The Halloween Witch

Hachi's POV:

Isaac suddenly tackled me from behind and nuzzled his face into my neck, his tail brushing up against my side. I heard a low growl from him in my ear. I yanked my body from him to move to face him then leaned in towards his neck, feeling hungry. The smell of blood has been driving me nuts. I let out a playful growl. He yelped and moved back, seeing the look in my eyes and twitched his tail. "You're not eating me."

"Someone's gotta feed me...." I muttered and then smirked. "Lien's getting pretty old... I better eat him soon." I started for his bedroom.

"You're not eating our kid," he told me quickly, following after me. "How about we go hunting in the wizard world?"

"Really?" I asked him, feeling excited. "Okay, he can live one more day." I grabbed Isaac's hand. "Let's go eat some wizards in the wizard world." He smirked and then we were suddenly standing in Las Vegas's wizard realm right outside his house here.

"I missed coming here...." I whispered. This is where Haru- my Haru from this realm came to me in his ghost form... This is also where I met Isaac.... I never thought I'd have a child with him and he'd still be breathing afterwards. I felt my mouth water. Isaac's mail box was over crowned with mail again. I grabbed Isaac's hand and pulled him down the street. "We should have invited Haru... he's probably hungry too." I mumbled.

"Yeah, he probably is... but he would've made it to where I wouldn't get anything," Isaac whispered, holding my hand.

"You're right.... he took my last victims from me." I whined, remembering when we went and saved Solis while destroying those bad thieves. "Oh well," I sighed out. "He'll have to eat little Kasai if he wants to sooth his hunger." I hummed as I spotted my victim of the night, a woman around thirty. She was standing by a street lamp smoking a cigarette. Isaac paused as he looked around and then saw her. He looked at me and smirked before he kissed my cheek and slipped his tail up his shirt to appear normal.

"You want her to yourself?" He purred in my ear, his breath tickling me.

"Yeah, you better not take a bite out of her. You'll get a treat from me if you wait." I teased him. He tilted his head and then smiled.

"What kind of treat?" He asked and then kissed my cheek. "Will I like it or is it going to be some sort of humor that only you get?"

"I'll let you have a glass of my blood," I explained sweetly. "Just one glass." His eyes widened and he quickly nodded.

"Yes Hachi, I'll wait," he told me and looked excited. I smirked and started for the girl then, using my powers to pin her feet to the ground. I should save some of her meat and made her into some sushi later. Rise balls and wizard sounds delicious. I watched as her eyes landed on me and she looked panicked.

"OH MY GOD IT'S THE CANNIBAL WIZARD! HELP ME!" She screamed out and tried to get her feet unstuck, pulling out a wand. I laughed and had her whole body frozen.

"Ah yes, it's Hachi." I told her as I got up close to her ear then bit down into her delicious neck. Some of her blood squirted out onto the ground as I done so and I looked directly at Isaac as it fell. He twitched as he looked at it and I saw his fangs expose slightly as he caught the scent. He started to look hungry himself, but he gripped his wrist and dug his nails into it to keep himself from acting on instinct, looking frustrated. I ripped out a chunk from her neck and started to moan as I feasted upon my first bite of flesh in weeks. I moved quickly, pulling out my chopsticks and got one of her eyes, beginning to eat it. Eyes! Eyes are the best part of a wizard. They're the windows to a soul and by god they taste like heaven. I was quick to get her next eye. "Mhhhhh!" I moaned and felt my knees give, making me drop to the ground and laugh from the overwhelming power. I suddenly heard Isaac's footsteps walking away quickly, starting to put distance between us and him. Probably so he wouldn't be tempted.

"Don't go too far," I warned him. After all this is the wizards realm. He might wake up in someone's basement tied to a bed naked. When a woman wants a baby she'll get one from anyone she chooses walking down the street. We don't have mates after all. It's fair game. He glanced back towards me and nodded, letting his tail slip out from his shirt as he flicked it and kept walking. He disappeared around a block, letting me have my time with my prey. I finished the girl off quite fast, licking my lips as I waved my hand over the rest of her to make it disappear and leave this realm. I started walking in the direction Isaac ditched me, summoning a cup of my blood into my hand for him. I spotted him sitting around the corner on a bench, curled up on it with his tail out. He glanced up towards me, opening his eyes then smiled softly.

"Done already?" He asked me sweetly and sat up.

"Here, you earned it." I held out the cup of blood to him. "Just like I promised." He looked towards it and took it.

"Thanks Hachi," he mumbled and then took a sip of it. I heard a moan escape his lips as he held back from drinking it quickly. I watched him and smiled.

"You're kinda sexy drinking my blood," I teased him. I looked around us to stay on guard. He finished it within a few minutes and the glass disappeared before he purred my way, licking his lips. He grabbed my hand and I started to feel Isaac's warmth spreading through me as he started to manipulate the mark he had placed on me. I looked at him then yanked my hand back. "Let's go," I whispered and started down the street. He frowned and got up, following me.

"Are you going to hunt down another wizard?" He asked curiously, putting his hands in his pockets.

"No, I'm not hungry anymore...." I muttered. "Although.... Dang it! I forgot to save some of that girl for later....." I mumbled. She would have tasted good with rice balls. "Oh well.... Let's stalk around town and see what's up." He nodded and glanced around.

"Well... I could go to the bar or something and see if there is anything new going on in town if that's what you're wanting to know. It has been a few centuries." He hummed in thought and then looked back at me. "What do you think?"

"The bar? No thanks I don't want to hear pub talk. They like to rattle you and only give half of the real information. We should go to...." I looked around and hummed softly. "We should go to a wizards club instead...." He nodded and smirked.

"Wizard's club it is. I know this really great one," he purred then started to walk in front of me, leading me down the side walk as his tail flicked. "Let's see... we're here... so it's this way." He turned a corner and glanced back at me. "Come on." I followed after him and grabbed his hand. Haru should have came on this adventure.... he'd have so much fun with us. Oh well..... He'll have to come next time.

"What wizards club?" I asked him. Isaac knows a wizards club? What does he do while I'm away helping Paris? Go clubbing!? He laughed.

"It's actually not that bad. I believe they're called Abracadabra or something like that. I went there a few times with my old friends. They got girls that go around in bunny suits, but they're all dangerous. You don't want to catch their eyes. You just want them to serve you something and that's about it. Evelyn didn't like me going to it because of those girls though...." He shrugged.

"Isaac baby, I'm the only dangerous thing in this town." I smirked. It's true~ I really am dangerous. He laughed and looked at me.

"Yes you are," he purred, leaning down and kissing my neck teasingly. "But you're my kind of dangerous. It's sexy...."

"We'll have to get someone for Haru otherwise when we get home he'll attack us... most likely me since I'm more powerful." I mumbled. "I'll get him a guy to eat."

"That sounds like a good idea," he told me and then moved away from my neck with a smile. "We'll see what we find at that club."

"Probably someone good enough for him...." I whispered, starting to get quiet. He nodded and then looked ahead.

When he finally stopped walking, we were standing outside double doors with a wizard in a cloak watching us. He seemed to be eyeing Isaac's tail and then he looked at me, narrowing his eyes slightly. "Give me one good reason not to call the cops," he said and crossed his arms. He looked about fifteen, not too old yet. Isaac smirked and then walked up to him.

"Because you don't want me to bite you, do you?" He purred in the other guy's ear, making the other freeze up as he looked at Isaac. He quickly jumped back and had a spell book in his hands in seconds.

"You know the rules. I can't let you in without the password," he hissed, opening it up to a page. Isaac laughed and then tilted his head.

"I believe the password was cats," he said sweetly. The other frowned.

"What kind of cats?"

"Black cats," Isaac smirked, watching as the other one sighed.

"Who let you know the password," he muttered and walked up to the door. "Great, death threats and two cannibal wizards.... I can't believe I'm letting this into the club...."

"Oh look Isaac, you're being recognized as a cannibal now....." I laughed. "The wizards sure do like to gossip about who hangs out with me. Wait until they hear about Haru." I stiffened a laugh. "Cops? He thinks cops will stop me." The other one shot me a look.

"They do have a special division dedicated to catching you if you were to show back up," he hissed my way.

"Better call the coppers then," I laughed. "Open the door unless you want to be the guy I take home to Haru." He frowned and then pushed the door open quickly. Isaac laughed and ruffled the guy's hair before he walked inside.

"Hachi Hachi Hachi," I mumbled towards the boy as I stepped inside. He shivered and I heard him mutter a spell quickly, sending a chill through my body before I was sent to the floor in convulsions. The wizard quickly shut the door and I heard it lock. Harry appeared by me then and knelt down, looking me over.

"Who got you this time?" He asked and waved a hand over me to help the spell leave. Isaac looked pissed as he looked down at me then at the door, his eyes flashing red for a second. I relaxed as Harry removed the spell and turned into a butterfly, landing on Isaac's shoulder. Isaac tensed up and looked at him before he smiled, relaxing.

"Hey Harry," he purred and then walked up to me, holding out a hand to help me up. I grabbed his hand and got to my feet quickly.

"Fifteen year old brat...." I muttered as I scooped Harry off of Isaac and placed him on my shoulder. Isaac frowned slightly.

"Hey, he landed on my shoulder. I get dibs on him being on my shoulder," Isaac complained. "He never picks me." I frowned as Harry flew back to Isaac then changed into his human form and wrapped his limbs around Isaac, hugging him. Isaac purred and looked at Harry before he hugged him back. Harry giggled.

"Hiiiiiii Isaac," he whispered then transformed into a black cat and landed on the ground by us then transformed into a black panther.

"You having fun?" Isaac teased him then started to walk into the club, leading us. There was fog on the floor and wizards dancing in the middle with a few predatory looking girls glancing some of the hotter male wizards over. There was an illusion on the ceiling of the night sky with the moon over the dance floor and I could see a bar against the far wall with a guy behind it, dealing out weirdly colored drinks. Girls in bunny outfits- waitresses- circled around with trays of drinks and food along with exotic looking cookies. Isaac didn't seem weirded out at all, like this was normal for him and continued walking, heading in the direction of the bar. I caught one of the girl's attention turning towards Isaac as he passed her, the girl taking her eyes off another male wizard. She smirked and looked interested in him. Harry transformed into his butterfly form and landed on my shoulder.

"This doesn't look fun to me, it looks scary...." Harry whispered in my ear. I laughed and followed after Isaac, glaring the girl down in the process. She looked towards me and frowned before she narrowed her eyes challengingly.

"Isaac," I mumbled and got up behind him, giving his cheek a kiss. He paused and looked back at me with a purr, his tail twitching happily at the attention. The girl crossed her arms and seemed like she was still not convinced. She suddenly smirked and Isaac tensed up, glancing her way as his attention was pulled from me. "Isaac, I think you've got a stalker... Let's get rid of her." I suggested and leaned in, stealing a kiss from him. He didn't seem to notice as his eyes glazed over. "Okay..." I sighed and smacked his cheek hard. "I'm your mate, got it?" He yelped and touched his cheek, blinking like he just woke up.

"Ow!" He complained and then looked at me with wide eyes. "What was that for?!"

"I love you too," I purred and looked towards the girl, licking my lips before pulling Isaac towards the bar. He whimpered but followed me.

"I didn't realize you were bi-polar," he mumbled as he trailed behind me, his tail curled up around him as he hung his head with a hurt look.

"You were in a daze, I had to wake you up...." I looked towards the bartender as I approached the bar. "Give me one of those odd colored drinks." He frowned and then looked me over.

"You seriously don't know what they're called, do you?" He asked me then leaned over the counter. "Got I.D. on you?"

"Want me to take your eyes and eat them?" I asked. "Oh wait we haven't been introduced..... I'm Hachi." He yelped and jumped back quickly, pressing a panic button under the bar. "So, one of those drinks?" I asked, pointing behind him. "Whatcha want Isaac?" I asked and looked towards him. He narrowed his eyes at me and his tail flicked.

"That's just cruel," he mumbled and looked away from me. "I get slapped... and then he teases me with my whole I can't drink things."

"None for Isaac." I sighed and looked back at the bartender. "So give me one of those drinks." He bit his bottom lip then shakily started to look the bottles over, picking up a blue colored one and then a red one before he got a glass and started to fix me a drink, layering it as the blue one stayed towards the bottom and then poured the red one on top of it. It mixed in the middle and made a really pretty purple, looking like three layers before he slid it my way. Isaac sat down at the bar and then watched me, looking towards the drink before he looked at me with a small smile.

"Thanks bartender, how about you do yourself a favor and turn the annoying bell off." I took a sip from the drink. He shakily did as I told him and watched me, staying back as far as he could. "It's fine, I already ate before coming here. I'm quite full.... and Isaac only feeds from me." I turned towards Isaac. "Because my blood is better." I looked down at the drink. "Heard of any crazy rumors I should know about?" I asked the bartender. He slowly started to walk up, getting a little braver after what I told him.

"W-well... there is a few things that are going on.... I do hear a lot of it from customers...." He mumbled, looking down at the ground.

"Hey bartender! Let me get a drink!" I heard a guy yell from the other end of the bar. "Come on, chop chop. Quit drooling over patches." The bartender shot his head up towards the other guy then smirked before he grabbed something that had a small X on the lid and then started to pour it into a glass before he slid it at the other guy.

"Enjoy. It'll be the best drink of your life," he said and looked the guy over before he sat the bottle back down.

"Nah, I want what patches is having." The guy said and shoved the drink over the edge of the bar. I picked up my glass and started to drink a little more of it.

"So what kind of rumors are we talking about?" I asked.

"Dragons... witch business... devils," the bartender muttered, listing a few things as he started to make another drink just like mine. "I believe there was something I heard about rituals.... Maine too.... Uhhmmmm. I heard something about a dragon living in Maine as well.... A lot of stuff is going on in Maine," he whispered.

"That's because Maine has a powerful vampire family living there," I told him.

"Yeah.... Grimms I believe.... There's a witch that is going to Maine soon to get rid of Grimms or something.... I can't remember what she said but it had something to do with Maine and the devil."

"Grimm's only enemy now is the devil himself," I slurped up the drink. "If the devil was to walk on earth there would be nothing but fire here by the end of the party. You better hope that never happens." I laughed. "There is three dragons in Maine actually." He frowned.

"No I was talking about the dragon trade going on," he told me and looked up into my eyes as he slid the drink to the other guy. "The black market was attacked, but a few wizards are trying to bring it back."

"There's still that going on?" I asked. "Thought I got rid of that in New York..." I sighed. "Better look into that soon." He nodded.

"I don't agree with what they're doing... but I heard mention that it wasn't just dragons anymore. They're trying to get their hands into all the pets a wizard can have. They got their hands on a unicorn." I tensed up then.

"A unicorn?" I asked. "That's one of the rarest creatures a wizard can have.... there is only a few in existence now."

"You better hope it's not yours," Harry whispered.

"Whatcha talking about down here?" I heard as the male slid down the bar.

"What young Hachi is going to have for supper tonight," the bartender shot at the male, glaring him down.

"Hachi?" He asked and looked towards me. "Never met you before~ Hey tell me something-" He reached out and pulled on one of my stitches. "Does that hurt?" He asked. Isaac suddenly attacked him and had his fangs in the guy's neck in seconds, snarling.

"No but it hurts Isaac," I told him calmly. He yelped and tried to get Isaac off of him. I turned towards the bartender. "I can't feel pain." The bartender nodded and then frowned, looking at Isaac then at me.

"That's not good for business. Can you get your friend off him?" He asked me.

"Isaac, he didn't hurt me. He was being curious." I told him. "Give the guy a break." Isaac glanced back at me over his shoulder and then sat up on the other guy before he gave me a loving look.

"Okay," he said sweetly then shot the other guy a glare. The guy took off running away from us then.

"You scared away the service...." I muttered and laughed as I finished my drink. Isaac sat back down beside me, licking his lips with a purr. I caught him glancing over his shoulder at the one he had bitten, watching him go hungrily. "Give me another one of these," I tapped the glass. The bartender nodded and then fixed me another one. He smiled at me, starting to warm up to me. I watched him and smirked.

"What else do you know?" I asked.

"That they want to breed the unicorns and dragons that they can get their hands on...." He shrugged. "I think it's not moral... but I can't really do anything to fix it... and I think it'd be nice if unicorns weren't so rare, but they don't need to be born into slavery."

"Unicorns aren't born into slavery. They're born wild and choose their wizard wisely. Once they choose you you're privileged to unknown powers." I told him. "They're rare for reason." I shrugged. "Dragons aren't rare though they have their own realm which is sanctuary for them. Not only were wizards hunting them but humans used to as well."

"Yeah... I've heard that.... The common dragons aren't what they're after though. They're after the rarer ones in that realm, the ones that can take human forms and have extraordinary powers. The ones that rule over the others," he said and sighed, rubbing at his temple. "They've developed a way to sneak into the nests to take the babies away. I even heard a rumor that they were going to steal one in Maine away and use him."

"It'll be hard to capture the one in Maine...." I muttered. "After all he's pretty well guarded and lives to protect his own kind.... He's not like normal dragons."

"Really?" He asked curiously and then looked me over. "Why do I get the feeling that it's you protecting him?"

"Not only me..." I smirked. "Why do you think he's staying in Maine? Under Paris's territory? If he wasn't a part of Paris's family we would have gotten rid of him years ago. No he's mated to Paris's oldest child." He raised an eyebrow at me then sighed.

"Well... they're coming for him soon. I think I heard about it happening in a few days," he whispered quietly to me. "I don't really approve of what they're doing, so I don't mind telling you.... Just don't tell anyone it was me that told you all this."

"Why would I tell someone that?" I asked him. "Don't worry. I'm putting up a new security system soon around the manor."

"Better make it quick. I heard that the Wizard of Halloween wanted to help them," he said and laughed slightly.

"Oh is his name skellington jack?" I asked and busted out laughing.

"No, it's actually a girl," he told me and crossed his arms. "She's about nine, but she's very powerful."

"Nine?" I asked. "Well.... nine year olds can be persuaded to the darker side.... after all Kasai and Haru are close to her age. I could raise and eat her," I told Isaac. Isaac looked over and smirked.

"You want to keep her?" He asked me then purred, moving closer.

"Who doesn't want to keep a little nine year old that's got a cool Halloween wizard nickname?" I asked. He laughed and nodded.

"Maybe we can get our hands on her before she tries to take Midori," he whispered to me. "Use her against the ones that were going to use her."

"That'd be fun.... I wonder where we can find her.... Let me call Haru and ask him to track her down." I suggested and grabbed my phone from my pocket. He nodded and started to talk to the bartender, making jokes as I called Haru. He picked up after a few minutes and yawned.

"Haru here.... Is that you Hachi?" He asked sweetly and I could hear the excitement rising in his voice.

"Yeah, I got a job for you... I need you to find a little girl wizard... she's nine and she's got the reputational nickname of the Halloween Wizard." I told him.

"Gotcha. Am I eating her?" He asked and giggled. "Or am I tying her up for you?"

"We're befriending her." I told him. "She's going to be useful to us later."

"So tying her up," he said and then laughed. "Okay Hachi~ I'll have her for you in a few hours! I'll call you when she's back at the manor."

"Thanks~ Tell Paris we've got guest coming over real soon that want to steal Midori right out from under our nose. We should surprise them, don't you think?"

"Okay," he said sweetly and hung up on me. Isaac glanced over and smirked before he looked back at the bartender and laughed.

"So you're like a vengeful bartender huh? You make the customers you don't like falling over drunk and give them to the girls?" The bartender smirked and nodded. I put my phone away and started to drink what he fixed for me.

"Anyways, is that all I can do for you both today?" He asked curiously.

"Anymore information you have for me today?" I asked him.

"Besides what I told you about the trades and the witch going to Maine... not much else for right now. If you want... I could always put you down and give you information," he whispered. "I don't mind.... As long as you don't eat me."

"That would be great," I smirked. "You can exchange information with Isaac." I pointed to him. "I won't eat you." He nodded and then pulled out his phone, taking a picture of Isaac.

"Alright, stop by once a month or whenever and I'll tell you what I know," he hummed out and started to walk off to another customer.

"Let's get out of here," I suggested and smirked. Isaac smirked and nodded, grabbing my hand before he started to pull me to my feet.

"Want to go wait at the manor or hang out here longer?" He purred, leaning in towards my neck as his tail flicked.

"Well do you want to stay here longer?" I asked. He shook his head and smirked.

"We could go home and have some fun together preparing for her," he suggested then started to pull me towards the door by my waist.

"I do need to put up that extra security..." I mumbled.

"Then you can put up the extra security and I'll make a room for her," he purred and we suddenly were standing in our room back at the manor. "Unless you want me to come help you put up the security."

"Nah, you don't have to help me. I'm actually going to have to warn Paris first so he knows what I'm going to do and he can let the others know." I told him. He nodded.

"Do you want her room near us so we can watch her closely?" He asked me curiously and kissed my cheek. "I'll work on setting it up."

"Yeah, that'll be okay." I shrugged. "You can do that."

"Mhmm," he hummed and then ran his hands down to my side, smirking. I smiled and leaned in, giving him a kiss. He kissed me back and purred, his tail twitching as he pushed me back against the bed and laid on top of me.

"You can help me if you want..." I whispered. He purred and then leaned his face into my neck, licking it slightly up to my jaw before he gave me a kiss on my neck. His hand trailed down to my leg and he gently squeezed it, giving a playful growl. I growled back. "Or do you want something else?" I asked. He laughed and flicked his tail back and forth.

"How about both?" He purred teasingly, starting to slid my leg up to put it around his waist.

"Well..." I whispered. "As long as we don't fall asleep afterwards..." I leaned in and gave him a kiss. He purred happily and kissed me back.

~Time Skip~

My phone started to ring in my pocket as I walked around the woods with Isaac. It was near dark, and we were almost finished. I pulled my phone out and answered it. "Yeah? Is this my little Haru?" I asked.

"Uh huh," he giggled out, his voice ringing sweetly. "I found her~ She's tied up in the basement in a cell when you're ready to have her!"

"Thanks Haru you're the best!" I hung up on him and then used my magic to take Isaac with me into the basement and searched for her cell. I finally found her tied up in the corner of the cell. She had a gag in her mouth, but I could faintly hear her screaming through it. She saw me though and froze up, her orangey yellow eyes looking at me in panic. She was dressed in a simple black cloak and black and orange socks that went up to her knees along with a cute black skirt and comical skull necklace hanging over her white shirt. She sunk down into the corner, trying to get away as she saw me. "Hi, I'm Hachi and this is Isaac my lover. You already met my twin Haru." I walked into the cell and straight towards her. "I'm not going to hurt you." She quieted down and looked up at me in fear, lightly tugging on the ropes as she tried to move. Isaac followed in behind me, looking her over curiously.

"A little bird told me that you were the person to see when I heard that there are wizards wanting to take Midori from us. He's a dragon. Dragons are rare beings, you know?" I asked her. She tensed up slightly and gave me a cautious look before she nodded slightly. Isaac frowned slightly as he watched her.

"Do you want me to take the gag out for you Hachi?" He asked me, starting to walk up to her.

"Not yet," I told him. "She's still not trustable." I crossed my arms. "Little girl you're right in the dragon's lair." I told her. "He's not going to be happy with you if we go tell him that you want to hurt him.... but you don't want to hurt him right?" I asked her. She shook her head no quickly, looking towards the door in awe then at me.

"If I let you go and not eat you.... you promise to become a part of my family and protect everyone in the family?" I asked her. She looked up at me in confusion and then lightly tugged on the ropes again as she tried to sit up better. "My family is huge and powerful," I told her. "Not only are you in the dragon's lair but it's my lair. It's also Paris Grimm's lair. We all live under the same roof as a family." She slowly nodded and then looked at Isaac then at his tail curiously before she looked back at me in slight fear. "Okay Isaac you can take the gag out." I watched her. He nodded and knelt down beside her, taking the gag out of her mouth. She shook her head in disgust then looked at the gag.

"Ewww," she whispered and then looked away from it quickly.

"So how did you get your little wild nickname?" I asked her. "You've got a reputation." She looked over at me and then smiled.

"My nickname? I play pranks on other wizards, especially around Halloween, and my favorite holiday is Halloween... and the spirit of Halloween picked me," she said sweetly, giggling.

"Got any parents I should eat? I mean know about?" I asked her. She smiled.

"I have a mommy," she said innocently. "Daddy got killed though."

"Well we're your parents now. Isaac, untie her." I gave her a cute smile. Isaac nodded and then started to untie her, smirking. She watched him and then rubbed her arms when she was free and got to her feet shakily. She smiled at Isaac then looked at me sweetly before she ran for the door. I sighed and grabbed her before she made it out then picked her up and started to carry her out the door. "Let's introduce you to the rest of the family," I suggested. She squirmed slightly but stopped after a few seconds.

"Can I have my magic back?" She asked and looked up at me. She pouted slightly. "I don't like this. I want them back."

"No because we can't trust you yet..." I rubbed her head. "I could just let Haru eat you." She widened her eyes and sunk down into my arms.

"But I don't want to be eaten," she whispered and then started to cry. "I feel funny without my powers...." Isaac smirked as he walked beside me and looked down at her.

"Then you better work hard to make your mommy want to give you back your powers," he told her. She looked at him and then up at me pleadingly.

"You heard him, until then you'll remain powerless." I smirked and started to walk upstairs, looking around for Kasai and Haru... maybe even Lien. I spotted Haru and Kasai playing around in the living room first though, and I noticed Haru had a necklace around his neck that glowed slightly. He paused as he sensed us and looked over at us with a huge smile.

"Hachi!" He shouted and then ran over to me, tackling my leg into a hug. He giggled and then looked towards the girl in my arms as she shrieked, looking terrified of him. "Heh, she's still afraid of me," he said in amusement then touched the necklace around his neck. "I got your powers~" He teased her. Kasai ran up to Isaac and ran into him really fast, tackling him into the floor and gave him a hug.

"Isaac!" Kasai laughed and rubbed his face against him. Isaac laughed and hugged him back.

"Hey cutie," he said sweetly and kissed the top of Kasai's head. Haru growled at Isaac as he did that and went up to them to take his twin back. Kasai giggled and held on tight to Isaac.

"Isaac, you wanna play dungeon and trolls with me?" Kasai asked.

"Sure," he purred and the two disappeared before Haru could snatch him away. He narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms in frustration.

"He's mine," Haru muttered to no one in particular, looking angry.

"It's okay Haru, they're just going to play a game." I told him sweetly. He looked back at me and then nodded, trying to calm down. He glanced at the girl in my arms and then at me.

"So we're keeping her?" He asked me. The girl shrunk down against me, looking directly at the necklace around Haru's neck longingly.

"Yeah, or you know... you can eat her." I shrugged. He perked up.

"I can eat her?" He said and then started for her quickly. She screamed and started to climb up onto my shoulders quickly to get away from him, trembling.

"Yeah," I grabbed her and held her out arms length from me. "I've already ate today." She looked at me in panic.

"Please don't," she begged me, looking down at Haru in fear.

"Haru, I think she doesn't want to get ate today...." I sat her down in front of him. "Anyways... she's yours to deal with. I've already taken care of one child." Haru smirked at me then looked at her with a predatory look, going after her. She widened her eyes and looked towards the necklace then looked at him before she started to run. He quickly caught up to her and pinned her to the ground, leaning in towards her shoulder quickly but froze up as she ripped the necklace off him and crushed it. He was suddenly thrown off her and she got back to her feet, holding out a hand his way as he was pinned up against the wall by her magic. I had her frozen instantly and looked at Haru. "Still alive?" I asked him. He nodded as he fell down to the floor and looked at me then at her. He started walking towards her with a smirk. "You're going to eat her?" I asked him. He paused and looked at me.

"Why else would we have caught her?" He asked me then crossed his arms. "I'm not babysitting her. If you don't want her dead, you better find someone else to take care of her. I don't play mommy and daddy- especially with girls my own physical age."

"You raise Kasai," I teased him.

"That's different. That's my brother," he told me firmly. "I don't want to be responsible for her. You asked me to catch her. You take care of her. Give her to Isaac if you absolutely refuse to take care of her yourself. Isn't he the one taking care of Lien anyways?"

"No.... I take care of Lien.... like he's a vegetable in my garden." I smirked.

"Not really," Haru hummed out. "I see Isaac talking to him more than you do." He looked at the girl and waved his hand over her, watching as she slumped to the ground in sleep. "Give her to Paris or something as a gift."

"Paris already has me to protect him..." I trailed off.

"I didn't mean like that. Think this way: he recently lost some of his kids. What better than to give him another child for him to lavish his fatherly affections on. A replacement," he said and then looked the girl over. "She's female though, so he might not want her as much as if it was a boy, but it's worth a try since how you actually don't want her."

"Yeah but we all know what he does with girls...." I mumbled. "I'll just.... give her to Isaac I guess."

"There's Rose," he hummed out in amusement.

"She's a vampire..." I mumbled.

"What about it?" He said and smirked. "You would've given her to Paris if Paris liked girls."

"No I would have not... Paris is my pet." I crossed my arms.

"Then just make her your pet," he laughed and then nudged her over to me with his foot.

"Nah, you can eat her." I backed away from her. He frowned at me.

"Cruel. You had me catch her for no reason. That was valuable time with Kasai." He muttered and started for me.

"Isaac has Kasai now..." I teased. He growled and tackled me to the floor, looking upset. I widened my eyes and used magic to take me to my bedroom.

"HACHI!" I heard Haru scream from the living room. Nope.... Nope.... Nope. He'll have to settle for Kasai. "I'M GOING TO GET YOU FOR THIS!" I walked over to my bed and laid down on it. The door was suddenly flung open and Haru walked in, looking mad at me. I gave him a sweet smile.

"Did you eat her?" I asked him. He walked over to the bed and crawled into it, coming over towards me then sat down on top of me. I suddenly felt my powers cut off and he glared me down. I frowned and looked him over. "Haru, I made you go get her to save us trouble in the future...." He narrowed his eyes but then laid his head down on my chest.

"Fine, whatever," he muttered and then yawned, starting to relax.

"So you can eat her if you want," I suggested.

"I'll think about it," he hummed out and then gripped my shirt, starting to fall asleep on top of me. I slowly started to feel my powers coming back to me as he fell deeper and deeper into sleep. I rubbed his head, glad he didn't do anything to me. He probably can't because I look like Kasai. He leaned his head into my hand, looking really innocent like this as he slept, a lot like my Haru when we were younger. I rubbed his head then slowly slid him off of me. He gripped me though and whined in his sleep, wrapping himself around me completely. I let out a small groan. Ugh! I need to get up. He nuzzled his head against me but then slowly let go, curling up to the blankets innocently. I got out of bed quickly and used my magic to go downstairs to the girl. I grabbed her sleeping body then took her to a bedroom near mine and laid her down in the bed then left for the kitchen. I went inside it and started to make myself a sushi roll.

Xena's POV:

I woke up in a strange bed and sat up slowly, my black cloak falling around me as I got up. I glanced around the well furnished room and frowned. Where am I? I bit my bottom lip before I wandered over to the door, standing up on my toes to open it then walked out, looking around. I'm still alive.... I looked down at myself and then tensed up. Those scary wizards are still here... aren't they? I shivered and then pulled out my spell book, hugging it to my chest as I walked down the hall hurriedly to try to find the way out of here.

"Who're you?" I heard a girl ask from a few feet down the hall. I tensed up and looked at the girl. She wasn't a wizard... I could tell.

"X-Xena," I whispered, pausing in my steps. "Can you help me get out of here?" I asked her quickly, walking up to her. This girl had long black curly hair... She gave me a small frown.

"No," She told me and started to side step me. "I'm sure you're here for a reason."

"Please," I begged and followed her. "They're going to eat me!"

"Uh-huh?" She looked towards me. "Most girls do get ate here. Unless you're family." I shook my head.

"You don't understand! Hachi is going to eat me!" I started to cry in fear, the idea of Hachi or Haru chasing me down terrifying me.

"Hachi doesn't keep his food alive this long," she told me and laughed.

"He's trying to feed me to Haru," I whimpered and then looked around as I wiped at my eyes. "Please, don't let me be killed. I don't want to die here!"

"Okay, well be useful to him and he won't kill you," she shrugged. "Do you want something to eat?" I felt my tummy growl slightly at the thought of food then nodded, hugging my book tighter to me. "Maybe I can get my dad to fix us something to eat...." She mumbled. I bit my bottom lip gently as I looked her over and then got a little closer to her, not wanting to be seen by Hachi if he was nearby. "DAD!" She yelled. "RICHARD!" She called.

"COMING!" I heard a male voice shout. A male with black hair walked up after a few minutes and looked down at her. "Yes, what is my sweet?" He purred and picked her up. He kissed her cheek then looked down at me then widened his eyes. "Who's that?"

"Some girl I think Hachi brought home because she keeps saying he is going to eat her.... We're both hungry though so can you fix us something to eat?" She asked him. He nodded and then picked me up too, starting to carry us both.

"I'll have to talk to your mother about this though," he whispered to the girl and then looked me over. "He needs to know." I shrunk down against the guy and hid my face in him, feeling him tense up slightly before he relaxed. "Awww, she's kind of cute," he purred. "I think I'll keep you."

"Her name is Xena," She told him softly.

"That's an interesting name," the guy laughed and then we were walking down a flight of stairs. "You don't mind having a sister, do you?"

"I've got one other," she shrugged. "What's one more?"

"Good, I didn't want jealousy," he purred and then took us into a room. He sat us both down on a counter and walked over to the refrigerator, getting something out of it before he started to fix us food. I watched him curiously and looked around the room before I looked at the girl then at her dad. It didn't take him long to have a plate of food for both of us and he gave it to us. I looked at it hungrily and started to eat it. She took her plate from him and started to eat.

"Thanks dad," she said sweetly.

"You're welcome," he said and watched us as he got out a bottle of what looked like blood and started to drink it. I quickly finished my plate and sat it aside, looking at them before I brought my knees to my chest. Her dad looked me over and then looked at her. "Want to come with us or stay?" He asked her softly. "I need to go find your mommy to show him his new kid."

"No.... I don't want to go find mommy right now... I think he's downstairs in the basement again..." She mumbled. He nodded, looking like he understood something that I didn't. He picked me up quickly before I could jump down to the ground and then kissed the other girl's head. "I'll see you later than sweetie." I squirmed, looking around. I really need to get out of here though!

"Bye," She said softly.

"I love you," he purred and then started to carry me out of the room. He started to carry me down the hall and then up to a door before he opened it and carried me down a flight of stairs, taking me back down to the cells. I widened my eyes and started to squirm, trying to get away but he kept a tight grip on me and he carried me up to a door and pushed it open. There was a white haired male who was hovered over a guy on a surgical table. He looked towards us and gave a smile.

"Hey Richard.... Don't bring small girls into a torture chamber.... who's your new friend?" He asked. Richard smiled.

"This is Xena. I want to adopt her. Can we Paris? Please?" He asked sweetly, giving me a small squeeze. I yelped and almost dropped my spell book.

"Ummmmm.... she's a wizard...." He pointed me over. "Maybe you need to go ask Hachi first." Richard frowned and then walked up to the white haired guy with me in his arms.

"But Kyoko said that she found her and that Hachi probably brought her here anyways- something about Xena being afraid about being eaten. Come on.... Please? Let's be her parents," Richard mumbled. "She's cute and adorable and cuddly."

"Our last child was adopted too..." He mumbled. "Remember Luca?" He asked. "Whatever though we can adopt her too because you didn't argue with me about Luca." Richard quickly kissed the other and purred.

"Thanks Paris," he said sweetly. "Xena, this is your new daddy okay?" He purred to me, kissing my cheek. I squirmed and then accidentally dropped my book, yelping. I looked down at it and started to reach for it in a panic. Paris picked it up and handed it to me.

"Now sweetie can you take her upstairs? She's too young to be down here." Paris said sternly. Richard nodded and then stole another kiss.

"Okay," he mumbled and then looked over at the guy on the table, glaring him down. "You're not going to kill this one," he hissed and then started for the door with me.

"Love you two," Paris called after us.

"If you come up to our room, I'll treat you for letting me have another one," Richard purred, looking over his shoulder playfully. I shrunk down against him and frowned. Why can't he just put me down?!

"What's Hachi doing bringing home strays to eat anyways?" Paris asked. "I thought he was finding Alistair's stone for me with Haru.... I better go talk to him...."

"Then come with me and we'll go talk to Hachi," he purred and then started to walk out, swaying his hips. Paris started to follow us then, smirking.

"Okay..." He purred.

"Good, because after this, we can ask Donnie to babysit little Xena and we can go play upstairs," Richard hummed out. "Actually, let me drop her off with Donnie first."

"Why are we giving her to Donnie?" Paris asked. "Let's hand her off to Hachi."

"Because I'm not handing our baby girl to a cannibal wizard. We'll have Donnie babysit her because he's handled magical creatures before. He's mated to one and has them for kids," Richard pointed out.

"Okay fine.... Donnie it is but I still have to go talk to Hachi before we go upstairs to our bedroom."

"I know... I'm just making sure she gets somewhere safe before Hachi can attempt to take her back," he purred and led Paris up the stairs and then took us up the other stairs onto a hall before he knocked on a door. "Donnie~ Can you do me a favor?" He said sweetly and opened the door. I heard a yelp come from inside then a thud on the floor.

"Whatcha want?" A guy asked, groaning from the bed. "Some people are actually trying to have a moment in this manor- yeah? Don't you know it?"

"I was going to ask if you could babysit this little girl. She's your new sister," Richard purred, walking into the room. I saw a older looking teenage boy with black hair and green eyes curled up on the floor covered up in blanket. He sat up and then looked directly at me before he purred, his eyes flashing gold. I suddenly felt a presence of extreme power wash over me, and I knew it was coming from him. He's a dragon.... I looked at him in awe as I blanked out on the rest of the surroundings.

"Ummm.... but.... FINE." Donnie sighed and slipped under the covers. "Just go and leave her here."

"Thanks Donnie~ I'll babysit your kids tonight so you can have fun with Midori to make up for this," Richard said sweetly and sat me down in the floor. I fell to my knees and dropped my book immediately as I watched the dragon in front of me with wide eyes. He purred and then held out a hand towards me, looking me over. He's inviting me.... Oh my gosh! Oh my unicorns! Oh my sweet, sweet pumpkins! I crawled over to him and sat down in front of him, trembling in excitement as the dragon took interest in me and watched as he gently touched my cheek. I started to glow a bit and I caught a glimpse of the dragon's life in the realm and here. Midori.... I looked up at him and then crawled into his lap, making him laugh.

"You're a sweet little wizard," he purred softly and then ran his fingers through my red hair.

"Jokes on you.... My kids are grown up...." Donnie mumbled.

"Well, it was an offer," Richard purred and walked out quickly, shutting the door behind him.

"Can I keep her?" Midori suddenly asked, pulling me into a hug.

"No, it's my sister not my daughter." I heard Donnie tell him. "Now please come back into bed?"

"Okay," Midori said sweetly and then placed me down on the floor before he crawled back into the bed. I got to my feet and looked at them then noticed the window. I could leave.... I bit my bottom lip then looked back at Midori, wanting to stay near him.

"Come here little sis," Donnie called. "You can lay with us, I don't mind." I glanced at him then slowly crawled into the bed, getting between them then snuggled up to Midori. I giggled and looked over at Donnie sweetly. Donnie rubbed my head then curled up to his pillow, closing his eyes. Midori purred and then rubbed his head against my cheek, making me giggle as he purred. I squirmed and tried not to laugh as it tickled me. "Midori.... She's not a gold coin..."

"She's a cute little wizard," Midori mumbled and paused to look over at Donnie with a pout. "She's sweet... and she won't abandon me like my other two wizards."

"They didn't abandon you... they just have their own things to do." Donnie promised.

"But they don't come visit me anymore," he whispered and then rubbed his face against my cheek again. "I like her.... Takara will love her....."

"They do come see us sweetie... It's just been horrible for the manor lately and they've been hungry from the smell of blood." Donnie explained softly.

"But... it's not fair...." Midori whined and then stopped, picking his head up to look at Donnie before he crawled over me and laid down on Donnie. Donnie looked him over and started to rub his head.

"I know.... it's not fair... You have me though." Midori purred then and smiled, starting to rub his head against Donnie and got up in the crook of Donnie's neck, slipping a moan. Donnie gasped and rubbed his back then. "Easy sweetie there is a minor in the room."

"We could ask Takara to babysit her," he purred and then started to slip his hands up under Donnie's shirt. I frowned, not liking where this looked to be going and looked away from them quickly.

"Okay, you go get that done..." Donnie smirked. Midori got up quickly and then picked me up, looking at Donnie with a loving look before he started to carry me out of the room.

"Be ready for me when I get back?" He asked sweetly. "We can pick up where we left off before your dad entered the room if you want."

"Please, hurry back." Donnie smiled as he sat up. Midori nodded and walked out of the room, carrying me out and shutting the door. He sped walked down the hall and then knocked on a door as he reached it and opened it up, placing me inside. I widened my eyes and looked up at him then latched onto his arm.

"Please don't leave me," I begged him. He smiled at me sweetly.

"I'll come get you in a few hours," he purred and kissed the top of my head. "Takara, babysit the wizard for me."

"What?! Okay.... But I don't know about babysitting...." Takara mumbled. "Solis do you know?"

"Just give her a gold coin?" Solis asked.

"It'll be easy. She's a young wizard so she'll probably follow you two everywhere. Just make sure you don't let her out of your sight and keep her from being killed," Midori told them and shut the door on me. I whined and walked up to the door. He ditched me! I started to cry and realized I left my book in his room.

"Ummm...." Takara mumbled. "Want..... to.... uh... She's a wizard Solis..." Takara got into Solis's arms. I glanced back at them then frowned before I curled up by the door, looking at them. He's got horns... and they're... both dragons.

"Want to play a game?" Solis asked me. I sniffled and then nodded slowly, crawling over to them.

"Okay," I mumbled. "What kind of game?"

"We could play a game on the wii, do you like Mario?" Takara asked. Mario? I giggled and then nodded.

"I like Mario," I said sweetly and then got to my feet. "Mario~"

"Okay let's play a game together then~" Solis said, sounding excited as she started to set everything up for us to play. I followed her around, smiling happily as I watched her and then giggled as I was handed a remote.

"Thank you," I said happily and then hugged her.

"You're welcome~" She said sweetly towards me.