People Makes Mistakes Part B

"But she hates me.... I don't want to turn a mate that hates me..... She doesn't want to be a vampire either. She'd rather die," I mumbled, watching as River walked past me, starting to go down the hall in the direction of the library.

"She doesn't hate you," Rory sighed out. "Why are you such a whimp? Man up Shiloh that's your mate that was designed by a god to be directly for you. Now take what's yours before someone else does." I frowned and then watched him before I looked away.

"I'm not a wimp...." I mumbled. "You'd be torn up too if River didn't want you... and if he wanted you to apologize for being a vampire... and wanted nothing to do with you...."

"Yeah but I don't let River run our relationship. He's my mate. I'm not his. He'll always be my little mate made by fate. You don't understand too well. Sounds like she doesn't either. You better give her a lesson." I frowned and watched him then sighed, deciding to just nod so he'd go.... He doesn't get it. I can't be him.... I can admire him, love him, adore him, be his litter mate... but I can't be him. I wish it was that simple... but I don't want to make my mate like a dog.... Rory frowned and turned away, walking back into the room.

"Hey Sage! Your brother needs you outside." Rory called. I yelped and quickly got to my feet.

"Rory," I hissed. "Get your ass back out here! Don't pull Sage into this."

"Sage~" Rory said as he sunk down in the room by Sage. "Go tell our brother what mates are for." Sage looked towards me and frowned.

"Mates are for love," he told me and crossed his arms. "It's up to you how your soulmate defines your life though. Rory turned his mate into a dog using a reward system and relying on River's innocence and desire to be loved. I worked hard to earn my mate's respect instead of setting a reward system up. You need to find what works for you."

"He's not a dog, he's a puppy." Rory purred. "After all you can't teach an old dog new tricks." I frowned at him.

"You called him an old dog when I tried to teach him how to seduce you," I muttered.

"Well, River is a puppy when it comes to Rory. Rory just doesn't want others to teach River new things. It's a jealousy thing Shiloh," Sage told me calmly and shrugged.

"River will never seduce me," Rory laughed and then smirked. "Shiloh man up and go see your mate." I frowned at him then looked at the ground.

"Maybe I don't want a mate," I whispered. "She's human... and pushy... and a girl.... They have periods...."

"You used to be a girl," Rory hissed. "So we have to turn you back into one?" I yelped and quickly held up my hands.

"N-no! I like being a boy!" I told him and then shook my head. "Please don't turn me into a girl! I don't like being different from you."

"That's what I thought. Shiloh, you better go see her before you make it worse." I sighed and then nodded in defeat, looking at the ground.

"Yes Rory," I whispered to him. "I'll go talk to her one more time...."

"Well get going," he waved me off. I started to walk off then, not wanting to get yelled at by Rory.

When I reached Blaze's door, I softly knocked on it and closed my eyes, listening to the silence. I knew she was probably in town.... I think she asked me if she could leave.... "Who is it?" I heard her ask. She is here then.... I opened my eyes and looked towards the door before I sighed.

"Shiloh," I mumbled, leaving it at that.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"I'm not sure.... I guess to talk," I whispered and then took a step back from her door. I didn't think she'd actually be in there... but I did say I'd talk to her again.... It won't do any good though....

"What?" She asked. "I can't hear you mumble through the door." I frowned and looked at the door then looked away from it.

"Nothing," I said a little louder. "I was being stupid." She already hates me.... What's the point? She won't want to talk to me. She opened the door suddenly and looked me over.

"Nothing?" She asked me. I tensed up as she looked me over and then rubbed the back of my neck.

"Well... If I tried talking to you, it wouldn't do anything," I muttered. "You already hate me. There's no point. I'm being stupid." I looked away from her then and put my hands into my pockets. I'm such an idiot.... Rory was right. Pouting does nothing... but neither does this.... I can't connect with this human....

"I don't hate you," She muttered and rolled her eyes. "I'm just very disappointed that on how my first vampire I ever met turned out to be you. You haven't even said sorry about how we met. You threatened to kill me." I frowned and looked back at her.

"You don't understand either though," I hissed under my breath. "I've been hunted by your kind before. I wasn't going to let my family become prey again."

"You were just going to kill me!" She hissed and looked away from me. "I don't want to talk to you if you're going to keep talking only about how it would have saved your family." I frowned at her.

"What? What else do you want me to tell you? That I'm a vampire and it's in my nature to be destructive? To hunt and kill? That we're all beasts? That all we can really feel is desire- whether it's blood lust, possessive, or sexual?" I asked her, narrowing my eyes. "Because we can be that... all that and more," I hissed. "We really are beasts. There's no sugar coating that. We eat your kind."

"No kidding," She hissed and turned away from me and looked towards her room. "This conversation is getting us nowhere." I frowned and then sighed.

"Yeah... it's not," I admitted, softening my voice a little. "Maybe we're just too different...." She crossed her arms.

"Yeah we are," She hissed and glared me down. "Go back to your brother." I frowned at her and then shook my head.

"Hell no. If I went back to him, he'd say I should just take you and blah, blah, blah.... He doesn't understand that I can't just train you like he trained River," I told her then crossed my arms. She stepped back into her bedroom and went towards her bed.

"Okay, sit there then." I watched her for a few seconds and then sighed.

"Look... even if I did say sorry, you wouldn't accept it," I told her and looked down the hallway. I wouldn't forgive her if she tried to kill me....

"Yeah? How would you know? You haven't tried that!" She hissed my way then laid down on the bed and started to pet her cat.

"Because you wouldn't believe me if I did," I hummed out. Probably for a good reason too. To her, I'm a dirty no good vampire. "All I can really be sorry for is being born different."

"With that attitude," she mumbled. I sighed and then leaned my head back.

"You're not helping," I muttered. Even if I wanted to apologize, to break down in front of her... I wouldn't be able to because she's so... so... Grah!

"Neither are you," she tossed back.

"At least I'm still here," I hissed at her. "I could just not give a damn and go dance with some maids like Rory did to River when he found out that he was mated to him."

"Well what's keeping you from being like him?" She asked and picked up a book. "I wouldn't care. It's not like I know you well enough to get jealous. After all I was forced to sleep in the same building as a guy I hardly knew over forty-eight hours." She opened the book up. "Go have fun with the maids."

"No because I have self respect," I told her firmly. "I believe in being faithful to a mate- even if that mate wants nothing to do with you. I was raised better than that," I hissed and then exposed my fangs. "Thanks for making me out into a dirt bag."

"You are a dirt bag," she told me and then put some headphones on. I narrowed my eyes and then walked up, slamming her door shut before I started to walk away. Screw this. I don't need this in my life. I've lived this long without a mate. I don't need her.

Blaze's POV:

I heard my door slam shut, making my body jump a little from the noise. I pulled my headphones out quickly and looked towards my door. "You didn't have to take it out on the door!"

"Whatever," I heard him growl a little ways down the hallway, his footsteps clicking on the floor as they started to fade. He sounded upset.... He's never going to give us time to get to know each other if he keeps walking off like that or being as mean as he is. Oh well. I've only got about sixty years left of this. I looked back down at my book.

"Whatever," I muttered. I didn't need him before and I don't need him now. I'll just continue my life like this. It doesn't matter to me how pissed he gets. He still hasn't said sorry to me. He's nothing but a spoiled brat. I don't want one of those around me. He doesn't know how hard my life has been and then he comes in and first tries to kill me then makes me live with him. I was going to make something of myself. I might have a huge thing for vampires but he is nothing like I imagined. I turned to where I left off in Breaking Dawn. I heard a small knock at my door just as I started to read and River poked his head in, giving a sheepish smile before he stepped in and shut the door behind him. He looked at me sweetly before he walked up and gently sat down on the edge of the bed. I looked towards him then closed the book. "Hi River~" I said sweetly towards him. He laughed and then smiled happily, reaching out for my hand to do that weird mind thing of his that he showed me when he first met me. I frowned and gave him the book instead. He frowned as he took it from me and looked at it curiously before he set it aside and then looked back at me with a pout. "What are you doing in here?" I asked him. He bit his bottom lip and tried for my hand again, gently taking it in his. I suddenly saw a flash of River sitting in the library and him hearing the fight between me and Shiloh. He gave me a worried look and tried to smile.

"It's okay River," I told him sweetly. "He's not getting under my nails or anything. I think I'm bothering him more than anything." I shrugged. "He's just a spoiled brat." River frowned a little and then looked hesitant before I started to see Shiloh curled up on the floor outside Myra's room, crying and then earlier in the day when River heard Shiloh's thoughts when he had called his mother for help and practically broke down mentally.

"S-Shiloh... does-doesn't... always get... h-his way," River whispered, trying his best to speak. I started to get the feeling from River as he held my hand that not a lot of people in his family liked him and his siblings- especially him and Rory.

"Yeah? Well he doesn't care about my feelings... that's obvious." I mumbled. He shook his head and then smiled.

"H-he doesn't understand h-how to make you happy," he told me and then gave my hand a slight squeeze.

"Well he better learn," I hissed. "I'm not going to put up with him forever. I know how to lock someone out of my life." River sighed and then nodded.

"He's... He's never wanted someone to love him that already didn't," he mumbled. I started to get flashes of a little girl with white hair chasing after two other boys with shorter white hair, about her height. She giggled and tackled one of them, nuzzling her head against him before she bit down into him and purred, starting to mark him. The boy under her moaned and then arched his back as a dark haired boy watched in the corner, trembling in fear as the white haired children played. Time must have passed because the next time I saw the girl, she was a teenager and was braiding her white hair over her shoulder, smiling softly as she glanced at her neck that was healing from a bite. She giggled and glanced behind her towards the bed where the two white haired boys were sleeping from earlier. I could feel an indescribable amount of love coming from her as she looked towards them. They were all she needed. I suddenly heard a bang and I saw Shiloh flinch- the Shiloh I knew, a male- and he stood there as Rory had caught a bullet that had come for Shiloh and glared down someone who was holding a gun and then the bullet was suddenly in the other guy, Rory having used the bullet to get revenge on the one who had shot at Shiloh. "H-he's... never had to work for love.... He's always had his vampire brothers," River whispered to me. "I-I seen Shiloh remembering these... so it's straight from him."

"Well he's got to learn how to earn my affections." I told River. "I don't think he will though and that's okay. It doesn't matter to me." He frowned and then leaned in, kissing my cheek.

"It should," he whispered to me. "A mate... they're precious. They're our other half... even if they're screwed up...." I felt sudden anxiety racing through my body and I was standing in a library I've never seen- but I knew it was the Grimm Manor- next to a family tree. I turned to look at Rory and then suddenly saw irritation written all over his face. He said something, but I couldn't hear it as his lips moved silently and then felt a sudden plummet from the bottom of my soul. Something in my chest ached. I shouldn't exist. I was in a bathroom after a bit, sitting on the floor against a bathtub as the door was kicked in and Louis rushed in- my dad- and looked panicked as he looked at me. He ran up and then pulled me into a hug, starting to cry. I could feel it all, the pain of being rejected, of knowing you weren't wanted. It started to ease up a little and was replaced with joy, the reassurance that I was loved as I felt pleasure coursing through me from a mark. River looked me in the eyes as it faded and then blushed. "It's painful to feel rejected," he mumbled. "I almost was.... Don't give up on him, please. He is trying.... I know he is. I can hear it in his thoughts. He's frustrated Blaze...."

"Why should I continue to wait on something that's not going to happen?" I asked him. "He's never going to figure out what I want." I pushed him off my bed. "Leave me alone River." He yelped as he hit the floor then frowned at me before he slowly got to his feet. He looked me over and pouted before he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Why do you push people away?" He asked me softly after a few seconds.

"Because Shiloh tried to kill me," I muttered. "All because I got scared when he told me I'd have to almost die to become a vampire." He frowned and then looked me in the eyes.

"There's another way," he mumbled. "Shiloh told you the easiest way. The other way is... well.. it's more painful... but you don't have to almost die."

"I don't want pain though....." I looked away from him. "That's nothing I want or choose to have."

"I'm sure there are pills that you could take before the process... to numb the pain. There are vampire doctors who would've done it to offer a painless transformation for loved ones," he murmured. "All you have to do is drink from a vampire after they've bitten themselves with their own fangs...." I frowned.

"I don't want to be a vampire anymore." I mumbled. He nodded.

"I know.... I can feel your fear like my own," he reminded me. "All I can tell you is that a few minutes compared to eternity won't seem like much... but it should be Shiloh who would offer this to you.... I am only telling you about it because... well... I want you to understand us more. What he did was wrong- trying to kill you... but he likes to hunt... and you smelled good to him.... He should say sorry though because he didn't know you were his mate and he shouldn't try to kill his mate...." He bit his bottom lip gently as he watched me. "He'll probably calm down soon.... I can feel him calming down in the kitchen right now.... Give him a few weeks to get used to having a human mate, someone to consider about...."

"It's not like I'm going anywhere," I muttered. "I don't think I could go anywhere else." I pulled my kitty into my lap and started to rub under her chin. He watched me for a few seconds and then looked at the cat.

"W-well... what I meant was... try to be a little nicer to him.... He is actually a s-she... and females take little hints and make them into huge deals.... Encourage him to talk to you so he might apologize to you sooner," he suggested. "If he feels like it's going nowhere, he won't try...."

"It's already going nowhere though!" I hissed. "I might as well not talk to him for a year." He yelped a little and jumped.

"B-but... if you do that... he won't want to talk to you ever," he whispered. "S-Shiloh doesn't know he can talk to you."

"Yeah well he can't talk to me right now anyways from the way he's been acting towards me." I got to my feet and started towards the bathroom. "I'm not talking to him for a week." He sighed.

"I'm starting to figure out why he feels how he feels," he mumbled. "You're kinda hard to talk to.... You don't try to understand."

"I do understand but I'm not going to ignore myself." I crossed my arms. "I'm the mate here, I need some attention too! It's not all about him and his misery on getting me for a mate." He frowned at me.

"He doesn't think about you like that.... He wants your attention," he mumbled. "He just doesn't think you like him.... He's kind of punishing himself in a way... even if he doesn't realize he's doing it. He knows you're afraid of him... and so he beats himself up about it...."

"River, as long as he keeps running from me, you trying to make me understand him ain't going to help." I sighed out. "The prince charming vampire I got is broken completely." He watched me for a few second before his eyes lit up and he smiled.

"I know! How about you walk around the castle for a bit? You might see something that could help you both," he suggested sweetly.

"No way, this castle makes me want to scream bloody murder. It looks like a horror show or something you'd find while watching the black and white Dracula version." I shivered at the thought. "I'll probably die in five minutes... and not from a vampire bite but from a spider bite." His jaw dropped slightly.

"But... but Blaze.... This is my home," he whispered, looking hurt.

"It's like sleeping in a cave. A cave full of bears." He looked away from me and I caught a tear running down his cheek.

"That's mean," he mumbled and then sniffled.

"Get me a full body suit and I might consider." I mumbled and then looked around the corners of my room to check for spiders.

"I tried," he told me and then rubbed at his eyes. "It's not my fault if you can't try too!" He ran for the door then, starting to cry.

"Make sure to close my door slowly and don't hurt it. It's got feelings too and it doesn't need to be taken out on." I told him. He quickly left, refusing to look at me as he shut the door behind him. I heard his feet take off running down the hallway, fading fast. I looked towards my cat and then at the door.

"I'm starting to see why no human has made it to live and tell the tail of their vampire experience..." I muttered. "They probably get locked up in a creepy castle like I have." I joked and sat down on my bed, pulling my cat to me. "Who ever heard of a human making a vampire cry?"

After about thirty minutes, I heard footsteps coming to my door and it was thrown open. Shiloh glared at me and walked in. "You did NOT make River cry," he hissed. "He's so innocent and loving! What did he ever do to you?" He asked me, shutting the door behind him. "He refuses to even say a word anymore! Rory worked hard to get him to start opening up to us!"

"Apparently I told him I wasn't going to walk down the hall and he ran off crying..." I shrugged and threw my book towards him then. "Get out of my room with that attitude." He caught the book and dropped it on the floor, glaring me down.

"Blaze, he never did anything to you," he hissed. "He only tried to befriend you. I expected that kind of stuff to be directed at me, but you did not have to take it out on River! You did more to him than just say you weren't going to walk down the hall. I know you must've because he wouldn't cry over something like that."

"Well I might've tagged on a few more things to upset him..." I shrugged and sat up, looking at him. "I didn't mean to upset him. He's just so delicate." He watched me for a few minutes and I saw him slowly relaxing before he sighed.

"Yeah, he is delicate," he whispered and then looked down at my book, bending down to pick it up and walked over to me. "That's for sure.... He's really beloved though by my mother... so try to be more careful with what you say to him.... He didn't use to talk to anyone, and he's just now starting to try to because of he doesn't want to hurt Rory... so think before you say something to him, alright? He will probably be fine in a bit... but he's shaken up.... He has had that problem since he was born from what I've heard- well, when I say born, I mean brought back to life. He was a stillborn baby, and he's had to live with that his whole life thinking he should be dead and hearing everyone else's thoughts about it."

"I don't know your family would think like that about him...." I mumbled and reached out for the book. He nodded and gave it to me.

"Yeah... he's grown up with hearing all the others thinking that he should be dead and shouldn't exist.... I was guilty of it for a little bit too... but I'm glad he's alive," he whispered, looking a little ashamed. "I was an idiot back then and mostly selfish.... Rory thought he should be dead too...." I sat the book down by me and then looked towards him.

"Sometimes people think things and say stuff they'll regret later." He laughed and then nodded.

"That's for sure," he told me and smiled. "People do make mistakes. It's how they learn though."

"They either learn or they keep building up on their mistakes until it gets so big someone will teach them better." He frowned a little and watched me for a few seconds.

"You're still wanting me to say sorry," he whispered. "That's what that's about, isn't it?"

"Well I guess you can say there is double meaning behind it..." I shrugged. He sighed and then sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Would it help if I told you that if I had known you were my mate, I would've been a lot nicer to you in the car?" He asked and then picked at my blanket. "I wouldn't have tried to eat you like that... and I definitely wouldn't have attempted turning you without your permission."

"That's not a sorry," I told him.

"It kind of is though," he told me then looked me in the eyes. "I know your not just some prey for me to drink from whenever I feel like it.... Look, I'm sorry I scared you...." He looked away then and blushed. "You're not prey."

"Glad you're admitting your sorry," I told him. "That's the first step to forgiveness." He frowned and looked at me.

"Hey, you hurt me too, so don't act so self righteous about it."

"Oh yeah? You're mad cause I said no to eternity!?" I asked and started to crawl towards him then. "Listen up Mr! If you were a human you might understand a little better how I don't want to go through an kind of pain." I shoved him onto his back quickly and pinned him. "So you better suck it up because I'm not going through pain for you." He frowned up at me and then looked away, not putting up a struggle.

"Okay," he whispered. "You can grow old if that's what you want."

"Unfortunately," I muttered. Death is also something I fear, but that's a mortal thing I suppose. I got off of him and moved back to my spot.

"Well... I guess that means even if I do manage to patch it up with you in your life... I'll still have to do it again with the next mate," he mumbled, looking up at the ceiling. "That kind of sucks.... Having to fall in love with someone and then lose them... only to get someone else that is supposed to be a replacement..."

"Well then don't fall in love with me," I said simply.

"That's kind of hard to do when I know that you're my mate," he mumbled. "I guess I could ask my mother to compel me to forget... and I could let you return to your life the way it was before I entered it...."

"That wouldn't be cool for me though." I told him. "You've already dragged me into this life."

"She could compel us both," he whispered to me and then looked over at me. "We don't have to put ourselves through this...." He frowned and then curled up on my bed. "Or I could always ask Hachi if he could turn me human... but that's no guarantee that you'll love me enough to make it worth while... to give up my birthright."

"Well..... I guess that if you make me fall in love with you... not by compulsions either than you can turn me into a vampire. If you fail to do it with in a year than you can kill me." I shrugged. "Or whatever you want." He frowned at me.

"I don't like that though.... You said you didn't want to become a vampire... and that's my problem. You don't have to become one...." He sighed and sat up, looking into my eyes.

"Only because the whole thought of becoming one- the process you described to me scares me..." I whispered. "Then the way you reacted because of my fear..." I looked away from him quickly. "If you're going to turn me I want it done fast, painless, and with me unconscious or something." He bit his bottom lip then nodded.

"Would it be better if I had my Aunt Rose give you some medication to go to sleep then do it for you?" He asked softly, looking at me worriedly.

"I'm not sure.... I guess that would be better...." I blushed. He nodded and then reached out, gently taking my hand.

"If you do ever want to be a vampire... we'll call her and get her to give you some sleep medication," he whispered and then gave me a smile. "So you don't have to be conscious while I turn you."

"Well that makes me feel better," I whispered. He nodded and then kissed my cheek sweetly.

"It'll be fine," he purred softly. "Only when you're ready though." I blushed and tilted my head away from him. He laughed and then rubbed my cheek before he pulled away and looked my room over. "Well... how about we go out today? Let's go on a date," he suggested, getting to his feet then looked down at me as he held out his hand for mine.

"A date? I guess I wouldn't mind going to see a movie with you..." I whispered and got off the bed, ignoring his hand. He pouted slightly but then started to walk to the door with me, pulling out some keys in his pocket to take me out.

Donnie's POV:

When I walked back down to the vault to check on Midori, I found him curled up in the nest, looking a little more relaxed than when I had left him. He seemed to be sleeping as he was curled up around something cradled against his chest, his head nuzzled up against it. "Midori?" I asked and gave a small frown. Did I just turn into a girl for nothing!? I ran up to him to see what exactly he had. He slowly started to open his eyes as he heard me coming and let out a soft purr, nuzzling his head against a emerald colored egg cradled up against his chest. He looked up at me out of the corner of his eyes and smiled before he closed his eyes and rubbed his head against the egg and let out a soft moan. "MIDORI! I turned into a girl for nothing!" I whined and dropped to my knees. He looked towards me and picked his head up before he let go of the egg and started crawling over to me. He kissed my lips when he reached me and purred loudly, starting to push me onto my back. I purred and let him, wrapping my arms around him. "Midori...." He rubbed his head up against my chest, starting for his favorite spot then melted against me as he found it on himself and moaned, closing his eyes in pleasure. I rubbed his head and purred. "I love you~" He leaned his head into my hand and then looked at me longingly.

"Donnie," he moaned out softly, a small bit of lust in his eyes.

"Yeah?" I asked him softly.

"Please?" He begged and then kissed my neck. "Donnie, please~"

"Please what?" I asked in confusion, messing with him. He whimpered and gripped my shirt, curling up on top of me. "You want to do it with me?" I asked him. He nodded and then looked up at me before he stole a quick kiss, giving me a pleading look. "Yeah, we can do it together~" I purred. He kissed me again and then purred, starting to get between my legs as he started to trail kisses down my neck. I purred and started to slip my shirt off. He pulled back long enough for me to do that and then kissed my collarbone, starting to give me a love bite. "Midori you're in trouble for not telling me about the egg.." I teased. He ignored me and purred, undoing my pant's button. I yanked my pants down for him and kicked them off. He looked me over and then kissed my chest, starting to undo my bra and pulled it off, going for my panties. I blushed and watched him going for my panties. He slipped them down, tossing them towards my shirt before he kissed my lips deeply, taking his shirt off....

~Time Skip~

Midori curled up beside me in the nest as he looked worn out and nuzzled his head against me, keeping his arms around my waist. I purred and looked towards the egg curiously. "So.... that's your little dragon in there?' I asked curiously. He looked towards it and widened his eyes, sitting up and pulling it to him protectively before he laid back down beside me, putting it between us then smiled.

"It's ours," he told me and then gave me a loving look.

"But.... I'm pretty sure it's not mine...." I mumbled. He laughed and shook his head.

"It's yours too," he told me sweetly. "I used some of your DNA when I made it for us~"

"What do you mean... how'd you get my DNA?" I asked in confusion. He blushed and then shrunk back as he gently touched his lips.

"W-well... I kind of... it's... complicated...." He mumbled.

"I guess I shouldn't know?" I asked him. He blushed.

"N-no you can know," he told me and then tapped his lips. "I got it from a kiss this morning...."

"FROM A KISS!?" I asked and looked towards the egg. He blushed and then nodded.

"Uh huh... it was the good morning kiss that I took it from," he whispered and then looked me in the eyes. "I used my powers to extract it."

"Well that's romantic..." I purred. He smiled and relaxed a little before he snuggled up to the egg, watching me.

"So it's your baby too," he told me happily. "I don't know what it's going to be~" He kissed it and then laughed. "A girl or a boy~"

"Well it'll probably be a boy due to my genes..." I mumbled. He laughed and then nodded, looking at the egg with interest.

"It'll be awhile till it hatches," he told me and then pulled it closer to him. "It'll need to be watched every second to make sure it doesn't get too cold... or too hot.... It'll be able to hear us in a few weeks too... but it takes a long time for it to be ready to leave it's egg...."

"How's it going to get food in there?" I asked in confusion. He tilted his head and looked up into my eyes.

"It feeds off of my energy and heat," he explained. "That's another reason why it's important to stay with them constantly.... They need magical creatures near them to be able to grow strong...."

"Oh... okay...." I whispered and looked the egg over.

"It'll be more accepting of you if you stay near the egg too," he mumbled to me then reached out, grabbing my hand and made me put my hand on it. He smiled encouragingly to me. "So don't feel left out. It needs you too...." I nodded and moved closer to both of them. He giggled and then nuzzled up to me, curling up around the egg with me. "You're it's daddy after all... or mommy... whichever you prefer."

"Whichever it prefers..." I mumbled and rubbed the egg. "It'll be up to my sweet precious child." He smiled and then kissed it.

"Okay... and Donnie... if you get pregnant... they'll be siblings," he whispered and looked towards me. "You might.... I forgot about that thing you told me about using when your a female.... I'm sorry, I just couldn't help myself~" He smiled innocently at me. "I feel a lot better~"

"It's okay... I don't mind if I become pregnant... We'll just love them both." I purred. "As well as Takara and Solis." He nodded and glanced towards my stomach then at me. He blushed slightly and hugged the egg.

"Okay," he whispered and then kissed it again. "I'm sorry I didn't get your permission to do this.... It's like I was acting on instinct...."

"You're in mating season...." I sighed out. "It's okay." He blushed and nodded.

"If you say it's okay," he mumbled and then rubbed his foot against my leg.

"Seems like my mom and uncle will get one more than what they asked for," I whispered. He widened his eyes then.

"Asked for?" He looked embarrassed then. "O-oh... that's why... you're a girl..."

"Yeah..." I mumbled.

"T-then... did you want a kid... or were you being forced?" He asked and then pulled the egg closer to him and away from me slightly. I frowned and reached out for the egg.

"Midori...." I mumbled. "I want them." He watched me and then relaxed a little, letting me touch the egg. I made sure to get closer to them and kissed Midori. He kissed me back and then started to purr sweetly to me, licking my bottom lip teasingly as he loosened up on the egg, letting it back between us. I kissed the egg then looked towards him, purring. He watched me and then smiled, looking like he approved of letting me near our kid. He kissed my forehead and then gently pushed the egg closer to me.

"Alright," he mumbled and then gave me a loving look. "I'll share the egg...."

"You better share my eggie~" I purred. "I'm going to start thinking of a name for her or him too." He frowned.

"But I made the eggie," he mumbled and then sighed. "I guess I'll let you help name eggie...."

"If it's a boy he'll be Spencer!" I decided quickly. He laughed and then nodded.

"Okay... only because of you wanted to name Takara as Spencer but I took that from you," he told me and then gave me a soft kiss. "We'll name it Spencer if it's a boy."

"Thank you!" I purred and wrapped my arms around them. "I hope it's a boy." He giggled and then curled up closer to the egg.

"I'll tell you as soon as I know. I'll be able to sense it a few weeks before it hatches," he told me and then kissed my cheek before he rubbed the egg. "It's already starting to form itself~ I could try linking you to it if you want~ When it starts to understand us, it'll begin to feel emotions." I giggled and nodded.

"I'd love that!" I purred. He nodded and then reached out for my hand, grabbing it before he closed his eyes. I suddenly began to glow and I felt the connection between us as mates and as dragon and dragon rider starting to come back to the surface as he gave my hand a small squeeze. Do you feel us? I need to make sure that you can before I try. He looked me in the eyes and waited, anxious looking as he shifted by me and the egg. "Yeah I can feel you~" I purred. He smiled and then nodded. He closed his eyes again and I started to feel the bond growing a little stronger until I finally felt a presence in the egg, something sweet, innocent, young... my baby. He pulled his hand back, but I continued to feel it, it giving off a small amount of warmth. I could sense it living in harmony with Midori, using his powers to help it get stronger and huddled up between our combined warmth as it slumbered. I purred and brought the egg to me and kissed it. It's presence stirred a little at my touch, and I felt it waking up a little, so tired feeling. Midori laughed as he watched us and laid his head down on the gold.

"I think it likes you," he told me sweetly.

"I'm his mommy so he should love me!" I purred and rubbed the egg. It reacted and I felt it drawing nearer to me in the egg, wide awake now. He gasped softly as he looked towards the egg.

"You're so young but you already know," he whispered, looking surprised. "Not even a day old... and you're already able to distinguish your mommy and daddy out."

"Well he is a vampire too," I mumbled. He blushed and looked at me.

"You're right," he whispered. "I forgot about that...." He relaxed a little and then looked at the egg as I could feel the presence snuggling up into my warmth.

"I love you," I whispered towards my little baby boy. It started to move away from me then. I could feel it getting upset at me. "What's the matter?" I asked and frowned. Why is my baby upset? Midori purred and leaned over, rubbing the egg and then kissed it.

"It's okay, my sweet little girl," he purred to it. "It was a guess is all."

"A GIRL!?" I whined. "Midori give me another egg this instant!" I cried and rubbed my head against the egg. "I want a boy named Spencer...." I mumbled. He blushed and then rubbed his head.

"You want... another egg?" He asked me softly.

"I wanted a boy..." I whined. He started to sit up and sighed.

"I could make another... but it might take a lot from me," he mumbled. "You have to promise to love all three babies though."

"But... I...." I whined. "You don't have to..." I whispered. He shook his head.

"No... if you want a boy, I can give you a boy," he told me sweetly. "It's just... I know that after I get out of mating season, it'll be rough for me to raise the two of them while you pay attention to only the boy... so I want you to promise me that you'll love all three."

"Of course I'll love all three!" I said sweetly towards him. He considered me for a few seconds then nodded.

"Alright," he mumbled and then started to lean in for a kiss. I gave him a kiss and pulled back, purring. He watched me as he touched his lips for a second and then purred, sitting upright as he closed his eyes and tilted his head back a little. "Mhhh... I can make a boy," he told me softly. "I can manipulate it that much...." He started to glow and then he held out his hands as a ball of light started to form in his hand. It turned purple and swirled around before it started to harden and turned into an egg shape, it's center glowing brightly before it dimmed down. Midori gasped and then looked exhausted as he looked pale and had a hard time breathing. He sat the egg down next to the other and then gave me a weak smile, a little bit of sweat gathering on his forehead. I purred and tackled Midori into a hug.

"I love you!" I purred to him and kissed him. He yelped as he fell backwards into the gold, unable to keep us both steady.

"D-Donnie," he whimpered and then curled up to me. "I love you too...."

"Thank you," I whispered to him and looked towards the new egg. He nodded and then glanced at it before he looked at me.

"Please take good care of them," he whispered. "I don't want them to become feral... and they'll both hatch in dragon form...."

"I'll take good care of them," I promised. He nodded and then kissed my cheek.

"Spencer will be happy to meet you when he catches up to our little girl," he mumbled to me and then rubbed my back. "That took a lot out of me...." He groaned and then looked towards the eggs. "We need to go back to them before they get too cold.... Maybe we can get Isaac to enchant them to keep them warm all the time, but they need us... especially because they're just born."

"Yeah okay," I whispered and went back to our eggs and wrapped them up to my body. He crawled over to me and then laid down beside the eggs, looking at them curiously before he tapped Spencer's egg lightly.

"Spencer," he mumbled, softly and then looked towards me. "When he reaches our girl's development. You'll be able to feel him too... so you'll always know if there are some dragon eggs that belong to us when they get to her point."

"Okay~" I purred and kissed both the eggs. "I love you both," I whispered. I felt my baby girl curling back into my warmth as she started to fall back asleep, tired again. I could faintly make out Spencer's presence, quietly there as he was developing. I rubbed their eggs and looked towards Midori. "I should get dressed before Takara walks in on me... You too." I told him and then got up, getting our clothes for each other and started to get dressed. He looked towards his pants and started to put them on, doing as I asked. He looked towards me as he got his pants on and then curled up by the eggs again, yawning.

"Oh Donnie~" I heard Richard calling for me. "I came to check on you!" He sounded like he was right outside the vault and I could hear the door opening behind me. I yelped and was quick to get my pants on in time as he got the vault door open. He walked in and paused as he saw me shirtless then widened his eyes. "Oh... you two.... Does this mean I'm getting another grandchild?" He asked sweetly, running up to me then pulled me into a hug. "YES! Thank you!" He laughed happily. I blushed as I remembered I was a girl and should have focused on getting my shirt on too.

"OH MY GOD DAD LOOK AWAY!" I yelled and reached for my shirt, pulling it on me as fast as I could. I felt my face turning red at the thought of him seeing me like that. He yelped and let me go, looking away as I put on the shirt and then smiled huge at me as I was fully dressed.

"DONNIE~ I'm getting another grandchild, right?" He asked sweetly, looking excited.

"Three," I told him. "If this little baby comes." I pointed to my stomach. "But who knows.... We still have two reassuring babies on the way." I pointed towards the eggs. He looked towards them and then widened his eyes.

"They're... Wow!" He smiled and then shook his head. "I didn't think you two were going to ever have egg babies... or that you could," he said and then pulled out his phone. "Let me text your mother~!"

"Already here!" I heard my mom say as Paris appeared in the room. "Hi sweetie~ Oh did you hear the good news? Myra's transformation stopped this morning."

"WHAT!? YOU DIDN'T THINK TO TELL ME SOONER!?" I asked and frowned. "I wanted to be there!" Richard laughed.

"Sorry Donnie, I didn't find out till after they all went over there. They had to call me and then come back for me," he told me and then walked up to Paris, grabbing her hand. "So don't feel too bad! You can go see her later. She's been resting... and she came out as Hana's mate, so that's good. LOOK PARIS! It's our grandkids!" He said sweetly, tugging Paris over towards the eggs in excitement. Paris laughed and laid down with the eggs, taking them over into a hug.

"Who's my precious grandchildren?" Paris asked.

"I am," Takara whined by the door. "I'm the precious grandchild." Midori perked his head up in Takara's direction and purred.

"Takara," he called out sweetly. "Come here baby boy~" Richard sat down beside Paris and gave Takara a sweet smile before he looked at the eggs curiously, going for one to take from Paris- Spencer's. Paris's fangs exposed and hissed towards Richard. Takara walked over and looked towards the eggs in wonder. Solis walked in after a few minutes and ran up to Takara, taking his arm quickly and wrapped hers around it. Richard pouted at Paris.

"But Paris," he complained. "That's my grandchildren too!"

"Yeah, well....." Paris handed over the egg then. "There you go."

"Are those my new siblings?" Takara asked softly. Midori nodded and then sat up.

"Two in eggs... and a third with your mommy," Midori told him softly, glancing over towards me. "You're getting three."

"Three of them?" Takara asked. "You're still gonna love us equally right? Solis too?" Takara looked towards Solis. "She's my sissy still." Midori nodded and then smiled.

"I will.... Don't worry. This won't change too much. At least between me and you two," he purred. "You're getting a brother named Spencer. It's the purple egg... and your sister is in the green."

"What about the one in the tummy?" Solis asked and looked towards me.

"Whatcha gonna name the girl?" Takara asked. "Can I name her?"

"Yeah! You can name your sister," Midori said and then laughed. "Go ahead. Just don't make it silly.... Solis, we don't know about the one in Donnie yet.... I only know about Spencer because I purposely made Spencer a boy for Donnie because she got upset when we found out that she wasn't getting a boy from an egg."

"Okay, I want the one in the egg to be named Kuriko." Takara told us quickly.

"I bet the one in the tummy is a girl," Solis giggled. "She's gonna be my sissy and girls will out rule boys~ Takara you're going to out ruled."

"Nu-uh!" Takara shook his head. "Our gene pool says differently for our family. Odds are it's a boy." Richard laughed a little and looked towards Takara then shook his head slightly before he rubbed Spencer's egg.

"Can I keep the egg for tonight?" Richard asked me sweetly, looking up at me hopefully. "Just to be with my future grandchildren?"

"No, the egg needs to stay in it's nest. You can have grandbaby time later when it's hatched." I told him.

"Can we sleep in here tonight?" Takara asked. "I wanna nest with you guys!" He got on his knees and reached out for an egg. "I want to take care of my baby siblings." Richard looked at him and then pouted, but he gave the egg to Takara. Midori laid back down in the nest and watched them before he nodded.

"You and Solis can nest with us tonight," he told them and then curled up. "If Paris and Richard want to... then they can nest in here as well for tonight only." He gave Paris and Richard a look before he started to close his eyes, looking tired. Takara laid down by Midori and brought the egg close to him and giggled.

"No, I think we need to go to our room for the night." Paris purred towards Richard. Solis walked over and laid down next to Takara. Richard looked at Paris as his eyes widened slightly.

"Oh... yeah, we need to go to our own room," he whispered and then smirked. "After all, we have to make sure."

"Exactly~" Paris purred. "We better make sure." Paris handed over the last egg to me then teleported away with Richard. I sat the egg down and teleported over to the doors then shut them before teleporting back to the nest and laid down with them. I've got my kids and my lover here tonight..... How wonderful. I smiled softly. Midori looked towards me and smiled before he curled up, glancing towards our two kids and the eggs before he looked back at me and grabbed my hand, pulling me a little closer to him before he laid his head on my chest and yawned.

"I'm so tired," he mumbled and then closed his eyes. "It's like I've been drained...." I could feel his breathing slowing down a little as he started to get more restful beside me.

"It's okay, rest up...." I whispered to him and rubbed his head. Takara purred and rubbed his head against one of the eggs, it being his sister he named.

"Love you, love you, love you, love you," Takara whispered. Midori glanced over towards Takara and smiled a little before he curled up against me and started to pass out. I could feel Takara's sister stirring in the egg again, moving closer to Takara like she recognized him. Takara giggled and pressed his ear against the egg. "You're gonna have me to protect you forever, little sis!" Takara promised. "I'll love you-" Takara glanced towards Spencer's egg. "I'll even teach you how to fly Spencer!" He promised. "Love my baby siblings~" I felt Kuriko getting excited and actually heard a small scratch on the side of the egg like she had moved in it for real.

"Takara, you better settle down. You're getting her too excited to meet you and she's not ready to come out yet," I warned him.

"Aw, but I want them out here right now..." Takara whined.

"You still have me," Solis whispered. Kuriko calmed down a little and began to sleep again, losing interest. Midori glanced over at them as he opened his eyes again and purred a little, snuggling up to me.

"She'll hatch early," he mumbled under his breath.

"How early?" I asked softly, wondering how long eggs are supposed to be anyways.

"Well... normally it takes months... sometimes up to a year... but she's already formed... and she's responding to us. I give her a few weeks.... She's aging really fast... too fast," he whispered and looked up into my eyes. "The earliest could be in four days if she keeps going at the rate she is now... but she'll be unhealthy."

"Unhealthy?" I asked softly. I don't want my little girl to be unhealthy. "Do you think this is from me being a vampire?" I asked. Genetics are making her grow faster than expected.... Paris's sixtuplets done this. He bit his bottom lip then looked towards the egg.

"Yeah... I think this is because she's part vampire," he admitted. "It might mean that she will be fine though.... I'm not sure.... We can only do our best to help her when she hatches.... She might turn out to be more vampire than dragon...." He sighed softly and then snuck one of his legs between mine, nuzzling his head against my chest. "She'll hatch when she hatches... whether that's in a few days, a few weeks, or a few months."

"We'll just have to see," I agreed softly and closed my eyes to get some sleep. Midori needed some sleep as well.