
Aaron's POV:

I felt a body moving across my legs and coming up my body, creeping me out enough to wake up. I was relieved to see it was Haven, purring down at me. He laid down on my body and started to curl his fingers around my hair. "Aaron.... I'm hungry.... make me breakfast?" I sighed and kissed the top of Haven's head.

"Yeah, I'll make you breakfast," I murmured and then sat up with him in my lap. I glanced around my bed to see if Hassel was in here, seeing he wasn't. I frowned slightly but didn't say anything about it to Haven before I got up, carrying him in my arms. "What do you want? Pancakes?"

"No, I want some bacon, sausage, biscuits, and eggs." He told me and wrapped his arms around my neck. "Do you know where Hassel is?" He asked softly.

"No, I don't know where he is. Hassel was in my bed last night, but he ditched me," I told him and carried him downstairs. It had been awhile since we've been out here at the lake. We've been learning to control ourselves before we could go back to the manor.... I kind of missed it... but it was becoming like a distant memory out here with all the work of taking care of the two- sometimes three- and trying to control my urges. I sat Haven down on a counter once I reached the kitchen and then began to dig around in the refrigerator to get out what he wanted for breakfast. I smiled at him. "So... what would you like to do today?" I asked him sweetly, kind of figuring that Hassel had probably gone out. "We can watch TV, go on a walk, maybe look through some lore or something...." I laughed and then got out a pan and started to cook bacon for him. "Whatever you want for the day. You might even be able to get Eremiel to do things for you if you want instead of me." He should be here soon... It's daylight. I wonder where Hassel went.... We've been lovers for awhile now... and it's not everyday that he leaves me in the bed like that. Maybe he has something to do today.... I don't think he does though.... I pouted slightly as I flipped the bacon. He probably got bored and left.... I should probably contact Paris soon. We're getting better.... Haven doesn't really have problems anymore, and Hassel only has them around Eremiel or if I do something that displeases him.... I don't get it as often as Hassel, but every once in awhile, I'll go demon on Hassel... but I think he likes it.... I blushed and then tugged lightly on my hair, remembering a few nights ago when I had gone demon on him and it ended in bed with both of us naked with each other. Haven gave me a huge smile.

"I thought we would go swimming together," Haven sounded excited at the thought. "Let's go swimming today." Swimming in Haven's definition was him leaning over the two story dock's edge and looking down at the water for any fishes while I swam in the water. Haven didn't like water and that was because of his cat side.

"Okay," I said sweetly towards him and kissed his cheek. "We can swim if you want... or fishing. You know we have fishing poles. How about we catch a few fish and cook them for dinner?" I smiled and then got down a plate for him as the bacon finished up. I put the bacon on the plate and then started to make his sausages, putting the biscuits in the oven. "I think fish would be nice for dinner."

"Okay we'll go fishing then!" Haven giggled and clapped his hands together. "Yes, I like fish too."

"Great! We'll catch lots of fish to show off to Hassel when he comes out of hiding," I told him and then hummed softly as I cooked for him. "Maybe we can find Hassel and then have him fish with us.... You know he'd do pretty much anything for you Haven if you gave him that cute innocent look of yours."

"Uh-huh! I wonder where Hassel went...." Haven looked around innocently. I laughed.

"We'll find him after you eat," I said and then focused on cooking after cutting on some music for us. When I finished, I gave him his plate and kissed his cheek before looking around the kitchen. I started singing with the music as I walked over to the cupboards and got myself some poptarts, starting to eat them. Haven ate his breakfast, humming to the music as he done so. I heard the back door open and shut then, footsteps started for the stairs. I smirked and listened to what sounded like Hassel's footsteps and listened for where he was going, curious. He was either going to return to the bed to look for me and get back in it to cover up leaving me or he was going to go take a bath more than likely... or look for Haven. I heard him go upstairs and the water in our bathroom cut on. He was taking a shower. Eh, good enough. He won't stink when he eventually shows himself. I took another bite of my poptarts and then sat down on the counter by Haven. "So, we found him," I said and laughed.

"What was he doing outside?" Haven asked curiously.

"We'll find out.... Maybe he finally ate Eremiel," I mused and then looked Haven over. "Or burying a body...."

"I bet he ate Eremiel," Haven giggled. I laughed and then nodded.

"I think so," I hummed out and finished up my poptarts. I got off the counter and then tossed the wrapper away before I looked at him. "I'll go find out, okay? I'll be back down soon." I smirked and then started out of the room, going up the stairs to go ask Hassel for Haven. When I reached our bathroom door, I knocked on it. "Hassel, Haven missed you this morning," I called through the door and leaned up against it with a smirk. "Where ya been?"

"Huh? Sorry I can't hear you with the water running!" He yelled back. I raised an eyebrow then opened the door, going inside.

"I said that Haven missed you this morning," I said and shut the door behind me. "Where have you been?"

"Are you in here?" He asked me. "I'm taking a shower Aaron."

"Yeah, I know," I said and smirked. "What? Got a problem with me being in here? It's not like I'm climbing in the shower. I only came in here to ask you for Haven. He's downstairs enjoying his breakfast."

"You could have waited." I could hear a playful smirk behind his words.

"Mhhhhh, but you wouldn't be wondering what it would be like to have me in that shower with you if I hadn't come in here," I teased him, holding back a laugh.

"You want to get in the tub with me?" He asked.

"You miss me?" I asked back and laughed, teasing lightly as I walked up to the edge of the bathtub to mess with him.

"Aaron I just saw you last night," I heard him opening one of the bottles.

"Still doesn't mean you can't miss me," I hummed out and then walked away from the bathtub. "Just because of that, I'm not getting in with you," I teased and then played around with a few of the things around the sink, picking them up and looking at them. "So what were you doing in the woods?"

"Who said I was in the woods?" He asked me playfully. "You sure are curious about where I was."

"Haven wants to know too," I said and laughed. "Besides, you left me in bed, and I woke up to your brother crawling on me."

"Sorry," he laughed.

"Uh huh.... Did you eat Eremiel yet?" I asked and then picked up my toothbrush, glancing around for my toothpaste.

"Salam was too in the way," he joked.

"Well darn," I said and smirked, spotting my toothpaste. "You know... I missed you in bed this morning," I teased. "I didn't get to give you a good morning kiss." I put some toothpaste on my toothbrush and ran it under the water to get it wet. "Haven and I are going to go fishing later."

"Well I was planning to be back before you woke up but Haven sort of ruined it." I heard him moving around in the tub. "I'll come fishing with you two though to make it up."

"Okay," I hummed out and then started to brush my teeth. Well, I got him to say he'd come fishing. I can work out where he went later. Either way, he's back. After a few minutes he cut the water off and pulled the curtain back then grabbed a towel, starting to dry off. I glanced at him over my shoulder and then spat the toothpaste into the sink, rinsing my mouth out and my toothbrush off. He wrapped the towel around his waist then walked over, starting to brush his teeth with me. I smirked and looked over at him as I placed my toothbrush back and then grabbed my hairbrush, starting to brush my hair out the way I liked it. He spit the toothpaste out and rinsed his mouth out as well as his tooth brush then placed it away. He looked towards me and gave my cheek a kiss before walking off to his closet. I watched him and smiled sweetly before I started to walk over towards the closet with him to watch. He put on some blue boxers, gray sweatpants, and a black tank top then walked out to the bedroom and collapsed down on the bed. I followed after him and then crawled into the bed with him, kissing his neck. "Are you tired baby?" I purred softly, rubbing his back between his shoulder blades. He nodded and grabbed the pillow, pulling it closer to him. "Poor Hassel," I mumbled teasingly and then began to massage his shoulders. "Want a nap?"

"Yeah~" he mumbled.

"Alright, you can have a nap," I whispered and kissed his cheek. "Get some rest, my handsome prince," I mumbled teasingly again and then got up, starting to tuck him in. His muscles started to relax on the bed. I looked him over and smiled softly, happy he was back where I could watch over him. I tucked him in then leaned in and kissed his lips gently. "I love you," I murmured to him, looking down at his eyes.

"I love you too...." he whispered. I felt my smile widen at hearing that and I stole another kiss.

"I'll be downstairs or outside at the lake when you're ready to come hang out with us," I purred. "Maybe we can go on a date soon too... when you're not so tired looking."

"It'll be up by lunch...." He mumbled. I laughed and nodded.

"Alright cutie," I whispered and then pulled away from him. "I'll lock the door behind me to keep Eremiel out incase he tries to be cuddly."

"He's not even here...." Hassel muttered. "I don't think you should lock yourself out of our room..."

"But you're supposed to be sleeping... If I came back in here, I don't think I could resist you," I teased him, smirking. "You're just so sexy Hassel."

"You might need something in here though...." Hassel yawned out. Yeah, he's tired.

"I guess you have a point," I said and then stretched. "Get some rest Hassel." I started walking to the door then, humming softly.

"Yeahhhh...." he mumbled. I laughed and glanced back at him before I walked out, gently shutting the door behind me. I walked back downstairs to Haven and smiled.

"He's exhausted, but he might fish with us after he takes a nap," I told him and walked up to him. "Ready to go fishing?"

"I wanted to watch some cartoons first..... but okay we can go fishing now." Haven walked up and grabbed my hand. I smiled.

"Well you could watch cartoons if you want," I told him and started to tug him along. "I don't mind."

"Let's go fishing, I can watch cartoons later." He gave my hand a squeeze. "So where's Eremiel?"

"I'm not sure... but I don't think he's dead," I told him and then took him outside to the shed where I stored the fishing poles. I got two out and handed one to Haven before I got us hooks and some tackle before I led him over to the docks. I sat us down and started to fix the poles up, getting them ready. He watched me, looking excited about fishing. When I finished, I handed him his and then cast mine out at the water. This will be good for Haven... fishing. I smiled softly as I watched the water sparkling and kept quiet to not scare the fish away. Haven giggled in excitement as he looked towards the water then at me.

"We're gonna have fish tonight!" He told me. I nodded and then kissed his cheek.

"Yes we are," I whispered to him and then sighed. I'll have to gut all the fish too.... and skin them... and chop their heads off.... and debone them.... My hands are going to smell fishy..... I laughed as I thought about Hassel's reaction to me smelling like fish. That's going to go over like a bucket of rocks.

"You better wear gloves," Haven told me softly. I nodded. I'll be kicked out of my own room....

"Thanks for the advice," I mumbled to him. "Hassel wouldn't be too happy if I smelled like fish."

"Uh-huh!" He hummed sweetly towards me. I laughed and kissed his cheek before I looked back at the water, waiting for a bite.

~Time Skip~

"Well, I think that was good enough," I whispered to him as I stood up and picked up our two buckets full of fish. "We have enough for dinner...."

"Can I help chop and clean them up?" Haven asked me. I nodded and laughed.

"Yeah, you can help me," I said sweetly and held out a bucket towards him. "You've got this one. I'll get us some gloves." I carried my bucket and the fishing poles back to the shed and put the poles up before I went around back to where I had a table set up for the few times we did go fishing. I set the bucket on the table and ran inside real quick to get two sets of gloves and a knife. Hassel was up now, eating a sandwich at the kitchen table. I glanced at him as I walked into the kitchen for the knife and smiled, kissing his cheek as I got a knife and then dug around under the cabinets, getting out two pairs of gloves. "You feeling better?" I asked him sweetly as I turned around to look at him.

"Yeah, I slept longer than I expected." He gave me a smile. "So did I miss fishing?"

"Yes, you did," I told him and walked up, setting the knife down on the counter. "I'm about to cut them up for dinner with Haven.... Want a kiss before I start to smell like fish?" I teased him and looked him in the eyes.

"Sure, come give me a kiss fishy boy." He smiled as he watched me. I laughed and then leaned in, kissing him passionately as I sat the gloves down by the knife on the counter. He kissed me back and pulled away, focusing on his food then as he took a bite. I watched him for a few seconds before I picked up the knife and the gloves, starting to walk to the door. I walked out and over to Hassel, giving him a pair of gloves before I slipped my gloves on and pulled out a fish, chopping his head off quickly then slid it to the side.

"Ouch, I'd hate to be that fish," I heard a voice behind me suddenly. I tensed up as I recognized it- Eremiel. He's here.... "Hey Haven, Aaron," he said sweetly and hugged me from behind. "We're having fish tonight?"

"Uh-huh! I caught fish today with Aaron!" Haven told him sweetly. "Hassel was missing this morning but he did show up and was exhausted. We thought he killed you."

"No, he didn't kill me," Eremiel mumbled and then kissed my cheek. "So~ can I make a salad to go with this?" I nodded and then sighed. Why's he being clingy on me.... He knows that I'm Hassel's... and if Hassel sees him, he'll be upset.

"Yeah, go make a salad," I told him, starting to move away from him. He laughed and hugged me tighter.

"I will in a minute. I hardly ever get to give you a hug anymore~" He smiled sweetly at me.

"Eremiel.... Hassel will be mad at you," Haven warned. "Get off Aaron." Eremiel pouted.

"But... It's not my fault that they sleep together," he whined.

"You shouldn't be clinging to something that doesn't belong to you," Haven hissed. He laid his ears back. Eremiel sighed and then let me go.

"Haven," he mumbled and went over to him, giving him a hug.

"What?" Haven asked and hugged him back. "I don't like seeing Hassel and you fight.... and when you cling to Aaron he gets mad."

"But it's not fair," Eremiel mumbled and then looked at me. "Besides, Hassel isn't even out here...."

"He's going to smell that you were on me though," I pointed out and chopped off another fish head. "You don't want him to try to eat you again, do you?"

"Is Hassel awake?" Haven asked me curiously.

"Yeah, he's awake. He's in the kitchen eating a sandwich. You can go hang out with him if you want," I suggested and shrugged. "I don't need much help."

"I don't want to leave you with him," Haven pointed his finger towards Eremiel.

"You could take him with you. He's kind of wrapped around you right now anyways," I told him and looked the two of them over. Eremiel frowned.

"Don't treat me like a burden.... I thought you two liked me...." He pulled away from Haven and then pouted.

"I do like you~" Haven hugged Eremiel. "I just know what'll happen when you're alone with Aaron."

"Fine... I'll go inside with you if you go inside," Eremiel told him, giving a sweet smile. "Is that better?"

"Yeah, let's go watch cartoons together." Haven yanked him towards the door then. He yelped but followed after him, going inside with him. I watched them go and sighed, chopping off another fish head. I swear.... Eremiel is going to get killed by Hassel if he doesn't watch out.... Great, I probably have his scent on me now. I leaned down and smelled my shirt then frowned as I could smell him pretty strongly on me. Crap. Maybe by the time I go inside, the fish scent will overpower Eremiel's angelic scent all over me....

After I finished chopping off fish heads, gutting, deboning, and skinning them, I walked inside with the meat and into the kitchen, putting it in the refrigerator after packing them up. I put the knife in the sink and then took the gloves off, putting them in the trash. I sighed and then looked around before I started out of the kitchen to go take a bath to get rid of the fish scent and Eremiel's scent on me. I could smell Haven, Hassel, and Eremiel in the livingroom together. At least it sounds like they aren't fighting too bad. I laughed and then went up the stairs to our bedroom, going inside and shutting the door behind me. I walked into the bathroom and then shut the door softly, starting to pull my shirt over my head before I dropped it in the hamper and then took my pants off, getting undressed. I turned on the water and then started to get in, shivering as the cold water hit me, but it started to warm up quickly and made my muscles relax. I shampooed my hair as good as I could to get any fish scent out and then conditioned it before I soaped up my body and rinsed off. I turned off the water and got out, drying off and put on a simple t-shirt and a pair of pants before I brushed my hair out and went back downstairs and into the living room.

"Hey," Hassel gave me a smile, sitting on the opposite couch from the other two. I smiled and walked up to him, sitting down right beside him.

"Hey baby," I purred and then relaxed beside him. "I got the fish cut up and ready to cook...." Eremiel looked over at us and then sunk down on the couch beside Haven with a pout.

"How do you want to cook it?" Hassel asked.

"I'm thinking about cooking it in the oven with some spices. Eremiel is making a salad to go with it," I told him and shrugged. "Isn't that right Eremiel?" He perked up and nodded.

"Uh huh," he said sweetly and got up, walking over and giving me a hug with an innocent look. He pulled back and then smiled. "Do you want tomatoes in the salad?"

"Seriously? You didn't have to hug him!" Hassel hissed and got to his feet, grabbing Eremiel's wrist. "Keep your arms away from him." Eremiel yelped and looked at Hassel.

"Ow," he mumbled and tried to pull his wrist back. I frowned as I watched the two then crossed my legs, deciding not to get involved with them. "Hassel!" He complained, looking upset. "I just wanted a hug!"

"You don't have to hug him over salad!" Hassel shoved him back. "Keep your hugs to yourself unless it's a hello and goodbye." He rolled his eyes then sat down by me again. Eremiel pouted and then started to walk off to go make the salad. I smiled as I watched him go then looked at Hassel, kissing his cheek.

"Are you the only one that gets my hugs?" I asked him teasingly, trailing one of my fingers down his arm as I uncrossed my legs.

"You know that hug was uncalled for..." Hassel whispered to me. I laughed and nodded.

"It was," I murmured to him and then put my legs over his lap and smirked. He looked towards my legs and then away from me.

"Are we having dinner so fast?" Haven asked, looking towards the kitchen.

"No, he's just making the salad right now," I hummed out and then looked Hassel over before I took my legs back and sighed, leaning against the arm of the couch. He's not in the mood. "I'll put the fish on in a few hours."

"Okay~" Haven purred and laid down on the couch. I watched him and then got to my feet, stretching. Maybe I should go for a small walk.... It'll be a few hours before I have to do anything important....

"Where are you going?" Hassel asked, reaching out for me. I paused and looked back at him before I smiled and sat down in his lap. I'll stay then if he wants me to....

"Nowhere," I purred and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I've been thinking... do you think it's time to go back to the manor?" Hassel asked. I nodded and kissed his cheek.

"I do miss the manor," I murmured to him. "Haven and you have both gotten really good at controlling yourself.... If anything, I'd say you have a harder time controlling yourself in the bedroom, but that won't affect anyone at the manor.... Eremiel has started to calm down too... and I only have small fits if I have them at all... or they're controlled fits."

"Well no one is perfect so I think we should be able to go back," Haven whined.

"I'll give him a call tonight and see what he says," I told him, glancing over my shoulder to Haven. "He'll probably want to see us though before he gives us the okay to move back in with them...." I leaned my head up against Hassel and smiled as I could hear his heart beat in his chest.

"Okay," he whispered. "It'll give us extra distance away from Eremiel too."

"Yeah, he'll probably leave us alone more in the manor," I mumbled and then nuzzled my head against Hassel. "I doubt he'd bother us too badly with more people to hug than just us...." Those kids should be grown up too.....

"Yeah.... I think we'll be heading home tomorrow." Hassel whispered.

"Hopefully...." I sat up on him then and started to take my phone out. "Let me give him a call." I adjusted myself on him and then began to pull up Paris's number to ask him about it, lifting the phone up to my ear as it rang. He answered after a few minutes.

"Hey Aaron," Paris said through the phone. In the background I could hear someone screaming.

"Hey Paris," I said cautiously and frowned. Is he torturing someone? "Umm... listen, we were wondering if we could come back to the manor yet," I started, fidgeting. Why's he torturing someone? Isn't that why he asked us to leave? To keep that stuff out of the manor? Oh man... maybe we shouldn't go back....

"Well the manor is sort of crazy at the moment. That's just to warn you but you can come home. My nephew went on a killing spree recently and so I've been torturing him to punish him- it's a long story but some of our family members died from him and well most of us aren't in the best of mood. You're welcome to come home but it's very.... demonic feeling. Kinda beautiful." I frowned.

"Give me a minute to talk to Hassel about this," I told him and then lowered my phone, looking to Hassel. "Paris's nephew killed a few of their family... and he's torturing his nephew a lot.... The manor isn't in a very good atmosphere, and he says it's very demonic over there currently, so I'll leave it up to you if you want to go back to that right now," I mumbled, keeping my voice soft so that way the phone wouldn't pick up on it.

"Maybe we should stay home until the atmosphere is better.... for Haven...." Hassel whispered back. I bit my bottom lip then nodded, understanding that. I picked my phone up to my ear to tell Paris our decision.

"Well... Hassel says that he'd rather not bring Haven into that kind of environment, and I agree for Haven's sake.... Give us a call when the atmosphere is better and you want us to return back to the manor... or if you ever need help with something, okay?" I said sweetly, giving a smile.

"You'll get the call in time," Paris promised. "I have to get back to torturing." He hung up on me. I sighed and tossed the phone to the side then kissed Hassel.

"He'll call us when things get better over there," I purred, letting my breath hit his lips before I stole another kiss, tilting my head as I moved closer to him. He pulled back from the kiss and nodded.

"Okay, I about figured he'd say that." I smirked and then trailed a hand down his chest.

"You figured?" I whispered teasingly, looking him over.

"Yeah..." He whispered.

"How much do you figure that you and me are going to have some fun tonight together with that little shirt of yours?" I teased, lightly tugging on the bottom of his shirt. "I figure that it's going to be on the bedroom floor if I get my way."

"Whoa... you're frisky," he smirked. "Is this because I've been missing most the day?" I purred and then leaned in, nipping at his neck playfully.

"You know better than to get out of bed before I wake up," I murmured into his ear, my breath tickling him.

"I was going to come back before you woke up...." He muttered.

"Hmmm, that's sweet," I purred and then moved closer to him, slightly tugging on his shirt as I pulled it up. He still didn't make it back to bed on time. I smirked and then started to give him a love bite on his neck.

"Aaron.... Haven is in here..." He whispered.

"Then you better tell him to go or you better take me upstairs," I told him then pulled his shirt over his head.

"Aaron..." He blushed. "Go upstairs and settle your pants issues."

"Come with me," I purred and looked him over.

"Okay..." He started out the living room then, dragging me with him. I laughed and started to follow after him, going upstairs. I shoved him up against our bedroom door when we reached it and smirked, leaning in for a kiss. He opened the door, causing us to stumble into the room. Laughing, I caught us and held him up, reaching down to his leg before I lifted it up and had him wrap it around my waist, pushing him back towards the bed. I deepened the kiss and then slipped my tongue into his mouth, giving a small moan as I pushed his back down onto the bed and got over him. He kissed me back, wrapping his arm around my neck. "Aaron, what's gotten into you?" He asked me.

"I missed you," I mumbled, pulling back to look at him. "Besides, don't you like the attention?" I smirked and then kissed his cheek.

"Yeah I like it," he smirked and leaned in to kiss me. I laughed and kissed him quickly, tilting my head as I pulled his body closer to me. I'd give him a good time.

Shiloh's POV:

I heard a soft, timid sounding knock at my door, rousing me from my sleep. I frowned and then started to sit up. Who the hell would come to my door at this hour? I glanced at the clock, seeing it was seven in the morning. Oh hell no.... "Who is it?" I growled. I heard a small gasp on the other side and I frowned, realizing who it was. River. I got up and walked over to the door, opening it to look out at him. He stood out there in a pair of pajama shorts and a t-shirt and he looked slightly terrified of me. "River, why aren't you in bed with Rory?" I asked him, softening my voice as I saw his fear. Great, I don't need him crying on me. He bit his bottom lip and shakily reached out for my hand. I sighed and let him, watching him. He started to show me what he wanted, help with Rory. I frowned. "What do you mean?" I asked and then straightened up. He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck shyly. That's when it clicked. Oh my demons! He wants help from me to get Rory's attention. I gasped and then tackled him into a hug. "That's so cute! Alright, I'll help you just this once, but you can't argue with me at all when I tell you to do something, got it?" He yelped and nodded. "We'll start now since how you already rudely woke me up." I smirked and then stepped out, starting to pull him towards the ball room. "You're going to learn to tease first." This is going to be great~!

~Time Skip~

"No, no, no, no, no.... You've got it all wrong. Swing your hip a little more like this," I purred and walked up behind River, grabbing his hips to show him. He tensed up at my touch and looked back at me with a small blush, making me smirk. "That's wrong too," I whispered to him. "You're not going to get him with cute and innocent. You want to be sexy as hell.... You're going to learn how to be that, and the first thing is you've got to get used to is not blushing like that when someone tells you something." He nodded and tried to relax, but he looked nervous as I showed him. "Feel how that feels when I move your hips? Do it just like that. It'll draw attention to your hips and ass. Seduce him with your walks," I purred in his ear then let go. "Try again." He blushed slightly and then started to do it again. I smirked as I watched him walking with a sway in his hips, letting my eyes trail over him like I knew Rory's would. If it didn't look pleasing, then I'd have to show him again.... "Good," I hummed out as it started to improve, a slight hint of sexiness in it. "It's not perfect... but it'll impress him a little...."

"What're you two doing?" I heard Rory ask us as he walked up. I paused and looked back at him with a smirk.

"Hey Rory," I said and then turned to face him. River stopped quickly, his face turning red with embarrassment. He still needs a LOT of work if he's going to make Rory happy like he wants to.

"Hey....." He frowned as his eyes scanned over us.

"What?" I asked him sweetly and walked up to him, wrapping my arms around him.

"Nothing. This is just a weird place to hang out at.... Want to go somewhere Shiloh?" Rory asked me. I laughed.

"Sure," I said sweetly then looked over at River. He stood there awkwardly, looking away from us. "River, keep working on what I taught you today. Come to me later and I'll teach you something else."

"What're you teaching my mate?" Rory asked, frowning towards me. I smirked and leaned in towards his ear.

"He's being cute and trying to learn to be sexy," I whispered in his ear. River blushed quickly and looked down at the floor. "He's asking me to teach him."

"Stop trying to teach him, he's not going to learn... you can't teach an old dog new tricks." Rory snatched my wrist and started to pull me away. I frowned. That's kind of negative. I could hear footsteps running away quickly right after he said that, making me look behind me. River ran off.... I looked back at Rory. No wonder why he asked me so early in the morning.... He didn't want Rory to find out.

"He wouldn't have asked me to help him if you weren't so cruel to him," I mumbled. "You're lucky he is too sweet to mate reject you."

"I'm not cruel.... I'm just honest." Rory smirked. "You'll understand when you get a mate." I frowned at him.

"Could you at least try to understand him though?" I asked him. "He's not used to us yet and he's trying his best. I didn't expect him to ask me to teach him how to impress you. He's trying hard. His hip sways were just starting to look great."

"Shiloh, I don't care how much he tries to impress me he's still my mate." Rory rolled his eyes. "Either way I'm sleeping with him. He needs to be happy for that."

"Then could you at least act a little grateful to have him? He doesn't have to sleep with you if he decides he doesn't want to. I swear, you still act like you haven't actually accepted him down in your soul," I muttered. I don't normally get mad at Rory... but he's treating his mate like shit.

"Shiloh, bug off." Rory started to walk away from me then. "I don't need you telling me what to do. I'm older." I narrowed my eyes.

"Rory," I hissed, starting after him. He did not just pull that. We're litter mates.... "You did not just tell me to bug off." I exposed my fangs. "I am your litter mate. You're supposed to love me. What happened to litter mates forever?"

"You're bossing me around." He looked towards me. "You're views are even starting to change."

"Wasn't it you that wanted River to change to be like us?" I asked him then narrowed my eyes, grabbing his arm. "Look, we'll just stop talking about him for right now, but you better not ever turn your back on me like that again, or else you'll be just like Keegan."

"I'm not like Keegan!" He hissed. "River needs to change on his own." I sighed and then nodded before I pulled him to me and hugged him.

"Fine, he can learn this on his own...." I mumbled and then leaned my face into the crook of his neck, gently kissing it. "Let's just forgive each other like good litter mates."

"You're forgiven if you stay out of my mate life," Rory looked towards me, giving a serious look. I nodded and then smiled at him.

"And you're forgiven as long as you never turn your back on me like that again," I whispered to him and then kissed his cheek.

"You deserved it," he whispered. I narrowed my eyes.

"Rory," I muttered. "That's not going to make me forgive you. You'd do the same if I had turned my back on you." I looked at him then sighed before I kissed his cheek again. "Though I love you.... Probably more than you do me...."

"You wouldn't have turned your back on me though." He pointed out. "Anyways... Let's go out today." I laughed and then nodded.

"Alright, let's go out," I purred and then stretched. "Where do you want to go?"

"To town, no where specific.... I'm thinking about hunting." I widened my eyes.

"Hunting?" I quickly started to pull him along. "Come on! I wanna hunt!" I laughed happily. Hunting would definitely make me feel awesome after yesterday with that brat named Blaze! He followed by me, humming.

"I can't wait to sink my fangs into someone." I nodded and then smirked. Father isn't here to yell at us either....

"I can't wait to hunt the way I want to hunt," I whispered and then pulled him out to the garage, getting the car from yesterday and got in the driver's seat. "Hey Rory, I have an idea...." I smirked as I thought about Blaze. She's a liability... and she made me mad.... "How about me and you go kill a specific human before we hunt? What do you say?" I began to put in the directions to the bar that Blaze worked at, not waiting for his answer.

"Uh.... ok?" Rory asked, sounding weirded out.

"I'll explain on the way," I hummed out as the car started up then turned my seat to look at him. "I didn't kill Blaze but I let her go yesterday. I was going to bring her home with me and let her live with us because she was interested in supernaturals, but she didn't want to give up her life as a human when I went to turn her, so I got angry with her because of she turned down my offer of immortality and a life of luxury- which I've never offered to someone before- and so I made a bad decision and let her go on the streets after having revealed myself to her. She's dangerous. We're going to kill her before we hunt."

"You sound a little... childish." He smirked. "You didn't get your way so now you're mad!" I frowned at him.

"Yes, it was childish," I admitted. "I still need to clean up my mess though. You don't want our dad coming over to France because someone suddenly starts to shout 'vampires' in the streets here, do you?"

"Yeah.... I wouldn't want that..." He muttered. "Okay you can do whatever you want with her but I'm not going to join."

"Ehhhh.... fine. You don't have to help me," I told him and leaned back in my seat. "You can just watch and laugh."

"Mhmmm, I will be doing that~" He smirked.

"Heh... sounds like you," I purred and then looked him over. "After she's dead, we can hunt together."

"Yeah~ I can't wait." He smirked.


~Time Skip~

I walked into the club, going towards the back to look for Blaze. I'd get her to come outside with me in just a look.... I didn't find her though in the club. Most likely she wasn't working right now. I narrowed my eyes slightly as I didn't find her then went to the employees only door and went inside, walking up to the first person I saw and grabbed their chin, forcing them to look at me. "Do you know Blaze?" I asked him, looking him in the eyes as I started to compel him.

"Yes.... We work together...." He muttered.

"Do you know when she works?" I hummed out, smirking in amusement. Humans are so easy to compel.... It's almost no fun.

"She won't be in today but she'll be here tomorrow. She's got something to do apparently and called in- taking the day off to do it."

"Uh huh.... Do you know where she lives?" I raised an eyebrow and then tapped my foot. Great. She didn't come in today because of me probably.

"No, I'm not a stalker."

"Know where I can find her address?" I sighed and then looked at his neck, contemplating snapping it. He's not much use to me.... I'll snap it after this question....

"Maybe in the managers computer?" He asked.

"Greaaaat.... Thank you so much." I smirked as I got a better idea for him. "Hey, do me a huge favor. Go get your manager for me and then walk outside to the car parked right outside the door, get in, and offer yourself to the male in the passenger's seat for food." I shoved him back and then sat down on the couch in the break room to wait. He walked off and after a few minutes a guy walked in and looked around.

"Did someone ask for me?" He asked. I smirked.

"I did," I told him then got to my feet, walking over to him.

"Well, what do you want?" He asked.

"There was an employee here the other night," I started and then grabbed his chin, making him look at me as I smirked. "You're going to tell me exactly where Blaze lives," I compelled him and then looked him over.

"I don't know..... her exact location but I have her phone number and address in my computer..." He muttered. I nodded and let him go.

"Show me," I told him then crossed my arms.

"Follow me," He started to walk off then, leading me to an office door where he took me inside to his desk and sat down. He started to go through his computer then and after a few minutes he pulled back from the desk. "That's her information." I nodded and then moved behind his desk, looking at it before I took a picture of it all with my phone.

"Thanks," I told him then made him look at me again. "Now forget you ever saw me." I smirked and then moved back, walking out quickly to get to Rory. I walked out to the car and then got in the driver's seat, looking towards him.

"Thanks for the meal~" Rory told me. "I sent him away though..... I hope you don't mind." I sighed.

"That's fine," I hummed out then looked at the controls before I started to put in Blaze's address. "At least you'll be hungry to hunt when we get to it."

"I know, and that's why I didn't drain him." He smirked.

"That's good," I purred and sat back in my seat as the car started to move. "You know... I think I'll put Blaze in the trunk and kill her back at the castle... to reward you for hunting with me." I smirked at him. "We'll get to hunting sooner."

"Dang.... you're cruel~" He laughed as he looked me over.

"You made me cruel," I purred back teasingly.

"I did not~" He laughed.

We arrived at an apartment building after a few minutes. That must be where she lives. I smirked and then looked over at Rory, kissing his cheek. "I'll be back in a few minutes." I got out quickly and then pulled out my phone, checking out the apartment number before I went inside and found it. I looked the door over and smirked as I found it before I kicked the door open and then walked inside, glancing around. "Oh Blaze~" The apartment was empty though besides her cat that was cleaning itself on her couch. She wasn't home. I frowned. Great. You've got to be kidding me. I looked her cat over and walked up to it, picking it up by the scruff of it's neck. "Great.... All I got out of this was a mangy cat," I muttered and sighed, dropping it before I started to walk around to go through her apartment. Her cat hissed towards me then hid up under the couch. Her apartment was a single bedroom place that was really clean. She hardly had anything in her kitchen and her bedroom still his unpacked boxes stacked around in it. I sighed and then sat down on the edge of her bed as I looked the boxes over. This is just awesome. I'm going to go back out to Rory empty handed.... I laid back on her bed and then sighed, closing my eyes slightly. After what seemed like a while I heard the apartment door opening. I sat up quickly and then frowned. How long have I been laying here? Maybe it's Rory come to yell at me. I got up and started to walk towards the bedroom door to go check out who it was, a faint thought in the back of my head telling me it could be her.

"Cricket! Where are you girlie?" I heard Blaze asking, hearing a few bags drop by the apartment door. I frowned. Oh, it's her. I walked out to her and crossed my arms.

"Check under the couch," I told her, glancing towards the bags then at her. She must've gone shopping. She screamed when she noticed me and stepped back towards the door. Her bags on the floor was bookbags though.

"Shiloh?" She asked. Oh... school.

"Yeah, what?" I asked and then walked up towards her bags, looking them over. Huh....

"What're you doing here?" She asked me and looked me over. Her cat ran out and up to her quickly, rubbing against her leg.

"Fixing things," I told her and then smirked, looking towards her.

"What do you mean by that?" She asked.

"Well, like I said yesterday, I can't let someone who knows about us out of my sight," I hummed out and then started towards her. She yelped and opened the door, running out it quickly. I snatched her cat up and went out after her quickly, grabbing her arm before I started to yank her down the stairs to the outdoors and then to the car by her arm. She yelped and tried to stop me from dragging her. Her cat bit my hand, hissing. I yelped and looked at it before I exposed my fangs at it. When I reached the car, I got the trunk open and started to pull her to the back of the car, putting her cat in it first before I shoved her into the trunk and went to shut it on her. She kicked one of my legs out from under me and climbed out, taking off running down the street from me. "Get back here." I hissed and slammed the trunk shut on her cat as I got to my feet. I ran after her and tackled her to the ground before I sunk my fangs down into her neck as punishment. She let out a yelp and struggled under me.

"Get off!" She yelled. The taste of her blood was so sweet and delicious.... calling towards me. I suddenly felt myself purring and melted against her, wrapping my arms around her as I drank her blood. She groaned and pushed up on my chest. "Shiloh.... please don't kill me." I gently pulled my fangs out of her neck and licked her before I kissed her cheek instinctively. My sweet mate.... WAIT! WHAT?! I looked at her with wide eyes.

"Oh my hellish nightmares.... YOU'RE MY MATE?!" She closed her eyes tightly and looked away from me. I sat up slightly on her and then looked her over. I'M PAIRED UP WITH A HUMAN?! AN UNGRATEFUL HUMAN?! She placed her arms over her face to protect it. I froze up as I saw her do that then relaxed. I'm scaring my mate... just like Rory scares his.... "Shhh, I'm not going to kill you," I mumbled and then started to get up, gently pulling her to her feet. She yanked back from me quickly.

"You're not?" She whispered.

"No," I whispered back, looking her in the eyes. "It'd be an insult to fate if I killed you.... You see... we're soul mates. Vampires can sense these things... but sometimes it's hard to tell." She looked towards me slowly and looked me over.

"Soul mates?" She asked softly. I sighed and gave a nod.

"Yeah... you're supposed to be with me," I told her softly. "I'm sorry for being so rough with you.... I wouldn't have if I knew it was you...."

"You were so mean to me...." She mumbled. "You tried to put me in a trunk!"

"Because you were ungrateful when I offered you immortality," I muttered. "Especially when it was my first time turning someone... and then on top of that, I told you what I was, and I can't let you go when you know that we exist. My father would kill me for that. We've been hunted so many times, and I know what happens. I'm tired of it. I wasn't going to let it happen again.... Come on, let's get your cat out of the trunk. You need to get your stuff ready. You're coming back with me to the castle."

"I'm not going anywhere with you! You tried to lock me in a trunk," she crossed her arms. "I wasn't ungrateful. I would've been fine with it but I'm a bit afraid of death so no thanks. I'll take my cat and stay home. You can go home alone and stay there with your family. I don't want to go anywhere with someone who can't take a hint." I frowned at her then crossed my arms.

"Can't take a hint?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at her then spun around on my heel. "If that's how you honestly feel about it, then I guess you can just be a prisoner," I hummed out. "Either way, I have your cat, and I'm not giving the cat back. I also know where you live and where you work, and it wouldn't be hard for me to find out where you go to school. You don't have to love me. I've lived long enough without it....." All I've had all my life has been my brothers... mostly Rory. I don't need a mate to function. I'm centuries old. I offered, but she refused, and I'm not going to pine after someone if they're not going to respect and love me back. I'm not a rose. I won't show my pretty passionate colors for just anyone.

"Give. Me. My. Cat. Back," She hissed out in anger. "You don't deserve to kidnap a cat." I glanced back at her and smirked.

"No way," I purred and then pulled out my car keys, walking up to the driver's seat. "You're not getting the cat back unless you get in the car."

"I don't want to go with you Shiloh. Give me my cat back!" She followed me with crossed arms. I frowned and turned to her.

"You heard me," I told her then crossed my arms. "You either get in the car willingly and come back with me then you get your cat back... or you will get knocked out and punished later... or you can try to stay, and I'll come back and kill you."

"Grrrrr," she glared me down. "Give. Me. My. Cat."

"No," I muttered and then got in the driver's seat, starting the car up.

"Shiloh!" She opened the door and grabbed me by my shirt then yanked me back out and opened the trunk in the process. I hissed and then snatched her, pinning her up against the car before I glared her down.

"Maybe you don't understand something," I hissed and then looked towards her neck then at her. "You only get out of this alive if I choose to keep you that way. I've lived a few centuries without having a mate. I can live centuries more without one. All I've had all my life is my litter mates. I don't need you, so if you think I'll keep you alive out of sentiment, you're wrong. You're alive right now because I've decided to let you live right now. I'm not just going to just love you on the spot because you're my mate. It is just enough to keep you alive just a little longer," I told her and then exposed my fangs. "You don't know anything about vampires or me. You're just a human, but fate paired you with me."

"Who says we have to live together?" She asked and looked away from me. "I'm not coming with you. I've still got a life." I raised an eyebrow at her.

"I don't trust you, and that's why you're getting in the car," I told her then leaned in, biting into her neck. Or I'll just drain her.... She's too... too human. She let out a yelp and gripped my arms, digging her nails into me. I slipped a hand behind her and then opened the backseat, shoving her into it before I slammed it in her face. I closed the trunk quickly, looking in at her cat to check on it before I got in the driver's seat and put in directions to go back to the castle to put her up before I went hunting. I heard her shuffling around in the back seat trying to open the door. Rory gave me a smile while looking at his phone.

"Keegan said hi," Rory told me. I smiled his way.

"Did he? Tell him I said hi back," I purred. "Rory, meet Blaze. That's my ungrateful mate."

"They're all ungrateful," Rory laughed out. "Especially the humans." He looked towards her then back at his phone. "You'll just have to change her mind."

"Compel her?" I hummed out then frowned. I guess I could compel her to be loving....

"You might pay for it later," he laughed out. "I don't know.... maybe mom compelled dad into loving him. You know dad used to eat everyone that came into his music room." I laughed and shook my head.

"I don't think so...." I leaned back in my seat and then glanced back at Blaze. "No, I don't think I will. She'll either choose to love me or she won't and I'll kill her. It'll put her out of her misery, and it'll save me time. I don't really need a mate."

"I don't need you either," she snapped towards me. I frowned and then turned my seat to look at her.

"Oh really?" I looked her over then snatched her wrist, pulling her towards me before I sunk my fangs into her neck. In that case, I'd just kill her. I'm not going to deal with this. She yelped out in pain and yanked her head away from me, making blood splash out all over the car. I frowned and then crawled into her lap quickly. "Don't fight. It'll only make it more painful for you," I muttered and then went to bite down into her again. She yelped and hid her neck quickly. I pulled back and then narrowed my eyes. "Blaze," I hissed and then gripped her wrist tightly, glaring her down. "I didn't ask to be mated to a brat like you. I didn't even act this way before Rory changed me to a male."

"I'm not a brat!" She cried out and closed her eyes tightly. I frowned at her.

"Yes you are. I offered you immortality my first time ever and you turned it down due to a small fear over a little bit of pain that wouldn't amount to the life ahead of you. I offered you a world with supernatural in it, and you couldn't make the deal. I offered you a place in my life as my mate- all you had to do was get in the car," I muttered to her and then pulled back. "Screw it. You're not worth the effort. You're not worth the energy it'd take to drain you." She sniffled and looked away from me. I watched her for a few seconds before I looked at Rory then sighed. "Where do you want to hunt at Rory?"

"Huh? Oh I want to go to England." He smirked towards me. Blaze slipped away from me slowly, going to the other side of the car.

"England? To hunt?" I frowned and then crossed my arms. "We're hunting in France."

"I want to go to England though and hunt a sexy English model." I sighed and then nodded.

"Alright... we can go after I get Blaze settled in," I mumbled and then looked towards her. "Blaze, you can still attend school, but you have to return back to the castle every night. If you don't, I will kill you. That's the deal."

"What about my apartment and job?" She asked me. I tilted my head and then sighed.

"You can continue working... but you can't stay in the apartment," I told her then crossed my arms. "You have the castle to live in. As long as you obey the deal I'm giving you, you can enjoy that freedom of keeping the majority of your life and you can have a full, human life."

"I'm keeping the apartment..." She mumbled. I frowned.

"You're not living in it," I told her quickly.

"I'm still going to keep it. That way I have a place to go when I've got a day off." I sighed then gave a nod.

"Whatever. You just have to sleep in the castle," I told her then leaned back in my seat. "If you ever do get used to me- and I highly doubt you ever will- you can ask to sleep in my room, but other than that, you'll have your own separate room."

"Whatever," she grumbled. I looked her over and then frowned.

"I guess I should tell you a few things about me since how you're going to be living in the castle," I murmured and then sunk down in my seat. "Just so you don't hear about it from my litter mates and then question me about it later.... Yes, I'm truly a girl, but yes, I'm also a guy currently. Purebloods have the ability to change gender, and Rory turned me into a boy."

"You're sexier as a male," Rory told me casually.

"You don't have to tell me anything about you," she mumbled. I shrugged.

"You should at least know something about your mate," I told her then looked at Rory with a smirk before I crawled into his lap and kissed his cheek. "I know a little about you Blaze..... I'm not all heartless. Rory can tell you I've got a sweet side." I purred and then kissed his neck. "Isn't that right Rory~?"

"You're blocking my view of my phone," he mumbled, moving around to get a view of it. I laughed and then gently bit into him, starting to mark him to mess with him. He yelped.

"Shiloh go mark your little mate!" He snapped towards me. "I'm trying to play on my phone!" He exposed his fangs. "I'd get you if I didn't already mark River." I pouted.

"You could just mark him again," I mumbled, moving closer to him.

"Nooooo he'd cry because I marked someone else." Rory shoved me off and back into my seat. I yelped and then curled up. No fair.... I pouted and then looked out the window before I glanced at Blaze curiously. Maybe she'd be more accepting if she knew what she could have..... I reached out and gently took her wrist before I leaned in and bit down into her wrist, marking her. She let of a gasp and her body started to shake a little as she fell down into the car floor. I frowned and pulled back, looking at her.

"Blaze?" I asked softly. "Blaze, are you okay?" Did I just kill her? She pulled her hand close and curled up, a small smile on her face as she looked like she was in a daze. Uhhhhhmmmm... no, I don't think I did. I laughed a little at the smile on her face. It's kind of cute.... "Blaze, come here," I mumbled and then picked her up off the floor, pulling her into a hug. She curled up to me then, placing her head in the crook of my neck. She let out a small moan. "Is that better?" I asked her sweetly and kissed her forehead. She nodded and closed her eyes.

"Mhmmm...." She mumbled.

"Alright," I whispered and rubbed her back as I waited for the car to get back. I'd just have to treat her nicely I guess.... If she doesn't want to have much to do with me soon, that's her problem..... I'll have to make up her room the way she wants it too... right next to my room.