Stealing A Crown

Hachi's POV:

I felt something heavy moving against the bed on Isaac's side, waking me from my sleep. It was heavy- making me think it was Isaac crawling back into bed. I didn't realize he left me. I opened my eyes slowly, watching his form crawling in. There was something off about him though.... his stitches were missing. "Isaac?" I asked softly. I suddenly tasted sand as my mouth dried up. I couldn't move my body anymore... this was unreal.

"Kasai Hachirobei," Isaac whispered to me. His voice sounded off though. Isaac doesn't call me that... why am I tasting sand? "With the help of your brother Haru.... you will erect my body to walk amongst you..." His hands reached towards my throat then and he started to choke me. His hands were burning like fire. "If you don't.... I will kill everyone you love. Starting with Isaac." I whimpered, confused beyond means.

"Who are you?" I asked, choking on my breath.

"I go by many names.... but you might recognize me as Satan." The devil!? "I'm in a borrowed body.... unfortunately your little sex buddy does not suit me. I want to walk on Earth like you do. You're a wizard Kasai Hachirobei and you will obey me. It's in your blood to obey me. You won't tell anyone what you're going to do. You'll leave Grimm manor as soon as you wake up and you will find Haru. You'll collect a handful of my handpicked sons to help you on your quest to erect me. Of course you'll also pick the sacrifice. Instructions have been placed in your spell book. Kasai Hachirobei I do hope you don't disobey me...." I felt my stitches start to sting then, as my first pulse of pain from them erupted. "Because I can make your life a living hell. After all.... you are a wizard. Oz will assist you." He suddenly shoved his hand into me and pulled out the stone I had eaten over centuries ago. Oz. I had devoured Oz.... all of him and even his stone. My magical body kept it from rooting in me, from taking me over, and from everything. Even when I was mortal. "If you do anything he doesn't approve of, he'll make sure you suffer when I'm not there to keep an eye on you. To make sure you complete what I want from you, I'm taking Isaac back to hell to spend some quality time in my living room." He suddenly bit down into his wrist and let the blood pour over Oz's stone. That's Isaac's blood- I could smell it as it poured over Oz. Oz's stone started to form a body then, making Isaac's hand drop it. I shoved the stone into the floor quickly. NO! I should have crushed his stone ages ago.

"No! Don't take Isaac!" I told him quickly, already seeing his body fading. I made Paris go to hell last time just to get Isaac back... I can't ask for him to do it again.... Richard would be so mad at me.

"Then you better do as I say to get him back quicker," I heard him whispering to me. Isaac was suddenly gone. Satan has chosen me.... to summon him here in his true form.... He wants to stand here on Earth. Where the humans are.... where most of the supernatural live-- wait more like where the living exist. He wants to walk amongst the living. Wouldn't that sound like judgment day? Where god comes and takes the holly while ignoring the damns. All superatrual beings are damned. Because they were made by wizards and witches who are worshipers of the devil- no more like his slave. As a wizard.... I have to do as the devil says... it's in my blood.

What will happen to Paris though if I do this?What will have to everyone living at Grimm manor.... Satan has been wanting Paris to die for centuries. Would it be right if I done this to save Isaac? Maybe I have been too soft. After all Wizards can't have... mates. I could easily pick a new lover supposedly. Brush Isaac off like he never existed, unlike vampires. I'll never know what a soul mate is, so maybe that is a good thing and I should easily turn away from Isaac's fate. The devil did say Isaac would be the first though.... and the thought of more of them dying.... even my child..... and Isaac.... Maybe wizards do have mates. We just have know way of knowing.... except for loving and trying to pour everything out to one another.... I do love Isaac. That should be the only thing that matters. Sinning and being the devil's bitch to get Isaac back to safty, should be the only thing I care about right now. Not if it's right to do this task for him. At least in the end I will get to re-eat Oz.

How will Paris feel once he finds out that I'm releasing his worst enemy? I heard the door slam open and Haru came rushing in, tears in his eyes. "HACHI!" He cried out and jumped up into the bed, tackling me as he sobbed. "My Kasai was taken! TAKEN!"

"So was Isaac," I whispered towards him and looked towards Oz in the floor. He was done forming and was studying the ceiling in confusion. I shrunk low on the bed and watching him. Oz.... It's him.... Maybe I should have sent him to hell. Haru tensed up against me and started to look around.

"Isaac too?!" He asked me and then whimpered. "Not him too! I liked his scent! AND HE HAD A TAIL!" He froze up as he saw Oz and jumped up to his feet, standing on the bed with wide eyes. "Who's that?!" Oz's eyes shot towards Haru then and he smirked.

"Hachi, it's been a while." He started for Haru then. "I can't believe you woke me up. I thought after our last meeting... you surly didn't love me anymore." He reached out towards Haru. "Come here and let's share our love. You're done with that pathetic wizard now aren't you?"

"Actually.... I'm Hachi," I spoke up, sitting up to where he'd see me better. Oz's eyes widened as they locked onto mine.

"You're grown! You look freaking sexy too," He broke out into a grin and went to get on top of me. "Who's your sexy clone?" Haru growled and tackled Oz.

"Get off my Hachi!" He snarled and fell into the floor with him. "He's mine and Isaac's! You can't touch him, you creep!"

"I owned that boy way before you!" Oz hissed and kicked Haru off, sending him flying into a wall.

"Haru!" I yelled and got to my feet.

"Haru?" Oz asked and gave me a confused look. "You told me you ate him."

"It's a long story," I grumbled. "For both of you. So shut up before I kill you Oz." I crossed my arms. Grah, I can't believe I didn't crush his stone. "You're only awake because the devil wants you to do something for him. You're supposed to be watching and making sure Haru and I make it possible for the devil to walk on this plane of existence." Oz busted out in laughter.

"What devil?" Oz asked. "There's no devil." He held his mouth and started to laugh even more. I frowned and looked away from him. "Hachi you're so dumb. There is only now. You can't bring the devil here because he doesn't exist. It's all in your pathetic little brain. Didn't I just hear that Isaac is gone? Good. You're coming home with me. You don't have a place here anymore." Haru started to sit up then and got to his feet shakily. He narrowed his eyes and pulled out his spell book, glaring Oz down.

"Kick me why don't you?" He hissed under his breath. "You're dinner now...."

"No, Haru don't." I hissed. If anyone is killing this bastard again it'll be me. "I've got better plans for him." I looked towards Oz. It's like the devil hinted towards it this whole time. I could sacrifice Oz. Who needs or cares about him anyways!? I frowned as Oz made a sand storm in the room and knocked Haru up against the wall sending his spell book out of his hands.

"I might be old and just came back from being swallowed by a wizard... but I'm not powerless." Oz snarled. "You little bug! I'm not going to let you easily kill me." Isaac.... You so owe me. Haru shrieked and looked a little panicked as he looked in the direction of his spell book then at Oz before he let his powers out, making a galaxy around the room. I  frowned and walked off the bed casually then started for the door.

"I don't have time for this, both of you we need to go." I hissed. "I'm not going to horse around. I want Isaac back now let's get this done."

"Oh how interesting..... How do you have these powers? You're supposed to be dead and Hachi gets the powers........ That's Hachi explained to me. That's how he got his powers. Now how are you alive with these powers?"

"Haru, come on." I yelled over my shoulder. "Leave the fangs alone." I heard him yelp and then his hurried footsteps after me.

"Hachi," he called out and rushed up to my side, shoving his spell book into his pocket then grabbed my hand. He looked over his shoulder in fear and then up at me before he looked ahead, tense.

"Hachi," I heard Paris say, teleporting in front of me. "You have a moment?" I heard Oz walking behind us and came up, glaring Paris down and went to smack him, but his hand went straight through Paris. Paris didn't even react. He just watched me, waiting for me to respond.

"Huh...." I mumbled.

"HEY DON'T IGNORE ME!" Oz shouted.

"What?" Paris asked in confusion. Haru looked at Oz then at Paris then at Oz before he waved his hand and Oz was flung down the hallway, smashing into the end of it. He smirked and then stuck his tongue out before he hid behind me slightly and looked up at Paris with a sweet look. Paris can't see Oz? I frowned. How's that possible? Oz is back from the dead.... I looked towards Haru. But Haru can see him so..... why can't Paris? I looked towards Paris. "You feel okay? Where's Isaac and Kasai?" Paris asked.

"You needed something?" I asked, dodging the question.

"Oh right! You want to watch my sexy mate take on Nikolai?" Paris asked, sounding excited. Haru looked confused.

"Nuh-uh, we're busy," he told him quickly. "We're going to be gone for a bit. We can't watch."

"Where are you two going?" Paris asked and frowned. "You two aren't normally busy."

"Owwww," Oz moaned down the hall.

"Well," I began. "I'm taking care of some wizard things." I shrugged. "Haru is assisting me so we can't watch today. Sorry Paris."

"Oh okay, have fun then." Paris started off down the hall. "Love you kids!" I tensed up as he shouted that towards me.... Oh man..... Paris..... I sniffled and started towards Oz. I don't want to do anything to betray him and summoning the devil is betraying him but I really can't just go against the devil..... After all..... I'm a wizard and the devil is the devil. I crossed my arms. He's got Isaac and Kasai. Haru walked up and then snatched Oz by the shirt, starting to drag him.

"Let's get this over with," he whispered, looking like a blank slate. He probably didn't like the idea of betraying Paris either... but he'd do anything for Kasai. Poor Haru... He's probably got it worse than me. After all we're twins and I know there are powerful feelings between Haru and Kasai..... Probably more than I'll ever know because I ate my own twin. I'll never feel what they're feeling. Instead I have Isaac. I've learned to love because of him and Paris...... and Louis. I followed after Haru slowly. Oz groaned.

"I can walk on my own!" Oz shouted. "Why didn't Paris notice me! WHY COULDN'T I HIT HIM!"

"Because you suck," Haru hissed and then glared down at him. "Shut up."

"Don't tell me to shut up!" Oz yelled. "I don't follow orders like that! Not from some stupid brat like you." I glared Oz down.

"Might I remind you, I ate you, idiot." I rolled my eyes. "I'm pretty sure I can do it again. I'm not who I once was. I'm not going to be a push over and be under your feet anymore. You're under mine now, got it?" I asked him.

"Who the hell are you?" Oz asked.

"Hachi," I told him simply. "The wizard that ate you and can do it again, so shut up."

Paris's POV:

I walked into the living room downstairs, giving Richard a small purr. "Hachi said he didn't want to watch, he was busy." I sighed out. I looked towards the others that were waiting. Laurence, Ashton, Donnie, Midori, Raven, Castrian, Luca, Nikolai, Louis, Ann, Brook, Solis, Takara, Lien, Liam, Perry, Alexis, Jasper, Isabelle, Bowie, Yolo, Kyoko, and Roan. "So this is us. The rest are away." Rose and Victor went back to France to look after Myra. She's still going through a transformation. My poor daughter has been at it for days now. Richard nodded and then smirked Nikolai's way.

"So, you still want to fight, or are you going to give it up?" He teased him and crossed his arms.

"You're not getting my crown, Richard. You should have taken the crown away from Paris years ago when he had it. It's too late now for you to have it. Castrian will be the next king after I'm dead."

"What?" Castrian asked in confusion.

"Hmm... No, I'm taking it," Richard told him firmly and then started for Nikolai. "You can have it back when I'm bored with it."

"Who wants popcorn?" I asked quickly. "PERRY GO MAKE POPCORN!"

"What!? No." Perry shook his head. "I'm not missing a fight."

"You can try taking it!" Nikolai laughed and had one of the lamps on a coffee table come off it and towards Richard at a fast rate. Nikolai has the power to manipulate objects, he doesn't use his powers much though. He's like me. I got bored of compelling people and stopped using the power. I use it every now and then though. Richard suddenly disappeared from sight and I heard a laugh echoing throughout the room.

"You'll have to do better than that," he purred. Nikolai frowned and suddenly the lights went out.

"So will you," Nikolai told him, sounding distant from where he first was. I heard a few crashes in the room and then a wall suddenly crumbled right by me, sending light into the room with Nikolai in the rubble.

"Dad!" Castrian yelled.

"I'm fine," Nikolai laughed out, starting to stand up and looked towards the room. The lights came back on and the mirrors in the room busted, sending shards of glass across the floor. I suddenly smelled Richard's blood and watched as a glass shard had some of his blood on it. A few drops started to drip to the floor and Richard appeared with a cut on his arm, holding a hand over it. He kicked at the glass then smirked at Nikolai.

"Dirty move," he purred. Nikolai smirked and I could hear his thoughts, that's not all. The shards of glass started to collect together and built a maze around the room. I caught Richard's reflection reaching out for him to take him into the mirror. Richard's eyes widened and he quickly disappeared. I heard the glass bust and then Richard reappeared behind Nikolai. He snarled and exposed his fangs, shoving him into the room before he smirked. I suddenly heard sharp sounding noise that grated on my ears and all the glass shattered, turning to a fine powder as Richard stood there, watching Nikolai curling up on the floor as his ears started to bleed. The spectators on the couch all had to cover their ears, and Raven looked freaked out as she looked at Nikolai in worry. I placed in headphones quickly as I watched the fight continue. Nikolai kicked Richard's feet out from under him before getting up to his feet. He held his ears tight as the lights started to flicker in the room and the lightbulbs busted. I was quick to open the curtains in the room to shine some light in on the situation. I turned back to the scene, watching as Nikolai ran out the room to get away from the noise. Richard laughed and slowly started to walk after him, putting his hands in his pockets. "No matter where you go Nikolai, you're not escaping," I saw his lips say as he followed after his victim. I followed him quickly, noticing as the others were quick to follow. After all there has to be more than one witness when the crown is handed over or kept. Nikolai turned towards Richard than and started after him, tackling him to the ground and bit down into his neck. Richard's eyes widened and I couldn't hear the noise anymore from his shock. He looked towards Nikolai then narrowed his eyes, bringing his leg up between Nikolai's hard. "Only Paris gets to bite me like that," he hissed and then flipped them, exposing his fangs. Nikolai let out a small groan and spit some of Richard's blood out of his mouth.

"Your blood tastes corrupted...." Nikolai hissed. "You're not going to take my crown." He head butted Richard hard then, knocking Richard off and dizzy. Nikolai got back on top quickly and grabbed his throat. "I win, you don't get my crown." Richard looked at him and smirked.

"What makes you think you won?" He asked and then he was gone, dissolving into dust. Richard!? I felt panicked a little.

"Nikolai..." I muttered in anger. Nikolai got to his feet quickly, on guard and looked around the room.

"Don't worry, he's still here." Nikolai hissed. Richard was sitting in an armchair, watching with amusement. Nikolai walked up towards him then and shoved his foot onto Richard's chest, slinging the chair up against a wall.

"Hey, Uncle Richard...." Nikolai smirked. "You're too old to rule."

"And you're too young," Richard purred back before he snatched Nikolai's foot and yanked it to the side, breaking his leg as he hit his leg hard with his other hand then stood up, twisting his ankle as he yanked Nikolai off his feet and sent him to the ground before he stomped down on Nikolai's chest. I heard a few of his ribs crack under Richard and then watched as Richard disappeared. Castrian yelped out in pain from behind me, probably feeling the same thing as Nikolai- although Nikolai was holding back from making a noise.

"Where'd you go Richard?" Nikolai asked through his pain. "Can't finish me?" He asked and started for his good foot.

"I don't have to finish you off," Richard purred, his voice coming from beside me. "If I take your other leg, you can't fight well. You don't want to lose both, do you? Give up."

"No way, it's my throne." Nikolai growled. I heard a picture come off the wall and was flung towards Richard. "You're not getting my crown. Even if you break both my legs. Your too old for the crown. Give up old man." Richard growled back and then was by Nikolai in seconds, reappearing. He went to grab Nikolai, his eyes turning red. Raven's eyes widened and she looked on edge like she was wanting to help Nikolai. Castrian started to run towards them then but I caught him.

"No interference," I warned. Nikolai's eyes widened as he looked Richard over then tackled him to the ground with his weight and pinned his arms down.

"Old man," Nikolai teased. "You can rule over Antarctica if you really want a crown." Nikolai smirked down towards Richard and exposed his fangs. "You're never going to be king." Richard watched him calmly before he reached up and grabbed Nikolai, pulling him closer. He shoved his hand into Nikolai's chest suddenly and grabbed Nikolai's stone.

"Nikolai," he purred and then smirked. "You shouldn't hesitate when you have your challenger on the ground." Nikolai let out a small groan.

"Let my stone go," Nikolai hissed.

"Then give up. Surrender," Richard purred, starting to sit them up. He kept a tight grip on Nikolai's stone, being nice and not ripping it out just yet.

"That throne is rightfully mine," Nikolai hissed. "I want it."

"Everyone wants power," Richard said and laughed. "It's only for those that can take it and defend it though. It doesn't matter if it is rightfully yours or not, and it's not rightfully yours. It's mine. I am the only living heir to the Dracula family- which makes that throne mine. Not to mention, I've been the king's lover multiple times when Paris was king. I have been in power since the moment my lungs drew air into them. You have no clue what it means to have that kind of power.... You haven't even seen all my moves yet... nor all my powers. I don't usually use them to fight, but I will if you don't surrender right now."

"You don't need the throne Richard!" Nikolai hissed out in anger. "It's much better with me ruling." Richard laughed and then let go of Nikolai's stone, tearing his hand out of Nikolai before he grabbed Nikolai by his hair and slammed his head into the floor.

"Then I will break you," Richard hissed, his expression changing to seriousness. He got to his feet and ran a hand through his hair. "You don't know how to fight until you've fought your demon mate."

"You're not really even a vampire now, Richard. Your last name is Grimm now, might I mention. You married into this family. You're no longer a Dracula. You're not really heir to the throne if you think about it. You passed that away by changing your name. I'm the king. You're now demonic anyways." Nikolai started for his feet. Richard raised an eyebrow at him.

"Blood is blood Nikolai. I have every ounce of Dracula running through me," he told him firmly. He looked towards Raven and Castrian. "Do you two want to leave? We have enough witnesses if you can't watch him get his ass kicked." Nikolai frowned and suddenly Richard was sent flying into a wall.

"You're getting the ass kicking now." Nikolai hissed, pointing a finger towards him. "It's my crown." Richard got up quickly and narrowed his eyes before he snarled and exposed his fangs. He was by Nikolai in seconds, sinking his fangs down into Nikolai's neck before he snatched Nikolai's wrist and twisted it before he ripped out a chunk of Nikolai and spat it at him. He narrowed his eyes and I suddenly felt the pressure in the room starting to get heavier and the room's temperature started to drop quickly.

"Castrian, go with your mom out the room." I shoved him towards Raven then. "Now." Castrian whimpered and tackled his mother into a hug. Nikolai let out a scream and clutched his neck, starting to pull back from Richard. Raven's eyes widened and she shivered as she held Castrian close. She snatched Luca's wrist quickly and the three of them disappeared, leaving the manor. Richard didn't let Nikolai go, not hesitating for a second as Nikolai's stone started to reject him- one of Richard's powers he never uses. He can do that to another pureblood to make them obey him... a power from his father. Nikolai let out a small groan, confusion crossing his face fast.

"On your knees," Richard said firmly, letting go and then snapped his fingers, pointing to the floor. "Bow down to me, or I'll make it worse."

"Cheater," Nikolai hissed out in anger as he looked to be struggling to not obey Richard's command. He sort of looked in pain as he tried to grasp his free will. Richard exposed his fangs and a shudder ripped through Nikolai's body as his stone began to send painful pulses throughout him.

"On. Your. Knees." He narrowed his eyes at Nikolai. Nikolai groaned and clenched his jaw as he slowly started for his knees, his whole body shook as a inner war was going on in Nikolai. Richard watched, his eyes following Nikolai's every movement as he kept his fangs exposed. He suddenly smirked as Nikolai's knee hit the floor and then slowly put his foot out towards Nikolai, placing it down in front of him. "Kiss it... and beg for mercy."

"Over. My. Dead. Body." Nikolai hissed through pain, his body starting to tremble. Richard raised an eyebrow.

"That can be arranged," he told him then went for him.

"Yoohoo, forgot me?" I heard the family demon ask as he appeared and shoved his foot into Richard's face and kicked him clear across the room. "I'm apart of Nikolai too." Richard yelped as he hit the floor and then sat up quickly, looking towards the demon in pure hatred. I heard his thoughts shifting a full 180, getting hell bent on revenge and kicking the demon's ass as he forgot all about Nikolai and the throne.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Richard screamed and got to his feet, chasing after the demon in rage. "YOU DITCHED MY MATE IN HELL YOU BASTARD!"

"That happens time from time," the demon said casually. "After all the girls down there have massive boobs!" he said in a joking matter before he looked towards Nikolai. "Well, what are you waiting for, run!" He grabbed Nikolai's body and scooped it up then took off running. "NEVER GIVING THE THRONE UP!" Richard snarled and started to run after him.



"I'm not sure if we can even count this," I muttered. "After all this is sort of like interfering."

"Yeah, but the demon is sort of like a power, isn't it?" Donnie asked.

"No, not really. GRIMM you've interfered and made this match between Nikolai and Richard disqualified. The match will have to be redone at another time." I sighed out. "All in favor that agree?" I asked and looked over my shoulder.

"Well," Donnie began before the others could agree. "If you ask me without the demon's interference Nikolai was bound to give up the crown."


"As you wish," the demon dropped Nikolai suddenly and disappeared.

"I'm not giving up the bloody throne to you Richard! No matter how much you try to compel me with your stupid powers. I've wanted to be king since I was a child and I've got it." Nikolai hissed and stormed off, going down the hall with a limp. "I'm done fighting you over it. You can't have it and that's final." There was a trail of blood from Nikolai as his wounds were having trouble healing. "So suck it up real hard because the throne will never be yours. When I die, it's going to my son- Castrian. Trust me, I won't ever hand it over to you freely."

"Seems like you'll never get the throne," Perry teased Richard. "Want me to make you a drink to ease your sorrows?" Richard looked towards Perry and raised an eyebrow.

"How about a drink for just a drink?" He asked and then smirked. "I'm not upset. He's giving up the throne.... I'll just take it the longer way. I'll enslave the humans again and use them."

"You're not getting the throne!" Nikolai yelled from down the hall.

"You're going to have to rip out my stone Nikolai!" Richard shouted back to him, turning to look at him as he exposed his fangs. "I'm not giving up until it's mine or I'm dead!"

"Well you'll be dead then if you keep challenging me for my crown!" Nikolai hissed.

"Heh, you wish," Richard purred. "You can't beat me. You had to call on the demon for help."

"I didn't even call on him, idiot." Nikolai started back for us. "You're not getting my crown Richard. How many times will I have to say it? Your chance to rule was a long time ago. It's mine now." Richard watched him calmly as he approached then snatched him when he got close and ripped out Nikolai's stone, holding it in his hand as Nikolai's body started to crumble away. He looked the stone over and sighed.

"Sorry Nikolai," he whispered. "You should've just gave it up...." I watched as Nikolai's stone burned Richard, making him drop him. He yelped and looked at the stone then frowned. "Damn it Nikolai," he hissed and picked him back up before he held him by his fingertips and started to quickly walk to the kitchen. "You better quit..." Nikolai burned Richard again, making him drop him.

"I think he's mad at you," Perry laughed out. Richard sighed and smirked.

"Yeah, he's mad because the crown was taken from him...." He walked out and then came back with a cup, nudging Nikolai's stone into it to avoid having to touch him and then swirled the cup a little to make Nikolai's stone move. "And now he's in a cup until I think he's had enough...."

"Richard, that's not very nice." I purred. "He's your nephew." Richard looked up towards me.

"He burned me though...." He complained and then walked up to me. "Want him?"

"No thanks," I crossed my arms. "That's your burden to deal with." Richard smirked.

"Then don't get onto me when I swirl the cup," he told me then stole a kiss. "Besides, I'm just keeping him in this until this is all finalized. He can have his form back when the crown switches.... Though we'll have to make sure Raven doesn't find him and bring him back in a few hours. If she finds out...." He frowned. "She won't be happy about this... She just lost her crown too... and her mate is stuck in a cup.... I'd be pissed."

"Yeah you just downgraded Raven," I smirked. "She's not a queen anymore. She'll be angry. When Nikolai comes back he'll be ten times as pissed as he was before." Richard sighed.

"Well, you can't be a people pleaser all your life," he hummed out then smirked as he looked up at me. "So... it looks like I win.... That makes me your king."

"Wow, Richard a King?" I asked and laughed. "Are you sure you're king?" He frowned and then crossed his arms.

"I won fair and square. I'm king unless you want to fight me and test it," he challenged.

"This is my manor," I teased. "You better show your lover some respect." I winked towards him. He laughed.

"Of course you have my respect," he purred sweetly and stole a kiss. "You're my queen... and the love of my life. You're just not king...."

"Hey, I can be king if I wanted to." I pulled him closer to me and exposed my fangs. "Quicker than you can imagine, Mr. Dracula's son." He looked at my fangs and then up at me.

"Quicker than I can imagine huh?" He asked softly. "You sure about that? I married a Grimm after all.... I have a lot of experience~"

"Yeah but we both know I was king first." I ran my fingers across his chest. "Even if you was dominate first." He shivered and moved closer to me, giving a nod.

"You were king first," he admitted and then leaned in, kissing my neck. I heard the cup clatter to the floor and Nikolai's stone spilled out onto the floor at our feet as he pressed up against me. I pulled back from Richard quickly.

"Let's celebrate in the bar," I purred and started for Perry to make him make us drinks. I haven't had alcohol in a while. "Come on Perry, you're serving." Richard watched me go and then leaned down, starting to put Nikolai's stone back into the cup before he went for the door before me. He glanced over his shoulder at me and smirked before he suddenly disappeared. I teleported into the bar I had built in the manor for Perry and Alexis then sat down at it. Perry and the rest were in here shortly after me.

"Okay, what do you want my king and queen?" Perry asked. He walked behind the bar and waited for answers. Richard appeared beside me and sat down, looking the drinks over.

"Give me a few shots of rum... and give Nikolai some vodka," he hummed out, setting the cup with Nikolai down on the counter.

"Nikolai is a stone," Perry muttered before pouring some vodka into the cup Nikolai was in. "Whatever." He got Richard what he wanted and then looked towards me. "And for you?"

"Long island ice tea," I gave him a small smirk.

"You're complicated," Perry sighed out then started to make it for me. Richard took a shot of his drink and sighed, leaning his head down against the counter as he looked towards Nikolai's stone and watched it. He tapped the glass lightly and then grabbed another shot, drinking it down quickly. Perry handed over my drink and started to make drinks for everyone else. Alexis started to help him with a small smile on her face.

"Nikolai don't be mad forever," I purred towards the cup. "It's not like we want you dead." Richard smiled and then looked towards the cup, pulling it closer to him.

"Yeah, if we wanted you dead, I would've smashed you within seconds.... You'll get to spend more time with your family after this. Quality time with your son, his mate, and your mate.... Maybe that's best for all of you. Raven is starting to look like she's relapsing," he hummed out and then gently reached in, pulling out Nikolai's stone. Nikolai burned Richard again, making him drop him back into the cup of vodka. Richard frowned and then sighed, setting the cup back down. "Your choice...." He muttered. "Don't push me too far Nikolai... or you'll end up in a vodka popsicle."

"Guess he's still mad at you. Well you'll never be his favorite uncle." I purred. He looked over at me and smirked.

"Neither will you because you encouraged this," he told me and then stole my tea from me and took a sip of it.

"Hey! I want that back." I hissed. It's got the right combination of all my favorite alcohols in one. "Get your own long island."

"It's not as good as yours though," he purred and took another sip, giving me a playful look. "Yours will always be better." I frowned and went to snatch it from him.

"Richard!" He laughed and held it up out of my reach.

"Richard what?" He teased me, giving me a smirk.

"Give my drink back!" I exposed my fangs and glared him down. "You never let me have alcohol, it's not fair." He smirked and then started to crawl into my lap, holding the drink up to my lips.

"Go ahead then," he whispered and kissed my cheek. "Wanna get drunk tonight?"

"Yes I want to get drunk! That's why we're here." I took the drink from him and started to suck it down before he could take it from me. He watched me and I caught his thoughts veering towards the bedroom as he smirked at me. He purred and then reached for a shot, drinking it before he sat the glass down.

"Hey Perry, I want another one of these!" I shouted and held it up above my head.

"Okay Paris!" Perry shouted back. I sucked down the rest of it then sat it down in front of me. Richard got up after a few seconds and then stretched before he started for the door with the glass.

"Alright guys, you all keep partying. I'm going to get Nikolai's blood off me," he mumbled as he opened the door. "I'll be back later... maybe in the music room to play for everyone."

"Richard~" I purred. "You better come fine me as soon as you're cleaned up." Perry handed me another drink.

"Why?" Richard teased me, pausing long enough to wait for me as he looked over his shoulder. "Maybe the piano is more interesting...."

"The piano is more interesting than your own mate?" I asked, getting a little pissed. He widened his eyes as he heard me and then was quickly back at my side.

"No it's not," he told me quickly. "I didn't mean it like that.... You know that you're my favorite," he whispered and kissed my cheek. "Piano is second." I turned away from him and sucked down my drink.

"Go play your piano." I waved him off. "I'll be here enjoying my drink." He frowned at me and then growled before he started to walk off.

"Be that way then," he hissed under his breath and walked out, slamming the door behind him.

"I love you!" I shouted towards the door. "YOU'RE SO DRAMATIC!" I didn't hear anything back from him. I frowned and got to my feet. Richard... I teleported into our bedroom and sat down on the bed to wait for him. He walked into the room after a few minutes then tensed up as he saw me. He shut the door behind him and frowned before he started for the bathroom. I frowned and got to my feet, starting for him. "Richard, don't be mad at me." He glanced at me and then sat down Nikolai's cup and turned to face me. He crossed his arms and looked me over. "I was just messing with you, I know I'm more interesting." I started to take off my shirt then. "Because I can give you more than a piano can." He frowned.

"I don't know. Pianos always seem to love me," he hummed out.

"I do love you," I mumbled, starting to frown. "You're the one that ditched me." I walked up to him and slipped my arms around him. "But I don't care about that." He looked up at me and I heard him purring slightly as he held back a smile.

"You love me?" He asked softly.

"Yeah I do love you!" I leaned in and gave him a kiss. He purred and then kissed me back, wrapping his arms around me. I suddenly felt his stone opening up to me again and it pulsed in pure love for me as he pulled me closer.

"Go take a shower," I pushed him back quickly. "You've got my nephew's blood on you." He frowned as he was pushed back then narrowed his eyes slightly before he walked off, slamming the bathroom door before him.

"I love you?" I asked softly then started to strip out of my clothes and wipe off the little bit that was on me then got dressed in something more comfortable, sweatpants and a black tank top. I walked up to the bed then laid down on it, rubbing my shoulders. Richard cut my nails earlier so they're still growing back. I felt a little dizzy as the alcohol started to kick in. I heard the shower cut on in the bathroom and then heard Richard curse under his breath as I heard a thud. I sat up a bit and looked towards the bathroom. "Richard?" I asked curiously.

"What?" He asked. "I just fell. I'm fine," he muttered.

"Okay~" I purred and looked towards Nikolai's stone in the vodka. After a few minutes, I sensed Raven's presence downstairs, already starting to look for her mate. I frowned. "Richard! Raven is downstairs!" I told him and started off the bed and towards the cup of vodka.

"She is?" I heard him ask and then a sigh. "Are you giving her Nikolai or are you taking him elsewhere for right now?"

"It's your choice after all he is your prisoner." I heard him groan.

"I'm in the shower though.... Go tell Raven that she can have him back tomorrow when the papers are signed," he called out to me.

"Okay," I looked the cup over. She won't be able to smell him because of the fact he's in a cup. I picked up the cup and hid him in my closet then teleported downstairs to find Raven. She had a maid pinned up against the wall and had her fangs exposed.

"Where. Is. My. Mate?" She hissed into her face, looking pissed. Her eyes had that borderline insane look in them that had been showing up more and more frequently in her, but it looked like she was losing....

"Don't worry, he's okay." I purred sweetly towards her. She tensed up and then looked towards me, letting the girl go before she appeared in front of me.

"He's okay?" She asked quickly, looking really worried. She bit her bottom lip then. "Where is he?"

"Richard said that you can't have him until tomorrow, when the papers are signed." I explained to her. Her eyes widened then.

"That's not okay!" She said quickly. "What'd you do to him?!"

"Nothing too bad," I shrugged. She growled at me.

"No, don't tell me that. Tell me where he is," she hissed, starting to look pissed. "Nothing too bad could mean a lot of things Paris. You and I both know that."

"Raven he's perfectly fine." I ensured her sweetly. "Now you'll get him back tomorrow." She narrowed her eyes.

"Paris, if it was Richard, you'd be fighting me right now," she hissed towards me. "I want my mate back." Her fangs exposed themselves then as she glared at me. "He's my mate, and the father of my child. I'm not letting you keep him from me."

"I'm not keeping him from you.... Richard is." I gave her an innocent smile. "So you'll have to just wait until he's out of the shower to take it up with him." She narrowed her eyes at me and then snatched my wrist, teleporting us into my bedroom before she let me go and crossed her arms, glaring the bathroom door down.

"Don't be so mad," I begged. "We're just making sure Nikolai accepts that he's not going to be king anymore." She glanced at me and frowned.

"He ripped his stone out, didn't he?" She asked me, her voice sounding dangerous.

"Uh..... his stone isn't crushed...." I felt my face going pale. Her eyes narrowed then.

"He ripped his stone out," she hissed and then looked pissed as she glared at the door. "RICHARD, I'M GOING TO GET YOU!"

"It's still whole!" I said quickly. She glared at me then.


"It is. He's having a nice bath actually."

"He better not be in that shower with Richard," she growled at me and started for me. "Get me my mate back Paris."

"He's having a nice bath in a cup of vodka." I told her calmly and teleported into the bathroom.

"PARIS! GET YOUR ASS BACK OUT HERE!" She screamed at me.

"No~!" I shook my head. "You're mad."


"He's okay though!"

"IF HE'S STONE IS OUT OF HIS BODY, THEN HE'S NOT OKAY!" She screamed at me. Richard poked his head out from the shower and frowned, looking at me.

"Why'd you let her in our room?" He asked me. "She's not going to leave easily...."

"She's the one that barged in. Plus you're the one that wanted me to tell her that she can't have her mate back." He sighed.

"But if I let her have him back, she'll revive him... and then I'll just have to take his stone again. I won fair and square," he muttered.


"Well you two better talk this out face to face," I told him. He frowned and then turned off the water, getting out.

"Ugh... Why the hell did I want to be king again?" He asked, sounding irritated as he started for the closet.

"You're the king now, you've got to man up and grip some balls in this manor for some respect." I told him. "You've never been king before. If you want people to not question your authority then you better start acting more powerful and strict." I warned him. He sighed and then disappeared into the closet.

"Great," he muttered. I smirked and followed him.

"You shouldn't sound so down. You got what you wanted. For the first time you got the crown. Which is what you were born to have." He looked over at me and frowned.

"I'm starting to realize why I didn't jump at the idea when I was younger," he mumbled and slipped some pants on. "I'd much rather sit behind my piano and play."

"Richard, getting to old are you?" I asked. "Maybe Nikolai was right. You're too old to be king." He growled and exposed his fangs at me.

"I'm not too old," he hissed and then started for me.

"Then prove it and stop whining about wanting to take it easy. You can take it easy when you retire to hell." I teased him. He narrowed his eyes and then grabbed me.

"I don't plan on going to hell... and you better not be either," he told me firmly. "You know who is waiting down there for you to die, and I refuse to let him have you." He looked towards my neck then leaned in a little, biting into me hard. I let out a small groan, pulling his body closer to me.

"I don't plan on going anywhere," I told him softly. He purred and then started to drink my blood, pressing my back up against the wall. "Raven's still waiting out there." I rubbed his back to soothe him. He nodded and started to mark me. I moaned and felt my knees giving out under me then fell against his body. He held me up and then gave me a playful growl as he pulled his fangs out of my neck.

"Stay right here," he purred into my ear. "I'll go get rid of her so we can take our room back."

"Why do I have to stay here?" I asked, giving a frown.

"Because I don't want her to see you worked up," he said and smirked. "That's for my eyes only."

"That's not fair...." I mumbled and started for the door, trying to collect myself. He purred and stopped me, pulling me back into his arms.

"Nuh uh," he whispered and kissed my cheek. "Stay here.... I'm going to go make a deal with Raven...."

"I want to go out there," I groaned. "It's my bedroom."

"And you're my queen," he purred in my ear and then let me go, grabbing the cup with Nikolai in it before he walked out.

"Richard!" I hissed and went after him anyways. He can't stop me from going. He paused and then looked back at me.

"Paris, you just got done telling me to grow some balls and to start taking control around here to earn respect," he told me then frowned. "How am I supposed to do that if even my own mate won't listen to me?"

"I- grrrr," I narrowed my eyes and stopped walking. "Fine." I crossed my arms. "Go out there alone." He purred and walked back over to me, kissing my cheek.

"Paris~ Don't be mad at me," he whispered and then started to tug me to the door. "I guess you can come out with me.... You don't look too worked up anymore...."

"No, I'm fine!" I told him quickly and looked him over. "Are you sure you want to be taking that out there?" I pointed to the cup. He looked at it and sighed.

"Well, I figure that if she wants it that badly, she'll listen to me when I tell her not to bring him back till tomorrow," he said and shrugged. "Why? Do you think she won't listen? She usually does what we ask her...."

"Well she was pretty mad....." I muttered and went to the door, going out into the bedroom. Raven tackled me quickly and then buried her face into my chest.

"Please?" She whined. "Just give him back Paris.... He didn't do anything!" Richard's footsteps followed me out into the room and I heard him sigh.

"Raven," he called softly. She looked towards him and then sniffled. "Come here," he purred and walked up, stealing her from my arms and hugged her. "You really love him, don't you?" She nodded and gripped his shirt, looking up at him worriedly. He smiled at her and then ran his fingers through her hair before he placed the cup into her hands. "Don't bring him back till tomorrow, okay? That's my condition for letting you hold onto him." She looked at the cup with wide eyes and then held it close.

"N-Nikolai," she whispered, starting to look a little calmer.

"See, told you he was okay." I purred towards her. She looked towards me and then tackled us both into a hug, holding onto the cup tight. Richard laughed and then pulled her closer to us.

"There we go," he murmured. "That's better, isn't it?" She nodded quickly and smiled sweetly.

"Thank you," she purred happily.

"You're so dramatic Raven. We're not going to hurt Nikolai. He's just so stubborn about power we've got to persuade him Richard won already." She looked up at me and then bit her bottom lip before she nodded.

"U-uh huh," she whispered and then pulled back, hugging the cup tight to her. She looked down at the cup and then gently pulled Nikolai's stone out of the vodka. It pulsed for her, letting her pick him up. She gasped softly and then dropped the cup, cradling his stone in her hands. "I got you," she whispered sweetly to him and started to carry him towards the door. "Shhhh...."

"Remember, not until tomorrow." I warned. She glanced back over her shoulder at us and then nodded.

"Yes Paris," she mumbled and looked down at the stone longingly. "You'll be back at the stroke of midnight," she whispered to him and kissed his stone. "Don't worry...."

"Better stay up tonight then, Richard." I looked towards him. He sighed and watched her go.

"We better get all that paper work done," he muttered. "I'll go get started," he mumbled and then started to walk towards the door, frowning. I frowned and went with him.

"He's got to sign stuff too Richard." I muttered.

"I can get everything else done but the spots where he has to sign," he told me then paused. "Why? Would you rather not worry about this right now?" He turned to me and then pulled me close.

"I'm just saying~" I purred. He smirked and then started to push me back towards the bed, pressing my legs up against it before he made us fall down on it then got on top of me.

"Just saying?" He teased me and then leaned in, kissing my neck.

"Yeah, it takes two. One old king and one new king to get those documents finished." I purred. He laughed.

"You're an old king," he teased me and then scraped his fangs against my neck. "But we got some other business to attend to first before we deal with Nikolai's business~"

"Oh what's that business?" I asked him. He licked my neck then and nipped at my ear.

"Your favorite," he purred into it and then started to trail his hands down my side.

"Oh yeah?" I asked and grabbed his hands. He nodded and gave me a playful growl.

"Yeah," he whispered and then paused. He pulled back and looked down at me with a loving look. "Can we have another kid?" He asked sweetly.

"Another child?" I asked and then purred. "Right now?" He nodded and then kissed me quickly.

"Please? It's been awhile.... I miss hearing little coos and little feet running around.... The last ones grew up too fast," he mumbled.

"So you want me to have some more?" I asked to make sure. He looked down at me and then purred.

"I don't mind if you don't want to be the female," he whispered. "Whichever you prefer~"

"No I'd love to be the female. I'll have your child again if you really want another one." I purred. He nodded happily and then kissed me deeply.

"Maybe you'll only have one this time," he whispered to me and gave me a loving look as he sat up on me.

"We'll have to wait and see..... but if I end up having eight.... I will get you!" I teased. He laughed.

"Then shouldn't we make this easy and just make me a female? It'd be safer, Mr. Add Two More Every Time," he purred.

"No way, you just became king. I want you to enjoy it." I purred. He smirked.

"I can still enjoy it as a female," he told me and stole a kiss. "Trust me.... Even if this family won't respect me as much for it, I'll make them respect me as their king."

"No, I'll be the girl." I told him and shook my head. "You're staying a male." He looked at me and then leaned his face into my neck.

"Okay," he mumbled and then kissed it. "We can wait if you want though.... I could wait... like a few more months or so.... I did just get crowned king...."

"No way, we both want a kid. Let's have one." I purred happily towards him. I felt his lips pull up into a smile against me and then he nodded.

"If you want one too," he said sweetly and then moved away from my neck, looking down into my eyes with a loving look. He kissed my lips quickly again and then started to pull my shirt up. "I'll pick a pretty girl for you to take over~"

"Don't take too long picking," I purred. He nodded and then smirked.

"You know... I could give you a little fun before I take your stone from you to give you a female body," he suggested, rubbing my manhood through my pants. "It won't be as fun for you once you're a girl." I moaned and nodded quickly.

"Okay, fun time first~" He laughed and kissed my cheek.

"Alright, I'll pleasure you first," he purred into my ear and then started to pull my sweat pants down. I pulled my tank top off completely, feeling my heart race in my chest. He kissed my neck then, starting to trail kisses down my body as he started to slip his hand up under my boxers. I gasped and reached up for his shirt, tearing it off of him. He purred and gave me a playful look and then gripped my manhood, giving it a squeeze before he started to give me a love bite on my chest. I moaned and melted under him, breaking out into a purr. He looked up at me and then smirked before he slowly started to trail love bites downwards, slipping my boxers down my legs.

Richard's POV:

I moved away from Paris and looked down at his sweaty body as he laid there panting. I smirked and then started to get out from between his legs. "How was that?" I purred to him and laughed. He purred back towards me and pulled me back into a passionate kiss before pulling back.

"I'm not done yet~" He purred. "Give me another kiss." I laughed and then kissed him back.

"Not done yet?" I asked him. "It's been a few hours~" I smirked at him. "Aren't you worn out yet?"

"No I'm done now... but I like a few kisses~" He purred. I nodded and then kissed him again.

"How's that kiss?" I teased him sweetly.

"Good~" he purred back. I smirked and then ran my fingers down to his chest.

"Are you ready?" I asked him softly. "I've been holding back for after you're a female~"

"Yeah I'm ready," he purred. "Make me a female so we can have a baby." I nodded and then sat up on him, starting to press my hand down into his chest.

"Alright," I told him softly. "I'll try to make this quick so we can get started," I murmured to him.

"Don't forget we have to make you king officially too." He purred.

"After we do this so that way you can play mommy," I told him sweetly. "I'll work with Nikolai. It's almost midnight. He'll be coming back soon." I reached into his chest then and gripped his stone. "We'll have to make this a little quicker than I'd like to make this for you."

"Well take it out," he groaned and closed his eyes. I nodded and then pulled it out quickly to avoid causing him more pain and looked at his stone in my hands as I got up quickly to avoid getting his blood on me. His stone pulsed in my hand as his body crumbled to ashes. I purred sweetly to him and licked his stone playfully, getting his blood off him. His stone sent a shivered pulse to me, like he was creeped out. I laughed.

"You're fine," I whispered to him. "I'm not going to eat you. You're safe with me~" I started to get up off the bed and watched his stone, sending him a loving pulse. His stone's pulses faded like it was falling asleep. I frowned. "Paris! You're supposed to be staying awake~ You're going to become a mommy again," I told him. "No fair.... You're sleeping on me," I mumbled and started for the door. "I'm going to get you when you come back.... I hope you like being marked twenty different times during one night." His stone drifted on me, passing out completely. I frowned and then quickly walked out, looking around for a maid. "Paris... you just wanted to sleep," I muttered. "You didn't want to be a mommy, did you? You just miss when you could sleep for centuries in your stone form and not have to care." I felt his stone send me a warm feeling. I frowned. "Uh huh.... You heard me," I whispered. "But I love you too...." I held his stone closer to me as I walked down the halls, looking around before I spotted a maid. I walked up to her and then grabbed her before I shoved Paris's stone into her chest quickly, not hesitating. Paris took root in her quickly and started to change her to suit him. Changing her hair color and tuning her skin paler. After her features finished changing she started to breath slowly as Paris continued sleeping. I sighed and bent down, picking her up and then kissed Paris's forehead. "Well... I guess we can wait until you recover.... I did wear you out in bed before I took your stone," I mumbled softly, starting to carry her to our room. "You'll be safe waiting in bed while I wait on Nikolai...." She purred to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I laughed and then took her back to our room, laying her down in the huge bed among the soft blankets before I began to cover her up. "Rest my love," I whispered softly and kissed her lips softly. "I'll get you something to wear instead of that maid's outfit...." I started for the closet, going towards my part of it then started to look around for some of my female outfits before I pulled out some of my red lingerie that I kept from the last time I was a female and then looked it over. It'd fit Paris.... I smirked and then started back for the bedroom, going over to the bed before I started to undress Paris. I heard the clock in the room click at midnight and start to chime. I frowned. Great, Nikolai will be here soon.... Raven is probably giving him her blood right now. I looked at Paris's naked body before I started to dress her in the lingerie and covered her up in the blanket before I threw the maid's outfit into the small trash bin in our room and left, going downstairs to the living room to wait on Nikolai.

Raven appeared with him after about thirty minutes of making me wait and had her arms wrapped around his waist as she kissed his shoulder then looked towards me. "It's tomorrow," she told me and then leaned her head against her mate. I smirked and nodded.

"Yes it is," I purred. "Thank you Raven for not bringing him back sooner than I said you could." Nikolai frowned towards me and grabbed Raven's wrist to move her arms away from him. She frowned but didn't complain, moving back from him. I got to my feet and adjusted my shirt before I started to walk to the door.

"Walk with me Nikolai," I said firmly.

"Why should I?" Nikolai asked.

"Because I won the fight," I told him, glancing at him sharply. "I am your king. Besides, I didn't have to give you back to your mate, now did I? You're lucky I have a soft spot for Raven and you."

"You're not king in my book," Nikolai muttered.

"You lost the official challenge between us," I told him and then held out my hand. "The rules stated that if I won, I would become king, and that if you won, you'd stay in power. You've clearly lost since how I was able to dump your stone into a cup of vodka. Now, let's not drag this fight out any further. I have my mate waiting for me upstairs, and she wants kids."

"You're about to become a father again, why do you want to be king?" Nikolai hissed. "It's unfair." I frowned.

"No, it's not fair," I agreed with him. "It's not fair because you did your part under Louis to become his heir and take over. Nikolai, you know what will happen when I'm finally bored with the throne. It'll go back to you, not Donnie though I'm sure he'd love it if I passed it to him."

"Well I'm not ready to hand it over to you," Nikolai grumbled. "My child is already grown up. I don't need family time. You will when you have that baby," Nikolai's eye twitched with irritation. "I don't know why you want to be king anyways, it doesn't make any sense. This is something you're wanting because you're demonic. If I poured holly water all over you things would be much different." I frowned.

"No, it wouldn't," I told him.

"Grah," Nikolai looked away from me. "I'm going to Russia then." He can't go to Russia.... I need him here with the rest of the family.

"No, you're staying," I told him firmly and crossed my arms. "You're apart of this family, so you'll stay."

"Why would I stay if I'm not king? I'd have nothing to do here. I'd be bored out of my mind. At least in Russia I'll have my own castle to run." Nikolai clenched his jaw. I frowned and then started walking to him, pulling him into a hug.

"Nikolai," I mumbled and then sighed. "Tell you what.... I'll give you something in return," I told him and then smirked. I'll turn him into a demon and then he'll understand. He'll listen to me. He struggled in my arms, hissing.

"Don't touch me!" Nikolai brought his knee up between my legs and got me there then threw me across the room. "Ghah," he hissed and started to brush himself off. I groaned and started to sit up. Damn it.... I glared him down then.

"Nikolai," I muttered and then got to my feet. "You better sign those papers before you leave," I hissed and then started to walk towards the door. "Let's get this over with. You can go back to Russia if it really pleases you to go that far."

"You can have your stupid throne," Nikolai hissed. "You're not going to be my king though." He started to walk away then. "Come on Raven, I'm leaving." I frowned and then crossed my arms. Raven stood there, biting her lower lip. She looked from me to Nikolai and then back to me.

"Raven, it's fine. I'm not going to make you choose. You're always welcome here, same as Nikolai," I told her softly. She nodded slowly and then shakily walked towards Nikolai. Poor Raven.... She's been with us so long, she's probably going to have a rough time being in Russia with Nikolai... even if he is her mate and she loves him to pieces. I sighed. Great, this is going to be fun to explain to Paris when she wakes up- she just lost some of her favorites for a bit. Nikolai walked out of the room, leaving the doors open behind him. I watched him go and then watched as Raven walked up and gave me a hug. I smiled at her and hugged her back. "It's fine," I mumbled in her ear. "You can always return here. It's your home just like it's mine." She nodded and then looked up at me, giving me a sweet smile.

"Thanks Richard," she said sweetly and then kissed my cheek before she pulled away and bounced off, running after Nikolai. I sighed and then started out of the room, going up to my room. Raven will make sure that they get to Russia safely... whether or not Russia stays safe is up to them though.... She could go insane like flicking on a light switch.... I walked into my room when I reached it and shut the door behind me, walking over to the bed and then crawled into it, laying down beside Paris and then sighed as I looked up at the ceiling. Maybe I screwed up... taking the throne for my own. I just have the name Grimm.... I don't have all of their love and respect... mostly just Paris's... but maybe even then.... He might still be holding his pain deep within from the time I left him to go to Africa.... He could still be hurt... and I might not know it. I glanced over at her and felt my stone pulse in pain at the idea. Do I really belong here? I'm a relic of the past.... I felt her move closer to me as her stone sent a loving pulse to me and she leaned in towards my neck. I sighed and then pulled her closer, tilting my head for her.

"Are you hungry?" I asked softly, giving a small smile. Paris groaned and sat up, looking down at me then at her chest. I watched her and then frowned. "Paris, are you alright?" I mumbled, sitting up a little. "You're not hurt, are you?"

"My boobs ache...." She started to rub them then. "Is this your lingerie?" She asked. "You know I have my own.... right?" I laughed and then nodded.

"Yeah, it's from the last time you got me pregnant," I purred sweetly. "I thought you'd have more use for it right now though...." I laid back down and stretched out on the bed, getting under the covers.

"The last time you got pregnant was with Liam. That was right before we had the sixtuplets." Paris mumbled then laid down by me and leaned in for a kiss. I kissed her and then pulled her close.

"Yeah, that was awhile ago," I mumbled. "I thought you'd like that better than a dirty maid's outfit," I whispered and then laid my head on her chest. She rubbed my head and purred towards me.

"You could have went through my closet and got something comfy for me.... like my boxers and a tank top."

"But..." I sighed and then started to get up. "I'll be right back," I mumbled.

"Where are you going? I thought you wanted kids!" Paris sat up quickly. I looked towards her and smiled.

"I do want kids~ I'm just getting you a tank top and some boxers," I told her sweetly.

"I can get that in the morning," she purred. I smiled and then sat back down on the edge of the bed.

"We could wait though," I whispered. "After all... you looked really tired a few minutes ago... and I need to tell you about Nikolai."

"Okay.... We'll wait for in the morning. Come get back up under the covers and tell me." I nodded and then got back under the blankets with her and pulled her close, kissing her cheek. I hope she doesn't bite my head off for this....

"Nikolai decided to go home to Russia. He said he didn't want to stay if he wasn't king...." I mumbled to her. "He took Raven, Castrian, and I'm guessing Luca with him, so we won't be seeing them for a bit."

"He's just throwing a fit," Paris mumbled and frowned. "Guess that's to be expected. He's spoiled. We should tell his father." I nodded.

"We can tomorrow," I whispered to her and then kissed her. "Well... that went better than expected," I mumbled and then pulled her closer. "We could go ahead and celebrate me being crowned king," I purred and then started slip her panties down.

"I thought you wanted to wait until tomorrow you sly dog," she purred. I smirked and then started to crawl over her, slipping them down her legs.

"You're impatient," she purred and leaned in, kissing me passionately. I kissed her back and started to trail kisses down her neck.

"Would you rather I tease you to no end?" I purred back, smirking. Of course that answer would be no. Paris always gets upset when I tease him for too long.

"No! If you start teasing me I'll take over and be dominate and make you give me your crown, kitten." Paris purred. I growled playfully.

"You're not taking my crown from me this time," I murmured and then trailed my hands down her body. "It's mine.... I worked hard for it."

"Yeah, but I'm a thief with quick hands," Paris purred.

"You sure about that?" I teased her and then stole a kiss from her lips. "I think I'm more of a thief than you are. I stole your heart, your love, your stone... your first time~" I kissed her again and then licked her bottom lip teasingly.

"Well I stole your crown," she purred. "You're just now getting it."

"You borrowed it," I purred and then kissed her neck. "You did steal me though~" I laughed and then bit down into her, starting to mark her in this form. She moaned and wrapped her legs around me.

"That I did steal," she purred. I leaned against her and then smirked.

"I love you Paris," I whispered. "You're the only one for me... for the rest of eternity," I told her sweetly and kissed her neck again.

"I love you too," Paris purred. "We better start thinking about eight names," she joked. I frowned.

"Please don't give me eight kids this time.... Keeping up with six was hard enough," I whispered. "Just one or twins..."

"We better come up with a boy name and a girl name for eight just to be on the safe side..." Paris mumbled. I sighed and then nodded.

"On the safe side," I mumbled. I kissed her again and then started to create kids with her- whether it'd be one or eight... Hopefully one.