Unicorn Twins

Rory's POV:

I glanced over towards Shiloh and his mate then smirked. "She looks like a cat on you," I teased him. He laughed slightly and looked up at me.

"I think I figured out how to make it better," he mumbled and then kissed her cheek, giving her a sweet smile. I held back a laugh as I watched him. Blaze rubbed her cheek then looked away from him resting on his shoulder with her other cheek. He smirked and then relaxed, leaning his head back against the seat before he started to take a nap. The car didn't take long to arrive at the castle, and when it stopped, he opened the door and got out, carrying her out of the car and then got her cat out of the trunk, quickly walking off to go take care of her room situation. I waited for Shiloh to come back, deciding to just wait in the car. After a few hours, I spotted River walking towards a car with a bag, holding a set of keys close to his chest. He glanced around before he walked up to one of the smaller, older ones and started to unlock it, putting his bag in the backseat. I frowned and got out of the car then walked over to him.

"River! What the hell are you doing?" I asked him, grabbing his arm as I reached him. He yelped and then looked at me, his eyes wide like a deer in the headlights. "You're not running away are you?" I asked him. "You better march your butt up to our bedroom right now and unpack your bag." He tried to pull his arm back, trembling. "I can't believe you! Trying to leave me!" I sharpened my fangs. "You're my mate." He looked at me and then at my fangs before he yelped and then buried his face into my chest.

"R-Rory," he mumbled and then hugged me. "I'm sorry," he told me, his voice shaking as he was on the verge of tears.

"What were you thinking?" I asked him and started to shake him. "You're mine. You belong here where I sleep. You don't go anywhere unless I'm with you!" I leaned in and bit his neck, starting to mark him. He moaned and leaned up against me, tilting his head slightly. I felt a sudden surge of love and acceptance from him as his mind started to open up to mine through his powers acting up. He purred and I felt him kiss my cheek before he leaned in and gently bit down into my neck, his venom coursing through my veins for the first time. I gasped and pulled my fangs out from his neck. "River...." I gripped his butt then and pulled him closer. "Take your bag upstairs and don't leave our bedroom. When I get home you better be there waiting for me." He pulled back from my neck and looked up into my eyes, a slight blush on his face before he nodded.

"I will," he mumbled and then glanced towards my lips longingly before he looked up into my eyes.

"You promise me?" I asked him. He nodded and then hugged me.

"I promise," he told me sweetly. "I love you Rory~" He laughed and then kissed my cheek, nuzzling his head against me happily. I tilted his head up and kissed his lips to reward him for the obedience he's promised me.

"I love you too my little mate," I whispered and pulled back from him. "I'm going to England with Shiloh soon, want me to bring you back something?" He bit his bottom lip then nodded, giving me a huge smile.

"A snow globe?" He asked me softly, rubbing his arm.

"I'll see what I can dig up," I promised. "Do me a favor and go find Shiloh's mate and show her that vampires aren't all bad," I suggested. He giggled and then nodded, getting his bag out of the car before he bounced up and kissed my cheek again. He looked up into my eyes for a few seconds before he started to walk off, looking really happy. I smacked his butt on his way around me and smirked as I walked back to the car to wait on Shiloh.

Shiloh walked back out to the car after another hour and got into the car beside me, shutting the door. "Hey, sorry I took so long," he told me and then smirked before he started the car up. "Want to go to the airport or just activate the flying autopilot?" He hovered his hand over the controls, watching me.

"Autopilot will be fine. We're not going to America." I told him. "I told River to go hang out with Blaze. He was trying to leave!" I hissed. He winced and then put in the controls to get us to England.

"Trying to leave? He quickly changed his mind though, right?" He asked me, looking me over. "Are you going to punish him for it?"

"Tonight he's going to find out what it's like to be mated to me," I purred. "He just don't know it yet." Shiloh raised an eyebrow at me.

"Oh, that kind of punishment huh? He'll be more clingy with you when you're done tonight," Shiloh told me in a teasing tone. "He'll probably obey you better though and start relaxing a little."

"Shiloh, are you listening to yourself?" I asked and smirked.

"What? If you take him tonight, he won't try to leave again," he purred. "He won't like you looking at other girls either."

"Says the virgin," I teased. "You shouldn't know this kind of stuff because you haven't done it yet."

"Heh... I watched the maids strangling each other in the halls," he told me and then leaned back in his seat. "I don't need to have had sex to know what happens when someone sleeps with you."

"Hey.... I didn't sleep with all of them~" I blushed. "Some of them was just really jealous because I only bit them and went to the next."

"Exactly, imagine how your mate is going to be when you've taken his innocence. He'll probably kill the maids," he teased me and then looked me over. "Or he'll calm down completely and pick up a hobby."

"He's getting more talkative~" I smirked. "Maybe he'll talk more."

"He's talking to you?" Shiloh looked over in interest. "Wow.... What all has he said so far? Wait, do you like him quiet or talking more?"

"He told me he was sorry and he likes to say my name," I told Shiloh and shrugged. "I think it's cute he's saying my name and only talking to me." He smiled.

"At least he's opening up to you," he said sweetly and then ran a hand through his hair. "I didn't think he'd open up to you so quick."

"He probably knows I find it adorable that he stutters on my name," I purred.

"I wonder if he'll start talking to others in a few centuries," Shiloh mumbled thoughtfully, looking at me. "I think our dad would love that.... That's one of his favorite nephews...."

"Maybe, we'll just have to wait and see... he might only talk to me." I teased.

"Awww, I want him to talk to me too," Shiloh mumbled and then sunk down in the seat. "I hope he talks to others after he gets used to talking to you."

"I'll tell him if he talks to others the carpet sharks will get him and then I'll move us into a house full of carpet." I laughed at the thought.

"You're not going to share him talking to people, are you?" He frowned and then turned his seat to look at me. "Stingy Rory...."

"He's my mate," I smirked. "His voice belongs to me." He laughed at me and then shook his head.

"Fair enough," he told me and then turned on the radio. "He'll learn tonight~"

"So what about you and Blaze?" I asked.

"She's relaxing in her room.... I think I will give it a try. I'll mark her every once in awhile and be sweet to her cat and then get her little gifts and sweets and stuff till she calms down more around me," he told me and shrugged. "Girl stuff."

"Yeah, you should know since you was a girl yourself," I smirked. "So you're seriously going to keep her around?"

"I'll give it a try," he hummed out. "If it doesn't turn out, I can just let her die of old age and ignore her. Our father might kill me if he found out I murdered my mate.... He threatened to get after you for thinking about rejecting River.... I'd hate to see what he'd do to me for eating my mate."

"That's if he ever finds out though," I reminded him. He shrugged and then smiled.

"She's kind of cute though.... I liked the way her face lit up when I marked her....." He had a sweet look in his eyes as he trailed off and then looked at me. "I'll keep her unless it really doesn't work out."

"She only was like that when you marked her because that's how good it feels being marked.... especially for the first time." I told him.

~Time Skip~

"Pedestrian crossing, please remain calm while vehicle comes to full stop. Remember to always fascine your seatbelt." The car told us as it started to slow down- decreasing speed dramatically from 90mph to zero. I felt my seatbelt adjusting around me to prevent me from flying through the window. When the car came to a complete stop, she spoke up again. "Please remain seated while pedestrian crosses." I looked around the car, frowning as I noticed a girl- or guy standing in the middle of the road picking up an injured cat. I couldn't quite tell the gender but this person was the loveliest I've ever seen. Reminding me of purity... Her- or his hair was long, running down her body towards the ground and still going for another foot away from her. Her hair was silvery looking and she was wearing a diamond colored kimono that sparkled in the light. Her eyes shot towards us then and I felt myself gasp as her eyes literally examined us. Her eyes looked like little Citrine quartz. Now that I looked her over... I couldn't really decide on it's gender.

"Shiloh...." I whispered. "Have you ever seen something more..... calling?" I asked. I have.... to drink it's blood. This girl is literally begging me to sink my fangs into her! I unbuckled my seatbelt and flung myself out of the car and started for her. I'll turn her into a vampire and keep her! She's such a prize to possess. Her eyes widened and she looked like a deer caught in the headlights but her mind registered fast and she took off running with the little cat in her hands. I chased after her then, smelling a delicious scent that reminded me of a wizard. This must be a magical being! Maybe a forest nymph? She- smelled actually like a male as well as rain..... I heard Shiloh getting out of the car.

"Rory! Come back here!" He called for me, sounding like he was frowning and holding back his own temptation.

"No way!" I yelled and felt myself getting caught on a briar patch, feeling it ripping up my shirt. Shiloh was by my side in seconds, looking at me then looked towards the being before he started to look a little dazed and calmly began to walk up to it like he was in a trance. I frowned as I tried to get the briar off of my shirt. The male stopped running from us then and turned to look at Shiloh. Shiloh looked at the male in awe and then approached it slowly before he slightly lowered his head in a respectful gesture. I watched as he walked up to Shiloh and wrapped his arms around him. Shiloh smiled sweetly and relaxed, looking at peace as he curled up to the male and rested his head against the male's chest, closing his eyes in happiness. I could faintly hear him purring from here. I frowned and managed to get my shirt uncaught and started for them but the guy pulled back from Shiloh and took off running. Shiloh's eyes widened and he looked after the male longingly before he looked at me and exposed his fangs towards me threateningly. I frowned and stopped running. Why's he running from me? Shiloh looked me over before he took off after the male, leaving me behind quickly. I saw the guy stop running and smiled towards Shiloh. Shiloh caught up to him and then smiled sweetly at the guy before he looked towards the cat curiously and gently started to pet it's head, laughing softly. He looked so innocent with that male.... I watched as the cat and Shiloh started to glow and the cat jumped down, running off- perfectly fine. Shiloh even looked refreshed after glowing.  He gasped and then looked at the male before he broke out into a huge smile, nuzzling his head up against the male's shoulder and hugged him. I watched as the guy tackled my brother into a hug, making him land on the ground with him on top. Shiloh laughed and then relaxed, running his fingers through the other guy's hair happily. I frowned and went to take a step towards them but couldn't move. Shiloh glanced my way but quickly turned his attention to the male again, laughing before he closed his eyes and buried his face into the guy's hair.

"Shiloh what is he?" I asked.

"He's a unicorn," Shiloh murmured sweetly. "He doesn't like you. You're unclean, impure, not a virgin...."

"What!?" I yelled, frowning. That's why he doesn't want to be near me! "I'M NOT UNCLEAN!"

"Yes you are," the unicorn said softly.

"Can I follow you around?" Shiloh asked the unicorn sweetly, gently biting his lower lip in nervousness. "Please?"

"You're a cutie," he whispered softly. "You can live with me forever~ As long as you stay clean." Shiloh's face brightened up quickly.

"Okay," he said and then hid his face against the unicorn with a happy smile.

"Ask him to come home with us!" I yelled.

"Nuh uh! He doesn't like you," Shiloh told me and frowned my way. "Stay away."

"I'LL CALL DAD ON YOU!" I yelled angrily. He pouted and then curled up with the unicorn in the middle of the forest floor.

"No way!" He told me. I frowned and crossed my arms.

"Shiloh!" I hissed and started towards them, trying to find a loop hole around the invisible force field. I suddenly heard a nicker a few feet away from me and a pure white unicorn lightly stepped towards the force field and walked through it, going up to the two before it laid down next to them and gently nibbled at the other unicorn's hair. The human-like unicorn pulled back from Shiloh and wrapped it's arms around the unicorn that came up to them and hid his face against the unicorn. I frowned. WHAT!? TWO!? I pulled out my phone and called my father then. Shiloh giggled then- actually giggled- and watched them before he curled up against them, closing his eyes as he started to nap beside them. "Dad! Pick up!" I yelled towards the phone. It's not like I've got a wizard's phone number. I've only got a few in my phone. After a few minutes, I heard a click.

"Hello, the famous Richard speaking," he hummed out and then laughed. "Want something? I'm in the middle of something.... Paris, hold still."

"Are you doing my mom right now?" I asked and frowned.

"Depends," he purred and I heard a smirk in his voice. "Honestly, I'm cutting his nails. What do you need Rory sweetie?"

"Guess what's napping with Shiloh right now," I smirked.

"Ummm... I'm going to guess it's not you," he hummed out. "What's sleeping with your litter mate?"

"Two unicorns." I told him.

"Paris! There's two unicorns sleeping with Shiloh!" My dad said quickly, sounding slightly scared.

"They won't let me join them either, there is a force field up."

"We should tell Hachi...." I heard Paris telling my dad.

"Yeah... they aren't letting Rory close to his litter mate anymore," my dad mumbled and then sighed. "Get Hachi. I don't want to lose a kid to unicorns."

"Well Hachi is busy.... let's go get Haru to do this!" Paris suggested. "Don't worry Haru will be there in a few minutes Rory." I heard Paris telling me.

"Alright.... one more nail-" I heard the phone click then and they hung up on me. Haru appeared beside me within seconds, looking around before his eyes landed on the unicorns. His eyes widened in excitement.

"Unicorns!" He giggled and ran through the force field up to the unicorns, sitting right down next to them. The human unicorn pulled back from the unicorn it was attached to then looked towards Haru and gasped. He tackled Haru into a hug then. Haru giggled and started to pet the top of the human unicorn's head. "Awwww! You're so cute!" He smiled and then looked to be considering it before he pulled out his spell book and began to flip through it. "Want to bond with me?" He asked sweetly. "I don't have a magical being yet...."

"You want to bond with me?" He asked and then looked excited as he pushed the book out of Haru's hands. Haru giggled and nodded.

"Uh huh! I like unicorns! Please?" He went to get his spell book back quickly, practically bouncing up and down with excited energy as he tried to hide a really huge smile on his face, his eyes shining with the galaxy swirling in them. The unicorn kicked his spell book away then and giggled. Haru's jaw dropped a little and he went for it. "I can't do it without my spell book," he complained. He grabbed Haru's ankle and started to drag him away from the spell book. Haru yelped and then looked at the unicorn with a pout before he hugged it. "Please?!" He begged.

"Nope," he laughed and looked towards the other unicorn then let Haru go to hug the unicorn. Haru immediately dove for his spell book, scrambling for it. The human unicorn got on the other unicorn's back and sat up on it. The other one looked back at it and then laid it's ears back slightly before it started to press it's horn into the other one's side, nipping at it playfully. Haru got his hands on the spell book and then started to flip through it quickly before he found a page and started to say something in an ancient language, looking at the human unicorn. The human unicorn yelped and fell off the other unicorn, landing by it and giggled. Haru frowned slightly but continued speaking in that language, his galaxy spreading out around him with him as the center. Shiloh stirred and curled up to the other unicorn, hiding against it's side as Haru was concentrating on the human one. The human unicorn looked towards Haru then and I watched as some of Haru's powers started to stir closer to the unicorn before the human unicorn transformed into an exact image of the unicorn in it's true form. It started for Haru then slowly, pointing it's horn directly at his chest. Haru's eyes widened, but he didn't falter in his words, starting to speak quicker as he refused to move from his spot, tensing up. The unicorn struck Haru in the chest then, but it didn't kill Haru- unfortunately. The unicorn's horn glowed a bit before he pulled away from Haru and transformed back to his human form and wrapped his arms around Haru, leaning up against him. Haru groaned and lowered his spell book, finished with the spell before he hid his face against the unicorn. I noticed stitches all over the unicorn's arms and on his neck. The human unicorn jumped up into Haru's arms then and giggled, making them fall to the ground. Haru yelped and then winced but didn't shove the unicorn away. He slipped a phone out of his pocket and texted someone before he hugged the unicorn and smiled huge. The unicorn looked Haru over then grabbed his phone and tossed it away.

"No electronics," the unicorn warned. "Bad- impure." Haru giggled and hugged him quickly.

"Okay! I didn't like it anyways~!" He said sweetly and then curled up with it. The other unicorn started to get up, nudging Shiloh onto his back before he nickered softly at the other and started to walk off with sleeping Shiloh. The human unicorn pulled back from Haru quickly and ran up to the other unicorn and grabbed a part of it's maine then started to walk with him. Haru watched them and smiled. "I'll see you soon!" He called out sweetly. "Take care~! Don't get caught by others!"

"HARU MY BROTHER!" I yelled, feeling angry. "Get my brother!" Haru glanced back at me and frowned.

"Your brother? They like him though. They're keeping him. He's a special virgin."

"GET. MY. BROTHER. BACK!" I frowned.

"Uhhhmmm... Ashley! Can I have that vampire back?" He called out after the unicorns, fidgeting. The human unicorn looked towards him then shoved Shiloh off the other unicorn and climbed on. Shiloh yelped and sat up, looking around as the other unicorn took off running quickly and then frowned before he got to his feet and dusted himself off.

"What am I doing in the woods?" Shiloh mumbled and then spotted Haru and me. He smiled sweetly and walked up, hugging me. "Rory~"

"You were being adducted by unicorns..." I whispered. He frowned.

"Really?" He glanced around and then shrugged before he jumped up into my arms, making me carry him. "Okay.... I'm tired Rory.... Carry me to the car," he mumbled and then rested his head against my shoulder as he made me hold him bridal style.

"Ugh...." I looked towards Haru then started back towards the road. "What a waist... I didn't even get a taste." He curled up to me and then giggled before he started to fall asleep on me. Haru disappeared from sight, and I was suddenly standing in front of the car that was still running, dinging for us to get back in. I got back into the car and put Shiloh in the back. "Let's just go home," I suggested.

Haru's POV:

I teleported into Hachi's room and ran up to him, tackling his leg into a hug with a giggle. "I GOT A UNICOOOOORN~" I screamed out in excitement. He looked towards me, placing his spell book down on the bed.

"How'd you get a unicorn?" Hachi asked.

"Well, you see, Shiloh was being abducted by unicorns, and then Paris called me to go save his kid, and I GOT A UNICORN! THERE WAS TWO OF THEM!" I squealed in happiness and then looked up at him, bouncing up and down. OH MY GOD, I GOT A RARE PET!

"There was two unicorns? Where?" Hachi asked. "You know there is a group of wizards hunting to breed them." Oh... really? I frowned.

"France," I told him. "Want me to take you to them? They're twins."

"We should probably put them under our protection...." Hachi whispered. "Your unicorn will follow you wherever you are anyways. He's probably already coming here.... lurking outside the manor with mine."  I nodded and then hugged him tighter.

"Do you think his twin will follow him here?" I asked him softly.

"Probably... I don't know much about their kind." Hachi shrugged.

"Well... we're sorta twins," I mumbled and then gave him a sweet smile. "Over a dimensional alternate universe of course."

"Kasai could have the other unicorn twin if he appears here," Hachi suggested. I nodded and then giggled.

"Okay, I'm going to go tell him...." I told him then looked towards his stitches curiously before I lightly tugged on one and giggled. "We're kinda similar," I mumbled happily and then reached up for him, standing on my tip toes.

"We're twins..." He whispered. "I'm an older version of Kasai." I giggled.

"We're twins~" I jumped up, managing to get my arms around his neck before I got in his arms. "Just like Kasai is my twin...."

"Yeah, in a way we are." He rubbed my head. I giggled and looked up at him.

"Does that mean you love me?" I asked sweetly.

"I made you stay here, didn't I?" He asked. "My Haru is dead.... but you'll do." I bit my bottom lip then nodded.

"What was he like? This world's true Haru?" I asked him softly, starting to calm down. I'm only really a copy of him that turned out completely different.... After all, my universe never actually existed and only was created in the midst of a spell....

"He gave himself to me for my powers I have now," he whispered. "That's all I want to say about him." I nodded and then kissed his cheek.

"He sounds like he was really sweet... not a cannibal like me," I mumbled and then gave him a small smile. "No wonder why you're so great...."

"I'm the cannibal of the family, not him." He muttered. I nodded and then looked towards his teeth then at him.

"I'm glad that I made myself immortal then," I told him and then laughed.

"Where is Kasai?" He asked and rubbed my head. I frowned and then looked towards the door.

"Uhhhhmmm... he's... sleeping," I told him, trying hard to remember where I left him.... I think I left him during naptime in our room.... "Yeah, sleeping."

"Are you sure? Because if he wakes up without you he runs off to find whoever he's interested in. It's usually Midori or Richard." I frowned and then pulled away from him.

"I could go check to see if he's still sleeping," I suggested. "I wouldn't mind going back to nap time.... That unicorn stabbed me...." I rubbed my chest and winced.

"Yeah.... I'm not sure why they think stabbing you will heal you.... but it also turns you immortal... although you was already immortal and it unleashes true wizard powers and what not." Hachi told me. "They're mysterious creatures."

"Uh huh.... I LOVE UNICORNS~" I giggled happily and started to bounce. I MARKED A UNICORN~! I'd rather have a unicorn over a dragon.

"Maybe they'll come live with us even though we have so many impure vampires here and other creatures." Hachi suggested. I widened my eyes.

"Do you think they might?" I asked him excitedly. "I wanna live with unicorns~!" I giggled and tackled him into a hug. "They're my favorite!"

"Well you'll have to ask them," Hachi reminded me. "Maybe they'll be so attracted to Kasai they'll live here. He is sweet young and innocent."

"I'm young and innocent," I mumbled and then thought it over. "Though... they'd probably favor Kasai more.... I eat people.... I'll take him to meet the unicorns." I started for the door. "KASAI! WANNA MEET SOME UNICORNS?!"

"Have fun you two~" I heard Hachi calling towards me. I found Kasai in the hall rubbing his eyes and coming towards me. I ran up to him quickly, tackling him into a hug and showered his face in kisses.

"Kasai~" I purred sweetly and then giggled. "I'm sorry I wasn't there when you woke up."

"It's fine," he mumbled sweetly and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Where'd you go?" He asked curiously. He looked towards Hachi's door.

"I got a pet unicorn! Want one?" I asked him sweetly.

"Uh-huh!" He nodded, looking excited.  I smiled and then used my magic to take us to my pet, feeling him. I glanced around and spotted him with his twin then gently nudged Kasai towards them, slipping my spell book into his hands after opening it up to the correct page.

"See that pretty white one in it's natural form? That one can be yours...." I whispered to him and smiled. "Just read the page out and let it stab you with it's little horn."

"I can't read this though...." Kasai said softly, looking at the book in confusion. I looked at it then at him.

"Okay, then repeat after me," I whispered in his ear. "I'll teach you to read it starting tonight...." I rubbed his shoulders and smiled encouragingly. We're going to have twin unicorns! He nodded and waited for me to tell him what to say. Kasai wouldn't know how to read my spell book since he's never really been around it. I started to whisper the words into his ear, waiting for him to repeat them for the spell to work and told him to concentrate it on the unicorn that I told him was going to be his. Kasai looked towards the unicorn and started to mumble back- sounding shy as he repeated the words I told him. Ashley looked towards us then and blushed.

"Haru?" Ashley asked softly. I smirked his way slightly and then kissed my brother's cheek before I gave him the next word. Ashley's twin turned his head to look at us, gently pawing at the ground before it threw it's head back challengingly. Haru repeated the word I told him to say. "But Haru...." Ashley mumbled and teared up. I paused and frowned.

"What is it?" I asked him and then rubbed my brother's shoulders.

"He's my twin," Ashley frowned.

"Uh huh," I hummed out and gave him a sweet smile. "This is my twin. We can twin with twin!" Ashley frowned towards me and wrapped his arms around his twin's neck. I watched him for a few seconds before I looked back at the book and started to tell Kasai more words, choosing to ignore the unicorns to focus on this for him. I heard a nicker before hoof beats started to slowly come our way. Kasai looked towards the unicorn and stumbled back into me, being quick about it. I shook my head at him and kissed his cheek. "Keep saying the words," I whispered into his ear and then began to read it to him again, holding him close. I'm right here Kasai.... I smiled softly and hugged him around the waist to keep him calm. He kept mumbling the words I told him to, gripping my hands as he said them. The unicorn stopped right in front of us before it nickered again and leaned it's head down, touching Kasai with his horn before he pressed it up against his stomach and dragged it up towards his chest, keeping it to where he wasn't cutting him. Kasai whined and dug his nails into my skin, ducking down to get behind me as quick as he could. I tsked and held him still. "No," I told him. "Stay still if you want a unicorn," I mumbled, ignoring the pain of his nails. The unicorn pulled back to look at Kasai and tossed it's head a little, shaking his mane.

"I don't like unicorns no more, I wanna go home!" Kasai shouted, sounding scared.

"But they're rare! Plus Hachi has one too! Don't you wanna have a unicorn like me and Hachi?" I asked him, frowning. "What's more scary, a unicorn or me when I'm hungry?"

"Y... you...." He mumbled and leaned against me. "But It's scaring me more right now," he whined.

"But if you get past this, you'll have him for life as your magical pet," I whispered to him and then kissed his cheek. "You'll be fine.... He's just testing you. You're letting him win...." He rubbed his eyes and hid behind them.

"Haru...." Kasai whined.

"Look, if you don't do it now, you won't get another chance.... You'll probably end up with a dragon... and dragons are scarier because they try to eat you when you do this," I told him then looked at the unicorns. "All that big unicorn wants is to show you that his horn is sharp."

"S-sharp?" Kasai asked and then looked towards the unicorn.... "Yes it's sharp, bye bye unicorn." He waved and then started to climb up my body. I yelped and then threw him to the ground, snarling.

"Kasai, if you don't tame that unicorn, I'm not going to be happy with you," I warned him, narrowing my eyes. He won't ever get a magical being to help him if he doesn't try now. He won't want a dragon. I know that for sure. He's more of a unicorn wizard. Kasai started to cry then and rubbed his eyes.

"You're not gonna be happy?" He asked me. Oh no... I MADE HIM CRY! I held in a whimper and kept up my best strict face, trying not to cave.

"N-nope," I said quickly, having a hard time getting the words out. The unicorn neighed before it started to walk off, losing interest in Kasai. CRAP! Kasai looked me over before he started after the unicorn, shaking in his step.

"Wh-wait unicorn...." he sniffled. The unicorn paused to look at him, leaning it's head down slightly to be on his level. "Don't go or my bubba will be mad," Kasai sniffled. It glanced my way then looked at Kasai before it nudged him with his head. Kasai looked the unicorn over and started to rub it's head. It shook it's head and then nipped at Kasai's hair before it stabbed Kasai in the chest but not too bad, not like the other had done to me. Kasai yelped and yanked away, started to crawl back to me. I smiled and knelt down to get him.

"Come here cutie," I purred sweetly and then pulled him into my arms. "And that's that. He's all yours~" I told him and tapped his nose before I looked at his chest and put my hand over it, using my magic to heal him up. "Don't start crying.... He isn't going to stab you again for a bit."

"For a bit?" Kasai whined. "I don't want a mythical creature anymore!" He trembled against me. "Take me home!"

"Awww, okay," I whispered to him and kissed his cheek. I heard the unicorn snort and it started for us, tugging on Kasai's shirt to try to take him from me. Kasai yelped and looked towards the unicorn then tried to crawl over my shoulder to get away. Ashley walked over then and stole Kasai right out of my arms and kissed his cheek. I frowned at him. "Hey~" I complained. I don't get kisses.... The other unicorn glowed for a second before it took on a human form, the same height as Ashley. It's silvery hair was braided over his shoulder, going all the way down to his waistline. His purple eyes looked them over before he reached out for Ashley with a pout. Ashley handed Kasai over to his twin and giggled then looked towards me, holding his arms out. I widened my eyes. HE WANTS A HUG! I squealed in happiness and ran up to him, tackling him into a hug and made him topple to the ground. He gasped and rubbed my head as we landed on the ground. Kasai squirmed around in his unicorn's arms.

"Haru!" He cried out. "He's touching me! Touching me- Unicorn!" He gasped out, sounding frightened.

"Kasai is so cute," Ashley whispered to me. I giggled and nodded.

"My twin is adorable," I told him and then curled up on top of him. "Unicorn~"

"My Kasai," the unicorn said firmly and held Kasai closer. Kasai started to cry and buried his face against the unicorn.

"Would you like to nap with us?" Ashley asked me. "We love napping." I gasped and then nodded quickly.

"I'll nap with you!" I told him excitedly and then got beside him, curling up beside him. The other unicorn walked up and sat Kasai down beside me and laid down on the other side of him, curling up to all of us as he reached across to his twin and grabbed his twin's hands as he started to fall asleep. Kasai curled up to me and buried his face against the crook of my neck.

"I want to go home..." Kasai whispered softly. I purred and pulled him close, kissing his cheek.

"Don't you want to sleep with the unicorns then go home?" I asked him sweetly.

"Who said you're going home? You are home," Ashton told me.

"I want Richard!" Kasai said quickly and sat up, grabbing my phone out of my pocket and started to call home. I frowned and snatched it from him, putting it in my pocket.

"We can go back in an hour," I whispered to him then tugged him back down and wrapped him up in my arms and then wrapped my legs around him to keep him down with me. I smiled sweetly and then kissed his cheek. "Unicorns don't like phones."

"Mhm~" Ashton giggled. "No phones. Bad Kasai, you can't have a phone." Kasai lifted my shirt up then and slid his head under it, wrapping his arms around me tightly. I yelped and then relaxed, giggling at him as I closed my eyes.

"Naptime," I whispered to him. "We'll go back when I wake up."

"Sweet dreams~" Ashley whispered, kissing my cheek. Kasai's breathing against my body slowed as he relaxed against me. I smiled and then slowly started to fall asleep.

Rory's POV:

I felt the bed start to move and then heard River's light footsteps heading towards the closet. I opened my eyes slowly and looked towards him. "River... where are you going?" I asked him. "Come back to bed." He glanced over his shoulder towards me before he smiled and walked over, kissing my cheek as he stood by the bed in his sweatpants. I pulled him back in quickly and smirked. "Where did you think you was going?" I teased. He yelped and blushed, looking up at me innocently. "You going to stay quiet?" I teased him. He hid his face against me then and gripped my shirt.

"M-maybe," he stuttered shyly and glanced up at me as his face turned red.

"There's no shame in talking," I whispered to him. "Especially to me. I want you to be open to me," I ran my hands across his body. He shivered and then nodded, looking me in the eyes.

"Y-yes Rory," he mumbled and tightened his grip on my shirt slightly.

"Want to know what mates do in their spare time?" I asked him. He tilted his head slightly in confusion and then nodded, biting his lower lip. I pushed his sweat pants down to his knees then reached into his boxers, gripping his manhood. "It involves this," I whispered. He gasped and then gripped my shirt tightly, burying his face into my shirt. I suddenly smelt his blood, probably from biting down onto his lip too hard to keep from moaning. "It's okay, let that moan loose," I whispered and then gave him another squeeze. "Who's my mate?" He groaned and then went to curl up. "River," I whispered. "Who's your mate? Say my name~" He blushed and glanced up at me.

"R-Rory," he whispered. I leaned in and gave him a kiss to reward him. He melted against me and kissed me back, slipping his arms around me as he let go of my shirt. I pushed his pants off then got between his legs and took my hand out, beginning to grind up against him.

"I didn't hear you," I teased. He moaned and hid his face into my neck, his fangs lightly scraping against me for a second. "River," I leaned in towards his neck and kissed it. He purred and then bit down into my neck, marking me. I let out a small moan and pulled my neck away from his fangs. "River..." I leaned in and gave him a kiss. He kissed me back, deepening it eagerly. I pulled back from the kiss and pulled his shirt off. He blushed and looked towards his shirt before he looked up at me. He looked towards my shirt and then hesitantly went to grab it. "River.... don't resist," I told him and tossed it across the room. He nodded and then took my shirt off me and dropped it, looking me over before he bit his bottom lip. He glanced up into my eyes before he kissed my chest, trailing his hands across my bare skin. "Will you say my name again?" I asked him. He looked up into my eyes and then gave me a loving look.

"Rory," he mumbled happily and kissed me softly. "I love you~"

"I love you too," I smirked as I looked him over. This morning, I deflowered my beautiful mate.

Richard's POV:

I hummed as I walked towards the music room, slipping my hands into my pocket. It's been awhile since I've sat down and actually played... not since my kids.... I shook my head to clear it and then walked into the music room, pushing the door open before I sighed, looking at my sanctuary. They've been avoiding my music room since my children's passing.... I have it all to myself like always. I graced my hand over the top of the black piano and then smirked before I took my seat at the piano bench, running my fingers over the keys lightly like I was dusting off the time. This is where I belong... behind a piano.... It's where it all started... and it's where I hope it will end if it ever does end.... I sighed in relief at the feel of the cold keys under my touch and then started to play.

"Richard," I heard Hachi call from the door way. "Go get Paris and meet me downstairs where Alistair is in his cell." I frowned. You've got to be kidding me. I just sat down to play! I groaned and then banged a note down on the piano before I stood up, walking over to the door.

"Alright," I muttered, irritated. Why should I go see the one that killed my kids? I don't want to see his traitorous face....

"While you're at it round up Louis, Rose, and Victor." Hachi disappeared then. I sighed and then glanced back at the piano longingly. I could totally sit back down.... No, I'll do this just to see where it's going.... If it takes too long, I can become invisible and sneak out of whatever Hachi is doing. I pulled out my phone and texted Louis, Rose, and Victor to go downstairs and meet Hachi before I walked in the direction of my bedroom to find Paris personally. I found Paris near our bedroom, sucking the life out of a maid he found. He had her wrists pinned against the wall with forced and her eyes were glazed over like he had compelled her. I raised an eyebrow as I looked the two over and stopped walking. He actually compelled someone huh? He never does that.....

"Paris," I purred, smirking. Dirty little trick he pulled on that maid. "If you were starving, you could've come to me." He pulled back from the maid and looked towards me, blood ran down his chin then and towards his white shirt, staining it red.

"Maids are funner though....." Paris told me and then looked towards the maid, leaned back down into her neck and bit her, making her scream out in pain. I frowned then. They're better than me? I growled at him and then turned on my heels, starting to walk off.

"Hachi wants to see you downstairs in Alistair's cell," I muttered, crossing my arms.

"Don't get upset, I meant it like I can kill them when I can't kill you." Paris told me, I could hear his footsteps following me then. The maid's footsteps took off running in the opposite direction. "Your blood is always going to be better than a pathetic human's blood. You're my mate Richard Grimm. You're my love and my whole life. What do you say we go destroy a town after we see what Hachi wants?" He asked me, stepping up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. "Let's take over~" I paused and then purred, turning around to face him. Take over? I looked him over and smirked as I imagined him back where he belonged, on the throne... maybe a little of blood on him... that look in his eyes that makes me shiver... the confidence of a king.... I almost melted at the thought, but I kept myself pulled together and kissed him quickly.

"We can go destroy a town," I mumbled absentmindedly, looking him in the eyes. Oh my little demonic mate, I'd destroy the world for you~ I love him so much! He purred and looked me over.

"Those thoughts are turning me on," he whispered. I smirked and then leaned in a little more, pressing myself up against him.

"What thoughts?" I teased him.

"You.... destroying the world for me." Paris sharpened his fangs. "You're the perfect mate." I laughed and then wrapped my arms around him.

"I know," I purred against him and leaned in, kissing his neck. "You make a good mate too~" I teased him and smirked. He teleported us into Alistair's cell.

"Okay, what're we doing meeting here?" Paris asked. He looked towards Hachi, who was standing over Alistair(who was passed out). Rose was already here, glaring Alistair down. I glanced around, spotting Victor near Rose, but he seemed tensed as he glanced his son over then looked towards Rose. Louis walked into the cell just then and tsked, seeing us all here already. He looked towards Alistair and snarled, exposing his fangs as pure hatred lit up in his eyes.

"I managed to retrieve his stone," Hachi said, pulling it out of his pocket. The stone was wrapped around in magic- probably to prevent someone- Alistair from taking it. "I brought you guys here because I figured you'd all want to be here when we finally send this bastard to hell." Louis's eyes snapped towards the stone and he relaxed slightly before he walked up towards Rose and stood beside her. Victor moved comfortingly up to Rose and hugged her, pulling her close as he whispered something in her ear. He glanced at the stone then at Alistair before he looked back at Rose, not wanting to see his son like that. I softened my expression and looked Victor over before I leaned up against Paris. It's going to be over soon.... We'll have our revenge... but Victor will lose a son... just like we did... but his son is a heartless bastard... that killed my own children....

"Victor, I think you should be the one that crushes his stone." Paris spoke up, looking towards him. "It's your son after all." Victor tensed up and looked towards Paris then at Alistair.

"I'd... rather not be the one to kill my own son," he whispered, shaking his head sadly. "That'd be like asking you to kill one of yours...."

"Yeah but you brought him into this world, take him back out. After all.... I'd feel wrong if I done it." Paris shrugged. "I'd feel like you'd hold a grudge against me."

"Never Paris," Rose said quickly. "We love you."

"Crush Alistair's stone. It's not hard to get rid of someone that deserves to die. After all most of us in this room has killed at least one of their family members." Paris placed his hands on his hips. "Victor, as the vampire king I order you to crush your son's stone." I frowned and glanced at Paris. I'm the actual living heir to that throne... and it's currently in Nikolai's hands.... Victor narrowed his eyes slightly at Paris, but he walked up to Hachi anyways and took Alistair's stone from his hands.

"If you're trying to prove something Paris, you're not proving anything," he muttered. "I just don't want to be the one to kill my child because I believe it'd be wrong to him. After all, he looks up to me."

"He's a murderer," Paris shot towards him. "Family or not. Son or not. Our parents were bad people and we slaughtered them. Why should our kids be any different if they're going to be just as.... horrible." Paris looked away then. "I've had my fair share of torture. You'll get the final blow."

"We're all murderers," Victor hissed. "At least some of us have embraced that much though.... I'll gladly tell you how I murdered my family. I killed even my younger brother, so don't try to pull that I'm being weak about this." I killed my younger brother too....

"Yeah we're all murderers..." Paris admitted softly.

"Not me, I'm just a cannibal," Hachi joked.

"That's still killing," Rose said softly.

"Victor, if you don't want to be the one to kill him then that's like saying you want him to live. If he lives we can't guarantee he won't strike again.... maybe at one of us. We have to kill him. This is a family member worthy of death. Who better than you?" Victor sighed and looked the stone over in his hands before he looked at his son and then walked up to him, gently leaning down and kissing his kid's cheek.

"Still," Victor mumbled. "It runs in our blood to be this way... but I guess he wasn't able to hold back.... He'd probably be happier in the afterlife... resting." I clenched my jaw slightly, trying my best not to imagine the pain of having to kill your own kid.

"I'm sorry Victor," Paris spoke up. "You'll know why I picked you one day though and be thankful for it." He glanced up at Paris and then frowned a little before he walked over to Rose, kissing her cheek before he leaned in towards her ear and whispered something to her as his hand tightened on the stone and crushed it. Paris watched as Alistair's body went down into ashes. Hachi looked towards the ashes then disappeared.

"Well now that that's over, let's go hunt." Paris grabbed my wrist. I glanced towards him, taking my eyes off of Alistair's ashes and then nodded.

"Yeah," I whispered then frowned. "What's this about you being king? I'm supposed to be king."

"You want to be king finally?" Paris asked. He looked a tad bit surprised. I laughed and then started to pull him out of the room.

"I have more claim to the throne than you do," I purred teasingly. "Besides, wouldn't that be interesting Paris? To finally be on the bottom after all these years?" I never really tried to take the king's throne for myself... not since we all agreed on staying princes and princesses. I really could've stepped up and had taken it centuries ago... but life wouldn't have turned out this way if I had. Technically, Nikolai shouldn't be king. I was born to be the Vampire King.

"You're right..." Paris whispered. "I've been holding you back from the throne all these centuries.... Stealing it without noticing and then giving it away to my own sister's child when it was rightfully yours this whole time. Are you ready to be crowned King of all Vampires now?" I glanced back and then smirked.

"You know what, yeah. I want to be king," I told him firmly. "It's my turn."

"Alright.... Let's give Nikolai a call." Paris smirked and pulled out his phone, tossing it to me. I caught it and then started to dial up Nikolai's number, not wavering in my decision like he probably expected me to do. I lifted his phone up to my ear and smirked, watching Paris.

"You're going to be on bottom tonight~" I sung out playfully. Paris blushed and hid his face quickly, muttering something about being aroused.

"What's the matter Paris?" I heard Nikolai asking. "Should I come home? Is it Alistair?"

"It's Richard," I told him and then looked Paris over before I turned away from him to focus. "Listen, I'm taking over. Spend time with your family. I'll handle the throne. You may or may not get it back when I get bored."


"Nikolai, I'm Richardo Grimm, that's who I am. I'm taking the throne. It was my birthright," I purred into the phone in amusement.

"You can't take the throne from me! I'm not going down without a fight, RICHARD!" He hung up on me then. I tossed Paris's phone to him as I turned around and winked.

"How's that?" I asked him. "Make you wish I was in those little pants of yours?" I walked up and slipped a finger through his belt loops, tugging him to me with a playful growl.

"You don't sound like king yet," Paris purred.

"I'm redefining king, baby," I told him then tapped him on the nose. "Besides, you're going to miss days when you were dominant."

"I still am dominate," Paris exposed his fangs. I glanced towards his fangs then looked at him and smirked.

"No you're not," I purred and then started to walk off. "Come on Paris. Let's go hunt. I got to fight our nephew in a bit."

"Yeah~ I forgot that we were going to destroy a town." Paris laughed and chased after me, grabbing my hand and teleporting us into a town. I glanced around before I looked towards him with a smirk. I've got a long way to catch up if I'm going to steal back dominance from him.... That fang flash was amazing... and I'll probably falter while we're hunting.... I can't stand how great he looks with blood all over him..... Paris started after a human walking down the street and snarled, tackling him to the ground and bit down into his neck, beginning our blood binging hunt.

Donnie's POV:

Midori's scent was everywhere when I stepped into our bedroom- a lot stronger than usual. I heard a moan slip from the bed as Midori rubbed his cheek up against the pillows, getting his scent on them. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket so I pulled it out to check it.

Nikolai: Richard just called and said he was taking the throne from me! Can you believe that?! Boy your parents piss me off sometimes. Donnie I'm coming home to kick their ass! You better be there to witness it.

I busted out laughing from reading it then stumbled towards the bed. Ha, Nikolai is so screwed! He doesn't stand a chance with my father and mother. I laid down by Midori. He didn't seem to notice me as he started to rub his neck up against the sheets, gasping as he got his favorite spot to be rubbed and practically melted, gripping the blanket.

"Midori?" I asked and reached out to touch him. He glanced towards my hand and his eyes flashed gold before he grabbed it and pulled it to him, making me rub his cheek with my hand as he purred loudly. I laughed and pulled him into my arms, dropping my phone over the edge of the bed. "What're you so worked up about?" I asked him. That's when I caught the faint scent under his usual scent.... It's his mating season again... but he doesn't have catnip to make it one short burst when he comes into contact with it.... He rubbed his head up against me, purring. I frowned. I can't let my parents know it's his mating season again or I might end up with another child running around.... although.... I still want a little Spencer.... Spencer Grimm. My little ideal baby boy..... Oh man I could totally take advantage of this... He started to pull away from me, looking towards the gold blankets with interest again. "Midori! I'm your mate pay attention to me!" I whined. He paused and glanced back at me before he rubbed his head against the pillow, watching me curiously. I smiled and leaned in towards him, giving him a kiss. He's so cute when he's wanting someone to mate with. He kissed me back eagerly, making a small noise as he came back to me. I leaned in and started to kiss him passionately. I might as well give him what he wants.... I pulled my shirt off first. He gave a soft moan and leaned his head back against the bed as he rubbed the back of his head against the blankets, his eyes flashing gold again before he curled up and giggled, rubbing his cheek then.

"Midori, let's mate." I smirked as I yanked him closer and pulled his shirt off. "Come on, it's your mating season after all." Better me than another dragon. He gasped slightly and looked towards his shirt for a few seconds before his eyes locked onto mine and he leaned in, kissing my neck happily before he rubbed his leg up against mine and trailed his fingers down my chest, his nails sharp. "Yeah~ Would that make you feel better?" I asked him and started to pull his pants down his legs. He nodded slightly, but he froze up when the door opened suddenly, making him sit up straight. He looked towards the door curiously and then purred as I started to sense a strong presence just like his- just slightly different. I turned to look at the door, puzzled. A girl stood in the doorway and she narrowed her eyes as they landed on me and she snarled suddenly. Her eyes were a light golden color that reminded me of Midori's when he was having problems controlling himself around gold or just being a dragon in general. Her eyes flickered over to Midori after a few seconds as she smelled the air and then purred, looking interested. Oh great! Another dragon to deal with. I thought Hachi was going to prevent this from happening. "Midori, I'm your mate." I told him, making sure to get it through to him. He glanced my way and then laid back on the bed, curling up in the covers innocently as he started to rub his cheek against them, giving a small moan. The girl growled at me, looking upset.

"DONNIE! WHY DO I SENSE ANOTHER DRAGON UP THERE?" I heard Isaac shouting downstairs.

"BECAUSE THERE IS!" I yelled. Man there is no way I'll yell the reason why she is here. I can't yell it's his mating season and risk my parents finding out. I got to my feet. I'm going to have to tell her to leave. "Get out of my bedroom! This is my mate." I hissed her way. She looked me over and then snarled.

"You're not even a girl," she hissed back. "Much less, you're not a dragon. You're not worthy of a dragon mate."

"Tell that to fate. I'm rightfully his mate." I exposed my fangs. "His body belongs to me. Now go home." She narrowed her eyes at me and went for me, but she suddenly froze up. Isaac stood behind her and frowned.

"You look like you're about to get eaten," he muttered and then walked in, grabbing her. He froze up and then looked towards Midori. "Oh my- That explains it," he whispered. "It's the dragon mating season.... I'll have to tell Hachi that we need to set something up to keep other dragons out so they don't try to come in and sleep with him...."

"No kidding," I grumbled. "I think I'll make him stay in the treasure room. It's underground and it'll be harder to catch his scent down there." I gave Isaac a grateful smile for the help. "Sounds like this is a tough week. We have my parents coming into power and other things happening in the manor." He sighed and nodded.

"Yeah, it is a tough week.... You'll probably want to put him in the treasure room if you're not planning on mating with him every couple of hours. He'll keep putting his scent everywhere if he finds time to do it.... He'll want to nest soon too... probably revert back to a lot of things you broke him out of," Isaac whispered and then started to pull the other dragon out of the room. "I'm going to go take this one to Hachi and see what he wants to do with her. He might want to put her back in the dragon realm or use her for something...." He walked out and shut the door behind him. Probably eat her no doubt. I looked towards Midori.

"Okay you, get your butt down to the treasure room." I pointed my finger towards him. He glanced over at me and then growled, curling up in the bed more. "There is gold down there," I teased. He looked towards the door then at me before he slowly started to get to his feet and began to walk towards the door, watching me. I followed him, picking up the clothes I took off of him in the process. He paused and then looked towards his shirt in my hands and then went for it, whining. I handed it to him and then gave him his pants. "Midori~" I gave him a sweet smile. "Sure you want your clothes on right now?" He took them from me and then dropped them in the floor before he glanced behind me at the window and bit his bottom lip. I frowned. "Nu-uh you better not ditch me. I'm your mate! You're supposed to be with me. I'm sorry I'm not a female so we'll have to make do." He glanced back at me and then frowned before he looked me over and then purred, walking up towards me before he rubbed his head up against my chest. I rubbed his head and kissed him on the top. He's so cute when he's in the mood to mate.... but he's also dangerous to let loose outside. I teleported us down to the treasure room and towards the nest of gold he loves. He widened his eyes as he saw his gold and then ran for it, falling down into it before he purred loudly and rubbed up against the gold. I saw his eyes change colors again on me, going from their pretty green to their gorgeous golden dragon color. I laid down in his nest and pulled a gold blanket over me to keep warm then rested my head on one of the pillows. He glanced towards me after a few minutes and then slowly started to crawl closer. I watched him and reached out to welcome him. He came over and then laid down beside me, kissing my chest happily before he moaned slightly. I let him under the gold blanket then kissed his cheek. He nuzzled up against me and wrapped his arms around me before he started to move one of his legs around me, throwing it over mine. I looked him over then looked towards the vault door. I hope I'm right about bringing him down here. It is underground... He glanced up at me and then at the door before he tilted his head curiously.

"Outside?" He asked me innocently and then looked back at me before he purred and nuzzled his head against me again.

"No. You're staying inside." I said sternly. He frowned and then picked his head up again to look at me.

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want you mating with another dragon!" I hissed in his ear. He pouted and then leaned his face into my neck.

"But you're my mate... my dragon tamer..." He whispered and then started to crawl on top of me. "I don't want another dragon.... I want you."

"I know you only want me but the other dragons will take advantage of your innocence." I rubbed his head. "So stay here, where it is safe." He nodded and laid down on top of me, kissing my neck.

"I love you," he murmured and then nipped playfully at my ear.

"I love you too," I purred and wrapped my arms around him. He giggled and then nuzzled his head up against me, smiling as he rubbed up against me and got his sweet scent all over me. I moaned softly and rubbed his back to soothe him. Poor Midori has to suffer a mating season. He kissed my neck again and ran his hands down my side, giving a small whine. I placed him down by my side and rubbed his head. "Let's try to get some sleep?" I suggested. He nodded and closed his eyes, pressing up against me as he slowly started trying to take a nap for me.