room I had slept in last night. He removed his hand and looked at me sadly before he started to walk off, taking a sip of his blood. Great, he knows where I slept last night.... Damn it he probably reads minds. I shook my head and started towards my bedroom to kick Keegan out of it. I've got to go home to France as quick as possible.

"MOMMMMMMMMMMMY!" I heard Yolo calling a few floors under my feet. I yelped and froze up. Jeeze he's scary. I stomped down on the floor then.

"Yolo, shut up." I hissed. "You're waking the spiders." Of course there was no way he heard me. I crossed my arms as I still heard him calling for our parents. I walked up to my bedroom door and threw it open. "Good morning love birds!" I yelled towards them.

"GH-Ah!" Keegan yelped and fell out of bed, butt naked and Hiko was cloth less too. I smirked.

"That was some party last night, huh? Now how about you get out of my room." I ordered them then started towards the bathroom.

"When'd you get home!?" Keegan asked me.

"Last night." I told him and walked into the bathroom then sat the bottle of blood down on the counter then turned the water on to take a shower.

"WHY AM I NAKED!?" Keegan shrieked.

"Keegan," Hiko whined. "My body hurts...."

"Why're you naked!?" Keegan cried out. I laughed and started to strip out of my designer clothes from France then stepped in under then water, taking a quick shower. When I got back out I wrapped up in a towel and started towards my bags in the bedroom. Keegan was just now finishing putting his clothes on. Hiko was curled up in the bedsheets, watching him as he tried to keep a pained look off his face. I picked up my bags and placed them on the bed then started to go through them, dropping the towel. "Rory, put some clothes on!" Keegan groaned and held up his hands towards me. I pulled out a pair of boxers and smirked towards him.

"I'm working on it." I told him and slipped on the boxers. Hiko had buried his face into the pillow and was feeling around blindly for his own clothes, keeping the blanket over him to hide the fact he was naked. "Nice ass, Hiko." I purred. I heard the door bust open then and Alistair walked in.

"Rory! I didn't know you was back home until Nikolai told me this morning. You should have came to see me last night!" Alistair told me and walked up, slapping me on the ass. "Wow, you're fit as a fiddle. France is doing you good." He purred and looked towards Hiko and Keegan. "Hey boys~" Hiko glanced up and then yelped, ducking under the blanket quickly.

"Keegan... can you find my clothes?" Hiko asked from under it. Keegan started to look around the bedroom then for his clothes, picking them up one by one and handing them to Hiko.

"Sorry, I would have but I was up to no good." I purred.

"Let's go out then to town." Alistair suggested. "We'll take Shiloh and Sage. It'll be us four boys. Keegan, Hiko, wanna come?" He wondered.

"No," Hiko told him simply. "It hurts to move."

"Take some pain killers, I have some right- here." I threw him a bottle from my bag.

"Come on kiddos~ It's my special treat. We need a guys night out. I want to hear about your trip to France." Alistair purred and sat down on the bed. Hiko started to get dressed under the covers and then poked his head out from under it, grabbing the pill bottle and opened it, taking a few and then swallowed them dry before he tossed the bottle aside and looked at Keegan pleadingly for help.

"Yeah.... No thanks you guys." Keegan told us and walked up to Hiko then picked him up. "I've got a mate to feed." He started towards the door then and walked out of the room, leaving me alone with Alistair. I looked towards him with a smirk.

"Hey Alistair, any special reason as to why we're all called home for a family reunion?" I asked.

"I don't know anything, Nikolai refuses to tell me. I don't even think he knows the reason why." Alistair told me. I finished getting dressed then walked out of the bedroom with him.

"I wonder what's going on then," I purred. Shiloh walked up to me and smirked.

"So~ I found something out about that baby boy you're running from," he purred to me. "Apparently he doesn't speak," he said and crossed his arms. "He has conversations with our dad though through mind reading... but other than that, he communicates through sharing memories and thoughts with others. His twin talks a lot though."

"Yeah, she's a real chatter box," Alistair said from by me. "So you're running from River? Mind me asking why?" He wondered.

"No reason," I laughed nervously.

"He discovered that River was his mate when River was really little. That's why we stay in France," Shiloh told him and shrugged. "Besides, we want to be able to do what we want to do. Anyways, River likes to play piano and violin... and he draws sometimes but not often. So... he'd pretty much be a silent mate if you kept him. He probably would leave you alone.... Oh, and I'm not sure if you knew but..." He trailed off as he got serious and looked at me. "I heard this from one of the maids.... River actually died... like... before he was even born. Hachi gave him another chance... so you almost didn't get a mate."

"Yeah, that's very true," Alistair purred. "That little sucker isn't supposed to be living but Hachi screwed with fate once again and brought him back to life." I frowned.

"See.... he's not even supposed to be living... so why should I care about him?" I asked as I felt my stone crack on me then. I fell down to my knees and screamed out in pain. What the hell!? I felt all panicky then. Shiloh quickly was by me and looking me over with worry.

"Rory! I'll go get dad! Alistair, watch him!" Shiloh got up and took off running.

"Rory?" Alistair asked and then pulled out his phone as he grabbed my shoulder to sooth me. He began to text with his other hand. "I'm going to tell Sage and get him up here. I'm also going to ask my mom to come check in on you." He knelt down by me. "You okay?" He asked. I could feel my stone sending a weak pulse then and I started to cough up blood. "That's not good..." He grumbled. Shiloh was back in a few minutes, yanking Paris behind him.

"He just suddenly collapsed!" He told our father worriedly. Rose appeared with her bag and knelt down by me. Paris walked up and looked me over.

"Rory, what's the matter?" He asked as he noticed the blood on the floor.

"Nothing," I told them calmly. "It's nothing." I blushed and felt my stone start to heal up. "I just- yeah I don't have a good excuse." I looked away then.

"We were talking about River because I knew Rory wouldn't go find out himself...." Shiloh whispered and looked towards our dad. "I... said something about how River... died... and Alistair said that he shouldn't even be alive and that Hachi screwed with fate... and then Rory said that he has no reason to care about him and that's when he fell over," he told them and frowned.

"Mom, River is Rory's mate." Alistair blurted out. Rose turned towards Paris then and I saw Paris's eyes flickering colors. I froze up as I watched Paris step towards me slowly and grab my shirt then pull me to my feet.

"Is that why you left for France?" Paris asked me, his voice having no feeling behind it. Shiloh's eyes widened.

"Dad," he whispered, looking worried for me. "Dad, he's hurt.... Don't push him please..."

"He's my cousin..." I said weakly. I can't kill my cousin and I don't want a mate... I'm not ready. I looked away from Paris then. His hand raised up like he was about to slap me but he grabbed my chin and made me look him in the eyes. No, he's going to compel me again. I shrunk a little at his touch.

"We're going to have a long talk in my office, Rory." He hissed and looked towards the other three. "Don't bother us." Shiloh yelped and shrunk back.

"Y-yes daddy," he whispered and then grabbed Alistair, running off quickly to get away from Paris.

"Paris, don't be so tough on him." Rose left us then. Paris glared me down before teleporting us into his office and forced me down into a chair in front of his desk. He sat down in the other one and crossed his legs while facing me.

"You knew all this time?" Paris asked me. I nodded slowly. "Rory, you shouldn't ever reject a mate."

"I know for fact Rose did!" I groaned out.

"Yeah but Rose had already fallen in love and had kids with Victor. You're not in her situation. She put her children first as well as her feeling for Victor. I don't see children from you running around this manor. It doesn't matter if he's your cousin. Quinton and Dannie were cousins."

"No, Dannie was adopted. Remember? He was a lab experiment-" Paris suddenly slapped me across the face.

"Take that back Rory," He hissed. "Dannie had my DNA in him and a soul mate. He was much as well alive as you are now. He had my child's DNA in him." I rubbed my cheek and sunk down in the chair.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. I watched as his muscles relaxed then.

"You should be, that was your own brother you was talking about." Paris sighed. "Rory, I've set everything up in life so that vampires could love freely and not be forced to marry someone they didn't love and mate with them. I intended for this choice of love to go towards your actual soul mate that fate picked for you. I'm sure there is a good reason why fate set River to be your mate. Just give him a chance. I know you're all about freedom Rory but River won't be caging you. You'll see that. Now, spend the rest of today trying to get to know him before you jump to conclusions you've got to run from him and deny yourself your own mate over ridiculous freedoms. Rory you won't be missing much mated to River."

"Yeah but River was supposed to die anyways. Fate obviously wanted me to be with someone else that's not River." As if I'd ever fall to my knees for my mate like Sage and Keegan did.

"Rory," Paris hissed. "If you don't want to be mated to River then you go march your ass up to his room and knock on his door and when he opens it, reject him as your mate. If River has to reject you first because you're a fucking dick then I don't want to see your face around my manor for the next three centuries." He pointed a finger towards me. "Think your choice over before you leave my study." He stood up and started for the door. "I've got a reunion to set up in the ball room for tomorrow." That was some long talk... He turned around to face me then. "Rory, I didn't raise scum bags for children. I'm sure you can sit here and think out a good answer to choose for yourself. I don't have to tell you which choice to pick. I'd be very disappointed in you though if you chose to make River reject you first. That's not the man I expected you to be. River is a sweet and young boy who's innocent minded and hoped his mate would be kind and gentle with him. He's expected his mate to be his prince charming and love him exactly the way he is. Who knows.... maybe you could have been that and more for him. You might have even been able to get him to talk." I heard him leave the room then.

That's not the man I expected you to be... disappointed in you... Get him to talk... Think your choice over before you leave... If River rejects you.... I don't want to see your face around my manor for the next three centuries... I didn't raise scum bags... Sit here and think... I don't have to tell you which choice to pick... Disappointment... Hoped his mate would be kind and gentle with him... He expected his mate to be his prince charming.... love him.... exactly the way he is... you could have been more than that... more for him...

I always promised Shiloh though that I wouldn't let anything like a mate get in our way of friendship like it has for Sage and Keegan. I'm scared that if I reject River, my own father won't want me around him. This is why I left in the first place was to make sure I wouldn't have to fall to this decision. If River and I don't become mates then Paris will never accept me as his child... and if I do become mated... I will loose Shiloh's respect for me and I'll leave her like our brothers did... She'll be the only one of our litter without a mate.

"Hey Rory," I heard from the door way. I turned my head in that direction to find Donnie standing there. He shut the door and walked up to me. "I overheard everything," He admitted and sat down in Paris's chair. "Dad won't disown you no matter your decision... I promise." He reached out and suddenly took my hand. "When I was younger- before I met Midori I had a mate named Chance. He was a werewolf. Now, you know that werewolves can't live long and eventually I had to make a choice.... I murdered him when he got too old. Not long after Midori showed up and it was clear to me then that sometimes one mate will come and you'll have to make a choice and then another will come after certain choices are made. Some vampires don't get a pureblood mate that'll be able to live with them and have kids with them." He looked me in the eyes. "Sometimes you have to make bad decisions... But decisions is something you need to think hard on." He gave my hand a squeeze. "There are quite a few people in this manor that had to make these decisions... You won't be the first and you won't be disowned for any choice you make." He rubbed my hair then. "I know you'll make the right choice though. You might look all tough on the outside but you're a Grimm and we're all soft on the inside." He laughed then, making me laugh a little too. "River is a good kid, I don't think Fate intended for him to die. She knew that we had Hachi and Haru nearby if anything was to go wrong with the pregnancy. Maybe it was just a pure accident that went wrong with the pregnancy. She hasn't punished Hachi for what he done. Fate works in mysterious ways that sometimes I fear none of us will ever understand unless your name is Laurence." I laughed then at his joke. "I think River would be good for you though Rory." He stood up then. "He'd settle your inner war. Shiloh wouldn't be mad if you picked your mate. If you ask me I think Shiloh wants you to have a mate." He rubbed my hand then in his. "Tomorrow is going to be supper fun! So don't sit around pouting in here for too long. The family is getting together for a huge event."

"Yeah," I nodded. "Do you know why?" I asked him.

"So you suspect we're all here for more than just a family reunion? It's true. I'm not allowed to tell anyone why though. Nikolai wants to keep it a secret for as long as possible." He pressed a finger over his lips then. "Which reminds me," He said as he pulled the finger away. "I've got to get back to Nikolai and continue planning." He stood up then. "How about you run off with Alistair, Shiloh, and Sage and go have some fun like you were planning. Clear up your head and then come home tonight and decide then. Tomorrow you can find River after the reunion and either reject or accept him. If dad says anything to you about being out of this room then just tell him I said you could go out to town."

"Okay, thanks Donnie." I mumbled.

"Love you kiddo," He purred and kissed my cheek. "Go have some fun and try to calm your nerves. The more calm you are the more you'll be able to think clearly." I nodded in agreement and watched him walk out of the study. I pulled out my phone and texted Alistair that I was free to hang out now then got to my feet and met the other three out in the garage where we took one of the newer cars into town.