The Family Reunion

Keegan's POV:

"Keegan," Hiko mumbled and curled up in my lap as he took a sip of the warm blood in his glass. "Thanks for getting me something to eat. It's helping...." I blushed and nodded slowly.

"I'm sorry Hiko... I'm not exactly sure what I done but I'm sorry for it." I looked away from him and blushed even more.

"I think we did it," he whispered and then leaned his head against my chest. "My first time too... and I can't remember it too well.... All I remember is faintly being conscious in that bed... and you were on me.... That's all I know...."

"I thought you were in your room...." I mumbled. He looked up towards me.

"I did go to bed in my room," he told me and then sniffed his clothes that was on him. "Shiloh's scent is on my clothes.... Maybe it has something to do with them? I think they got you to go after me in your sleep or something...." He blushed a little. "So... we're not virgins anymore.... I mean... all the evidence points to it.... Keegan, we did it last night."

"Uhmm... I'm sorry... I'm not sure why I would uh..... Do it with you in my sleep." I looked him over and then bit my bottom lip. He let out a soft sigh and leaned his head against my chest.

"It's fine Keegan.... Don't apologize. We're mates after all.... I probably liked it because you don't have a big scar on you somewhere...." He took another sip of the blood and glanced up at me. "I don't see why we should be embarrassed that we slept together.... It's natural, isn't it? For mates to do those things? I know I hold back every full moon because I know you don't want to...."

"As long as you're not upset..." I whispered and leaned in to kiss him. I shouldn't be apologizing then. He smiled and kissed me before he sat the blood down and hugged me.

"I love you Keegan," he purred softly. "I'm not upset that we did it... just that I can't remember it."

"I'm upset about that too," I mumbled and gave him a smile. "I love you though." He smiled and looked up into my eyes.

"We could always fix that if you want," he suggested and then blushed. "We could do it again and count that as our first."

"Uh... I thought we would play a game tonight... But if you want to do it tonight instead...." I blushed and bit my bottom lip. He looked up at me thoughtfully then frowned, glancing away.

"We can play a game if you want...." He mumbled and then put his head back against my chest. "I'm okay with that.... It was just a silly suggestion...."

"I don't think it was silly..." I muttered. "So I think we should play a new game."

"New game? Which one? SAO? We haven't been to that one yet." He sighed and then reached for the blood, picking it up then took a sip of it.

"No, a new game." I purred. "I think you'll like it." He looked up at me and frowned.

"What is it?" He asked me then tilted his head a bit.

"I told you it's a new game," I purred playfully. "It's a surprise."

"Keegan," he whined and then leaned his face into my neck. "Please tell me?"

"I might..." I smirked towards him.

"Please Keegan?" He begged and then tightened his grip on me. "You know I like games...."

"It's going to be a Kingdom Hearts game." I purred sweetly. He nodded and then kissed my neck.

"Sounds like a good idea," he mumbled in my ear.

"You'll love it!" I purred into his ear. He giggled and then pulled back from my neck, giving me a sweet look before he leaned in and stole a kiss from me, running a hand through my hair. I looked his neck over to make sure I didn't bite him last night then rubbed my neck. He watched my hand rubbing my neck then looked up into my eyes with a sweet smile before he took my hand away from my neck and leaned in, giving it a gentle kiss before he moved closer to me and kissed my neck again. I felt a shiver go through me as he found a sensitive spot and then he purred, giving it another kiss then started to suck on it lightly giving me a love bite. I gasped and held back a moan. Hiko? Why is he acting like this? "Hiko?" I asked softly. Maybe he wants to.... do it with me after all. He stopped and then kissed my cheek sweetly.

"Yes Keegan?" He asked me as he looked me in my eyes. "I'll stop if you want...." he mumbled and then kissed my cheek again.

"I think we should stop...." I whispered, trying not to upset him. He sighed softly and then rested his head on my shoulder.

"Mkay," he hummed out, smiling a little.

"We should go visit your sister," I suggested quickly. Oh man I don't want to get caught up in an act of love and my brothers walk in on us. He looked up at me then giggled.

"Okay, we can go see her," he said and then got off me, rubbing his neck a little as he started for the door without me. I followed him and grabbed his hand, giving it a squeeze. He looked towards our hands and then gave a playful growl before he kissed my cheek and squeezed my hand back. "I love you Keegan," he purred to me.

"I love you too," I whispered and gave a small smile.

"So~ I was wondering if maybe...." He blushed and then bit his bottom lip. "W-well... if... maybe we could... uhh... go on another... date?" He said quietly. "Later?"

"Maybe after tomorrow," I told him. "We kind of need to focus on the family. After all it's a family reunion coming up."

"I know... I was just asking about... later," he whispered. "We don't really do much as... like... a couple? And I know you like games, I do too.... I just want to actually do things in real life too." He looked away from me then as he blushed. "Not that I don't want to play games with you...."

"Okay, we could do somethings together if you truly want to." I promised him. He looked back at me then and I saw an excited look in his eyes.

"Really?" He asked quickly and then giggled happily, his eyes full of love for me. "You're the best Keegan!" He hugged me.

"Yeah, we could go somewhere nice." I shrugged. "It doesn't matter to me." He smiled huge.

"I'll plan something then! It'll be great! I promise you'll love it when I'm through planning it!" He giggled and then stole a kiss from me.

"You don't have to make it fancy," I blushed. "We can just keep it simple."

"Nuh uh! I want to make you happy," he said sweetly, looking up at me. "I really want you to enjoy it!"

"I'll enjoy it any way you want the date to be," I told him and shrugged. "I don't want it to be too much Hiko."

"Let me worry about that," Hiko told me and then kissed my cheek, pulling me down the hall towards his sister's room. "After all, we have other things to do~!"

"Hiko...." I muttered. "We both know that I don't want you doing anything out of the way. Keep it simple." I told him and followed him to his sister's room. It's not like we're going to be celebrating something bit, I don't know why he wants to make a big deal out of a date... Maybe it's just his humane side wanting to make it special... He doesn't realize we've got eternity... Not a few hours. I crossed my arms and followed after him. Humans are very funny.

Castrian's POV:

I woke up wrapped in Luca's arms. I heard the car beep, alerting us that we had arrived at our destination. I peeked out the dark tinted windows to take a look around, seeing the car had parked us in front of a shopping center. I unwrapped myself from Luca and felt my throat becoming dry like sand paper. I groaned and rubbed my neck then crawled up into the front seat and turned the radio on low. I gasped as my body began to ache. What happened last night? The memories started to rush back to me and I remembered how we made love. I sunk in the seat and blushed. Oh man.... My mom is going to kill me when she finds me. I ran away with Luca. She's probably hunting me as I think. I heard Luca mumble something in the backseat as he adjusted himself back there, curling up to himself. I could faintly see his fangs exposed in his sleep, the fangs that marked me last night. I sunk further down and blushed, hiding my face immediately with my shirt. Oh man... I was not a gentleman at all yesterday. I felt my face heating up. I opened the door slowly and crawled out of the car then shut it and looked around us before heading towards the shopping center. I'm so hungry... I glanced around as I watched some teenagers hanging out near a sports car, laughing. One of them glanced my way and looked me over before he went back to talking to his friends, but I caught him glance at me again with curiosity before he glanced back at the convertible I crawled out of. I blushed and started for the group of teenagers.

"Hey, what's your names?" I asked them curiously. I gave a friendly smile, trying to imagine how my father would act while trying to lure his prey into his clutches... No I should try to imagine my mother instead. My father would just grab a bottle from the fridge and be done with it. The guy looked towards me and then bit his bottom lip.

"Well...." He considered me for a moment before he smiled a little. "I'm Eric. This is Liz, and that is Sebastian," he told me, pointing at a girl and a guy beside him.

"My name is Castrian," I extended my hand. "I'm from up north. I just moved here." I blushed a little towards Eric. He looked towards my hand then took it, shaking it.

"Nice. I've been up north before," he said and smirked. "Just moved here? I could show you around if you want."

"Ummm...." I looked him over. "That'd be a really nice thing for you to do." I whispered and looked towards his friends. "I'm from Maine."

"Oh? Maine? That place is kind of dangerous, isn't it? I hear there are wolves," Liz said and frowned.

"There are wolves everywhere in the country." I shrugged. "It's not really that dangerous." I gave a small laugh. She giggled and nodded.

"Alright," she said and then looked at Sebastian before she linked arms with him. "How about you take me to go get some ice cream before we head off, hmm?" She hummed out and smiled at him. He smirked and looked at her before he looked towards Eric.

"Duty calls," he said and then started to take Liz towards the store. Eric watched them go and laughed a little before he looked my way.

"Well, guess we could exchange numbers while they're gone and you can give me a call sometime," he suggested, pulling out his phone.

"Oh.." I bit my bottom lip then looked down at my shoes in embarrassment. "I don't have a phone..." I looked back up at him. "I know it's strange for a teenager to not have a phone but I've never had one." I rubbed my arms then. "But my friend has a phone.... He's in the car asleep." I looked towards my car, wondering how long Luca will be asleep.... Maybe he'll be hungry too. I looked back towards Eric. He glanced towards the car and then nodded.

"Yeah... well, that's okay. Not having a phone isn't the end of the world," he said and then put his phone up. "So you've moved with a friend?"

"Ran away actually.... We don't have a place yet..." I whispered, trailing my eyes over his body and found myself looking towards his neck. "Do you know of any clubs nearby?" I asked curiously. "Or bars...." That's where I'll find supernatural lingering around and I might be able to work my way into a decent life down here with Luca.

"Uhmmmm... Yeah, actually, I do," he said and then laughed. "I didn't take you as one to go to clubs," he said and then shrugged. "I'll take you to some if you want. You could stay with me. My dad doesn't give a shit what I do."

"That's awfully kind of you," I told him. Wow, maybe I don't want to feed off of this male... "I also want to register to a school here, do you know of any schools nearby? I've been homeschooled all my life," I blushed as I admitted it. "I want to go to clubs and bars to meet friends if you're wondering. I've always had a shut door life." I looked down at the ground. Should I be telling him these things? He might laugh at me. He sighed.

"Yeah, come on. I'll help ya out kiddo," he said and then pulled out some keys to his car. "Got to be rough being shut in. Either ride with me or ride with your buddy, but Sebastian and Liz are coming back, so you better hurry." I looked him in the eyes then and gave a small nod.

"I'll have my car follow yours if you don't mind." I told him and started for my car. "Thank you Eric," I called over my shoulder. Wow he's awfully sweet.

"Uh huh," he hummed and then got in his car just as Liz and Sebastian got to the car and they got in it quickly. I got into the car and started the engine up then waited for Eric, having the car set on manual so I could follow behind him. He pulled out of the parking lot and started to lead me down some roads, driving kind of fast for a human. I could hear Luca groan in the backseat and then heard him moving.

"Cassy," he mumbled softly.

"Yeah?" I asked and looked over my shoulder towards him then back at the vehicle in front of me.

"Where are we?" He asked me quietly.

"In Rome." I joked. I heard him sit up then and he looked out a window.

"Whoa," he whispered and then laughed. "This is cool!" He smiled huge and then crawled into the front seat, bringing the blanket with him. "This was an awesome idea Cassy," he said sweetly and gave me an innocent look.

"Eh," I shrugged. "Beats sitting in my room all day drinking tea...." I frowned. I really want some tea now.... OH NO I LEFT MR. TRUNKS AT HOME! I widened my eyes and let out a scream. He yelped and fell back in the seat, looking at me in shock.

"What? What is it? Oh my devils, don't scare me like that," he said quickly, putting a hand over his stone.

"I forgot Mr. Trunks, he's at home all alone with Mr. Rainbows." I whined. He frowned at me.

"Well, it's not like we can go back for Mr. Trunks," he whispered. "Our parents would murder us.... I miss daddy though," he whimpered and then sniffled, curling up. "I've never done anything to make him mad at me like this...." I whined as I kept following Eric, worried for Mr. Trunks. Luca looked towards me and then pulled his phone out of his pocket, looking towards it as he bit his bottom lip. "C-Cassy.... I miss home," he whispered towards me after a few seconds.

"But... I thought you wanted to stay here with me...." I mumbled towards him. "After all.... we stick together Luca." He looked towards me and sniffled before he sat his phone down.

"O-okay Cassy," he mumbled and then curled his hair around his fingers. "I love you...." He looked me in the eyes, but I could tell he was still missing home though he was sticking it out for me.

"I love you too," I gave him a sweet smile. "If you want to go home then we will go home and face whatever punishment our parents give us." He bit his bottom lip and then shrunk down into his seat.

"I don't wanna be punished.... What if they tell us that we can't see each other again?! I don't want to be separated from you. You're my best friend and lover," he whimpered.

"Uh huh and that's why we shouldn't go home." I told him. He nodded after a few seconds and shrunk down in the seat.

"Okay Cassy," he whispered. He looked out the window and sighed. "I'm sorry that I wanted to go back.... I know you don't want to... and I shouldn't either."

"Well we both know that if we go back we'll be punished," I told him. "We can't go back Luca."

"I know," he mumbled and then looked towards me before he leaned over and gave my cheek a kiss. I gave him a cute smile.

"I met some kids that offered for us to bunk with him." I gave a giggle. "His name is Eric and his two friends are nice too." He frowned slightly but then nodded.

"Alright... but I'll be looking for a place to buy for ourselves. We shouldn't stay with humans for too long. We'll be found out," he mumbled and then crawled into my lap.

"Is that such a bad thing?" I asked him and gave a frown. "Could you get out of my lap Luca?" I looked around him to focus on the road. He got out of my lap and pouted, looking out the window from his seat. He played with his hair and then curled up.

"I don't want them to hurt you if they find out," he whispered to me after a few minutes.

"But the maids and butlers know and they don't hurt us...." I whispered to him.

"But that's cause daddy scares them," he told me and then looked over. "Daddy would kill them if they hurt us. We don't have daddy anymore to scare them into not hurting us."

"But I don't think they'd hurt us anyways..." I whined. Not all humans are evil.... He watched me and then sighed.

"Fine," he mumbled. "If that's what you really want...." I groaned.

"Luca if it's what you want we should do what you want..." I whined. He shook his head and gave me a sweet smile.

"No, we left to make friends and to explore," he told me and then kissed my cheek. "I want to make you happy Cassy," he purred in my ear. "I love you. We'll try with these humans, but if they try to hurt you... I'll kill them," he mumbled and then kissed my neck. "No one hurts my Cassy~!" I nodded and cut on music then, sighing as I followed Eric. He watched me and then pulled away, looking out the window as buildings passed. Eventually we came to a stop outside a two story house. Eric pulled up into the driveway and got out, shutting the car door and watched as his two friends got out before he looked towards me as I pulled up into the driveway. He gave a small smirk as he watched me and then walked up to the car door, opening it for me. Luca glanced over before he got out, shutting the door behind him as Eric reached in for my hand. I blushed as I shut the car off, taking the key out of the ignition then put it in my pocket. I grabbed Eric's hand and got out of the car. Wow he's so nice towards me! I blushed.

"I like your house Eric," I whispered. He smiled at me and looked at it.

"Thanks Castrian," he said and then started to lead me to the house by my hand. "I wouldn't call it the best, but we do have a small pool in the back."

"A pool?" I asked. I haven't swam in a pool for a while now. "We should swim in it tomorrow," I suggested.

"Yeah! I could lend you some swim trunks or something," he said and laughed, looking back at me. Luca started to follow me with Sebastian and Liz behind him. "Sound good Castrian- can I call you Cassy?" He asked me and gave me a friendly smile.

"Yeah... Luca calls me Cassy," I pointed towards Luca behind us. "So I don't mind if you want to call me Cassy." He grinned then.

"Great!" He tugged me up to the door and then opened it, leading me inside.

"Hey Luca, why don't you come check out this bowling alley?" I heard Sebastian whispering behind us outside in the yard. Eric shut the door and then smiled at me.

"So, are you hungry?" He asked me.

"Yeah," I told him and blushed. I looked towards his neck, feeling my stomach grumble. I could really go for some blood right now. "What do you have to eat?" I asked him curiously.

"Ramen," he said and then started to lead me through a living room and into the kitchen off it. "Are you okay with that?"

"Yeah, I love noodles." I told him sweetly and looked behind us, wondering if Luca was going to come inside. He looked at me then behind me and shrugged.

"He's probably going to go bowling with them," he told me and then started to dig around the cabinets, pulling down a bowl and a ramen packet. "Liz and Sebastian love company." I nodded.

"Are those two dating?" I asked curiously and walked up to him, watching him with the packets of ramen.

"Yeah, Liz and Sebastian are dating," he said and shrugged. He put water into the bowl and stuck it in the microwave, starting to cook it for me. He turned to me and smiled. "Want to watch a movie while we wait for them to come back?"

"Yeah, what should we watch? A scary movie?" I asked curiously. He smirked.

"Yeah, sure. Let's watch The Ring," he said and then started to lead me back to the living room, taking my hand in his again.

"The Ring?" I asked and laughed. "Okay. We can watch The Ring." I walked up to the couch with him and sat down on it, kicking off my shoes. He sat down beside me and grabbed a remote off the coffee table, turning on the TV then had it go to The Ring before he put that on and then played the movie, skipping the commercials. He leaned back against the couch and then put an arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer. I curled up to him and bit my bottom lip as I watched the movie, thinking about what Luca could be doing right now. About twenty minutes into the movie, he got up and came back with the ramen and sat it down on the coffee table before he sat beside me and smiled my way.

"There we go," he said sweetly and then looked me over before he looked back at the TV. I blushed and grabbed a bowl and started to eat it.

"Thanks," I told him and gave a smile. It's not taming my thirst for blood but it'll be good enough. He nodded.

"You're welcome," he said and then moved a little closer to me before he pulled me into his lap and had me sit there as he started to watch the movie again. I blushed and moved out of his lap quickly, getting nervous. I shoved a bite of noodles into my mouth. He glanced at me and frowned a little then rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you nervous Cassy," he told me and then gave a smile. "I didn't realize that you weren't okay with someone holding you."

"Ummm.... I just..." I blushed and crawled back into his lap. "I guess I don't mind." I whispered. Humans can't be mean... Eric is so nice. He smiled at me.

"Oh okay," he said and then looked at the TV. After the movie, he grabbed the remote and turned on some music before he took my empty bowl from me and sat me aside before he got up and walked to the kitchen. I kicked my shoes off and laid down on the couch, listening to the music he put on then looked towards the kitchen. He came back after a few minutes and looked at me before he walked up with a smile and then held out his hand towards me. "May I have this dance?" He asked me. I smiled and got to my feet, taking his hand.

"You may," I told him and started to dance with him, leaning my head against his shoulder. He laughed softly, leading me in a slow dance before he spun me out and back into his arms. He gave me a huge smile and then kissed my cheek. He looked me in the eyes, catching me off guard before he leaned in and stole a kiss from me, making it slow and intimate as the song changed on us. I pulled back from the kiss quickly and shoved him back.

"Eric, I'd prefer it if you didn't kiss me." I told him firmly. "I don't like you that way." Eric frowned a little but he gave a nod.

"Okay," he said. "I can understand that. You barely know me.... I'd still like another dance though...." He walked back up and gently took my hand in his, giving me a sweet smile. I relaxed and nodded then started to continue dancing with him.

"Just as long as you know I've set a boundary, okay?" Luca would kill him if he found out about that kiss...

"I know," he said and then pulled me close, smiling. I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a hug as we danced.

"Okay," I whispered.

~Time Skip~

After the sun went down, he looked towards me and grabbed my hand. "Hey, come on. I'll show you where you can sleep, okay?" I nodded and looked around.

"Shouldn't they be back by now?" I asked him as I went to follow him to where he'd take me.

"Well, they like to party late," he told me and looked my way before he took me up the stairs and to a door. He pushed it open and led me inside to a well furnished bedroom with a decent sized bed that could easily fit two people. He looked at me and then smiled. "I'm sure he'll be home eventually."

"So is this going to be my room now?" I asked and looked around as I walked over to the bed and started to lay down on it, grabbing a pillow and pulled it closer. He watched me and walked up to the bed, sitting down on the edge of it.

"For as long as you stay here," he told me, giving me a smile. I nodded and looked towards his neck and smiled then sat up a bit.

"Thanks for this," I let the pillow go and stretched. Luca needs to come home soon so I can drink his blood.

"Oh, it's no problem," he told me and I caught his eyes linger on my lips before he stood up. "I'll see you in the morning, Cassy," he said and then walked out, shutting the door behind him. I watched the door for a few minutes then yawned, starting to feel tired. Luca will wake me up when he comes home. I started to fall asleep, pulling the pillow back to me for comfort.

I woke up to the sound of twittering birds outside my window as the sunlight filtered in through the curtains. I sat up slowly and looked around for Luca, groaning a bit. He wasn't anywhere to be found in here though.... However I could smell his scent faintly, smelling like he was downstairs and not even on the same floor as me. I got to my feet and started downstairs, looking around for him in worry. He was passed out on the floor in front of the front door, looking like he had gotten home late and fell down as soon as he was inside. They ditched him there. I walked over to him and knelt down by him then leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Luca," I whispered and tried to shake him awake. He groaned and then opened his eyes, blinking slowly before he looked towards me.

"H-hey..." He mumbled and then sat up, rubbing at his eyes. "Morning Cassy," he told me sweetly and then gave me a cute smile.

"I'm hungry," I told him and looked around for any eyes then leaned in towards his neck and bit down into him, starting to drink his blood. He yelped and tensed up before he relaxed and pulled me into his arms.

"I'm sorry I haven't let you feed since we became lovers," he whispered to me and smiled softly as he rubbed my head, running his fingers through my hair. He let out a soft purr as he tilted his head, letting me have as much access as I wanted to his neck. I moaned and bit down deeper to get more blood from him. He melted in my arms and started to lean back, pulling me on top of him as he closed his eyes. He gave a soft moan as I drank his blood and hugged me. I pulled back after a few minutes and licked my lips then kissed him on the lips. He kissed me back and gave me a small smile before he moved his face into the crook of my neck and gently kissed it. "I love you Cassy," he purred sweetly.

"I love you too," I whispered back to him. He gently bit down into my neck and started to drink my blood, taking it easy with me as he rubbed my back soothingly. I suddenly felt a rush of pleasure wash over me as his venom entered my veins again, sending a good shiver up my spine. I moaned softly and leaned into him, starting to feel light headed. He pulled his fangs out after a minute and sucked on the wound, pulling me closer before he kissed it and then pulled back to look me in the eyes.

"Cassy," he mumbled and then kissed my lips with a smile. "Did you get enough?" He asked sweetly and then rubbed my back as he stole another kiss. I nodded and looked him over before crawling off of him.

"You didn't sleep with me last night," I mumbled and stood up. "I was alone..." He frowned and stood up, kissing my cheek.

"I'm sorry Cassy.... They wouldn't let me come back until I was exhausted, and I couldn't think straight by the time we got back," he told me and then pulled me into a hug. "I can make it up to you though... if you want," he mumbled. "We can do anything you want today."

"I want to go to a nearby bar and see if we can find any vampires or a place that sells bottled blood." I whispered to him. He looked at me and gave a nod.

"Okay," he whispered and then looked at the door before he pulled me outside and to the car. "Let's go investigate." I giggled and followed after him, leaning in and kissing his cheek. I can't wait to meet some new faces.

After driving around for a bit and poking around, we couldn't find any other vampires in the area or a blood dealer, which sucks. Luca looked a little agitated as he drove, speeding. "How come we can't find any other vampires around here? There are always vampires, aren't there?" He frowned and then went to look at me, but as soon as he did, he widened his eyes and shrieked as he hadn't noticed he was coming up on a car too fast to slow down. He slammed on the brakes and skidded off the road, being thrown off it and then flipped the car, finally coming to a stop as the side up against a tree. My whole body had been jostled around by the crash and I felt sore all over from it. Luca groaned as he hung upside down in his seat and I could smell the scent of his blood filling the car. He had a glass shard from the broken window beside him stuck in his chest near his stone. I groaned and managed to get to him, glad I wasn't slung out of the car. I pulled the shard of glass out from in him and then unbuckled his seat belt, having him fall down on me.

"Luca?" I asked. He yelped and looked up at me weakly before he curled up in my arms. I could feel his stone pulsing faintly in his chest, sending panicked waves towards me from the close call with it. I wrapped him up in my arms and started to rock him, feeling exactly as panicked as he was. I could feel my stone panicking as if I was the one that got stabbed. I closed my eyes tightly as I tried to block out his scary feelings. I want to go home now. Luca was trembling in my arms as he buried his face into my chest, crying softly in fear as he gripped my shirt, absolutely terrified. I could feel my shirt getting wet with his tears and blood as he held onto me. I started to cry as his feelings locked me in and frightened me to my core. I leaned into him and started to shake, my breath trembling. After what felt like forever, but was really only a few minutes, I smelled my mother nearby and heard her quick footsteps.

"Castrian!" She cried out. "Cassy! Baby boy! Please be alright," she whispered, sounding freaked out as she ran towards the car.

"Mommy?" I asked and moved my head off of Luca and sniffled. Laurence must have told Paris and my mom what happened. I sniffled and started to move towards the door and tried to open it up. I yelped as a piece of glass cut me.

"Luca?" I heard Paris asking by my mom. "Are you boys okay in there? Ready to come home now?" My mother was quickly by the window. She gave me a relieved look as she saw me and she pried the door open for us, pulling me out and hugged me before she looked inside and got Luca out, holding him gently as she laid him out on the ground. She widened her eyes as she saw his chest was bleeding. I could feel a slight worry in her for him, all the anger she used to hold around him fading away when she saw the look on our faces.

"I'm so sorry Castrian," she whispered and pulled me into a tight hug. "I should've let you go outside your room more! Y-you can be friends with Luca if that's what you really want," she told me quickly then kissed my cheek. "Just please don't run off from me again!" She started to cry and held me close. "You're my precious baby!" Richard was quickly by Luca, looking at his chest with worry then looked at Paris.

"It barely missed his stone," he whispered then pulled Luca into his arms who was still trembling in fear. I nodded towards my mom and buried my face into her neck and started to cry as I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"I wont leave you again, I promise." I whispered softly to her.

"Luca will be okay," Paris said as he walked up and knelt down by him, biting into his wrist and started to feed Luca some of his blood. "Here, drink up and this will help you heal. Today is the family reunion boys. I hope you don't plan on missing it." Luca weakly drank some of the blood but didn't take too much as his chest started to heal. He broke out into tears and quickly hugged Paris when he finally started to look a little better.

"Daddy, I'm so sorry. I love you, daddy. Please forgive me," he begged him and buried his face into Paris's chest. Richard smiled softly as he watched them, giving Paris an encouraging look. My mother looked towards them as she held me close, running her fingers through my hair soothingly. I could feel her stone pulsing strongly, helping me calm down as she kissed my cheek. I sniffled as I listened to her calming stone, trying to block out all the other feelings except from my mother. I clung to her, wanting to only feel her feelings.

"It's okay Luca, you're forgiven." Paris told him and rubbed his head. "You've learned your lesson about running away, yes?" He asked. Luca nodded quickly, shaking.

"Y-yes daddy.... I won't run away again," he promised him and looked up at Paris. "Daddy, I missed you so much," he whimpered and then curled up to him. My mother smiled a little at that and kissed the top of my head then leaned in towards my ear.

"If you love him, my sweet baby Castrian, then I won't stop you from being with him," she whispered to me. "I want you to be as happy as you can be." She looked me in the eyes and gave a soft, loving purr. "I won't be angry with him being around you anymore." She gently touched my neck where he had marked me. "He isn't corrupt...." She gave me a sweet smile then and kissed my cheek. "I love you so much~"

"I love you too mommy," I mumbled. "You're not going to stop us from seeing each other?" I asked, looking into her eyes and felt better from her feelings. Paris started to run his fingers through Luca's hair to calm him.

"Let's go home." Paris whispered to Luca. Luca nodded quickly and held onto him tightly.

"Okay daddy," he whispered and then looked towards Richard expectantly. Richard smiled and walked up, hugging them both as he kissed Luca on top of the head then kissed Paris's lips. My mother purred softly and picked me up, teleporting us into her bedroom back at the manor. She sat me down on the bed and kissed my cheek.

"No baby, I'm not going to stop you from seeing him," she told me with a loving look. "If he is the one you truly love, your mate from Fate, then I'm not going to stop you two from being together," she promised me and held my hands in hers as she sat next to me on the bed. "However, I want to warn you first... things I've never told you before...." She looked me in the eyes, giving my hands a squeeze. "About Luca... though it won't ever probably affect you and Luca now."

"What about Luca?" I asked her. "It's the reason why you feel on edge around him isn't it?" I asked curiously. She hesitated before she gave a nod and then sighed.

"Yes, it is.... I've never really... told you about my life before I met your father, but I had made some bad choices... and one of them was made so long ago...." She bit her bottom lip. "Luca... had a previous life... that he can't remember. You remember having an imaginary friend named Dante, right? That was Luca. Hachi gave him a new chance at life because Dante was a dead pureblood. Now, what I tell you, you are not to repeat or hold over his head, got me? He's completely different. He's not even Dante anymore in my opinion. He doesn't act like him... he just looks like him. Luca is wholly and completely yours if he's your mate," she told me quickly. "I'm just telling you this so that way you can understand why I didn't want him near you. I am okay with it now because I can see that he is clearly not like Dante at all."

"Why would you even bring this up to me then?" I asked her. "Luca isn't that guy you're talking about and he never will be mommy." I shook my head. "I love him." She smiled and kissed my cheek.

"I know you love him.... I was going to explain why I was against it... but you're right.... There's no point in it. I'd rather not stain your opinion of him," she told me sweetly and then kissed the top of my head. "Just... if you ever find out about his past life... then please don't blame him."

"I won't look upon him differently," I whispered to her and curled up to her pillow, giving a small smile as I caught my parent's scents on the bed. She purred as she watched me then laid down beside me, kissing my cheek as she pulled me into her arms.

"I love you Castrian," she told me softly. "You're such a good son... and you'll make a good mate for him too.... Your daddy will be happy when I tell him you're home." I nodded and rested my head against her.

"I love you too mommy," I whispered. "Can Luca move into my room?" I asked softly. "We're mates after all." She gave a sigh and then nodded.

"Luca may move into your room if he agrees to it," she told me. "Or you can move into his."

"Really?" I asked her, feeling overwhelmingly happy. "I can't wait to tell him we're moving in together." I hugged her. She giggled and kissed my cheek.

"That's great~! You better be happy," she purred, her golden eyes watching me in amusement. "Don't be like your father and shun your mate for a long time, okay?"

"He doesn't shun you...." I mumbled. "He just has other things on his mind." I promised her.

"No I meant before you were born baby.... He was afraid of me," she told me and giggled. "Your daddy didn't like to have anyone touch him. He eventually got used to me."

"Glad I didn't inherit that..." I mumbled and laughed as I curled up to her. "Can we watch anime together?" I asked softly.

"Of course!" She quickly grabbed the remote from under a pillow and turned on the TV, putting on 91 Days for me.

Luca's POV:

I curled up to Paris as I glanced out of the corner of my eyes, seeing that Cassy was gone. I whimpered softly and then buried my face against my daddy. I missed him so much! I'm so happy he is forgiving me! Paris teleported us back to the manor and in my room, laying me down on the bed. "I've got to go downstairs to set up the party. Get some rest and come down later, okay?" He asked me. I looked up at him and reached out for him.

"Daddy... can I have a hug?" I asked him softly, knowing that I wouldn't see him for a bit. Daddy is always busy.... He nodded and gave me a tight hug.

"I love you Luca," He whispered in my ear. "Your brothers Shiloh and Rory are home by the way." He told me. I nodded and then kissed his cheek.

"I love you too daddy.... I'll be careful in the halls then if they're home," I mumbled, remembering things I've heard about them.

"I don't think you have to worry much about them," Paris told me. "I think they've calmed down since they went away for some alone time in France." Paris waved the subject off. "Luca, one day you might decide to leave me again. Hopefully when you are older and know more about the world. When that day comes I will be proud to help you move out on your own. Until then you should remain under my roof and learn as much as you can." He rubbed my head then started for the door. "Remember, we have a family reunion soon~" He ditched me then, closing the door behind him. I watched him go then slowly started to sneak out of my bed to go find Castrian if he wasn't busy. After wandering the halls for a few minutes, I caught Castrian's scent inside his mother's room, making me tense up. He's... in there.... Oh man.... Maybe I should go find something else to do? I glanced the door over before I started to walk off, heading towards the library to read Alice in Wonderland. I was really close to finishing it!

Louis's POV:

"Hey Ann," I purred, sneaking up behind her. Ann turned towards me quickly and crossed her arms.

"Louis," She purred and backed away from me. I smirked and leaned in, stealing a kiss.

"Brook has been ice skating all morning," I mumbled in her ear as I wrapped my arms around her waist. "She said she wants to show you her new routine before she showcases it next week...."

"Mhmm?" Ann wrapped her arms around me and laid her head on my chest. "I'll take a look at it when I get to it."

"Okay...." I kissed the top of her head and smiled. "She'll be so happy to hear that.... Oh, River has been writing his own song too... if you want to listen in on it sometime."

"Maybe," She sighed out. "I'm going to go downstairs and help Rose with decorations in the ball room."

"Really? Want me to come with you?" I smirked a bit and leaned my face down into her neck, giving it a soft kiss.

"No." She pulled back quickly. "Go do your own thing." She giggled. "I don't need you getting in the way." I laughed and gave her a nod.

"Okay sweetie," I purred and then teleported to check in on River. I hadn't seen him all morning.... I appeared in his room, a huge smile on my face. "Riveeeer~!" I looked towards his bed then froze up as the smell of blood reached me, River's blood.

I widened my eyes and quickly ran towards his bathroom where the smell was coming from, kicking the locked door in. "River!" I screamed as I saw him on the floor, a knife in his hands as blood dripped from his wrists. My poor baby.... I stood there in shock as I looked at it, my stone pulsing in my chest before I found myself running to him and pulling the knife away from him quickly as he had a blank look on his face and was starting to put it over his stone. "River, what the hell are you-" He looked at me and started to cry before he latched onto me, hugging me. I tensed up then pulled him into my arms. "Shhhh, daddy has you," I mumbled soothingly to him as I rubbed his back. "What were you thinking?" I asked him worriedly, trying to stay calm for him. WHY IS MY BABY BOY COMMITTING SUICIDE?! WHO THE HELL DID THIS TO HIM?! He trembled in my arms as he cried, clutching my shirt. Why can't he talk to me- I suddenly felt him touch my cheek and I was hit with all his pain, his depression. He knew he was different because he wouldn't talk, and he knew what the others thought about him, but he still kept smiles up around them, hearing their thoughts just as easily as his own. He'd hit his breaking point with his own mate who thought he was weird and wanted nothing to do with him.

I growled softly as I heard exactly what Rory thought through River's memories, that- why couldn't River just be happy they were cousins. He didn't know what to do and was tired of being rejected. I started to cry and held him close as I felt his pain like my own. "River, I swear to you that if they knew they were making you feel this way, they would be ashamed," I told him quickly. "I didn't know you were this upset, that they thought all this about you. I don't mind if you don't talk to me. You're my baby boy. Please... just be happy," I begged him softly and kissed his cheek. "Don't listen to them.... They don't know you like I do. You don't need Rory. He's trouble," I told him and kissed his cheek again. "Baby, you know that he is.... Please... if it comes down to it, your happiness or his... take yours. Reject him if you have to... just don't do this to yourself."

"Here kid," I heard Laurence say from behind me and sat a bottle of blood down in front of him. "Drink that." I looked back at Laurence and gave him a grateful smile.

"Thanks Laurence," I whispered as River reached for the bottle and shakily started to drink it. Laurence sat down by us and pulled River into his arms then kissed his forehead.

"Want me to tell you a secret?" He whispered to River. River looked up at Laurence then nodded a little before he leaned his head against Laurence, watching him as he gulped down another swallow of the blood. I relaxed as I saw his wrists starting to heal. It looks like they won't scar either.... That's good... Laurence started to rub River's head and leaned down into his ear, starting to whisper quietly to him.

River's POV:

My daddy watched us as Laurence leaned in towards my ear. The blood didn't taste that good... but I was to hungry to pass it up. Laurence's whispers were too quiet for me to understand but with his touch I began to imagine Rory sitting on his bed deep in thought and looking out the window with a distant look in his eyes. Something told me he was waiting for tonight. Waiting to give me his answer. If he was officially going to reject me or mark me as his. He was deciding and I could feel the joyous ecstasy of the mark and then the nothingness- the scary nothingness of the unknown after being rejected. It was up to his decision. His father was practically holding a dagger to his throat and making him decide by tonight. Laurence's whispering faded and he stopped showing me the present. "Would you like to know more?" He asked me. I looked up at him. He's... deciding tonight? He'll probably reject me... but I don't want to know if he does. I quickly shook my head no to him and curled up in his arms. I don't want to see my future.... I don't want to be rejected.... I'm tired of everyone secretly rejecting me.... I let out a soft whimper and took another sip of the bottle of blood. Maybe I should leave... before the nothingness gets me. I felt fear pulse through my stone at the thought of being consumed by the nothingness of mate rejection. "Are you positive you don't want to see his past?" Laurence asked. "It involves you." I frowned and looked up at him. His past? Is he talking about my memory of him when I was trying to find the piano when I was really little? I bit my bottom lip then nodded, curious about it. He leaned back in and started to whisper to me. I suddenly saw Rory holding a small baby in his arms- holding it out at arms length. It was me. He had saved me from the glass. Laurence leaned in closer to my ear and I watched as Rory had ditched me with his parents. His thoughts lingering on running away to make sure he'll never have to kill me to prove he doesn't want a mate. I caught glimpses of him killing past mates then as he imagined it. His thoughts lingered then on having to kill me and fear raging up in his chest from what might happen if he does. Then he announced he was leaving and before he left Paris had a talk with him. I couldn't hear what they were talking about since it faded away as soon as Laurence pulled back from my ear. "That'll be all I show you." I looked up at him with wide eyes and then looked at the bottled blood in my hand. He... really does feel that way about me. If he accepted me, wouldn't it be a lie then? I'd be living a lie with him.... I slowly took a sip of the blood before I looked back at Laurence and kissed his cheek to thank him, whether or not he just screwed up any idea of happiness I could've had. He only did what I asked... and it's up to me whether or not I choose to live the lie if the lie is offered to me. I felt my stone pulse in protest against me, trying to tell me that it wouldn't be a lie. "You can't ever show anyone what I told you," Laurence told me as he placed a finger against his lips. "It's our little secret, yes?" I looked up at him then blushed a little, giving a nod as I placed a finger over my lips. I wouldn't show anyone what he told me.... It's not mine to share. It's Rory's. Dad looked towards Laurence then at me before he smiled a little. I could feel his relief as he watched me.

"Thank you Laurence... for helping him," he whispered then looked back at Laurence. "You really are a big help around here."

"Who said I'm helping?" Laurence teased. "Maybe I just shared with him how he can kill himself and get away with it." A playful smirk lingered on his lips. Dad frowned at him.

"You wouldn't because Paris wouldn't be happy with you.... Plus you are apart of this family, and I doubt he'd be that okay looking after hearing how he can kill himself," my father mumbled.

"Are you sure?" Laurence chuckled. "I just told him a lullaby, don't worry about it Louis. You're right I wouldn't do anything to upset Paris." He started to walk off then. I watched him go then got to my feet before I looked down at my father, giving him a sweet smile. He laughed and got to his feet before he kissed my cheek.

"You okay, my sweet baby boy?" He asked me softly. I nodded, covering up that I was fearing tonight... Maybe I'll just... stay up here and drop in for a few minutes to make my dad and uncle happy..... He started to pull me towards the door then. "How about you let me hear your song again?" He whispered, looking over at me. I giggled at the thought of playing the piano then nodded quickly, holding onto him tightly. He teleported us down to the music room and sat me down on the piano, sitting beside me as he watched me start to immediately play my song I had been writing in my free time. I wanted my own song like Richard has his song.... I wanted one that was my whole soul and being put into a melody, one that was me, and just me, no one else. I was going to write more on it as I grew up, pieces of me from different times. Maybe... if I don't get rejected... I'll write the happiness I might have into the song.... I smiled softly at that, shaking my head. It probably won't happen... but even if my mate doesn't love me, I have the piano... my sister... my mother... my father... and my Uncle Richard and Paris.

"I hear someone is enjoying the piano," I heard from the doorway. It was Paris. "You're almost as gifted as Richard. Keep it up River." He shut the door, not coming in. I blushed and glanced back at the door before I kept playing....

~Time Skip~

My father gently led me into the ballroom, having dressed me in a black suit with a red tie. I whined a bit and adjusted the tie, not to happy about wearing it but doing it to make him happy. He had picked out my outfit and spent the entire day with me... which I was actually still really happy about. I was doing my best to conceal the bounce in my step as we walked into the ballroom. He had made me forget about Rory, but going into the ballroom made me realize that he was going to make his decision tonight.... I'll just avoid him.... I leaned my head against my father as he lead me over to a table and handed me a glass of warm blood that was sitting out then got himself one. I smiled sweetly and took a sip of it, melting at the taste. It was so much better than bottled blood. I was suddenly yawned away from my dad.

"Ri-" I heard Castrian begin to say my name but froze up and let me go quickly, clutching his chest for a few minutes like he was trying to calm down. "River..." He looked me over like he knew something. I frowned and looked at him, tilting my head. What's the matter with him? I caught my dad watching out of the corner of his eyes, but he sighed and then kissed my cheek, walking off to let me listen to others instead of hanging around me. I frowned as I watched him go, seeing him heading for mommy. He gave me a huge smile suddenly. "River you should come hang out with me." He suggested. "Luca wants to see you too." He looked towards Luca, Lien, and Liam. "Come on, wanna hang out with us?" He asked. I blushed a little and looked towards them then at Castrian before I nodded quickly. I was going to make friends somehow. I smiled at Castrian and then took his hand, leading him over to his friends to join them. Castrian wrapped his arms around my body and gave me a small hug on the way there. The ball room seemed to be filling up by the minute with the faces of our family. Luca looked over at us as we approached and smiled towards Castrian.

"Cassy," he said sweetly and held out a hand towards him. Liam laughed as he watched Luca then leaned against Lien, making Lien's ears flick as he looked down at Liam then purred. Castrian tackles Luca into a hug and kissed his cheek.

"Luca," Castrian purred. I giggled as I watched them. Luca quickly hugged Castrian and kissed the top of his head. I smiled as I finally realized Castrian's new scent. He got marked by Luca huh? They must be mates.... I took a sip of my drink then.

"Alright you two lovebirds," Lien teased them, giving a playful smirk. Castrian pulled back and bounced off towards a table, picking up a tea cup and started to drink from it as he walked back.

"I feel a lot of love in this room," Castrian mumbled into the tea cup by us. "It's so romantic." Luca purred as he watched him then leaned in towards his ear, starting to whisper in it. I widened my eyes as I started to hear his thoughts and quickly shut it down, not wanting to know. Castrian's face reddened as he listened to Luca's whispers.

"LET'S START THIS OFF EARLY SHALL WE? WE'RE ALL HERE AFTER ALL!" I heard Paris say from the stage with the Piano. His sister Rose and his mate Richard was right by him. Nikolai walked up to join them.

"You're supposed to let me announce this," Nikolai groaned.

"I'm head of the house," Paris shot.

"I'm king of vampires," Nikolai snapped.

"Hmmmm.... true." I heard the whole room getting silent. "So why are we here Nikolai?"

"Rose?" Nikolai asked.

"I'm here to announce that I am handing my throne down." Rose told us quickly. "I'm stepping down from being the ruler of France. I barely visit it- I spend most my time here. I decided to hand it over to someone that'll use it."

"ME!?" Donnie asked in excitement. "YAS! I GET A THRONE!"

"No." Rose told him, making him calm down and start to pout. "Anyways I'm handing the throne over to my son Alistair." Paris started to clap then.

"Aw I'm so proud of you Alistair." Paris gave a smile. I heard everyone else start to clap for them.

"We'll discuss this later tonight on officially signing you off as prince," Rose told him. "Well everyone enjoy the family reunion." I watched Alistair for a few minutes, hearing a few people's thoughts being relieved about him leaving the manor.... Cold. He was one of the ones that couldn't accept me though. I looked down to my glass and took a sip of it as Lien and Liam started talking again, saying something about spells that Lien was looking at in his spell book. They all stepped off the stage to join us then and talking picked up. Castrian looked around the room in a small daze as soon as the thoughts started up. He looked a bit dizzy. I frowned as I looked towards him and then walked up, gently putting a hand on his shoulder to try to help calm him as I started to give him small things like me playing the piano today to help him block the others out. If he wanted to feel them... he'd pull away from me. I only know about his power because he thinks about it every once in awhile. It has to be rough feeling everyone's emotions. Emotions are stronger than thoughts.... Castrian gave me a smile and pulled me into a hug.

"Thanks River," He whispered in my ear. He looked around at everyone then looked towards Luca. "Luca, I'm a bit tired." He told him, faking a yawn. Luca looked over at him and then smiled.

"Want to go to bed early?" He asked him softly and snuck up to Castrian's side, wrapping an arm around Castrian's waist. I quickly took my hand back from him to avoid getting caught in this. Castrian wrapped his arms around Luca and hopped up into his arms, wrapping his legs around his waist then laid his head on his shoulder.

"Uh-huh." He nodded quickly.

"Okay," Luca purred and started to carry Castrian out of the room. I watched them go then pouted a bit but understood what Castrian was up to- getting away from all the emotions while he could. I sighed and looked over at Lien and Liam before I started to wander off, going towards a window to peek outside as I heard Uncle Richard playing on the piano. I felt an arm snatch me quickly and pull me into a set of arms that wrapped around me tightly. I felt his face lean into my neck and bite me suddenly, beginning to mark me as I caught Rory's scent. I yelped and squeezed my eyes shut, tensing up in shock before I melted against him and softly moaned, almost dropping the glass in my hands. W-what is he.... I blushed and looked towards him. He... He marked me? He held me close to him as he refused to take out his fangs, letting his venom enter my veins. I heard the room start to fall silent as people looked our way. I widened my eyes and shrunk against Rory, slightly embarrassed then hid my face against him. I heard a small crash as my glass fell out of my hands, hitting the floor then shattering. He started to drink my blood then, getting a little greedy before pulling back and licked his lips.

"You're sleeping with me for eternity," He whispered in my ear. "I have the maids moving your things as we speak. You're now my mate." He pulled back from my ear and looked towards the others staring us down. "Got a problem?" He asked them. I blushed and looked towards them as I rubbed my neck. He really marked me.... I could hear a few people laugh a little.

"No," Owen shouted and started to laugh. "About time you took a mate Rory!" He teased.

"I'll mark you next," Rory threatened.

"You wouldn't because dad would get you," Owen said and smirked. I bit my bottom lip before I knelt down and started to pick up the broken pieces of glass only to have a maid rush up to me to do it for me. I frowned and watched her, but she shook her head and gave me a smile.

"I got it," she whispered to me. She's nice.... I smiled and then stood back up, deciding to let her get it instead of fight her on it. I looked towards Rory then and tried to hold back a sweet smile, but I couldn't help it. He actually marked me.... He didn't reject me! Rory looked me over and gave a playful smirk.

"You're coming home with me to France," He whispered. I widened my eyes at that and rubbed my arm nervously. Leave home? I didn't think about that.... I looked towards my dad who was watching, but he smiled and gave me an encouraging nod. I blushed and then looked around for my mommy, seeing my sister giggling with her friends excitedly as they watched us. My mom was standing by Castrian's mommy and gave me a small smile like she approved of any decision I made. Rory grabbed my arm and started to tug me towards the door. I yelped but didn't fight him. I'll have to visit home frequently if I let him take me to France. He started to pull me out of the ball room and towards the main stairs to go up them and towards Paris's hall where we took an elevator up to the top floor. He was taking me to his-our bedroom. I blushed as I figured out where he was taking me then went to pull my hand back, shying a little. I wasn't used to going to someone else's room besides my parent's and my sister's rooms. He looked towards me and glared me down. "You're my mate now River and we'll do the acts of love together rather you want to or not." I widened my eyes and felt a shiver go through me, feeling slightly afraid of him as he glared at me. His eyes softened. "Do I frighten you?" He wondered. I bit my bottom lip before I relaxed and then leaned my head against his chest. He could've rejected me, but he didn't.... He probably didn't mean to scare me.... I smiled and looked up at him then shook my head no. He looked me over and smirked. "Good. Don't be afraid of me. I'm just going to enslave you as my mate for all of eternity." I blushed and pulled back slightly then rubbed my cheek. Enslave? What does he mean by that? Being mates isn't enslaving, right? He grabbed my wrist and started to pull me towards the end of the hall. I followed after him slowly, trailing my free hand over the bite mark on my neck as it was healing a little. I watched him and then glanced behind me, wondering what was happening at the party before I looked back at my mate. He pulled me into a bedroom that smelled very much like Shiloh, Keegan, and Hiko as well as him. He shut the door behind us and started for the bed. I watched him and then glanced around the room before I wandered towards the window and looked outside at the woods lining the property. Maybe the wolves are running out there again.... I smiled a bit and then giggled, remembering the last time I had seen a wolf run by the house. It was pretty, that's for sure... but he seemed to be in such a big hurry, running in the direction of the river. I heard Rory pulling off his clothes, getting down to his boxers. "River come lay down in bed." I glanced over my shoulder at him then blushed as I saw him pretty much almost naked. I shifted nervously then slowly started walking over to him, sitting down on the edge of bed then glanced around the room before I kicked my shoes off and then curled up on the bed. "You don't want to loose some more clothes?" He asked as he started to crawl into the bed and yanked me to him. I yelped and blushed, sitting up quickly. "Take off a few layers." He watched me as he laid down on his back. He's not trying to be a perv... right? I watched him for a few seconds before I looked down at my clothes and then started to pull my jacket off, setting it aside then started to pull my tie off, unbuttoning my shirt a little to make it more comfortable. He closed his eyes, seeming to ignore me now. I relaxed and then smiled softly before I folded my jacket up and then sat it on the nightstand, putting the tie on top of it then crawled up to the top of the blanket and started to get under it. I glanced over at Rory and giggled a little before I curled up then reached over, gently touching his arm to use my powers to tell him goodnight. He looked towards me and leaned in towards my face, giving me a kiss on my cheek.

"Good night," He whispered. "You're not a child anymore, you understand?" He asked. "You're my mate and you're going to grow strong for me or I will lock you up in a tower to keep you safe." I nodded and gave him a sweet smile before I moved closer and curled up against him. I'll try to be a strong mate for him then. I kissed his cheek and then laid my head on his chest, letting out a soft sigh. He ran his hand around me then and up my shirt, across my spine. His other hand grabbed my wrist I had been cutting up earlier and he leaned in, giving it a kiss. I blushed and looked up towards him as a shiver ran through me from his touch. I gasped a bit and then looked into his eyes. He looked my wrist over then let it go and looked into my eyes. "I can feel the blade still crossing your skin," He hissed. I yelped and shrunk against him. H-he knows? I pulled my wrist close to me and held it. "Yeah, I know." He told me sharply. "I specialize in weapons. I can connect with them in ways no one will be able to understand. I can feel it gliding across your skin. You ever do that again to yourself and I'll punish you." I felt my eyes sting a little, but I gave him a nod, not wanting to do it again anyways. The hurt on my dad's face... and the fact that Rory still accepted me after what he thought. I looked at him then curled up, deciding to show him that I knew what he originally thought of me, giving him my memories of when I took him to the library and what I heard in his thoughts. He sighed when the visions finished. "You don't know anything," He mumbled. "You're my soul mate. I was selfish with the others and murdered them. I would've murdered you too if it wasn't for the fact that you're apart of this family. Now I'll just have to accept you. You're going to be my mate. You better be worthy too. If you want a mate you've got to be worthy for me first. Cutting your wrist is not worthiness. You're going to become my ideal mate. You were made for me. Only me. That means you've got to step up your game to interest me." His fangs sharpened. "It doesn't matter if we're related... if we're cousins. It doesn't matter that you were dead at birth. You're here to be mine. That is your purpose and I've accepted you. You're living for me now." I felt my stone pulse strongly and I smiled before I kissed his cheek quickly. It doesn't matter if we're related? I laughed a little in relief, feeling a weight being taken off me from him telling me that it didn't matter that we were related and that I was a stillborn baby. I looked into his eyes and then hugged him.

"Okay," I whispered, finally saying something. He tensed up and looked me directly in the eyes.

"You're already..." He smiled. "Meeting my expectations." He leaned in and kissed my lips softly. "Keep it up." I blushed and looked at him, gently touching my lips. He kissed me.... I looked towards his lips longingly then leaned in and kissed him back. He pulled back from the kiss and placed his fingers on my lips. "No." He told me sternly. I frowned at him then sharpened my fangs slightly before I gently scraped one against his finger to mess with him. He pulled his finger back. "Kisses are rewards." I looked up at him and pouted a little at him but sighed and then laid my head against his chest. I could hear his stone and heart together, beating and pulsing. It was beautiful. I could imagine playing the piano with it. I smiled and looked towards him before I lightly started to tap my fingers on the bed like I would on the piano, trying to figure out a melody to put Rory in my song. I could hear him starting to drift off to sleep under me. I paused and looked towards him then glanced at the door, wondering if he'd be mad if I wandered to the music room to play.... No... I should stay. I looked up at Rory and then closed my eyes with a soft smile, deciding to run off to the music room in the morning. He'd eventually try to run off from me. I yawned as I started to fall asleep, drifting off to dream land with my mate by my side.

Paris's POV:

I pulled a bottle of blood out from the fridge, hearing someone screaming on the upper hall. I frowned and tensed up. The alarm went off suddenly and I turned to look at Richard quickly. It was too early in the morning to be having a break in. I frowned as I heard my army brats coming out of the basement in a rush. Richard was on edge, looking towards the door and was already starting for it, grabbing a kitchen knife on his way. I followed after him, getting tensed. The alarm turned off almost as quickly as we made it up the stairs and I heard muttering coming down the hall. Richard frowned and then started after the muttering quickly. I followed him, getting worried. We came across a part of the hall where some windows were broken and the wind was blowing the curtains. There was blood everywhere and some of the maids was glancing out the window. Richard widened his eyes and then screamed, dropping the knife before he ran towards the blood then knelt down beside a body. "E-Ezra," he whimpered and I suddenly recognized the scent as one of my sons. I ran towards the both of them, feeling my stone pulse in panic. I widened my eyes and felt Laurence appear by me suddenly, looking at the body as it started to crumble, like the stone wasn't inside anymore. Laurence grabbed Richard and yawned him back as the ashes forming caught on fire. Laurence let out a sigh of relief as he looked towards him.

"Close call," he whispered. Richard stood there wide eyed, trembling in shock as he watched our son's body dying. I could tell he couldn't even hear Laurence. I looked towards Laurence, slowly narrowing my eyes.

"Laurence," I hissed. "Why?" I asked him.

"Huh?" He asked me as I attacked him.

"DID YOU KNOW?!" I asked him.

"No! I don't know and I didn't!" He shook his head. "I don't know this time who done it Paris!" I grabbed a shard of glass and placed it against his throat. His eyes widened and I felt shadows grab my ankle and yank me away from him. He disappeared through shadows and was gone. I was suddenly dropped. I heard a scream then and Yolo ran up to the ashes with Bowie, their cries becoming noticeable. The whole house was crying around me. I couldn't protect.... another one of my children from death. Richard put a hand over his mouth and then shut his eyes, looking away as he finally started to snap out of it and started to cry, trembling. I looked towards the window then, trying to understand what happened. How could this happen!? Richard's eyes landed on the window and he glanced from the ashes to the window before he slowly started to walk over to it, looking out then looked back at everyone, starting to take note of who was there. I looked around, almost everyone was down here due to the alarms. We were all awake. I caught the look on Castrian's face- it was pure horror and he was backing up slowly through the crowd. Luca quickly shielded him, pulling him into a hug to protect him the best he could from the sight. Richard looked towards me and I saw him clench his fists, starting to look angry. It was an outsider Richard.... Suspecting a family member will do us no good. Perhaps hunters again? They're supposed to be extinct. He turned to look back out the window, starting to look for possibilities out there again as he crossed his arms. I could see his shoulders still slightly shaking. I looked out the window, teleporting outside to be below it and smelled the air. There was no trace of scent. I could feel Richard watching me for a few seconds and then heard him moving away from the window to let me look around as he started to take care of what was going on inside, doing his best to try to calm the others down. I walked towards the woods, eyeing the tree line. There wasn't a break in. There was a sniper. I looked it over and then teleported to the edge of the woods where I searched for a scent, finding nothing there. Whatever that was here is smart enough to not get caught. I teleported back into the hallway with Richard. I bent down towards the ashes and started to lock away my feelings as I shuffled through the burnt ash to look for a bullet. I found a small metal piece that belonged to one and I stood up, examining it better. Richard looked towards me then walked up, looking at the piece in my hand then narrowed his eyes. He looked across the crowd then spotted Raven, waving her over. She tensed up then walked over quickly.

"Raven... take a look at what Paris has then go search the weapons database to see what it belongs to. Memorize it, okay?" He asked her and watched as she gave a nod then looked at the piece in my hand before she pulled out her phone and took a picture of it and started to walk off.

"Don't need to memorize it if I have a picture," she whispered and went through the crowd towards the weapons room to search our computers in there. Rory started towards me quickly and pulled the bullet from my hand and froze up, looking out the window and into the woods then tossed the piece back to me and started down the hall.

"River! We're going to bed." He snapped. River yelped and looked at Rory then slowly started to follow after him, looking confused. "The bullet wasn't shot with a gun," He said calmly over his shoulder. "It was made to be an illusion like he was shot." He pulled River closer. "I'm going back to bed." River sniffled and then leaned his head against Rory before he hugged him, glancing at the ashes with sad eyes before he hid his face and started to tug Rory away. Richard tensed up and looked towards me before he walked up and took my hand. I clenched my jaw as I watched Rory leaving. At least he offered what he knew instead of leaving without saying anything. He does care.

"I'm going to extend my stay here before going to France," Alistair spoke up quickly. "In case something bad is going to happen here. I'll be able to help fight if needed. Shiloh, Sage, Star, and Astrid will stay as long as I do. Most likely Rory and River will as well."

"You don't have to stay here. You can go to France," I told him quickly. "It might be better. Less targets. No offense. Please leave while you can and stay safe on your trip." I turned towards Richard. "Richard," I mumbled and leaned in, giving him a kiss on the lips. "I thought I could keep this family safe, but there is always someone wanting to kill us." I muttered to him. "I'm so sorry for our curse." At this point it seems like we'll always have someone breathing down our neck and a sword of damoclease will forever be above our heads. I started down the hall, clutching the piece of the bullet in my hand. There is something wrong with this world. No matter what I do there is always going to be blood and death. Maybe that's the curse of my lineage. Death knocks at our door. I lost Ezra because I was careless, thinking that we were finally safe. We'll never be safe. Yes that's the way to look at it Paris. You're already damned and you just didn't know it until now. Unleash your demonic side and never return to the light. If you stay in the dark and alert you'll cut off the breathing down your neck and take the sword of damoclease into your own hands. My eyes glazed over red as I looked towards a maid standing nearby then started for her, grabbing her by her arms and bit down into her neck, beginning my blood binge.

Wings spread.

Fangs are exposed.

Horns are grown.

Goodbye sanity.

It felt like something was grabbing me and taking me over.

Hello my old friend.