Leaving The Manor

Castrian's POV:

It's been a week since we found Ezra's body- more like ashes on fire. I couldn't handle the manor anymore. I stayed locked up in my room-I was sharing it with Luca now, shaking in a corner, and refusing to go out there to deal with the emotions. Paris wasn't himself anymore. The loving male I grew to love had vanished. Like a switch. He had grown wings and horns... his hair had changed color. He was stained with blood. His emotions frightened me. When he switched Richard was quick to follow. The manor was changing around me. No one left. We all stayed here, frightened to leave. Paris might bite us for trying to leave his safe nest. My chest ached because my stone knew everyone's feelings. Every once in a while I could hear a maid screaming from being drained to death by Paris. I could sense the fear in the other kid's hearts. We had never witnessed this side of Paris. It's like he was preparing to hold the house up before it crumbled like Ezra's corpse did. Mr. Trunks was starting to become my only comfort from the emotions that radiated from the pureblood's stones.

I wanted to scream, and tell everyone to stop. "Stop feeling. Stop. Just stop. I can't handle it anymore. Stop your emotions.... Stop," I begged to the unknown. Their emotions was eating me alive with my own. I couldn't tell the difference between mine and theirs. It was like that night at the family reunion in the ball room. The only time I got a break was in my sleep where I had nightmares.... Nightmares of Paris's emotions eating us all alive. Bit by bit. Consuming us. It's only been one week but it felt like a year of torture for me. Living through everyone's emotions. I'm not even sure if I can handle this tomorrow. Luca watched me from the bed, looking depressed. He didn't know how to help me, but he tried more than a few times, whispering sweet things and trying to make me feel better. He was slowly starting to stay on the bed though, either watcing me or looking blankly outside. I wrapped my arms around Mr. Trunks and looked towards the table in my room, imagining a tea party at it. After a few more minutes, Luca slowly started to get out of bed and walked over to me, sitting down in front of me before he pulled me into a hug then scratched at his neck, making it bleed. He winced then looked towards me with a loving look.

"Please eat," he begged me, moving his hand away from his neck for me. "Please Cassy...." I looked towards his neck and then looked towards his chest where his stone was. I know he was sad, he didn't know how to handle me. Depression consumed him and ate away at the both of us. I crawled into his arms, tossing Mr. Trunks to the side and curled up to him. He quickly wrapped me up in his arms and kissed the top of my head. "I love you Cassy," he whispered and then buried his face into my hair. "Please... you need to eat.... Drink from me. I'll be fine," he mumbled.

"I love you too.." I mumbled. I leaned in towards his neck but hesitated, afraid I'd fall like Paris if I drunk blood. I'd just disappear as quick as he did. I looked away from his neck quickly. He shook his head and then ran his fingers through my hair.

"Don't starve yourself.... You won't turn into my daddy if you feed," he whispered soothingly. "You love my blood.... Don't do this to yourself." I nodded slowly and leaned in towards his neck, starting to cry a little in fear. I felt like every drop of blood would be a challenge for me. I licked up the blood running down his neck then started to drink his blood, sucking his wound. He purred a little and rubbed my back, smiling encouragingly. I could feel relief flooding through him as I drank from him. I relaxed against him, taking in his emotion of relief and started to close my eyes, feeling at peace. I felt him pick me up then and carried me over to the bed before he sat me down on it and then kissed my cheek, crawling over me. "Are you feeling a little better?" He asked me sweetly. I could feel all his love for me in his emotions as he watched me. I nodded slowly and grabbed him, pulling him closer to me. I licked my lips and looked towards Mr. Trunks who was laying on the floor. He purred and tilted his head, exposing his neck more for me in case I wanted more. I felt him lean his face into the crook of my neck and he gently bit down, starting to mark me again- the first time he did it since Paris went crazy. I let out a small moan and melted against the bed under him. Right now..... the emotions outside of this room was silent. This was more louder to me. More passinate and caring. Something I needed. He smiled against me and then started to give me a love bite on his mark, trailing his hands down my sides lightly. I widened my eyes and grabbed his hands, stopping him.

"Luca?" I asked softly. He paused and then pulled back from my neck before he looked down into my eyes.

"Not now?" He asked me quietly and then gently gave my lips a kiss before he looked back into my eyes. 

"One of your brothers just died...." I mumbled. "I don't think we should..." I looked away from him, feeling my eyes water. He nodded and kissed my cheek.

"Okay," he whispered and then laid down beside me, pulling me close. "I was hoping to cheer you up some more," he mumbled and then kissed my forehead. "I love you Cassy.... I hope you know that...." I nodded and hid my face against his chest.

"I wish I could turn it off..." I mumbled and grabbed the cross against my chest as well as the necklace Lien gave me.

"I know sweetie," he whispered and then started to rub my back to help me feel better. I could feel him using his emotions to try to calm me down. I looked towards the table at a glass of water on it then looked towards my bathroom door. I just want to sleep through this year of sadness. He held me close and softly hummed a lullaby in my ear, kissing my cheek. I started to feel tired as he hummed to me the lullaby. It was so soothing. I felt him run his hands through my hair, starting to play with it as he closed his eyes and leaned his head against my forehead, his feelings calm and happy as he laid beside me. I sat up a bit and let out a small yawn. He frowned and stopped humming as he watched me. "Why're you getting up?" He asked me and then reached up for me. I blushed and laid back down, resting my head against him.

"I don't know....." I mumbled, letting out a yawn. He purred and kissed my neck softly before he curled up to me.

"Maybe we can sneak out for a bit later... tonight when they all go to sleep? We could go see a movie in town together," he mumbled.

"Really?" I asked him and nodded quickly. "Please let's go." He smiled huge then nodded.

"We'll go when they fall asleep so we don't risk daddy telling us we can't leave," he told me sweetly.

"He never sleeps," I mumbled and shivered.

"He has sex with dad every couple of hours though.... We can sneak out when he goes for it... and everyone else is sleeping," he whispered and looked me in the eyes. I blushed and nodded. How does he know that... He smiled and stole a kiss for me before he pulled his phone out of his pocket and started to set an alarm on it for nine pm. "We'll go for it when this goes off."

"What if we get caught sneaking out?" I asked him softly. He bit his bottom lip and looked up at me.

"Well... we'll make a break for it then sneak back in," he whispered and then kissed my cheek. "We're going on that date."

"Are you positive?" I asked him and looked towards the door.

"Daddy isn't in here yet telling us we can't go," he said sweetly and then gave me a big smile. "If he was really against it or paying attention, he'd bust in here and tell us no." I nodded and hid my face against him. He laughed and then kissed the top of my head before he relaxed and started to take a nap. I watched him falling asleep against me then started to slide away from him slowly. He curled up to himself as I got away and hugged his sides, smiling softly in his sleep. I slipped out of bed and looked towards the door then started for it slowly. When I reached the door I cracked it open to look out into the hall. I could faintly see my mom down the hall, disappearing around a corner. I walked out slowly to go after her and shut the door behind me.

"Mom?" I asked. She tensed up and looked back at me with wide eyes.

"C-Castrian?" She asked softly. It looked like she hadn't brushed her hair out for a few days. I could see a haunted look in her eyes.

"Mommy..." I mumbled. I haven't ever seen her like this... I started to tear up. She quickly shook her head then walked up, pulling me into a hug.

"Shhh," she whispered to me and kissed my cheek. "You're safe. I promise." I wrapped my arms around her neck and rested my head on her shoulder.

"Momma...." I whispered. "You look restless..." I reached up and moved some of her hair behind her ear. She pulled back a little to look at me and tried to smile.

"I'll be fine," she mumbled. "It's just the atmosphere." I nodded in agreement.

"I know how you feel..." More then she could ever imagine. Emotions are so strong to me. She took a deep breath and sighed.

"It's just a small relapse," she admitted and then kissed my cheek. "I'm trying, but it isn't helping that I don't have the others to keep me from relapsing anymore. Paris, Richard, and your father helped me, but Paris and Richard aren't going to... and your father is so busy...." I nodded slowly.

"What about me?" I asked her softly. I could try helping her. "Mommy don't turn into something like Richard and Paris," I whispered softly. "I don't want to lose you." She gave me a sweet look and kissed my forehead.

"I'm trying my best not to. I worked hard to get where I am.... Put your safety first though," she told me and then ran her fingers through my hair. "My sweet boy.... I'm so glad to see you out of your room. I was getting worried."

"It's scary out here...." I mumbled. "The sea of emotions..." I shook my head. "I only came out here to make sure that the apocalypse hasn't started."

"No, not yet," she joked and then grabbed my hand. "How about we get some ice cream downstairs? Just you and me?" I nodded and gave her hand a squeeze then started to pull her towards the kitchen.  She giggled and followed me quickly to the kitchen, getting us bowls as we got there. She pulled out the ice cream and then made us two sundaes, humming softly to herself. I watched her making us bowls of ice cream and bit my bottom lip. She slid me my bowl when she finished and then picked hers up, starting to eat it. She melted at the first mouthful and then looked at me. "This is great~!" I grabbed my bowl then started to eat the ice cream, pleased with the taste. "It's been awhile since I've had ice cream," she purred and then looked at me with a sweet smile.

"I don't remember when I last had ice cream," I admitted. She sat down at the counter and patted the seat beside her.

"We should do this more often," she told me, giving me a loving look as she took another bite of her ice cream. I sat down with her and nodded.

"Yeah," I gave her a sweet smile.

"You should check in on your dad too, so he knows you're alright," she whispered thoughtfully and then kissed my cheek. "He's probably worried too...."

"Yeah I'll see about doing that mommy..." I nodded towards her. I'm not going to visit him until these emotions die down. She smiled and then ate another bite of her ice cream.

"Good... So how is Luca doing?" She asked me and watched me. "He's been cooped up in your room with you this whole time...."

"Full of emotions," I whispered. She frowned and then looked down at her bowl with a sigh.

"You know.... I do have... an apartment in town if you want to use it with Luca... to get away from the emotions. I'll explain to Paris." She glanced over at me out of the corner of her eyes. "You'd be able to relax...."

"I don't want to leave you," I grabbed her arm quickly. "Will you come with me?" She bit her bottom lip and looked a little afraid to.

"Honey... I'm dangerous... I don't want to hurt you if I did go with you... or hurt Luca. I used to stay in an insane asylum a few centuries ago.... You haven't seen me at my worst."

"I'm afraid that if I go without you...." I whispered. "I'll come back and not have a mother anymore." She took a few minutes and then gave a slight nod.

"We can try... but you're going to carry a gun."

"Maybe daddy can come too?" I asked her. She laughed at that thought and then shook her head.

"I doubt he'd leave, but he might if I tell him that we're all going with or without him. Let me ask him." She pulled out her phone and started to text him, taking a bite of her ice cream. I watched her and then finished up my ice cream.

"What are you two discussing over a bowl of ice cream?" I heard Paris asking from the door way. I froze up quickly as the wave of- what I can only describe as monsterous emotions hit me. He was horrible.... I could feel him wanting to kill and feed. I could feel his hunger for blood... His hate for the killer.... the loss of his son. The sexual pleasures he's gained from Richard recently.... and insanity. I turned my head to look towards him as I felt fear rising up in my chest as I felt how he was feeling. Raven looked towards him calmly and gave him a sweet smile.

"Why? Want some Paris?" She teased him then got to her feet. "I'm taking Castrian into town along with Luca for a little while. Castrian isn't feeling well, and Luca refuses to leave his side which is sweet, so I'm going to be a good mommy to him and take him where he can get better. We'll be back soon." Paris started to walk towards us then and leaned across us towards the counter and grabbed her bowl of ice cream then took a bite, giving the bowl back to her.

"Raven~" He looked her over. "Why don't you just tell me what's really the problem." He looked towards me then. "Castrian? Would you like to tell me instead?" I looked into his red piercing eyes. Usually he wears green contacts but.... He's not wearing them anymore to hide his eye color. It changes by his emotions. I backed up in my seat and shook my head no. Raven watched him then hugged me, kissing the top of my head.

"He's only a baby Paris. He's just afraid, and he has to feel the other's emotions as well. He's not used to this, so I'm taking him where it's more normal to help him calm down. That's all this is," she purred towards Paris. "You know we'll come back."

"Castrian you don't have to be afraid of me," Paris leaned in and gave my head a kiss. "As long as you're not the killer." He pulled back. "You can go though if you really think it'll help you. One day you'll have to deal with everyone's emotions. You should stay and learn how to control your powers and silence the emotions swarming around you like bees." He looked towards the doorway. "I know you're not the killer though. So go ahead and run off to town. It's probably safer there. I'd be upset if I lost anymore loved ones." Raven smiled at him then looked at me.

"See, he's not so scary," she whispered in my ear. "Unless you're his target, then you run like hell. He's a really good friend, but if you're still scared, then we'll go."

"I've got to go catch a rat," Paris muttered and disappeared. I looked towards my mom and rubbed under my eyes. She gave a slight frown and then sat back down beside me.

"What's the matter sweetie?" She asked me softly, rubbing my cheek.

"His emotions..." I whispered, still feeling them lingering around me. She frowned then kissed my cheek.

"Yeah... he's pretty bad right now, isn't he? I don't know what it's like to lose a child, but I know I'd kill whoever even hurt you... so I bet he's going through a rough time right now. I'd probably be helping him if this was the past, but I'm so busy trying to make sure you're okay and keep your father happy and healthy while he works. He'd overwork himself if I let him.... I mean, I could go help Paris too... but I'd risk my sanity again." She sighed and rubbed her head. "The voices are getting louder...."

"Voices..." I mumbled as I watched her. It's true, every since I got my powers around my mom was different from the rest. I could feel something with her. Two different emotions. One evil and one just trying to do what's right. Her voices was the evil ones. I knew that. I heard a scream from upstairs and an alarm went off. Raven tensed up then got to her feet quickly, grabbing my wrist. We were suddenly standing where I could hear the scream, and I suddenly smelled blood everywhere. Owen's....

"Owen?" I asked softly and widened my eyes as most of the teleporters were already here. Paris being included. We were all so quick but there was no one here... Besides Owen. He was curled up on the floor, clutching his chest. He looked freaked out and was starting to sit up slowly and shakily.

"Owen!" I rushed towards him quickly, frightened as much as he was and pulled him into my arms. But.... I couldn't feel his stone sending me his scared emotions from inside his body. I widened my eyes and looked around us quickly. "His stone isn't inside him," I said quickly. Owen trembled against me.

"D-daddy," he whispered, his voice full of fear. Paris was by us in seconds and wrapping Owen up in his arms.

"No," Paris said quickly. I stepped away from them and trembled. His body would have fallen apart by now... I don't understand. Raven wrapped me up in her arms to try to hide me, kissing my cheek and whispering something that I couldn't understand. Owen looked towards Paris then hugged him, starting to cry. There was a shiver that went up his spine and I could feel it going up mine as it felt like a tongue licked my stone.

"D-daddy, I'm scared," Owen said quickly, looking terrified. "H-he just licked me...." That's when I felt it. The emotions stopped and Owen's body began to crumble like his brother's body did. Raven's eyes widened, and Louis was quickly by Paris, grabbing him and pulling him back into a hug.

"We'll catch who did this," he promised Paris quickly. "That son of a bitch won't last long." Louis looked towards his twin with a sad look then kissed his cheek, tightly hugging him. "I'm so sorry...." I could feel Paris's emotions growling stronger as rage built up in him. He wasn't able to stop the second killing. Paris's emotions turned towards his twin then and I felt Louis get bit in his neck. Paris had bit him and started to drink his blood, feasting as his hunger was increasing. He was binging on blood like a human would eat tons of food because of depression. Something similar to that anyways. He wasn't getting fat though. He was just growing more.... demonic. Something I never want to face in a battle. Whoever is doing this is wicked. I never wanted to get in a battle. Someone is going to be next... I looked around as the stones's emotions cut out on me. He's attacking again. I heard another scream and it echoed through the halls. Louis tensed up then shoved Paris back. "AIYANA!" He shrieked and then disappeared quickly. Raven quickly teleported after him with me, holding me behind her.

"Louis," she whispered, looking scared for him. He was already by Aiyana, holding her in his arms as he touched his hand to her chest. He looked at her with wide eyes as she looked lost.

"Dad?" She asked softly and then smelled him before she hugged him.

"Oh my god, not you," he said quickly, burying his face into her neck. "Don't you dare." I shivered as I felt a hand clutching my stone and suddenly.... it crumbled as the hand tightened. No this wasn't my stone. It was Aiyana's stone and the feeling frightened the heaven out of me. I dropped to my knees and let out a scream of terror. Louis trembled as he watched her body start to crumble into ash and then clenched his fists, staring at it. I could feel all his lost love in that one moment as he remembered watching someone he really loved die and this his son die, and now it was the last piece he had of that someone I'd never heard of that just died in his arms. He started to shake as he didn't budge. I felt Paris nearby mourning for their loss. Everyone was in shock.... fearing their own stones being taken and crushed. I could feel it all. It was as bad as my own feelings.... being smashed with theirs. I sort of felt dizzy from the sea of emotions. That wasn't the last one though and I knew it as soon as I heard the next scream. It was from Peyton. Raven looked at me and then quickly picked me up, teleporting me back to my bedroom then grabbed Luca's wrist, teleporting us to my dad's study. She quickly sat me down then walked up to him.

"We need to get our kid to a safe place," she said quickly, looking worried. "He's not okay." Nikolai looked up from a book and gave her a smile as he pulled off a set of headphones.

"Hey Raven," He looked towards me. "Castrian?" He asked. "What's the matter s-" He paused as he heard the alarm then got to his feet and shut the book.

"Three have died in the last fifteen minutes," she told him quickly. "Castrian isn't okay. I want to take him to my apartment in town."

"No kidding?" He asked. "Same as the first death?" He wondered and got out from behind the desk. She nodded quickly.

"It's Owen, Aiyana, and Peyton. Someone is targeting the Grimm twins' children," she whispered. "It's going to get worse for Castrian if he stays. I'm taking Luca with him."

"Want me to come with you?" He asked softly. She nodded then.

"I would've left by now if I wasn't wanting you to come with. I wouldn't have said a word until after Castrian and Luca were out of the manor," she mumbled then grabbed his hand. "Castrian wants me to stay with him... and I don't want to leave you here."

"Well I need to do a few things here before I leave. You can go ahead and take the boys. I've got to tell my father about our plans and tell him to take care of my problems while we stay in town." He looked towards me. "It's okay Castrian, they're not going to get you." Raven kissed his neck softly and then walked back to me, holding out her hand for me. I grabbed her hand quickly and pulled it to my face, rubbing my cheek against it. "I'll be quick." Nikolai promised. "I'll be with you quicker than you can say cheese." He pulled out his phone as he started out the door. Raven watched him go then snatched Luca's hand as he slept on the floor and teleported us into what looked like a living room with a TV, couch, and a coffee table. The floors were carpeted in a simple white, but the place looked like she hadn't been here in awhile. She let my hand go then grabbed Luca and placed him on the couch before she looked at me.

"There is food in the kitchen if you get hungry while I'm getting your father and your things," she told me and kissed my cheek sweetly, giving me a hug.

"You promise you'll come back the same?" I asked her, looking her over. I was worried that the sharks were going to eat her alive if she goes back.

"A few minutes isn't going to kill me," she promised and then giggled, pulling back. "Don't worry about it." She tapped my nose then pointed to a door. "The bedroom is back there. I'll get us a better one soon, but for now, this has to do. I think I have a cot around here somewhere..... Be careful walking around here. There might be something that belongs in the past...." She looked around and then disappeared on me. I frowned and curled up to myself. Mr. Trunks is in my room. I should have grabbed him.

River's POV:

I slowly started to sneak out of bed as I heard screams in the halls, making my stone pulse with anxiety. I didn't know who they were.... Was someone dying? Were they okay? Rory sat up slowly, hearing the screams as well. "River, don't go out there alone." He told me as he crawled out of bed and walked into his closet. He came back out with a shirt and shorts on then walked up to me. I could smell that the clothes belonged to Keegan. He walked out the door, motioning me to follow him. Alistair was walking our way. "What's happened?" Rory asked him.

"Three deaths," Alistair told him. "Owen, Aiyana, and Peyton." I widened my eyes as I heard my half sister's name and then looked Alistair over before I slightly hid behind Rory. My half sister is dead.... My dad! I widened my eyes then started to go past Rory to go find my father, starting to run. Rory grabbed me before I could go and held me close to him.

"Are the deaths the same as Ezra?" Rory asked Alistair.

"Yeah, but the window wasn't broken this time. They just dropped dead right in front of us." Alistair shrugged. "Crumbled like a crumb cake. Listen, I'm going to take a shower and then pack my bags. I'm leaving for France in two hours. You coming? Raven has already left with her child and my brother is planning to go with them. This house is going to get bloody soon. At least that's what everyone is thinking. I think you should come with me."

"Yeah, I think I better come." Rory agreed softly then looked towards me. "Go get ready, we're leaving in two hours." He let me go. I widened my eyes and looked towards him then shook my head quickly. Leave my dad when my half sister just died?! I can't leave him. "What was that?" Rory asked me, giving a small frown. "Don't shake your head in disobedience we're leaving here so we can go somewhere safer." I frowned at him then looked towards his hand, reaching for it so he'd understand. "River," He snapped and grabbed my chin. "Your parents would agree with me that we need to go. They're targeting us. We're children of our fathers. Now we need to go." I whimpered and looked up at him before I gently touched his arm, going to show him that I knew my father needed me. He grabbed my wrist. "Go say goodbye to your parents." He instructed. "Then get ready to leave. We're both going to be on that plan in the next three hours going to France."

"I'm going to ask Shiloh," Alistair told us and started to walk off. "Stay together, as in don't crumble like a cake." He laughed. I shivered as I watched him go then looked at Rory. He isn't going to listen to me.... I frowned and pulled away from him before I turned around and started to walk off, not looking back at him.

"River," Rory hissed. "I'm going to come searching for you when I'm done getting ready. You better have your bags packed." I glanced back at him and then took off running so I'd have more time before he'd find me. I quickly found my father sitting in the hallway in front of a pile of ash, using my ability to hear him to get to him then walked up to him, sitting beside him. I leaned my head up against him and kissed his shoulder, making him tense up.

"River?" He asked softly then looked over at me. He looked terrible. He'd been crying... and I could see a look in his eyes that told me that he might go down Paris's path. "You heard," he whispered then pulled me into a tight hug. I nodded and kissed his cheek, shutting down the rest of the house's thoughts so I could focus on my dad and curled up to him. "I love you so much...." He mumbled and then kissed my cheek. "Don't worry. You'll be safe. I won't lose another one.... Not you or your sister...." I heard Paris nearby deep in thought about who the killer might be. He was sitting by another pile of ash. He didn't have suspects yet. I glanced in the general direction of the hall where Uncle Paris was then looked at my dad before I showed him what Rory wanted from me. He tensed up then looked at me. "You should go with him. It's safer in France.... I don't like his attitude though, so watch out," he whispered then kissed my cheek. "Don't worry about me baby. I'm going to catch the killer of your sister.... He's not going to last very long. Trust me.... You'll be safe in France." He gave me a hug then tried a small smile. "Go on. Go pack before Rory comes for you. I wouldn't want to upset him.... I'd give you a knife to take with you... but Rory would know... and he wouldn't be happy with you. I'm sorry he doesn't listen to you like you want, but he'll calm down after he gets used to having a mate... and he's just looking out for you. He doesn't know how to ask someone sweetly to do something when he's trying to protect them. He's used to having someone who knows to follow him." I looked at him and frowned. He wants me to go.... "I want you to be safe too, so you're going to go with your mate." He brushed my hair behind my ear and kissed my cheek. I sunk against him but decided to listen to him, not wanting to upset him while this was going on. I got to my feet and kissed the top of his head before I gave him a sweet smile and started to walk off, avoiding the hall that Paris was on so I wouldn't have to see his anger. I paused and tensed up as I realized that all my clothes were in Rory's room. I have to go see him... before my time is up. He'll bite me if I don't pack... and he'll know if I don't because he's in there. I shivered, feeling scared to go back but gave up and started to walk back to the room so I wouldn't get in trouble with Rory... and to make my father happy by going to France.

When I got back to Rory's room, I lightly tapped on the door first, nervously shifting my weight and fidgeted. I didn't want to just walk in there.... I heard footsteps walking up behind me and an arm reach past me, opening the door. I could smell it was Keegan. "Could you move?" Keegan asked me sweetly. "I've got to go in and get some clothes." I looked at him and quickly got out of his way, giving him a small smile before I hesitantly followed him inside. "Rory?" Keegan asked. I could hear him shuffling around in the closet.

"Yeah? Keegan?!" Rory stepped out.

"What're you doing?" Keegan asked.

"Packing." Rory shrugged as he spotted me.

"What for?" Keegan asked and started for the closet but was stopped by Rory.

"I'm going to France. You should come with Hiko. It'll be safer there." Rory suggested softly. "You're apart of me and I don't want to lose you Keegan."

"Yeah?" Keegan asked. "You've lost me years ago." He crossed his arms. "Especially after that performance where you and Shiloh made me unconsciously sleep with my mate."

"You know you enjoyed it." Rory smirked. "You got pleasured by it."

"Screw you." Keegan shuffled past him. "I'm not afraid of you anymore."

"Nor should you be," Rory followed him. "Come on Keegan and come with us. You can come back when we know it's safe. I'll go talk to dad and I bet you he'll want you to come with us."

"I've got my gaming room. It's safer then staying in a castle with you and no parents." Keegan hissed.

"You're getting some balls on you," Rory laughed. "I don't like this back sass," I heard Rory growling under his breath. I widened my eyes and felt my body start to tremble at Rory's tone. He's dangerous.... I hugged myself to try to stop and looked towards the door, thinking about leaving while I could. "Fine, stay here. It's not like I ever thought you could be similar to me. You're just like the rest of our brothers. Shiloh is the only one that understands me."

"You're not going to guilt trip me into going," Keegan told him.

"Sage has even turned his back on me. At least he's coming to France though." I heard Rory keep it up. "Unlike you..... my own litter mate. My fourth."

"Screw you." I heard Keegan muttering.

"Please?" Rory asked.

"What?" Keegan asked.

"Yeah you heard me. Screw me." Rory laughed.

"Get out of my closet," Keegan groaned out.

"What are you boys talking about?" I heard a voice behind me and then a chuckle. "Oh look, someone let the kitten in." Shiloh walked in and shut the door behind him, looking at me with an amused look. "And he's trembling too...." He laughed and then looked towards the closet. "Now you know you can't screw without me," he teased and started for the closet.

"Shiloh come get your other half out of my closet," I heard Keegan beg.

"Shiloh, come convince Keegan he's got to come with us." Rory's voice echoed.

"Keegan, if you don't come, I'll eat Hiko," Shiloh said simply as he walked into the closet. "In front of you too."

"I'll spoon feed you his blood," I heard Rory laughing.

"Seriously? You're taking his side?" Keegan asked.

"For your own safety. I doubt Rory is going to do anything to you if that's what you're worried about. He is collared by that kitten outside in the bedroom," Shiloh teased and started to laugh. "Just kidding Rory. Don't get mad."

"I'll make the kitten join," Rory teased. "He'll soon think and act and love like one of us."

"You're making me sick." Keegan sighed. "I'll come.... only because I want to get Hiko out of here for a few days. This manor is becoming stained with blood and werewolves can smell blood for days after it's been cleaned up. Hiko doesn't need that. Plus he wants a nice date and I think France would be perfect."

"Really? You're going to come?" Rory asked, sounding excited.

"Move out of my closet so I can pack!" Keegan hissed. Shiloh walked out, dragging Rory with him.

"Come on lover boy," he said and then shut the closet door with his foot before he looked towards me. "Oh, kitten is still here. Thought he was going to bolt. He certainly looked like he wanted to." Shiloh smirked at me, making me widen my eyes. Oh no... they're back in here.... I edged towards the door slightly, trembling. What did Rory mean by making me act like them? I don't think I want to know....

"River, start packing." Rory told me as he started for his closet. "Come on Shiloh, we should get ready if we want to catch that plane." Shiloh nodded and disappeared into a closet, shutting it behind him. I relaxed a little as they left the bedroom then wandered around, going towards where my things were and got a bag, starting to pack some of it. I'd return hopefully soon... so I wasn't going to pack all my things.

It didn't take me long to pack my bags. I was done before the others were.... I glanced towards my remaining things and then grabbed one of my favorite shirts and a pair of boxers and sweat pants before I walked towards the bathroom, wanting a shower before we would get on that plane. I wasn't sure how long a flight to France was... and I didn't want to smell like blood and ash.... I walked in and shut the door behind me before I turned the water on and then started to take my shirt off, setting it down on the counter before I glanced into the mirror, turning a little to see part of the silvery scar running up my back that I refused to show anyone else. It was a mark from my mom, or at least that's what my parents think. I had it since I was born... and my father told me that it was because her powers accidentally hurt me, and that's why I was probably a still born baby.... He only told me after I pressured him to tell me why I had that scar.... I gently touched where it reached up to my shoulder blade and then frowned before I quickly pulled my hand back, not wanting to look at it. I felt sick just looking at it, but I knew it wasn't my mommy's fault. She didn't mean to if she even knew.... I love my mommy. I smiled sweetly as I thought about her then took the rest of my clothes off, getting in the shower to start taking it. When I was done, I got out and got dressed then brushed my hair out, walking out of the bathroom after putting my clothes in the hamper then walked up to the bed, sitting down on it to wait.

"Hey Rory!" I heard Keegan shouting from in his closet. "I HOPE YOU DON'T MIND BUT I HAVE TO INVITE HANA AND MYRA!"

"Whatever," Rory said as he walked out into the bedroom. "That'll make twelve of us going to France."

"Twelve huh?" Shiloh purred as he walked out, carrying a bag then sat it down, going straight for Rory with a smirk.

"Yeah, I'm assuming little Lori is going to come with us because she follows the girls around a lot- you know Astrid and Starla." Rory explained. "So that'll make us even." Shiloh gave a playful growl and wrapped his arms around Rory, leaning in and biting him. I flinched as I saw it and looked away quickly, feeling out of place. I hadn't even bit Rory yet... and he's my mate. I am really not like them.... He should've just rejected me.... I brought my knees to my chest and hugged them, hiding my face against them. I'll never be what Rory wants.... I can't even talk.... Shiloh let out a soft moan as he got a good taste of Rory and purred. Rory leaned in and bit Shiloh, beginning to drink his blood as well. Keegan walked in with a duffle back packed and sat it down in the floor then looked over the situation and frowned. I got to my feet and grabbed my bag, walking off to the door quickly as I didn't want to see anymore. I'd go wait somewhere else.... I'd stay if my father hadn't told me to go.... I heard Keegan walking behind me.

"We'll wait in the livingroom where the rest said they wanted to meet at." Keegan told me. "You missed that conversation while in the shower." I gave a small nod and walked out, shutting the door behind us before I looked back at Keegan then in front of me before I shifted my bag and then kept walking, trying to put as much distance between me and my mate and his brother in that room as quickly as I could. When we reached the livingroom Alistair, Starla, Astrid, Sage, and Lori was already there waiting. Sage looked up and smiled as he saw Keegan.

"Hey Keegan," he said and leaned back in his seat. I went to the corner of the room and sat down by myself, curling up in my seat.

"I'm only coming because Hiko is getting into the dating thing outside of virtual reality. I'm not coming because I like you guys," Keegan snapped their way as he sat down on the couch, placing his bag by his feet.

"Wow," Alistair laughed. Sage frowned but didn't say anything as he leaned his head back and closed his eyes. Hiko walked in then with his stuff and over to Keegan, sitting down beside him. He looked tired.

"Hey," Keegan whispered. "I'm sorry about all of this...." He kissed the top of Hiko's head.

"Someone's got a pouty face," Myra said as she walked in and started towards Sage. "How about you cheer up some. We're all going on a small family vacation. Maybe with the killer. You might die next." Sage looked at everyone then frowned.

"Killer huh? Well, the killer should know not to come play with me," Sage purred. Myra sat down in an arm chair and crossed her legs.

"The killer would know not to mess with me because I'm untouchable anyways." Myra laughed. "I'm a vampire hunter." Hana walked in then and saw Hiko. Her face brightened up and she walked over to them, sitting by Hiko then pulled him away from Keegan quickly, smirking at Keegan.

"You sure are talkative, Myra." Alistair told her. "Especially towards people you never talk to and avoid."

"I've got the next week to deal with you guys. I might as well eat and pick at your brains." Sage laughed at her and raised an eyebrow.

"Well come here and try that," he challenged her. "It's been awhile since I've had a good fight."

"You don't want to challenge me." Myra warned. He smirked and got up.

"I win if I get a bite in," he said and then laughed. "You win if you can pin me down longer than ten seconds. You've just been challenged." Myra raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"Ok." She flicked a finger and suddenly Sage was sent flying through the wall. "Ops. Paris might be mad about that wall... better fix it." It started to form again, rebuilding itself and Sage was trapped on the other side. I could hear Sage growling as he was running for the door to get back in the room. The doors to the living room slammed shut. He kicked it in though and walked in, glaring down Myra before he was right next to her and grabbing her wrist as he went to sink his fangs into her. He froze up before touching her skin and she yanked her hand back then pulled out his fangs and tossed them towards his feet. She got to her feet and kicked his feet out from under him then stepped down on his chest. "I'm not exactly in the mood to ever show mercy to a vampire that challenges me. I'm always going to be a hunter first. Now.... remember this because I'm going to let you live. We've had enough vampires dying for the day." She leaned down towards him. "I win." He growled up at her, looking pissed.

"You ripped my fangs out," he hissed at her, narrowing his eyes.

"So you wouldn't be able to bite me." She smirked. "Plus it teaches you a lesson." She took her foot off of him and sat back down. He sat up and picked his fangs up, looking them over before he got to his feet and pocketed them.

"It was uncalled for," he muttered and stalked back to his seat. "When Rory asks what happened to my fangs, he's going to be mad."

"Rory can lick my boot." Myra crossed her legs. "I don't fear him." Sage sat down and glared at her as he rubbed his lips, looking a little pained. I shrunk down in my seat as I watched Myra, slightly afraid of her now. She threw him through a wall! Without even touching him! And she ripped his fangs out.... I sunk down a bit. She looked towards me and frowned.

"River, I'd never hurt you." She told me suddenly. "Because you're not like some of the trash sitting in this room." I giggled a little and then nodded, relaxing before I gave her a sweet smile. Rory stepped into the room and started to walk towards Sage.

"Hey, what's the matter with your fangs?" Rory asked him. Sage looked at him and frowned.

"I didn't even say anything yet," he mumbled and then ran a hand through his hair.

"Yeah but you're a fourth of me." Rory shrugged and looked towards Myra then at Keegan. "So which one did it this time?"

"It was just a play fight," Keegan told him.

"You kids are about ready?" I heard Paris asked as he stepped into the room. "I over heard you're leaving me. Be safe on the flight over." He looked us all over then raised an eyebrow towards the wall. Sage got to his feet and walked up to Paris.

"Dad, I got you a souvenir," he said and smirked, pulling out one of his fangs from his pocket then placed it in his dad's hand. "Enjoy."

"Who ripped your fangs out this time?" Paris asked.

"I challenged Myra and she ripped my fangs out," Sage said and shrugged. "Thought you'd want a piece of me while I'm gone."

"It's about time Myra started to show some love." Paris joked.

"It's not love," Myra told him. "It was a game because I don't have hunters telling me who to hunt anymore. Now I can just pick on my apparent brothers." She turned to look at Sage. "Isn't that right trash?"

"Heh, takes trash to know trash," he shot back at her and smirked. He walked up to Rory and slipped his other fang into Rory's hand. "Here you go. You can keep it," he purred to his brother.

"I'd ask you guys to take some more of your family with you but you've already got twelve here." Paris shook his head. "Plus I never thought Keegan would agree to this trip. Anyways I hope you kids have a good time. Stay in touch with me." He pointed a finger towards Rory. "I expect that," He looked towards Alistair. "From both of you." I watched Paris then got up, running over to him to get a hug from my favorite Uncle. Even though he's got horns and wings... he's still my sweet loving Uncle that taught me to play with Uncle Richard. He rubbed my head and gave a small smile.

"Now you guys should get going. The plane is already waiting for you. I called and made the arrangements." Sage nodded towards Paris and smiled.

"Thanks dad," Sage said and then looked towards Astrid, Starla, and Lori. "Come on girls. I'll take your bags out to the car. You're riding with me to the airport." He said then picked up his things and got their stuff, giving Astrid a sweet look.

"I'm riding with you Sage," Alistair told him as they started to leave the room.

"Okay Shiloh and River will ride with me." Rory told everyone. "The rest of you will ride in a car with Keegan. We'll all drive close together to the airport."

"I'll miss you guys." Paris purred sweetly. I looked up at Uncle Paris and smiled at him, giving him a tight hug. I'll miss you too Uncle Paris.... I love you. I pulled away from him then went to get my things, planning on sitting in the back or maybe try to get into Keegan's car instead of ride with Rory. He's been scary lately... and I don't want to see him like I saw him in his bedroom.... I looked at Rory then snuck over towards Keegan to ask him, gently brushing my hand up against him to let him hear my question for him in my memories, keeping it simple to not let him know why. I gave him a hopeful look.

"I think you'd enjoy it better in Rory's car where you'll have a whole back seat to spread out in." Keegan told me. "You'll be fine in it." He rubbed my head and then gave me a kiss on the top. "It's pretty tight in my car anyways." I pouted and glanced towards Rory then at him. I don't know if I'd enjoy it better..... Well... maybe I could try... He'd probably ignore me anyways. I looked at Rory again and softly sighed before I grabbed my things and walked up to Rory as Shiloh walked in with his things. Keegan's group left and Rory started to pick up his bag to leave as well. Shiloh followed after him quickly with Sage cutting me off with his group, leaving me behind. I frowned and then glanced towards Paris. Please give me a reason to stay.... Please Uncle Paris..... I gave him a pleading look, not really wanting to go. My family was here. My father was here. My whole life had been in these walls....

"You'll do fine seeing the world," he promised me. "If Rory tries anything you don't like then just tell him." I frowned at him and then looked towards the door before I walked up and got another hug, kissing his cheek. I guess I should tell him he's been scaring me.... Would he listen to me though or call me weak? I bit my bottom lip and then looked up at Paris before I gave him a nervous smile and started walking to the door, hearing them already halfway across the manor. I slowly started walking to the garage, taking my time. When I got to the garage they were waiting for me in the car. I got in the backseat after putting my things in the trunk then laid down, curling up on the seat. Shiloh glanced back at me then looked at Rory.

"The kitten is in the car," he purred towards him. "Let's get going." Rory looked back at me before he started to drive us to the air port.

Raven's POV:

I grabbed Mr. Trunks off Castrian's floor and then sighed. He left it here. I bet he's missing this.... I smiled and then walked out, starting to walk down the hall to go find Nikolai to take him to my old apartment. Don't you miss it? Having no responsibilities, no morals, hunting all you like? Just feed~ No one will notice a few maids missing~ I frowned and tried to ignore the voices in my head, starting to hum softly to attempt to drown it out. I can do this for Castrian. It's not the fact that Paris and Richard went demonic. This is nothing.... Paris walked up to me suddenly and looked me over.

"Raven, you're still here?" He asked. I smiled at him sweetly.

"Getting Mr. Trunks for Castrian and getting Nikolai," I said. "Why? Need something Paris?"

"No, I don't need anything but the heart of who murdered my children and Aiyana," he said casually. Oh... I bit my bottom lip then walked up to him, giving him a hug.

"I'm sorry Paris," I whispered to him. "You'll get your revenge...." He wrapped his arms around me to hug me back.

"I hope so," he muttered.

"I'm sure you will," I promised him then looked up into his eyes. "You're going to win this. You've got so much to protect to not win."

"I don't understand though... there was no trace... it's like the devil done this." Paris shook his head. I frowned and tilted my head.

"I don't think it was him.... I would be worse off if there was the presence of something as big as the devil," I told him then pulled back from the hug. "Look, start checking into people around the house, anyone you're not really close with. Just... look for something unusual. I don't think it was someone outside because the alarm would be going off quicker and we'd have found signs of a break in. That's what I'd do.... Don't be obvious about what you're doing either if you take my advice and look into those around the house."

"You really think I should look into people in this house?" He asked. "It'd be horrible to find out if someone did that to their own family member Raven." I looked up into his eyes and shook my head.

"It would be... but face it Paris. There aren't signs of a break in. No one has seen anything, and the victims survived without their stones. It probably is a pureblood doing this, a pureblood who has some kind of ability to take stones without killing, a pureblood that can easily slip away from being seen, one who you can't read. You would've found the killer by now if it was as simple as reading their thoughts," I whispered to him. "If there is someone in our family doing this... then you'll be better of being safe than sorry down the road. Just secretly start looking into the ones who aren't close to you or Louis."

"Raven..." Paris whispered. "You're probably right but even then there is a slight chance I might not... well... find the killer in time." He looked away. "But I need to do it. I've got to start thinking that it might be someone in the manor.... My army brats are going to be investigated first." He decided and started to walk off. I watched him go and sighed, shaking my head a little as I set him off on a new search. I walked off quickly, going towards Nikolai's study. I opened the door and then ran in, going up to his desk.

"Hey," he gave me a smile and stood up from his desk. I smiled at him and tackled him into a hug, kissing his cheek quickly.

"Nikolai~!" I giggled and looked up at him then leaned in and kissed his neck. He kissed my lips and then pulled back.

"Ready for our family retreat?" He asked and looked me over. I nodded and then sighed, smelling him. You could start with him.... All it takes is a bite. I widened my eyes and pulled back from him quickly, looking away from him. I can't bite him, not like that. He's not food. He wrapped me up in his arms and leaned in towards my neck, giving it a kiss. I blushed and looked towards him before I tilted my head slightly, exposing my neck towards him in case he wanted some. He pulled back from my neck. "Then let's go." I looked up at him then nodded, going to grab his hand. You're weak. Just bite him! I twitched and felt my fangs sharpening instinctively. I yelped and pulled back, putting my hand over my mouth. "What's the matter?" Nikolai asked me, giving a frown.

"The voices," I whispered to him and then shook my head. "It's getting hard to quiet it...." I let my hand down, not hiding my fangs from him. He looked towards my fangs.

"It's Paris and Richard..." He whispered. "Maybe leaving here will do you some good too Raven." I nodded, trying to calm down to get my fangs to unsharpen as I took his hand.

"M-maybe," I whispered to him.

"Well lets go before you loose yourself." He gave my hand a squeeze. I nodded and then teleported us to my apartment where I had dropped Castrian and Luca off. I hope he didn't mind that it was the same apartment that I dated Austin in... that jerk. I kissed his cheek, lingering near his neck before I looked towards the couch for Castrian. Castrian was curled up on Luca, sleeping against his chest. Nikolai walked over and kissed Castrian on the top off his head. I smiled and walked up to my child and gently placed Mr. Trunk in his hands.

"He's so cute," I whispered softly and then giggled. "I'm so glad we had him. I didn't realize how much I would like being a mom for him...." Castrian pulled Mr. Trunks closer and smiled, smelling his head.

"Yeah, they were right... we should have had him years ago." Nikolai wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek. I giggled and turned to look at him, stealing a kiss from his lips.

"You weren't ready... and I wasn't thinking about kids," I told him sweetly and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Yeah but now that we got one we absolutely adore him," he reminded me. "So what should we cook for dinner? Did you keep the fridge stocked with blood?" He started for the kitchen.

"I did for emergencies," I purred and followed after him. "Are you hungry? I can run out and get us sushi for dinner... and we can drink blood with it."

"That'd be a great idea, they'll love sushi for dinner." Nikolai smiled. "I'll set up the table for it." I smiled and then nodded, teleporting out of the apartment to go get us sushi.

Nikolai's POV:

After a couple of minutes, I heard shuffling behind me and a small whine from Luca. "I'm hungry," he whispered. "Is there something I can eat?"

"Raven is out getting sushi. You're welcome to help set the table with me and pour four glasses of blood for everyone." I suggested as I looked around the kitchen to take note on where everything is. He nodded and then started to help me, making the glasses of blood.

"Cassy is still sleeping.... He looks really tired." He glanced over at me as he sat the glasses down beside the plates.

"He's had it bad for the last week. He probably didn't sleep good. This has probably been a big relief for him. Especially after earlier." I looked towards Luca, looking him over. He might look like Dante but he certain isn't Dante anymore. He looked a little worried as he looked up at me.

"No, he hasn't been sleeping well... He's been really shaken up," he told me and then frowned. "Do you think this will help him?"

"Yeah, some time away from the manor will do him good. We have to make sure we're on alert with our own emotions around him. We need to consider him first before our own emotions. He feels them too and he'll take it harder because he's got his own emotions to handle. We probably should have already done this years ago for him. The less purebloods he is around the better off he'll be. The manor is swarming with them but here it'll be more peaceful." I turned towards him after making a grocery list on my phone. "So let's make a deal together that we both don't get too emotional staying here- as in we need to lock away our bad feelings from Castrian. We'll make this a happy time for him. Plus Raven needs this as well. Her voices have been bothering her lately. We need to work together for them." He smiled big then and nodded.

"For Cassy and Raven," he said sweetly and then sat the napkins out. "I'll do my best."

"Thanks Luca, you've been a huge help." I walked up to him and rubbed his head. He giggled a little and smiled.

"You're welcome~"

"Raven should be back soon," I told him. He nodded and glanced behind me towards the living room to check on Luca then smiled sweetly before he finished it up for me.

"She will?" He asked me and then looked at me. "That'll be great."

"It's good Castrian is getting some sleep," I sat down at the table. "Don't wake him up with your gaze though." He tensed up and looked at me.

"You can do that?" He asked me with wide eyes. "Wake someone up by looking at them?"

"With him... He might feel your emotions radiating so much towards him and he'll wake up." I teased. He looked amazed and sat down in a seat.

"Whoa... I'll be more careful," he whispered, looking at me in awe. "I didn't think about that...."

"Yeah~" I purred. "That'd be wonderful but bad at the same time. He needs to rest." He nodded and then laid his head on the table. Arms wrapped around me, going around my neck and I could smell Raven's sweet intoxicating scent. I smiled.

"Raven, did you get us sushi?" I asked curiously.

"Mhmmm," she hummed in my ear and I felt her lean her face into my neck. Luca's eyes widened in horror as he looked behind me. I smiled and exposed my neck for her.

"Are you hungry?" I asked and picked up a glass of blood, going to hand it to her. She bit down into my neck before I could give it to her. I gasped and sat the glass back down, squirming a little under her and grabbed her wrist behind me. "Raven," I muttered. Luca looked freaked out as he was frozen to the spot, watching. She growled a little and then dug her fangs in deeper. I closed my eyes tightly and tried to hold back my urge to scream and get away from her. I hated people biting me! I can't do it. I felt my forehead start to sweat. She pulled her fangs out and then licked my neck, purring. I rubbed my neck and looked back to examine her. The look in her eyes sent a shiver down my spine as she licked her lips, looking down at me. Her clothes were bloody and she had that insane look in her eyes again. Her fangs were fully exposed as she watched me, licking her fangs clean. I frowned towards her. "Raven what have you done?" I asked her softly. She tossed the bag of sushi onto the table and smirked.

"Got sushi," she told me then giggled.

"Go take a shower," I whispered. "You'll scare the kids." She frowned at me and then sat down in my lap. I looked her over and frowned. "Raven..." I mumbled.

"What?" She asked and then stole a kiss.

"You're scaring Luca," I motioned to him. She glanced over at Luca then giggled. He yelped and quickly got to his feet, trembling. I looked her over and narrowed my eyes. "Raven," I hissed. I heard Castrian start to groan on the couch. She tensed up as she heard Castrian's groan and then looked behind her towards the living room. She quickly looked down at her clothes then widened her eyes, disappearing.

"Luca?" Castrian asked from the couch. Luca looked towards the living room and quickly started for it to go to Castrian.

"Y-yes Cassy?" He asked shakily.

"I'm hungry..." Castrian got up slowly off the couch.

"There's food in the kitchen," he whispered and walked in, carrying Castrian. He sat him down in a chair and then grabbed the bag, pulling out things of sushi in it. Castrian's face lit up as he watched Luca pulling out the sushi.

"SUSHI!" Castrian said in excitement. Luca smiled at him and kissed the top of his head before he started to pass out the sushi to us, making a plate for Raven. Castrian grabbed the chopsticks we laid out and got his first bite, moaning as he ate it. Luca sat down and took a bite of the sushi, smiling as he sat beside Castrian. Castrian looked towards me and gave a small smile then looked around. "Where's mommy?"

"Cleaning up," I told him.

"She was scary," Luca whispered and sunk in his seat. "She bit Nikolai really hard...."

"Daddy?" Castrian looked at me. "You ok?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." I told him softly.

"Is mommy having trouble?" he asked. Luca nodded and shivered as he took another bite.

"She's going to be better," I promised. I heard Raven's footsteps walking back towards the room and she walked into the room in a new outfit, the smell of blood off her. She looked like she had calmed down a bit and she sat down beside me, grabbing my hand before she gave me a sweet smile and then looked towards my neck then at me apologetically. "It's okay," I whispered.

"Mommy?" Castrian looked at her. "You okay?" She looked towards Castrian and smiled.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she whispered to him. "Is the sushi good?" She used her free hand to get a bite of sushi and ate it. Castrian nodded and started to eat his plate of sushi. "Did you sleep well?" She asked and gave a huge smile at him.

"Yeah," He nodded and gave her a smile. "I'm still tired though."

"That's great," she said and then giggled. "You'll eventually start to feel better. I'm going to get us a two bedroom apartment soon, so you don't have to sleep in the living room. I think I should get rid of this one anyways. I've had it for centuries."

"We can get a house instead," I suggested. She looked thoughtful then nodded.

"Yeah, we could do that.... Some of the others have.... I think the boys would love that," she whispered and then looked towards me with a loving look. "Plus it'd give them some privacy... and us some too. It's been forever since you've taken a break."

"I'll take a longer break if we get a house," I promised her. She giggled.

"Okay, we'll get a house for us to stay in," she purred and kissed my cheek. I'll tell Donnie he can take over and let my dad know about the switch in power. Donnie will love taking over while I have a break. Castrian finished eating his sushi and picked up his glass, drinking from it. Raven finished up eating and then purred towards me as she drank her blood and sat it down. "Thanks sweetie," she told me then gave me a soft kiss on my lips. Luca relaxed as he watched her then looked at Castrian with a sweet smile before he kept eating, not done yet. I started to eat my sushi, smiling at the taste. Raven watched me before she looked towards Castrian and then pulled out her phone, starting to look at houses in town. I watched her and smiled. After a few minutes, she sat her phone down in front of me. "What about this one? It's on the edge of town so we'd have privacy... and it's a three bedroom, so we could use the extra bedroom for guests and it has two bathrooms, one for us and one for them.... It's two story too...."

"Sounds interesting....." I looked towards the house, admiring it. "We'll buy it." She giggled.

"There's a pool outback too with a waterfall going into it," she whispered in my ear. "It's got a little rock seat under it behind the water too~"

"I want to go swimming!" Castrian said quickly. Raven laughed and then looked at him then at me.

"They love it already. We'll go look at it tomorrow," she said and then got up from the table, starting to call someone as she walked out of the room. Luca looked excited, bouncing a little in his seat. I laughed as I watched the kids and finished eating. Luca tackled Castrian into a hug and kissed his lips quickly.

"This is going to be great! We can have tea parties too!" Luca said excitedly.

"Tea parties!" Castrian yelled in excitement then hugged Luca. Luca giggled and then crawled into Castrian's lap.

"With Mr. Trunks too!" He said sweetly and cuddled up to him. "We'll have tea parties, and we'll swim, and we'll be together!" He giggled again and then kissed Castrian's neck.

"This is going to be fun," I heard Castrian mumble. Luca leaned in and then stole another kiss from Castrian.

"Cassy~" He purred and then got another kiss, making it deeper as he wrapped his arms around his neck. Castrian blushed as a kiss got stolen and pulled back from Luca, pressing his fingers to his lips. Luca giggled and gave him an innocent look before he kissed Castrian's finger and playfully licked it, scraping his fang against it. Castrian blushed and looked away from him quickly. I caught him press his fang against Castrian's finger and then he pierced it, gently holding his wrist and I could smell him marking Castrian. A little bit of Luca's venom dripped down from his other fang, but he didn't seem to care. Castrian let out a small moan and his face turned red. Why am I watching this? I can't take my eyes off of my son getting marked! Luca purred and pulled back from Castrian's finger with a loving look as he kept his eyes on my son then leaned in, kissing his cheek. "I love you~"

"Luca..." Castrian whispered. His eyes went to me then. "My dad is watching..." Luca blushed then as he just seemed to remember me and looked back at me before he hid his face against Castrian. I laughed as I watched them then bit my bottom lip.

"It's about time you remembered me," I purred.

"S-sorry," Luca whispered, sounding embarrassed.

"Don't be embarrassed." I got to my feet and started to walk out and leave them. I looked around for Raven. She was standing by a window, talking softly on the phone about going to see the house tomorrow. She glanced over her shoulder as she heard me and gave me a huge smile, giggling.

"Yeah, that'd be a great time," she said sweetly as she kept her eyes on me. "Mhmm.... Thank you miss. We'll meet you there." She hung up and then put her phone in her back pocket. "Hey sweetie," she purred and walked up towards me. I wrapped my arms around her and brought her closer to me.

"So?" I asked her.

"They said we can go see the house tomorrow morning, and if we want it, we can sign the contract tomorrow and start putting down payments and move in as soon as that contract and the down payment is paid," she told me and wrapped her arms around my neck, giving me a smile.

"That's exciting," I purred in her ear. "So how long should we stay there?" 

"How long do you want to stay?" She said, giving me a playful look as she curled my hair around her fingers.

"How long it takes for the both of you to get better and for the others at the manor to calm down." I looked away. Her expression softened and she gave me a nod.

"Yeah, that makes the most sense, doesn't it? I'm more worried about Castrian though," she whispered and then leaned her head against my shoulder. "I'll be fine.... I'm sorry that I bit you earlier.... I don't know what happened.... I wish I didn't have these problems because it makes you worry... and it scares you...."

"I'm not the only one scared though.... the kids are scared." I muttered towards her. "Castrian feels all our emotions too Raven..." She nodded and sighed.

"If I get too bad... I'm going to leave," she mumbled. "I don't want to scare you all...."

"I don't think you'll get that bad though..." I kissed her cheek. "After all you're a mother now... how bad can you get?" She giggled a little and then looked up at me.

"Yeah, I am a mommy now...." She gave me a sweet look and then kissed my lips softly. "Still, I'll go to Russia if I get bad.... You'll know where I am, and the kids will be safe....."

"Russia?" I asked her. "Everyone goes to Russia to-"

"Mommy?" I heard Castrian ask right by us. Raven tensed up and then looked over at Castrian.

"Yes sweetie?" She asked him and gave him a smile. He wrapped his arms around her neck and buried his face into her shoulder. She looked at him and sighed softly before she let go of me and then hugged him, turning around in my arms to do so. "What's the matter, my sweet little baby boy?" She asked him and ran her fingers through his hair. "Is something wrong?" I let her go and looked towards Castrian.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" Castrian asked softly. She tilted her head and then kissed the top of his head.

"Why?" She mumbled and gave a small smile. "Is it just that you love me and you miss me? Or is it that you're afraid of Luca?"

"I want to sleep with you tonight..." He mumbled. She looked towards me curiously and then down at Castrian.

"Can your father join us or does he need to sleep on the cot?" She asked with a sweet smile, teasing me indirectly.

"He can join..." He jumped up into her arms then. She giggled and held him close, catching him.

"I love you Castrian," she said sweetly and then showered his face in kisses. "Come on cutie. Let's go~" She started to carry him off to the bedroom, looking at me over her shoulder then smirking before she gave me a playful wink. I laughed and started to follow them into the bedroom.

"I love you too mommy," Castrian told her then looked at me. "I love you too daddy." She laughed and then took him into the bedroom and over to the bed, laying him down in it. She turned to me and grabbed my shirt, tugging me closer before she gave me a kiss and purred.

"Love you," she said softly and then looked back at Castrian before she sat down on the edge of the bed, letting my shirt go. I heard Luca walking in behind me and he crawled in at the foot of the bed, laying down before I could even get in the bed myself. I laughed and kicked off my shoes and got into bed with the three of them. Raven pulled her shoes off and then laid down beside Castrian and pulled him into her arms, nuzzling her face up against him then closed her eyes after giving him a loving look. She started to purr like she used to when he was just a small baby and she held him in her arms. Castrian snuggled up to his mother and started to fall asleep almost instantly against her. For some reason he looked at peace by her right now. It didn't take long for me to pass out.