
Shiloh's POV:

It's been a few days since Paris caught the killer- who happened to be Alistair. I overheard that Myra was doing better, stuck on bed rest since her stone was gone and her body was having complications trying to keep her alive. Hachi said that the only reason she was still together was her human side which Rose found out that it was slowly aging her over the years- SLOWLY but surely and her vampire side was trying to slow her aging to a stop and devour her human half. The stone was what kept her body at peace but now that it's gone her body was fighting a transformation. It's the longest transformation into a vampire ever heard of. That's why she had to be on bed rest. Laurence said that feeding her blood wouldn't even help speed up the process.

Castrian and Raven got their stones back safely inside them and Alistair was being personally tortured by Paris. The screams are so loud in the basement, Midori refuses to go into his treasure room. I heard Castrian and Raven haven't been doing so good. Apparently Raven has gone insane and Castrian started having night terrors- almost killing his own mate. Rose wants to put them both in her asylum until they calm down- but then again that might make it worse. Castrian even mentions clowns here and there. I think he's gone bonkers. I haven't actually seen them lately though so I can't tell what's wrong with them. Just rumors.

Well Rose hasn't been doing good at all.... Her son being the killer took a toll on her and I'm afraid she'll fall with the rest of the insane. Starla rejected Alistair yesterday just to get rid of the pain she felt, knowing what her mate done. She went to Italy to be with her parents and her sister went with her- making Sage stay here. Lori went home to the manor to be with her parents and keep her father some company while Rose was busy caring for Myra as well as her feelings.

So from all this tension that's formed, Rory decided it would be a great time to take me out on the town with Sage and Keegan. Just the four of us. Keegan agreed- surprisingly but I think it has a lot to do with wanting to get away from Myra. Since Hana has been worrying for her mate- Hiko stayed by them and Keegan was starting to stress too much over our sister and the whole situation of her losing her pureblood stone! So Keegan agreed and we ditched River with the girls(including Hiko in that) and now we're all in a car driving around in France. Just us quadruplets. I kind of feel bad about ditching River there because he can read minds... and that probably scares him with the whole Myra thing but Rory wanted some time with us only. River should understand though because he has a twin.

"How about we go clubbing?" Rory asked us. "I know one fourth of us is only single but that doesn't mean we can't go clubbing together and help out Shiloh. Shy you seriously need to find a mate soon. You're making me feel bad about having River. So~ We'll take you clubbing like once a week until you get a mate. Deal?"

"Well..." Keegan mumbled.

"Come on Keegan, for Shiloh's sake?" Rory asked.

"Okay fine... for Shiloh. You better actually try finding a mate though Shiloh! Hiko might get upset with me if I keep doing this thing that's going nowhere." Keegan was sitting in the back seat with Sage. Rory wanted me to sit up front with him. Lately Keegan has been warming up to us and I think it's because Rory is trying to be a better brother- though he won't admit it. He's changed now that he's got River for a mate. The maids in the castle gossip about it all the time. Apparently he stopped feeding from them. YEAH! Feeding!

"Too late to turn back now, we're at the club." Rory told me, already by my door and opening it for me. He pulled me out and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Now remember no matter who or what your mate is, we will always love you."

"Or we'll just distance ourselves from you and pretend we still love you," Keegan joked. He got out of the car and started for the entrance of the club. We all went inside. The club was a underwater themed club. Fish tanks were set up everywhere. Salt water tanks mostly. The ceiling had a huge mirror on it and the club was three open stories. The second and third floor was basically used for seating. The dance floor was dead in the center and they had on Panic! At the Disco. There was bars to the left and right. A huge DJ stand sat in the middle of the dance floor in a cage with a guy in it. The far wall had booths set up and extra seating along with the bathroom and exit doors. Surprisingly enough the noise inside didn't echo and hurt your ears. It was in fact loud though. In order to get into the main part of the club you had to go through a maze of fish tanks. Kind of like a mirror house you'd see at a county fair. Speakers were set up mainly around the dance floor right in the floor. One of the latest cool technologies. You could walk all over it but never break the speaker floor. The lighter were tinted around the dance floor as well and fog was hovering around the far wall and coming down from the upper floors. Upstairs had a nice restaurant incase you wanted something to eat. It was also more private. Fish tanks were always separating the booths. Keegan grabbed Sage's hand and pulled him towards the elevators to go up to another floor.

"I'll be your wingman," Rory suggested. "Let's get something to eat first." He pulled me after Keegan and Sage. We stepped off onto the second floor and the other two had already picked out a booth. Rory walked up to the bar and talked to a man behind it about getting something to eat- ordering onion rings some sauce and four drinks for us. I spotted a girl sitting alone in a booth, reading something on her phone while drinking a milkshake and had a plate of fries in front of her. I noticed she had a name tag on her so she must be on her break and works here. Her nametag read 'Blaze Vang'. Her dark brown hair was shoulder length and was semi curled. It had some highlights that looked naturally kissed by the sun. Her eyes were gray-a pretty blueish gray and her cheeks were slightly poutered with light freckles. They were almost unnoticeable but my eyes caught them. Her name was Blaze and she appeared nineteen. Around my age. She was totally human. I could tell by the way she acted. Blaze was in her work uniform. Which consisted of a white shirt, black vest, black shorts, converse, and she had a necklace tucked under her white shirt, barely visible. It was a gold chain. There wasn't much that stuck out about Blaze to be honest.... expect her name. She was probably the average college student working here to help pay some bills. The only thing separating her from average was her scent. I caught it while watching her and she smelled like honey sickles, white chocolate, and vanilla.

"So I got us fried onions, pickles, and mushrooms. We also have drinks and sauces coming our way." I heard Rory tell me as he walked up and dragged me towards the table our other brothers were at. I frowned and looked over my shoulder at Blaze as my mouth started to water. She smells so good.... Maybe if I just slip away from Rory real quick and convince her to go with me somewhere... I can drink from her... then compel her to forget about me.

"It'll be so good," I whispered to myself as I felt my mouth watering.

"Huh?" Keegan asked. I yelped as I realized I said it aloud and looked towards Keegan then at Blaze before I looked at Rory, leaning in towards his neck to try to pretend I wasn't thinking about drinking from that girl over there.... Plus I like Rory's blood. Rory leaned away from my face.

"You okay Shiloh?" Rory asked.

"Uh huh," I hummed out and kissed his cheek before I sat down. I gave Rory a smirk. "You okay?" He sat down with me as a waiter brought over the food, drink, and sauce. I grabbed the fried onions and started to eat some, calming down about Blaze as I enjoyed my food. Sage looked over at Keegan after a few minutes and smirked.

"So Keegan, can I have a dance?" He asked playfully. "Or at least we can get drinks together."

"Drinks together?" Keegan asked and shrugged. "I'm not dancing with you."

"Good enough," he said and then leaned back in his seat. "We'll get drunk together while those two mate hunt."

"We're not getting drunk..." He shook his head. Rory started to eat a fried onion ring.

"We'll see," Sage purred, giving Keegan a playful look. "You, me, drinks, and music. We'll have a lot of fun while not pissing our mates off."

"I'm not dancing with you." Keegan jabbed a finger into Sage's chest. "That's final."

"At least I'm not asking to stick my fangs in your neck," Sage told him and laughed. "All I'm asking is one, heterosexual, brotherly dance."

"Go to Italy and dance with your soulmate if you want a dance." Keegan smirked as he started to eat one of the fried pickles.

"Fine, Rory will dance with me," he said and then looked over at Rory with a smirk. "Right Rory? After I drink with Keegan?"

"We'll not only dance," Rory promised. He leaned across the table and kissed Sage's cheek. Sage laughed and kissed Rory's cheek back.

"Good. Otherwise I'd think all of you are lame. I'd ask you Shiloh, but you're supposed to focus on mate hunting," he said, glancing at me. "You don't look single if you're dancing. It'll reduce your chances."

"Yeah~" Keegan smirked my way. "You better go fishing soon."

"You go fishing," I muttered and ate another onion ring. "I'm happy right where I am. It was Rory's idea to make me mate hunt."

"You need one," Rory told me and rubbed my head. I heard a small alarm go off from where Blaze was sitting and her quickly turning it off and getting up. I glanced towards her and watched her moving before I accidentally found myself leaning up against Rory to see her better. She's actually really... pretty.... I glanced her figure over with my eyes and smirked. Bet it'd be fun.... She cleaned up her table before throwing the trash away and going downstairs. I quickly climbed over Rory to get to my feet but fell over into the floor. I yelped and then sat up. Rory laughed.

"Where are you going?" Rory asked me. "In such a rush too." I looked towards him and frowned.

"After that girl. Her blood smells like it'd taste good... and I want to," I told him honestly.

"Have fun," Rory smirked my way. "You've got to get on your feet first." I frowned at him then got to my feet.

"I will have fun. I'm going to drain her in the back alley," I whispered. Sage frowned and looked over at me.

"Aren't you supposed to be mate hunting?" He asked and ate a fried pickle.

"Let him go," Rory shrugged.

"What if his mate is here and his mate sees?" Sage hissed softly. "That isn't a good first impression." I was already walking off though, going after Blaze. I'd make her blood mine and drink it happily. I smirked as my fangs sharpened a little at the prospect. Her unblemished neck that had never been touched by another vampire.... I found her downstairs starting to go through into a staff members only door. I frowned but snuck up to the door before I sighed. I'd keep my eye on the door and get her when she comes out.... I glanced at the sea of dancing people and started walking towards it to see what there was. There might be two people worth biting here after all.... I'd never know.... After a few minutes Blaze came back out into the main room and walked up towards the back walls, starting to ask how people were doing. I smirked and then walked straight up to her. I knew what girls liked....

"Hey... you work here right?" I asked, feigning like I wasn't after her.

"Yeah," she turned towards me and blushed. "Is there something I can help you with?"

"Well actually..." I trailed off and smiled. "I was wondering how much it'd be to buy a pretty girl like you a drink."

"Well what kind of drink do you want to buy me?" She asked and laughed softly. "The prices range.... but the kind of drink I like will be about two dollars."

"Two dollars?" I asked her then smirked. "I think I can cover that. You sure you don't want something else though?" I reached out for her hand then. "My name is Shiloh...."

"It's nice to meet you Shiloh, I'm Blaze." She pointed to her name tag then shook my hand. "I just had a milkshake though.... so maybe you can offer something else."

"Hmmm... how about a nice dinner?" I offered, tugging her a little closer after shaking her hand. "Anything you want."

"Dinner? How fancy..." She giggled. "Alright..... tonight?"

"Sure, when do you get off work?" I asked her and kissed her cheek. "I'll wait for you if you can't come for dinner now. I don't mind. You probably work real hard, don't you? I bet drunks hang on you all day. That has to be stressful.... When was the last time a gentleman asked you on a date?"

"In a very long time," she admitted. "You'll have to wait three hours before I get off." She glanced around. "Wait for me with your friends upstairs."

"Okay," I said and smirked. "I'll see you upstairs when you get off work. You'll be treated to a nice little date, and if it goes well, I hope you won't mind me calling on you again," I purred in her ear then let her go, moving towards the elevator. "See you later Blaze." She blushed and bounced off towards a guy behind the bar. I watched her before I went inside the elevator and back up to my brothers, smirking at them. "Score one for me," I purred as I reached them then sat down in Rory's lap, taking an onion ring. "We're going on a date."

"A date?" Keegan asked. "I didn't know we were that close enough to date."

"You're cheating on me?" Rory asked and gasped.

"To get her closer so I can drain her," I purred in Rory's ear. "I'm still big and bad~ You're the only one I'll actually drink from with love." I ran my fingers through his hair and leaned in, kissing his neck.

"Wait so you're going to drain her? You big bad wolf." Rory pulled back from me and took a sip of his drink. I laughed and looked at him.

"What? I can't drain someone?" I purred in his ear. "I thought you liked me big and bad." I gave him a teasing smirk. "Or are you softening up Rory?"

"I didn't mean it in a bad way." He shrugged. "I don't care if you eat others or not." I nodded and then crawled out of his lap, sitting beside him.

"Okay... anyways, I got three hours before she's off break then I'm taking her out for dinner before I make my move...." I explained and ate another onion ring.

"Well in a club three hours goes by fast," Rory smirked.

"Why? Want to get some quick playing in before I go enjoy my meal?" I purred to him, leaning in towards his ear and nipped at it. "My wingman..."

"You better not get caught or the date won't be happening and you'll go hungry." Rory looked towards my neck and leaned in, giving it a kiss. "You better just get drunk right now, sober up last minute with a cold shower in the bathroom and then take that meal out on a date." I frowned slightly and then wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Can I sleep in your room tonight?" I asked him sweetly.

"Yeah," Rory shrugged. "If that's what you truly want."

"Mhmm... Right next to you," I purred and then playfully put a hand on his leg as I kissed his neck. "River can sleep on the other side of me if he really wants to sleep in the bed with you."

"He sleeps with me anyways. He's my mate and that's where he belongs." Rory smirked. "Get one and you'll understand that."

"He doesn't have to sleep with you," I whispered. "Honestly, I can sometimes smell his fear...."

"He's my mate. That's where he belongs is in my bed. I don't care if he's scared or not." Rory took a sip of his drink again. "Better with me then with someone else."

"I don't think he'd try sleeping with someone else. Has he talked to you yet?" I asked him softly, relaxing as I moved back from him. I knew he didn't talk to anyone... just stayed silent all the time like a scared bunny rabbit.... I knew that our dad was hoping that River would open up with Rory's help... but maybe River is too scared to even talk to his mate... too shy.

"He's said my name and a few other things... R is really hard for him to pronounce. It makes me laugh." Rory shrugged. "He's pretty quiet though besides that. I don't mind the silence. It gives me more time to think about how I'm going to take his innocence from him." I laughed and looked over at him. He's actually starting to speak to Rory huh? Maybe he does trust him a little.... He wants to be loved....

"Take his innocence? You're planning that huh? Got a date picked out yet?" I teased him, smirking his way.

"Yeah, no. Maybe on his or my birthday. It'll be a great gift." Rory shrugged. "Either way it'll be wonderful because I'll be the pitcher."

"Ewe." Keegan gagged in his seat. "Images."

"Hey Keegan," I purred, looking over at him. "How about you play with Hiko soon? It'd take his mind off of his sister and Myra for a few hours." That's what he gets for saying something about Rory's love.

"No thanks," Keegan shook his head. "I'm not heartless enough to do that to my mate. You soulless weirdos. I think Sage and I got the soul and you two got nothing from our birth."

"Sleeping with your mate isn't heartless," I corrected him. "Sleeping with someone other than your mate, now that's heartless," I purred. "What if your mate doesn't think you love him? He might leave you if he's not happy."

"Hey...." Rory trailed off. "It's not wrong to sleep around before you get a mate. That's called learning so that you can make your soul mate happier when you get one."

"I meant when you already have one," I said and smirked Rory's way. "I'm sure River doesn't think much about you sleeping around. He probably is curled up in a blanket, thinking how lucky he is because you're not standing over him growling at him to do something right now. He's probably happy he hasn't had you take his pants off yet with how shy and innocent he is," I purred, joking with him to tease him. Heh. That's the worst thing to do, make him think River is happy to be away from him.

"He's so innocent he probably still thinks babies come from storks." Rory rolled his eyes. "I don't think he knows what's coming for him when I get ready to mate with him." I laughed and turned to look at him.

"Rory, he reads minds! He lived with our parents most of his life! He knows what sex is."

"Sage, I'll take you up on that dance offer now." Keegan said and shoved Sage out into the floor and followed quickly. Sage sighed and started to lead him downstairs, leaving us alone. I watched them go then looked back at Rory.

"Anyways, now that the babies of our little group have left," I purred, inching a little closer to him.

"Whatcha want?" Rory asked and wrapped his arm around me.

"For you to admit that you wouldn't like it if I got a mate," I whispered softly, giving him a playful look.

"You don't like me having a mate?" He asked softly and looked me over.

"I don't mind the one that fate has picked out for you," I admitted then leaned my head against his shoulder. "If it was someone else... I'd have killed them by now if you weren't interested.... Because it's River... and he doesn't know how to chase me off... I'm fine with him being your mate... but if I got a mate, I couldn't play with you anymore...."

"We can still play together with or without mates..." Rory promised softly.

"But... look at Sage," I told him and then kissed his cheek. "He used to play with us all the time... and his mate is making him stay away from us like that.... What happens if I get a mate who isn't like River?" I muttered. "You got lucky. He doesn't really say anything... and he's accepting of a lot of people."

"Well that's up to you Shiloh on what to do about your mate. If River didn't approve of you I'd tell him to just shut up. You're my brother and you was my brother first. He's just a mate and cousin." Rory kissed my cheek. I blushed and then nodded.

"Okay," I mumbled and looked up at him. "If you really think so...." I sighed and then leaned against him. "I guess I won't kill my mate as soon as I meet my mate...."

"So what should we do for three hours?" Rory asked.

"We could go party downstairs... or find a bathroom stall and enjoy the taste of each other's blood," I purred, glancing at his neck then at him. "Or we could go find somewhere classier than a bathroom stall...."

"Let's go join the party downstairs," Rory grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the elevator. I laughed and followed after him.

"Scaredy cat," I whispered and smirked. "Alright Rory, we can go party downstairs since how you asked so nicely."

~Three hours later~

Blaze walked up to me as she stuffed her name tag into her pocket. She gave me a smile. "Okay, we can go on that date, Shiloh." She blushed as Rory let me go from his arms. "Wow, so are you two brothers?"

"More like quadruplets." Keegan said as he walked up with a drink in his hand. Sage totally got him wasted. He hardly could walk straight. I could see Sage trailing behind him with a huge smirk on his face. I frowned and then walked up to her.

"Yeah, we're all quadruplets," I told her. "That's Rory, the perv... That's Keegan, the nerd... and that's Sage, the weirdo."

"I'm not a perv."

"Who said I was a nerd?!"

"What's two plus two?" Rory asked.

"Uh..... three?" 

"You guys look pretty similar.... It's inspiring." Blaze laughed as she looked us over. I laughed and looked at my siblings.

"Yeah, I guess we do look similar," I whispered then looked over at her, grabbing her hand then pulled it to my lips, giving it a small kiss. "Are you ready?" I purred softly, looking her in the eyes.

"Yeah.... sorry I'm taking you from your brothers." She looked them over one last time then pulled back from my hand. "You're cold." I frowned and looked at my hand.

"My hand is cold?" I asked her then looked at Rory putting my hand against his face. "Is it really Rory?" I asked him innocently.

"I don't feel anything. Maybe she's just hot." Rory smirked as he looked towards her. "Have fun with my brother."

"Bye bye boys," I purred to them then walked over to her, wrapping an arm around her waist. "Let's go, my cute little Blaze." She giggled and nodded, pulling my arms away from her waist then grabbed my hand, leading me towards the exit. I laughed and then shot a glance back at Rory, winking before I took her out of the bar and over to the car, taking out the keys I had taken from Rory. "Where do you want to go? A smalltime French bar? A fancy restaurant?" I purred, giving her a small smirk. "Anywhere, just name it."

"You're the one taking me out somewhere, so you should be the one to pick." She looked the car over and then walked up to it. "This is your car?" She asked.

"Yeah," I said and smirked. I walked up to her and then opened her car door for her. "In you go." She got in and put her seat belt on. I shut the door and then went around, getting in the driver's seat. I started it up and put in a nearby restaurant's address that I heard was really good. "So... Blaze, are you a student or are you just working in that club to make ends meet?" I asked her, leaning back in my seat and turned it to look over at her.

"I'm a student actually. It's my first year in college. I work there to pay for my apartment. My parents help out with my college." She told me sweetly. I nodded.

"What are you studying?" I hummed out and then looked her over. So she is a student...

"Mythology, Supernaturals, and I'm getting an art degree as well." She shrugged. "You're probably not interested in that though." I widened my eyes and then laughed. Supernaturals huh?

"No, no not at all. I'm very interested," I told her after a few seconds, catching my breath. "It's just... I didn't expect you to say Supernaturals! I have such a huge interest in them too! You could say I'm an expert!" I looked at her and smiled huge. I'm going to rock her world while killing her! Hah! How ironic that a student in Supernatural myths and legends is about to get eaten by the very thing she's learning about and probably fangirling over.

"Really? You're interested in them? That's so cool. It's hard to meet others into the same stuff I like unless I stay around my class room." She laughed. "So you're an expert? Have you studied them?" Why study them when I am one?

"Ehhh... you could say that," I hummed out to her and smirked. "I have in a way." I did have to learn to not get bit by werewolves and to run from Hachi the cannibal.

"What else do you like?" She wondered.

"Uhhhhmmm... let's see.... I like shopping.... I like music, but I don't really play... just a little piano because of my parents, but other than that, I don't play.... I know a lot of stuff too...." I shrugged.

"Shopping? You sound like a girl." She laughed and looked out the window, exposing her neck as she done so. I glanced at her neck and felt my mouth watering a little. I leaned in slightly and found myself reaching around her to pin her down instinctively. I could feel my fangs exposing as I got closer to her neck then leaned in, scraping my fangs against her neck. She gasped and I could hear her heart pounding in her chest. "Shiloh..." She whispered. "Your teeth... feel.... funny against my neck." I growled softly and then pinned her down, crawling into her seat before I sunk my teeth down into her neck. She let out a yelp and tensed up under me. "Shiloh.... are you a vampire!?" She asked me quickly. I moaned as got a taste of her blood and pulled back to look her in the eyes, licking her blood off my lips. She tastes better than I thought she would.... I purred and glanced back at her neck hungrily. She grabbed her neck quickly and held onto it, looking disbelievingly towards me. "Shiloh...." She whispered. I could feel something pulling me towards her blood. It's like.... it was calling towards me.

"What?" I purred as I tugged my eyes away from her neck and looked her in the eyes. "Can't handle the truth Blaze? Yes, vampires exist. Wizards, werewolves, dragons, all of it. Humans can't come up with that on their own." I smirked and then gently touched her cheek before I trailed my hand down towards her neck. "I've always been a vampire and always will be."

"You've.... always been a vampire?" She asked me and started to lower her hand slowly from her neck. I smirked as I watched her do that. You know... for the fun of it... I think I'll tell her.

"Yes, I'm known as a pureblood Blaze. We're very rare... almost extinct. My blood has never been tainted with human DNA. I've come from a direct line of vampires that were created by the wizards. My family in particular is the most powerful one out there.... We have stones in our chests that holds our soul, our very essence. I don't need this form to be alive.... All I need is my stone to never be crushed. If it's crushed, that's the end and it's hell for us." I smirked. "Are you scared yet?"

"Are you going to kill me?" She asked softly. I tensed up as she asked me that, knowing I was planning to but a little part of me was telling me to leave her alive. I frowned.

"I-I don't know," I whispered honestly. "I was going to... but I'm not sure...."

"Then I'm not certain if I'm scared..." She whispered and looked towards my lips. I smirked and then opened my mouth slightly for her to see my fangs. She should be scared.... I could snap her neck if I wanted. She's only alive because I'm having fun right now.... I could tell she was scared though by her heart rate. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She reached up and touched one of my fangs, cutting herself on it and pulled back to look at her blood. I glanced at it then at her before I purred and looked at her lips curiously. I leaned in slowly and stole a kiss, scraping my fangs against her lips playfully. She gasped and looked away quickly, exposing her neck towards me. I smirked and leaned in, kissing it softly before I bit down again, being a little more gentler about it. She's kind of cute.... She tensed up under me and grabbed my sides, pulling me a little closer as her nails dug into my skin. I purred to her and then trailed my hand down her spine before I let a soft moan slip. She jumped a bit at my touch and came closer towards me in my arms. She's so calm about this.... I licked her neck, taking my fangs out of her as a reward and then gave her neck another soft kiss.

"Does it hurt?" I asked her softly, starting to feel a soft spot for her. I don't think I will kill her.... I'll leave her alive... whether I compel her to forget me or I let her come with me till she eventually dies.... I pulled away from her neck and looked her in the eyes, giving her a sweet look.

"Yeah," she admitted and looked me over. "My neck is sore..." I frowned and looked at her neck before I leaned in and licked it, starting to heal it to take away her pain. "Thanks...." She reached out towards her neck. "That was kinda cool." I laughed and moved away from her neck.

"Really? I guess it is...." I smiled a bit. "So... you have two choices. One, I compel you and you forget this whole thing ever happened, and I'll buy you that dinner and take you home... or two, you come home with me... and you can have a better dinner than that restaurant has to offer and I'll let you travel with me."

"Wait.... what?" She asked me. "Why those two? They're total complete opposites." She frowned.

"Well, the way I look at it, you either don't want anything to do with me... or you find vampires fascinating and you could come travel with me for the rest of your life. Unless you have a better idea, then pick one of my two ideas," I purred. "Either way you live."

"So you want me to either forget about you or drop everything I've been trying to make for myself to come with you?" She asked. "Would I become a vampire?" I laughed. I've never actually turned someone before.....

"If I like you enough, I might turn you to let you live eternity," I purred, smirking at her. "You'd have to ask me first... and earn my trust."

"Do I have your trust right now?" She asked. I looked at her and then tilted my head.

"Well... yes and no. I trust you to pick a decision, but I don't trust you with my life," I told her and sat back. "I barely know you like I know my brothers. Of course, you can earn my trust over time... or you can ask me to turn you and make me want to, but other than that, no you're not going to be turned."

"Alright.... I'll come with you Shiloh.... You're going to show me everything you know and make it worth my whole other life I could of had." She gave me a small smile. I smirked and then gave a nod.

"Then let's go back to the castle," I said and then changed the directions I gave the car before I turned back to her. "Are you absolutely sure that you want to live with a family of vampires?" I asked her and then laughed. "I would think you'd be terrified of the idea. My brothers might try to eat you."

"This is like one of the biggest finds of history and you're asking me if I want to just walk away from it? No thanks." She shrugged. I frowned a bit as I thought about this. I just leaked the secret to a human... and I'm letting it live.... What if she tells someone? Humans always try to kill us when we reveal that vampires exist to them.... It never ends well.... Maybe I should turn her. I glanced over to her neck before I sighed.

"You know... I just changed my mind. I will turn you," I told her and then moved closer to her. "Just as a safety...."

"Will it hurt?" She asked and moved away, though it failed since she had her seatbelt on. I looked her in the eyes and then frowned. I guess it does hurt, doesn't it?

"A little," I whispered. "Don't worry.... You'll be fine though.... It'll help you understand us more," I purred and leaned in towards her neck. "All it is will be I'll drink your blood till you're on the verge of death... and then you'll drink mine to turn into a vampire. It'll take ahold of you and keep you alive and change you into one."

"Wait.... you're going to almost kill me!?" She asked and unbuckled her seatbelt, moving away from me. I frowned at her.

"Why is it that humans always freak out about that part? This is my first turning. Don't ruin it for me," I muttered.

"Well because death is something we actually fear because we're mortal and not powerful gods like you. We don't get eternity. We get half a century.... maybe not even then." She pulled out a pocket knife then and pointed it towards me. I growled as I saw it then looked at her in anger. She thinks a knife like that is going to hurt me? She doesn't deserve being turned. I exposed my fangs at her. I was going to give her eternity to live her life how she wanted.... Humans are nothing but vile creatures.... I snatched her knife away from her and tossed it in the backseat before I got back in mine and looked away from her. No way in hell am I turning her. I'll just feed her to Rory. She looked towards the knife and then towards me and curled up in her seat, pulling her knees to her chest. I glanced at her and then looked away.

After a few minutes, I started to calm down and sighed, relaxing. I should just compel her to forget me.... It's the best thing to do... and she can go back to her sad pathetic life. I turned to look at her and then reached out, gently touching her chin and making her look at me in the eyes. "Blaze, I'm going to compel you to forget me," I told her softly, keeping my voice calm to help keep her calm. She pulled her head back quickly and adverted her eyes.

"I don't want to forget though...." She mumbled and closed her eyes tightly. I frowned at her.

"It's not for my own amusement if that's what you're thinking. It's for my family's safety. I can't trust you," I told her and then sighed. "I should've known better than to let you know about me. I'm just fixing it so you can go back to your old life. You barely know anything now... but you're dangerous with what you know."

"I'm not dangerous with what I know," she muttered. "No one would believe me anyways."

"Actually, that isn't true. There are people out there who would believe you- the kind that has tried killing my family multiple times. Just an inkling of the hint that vampires might exist brings them to our doorstep to murder us," I whispered, remembering the last fight with vampire hunters. "I've seen it before.... We've actually ruled the humans a few centuries back... but we made you all forget us because we were being hunted too bad. Our home was destroyed and demolished to a pile of broken bricks and ashes. I'm not putting my family through that again... and you proved their point with your little knife."

"I only did that to defend myself. I wouldn't actually hunt you Shiloh. I'm fascinated with vampires and other supernatruals.... but I'm not interested in death. That's where I draw my line." I frowned.

"You could have eternity Blaze. You could find your soul mate and meet all kinds of supernaturals if you had let me turn you. It would've been just twenty minutes of mortal fear and it would've been over," I muttered.

"I don't want eternity if I've got to worry about you compelling me." She grabbed the door handle. I frowned and then had the car pull over.

"Fine, get out," I muttered and crossed my arms, watching her. "Get out, and if you ever say a word to another person, I'll hunt you down." She got out quickly and slammed the door shut then started down the side walk, pulling out her phone. I watched her and then pressed the button to have the car start to drive, turning up the radio as I headed back home without her. I really should've just killed her instead of take an interest....

When I got back to the castle, I parked the car and got out, shutting the door before I started out of the garage and for my bedroom, still pissed about her. Keegan was wondering down the hall with a bottle of blood, stopping as he spotted me. I looked towards him and frowned. "What?" I asked him. "Is something wrong Keegan?" I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "I hope not."

"You look like you had a feast," he shrugged and opened the bottle up, starting to drink from it.

"Really?" I asked and looked down at my clothes and frowned. "Believe it or not, but she's still alive Keegan. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I let her live.... I didn't even compel her...." I growled, remembering how she pretty much dissed eternity and vampires... and acted like that to me.

"You let her live? You did at least take her home right?" Keegan asked and finished off the drink. "She better not be walking home bloody in the dark. She might not even make it home."

"No, I dropped her off on the side of the street because she thought it'd be funny to turn down eternity when it was my first time offering it and pulled a knife on me after I had agreed to let her live with me because she was supposedly fascinated with our kind," I told him and crossed my arms. "If she wanted to be that way, she can walk herself home."

"You are pretty scary Shiloh.... oh well. If you feel completely scott free about what happened I'm going to go check in on our sister and see what I can do for her." Keegan started to walk away from me then. I watched him go then sighed, walking to my room and went in, shrugging my shirt off and then my pants before I walked up to the bed and laid down in it, pulling my blankets close around me. I don't ever want a mate... not if it's human.... I'll kill my mate if it's human. I'm not putting up with that again....

Luca's POV:

I felt Castrian shifting around beside me, starting to mutter something. He was starting to wake me up from my sleep. I spotted the clock telling me it was two in the morning. Way too early to be getting up. His shifting was starting to become thrashing as he kicked off the covers. I yelped and got up quickly, shivering before I looked towards the extra blanket I kept in here then grabbed it, going towards the couch tiredly. "Cassy... not again," I whispered under my breath then laid down on the couch to protect myself from his thrashing. I curled up and put the blanket over me, looking towards him with a frown. What happened to him? He's been getting worse... and worse... and his mother too.... Even though we're not even in the Grimm manor. We're living in the house Raven bought..... Castrian started to get to his feet then and started towards the window, whispering something under his breath and suddenly the window opened as he walked towards it. I yelped and got up quickly, running after him. I picked him up and pulled him away from the window. "Cassy, wake up," I whispered to him, carrying him back to the bed. "Please not tonight...." He screamed as soon as I touched him and started to thrash in my arms, sounding like someone was murdering him. I shivered, wanting to cry at the sounds coming from him, but I held back as I trembled and sat him down in the bed. "Cassy... please," I begged and then crawled into the bed, curling up to him. "Please... I love you so much...." Nikolai rushed into the room with a gun and relaxed as his eyes landed on us. Castrian's screamed started to quiet as he started to tremble.

"You okay Luca? You probably shouldn't sleep with him that close. Want some handcuffs? He might hurt you." Nikolai warned me. Castrian sat up quickly and backed up against the headboard of the bed, starting to scream again. I whimpered and nodded towards Nikolai.

"Please... just to keep him from getting up and sleep walking," I begged him. Nikolai left us then to go get them. Castrian's foot was suddenly yanked to the bottom of the bed. I yelped and sat up quickly, looking at him then at the foot of the bed before I started to cry, getting scared. I grabbed Castrian and pulled him back to me, burying my face into him. He started to squirm in my arms, digging his nails into my skin to get away from me. Nikolai walked back in and dangled a pair of handcuffs in his hands. I quickly pulled away from Castrian and went up to Nikolai, taking them. I hugged him tightly before I looked at Castrian and walked up to him, grabbing his wrist as I put the cuff on him and then cuffed him to the bed, moving away from him as fast as I could as I trembled. At least he couldn't jump out the window... or leave me in his sleep... or attack me.... I felt my stone pulse in pain as I watched him, feeling torn up about my mate being in this state. Nikolai looked him over with worry.

"I read a little on the internet... I think it'll be best that tomorrow night we take away all the lights in the room and put up thicker curtains. We'll also have to wake him up two hours into his sleep so this doesn't happen. Apparently it helps stop his active sleeping. I'm probably going to start doing it with Raven to see if it helps." Nikolai looked towards me. "Want to sleep with me tonight? Raven probably is downstairs blooding up the walls." I nodded and walked over to him.

"Thank you," I whispered and then glanced back at Castrian, feeling bad about this, but it was the only thing I could do.... "I'm sorry I wasn't able to keep him sane," I mumbled, starting to cry.

"It's not your fault. He's feeding off of his mother's emotions. Plus it runs in the family." I heard Castrian struggling to get out of the cuffs and started to scream. "I'm sleeping in the third bedroom..." I nodded and tried to ignore Castrian as I walked out of the room. I shrieked as soon as I did though because I was standing face to face with Raven. She smirked as she saw me and exposed her fangs, the look in her eyes sending a chill of terror through me. SHE'S GOING TO KILL ME! Nikolai stepped between us quickly. "Raven, Castrian needs you." Nikolai told her firmly. She paused as she saw Nikolai then purred sweetly, wrapping her arms around his neck before she kissed him passionately. I heard Castrian scream again. Nikolai rubbed her back as he kissed Raven then pulled away from her. She glanced behind him and smirked as she saw Castrian before she walked past him, going into the room.

"Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb," she sung out softly, but it wasn't soothing to me... just terror inspiring. I shivered as I watched her, reaching out for Nikolai's hand a little in fear. Nikolai looked tensed as Castrian's struggling quickened as terror spread across his face. She giggled as she reached him then grabbed his free hand. "Shhhhh.... Just give in," she purred, leaning in towards his ear. "It'll be so much easier if you do." I widened my eyes as I realized she was trying to convince Castrian to start being like her more.

"N-Nikolai," I whispered, panicking. I don't want him to be like her! He is already starting to! Nikolai pulled me into his arms to comfort me. Castrian started to scream again, starting to break his wrist from his struggling. He wasn't even awake. Raven leaned in and bit down into his neck. I shrieked and went to get away from Nikolai to save him and make her stop. "CASSY!" Nikolai kept a hold of me.

"She's not going to hurt her own child...." Nikolai whispered. Castrian let out another scream- this one very much awake.

"Mom!?" Castrian asked, starting to freak out as he yanked on the handcuff. "Why am I handcuffed to  the bed?" She pulled back from his neck and licked her lips clean, giggling.

"Cassy!" I called out, feeling my stone pulse in panic and whimpered. Castrian looked her over and then rubbed his neck, starting to cry. She tensed up and froze before she quickly pulled him into a hug, kissing the top of his head.

"Don't cry," she whispered worriedly. "I'm here.... I'm sorry...."

"Mommy....." Castrian whimpered. "What happened?" He asked and buried his face into her neck. "Nikolai and Luca are scared...."

"You were thrashing in your sleep again," she whispered and kissed the top of his head again. "I accidentally bit you though...."

"Uncuff me...." Castrian sniffled.

"I've got the key, but you should stay cuffed to the bed until dawn son. Get some sleep." Nikolai walked up and kissed him on the forehead. I walked back into the bedroom and laid down on the bed near where Castrian was sleeping before I relaxed, calming down with him next to me. Raven purred softly as she looked the two of us over and then kissed Castrian's cheek.

"Bedtime," she said and then started to walk back out, singing under her breath again.

"We love you," Nikolai promised and started to follow her out, probably ready to get back to sleep. Castrian looked towards me and tried to get closer. I smiled at him sweetly and moved closer to him to give him what he wanted. He leaned against me and started to fall back to sleep. I watched him and yawned, leaning my head against him before I began to sleep beside him, hoping he'd stay peaceful....

In the morning Castrian sat up next to me, starting to stretch. The rest of the night had been peaceful for us. He tugged on the cuffs, trying to get it off of him. I opened my eyes a little and looked up to him then at the cuffs before I kissed his cheek, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Luca, can you take this off of me?" He asked and bit his bottom lip. I looked towards it and then sat up, grabbing his wrist before I started to force his hand out of it, making it quick to be less painful. I stole a kiss from his lips as I finished and then hugged him, laughing.

"Cassy," I purred and kissed his neck. He laughed softly and giggled.

"What's wrong Luca?" He asked as he looked towards his hand.

"I love you," I purred and then kissed his neck again.

"I love you too..." He pulled away from me and grabbed Mr. Trunks who was in the floor then grabbed Mr. Rainbows. I watched him with a sweet look, happy he was okay this morning. I looked at the stuffed animals in his hands then laid down on the bed, pulling my pillow closer to me. He slipped out of bed. "Let's go have a tea party," He whispered to his stuffed animals. I pouted as I watched him. Am I invited or is it just his stuffed animals? I sunk down against the bed and then pulled the blankets closer to me. He looked towards me. "Coming?" He asked. I smiled quickly and got up, racing over to him.

"Mhmm," I hummed sweetly and then kissed his cheek. He walked with me downstairs to the kitchen and started to put a hot pot of tea on as he set up the small kitchen table. He let his stuffed animals relax on the counter while he moved around to get our tea party set up. He even made us some breakfast burritos, placing them on a center plate and put it on the table and grabbed us two smaller plates. Castrian seemed to be better, but he usually was in the mornings before everyone else got up- his parents. I smiled as I watched him, sitting down at the table to enjoy the time I had before he'd start to get worse. My sweet Cassie.... I found myself purring as I watched him and blushed a little. He brought over the tea pot and cups after a few minutes then sat it down. He got the stuffed animals and sat them down before he sat down next to me. I leaned over and kissed his cheek before I wrapped my arms around him, leaning in towards his ear. I wanted time with him today... just us.... "Cassy~" I purred and then nipped at his ear. "Can we go on a date together before your parents get up? We'll come home late...."

"Ummm.... a date?" He asked softly, sounding unsure.

"Mhmm~ A date! Just you and me.... We can go to the beach together~" I laughed and then kissed his neck. "Please?"

"The beach?" Castrian mumbled. "We have a pool..."

"But the beach has pretty waves... and we can play in the sand and make sandcastles and then we can go out to eat for dinner and maybe see a movie.... Come on, please? We don't ever get to do much together, and I'm trying my best to be a good mate.... Even if you tried to kill me...." I mumbled and then buried my face into his neck. "Please Cassy?"

"I tried to kill you?" He asked softly and started to tear up. I frowned and then pulled him close. I forgot I wasn't going to tell him!

"No, no, no, no, don't cry," I begged him, quickly kissing his cheek. "I love you Cassy~ I don't care that you did. You didn't mean to!"

"I did..." He sniffled and started to burst out into tears. I whimpered and then crawled into his lap, trying to help him calm down by giving him a kiss on his lips as my stone started to pulse in pain from making my mate cry.

"What's wrong with Castrian?" I heard Nikolai ask. "Why're you both upset?" I sniffled and looked over at him.

"I-I'm so sorry! I accidentally told him what he did awhile ago to me," I told him starting to cry. "It wasn't his fault!"

"I told you not to slip up and tell him these things," Nikolai whispered, walking over to us. He wrapped his arms around us and kissed Castrian's cheek.

"I didn't mean to," I whimpered and then curled up against Castrian. "I don't want Cassy to cry...." I gripped Castrian's shirt and buried my face into his chest.

"You made him cry anyways and it'll probably wake up his mother next," Nikolai whispered. I shivered and then kissed Castrian's neck.

"Please stop crying," I mumbled to him, trying to keep the pain from my stone out of my voice to sooth him. "You didn't mean to.... It's not your fault, and I still love you...." I exposed my fangs and gently bit down into his neck, starting to mark him. He whimpered a little before he quieted down and moved closer to me. Nikolai pulled back and poured himself a cup of tea then mixed a bottle of blood into it. I pulled away from Castrian's neck and looked him in the eyes before I leaned in and kissed his lips passionately, wrapping my arms around him before I started to purr instinctively. Castrian crawled into my lap then and buried his face into my neck. I laughed as our positions were switched and then kissed his cheek. "Want me to cheer you up?" I purred in his ear softly and pulled him closer to me. I smiled sweetly at him. "We could go upstairs.... It's been awhile since we've had time alone together like this... and you have been stressed out lately... and I think I should prove to you that I still love you with all my soul...."

"Daddy is still in the room you know," Nikolai said as he started out of the kitchen. I blushed and watched him go before I looked back at Castrian.

"If you don't want to... that's okay too," I whispered, gently biting my lower lip.

"I don't understand what you want..." Castrian poured himself a cup of tea and started to sip on it. I blushed and then leaned in, kissing his neck.

"Cassy," I mumbled softly in his ear. I trailed my hands down his sides and then rubbed my leg against him. "We've only done it once though.... Don't you want to?" He blushed as his face overcame with realization.

"Oh.... you want... to make love again?" He asked me. I purred softly and nodded, leaning my face against his neck and gave him a playful growl. "Can I finish this cup of tea?"

"Okay," I murmured and kissed his neck, trailing my hand up under the hem of his shirt. He tensed up against me and spit into his cup of tea. I laughed a little and playfully scraped my fangs against his neck, thinking about biting him again and marking him upstairs. I wanted to make his second one amazing.... He gasped and yanked his head back quickly as he swallowed half of his tea. You know... maybe we could do it out in the make out spot underneath the waterfall.... It'd spice it up.... He looked towards me as he finished the tea. I purred and then took his cup of tea from him, setting it down on the table before I picked him up and started to carry him to the backdoor to take him out to the pool.

"Where..... are we going? The stairs is that.... way...." He pointed towards them.

"Who said we were going upstairs where your mommy is?" I asked him and stole kiss from him before I opened the backdoor and took him outside. I started for the pool and sat him down on his feet before I started to take my shirt off and then went for his. He blushed and pulled his shirt off.

"Are we going swimming?" He asked.

"Kinda," I said and smiled sweetly towards him. I started to unbutton my pants and pushed them down before I got into the water in my boxers and looked up at him. "You'll see why in a minute." He slipped off his pants then jumped in with me and started to swim down to the bottom. I watched him and laughed before I went after him, pulling him back up and then stole a kiss from him before I began to lead him to the waterfall. "We're going under the waterfall." He looked towards the waterfall.

"Okay..." He started to swim towards it then. I followed him and got us under it before I gave a playful growl and lifted him up, placing him on the ledge outcropping in the small cave in hidden behind the water. I gave him a playful look before I started to get between his legs, beginning to get out of the water. He laughed softly and tried to make room for me. I got up onto the ledge and then pushed him down onto his back, getting over him.

"Gotcha," I teased and then kissed him deeply, starting to run my hands down his sides. He blushed and kissed me back, grabbing my hands. I pulled back after a few seconds and looked down at my hands before I looked at him. "What's the matter?" I asked him softly, looking him in the eyes. "You want to be on top Cassy?" I'd let him if that's what he wanted.... 

"Wow... you really want to do it here?" Castrian asked. "I didn't realize this is where you.... what if my parents find out?"

"If we do it in our room, your parents will hear us," I mumbled, pausing as I sat up on him. He doesn't like my choice..... "Do you really not like this? I can get us somewhere else...."

"Well.... I guess I don't mind...." He leaned in and kissed me deeply. I purred and then laid back down on him, kissing him back. I licked his bottom lip teasingly before I slipped my tongue into his mouth and caught his, starting to suck on it to pleasure him. He let a moan slip and melted under me. I pulled back from the kiss after a few seconds and looked down into his eyes lovingly before I trailed my hands to the top of his boxers.

"I love you Cassy~"

"I love you too Luca," he gave me a playful smile and grabbed my hands. "Gotcha." I blushed and looked at my hands then at him. He really did....

"You got me," I whispered and then buried my face into his neck to hide my blush. He leaned in and bit my neck, beginning to drink my blood. I yelped and then melted against him as I let him drink from me. "Do you want me to teach you to mark?" I asked him softly, glancing at him sweetly. I'd teach him if he asked....

"Mhmmm," he pulled back and licked his lips. I smiled and sat up a little, exposing my fangs.

"Okay, so the first thing you need to do is this... and then you lean in and bite like normal... but when you are drinking their blood, you keep your fangs in and you release your venom into them by wanting to mark them either through love or possession... You've got to want to...." I smiled sweetly at him. "I've gotten to the point where I can do it easily without having to do much work to make venom come out.... I don't even have to think about it much anymore."

"Venom...." Castrian mumbled and touched his exposed fangs.

"Uh huh," I hummed out and then reached down, gently touching his fang. "Just try to get some. I'll tell you when you've got some on my finger...." He nodded and looked to be concentrating but nothing happened. I frowned slightly and then kissed his cheek. "That's okay.... Lemme try something else for you. Keep your fangs exposed." I gently reached my other hand down to his boxers and rubbed him through it. "Maybe you need to be in the moment...." He gasped as I rubbed his already aroused body. He gripped my hand quickly as his body trembled. His fangs hid away as he moaned softly. I frowned. "Cassy! You were supposed to keep them exposed," I mumbled and then leaned down, kissing his lips. "Don't hide from me...."

"I'm not hiding.... I couldn't help it...." He said innocently. I nodded and then leaned in towards his neck, biting down. I started to mark him, hoping to show him how so maybe something would click in him to figure it out. He let out another moan and arched his back. "Luca!" I pulled my fangs out and then kissed his cheek, getting my hand back from him before I started to slip my hand up under his boxers. He grabbed the top of my boxers and started to push them downwards. I purred in his ear and changed my mind about my plans, starting to push his boxers down too instead.

"I love you Cassy~ I'll get you to mark me one day.... You'll get it eventually," I mumbled into his ear. He blushed and nodded as he looked at me eagerly.

"I love you too," he mumbled. I smiled sweetly to him and then started to make this his best time around instead of a backseat of a car.

Nikolai's POV:

Raven groaned as she started to move in the bed, pulling the blanket close to her. I saw her fangs sharpening before she bit down into the pillow that I had been using last night. I blushed and started to move away from the bed, taking my cup of tea with me as I went downstairs to the living room. I could hear it silent in the kitchen, meaning I was alone. "Where'd those two boys run off to?" I asked softly. "Probably to have sex no doubt...." I shivered at the thought of them two together in that way. I walked up to the couch and sat down on it, turning the TV on to watch the news.

After about an hour, I felt arms starting to wrap around me from behind the couch and Raven kissed my cheek. "Hey cutie," she purred softly, giggling.

"Hey, come watch the news with me." I grabbed her arm to help her come over the couch to be with me. She sat down beside me and then leaned her head against me, wrapping her arms around my waist. She looked a little better this morning, somewhat like her sweet self and not the crazy maniac that wanted to bite others.

"Do you remember last night any?" I asked her softly.

"Ummm...." She frowned and then widened her eyes. "I bit Castrian...." She shrunk down and then put a hand over her mouth. "Oh no.... No, no, no, no.... I can't believe I bit him...." She started to look panicked.

"Don't worry... he wasn't that conscious until you done so." I told her, rubbing her shoulder. "Don't panic. He's okay now." She looked up at me then nodded, burying her face into my chest.

"As long as he's okay.... but if I'm really getting that bad... maybe I should leave...." She whispered, her voice trembling slightly.

"You're not getting bad," I promised. "You're better today, aren't you?" I asked sweetly. She nodded and looked up at me before she kissed me and looked towards the news.

"I think so.... It's a little quieter, but I can still hear them...." She admitted and glanced over at me.

"Castrian and Luca are off doing grown up things," I told her with a smirk. "So it's just us for about thirty minutes."

"Grown up things?" She asked and frowned in confusion before her eyes widened. "They're having sex?" She asked me, looking freaked out.

"They were talking about it in the kitchen." I told her. "Good thing Castrian can't get pregnant."

"Well technically he can," she mumbled and then tugged on her hair. "If Luca took his stone from him and placed it in a girl's body... but I don't think he knows to do that yet.... Even you could get pregnant Nikolai.... You just got lucky that I was born a girl and not a guy so we don't bother with who is going to be the mother."

"You just officially made me want to never have sex with you again," I teased her. "I don't think the boys would go as far as stone removals to get pregnant."

"You never know.... What if Castrian wants to have kids one day? He is girly when he wants to be," she told me and then smiled. "I doubt they'll go for it for a few centuries though....."

"So.... if Luca is Dante do you think Castrian is Charlie reborn?" I asked her curiously. She frowned and looked up at me.

"My baby is not Charlie," she told me quickly. "He's Castrian. He's got pretty purple hair too. Dante just got a new mate is all."

"You don't think it's possible?" I asked her. "We might have his brothers next.... want to have a kid to check?" I teased. She blushed and sunk down against the couch.

"I'm not giving you another kid if you're trying to see if we're having Ainsworths," she told me and curled her hair around her finger. "I'll give you another one if you just want another."

"I think Castrian is enough to be honest. I only wanted him so if I die he'll take over as king. Which he'll be a really girlie king but he'll be one. I need to start teaching him more about being one as well... probably need to give him to my father for a month." I thought it over. She frowned and then hugged me.

"Do we have to? He's so sweet and innocent.... We could have another and try for a more boyish one to take over for you...." She mumbled then rubbed her head against my chest.

"It's Castrian's birth right though..." I muttered.

"Does he know that?" She asked and then giggled. "I doubt he wants to be king anyways because he wouldn't be able to have his tea as much... and he couldn't be with Luca as much either.... He'd always be busy.... We could just have another boy and raise him to be your successor. Besides, you never really got to hang out with your kid when he was little....."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked her. "Castrian is the eldest so he should get the crown, Raven. That's how it'll go. I had a son for a reason." She frowned and looked up at me.

"What if he doesn't want the crown? He'll give it to someone else. Your lineage won't be on the throne anymore after that."

"He'll want the throne and the crown. He's my son. It's his duty." I told her. She sat up a little and frowned at me.

"Just because it's his duty? We should let him decide what he wants."

"Well then go ask him if you really think he doesn't want to be the king after I die." I challenged. "If he doesn't then we'll have another boy." She nodded and then kissed my cheek.

"We don't have to have another one.... We'll stay a happy family of three because you're not going to die, so it won't matter," she whispered to me and then wrapped me up in her arms.

"Well we both know Castrian is going to rule when I die so I hope you like tea," I teased her. "He's going to make tea an official drink for vampires.... I just know it." She giggled and kissed my cheek.

"That'd be adorable," she mumbled and then nuzzled her face against me. "We should do that for Castrian's birthday."

"Make everyone have a tea party for him? That would be a long table full of tea. We'll have to plan the event outside for him in the sunshine." I smiled softly at the thought. I missed the manor. She nodded and then crawled into my lap, stealing a kiss.

"We should get him a pony too," she purred and smiled sweetly. "He'd like that."

"A pony? We might as well go all the way and get him a unicorn." I teased. She giggled.

"Maybe not that far," she whispered to me. She stole another kiss from me and then ran her fingers through my hair before she leaned in towards my ear. "Would you like to check up on work? I know you must be dying inside from this break.... It's got you watching the news.... We could go while they're having fun and come back in an hour...."

"No, it's fine Raven..." I whispered as I watched a house burning to ashes on the news. She glanced over her shoulder towards the TV and tsked as she saw it before she leaned in and gently bit down into me, starting to mark me before she pulled her fangs out and moved her face back.

"If you say so sweetie...." She told me and then moved out of my lap, sitting beside me. I looked towards her and smirked.

"What? You want to go to the manor and see how the torture is going for Alistair?" I asked. She narrowed her eyes slightly.

"He shouldn't have done what he did," she muttered and then crossed her arms. "But no... that's not why I was asking... though I am curious."

"You're curious about it?" I asked her with a smirk. "So you do want to go look."

"Well I did drink a lot of his blood," she purred and looked off in a daze, a small smile on her lips. "He really does taste good...."

"You want to feast from him again?" I asked, frowning.

"No.... I've got bottled blood... but I'm just saying he tasted great... not as good as you though when you actually let me," she mumbled and then looked over at me with a sweet smile.

"Well he is my brother," I shrugged. "Lori probably tastes good too." I looked towards the TV, watching the house on flames.

"Mhmm.... Most of the Grimms taste good actually," she said and giggled. "I don't think I've bitten Richard before though... or Donnie...."

"Well we all should taste good. We're purebloods." I shrugged. "We'll go to the manor for a bit though if you want.." It might not be good for her though....

"It'd be nice to see Paris," she whispered thoughtfully then smiled. "We need to check up on him anyways."

"Okay, we'll go to the manor for the day and let the kids have some time to their self." I decided and cut the TV off. She looked over and then nodded, reaching out and touching my hand. We were suddenly sitting in the living room, and she got up and giggled.

"PARIS~" She called out, smiling huge.

"He's downstairs," I heard Kyoko tell us as she sat in one of the armchairs, reading a book. Raven looked towards her then at me before she walked over and grabbed my hand, teleporting us downstairs in front of my brother's cell. I heard him screaming out in fear. Paris's scent was also coming from inside. I frowned and walked into the cell to see Paris was heating up a bucket on top of Alistair's chest. Paris gave me a smile.

"Hey you two, Alistair's fangs just grew back in.... who wants first rip out privileges?" He asked. "Hachi has been trying to hunt his stone down with magic. Haru is helping him." Raven giggled and bounced up to Paris.

"I wanna~!" She said sweetly and then picked up a pair of pliers.

"What's up with the bucket?" I asked Paris.

"There's a rat in it." Paris explained calmly. "Scratching and eating away at him. It's starving and the bucket is too hot, making him hot. The only way out is through your brother." Paris smirked evilly. Raven's eyes widened and she looked down at Alistair before she smirked.

"That's new," she purred. "I like that one...." She walked up to Alistair and forced his jaws open, starting to reach the plyers into his mouth. "Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool?" She hummed softly as she ripped out a fang and dropped it to the floor. She started after the next one with a giggle. "Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full."

"It was used in medieval times," Paris told us. I walked up and looked down at my brother, glaring him down. Raven pulled away from him then smirked, looking at the plyers before she smacked him across the face with it hard. She flipped it in her hands, looking the blood over on it before she tossed it aside and turned to me with a huge smile. She bounced up to me and stole a kiss before she wrapped her arms around me, purring. "I think this was my favorite torture method I researched." Paris told us. "Because the idea of tiny feet running across your body is just scary enough."

"Or spiders...." Raven added on and smirked. "Spiders and snakes are pretty bad.... Then you could turn a werewolf lose on him with orders not to bite but tear him up as much as they want."

"Nah, this was the fun idea. I'm going to make him eat the rat and drink it's blood afterwards."

"Oooh, that's great," she whispered and then giggled. "Remind me to stay on your good side Paris."

"Oh and it'll take hours for the rat to eat at him." Paris held back a laugh.

"What about when the bucket gets cold?" Raven mumbled. "Do you have a heating method set up so you don't have to remove it?"

"Isaac's fire is keeping it warm." Paris explained. "It's not going cold." She nodded and looked Alistair over before she let me go and walked up to Paris.

"How's Richard?" She asked curiously. "He's not too torn up still... right?"

"He's doing better." Paris whispered. "About as good as Rose is doing." My brother aught to be ashamed of what he did to my mom.... She's practically trying to hold down her insane side as we speak while taking care of Myra. She could snap in any second. Raven nodded and then sighed.

"If you two ever need anything, you know you can ask me to help you.... I owe you two a lot... and you guys are like family to me," she told him and then smiled sweetly. "I guess by mates we are though."

"I'm your uncle-in-law now." Paris laughed at the thought. "Yeah I think that's what we are now." She giggled and hugged him.

"You don't seem like an uncle though," she said in a teasing tone and smirked at him. "You're getting old Paris. You have grandkids and nephews and nieces."

"What's that supposed to mean? I should just die and leave you guys in this world? Never." Paris smirked. "I'm roasting one of you instead."

"If you died, the world would be less colorful," Raven mumbled and then glanced over at Alistair. "Are you going to kill him as soon as you get his stone... or are you going to keep him like this for as long as it's interesting for you?"

"I'm going to kill him and move on. The better he's gone the faster everyone can move on and stop scaring the living hell out of each other." Paris looked towards Alistair. "How's the rat? Should I heat up the bucket for him?"

"N-no...." Alistair shook his head. Raven smirked.

"You should heat it up more," she purred to Paris.

"You think so?" Paris asked.

"How's the.... sextuplets handling their brother's death?" I asked. "I noticed Kyoko was reading alone upstairs in the living room."

"She's probably the only one handling it that well." Paris told me. Paris picked up a phone then. "Hey Isaac, Raven thinks the bucket isn't hot enough. How about you warm it up a bit more?" He placed the phone back down and walked up to Alistair's feet, starting to slice them up with a razor. I noticed that Alistair wasn't healing too well... probably because his stone isn't inside of him. I heard the rat's scrams over Alistair's. "Nikolai, do a favor and muffle him." I walked up to Alistair and pulled off one of my socks then stuck it in his mouth.

"No one is going to help you now," I muttered. Raven watched us and then smirked, starting to come over as we teamed up to torture the boy Grimm and Ivanov style.