People Make Mistakes Part A

Isaac's POV:

I groaned as I woke up, hearing screams nearby. Where am I? I slowly sat up and felt someone next to me, someone small. I looked down tiredly and saw Kasai laying beside me and then frowned. That's not right.... I went to bed with my Hachi.... I glanced around the room then tensed up as I didn't recognize it. A giant couch was centered in front of a fireplace that had screams coming from it like the damned was burning. I widened my eyes. Oh my god... is this Hell? I remember this feeling.... I felt it when I died... when Paris came to rescue me... but I wasn't here, was I? I slowly pulled Kasai closer to me, studying the room. No, I don't think I've been in here before.... My memories are so blurry.... This must be the devil's castle though.... I bit my bottom lip. I need to protect Kasai. HOW'D WE EVEN GET HERE?! I held down my panic and then felt my magic still under the surface, swirling inside me like normal. I looked at Kasai quickly. I could cast a spell.... I quickly started to whisper a protection spell I'd learned from Hachi's book, one where no one could touch the person that it was cast on but the person who did the casting... no one could even influence them or do anything to them, get inside their head or nothing. It was impossible to do anything but talk to them and see them when this spell was cast. I hurried through the spell, not wanting to get caught and wrapped it up quickly, seeing a shimmer fall over Kasai before it disappeared, setting in. I heard someone start to clap from across the room. "Well one is awake...." I heard a smooth voice purr. "Welcome home Isaac," a male told me, heading my way. I tensed up and looked towards the male, standing up.

"Who are you?" I asked him cautiously, looking him over. This must be who took me.... I narrowed my eyes slightly and flicked my tail back and forth.

"Well I go by many names, but I think you know me well by Satan." He told me and looked the couch over with a small smirk. "So that's the little bugger that could ruin everyone if he touches Hachi~" He started coming towards me then. "Little Kasai." I frowned at him then. So that's Satan huh?

"What do you want?" I asked him sharply, taking a step back to avoid letting him get too close to me. He can't touch Kasai after all... I made sure of it. Kasai is safe.

"Nothing from you," he said simply. "Or Kasai. Just stay here. You'll be able to leave once Haru and Hachi do something for me." I frowned at him. That doesn't sound good....

"Do what?" I asked him, narrowing my eyes slightly. I felt my tail start to flick again. He better not have done anything to my Hachi! "If you hurt him, I swear I'll make sure you regret it somehow."

"You don't have anything to worry about," he told me. "If you get hungry or anything the table-" he pointed to a table full of food. "Is safe to eat off of. My daughter is around here somewhere. Oh and I advice you stay here or suffer hell's true form." He started to walk away then. "Have a pleasant stay in Hell." I frowned and then watched him go, deciding not to say anything. I need to get us out of here..... I pulled my spell book out of my pocket and started to flip through it as soon as the door shut, looking for the spell my father had stolen from hell- the one that granted powers in hell and a way in and out. I have to get back to Hachi....

Shiloh's POV:

I sighed as I walked towards Blaze's room and then knocked softly on her door, holding a small thing of chocolates behind my back.

"Who is it?" She asked from behind the door. I smirked a little then.

"Shiloh," I purred to her.

"I'm sleeping," she told me and let out a small yawn. I heard her cat hissing at the door. I frowned and then sat down the box of chocolates at the door.

"Alright Blaze," I whispered. "I left you a box of chocolates," I told her and then started to walk off. I guess not yet huh? This is really going nowhere.... I heard the door creak open and her picking up the box of chocolates. I glanced over my shoulder towards her and paused, watching curiously. She looked the box over then looked towards me.

"Do you want some?" She asked softly. I smiled sweetly.

"No, those are for you," I told her and turned to look at her. "I thought you'd like it."

"Thanks vampire," she looked me over as her cat walked out into the hall then went back to her and rubbed up against her leg.

"I have a name," I mumbled. "It's Shiloh."

"I know," she gave me a smirk. "You're Shiloh the vampire." I frowned.

"It's just Shiloh.... Don't make it weird," I told her then started walking back to her slowly. I didn't want her to take off running. She's like a deer... that slams doors... and glares at you....

"It's not weird." She mumbled. "This is already weird enough." I sighed.

"Yeah, I guess it is weird to a human," I told her then ran a hand through my hair as I stopped in front of her. "Look, I was wondering if maybe you'd like to get out today... go have fun or something." I'd been making her stay here a lot.... She wasn't getting much of her life... and it's not like she was spending the time with me, her mate.... She doesn't have forever... and well, if she's going to be stubborn about spending it with me, I might as well let her go....

"Go out with you?" She asked and looked me over. "You're a vampire, your idea of going out is probably going for a hunt." I frowned.

"I didn't mean with me... but if you want, then I don't mind... and no, if we were to ever go out, it wouldn't be a hunt. I'm not going to kill other humans in front of you. That'd be like a lion in love with a sheep then slaughtering her kind around her. It's silly. Look, I know human lives are short, and you're obviously not interested in spending any of it with me... and I guess I understand that. I'm a monster to you, but I can't change that... so I might as well let you enjoy what time you have... even if that's not with me," I told her softly and then crossed my arms.

"Okay," she mumbled and started to step back into the room. "I'm not interested in going out. I don't have anywhere to go today." I nodded and then watched her.

"It applies though... for whenever you want to leave," I mumbled and then looked at the floor. I can't believe I'm really telling her she can leave... but I can't force someone to love me.... "Even if it means for the rest of your life.... I know you're not happy here...." I felt my stone pulsing slightly, but I ignored it. "Essentially... if you want out of all this... I'll perform the mate rejection so you can go back.... I can't force you to stay with me- to love me...." She shut the door on me quickly and I heard her cat meowing from the other side.

"I'm not letting you reject me!" She hissed through the door. "You better learn to say sorry." I frowned and looked at the door.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?! Don't you want to leave?" I asked her and then clenched my jaw. Why is she so complicated?! She wants to leave! I know she does! "You don't even know what it means!"

"Yeah well I don't want my soul mate to reject me! If you really are supposed to be with me you've got my whole life to make up for the first day we met! Next time try flowers!" She yelled through the door and giggled. I growled and then narrowed my eyes.

"Whatever," I muttered and started to stalk off. "You'll eventually ask me to reject you. It'll happen soon." No human could love a vampire like me... not unless they're turned... and then have a few centuries to readjust. I'm wasting my time trying to be loved. I was doomed from the moment I was born as a female, different from my litter mates. I heard her door lock.

"With that attitude I just might do it," she told me through the door. "You're not even telling me sorry." I stopped and frowned.

"Sorry for what? For being me?" I asked her and then put my hands in my pocket. "I'm a vampire Blaze. I'm supposed to be a beast. It's why we have fangs."

"If you're not going to be sorry then don't expect me to care about loving you." She started to walk away from the door. "Go away Shiloh and keep thinking about how sorry you are for the way you acted towards me." I narrowed my eyes. I don't need this from a human. I started to walk off then. Screw this. I can just wait this out until she grows old with age. She wasn't going to ever ask to be a vampire anyways. There'd be no point. I rolled my eyes and then walked off in the direction of the ballroom, glancing around as I entered it. I sighed and then walked in a little more, shutting the door behind me. I don't need her.... I think even my own father might tell me not to worry about her.... I don't know... If I told him... he might get mad just like he did at Rory. I frowned and then pulled my phone out, glancing at it curiously. I've never asked my father for much.... not even for help.... Would he really care? I bit my bottom lip before I hesitantly started to pull up Paris's number and dialed it, deciding to take the chance. He'd know....

"Hey sweetie," I heard a beautiful girl say through the phone. That's my mother's voice! I could recognize it from my younger years and from when she had the sixtuplets! "You don't normally call me." I trembled as I listened to her voice, feeling my knees give out.

"Mommy," I whimpered and then started to cry. "It's been so long since I've heard you like that," I whispered and curled up with my phone. It's my mommy!

"Yeah sweetie, I'm having another baby...." Paris purred into the phone. "Are you okay sweetie?"

"N-no," I told her, and then sniffled, wiping at my tears. "Mommy... I-I found my mate...."

"Are you having mate problems?" She asked, sounding like she's heard this before from the others. I whimpered. What's this about her having another baby?

"Y-yes," I whispered. "She's human.... She hates me mommy." My mommy appeared in front of me then with guy pants on that was being held up with suspenders and she had on a random band t-shirt. She gave me a smile and hung up, putting her phone in her pocket.

"Baby mates don't hate eachother," she told me quickly. I got to my feet quickly and rushed to her, burying myself against her as I tried to hold in another cry.

"But she does! I swear she does! She doesn't want anything to do with me, and she told me I had to tell her sorry for being what I am, but I can't help I was born a vampire! Not even my brothers liked me the way I was!" I told her and fell against her as my stone ached. "They had to turn me into a male... and then they all left me after they found their own mates!" I cried and then hid my face against her.

"Your brothers loved you the way you was," Paris told me and started to rub my head, pulling me closer to her. "You've got everything all mixed up in your head." She kissed my cheek then. "Sweetie it takes two sides to made a relationship and you've got to understand them before you make your own decisions. Especially with human mates. Vampires are very hard creatures because we know way more than the humans. They don't understand what soul mates are. So when one of us are fortunate enough to get a human for a mate we've got to help them understand better about our ways. They're consumed with more feelings than us. Most of our feelings is summoned up into one thing called hunger. Theirs are more complicated. Mortals set up their first two decades deciding on how they'll imagine who they'll end up with- if they do get someone to love. They have it tougher than us. Because they only get a century of less to live so they value their life a lot and try to set up the best thing for them. You've just got to open your mate up to our world." She rubbed my head and then kissed it. "I know it's tough.... You were chosen to have a human mate though so you must be a very tough vampire," she laughed softly. I sniffled and looked up at her then bit my bottom lip.

"But she won't let me turn her," I whispered to her and then rubbed at my eyes. "I tried to turn her before I knew she was my mate.... I let her go though because she made me mad... and when I found her the second time, I was going to kill her till I knew it was her as soon as I saw her again...."

"Honey, you need a lot of patience for a human. Vampire are very shocking to them. After all they're mortal and can hardly imagine becoming immortal. It's your choice though rather you make her one of us or not. Louis turned Ann almost as soon as he met her. Maybe you should talk to others that have had human mates and ask for advice?" Paris suggested sweetly towards me. I bit my bottom lip and then nodded, deciding to give it a try again.

"O-okay mommy," I whispered, hugging her. "Could you take me back home?" I asked her softly. "I don't think I can stay here right now... not after this.... I offered to reject her to let her go," I mumbled and then buried my face into her. "I don't want to be the one person in the family to do that though.... to give up a mate like that... and I think that if I stayed... I wouldn't be able to handle this...."

"Sweetie you need to stay with your mate and get to know her." My mommy told me. "Distancing yourself from her will not help you." I whimpered.

"Mommy," I whispered and then held her tighter. "Please... I'll talk to Uncle Louis and Aunt Ann. I won't sit around and mope."

"You can come home for a day...." She caved and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I nodded and then kissed her back.

"Thanks mommy," I mumbled softly and then relaxed a little, feeling the panic of staying leaving me a little... if only for a day....

"You're welcome," she purred. "You probably won't like it though. All your close friends are here or in Italy with Val."

"I don't want be here right now," I told her quickly. I'll be fine leaving for a little bit... even if it's to spend the majority of it sitting with Louis and Ann....

"Alright," She teleported us back to the manor then, taking us straight to Louis's door. I widened my eyes as I saw the door, realizing what I just agreed to- hanging out with my Aunt and Uncle to figure out how their relationship worked.

"Well, this is where I leave you. Have fun and I will be back at dusk to take you home." She kissed my cheek and knocked on the door for me. I yelped and then shook my head.

"Mommy, don't leave me," I begged her. I never get to see her like this- as my mommy... and then I'm always around Rory.

"I'm trying to get pregnant," she told me in a hushed tone. "I've got to go back to Richard."

"But mommy!" I complained. "You can do that later! You have all night to play with daddy!"

"You don't need me to hang out with your uncle and aunt. They're not going to hurt you." I bit my bottom lip.

"But- but I never get to see you mommy," I mumbled sadly. "You never got to be with me when I was little because I was always with my litter mates....."

"Well we can hang out right before I take you home, promise. You can help me with a few things." I hesitated before I gave in a nodded.

"Okay mommy," I whispered and then hugged her. The door opened then and Louis stood in the doorway.

"You two done having a mommy daughter moment?" He teased us, giving a smirk as he stood there in sweat pants.

"Hey~" Paris purred and tackled Louis into a hug then kissed his cheek. "Shiloh wants some family time with his uncle." Louis laughed and hugged his twin.

"I heard that," he said and then smirked. "It's about time Shiloh came around. We'll get her away from Rory's influence eventually."

"Rory isn't a bad kid," Paris told Louis firmly. "He's misunderstood. Anyways, I've got to get back to my mate before he wakes up and gets mad." Paris teleported away then. Louis frowned and then sighed.

"Paris smells like she's trying to get kids again," he mumbled and then bit his bottom lip before his eyes widened. "OH MY GOD, IT'S MIDORI'S MATING SEASON TOO! HOLY CRAP! Donnie and Paris are going to end up pregnant together!"

"NO I'M NOT!" I heard Donnie yelling down the hall. "DON'T TELL MY DAD EITHER!"


Louis's POV:

I teleported into Paris's bedroom quickly and pounced onto the bed, crawling over to Paris then tackled him into a hug. "Paris! Guess what I just realized!" Paris groaned, just getting the covers over her body.

"What'd you just realize?" Paris asked and yawned.

"It's Midori's mating season~" I told her sweetly, giving a huge smile. "You and Donnie could be pregnant together~!"

"Midori's mating season? That explained the dragon's scent I caught recently... I'm not sure about Donnie getting pregnant though.... Donnie would have to be a girl," Paris reminded me.

"Easily fixed," I purred. "I can do it for you if you want~ I know you like grandkids... and I'm sure Midori would be happy to find an outlet for his mating desires," I told him and smirked.

"We've already got a grandchild out of Donnie..." Paris mumbled. "Though it would be nice to get another." Donnie teleported into the room.

"Stop plotting!" Donnie hissed. I laughed and looked towards Donnie before I teleported in front of him and pulled him into a hug.

"Awwwww~ You know we can't do that~" I teased him and then pulled him down onto the bed then, accidentally falling on Richard. He groaned and then tried to move.

"Paris... not now.... I'm sleeping," he muttered in his sleep, trying to get away from us. "Later...."

"Louis! I don't like you plotting and trying to take over my love life with Midori! Stop encouraging my parents too." I laughed and ruffled his hair before I kissed the top of his head.

"I want another one of your kids," I told him sweetly and then looked at Paris. "Come on Paris, what do you say?" I smiled.

"I wouldn't mind another grandchild."

"How about you ask Myra then! She's old enough for a child."

"Myra is still turning though," Paris whined. I frowned. Myra has a mate? Ohhhhh.... I blushed as it clicked for me. That's why she let Hana into her life that quickly. I shrunk down against Donnie as I figured it out then looked towards Donnie.

"I want baby dragons running around," I told him and then started for his chest to get his stone. He yelped and smacked my hand away.

"Nu-uh." Donnie pointed a finger at me firmly. "This is my choice." I frowned.

"That's kind of cruel to do to your mate, isn't it? It's his mating season.... Plus, you won't get another chance for a baby for who knows how long. He doesn't like giving you kids when he's in his right mind. He doesn't like sharing," I told him and then pinned him down. "You won't see a baby for you two for centuries if you don't take advantage of his mating season."

"Don't tell me what to do!" Donnie frowned. "When we want a baby, we'll have one with or without a mating season." I tsked.

"Donnie, you know how dragons are. He isn't going to give you a baby outside of mating season. There's a reason they have one. When you change your mind and want one, he will avoid you," I warned him.

"Why're you trying to plant it inside my mind to have a child? Why don't you have one!" Donnie pointed a finger at me. "You know what, I'm not having one unless you have one or Myra does." I frowned. Why is it in this family that whenever it comes down to having children, there is always a deal involved that usually ends in either me or my mate pregnant?

"Have another set of twins," Paris purred to me in amusement.

"You know what, I'll have a baby just to get you to leave me alone. This one will be my last though." I smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

"Okay," I purred and then reached into his chest quickly before he could change his mind and pulled his stone out.

"Savage," Paris whispered. "I'll go get the catnip." He got to his feet quickly and giggled.

"It's still Midori's mating season though," I told him and frowned. "He'll take Donnie quickly if he can get his hands on her long enough."

"I know but catnip makes it more fun." Paris slipped something out from under his bed and teleported away. I frowned. I guess catnip is like sex enhancers for dragons or something.... I sighed and looked at Donnie's stone before I got up and started for the door. How the heck did Richard sleep through all that anyways? I glanced back at the bed to see him still passed out under the blankets, his fangs exposed in his sleep. Well... it's what Paris wants.... I sighed and walked out, finding a maid quickly and put Donnie's stone into her before she could get away and picked up the changing body as I teleported down to the treasure room. Paris was already throwing out catnip to Midori, laughing softly as she done so. Donnie started to mumble as she came back. I purred to her and gently sat her down in the gold, watching as Midori practically attacked the catnip, rolling around in it as he fell down a pile of gold. Dang... glad I don't have a dragon mate.... Donnie sat up quickly and yelped as he looked towards the gold she was laying on then got to her feet. Midori was curled up with the catnip at the base of a small pile of gold and was rubbing his face against it, moaning happily as complete and utter pleasure crossed his expressions. Donnie ran up to me and got behind me.

"Louis I was just kidding, I don't want this!" Donnie said in fear. "Look at that! He's scary with catnip." Paris purred as her phone went off and she pulled it out, answering it.

"Hey~ What's up sweetie?" Paris asked. She then light up and turned towards Donnie and me. "Myra just got done transforming into a vampire!" He said in excitement. I widened my eyes and then ran up to him, pulling him into a hug.

"That's amazing!" I told him and laughed. I heard Midori starting to purr and then a slight rustle from the gold coins as they spilled over. I heard the door to the vault bang open, making me jump and look towards Midori, seeing him starting to get to his feet with some of the catnip in his hands.

"So do you want to come with me to France and check on her? We need to go get Shiloh...." Paris mumbled, ignoring Midori. I frowned and then looked towards him before I nodded.

"Yeah, I'd go with you.... That's my niece... one of my favorite nieces," I told her and kissed her cheek. I glanced towards Midori as I caught him running off towards the vault door, giggling. What is he doing? I frowned slightly. Donnie frowned and started after him.

"Why me?" Donnie asked softly.

"I think we can leave those two alone." Paris teleported us upstairs and where we left Shiloh. He was in my room, the door still open as he sat in there with Ann and was watching a movie with her. I frowned and walked into the room, going over to the two.

"Hey," I said and then looked at Shiloh. "Did you get the help you needed Shiloh?" I asked him softly. He blushed and shrunk against Ann, shaking his head no. I frowned. "Ann would've gladly talked to you about it...."

"I know," Shiloh whispered and looked down at the floor. "I was going to ask.... I swear I was...." I sighed and nodded.

"It's okay. We've got to go back to France anyways. Myra is finally transformed," I told them.

"So do you want to come with us or stay here?" Paris asked curiously. Shiloh looked a little scared, but he slowly nodded.

"I'll go see Myra," he whispered and stood up. "Only for that reason though," he murmured. I smirked and then pulled Ann into my arms, grabbing Shiloh as well before I teleported the two of them to the castle in France, not waiting for Ann's answer.

"Aw, Louis I was in the middle of a movie...." Ann mumbled. Paris started to lead us down the hall and right towards a double doored bedroom. When we walked into the master bedroom we pretty much found everyone that was already staying at the castle inside. Sage, Rory, Keegan, Hana, River, and Hiko. There was also another girl standing near Rory awkwardly but her face lit up as her eyes met Shiloh and she was quick by his side.

"Shiloh, Rory made me come in here a few minutes ago...." She told him. I caught her scent quickly, telling fast that she was a human. This must be Shiloh's mate. I could smell it on her that Shiloh already marked her. "Is it okay if I leave? I kinda feel awkward in here. He told me that since you was out of the castle he had rights to watch over me to make sure I stayed safe or whatever and he hasn't let me out of his sight for the past half hour. Something about a river was worried?" I caught Rose and Victor's scent above us and a swirling stair case lead up to a second floor to the bedroom that overlooked the main floor. Rose's head leaned over a railing and she waved towards us.

"Hey guys, glad you came. Myra is up here in her bed if you want to come up and see her. I'm just checking everything to make sure nothing went wrong with her transformation. After all it was a long one." Rose said sweetly then her eyes widened as she looked towards Paris. "OMG You're a girl again! Looks like I'm getting another batch of nieces and nephews! Do you want me to give you a pregnancy test?" The bottom floor of Myra's bedroom consisted of art supplies, a balcony outside, and a sitting area with a TV that would go down into the floor by remote. Myra's room was as creative as her art she had hanging around on the walls. Her bedroom here was very creative and it kinda made me thing she personally designed it somehow to suit her with her powers, I've heard rumors about. There was a few doors leading off of the room. Probably for the closets and bathroom.

"Rose! That's not very important right now," Paris teased.

"Oh right! Come on sweeties. Hana you can come up here too now if you'd like. I've got to warn you Myra is very exhausted and you probably won't get much out of her right now. I think she's about to fall asleep. Keegan- Hiko could one of you get some blood for her?" Surprisingly, Rose looked a lot better. Probably from focusing on nursing Myra through her transformation, helped her not concentrate so much on what happened with Alistair.

"Yeah, I'll do it and you can stay here, Hiko." Keegan got to his feet and slipped past us as he ran out the room. Rose looked over her shoulder then.

"Victor don't touch that blood packet! That's for Myra." Paris pulled me by my hand as she went up the stairs then to go check on Myra. When we got up the stairs and onto her second floor, Myra's bed was the center attention of the floor with a beautiful sunset painted on the wall. There was a few bookcases filled up with movies and CD's. There was even a desk up here with her laptop centered on it as well as a few pictures on it. There was a few with her and a blue haired boy I've never met while the others consisted of pictures with Hana. I noticed the boy in the pictures looked similar to Myra.... like they were related. That must be her brother from when she lived with that other family. There was two chairs up here by the bed. One of them had Victor planted in it by a table full of empty blood packets. Myra's bed had a few medical machines around it- obviously this was from Rose's doing.

Myra looked exhausted, her eyes barely open as she stared up at her ceiling fan that was turned on and blowing on her. Her hair looked longer than the last time I was with her and her hair looked darker at the scalp. A dark brown- almost black like Richard's hair. Her pretty brown tips held a secret- that's the only thing left of her human life. Her skin was ever paler. She looked more sick than dead- as in vampire dead. It's probably from what she just went through. Rose had a wet rag on Myra's forehead. I could tell though that Myra had been sweating, since there was still some dripping down her face.

"So?" Paris asked Rose as she looked towards Myra. "I want to know what you think."

"Well I haven't examined her yet, I had Keegan immediately call you as soon as her screaming died down. I can run a quick observation though," Rose told her as she walked up to Myra and took one of her sweaty hands into her own cold ones. "Myra? Can you hear me?" Rose asked. I watched as Myra's eyes slowly landed on Rose's lips and she blinked a few times before looking towards their hands. Myra's eyes darted across the bed and directly at Paris suddenly. "Myra?" Rose asked.

"Where's Richard...." Myra asked softly, sounding disappointed.

"We forgot to tell him," Paris said softly. "He's asleep." Paris walked up and sat down on the edge of the bed to be by her.

"What happened?" Myra mumbled.

"Well, Alistair is what happened. He took your stone and had it placed inside him to make it appear as his stone then had his placed somewhere else. So when his stone got crushed, it was actually yours. We took him under arrest and placed him in a cell under the manor until we found his actual stone and Victor crushed it."

"If my stone got crushed..." Myra said in confusion. "Shouldn't I be dead by now...."

"We think that because you're a halfbreed- or was- you sort of cheated death. Your vampire side clashed with your human side after your stone was crushed. We think it was your stone that was keeping your body at peace all these years and that's how you was able to some how.... live as a halfbreed of the centuries. So when your stone was crushed your vampire side completely devoured your human self." Rose started to explain.

"I don't get it...." Myra mumbled.

"Myra you're just a vampire now." Paris told her. "You're not even a pureblood or a halfbreed."

"You didn't need a stone but you was born with one anyways."

"I'm confused..." Myra whispered.

"That's okay we're all confused," Paris told her. "Let's just be thankful you're here with us."

"Thankful?" Myra asked.

"Yeah," Paris leaned over and gave her forehead a kiss. "So if you truly want, I'll talk with Hachi about getting you a new stone.... or I'll just leave that up to you to decide. Get some rest, okay? You can figure things out when you've got your strength back."

"What happened to my strength?"

"You've been in a transformation stage for over a week, Myra. You were turning into a vampire. It was the longest stage any of us has ever seen in our life times." Rose explained to her. I sighed softly as I watched them, smiling a little. At least she looked better.... Shiloh walked up slowly and stood by me, biting his inner lip as he looked at Myra with a little worry. Hana ran up to the side of the bed and sat down next to Paris, Hiko trailing behind her as he whispered something in Hana's ear. Myra's eyes landed on Hana as soon as she entered her sights. She sat up quickly and reached out, grabbing Hana's wrist and brought her into a hug.

"Hana," Myra whispered softly into her ear. Hana quickly hugged her back and started to cry.

"Myra! I was so worried," she whispered back and buried her face into her. "I didn't want to leave your side...."

"You didn't have to be worried..." Myra purred into her ear then leaned in and bit into her neck, starting to drink her blood right in front of us. Hana yelped and gripped the blanket as she was pulled closer from the bite and groaned.

"M-Myra," she whispered, looking a little scared but relaxed after a few seconds.

"Keegan is out getting you blood," Paris told her and then gave Hiko a small smile. Myra pulled back after a minute then licked her lips. Hana blushed and looked at Myra before she laid her head down on Myra's chest, watching her.

"I love you Myra," Hana whispered sweetly. I saw Shiloh tense up as he heard it, looking shocked.

"I love you too," Myra whispered towards her then looked towards Shiloh. "Don't look so tensed Shiloh, everyone is gay in this family. So don't get all surprised now." Myra kissed Hana's cheek then.

"So say ah-" Rose stuck a popsicle stick inside Myra's mouth and made her open wide, exposing her fangs in the process. "Oh goodie~ You do have fangs." Hana looked towards Myra's fangs and blushed, shrinking back slightly as she rubbed her neck where she had been bit. Myra glared down Rose and leaned away from the popsicle stick and hid her fangs.

"Rose, get out of my room." Myra hissed. Shiloh yelped and then hid behind me. I frowned and looked towards him. What happened to the tough Shiloh I know?

"Shiloh, are you okay? You've been acting weird lately," I muttered and started to pull him into my arms. He tensed up and then tried to get away, squirming.

"I'm not! I'm not! Nothing's wrong!" He said quickly, sounding panicked. I frowned and then started to use my powers to give him one of my calmer memories to help him relax. It must be his mate messing with his head.... I'll give him some island memories. Hana curled up in the bed beside Myra and exposed her fangs towards Rose, looking like she was being protective of Myra.

"Aw fine, if anything feels funny you know my number." Rose told Myra. I heard Keegan rush up the stairs then with a bottle of blood.

"I got some blood for- why's it smell like Hana in here?" Keegan asked.

"Oh thank you," Paris purred and reached for the bottle. Hana blushed and quickly put a hand over her neck to hide the bite on her, resting her head on Myra.

"Paris you don't need any blood. Keegan you can sit it down by her bed for later. She just had some from Hana," Rose told him. Keegan frowned and sat the bottle down on her desk.

"I ran all the way to the kitchen for nothing?" Keegan asked.

"I'm going to call Richard and tell him Myra's done transforming..." Paris decided and pulled out his phone to call Richard. I sighed and let Shiloh go, walking up to the bed to stand by Paris as Hana snuggled up to Myra and started to close her eyes with a sweet smile on her face. Maybe it is a good thing that I changed Hana when I did.... She's found her mate.... I heard Paris's phone ringing and it went to voice mail after a few minutes.

"Richardo Grimm~ If you need something from me, I'm probably in the music room or with Paris, so don't come looking! Leave a message," I heard his voice humming from the recording set up for his voicemail.

"Richard, it's you damn mate so wake up or stop cheating on me with the piano. I called to tell you that your daughter stopped her transformation and she's looking forward to seeing you." Paris purred into the phone. I laughed a little as I watched Paris and then heard the phone click.

"Mhhh... What is it?" I heard Richard ask softly. "It's so early... and bright.... Your scent doesn't smell fresh on the blankets...." I heard him groan and then a bed rustle. Paris smirked and handed the phone towards Myra and started to tickle her to get her to talk. Myra giggled as she tried to get Paris to quit and busted out laughing. I laughed and listened for Richard's reaction, hearing a thud on the other end of the phone. "MYRA~!" He purred excitedly. "You're okay! My sweet baby girl~ I'm sorry mommy isn't there with you right now. Your father should've woken me up!"

"Tell him to stop tickling me!" Myra shouted and started to crawl out of the bed to get away from Paris.

"Paris~ Stop tickling our baby girl! I'll get you if you don't quit! If you're not pregnant yet, I'll make you stay a female for a while before I decide to give you kids," Richard teased. Paris stopped and picked up the phone.

"Don't threaten me like that! I'll show you who the dominate one in this relationship is if you keep that up. I'm coming to get you so you can see our little girl." Paris teleported away then. I raised an eyebrow and then smirked. Poor Richard.... That has to be a struggle, trying to get your dominance back from someone like Paris. He's better off giving the crown back to Nikolai or to Paris.... Hana started to get out of the bed then, putting her feet down on the floor as she bit her bottom lip gently. Myra pulled the covers over her head and groaned. Hana paused and looked back at Myra before she giggled and laid back down, snuggling up to Myra. I suddenly caught Myra's scent and then smelled Hana marking her for the first time ever, making me smirk. Paris teleported back into the room with Richard while Myra let out a moan from the bite. Richard's eyes widened as he heard his girl and then tensed up.

"Oh my demons," Richard whispered and then laughed. "Myra~ You have a mate? You should've told me!" Hana yelped and quickly pulled her face back from Mrya, cutting it short as her face turned a deep shade of red. Myra giggled and pulled the pillow over her face.

"I thought you'd all assume by now that we were mates...." Myra mumbled through the pillow.

"I wondered, but I wasn't sure," Richard said sweetly and walked up to the edge of the bed. "You two make a cute couple~ She even looks like she was born from this family with her white hair."

"Myra's starting to get your dark hair too," Paris pointed out to Richard and purred. Richard smiled and nodded.

"It's adorable looking," he said and then sat down on the edge of the bed, hugging Myra. "I'm so glad you're okay.... I love you Myra," he mumbled into her ear. "You gave me a scare...."

"Don't be so ridiculous.... I'm tougher than I look," Myra mumbled and pulled back from the hug. "I'm a vampire hunter first and always."

"You'll always be my little girl too," Richard told her and gave her a sweet smile, patting her head. "Even if you want to be a hunter. You'll always have me, your mommy."

"You're not my mom," Myra mumbled. Richard frowned then, looking a little broken hearted.

"I am too," he whispered, tensing up. "Myra, I conceived you with Paris.... I wanted to be there. I wanted to raise you. You don't know how bad I wanted it. I would've fought to keep you, but it was too dangerous, and your dad was looking out for you when he took my stone from the body I possessed to create you. I wanted you so much, it hurt to do that!"

"No matter what, you can't deny you're their child~" Rose purred and picked up some of Myra's hair and started to twirl it around her fingers. "You're a Grimm first and forever." Richard watched Rose and then looked back at Myra with a sad look, reaching out for her and then grabbed her hand and squeezed it a little.

"I didn't want to leave you Myra," he whispered.

"Really we never left you," Paris purred. "Until I got put in a box for a decade." He looked towards me then. "That sort of prevented me from watching over you but I guess I should be thankful that in the end you pulled me out of the box."

"Wait.... Myra?" Rose asked. "You told me a group of men pulled you out of that box!"

"Who was under Myra's orders." Paris purred.

"Eh," Myra shrugged. "Louis brought me there." I smirked.

"That's right.... I was bored," I teased and looked at Paris before I walked up to her and kissed her neck. "It's no fun without you," I murmured softly and then sharpened my fangs, brushing them against her neck. "You're my twin~ My other half~"

"I know~ I'm glad you're calmer. So how are your pets doing?" Paris asked. I smiled and then wrapped my arms around her.

"They're doing great. Jasper is getting better at defending himself," I told her then lightly pierced her skin with one of my fangs, not going in deeply but making it a surface wound to tease her.

"You better not get her blood on my bed!" Myra shouted and pointed a finger at us then looked and Richard. "Stop kicking yourself over what happened. I got a lovely home- more like two homes and a wonderful brother out of Paris's decisions to ditch me." Richard sighed and then nodded.

"Alright Myra.... I can live with that," he whispered to her and then ran his fingers through her hair. "I still feel bad... but at least you enjoyed it...." I glanced at Richard and smiled a little. He's such a good parent.... I bit down deeply into my twin then and closed my eyes as I got a taste, moaning a little. It's been so long! Paris moaned and leaned back against me, purring. Myra looked towards us and frowned.

"Hey, you're making me hungry so stop." Myra hissed. I ignored her and bit down deeper, digging my fangs into Paris's neck as I started to pull her closer. Richard frowned as he watched us, but he wasn't moving to stop us yet, tolerating it. Paris melted against me and wrapped his arms around my neck to hold herself up. I smirked against his skin and then let us fall down onto the bed, landing on top of him as I pulled my fangs out and started to suck on his wound.

"GET OFF MY BED!" Myra yelled, exposing her fangs. I growled her way and then ran my hands down Paris's body. No way.... I'm not getting up! I was suddenly snatched off Paris and I heard a low growl in my ear.

"Louis," Richard hissed and then bit down into me. I yelped and looked back at him in shock as he started to drink from me.

"Richard! Don't bite me!" I told him quickly, panicking.

"Hey!" Myra whined. "Please don't feed on my bed. I don't want my sheets getting stained. Especially with your scent."

"What am I chop liver?" Paris asked. Richard pulled back and glared at Paris.

"You're in trouble too," he told him then snarled at me before he bit down deeply into me, making me yelp.

"I'm sorry Richard," Paris mumbled and got off the bed and started for the stairs.

"I'm going to make you both sushi if you don't get off my bed!" Myra hissed. I shoved Richard off of me quickly and ran after Paris, grabbing her hand when I reached her.

"I forgot how sharp Richard's fangs were," I whispered to him and then rubbed my sore neck. "Ouch...."

"We better run while we have a chance," Paris whispered, looking towards Richard.

"Richard don't bite my mate!" Ann yelled from the bottom floor. Richard narrowed his eyes and started for us, making me yelp. I quickly teleported us to the ballroom to escape Richard and then sighed in relief.

"He won't get us in here," I whispered to Paris. "He looks mad...."

"You're the one that pissed him off," Paris told me and then looked around. "I haven't been in here in ages...." She whispered. I frowned and glanced around the old ballroom before I started to walk around.

"Yeah... it has been awhile, hasn't it?" I asked her softly. I smiled and then turned to her before I gave a bow. "Will you do me the honor of giving me a dance?" I purred sweetly towards my twin as I held my hand out for hers. I'd get a dance in before Richard could steal her away from me again.... I don't get to hang out with her as much anymore.... Paris purred and grabbed my hand then started to follow me into a dance.

"I sort of wish we could go back a few centuries Louis, where people dance and threw large balls and we had tons of purebloods to be annoyed by and some to fight with." Paris purred. "I remember the party we threw for the princes and princesses." I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah... I miss it too.... Don't worry. If we wait long enough, the purebloods will repopulate," I told her and kissed her cheek. "Most of them will come from our family though.... We'll throw a ball soon if you want... just for you. I'll teach all the younger vampires how to waltz so you can enjoy yourself among dancing purebloods like before."

"We'll have to do a lot of work with some of them. Keegan loves his video games." Paris leaned in and kissed my cheek. I laughed.

"Don't worry. I'll get them all," I told him. "It might take a century to get them all trained...."

Shiloh's POV:

I stumbled out of Myra's bedroom as my dad started to calm down, going back to Myra to spend time with her. I think Blaze left.... It was all such a blur.... I frowned and slumped against the wall by the door after I shut it and then sunk down to the floor, leaning against the wall. Today has been so... so... stressful.... What's the matter with me? I've been acting like a child all day.... I bit my bottom lip and pulled my knees to my chest before I hid my face against them, hugging them tightly. I don't understand what mommy told me... about having to make Blaze see my world without changing her... and then changing to her.... I don't get it.... I'm not cut out for a mate.... Fate shouldn't have given me one. I sniffled and then curled up, squeezing my knees tightly to me. I'm such a big baby too- A hand gently touched my shoulder and I felt someone kiss the top of my head, making me tense up. River.... I looked up at him as I caught his scent and then bit my bottom lip. That's right. He reads minds. He smiled at me and pulled me into a hug. You do deserve a mate Shiloh.... Don't be so sad. You'll get it eventually. It takes time... and you aren't going to figure it out unless you talk to Blaze more.... I blushed slightly and looked at him as I heard his voice in my head.

"R-River...." I whispered and then curled up into his arms. He laughed a little and ran his fingers through my hair, starting to comfort me as I tried not to cry in front of him. The door opened suddenly and Rory stepped out.

"There you two are..." Rory grabbed River quickly and pulled him into a hug. "River~ How about we go spend some time alone together?" River's eyes widened and he blushed, looking at Rory.

"Rory," he whispered and then turned around to face him. He hugged Rory around his neck and gently kissed his cheek, his cheeks red in a blush.

"Let's go." Rory scooped River up into his arms. "You've seen enough of Myra for the day anyways." River yelped and then looked at Rory before he looked at me.

"But Shiloh," he mumbled and then looked back at Rory. Rory's eyes glazed over as River started to show him something, making me shrink down as I started to figure out what he was showing him.... Oh man.... Rory sighed and looked towards me.

"Stop being a wimp and go talk to your mate," Rory hissed. "Your pouting isn't going to help your situation." I sunk down into myself and looked away from him.

"I know," I whispered and then curled up. "It's just.... It's too hard...."

"It's only as hard as you're making it out to be," Rory sighed out. "Mates are made to love you. Just give her a kiss and tell her you love her. Like this~" Rory leaned in and kissed River's cheek. "I love you kitten." River blushed quickly and looked up into his eyes.

"I-I love you too," he whispered and then gripped Rory's shirt before he started to lean in to kiss Rory on the lips but paused, looking unsure.

"You know that is only for rewards," Rory warned him and pulled away completely. River pouted and then looked Rory over before he bit down into his bottom lip hard, yelping as he drew his own blood. Rory frowned and looked him over. "Don't you act like that. You know they're for rewards. If I give them to you all the time you'll never learn." River whined and then looked away from Rory, starting to move away from him.

"Anyways, Shiloh just go turn her and speed up the process." Rory suggested. I frowned and then shook my head.