
Donnie's POV:

I heard the alarm going off and suddenly the vault door was thrown open. I could hear a dark laugh and then footsteps coming our way. "So this is the great dragon, huh?" Midori tensed up beside me and I heard him growl sharply as he sat up quickly. "Oooh, feisty today. I thought you liked all wizards, right? You certainly loved that cannibal wizard, but it looks like he fled, leaving you behind in the open! Hah! You're coming back with me-" Midori snarled and I heard him rush over to our eggs, growling protectively. "Oh lookie there. You're a daddy now, are you? Don't like me in your nest, do you? You're not as big and bad as you think you are, having those eggs. I'm still going to take both you and your eggs with me. You're going to be bowing to my every whim by the time I'm through with you. I might even use you to give us more dragons if you're lucky." I looked towards the male and frowned.

"Wow you've got a serious death wish," I heard Takara giggle by us. "Coming into my daddy's layer while he's protecting eggs, gold, a mate, and children." I felt him sit up by me while Solis moved closer to him. "Not only are you in my daddy's layer but you're in my grandfather's manor. You're really wanting to die."

"Hmm... a Halfling," I heard the male mutter. "Interesting... You're more vampire than you are a dragon though.. so I think I'll leave you behind.... Midori, come along. It's time you stopped playing with these people." He started walking towards Midori then, glancing over me. Midori snarled and started to stand up, his teeth sharpening. The wizard paused and raised an eyebrow. "Challenging me? That's not very smart." He narrowed his eyes and then flicked his wrist. Midori's eyes widened and he stiffened, going rigid like rock then fell to the floor as he started to tremble and shake, looking like he was in a lot of pain as he cried out. The wizard watched him with cold eyes and stepped over Midori, picking up Spencer's egg then looking it over. "These eggs are good.... They'll do nicely too." He sighed and looked at Midori who was holding in screams of pain. "You could've made this so much easier. It's all your fault, you know? Coming out of the dragon realm like you did... and not expecting for us to come for you eventually. It's all fun and games until you're the one on the ground paying for it, right?" He smirked and then nudged Midori's face with his foot. "Look at you, writhing in the dirt.... They revere you like a god, don't they? I bet you never thought that someone would eventually come along and teach you a lesson." Midori looked up at him weakly as sweat started to break out on his forehead and he panted as he gripped the sheets, his whole body racked with pain. I frowned and looked towards Spencer's egg.

"Give. Me. Back. My Son," I hissed. "He's not supposed to leave his parents." I teleported behind the wizard and grabbed his neck, starting to choke him as Solis was quick to grab Spencer's egg and Kuriko's egg than took off running across the mountain of gold. Takara got to his feet quickly and attacked the wizard, tackling him to the ground and right out of my arms.

"Who are you to come in my family's manor and hurt my father?" Takara asked. "You think you'll just walk out of here without a care in the world?"

"What's going on?" I heard Paris ask quickly. His army started to rush into the room. Paris had sensors placed throughout the manor so he'd know where exactly the intruder was in his manor. It was a gift from Nikolai and Raven. Richard walked in behind the army brats, looking pissed. He looked towards us and then saw Midori on the ground, making him widen his eyes.

"Donnie, who's that in the.... That's why the alarm went off," Richard snarled and stepped towards the nest, snatching the wizard away from Takara. He narrowed his eyes. "Bastard, thinking you can attack our family!" The wizard looked towards Richard and growled.

"Get your filthy hands off me," he hissed and then shoved Richard back. He straightened up and stepped towards Richard, looking angry. "We made your kind, and we can easily unmake you. Maybe I should give everyone an example through you of why you don't mess with me." He snatched Richard before he could react and ripped out Richard's stone. He screamed and shoved the wizard away, touching his chest quickly then his eyes flicked towards his stone as it started to shatter to pieces in the wizard's hand. He yelped and went for it quickly then froze up, looking panicked as he looked down at his body and then up at Paris with wide eyes.

"P-Paris," he whimpered and fell to his knees. He held a hand over his chest and then groaned, falling forward into the gold as his blood spilled out onto the gold. I could see his wounds closing up on him and he whimpered as he curled up, looking weak and sick as his scent turned human within minutes.

Paris's POV:

Richard laid there in the gold, his body still intact as his breathing came in sharp gasps. I suddenly smelled the scent of human, his vampire scent leaving him as his wounds closed up. The wizard smirked as he watched him and he looked towards Donnie. "Now, don't get in my way," he hissed and stepped towards Midori, snatching him off the ground. Richard looked up towards the wizard weakly and then started to sit up, groaning in pain and then shakily got to his feet.

"Get... your... hands off... my son's mate," he whispered, starting for the wizard in determination. The wizard glanced back at him and frowned.

"You're nothing but a human now. You can't do anything to me," he told Richard simply.

"But I can," I hissed towards the wizard. I teleported behind him in an instant than kicked him through the wall and straight out of my treasure room- into the basement. I heard him crash into some stairs in the process. "Do you have any clue what you just done?" I asked him. I started to walk towards the wall, teleporting into the room with him and standing directly over him. "That was my fucking mate." I got down on my knees, sitting right by him as I took his wrists and dug my nails into them. "We've been through centuries as purebloods together you little fuck." I exposed my fangs, feeling something being ripped from me and tearing me up. Richard's stone was gone.... Now I understand how he felt when the devil took mine. "You just tore his pureblood life from him." I leaned in towards his neck but hesitated, instead wanting something else from him that wasn't his blood. "Maybe you should have researched what you were getting into when you entered this manor. This is Grimm manor. I'm Paris Grimm and that's my mate Richard Grimm. You just fucked up, majorly." I let one of his hands go and pulled my contacts out of my eyes then stared deep into his to compel him. "You're going to do as I say," I hissed. "You're going to offer yourself to my army of fledglings, you'll pray they won't eat you alive... but they will. They'll rip you up slowly. You'll suffer a painful death and when you go to hell, offer yourself to the devil and tell him I sent you." I pulled away from him and kicked him back into the treasure room, hearing his bones snap as he landed in my gold, making a few pieces fly up into the air. "I have a good mind to tell Hachi to eat all of those filthy wizards and not leave a single one living that doesn't live under this roof...." I grumbled and started for Richard. "Richard," I purred. He looked towards me weakly and then yelped as his knees gave out and fell down. He groaned and then started trying to get up again, ignoring the wizard's screams as the army brats started tearing into him. Midori was looking better at least... now that the wizard was dying. He was still sweating a little and breathing kind of funny, but at least he wasn't shaking and in pain anymore. Donnie ran over to Midori and wrapped his arms around him to comfort him. I knelt down by Richard and looked his body over to make sure he was okay. He seemed like he was okay, his wounds were healed up- thank hell- but he looked a lot weaker, more humanlike. He looked towards me and then gave a nervous smile.

"H-hey," he whispered. I could hear a faint heartbeat in his chest in place of his stone, beating fast.

"Well at least you didn't crumble with your stone..." Takara whispered nearby. "Are you okay Grandpa Richard?" He looked towards Takara and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine... just a little shaken," he told him then groaned as he forced himself to stand up. "You okay kiddo?"

"More worried for you," Takara whispered.

"Hachi, Isaac, Kasai, and Haru aren't anywhere to be found...." I mumbled. "They're doing something in the wizard world so we're going to have to take you to someone else to fix- this." I motioned Richard over. "Lucky for you.... I think Perry can help us out." He frowned slightly and then looked himself over.

"I'm sorry Paris," he whispered to me and looked towards me. "I should've been more careful...."

"You think?" I asked him in a harsh voice. "You faced a wizard," I growled. "Without instinct to kill on sight. Wizards like that one can and will kill you if they've got an opening so just kill them and get it over with. Especially since we don't have Hachi here." I looked towards Midori than. "Look at Midori," I hissed in frustration. "Why are all my wizards off doing something else? Lien doesn't know enough magic tricks to harm another wizard and that suicide forest outside is supposed to help prevent this!" I bit down on my inner cheek hard. He glanced over towards Midori then at me before he looked away and started to walk to the vault door, going past me.

"I-if... I could be of help," I heard a soft voice say by the door then. "Please... I want to make up for this," the little Halloween witch whispered to us. "I-I know a little magic." She shyly looked us over and then hid behind the wall slightly, watching us. Richard stopped walking and looked towards her with a smile.

"There's nothing to make up for cutie. You didn't do this. It was that wizard over there. You're fine," he told her and walked up, ruffling her hair. She bit her bottom lip and looked up at him then grabbed his hand, holding it close to her. I walked up to them and picked her up.

"You're too young to try these kinds of tricks. We've got to go to someone older for help. Someone with more knowledge sweetie." I rubbed her head than sat her down and pulled out my phone, turning the alarm off. I called Perry then to ask him if he'd know someone to help us. She watched me and then pouted, puffing out her cheeks.

"I know a lot," she muttered. "I'm the most successful young witch of my age... and Hachi was talented when he was young too, so it's not a matter of being young." She crossed her arms and then looked towards Richard who sighed.

"Paris... maybe we should just wait a little bit... get everything sorted out first.... I'm not going anywhere, and I'm tired," he told me and yawned. "No one is going to eat me, not in this household."

"No but you might age quickly and die," I whispered. He frowned at me and grabbed my arm.

"Paris... I don't feel funny. It's fine. We need to worry about other things. I'm not going too far from you. I'm not going to die anytime soon. I'm still your mate," he told me and then leaned in, kissing my lips. "Or am I too unworthy for you as a human right now?"

"Richard...." I purred. "You could be anything..... but I want you to be who you truly are." I leaned in and gave him a kiss. He smiled and then got closer to me, stealing another kiss.

"I know baby.... I know it hurts," he whispered to me. "I've felt it before.... It feels empty without being able to feel you like I could before," he muttered and then leaned in, nipping at my lower lip. "No fangs to enjoy your taste either...." He frowned and then gripped my sides.

"Richard...." I whispered. "I have no clue how the others do it..... not having a pureblood for a mate...." I looked over at Donnie. "They'll never know what it's like when two stones call to each other.... and now I'm missing it." He growled softly and then leaned in towards my neck.

"I can't even smell you properly," he hissed under his breath. "It's so hard.... I can't feel anything... or smell you.... This is pure hell!"

"You poor human...." I looked him over and exposed my fangs. "We'll fix you." He yelped and looked towards my fangs then at me. I could see a slight fear in his eyes as he looked back at my fangs then at me again.

"P-Paris," he whispered and then frowned. "Paris, something's wrong with me. I shouldn't be afraid of them," he told me quickly. "This isn't right. I've always loved your fangs... your bites...."

"You're cattle now, maybe that's why you're so scared..." I whispered. "After all... humans are weird." He frowned and then pulled back.

"Don't call me cattle," he hissed, looking upset. "I'm different from them."

"You bet your sweet ass you are!" I pulled him closer to me. "You're the son of a Dracula. You are a Dracula... how can you be human now!?" He growled at me.

"Ask the stone-ripping wizard," he hissed towards me then looked over my shoulder towards where the army brats were still feasting on his corpse then he looked back at me before he looked towards my lips longingly. He gently touched my lips and then reached in slowly, lightly touching one of my fangs with a pout.

"It's okay, we'll get you a stone." I promised him. "You'll be back to normal soon." He frowned and then nodded.

"Okay," he mumbled and then went to pull his hand back but yelped as he cut himself on my fangs. He pulled it out quickly and looked towards his bleeding finger. "Damn it," he muttered and went to lick it off. I purred as I caught his scent then hung up on Perry and started for Richard with a uncontrollable thirst. He yelped as he saw the look on my face and took off running. "PARIS! YOU CAN'T EAT ME LIKE THIS! I WON'T RECOVER~!" He called out over his shoulder as he run up the stairs quickly, sprinting. I teleported upstairs and waited for him by the door, looking towards a painting on the wall and caught his arm as he ran out. I pulled him close to me as I got him than leaned in towards his neck, purring.

"So what?" I asked. He widened his eyes and then quickly pushed his hand into my face to push me back.

"You don't want me dead," he said quickly to me. "You'll get upset with yourself."

"I'll just turn you," I purred. "If I go too far." He blushed and then looked me over.

"But... but then I'll be your newborn.... You'd make me do weird things...." He mumbled. "I'd never be able to leave the bedroom."

"I'll make sure to get you a stone when Hachi gets home," I teased him. He blushed a deeper shade of red and then leaned against me.

"You didn't say that you wouldn't use being my maker against me," he whispered to me.

"Richard you're my mate, I'm not going to do that. I wouldn't ever toss you away or use you wrong like that." I purred. He looked up into my eyes and then bit his bottom lip before he nodded. He kissed my lips then and blushed.

"If you turn me... you have to do it in our room.... I don't want anyone else to see," he whispered. "Being a human is embarrassing...."

"I know," I told him sweetly. "We'll turn you in our room." I promised and teleported us into our bedroom. He blushed as he looked around the room and I heard his heart speeding up like he was nervous. He walked over towards the bed slowly and then sat down on the edge of it, looking towards me as he bit his bottom lip. I walked up to him and crawled over on top of him.

"Ready for me to unleash your true nature?" I asked him. He blushed as he looked up into my eyes.

"P-Paris," he whispered and then shrunk down into the bed, looking slightly nervous as his heart fluttered in his chest. I smirked and leaned in towards his neck.

"Let's have sex first," I suggested. "I want to experiment with this..." His heart skipped a beat then and he looked towards me before he kissed my cheek. He went to flip us then, pressing his body weight up against me to try to turn us. I laughed and let him, knowing I could easily over power him but I didn't want to ruin his confidence even more. He looked me down in the eyes sweetly before he leaned in and kissed me deeply, trailing his hands down towards my wrists as he slipped his tongue into my mouth and straddled my stomach. I purred and kissed his cheek than started for his shirt, pulling it off of him. He laughed as he watched me and then smirked as he leaned in and kissed my neck, starting to give me a love bite. I moaned and pulled my shirt off quickly, taking my bra with it. He started a trail of love bites down my neck, beginning to get aroused at the sight of me- taking a shorter amount of time because he was human. I laughed and started to run my hands down his body towards his pants and unbuttoned them than unzipped them. He moaned softly and then pushed his pants down for me, taking them off before he started for my pants. I pulled them down for him and leaned in for a kiss. "So what's it like being human?" I asked curiously. He paused and looked at me with a small blush.

"Um... it's... I wish I could mark you," he mumbled to me and then kissed my lips. "It's harder to do this like I want... to make it longer... drag it out for your enjoyment.... My heart feels funny too...." He admitted and blushed as he looked at me and then stole another kiss. "I feel a little weaker than normal... and it's frustrating because I knew you let me flip you to the bottom...." He looked me in the eyes and then kissed my neck. "I really want you though~ That's still the same~!"

"You're right.... I let you flip me...." I mumbled. "But it was so sexy with you trying." I leaned in and kissed him passionately. He leaned into the kiss eagerly, sucking on my bottom lip as he started to get between my legs, reaching down for my panties. I slipped them off for him quickly and grabbed his hands. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and then growled playfully to me as he started to show me what a human was capable of (not as good as vampire Richard though).

~Time Skip~

He laid beside me, panting as his body was warm against mine. He had only lasted an hour, not even close to how long we usually go, and he just barely made an hour. I think I rounded up a little. He looked towards me and curled up against me, exhausted. I purred and started to rub his head.

"You want to get some sleep?" I asked softly. He's so exhausted. He looked towards me and then nodded before he curled up to my body and laid his head on my chest, closing his eyes as his heart beat against his chest.

"Hey Richard...." I whispered softly. "What if I have kids from this?" I teased. "We're going to have more Myra's running around." He tensed up by me.

"I already impregnated you. You can't have human babies.... You have vampire babies in you," he told me quickly, looking up into my eyes. "They're vampires, purebloods, perfect."

"How do you know and I don't? Human." I exposed my fangs. "How do you know there is more than one?" He yelped and pulled back from me.

"Because you always have more than one," he whispered to me. "And... it's not that hard for us to have children...."

"Ouch Richard," I purred. "At least we know our sperm count isn't dead." I laughed at the thought. He blushed slightly and then nodded.

"I'd be upset if we couldn't have kids anymore," he admitted. "I like them too much... but I guess if we couldn't, I would still be happy, just disappointed a little." He glanced at my fangs before he leaned in and kissed me softly. I kissed him back and purred.

"We're going to have plenty of more kids to come," I promised him. He nodded and smiled before he laid back down beside me, looking towards my fangs and then laughed a little before he looked up at me with pure love in his eyes.

"What's so funny?" I asked him and went towards his neck to give him a scare. He yelped and tensed up by me, hiding into my side. I laughed and stopped messing with him, rubbing his head to comfort him. He relaxed a little and looked up at me before he smiled and kissed my cheek then pulled me closer.

"I love you Paris~" He said sweetly.

"I love you too," I purred back. I looked towards my stomach curiously, wondering if I was pregnant yet. He glanced towards it and then kissed it softly.

"My babies," he whispered and then smiled. "I can't wait to hold you all~"

"Stop jinxing me!" I whined. He laughed and looked up at me.

"You want to hold them too though~" He said and then kissed my lips. "Don't you?"

"Of course, I can't wait to raise them." I purred and rubbed my stomach. He smiled and then got closer to me, kissing my neck playfully. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him into a hug.

"I love you Paris," he whispered and then started to give me a love bite on my neck. He nipped at it then, drawing a little blood teasingly.

"I love you too, get some rest." I laughed and kissed his head. "Aren't you exhausted or do you want to get turned right now?" He licked my neck playfully and then gagged, pulling back.

"It doesn't taste right," he mumbled and put a hand to his lips. He frowned and then looked at me. "It's not as sweet...."

"What!? Vampire blood is supposed to taste good to humans," I hissed out. "What do you mean I taste bad!?" I tensed up in anger. He yelped and held up his hands.

"It does taste good! I'm just not used to it not being as sweet! I'm used to tasting it as your vampire mate... and a blood binger!" He told me and then frowned. "Don't get upset.... You don't taste bad... I was just surprised because I'm not used to this." He looked away from me then and pouted. I growled playfully towards him and went towards his neck to drink his blood. I bet his blood is going to be rare to taste. He yelped as he saw me coming and went to get up, blushing a deep shade of red. I pulled him closer to me and bit down into his neck, beginning to  drink his blood. He yelped and gripped my shirt, letting out a small whimper as he clung to me and trembled a little. His blood was like an off-brand of what I was used to, having a hint of vital life in it along with an undertone of vanilla and caramel in it that normally wasn't there. He tried his best to keep from trembling as he held onto me, burying his face against me. I injected my venom into the bite to help calm him as I drank his blood, taking it easy so I wouldn't fall to blood lust. He moaned and relaxed completely, falling down on the bed and pulling me with him as he tilted his head, exposing his neck to me instinctively. "Paris~!" He moaned out happily. "I love you~!" He gripped my shoulders and dragged his nails down them as he moaned again, rubbing his foot against my inner leg. I pulled back from the bite and laughed.

"How'd that make you feel?" I asked curiously. He looked up at me in a daze and quickly kissed me, pressing up into me as a moan escaped his lips. "You poor human," I purred and leaned in to bite him again. He let me and tilted his head for me, looking up at me sweetly. His scent was so intoxicating.... I moaned and bit down into his neck, starting to drink his blood again. My poor mate is a human.... He tensed up a little before he relaxed and rubbed his cheek against my head, gasping a little as he seemed to still like the feel of being bit now that he was calmer. I pulled back from the bite and licked his neck to heal it. He looked up into my eyes and then looked at my fangs longingly before he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek.

"I'm sorry I can't bite you back," he mumbled to me. "Though you might like it that way.... I'm not sure...." He sighed and kissed my neck then, moving closer to where all I could smell was him. "I love you so much...."

"I love you too Richard," I whispered sweetly. He looked up into my eyes and then gave me a kiss. He nipped at my bottom lip then and laughed before he leaned in towards my neck and bit down a little, drawing blood.

"I guess I can bite you back," he said and then smirked as he licked my neck.

"Owe, don't bite me without fangs!" I hissed out in pain. He whined and then pulled away from my neck before he started to sit up, touching his teeth before he pouted. He got out from under me and started crawling from the edge of the bed. "Where are you going?" I asked and reached for him. "Get back here, Mr. Emotions." He glanced back at me and frowned.

"Nuh uh," he told me. "I'm going to go play my piano.... Come with me."

"At least put on some clothes," I teased and got to my feet. "I'll come watch you play... but I still want to solve your mortality. We need to get a wizard or witch to turn you back to your pureblood state." I started for my closet and got some fresh clothes to wear than went into the bedroom and got my phone. I texted Perry.

Me: Perry, do you know of any good witches or wizards that live outside the manor who could help me? A wizard came in earlier and turned Richard human.

Perry: Our vampire king was turned human!? lol. Yeah I know a few witches living around this area. I'll call one and tell her to come over. Well- maybe we should go to her. I'll text you after I make plans with her for our visit.

Me: You're the best, Perry.

I put my phone up and looked towards Richard. "So Perry said he'll text me later with plans on visiting a witch he knows," I told him sweetly. "You might be back to normal by this afternoon." I heard a knock on our door then.

"Hey mom- dad?" I heard Bowie ask. "Yolo and I have a concert to get to tomorrow in France. So we're going to take a plane over today and Kyoko wants to come with us. Just thought you should know." Everyone is leaving the manor right now, it's starting to feel so empty. They're all either at the lake house or in France, Italy, or Russia now. Usually we're all under the same roof. My roof! It's starting to feel like when Donnie left me and Rose was still living in France and Louis was back in his manor and Laurence lived in his castle. When all I had was Richard and my army brats. Richard looked towards him and smiled sweetly.

"Okay sweetie. Make sure to take good care of yourselves and come home quickly or else I'll miss you too much," he told him and walked up, giving Bowie a hug. "You should visit your siblings and cousins while you're there too and spend time with them." He laughed and looked him over before he kissed his cheek. "I love you Bowie~ Play your souls out."

"Yeah actually we plan to stay in the castle there," Yolo told us. "So we'll also get a chance to see how well Myra is doing."

"You smell like a human," Bowie mumbled. Richard frowned at Bowie and then sighed.

"Do I really?" He asked him then ruffled Bowie's hair. "Well don't eat me." He smirked at him then looked at Yolo before he kissed him and smiled. "I'll be back to normal eventually, so don't worry about it. Just don't go telling everyone about my scent."

"Your scent will do that for us," Bowie teased and looked us over. "Well we love you but we need to go pack since you ate all of our servants." He grabbed Yolo's hand and yanked him down the hall. Richard watched them and frowned, looking after them longingly before he walked into the closet and came out wearing one of my shirts and a pair of my pants. He smiled at me sweetly before he walked up and gave me a kiss.

"Does it help mask the human scent?" He asked me, tugging lightly on my shirt on him. I looked him over and purred.

"You smell a little normal," I teased. "Don't worry. We don't have everyone living here anyways." He pouted.

"But I don't like smelling like a human," he mumbled. "Being a human sucks.... Plus there is this constant pounding in my chest and it's weird...." He touched over his heart and then looked up at me. "I miss feeling your stone...."

"Don't worry, Perry is going to text me soon. Let's go play on the piano." I walked up to him and grabbed his hand than teleported us into the music room. He looked towards the piano and brightened up before he pulled me over to it and sat down on the piano bench, leaving room for me as he placed his fingers over the keys and started to play on it, hitting cords that sent shivers down my spine. He smirked and then began to play our song, humming along to it softly as the dark song filled the room perfectly. I watched him and walked up to one of the couches and sat down on it, watching him play his precious piano. He glanced over towards me and smiled before he let out a soft sigh.

~Time Skip~

Richard groaned as he finally got worn out from playing and got to his feet, frowning. "Paris... I'm hungry," he complained, putting a hand over his stomach as it grumbled. "Human hunger is terrible..." He pouted and then looked towards the door. "I'll be back. I'm going to go make myself something to eat before this gets worse...." He started for the door, opening it quickly as he slipped out into the hallway, ditching me. I frowned and was quick to follow him.

"How can you be hungry so fast?" I asked curiously. He whined and looked back at me.

"I don't know! Maybe it's because I'm human! Plus we had sex earlier too...." He told me and then paused for a moment to let me catch up to him before he grabbed my hand and started to pull me along. I smiled softly as I followed him.

"Perry should be texting me soon," I purred. He looked over and then nodded before he kissed my cheek.

"Okay.... Paris, do you think you'll have to turn me before the witch can put me back to normal, or do you think she can do it from me being human?" He asked softly, looking into my eyes.

"I'm not sure. Hachi always done it with the person already a vampire- not a human. So we'll both be learning something new from a witch." I purred. He sighed and then gave a nod.

"Alright... we'll see," he mumbled and rubbed his chest before he tugged me into the kitchen and then let my hand go, going over towards the refrigerator before he pulled out some meat and then looked it over before he started to make a sandwich with it. When he finished, he put what was left back and jumped up onto the counter, starting to eat it. He kicked his feet back and forth as he took his time, looking happy to be eating something. I watched him, feeling a little weirded out by my mate's human reactions. I need to turn him back into a pureblood soon. He glanced over at me as he finished his food and gave me an innocent smile before he got down from the counter and walked over to the sink with his plate and washed it. He dried his hands off when he was done and then got a glass down before he poured himself some sweet tea and took a sip of it. He gasped slightly as he tasted it and looked to be in love with the taste, taking a larger sip of it before he started to walk off towards the living room, a light bounce in his steps as his hips swayed slightly. He laughed happily as he opened the door then glanced back at me. "Watch a movie with me?" He asked me sweetly, smiling.

"A movie?" I asked as I started to feel a little sick watching his swaying hips. "I guess," I mumbled and teleported into the living room than sat down on the couch. He walked in and frowned slightly before he walked up to me and sat down beside me.

"Are you alright?" He asked me softly then sat the glass down. He leaned in and gave me a kiss before he pulled away to watch me.

"Yeah, just a little sick," I whispered and grabbed the TV remote and gave it to him. "Maybe this is signs I'm pregnant," I suggested. He nodded and then smiled, taking the remote from me before he put on a movie and pulled me close, wrapping me up in his arms as he kissed the top of my head and ran his fingers through my hair soothingly.

"You probably need some rest," he murmured to me and gave the top of my head another kiss.

"You think?" I asked softly.

"Yeah, they're making you tired... and we had sex earlier...." He told me and then tilted my head up to look at him. "You're supporting more than just you... and they're growing, so you'll need to sleep to provide for them. You're probably sick because you need some rest and a decent supply of blood...." He smiled and kissed my lips softly. "So you can take a nap if you want. I'm not going to leave you or disappear on you." I nodded and gave him my phone.

"When Perry texts you, wake me up." I laid down on the couch then to take a nap while he watches his movie.

After what felt like hours, Richard started to stir by me and got to his feet, taking care not to disturb me. I felt him lean down and kiss my cheek as the TV cut off and then heard him sigh as he picked me up gently, starting to carry me in his arms. I could hear his heartbeat in his chest, strong and steady. It sounded like his body was doing better... settling down into his human form like it was normalizing him. It wasn't as fast as when he first became human.... Even his scent was starting to lose it's strength and becoming more humanlike. I felt his body sigh softly as he reached the stairs and started to carry me up them, holding me close as he held me bridal style. I groaned and looked up into his eyes.

"You could have taken the elevator," I whispered to him. He frowned and looked down at me.

"My hands are full though. I can't really press buttons easily...." He told me and then kissed my forehead. "I'm not used to being this weak. Besides, it's more romantic on the stairs, isn't it?" He teased me, giving me a smirk. "Little vampire queen."

"Yeah but you might drop me," I told him and looked towards the bottom of the stairs. "So the elevators would have been safer," I whispered. He sighed and then carried me up the rest of them before he kept quiet, taking us to our room then sat me down, getting the door for me. I grabbed my stomach as it started to throb out in pain, making me whine. He widened his eyes and rushed to me, quickly picking me up. He carried me over to the bed and laid me down in it, pulling up on my shirt as he looked at my stomach worriedly and then leaned down, putting his ear against it.

"Paris, how bad does it hurt?" He asked me quickly, sounding afraid for me. "Oh my god, what if you can't handle them?!" He looked up at me as fear lit up in his eyes. "I don't want to lose you or them!" I rubbed his head and gave him a brave smile.

"Richard, stop being a human." I teased him and started to massage my stomach. "You're over reacting." I looked away as I felt better from rubbing it. He watched me and seemed to relax a little before he got in the bed beside me and then kissed my cheek.

"I'm sorry.... I just... I don't want you hurt," he mumbled and then kissed my neck. "Stay in the bed from now on.... I'll bring you blood everyday."

"WHAT!? I don't need bed rest," I hissed. "That's ridiculous." I exposed my fangs. "I'm not going to obey that." He frowned.

"Paris, what if something happens though? If the kids get hurt? I don't want to lose our children... or you," he mumbled and then placed his hand over my stomach. "If I thought there was a danger and I was the one carrying our kids, I think I'd listen to you."

"Richard, I'm not even that big yet." I whined. "Why would you put me on bed rest right now?" I looked towards my stomach and ran my fingers across it. He looked into my eyes and then stole a kiss.

"Because you tend to have more than one... and you acted like you were in pain," he told me and then snuggled up to me. "You can get up every once in awhile if it is important, but other than that, I don't want you to do too much moving around or anything that could endanger you and our babies.... They're the last bit of my pureblood form," he mumbled and looked towards my stomach. "If I can't become a pureblood again, they'll be our last kids because a human vampire and a pureblood don't have children."

"Hachi will come home eventually," I whispered in a promising tone. "He'll make you a pureblood again if this witch doesn't come around fast enough." I looked away from him and sighed. "Richard I think you're being over protective about this. It was nothing, honest. My stomach feels better now." He watched me and then nodded, kissing my neck softly.

"Okay.... You do what you think is best for them.... You're the one carrying our babies," he told me and laid his head down on my chest above my stone. "You'd know more than me. You're the mother, and mothers have strong bonds with their children.... I always did." He smiled a little as he started to remember his joy at carrying our babies after he got over the initial freak out stage of being a girl.

"They're going to be fine," I promised him and rubbed my stomach, tickling my skin a bit. He laughed and then nodded, calming down before he kissed my stomach and rubbed it.

"My babies," he teased me, giving me a smirk. "You're not going to get to hold them for too long after they're born." He laughed and looked back towards my stomach lovingly. "I'm going to name one of you Reuben if you're a boy," he whispered to them and gave my stomach another kiss. "Then if one of you is a girl, you'll be named Courtney. You're all going to be daddy children, alright? You'll all love me." He smiled happily.

"That's not very nice," I purred. "They're all going to be mommy babies." I teased him. He laughed and looked up at me.

"They're all going to love their daddy," he teased me and then started to crawl up towards my lips, giving me a playful look. "Because I'm going to love them and never let them go," he told me and then kissed me passionately. I laughed and wrapped my arms around his body.

"Well we all love you," I purred. He smirked and then kissed my neck.

"You better love me," he growled playfully and then started to give me a love bite, massaging my stomach with his hand. I gasped as warmth started to come from my stomach at his touch. He licked my neck as he slipped one of his legs between mine, using it to help him keep off my stomach as he rubbed it. I felt something sharp scrape across my neck after a few seconds, a small moan escaping Richard's lips. I widened my eyes and shrunk my neck away from him. What's he doing with my neck?

"Richard?" I asked softly. He pulled back and frowned, looking at me.

"What's the matter?" He asked me and then touched one of his canines. "Are they sharp?" He wondered and then poked it. "I don't know if this is sharp for humans...."

"Yeah, stay off my neck with those sharp things." I looked him over and rubbed my neck. "I need my blood more than you do." He pouted and then moved off me, curling up on the bed and then looked at me longingly before he looked away and turned over, closing his eyes.

"Fine," he mumbled and yawned. "You do. I'm only a human. I don't need it at all."

"I'm a mommy again~ I've got to look after the little life in my stomach." I purred towards Richard. He glanced at me over my shoulder then nodded.

"I know... but I shouldn't even be messing with you like that. I don't have fangs at all... and I'm just a mortal human right now," he mumbled. "It's hard to break the habit of wanting your blood... but I will break it.... I'll break it with tea and become a tea addict." He laughed then and turned back to face me, giving me a smile. "It tastes really good! It's almost as good as drinking great human blood as a blood binger," he told me and laughed again. "I think I'll do that... drink tea instead of try to bite you. I'll get so good at not biting you that you'll never believe I used to," he teased and then kissed my cheek. "Well, at least you'll get used to me not biting you. It'll be a nice change for you."

"I do taste like tea though," I whispered to him. "You won't need to get used to drinking tea anyways. You'll be a pureblood soon." He frowned.

"But I might not become a pureblood soon... much less a vampire," he told me and then curled up. "Besides, I shouldn't drink your blood until a few months after they're born. I'll stick to tea."

"Fine, go have your tea." I sighed. He frowned and curled up closer to me.

"Don't sound so upset. You don't want me biting you, and we shouldn't waste your precious blood on my human form.... You need your strength so that the kids will be okay and grow up strong," he mumbled and then yawned. "I love you Paris... with all my soul," he told me, looking up into my eyes. "Even if you can't feel my stone right now.... It'd only beat for you if I had it like I was born to have...." He gave me a loving look and kissed me. I suddenly felt a weak pulse, feeling like it was shattered and broken up. Richard frowned slightly and looked confused as he looked at me then glanced at the door. I looked towards the door in confusion.

"What....." I whispered.

"Did you feel that? It's like... my stone still responds," he mumbled. "It shattered though, didn't it? All the way into dust? No... it just shattered into pieces.... I saw them glittering on the floor...." He sat up and tilted his head. "It should be dead...."

"I don't.... understand..." I mumbled and got to my feet quickly and started for the door. He got up and followed after me, looking freaked out as we rushed down to the treasure room where the pieces of his stone was. He quickly located them and started to pick up the pieces, taking great care to not damage them further.

"They didn't turn into dust," he mumbled as he inspected them as he picked them up. "Maybe we can take the pieces to the witch and have her put them back together with her magic then give it back to me," he suggested as one of the larger pieces glimmered faintly, a weak pulse coming from it. His eyes widened and he held the pieces close as he finished picking them all up. "Oh my god, my stone is still alive," he whispered. "He didn't crush it all the way...." He started to cry as he looked at the pieces and trembled. "I'm alive," he told himself, his voice shaking.

"Maybe we can stick them in you and your blood will heal it," I suggested. I've seen something like this happen before. Where people's cracked stones healed from blood. He looked up at me and bit his bottom lip.

"D-do you think so?" He asked me. "Maybe we should test it and put the shards into a glass.... I think I could manage cutting my wrist enough to submerge them in my blood.... I don't want the shards to get inside me and not be able to do anything...."

"Well we could put them in a glass of your blood.... Or maybe we need to do it with an actual human's blood just in case." I mumbled, trying to figure out the best thing for my mate's stone. He held it close to him and started to stand up, beginning to walk to me but Midori was by him in seconds. He hugged Richard and purred before he stole the pieces away.

"I can fix it," he said sweetly to him and then the pieces glowed blindingly. After a few seconds, they dimmed down and I saw Richard's stone sitting in his hand, perfect and a swirling glow in it like normal. It looked cleansed though... like the demonic part was taken. Midori looked it over before he purred, setting it in Richard's hands. Richard stared at it in shock and then held it close, falling to his knees as the stone pulsed. "There we go~" Midori said sweetly and looked at me. "Don't let it get crushed again."

"Whoa, I didn't know you could do that Midori," I told him, very impressed. "So you have magical wizard powers?" I asked curiously. He frowned at me.

"No, I'm a dragon- a very powerful dragon," he told me and then laughed. "I can do pretty much anything I want though! We are the favored creations of wizards though. They worship us." He smiled innocently then. "I can bond with people too. Wanna see?" He held out his hand to me, giving me a sweet look.

"No, I don't want to see." I whispered and looked towards Richard. "We'll have to tell Perry not to worry anymore about the witch." Richard nodded and looked up to me, rushing up to me and then placed his stone in my hand with a pleading look.

"Please put it in me," he begged and bit his bottom lip. "It should take root in me again and give me back my pureblood abilities." I nodded and stuck it in his chest fast so he wouldn't be able to stop me. He yelped and gripped my arm as his knees gave out when I pulled my hand out of his chest. He groaned and then fell against me. I could smell his scent coming back to his normal pureblood scent that I loved so much and he leaned his face into my neck after a few minutes and bit down, his fangs piercing my neck quickly before I could react. His thoughts were so starved.... He moaned as my blood hit his lips and started drinking greedily, losing himself.

"Richard!" I begged. "I can't give you blood! Our kids!" I teleported away from him, grabbing my neck as it stung and my stomach started to hurt. He looked towards me and widened his eyes as he realized he bit me.

"I'm so sorry," he said quickly. "I didn't mean to bite you like that," he told me and looked me over worriedly before he held out his hands for me. "Come on. We'll feed on some maids to replenish the blood I took from you and sate my thirst."

"You promise not to bite me?" I asked as I held in a hiss from my stomach pain. He nodded and put his fangs away.

"No biting, I promise," he whispered and then walked up to me, taking my hands in his and started to lead me out of the room to go feed.

Donnie's POV:

Midori watched them go before he walked over to the nest and looked at me with a sweet smile as he crawled back into his favorite spot in the nest. He pulled the eggs closer to him and kissed them happily before he purred. "My eggies," he said sweetly and nuzzled them. He giggled and I felt Kuriko stirring in the egg and then felt her getting excited from the attention. I gave Midori a smile and rubbed Spencer's egg.

"I've been thinking about the name," I purred. "For the one in my tummy." Midori looked towards my tummy and then up at me curiously, moving a little closer as he crawled around the eggs to get to me. I laughed and waited for him to come closer. "I think I want to name him or her Kurenai." I suggested. He looked happy with that and nodded quickly.

"Uh huh, name her Kurenai," he told me and then hugged me, giggling. "Kuriko, Kurenai, and Spencer...." He mumbled, trying all their names out on his tongue before he looked at the eggs and brought them over to us, snuggling up to me and his eggs. I felt Kuriko's egg move slightly as she scratched on the side of it again. I laughed and rubbed Kuriko's egg.

"I can't wait to meet our babies." I whispered sweetly to Midori. He smiled and nodded.

"She'll hatch soon...." He told me then looked the egg over consideringly. He frowned then and sat up, pulling her egg into his lap before he looked to be concentrating. "How'd you develop that quickly?" He mumbled under his breath. "That's not normal.... Donnie, she's going to hatch either late tonight or tomorrow at the earliest," he told me, sounding worried.

"Don't be worried. In the past there was quick births like this." I told him sweetly. He looked over at me and then held her egg close.

"But not baby dragons," he told me and then looked at the egg, biting his lower lip. "Kuriko..." He mumbled and then tensed up. "We should get some fish ready incase she is going to hatch tonight. She'll be looking for food."

"We could make sushi for her," I suggested. "I know you like sushi and Takara and Solis love sushi." I shrugged and rubbed Spencer's egg. He seemed to be considering then shook his head.

"No, straight fish," he told me. "She'll need to not get too many different kinds of foods at the same time and the healthiest thing for a baby like her will be fish...." He held her close and then kissed the top of her egg. "Plus... it'll be less of a waste if she doesn't hatch tonight."

"Okay, but I'm making everyone else sushi." I gave him a cute smile. "I'll do it in a little bit when Takara comes searching for his dinner." He widened his eyes and quickly sat her aside, tackling me into a hug.

"Sushi~ Please make me some," he begged me, rubbing his head against my chest. "I'm hungry!"

"You're hungry right now?" I asked him. "Well.... I guess I could go make it right now." He purred and then kissed me quickly before he got up and started running for the door to the vault, abandoning the eggs.

"Midori, someone has to watch the eggs," I called to him. He whined and came back to me, looking at the eggs then at me with a pout before he laid down with them.

"Fine," he whispered. "They won't be okay if I leave anyways," he mumbled, looking towards the eggs.

"I won't be long." I promised him and teleported up to the kitchen and started to make sushi for the kids and Midori. While cooking I got myself some blood that was stocked up in the fridge. When I finished fixing the sushi I teleported into Solis's room and gave her the plate I made for her and the plate I made for Takara since he was hanging out with her in her room. I teleported back to the kitchen to get the last plate and teleported down to the treasure room and handed the plate to Midori.

"The kids are grateful for the sushi," I teased. "Are you?" I sat down in the nest and curled up to my eggs. He looked at the sushi and pounced on it quickly, eating it eagerly. He moaned and shoved another bite into his mouth.

"UH HUUUUH," he told me and looked towards me as he finished up his plate quickly and then nudged me. "Can I have some more?" He begged, giving me a cute look.

"There is some left over in the kitchen," I told him and gave a smile. "You can go get it and I'll stay here to keep the eggs warm." He glanced at the eggs and was up in seconds, running off quickly. I rubbed the eggs and smiled. "Mommy is here," I whispered to them. I heard a small scratch on the inside of Kuriko's egg as Spencer's presence still was sleeping. He was taking his time in developing.... I rubbed Kuriko's egg. "Your development is going to peak your grandparent's interest and they'll favor you even if you are a girl," I whispered. I heard a faint, small bubbly purr come from the egg. I laughed and kissed the egg. "You're very smart, I bet." I purred to her. Mommy~ I heard a faint thought from her and felt her getting excited as I kissed the egg. "I'm here sweetie," I purred to her. Yeah she's very developed. She started to quiet down after a few seconds and I felt her getting a little tired as she was snuggled up into my warmth with Spencer. I looked the two eggs over and started to rub them again. "My babies~" Midori stepped back into the room then, his mouth full of sushi as he chewed on it, walking over to the nest with a purr. He got in it and laid down, swallowing it before he yawned and passed out quickly, looking tired. I raised an eyebrow his way. "Wow, you're a god at passing out." I teased him playfully then closed my eyes. I might as well take a nap as well.

When I woke up, I felt something was off. I couldn't feel one of the eggs by me anymore.... It had completely disappeared. I sat up quickly, panic rising in my chest. "Midori the egg!" I shouted. He yelped and woke up, glancing around before he relaxed and looked at me.

"She's fine," he mumbled. "Babies eat their eggs when they hatch.... She's probably in here somewhere..." He yawned and closed his eyes again, snuggling up to Spencer's egg. I looked around then for my little baby girl.

"Kuriko?" I asked softly. I heard a faint rustle and then saw a little green head poke out of a mound of gold, two golden eyes looking in my direction with a curious look. She had submerged herself completely. "Come here," I purred and opened my arms for her. She started to come out of the gold and shakily slid down it, her wings opening up to help her stay upright. She tumbled into the nest then and shook her head, starting to get to her feet again. She was about the size of a small not-yet-fully-grown cat. She looked up at me and tried to purr again, but it came out faint and bubbly, not the polished purr that I was used to hearing from Midori. I snatched her up quickly and hugged her. "Hey sweetie~ You're a cute little girl aren't you?" I asked and kissed her head. She started to crawl up my chest then, getting up onto my shoulder before she nuzzled her head against me sweetly, trying to purr again. "Your daddy is tired right now but he loves you too," I promised. She looked towards Midori and sneezed, a little puff of smoke coming from her. I laughed and rubbed her head. "Awwww, you're too cute for your own good." I teased her. She looked up at me and then yelped, falling off my shoulder into the nest again. She squeaked as she hit a pillow and bounced up a little before she finally came to a rest. She looked around and then started to inch away towards the gold again, tucking her wings in close around her body as she shakily walked. "I wonder if you'll drink blood like a vampire later on..." I whispered. She pounced on a piece of gold and I saw her growl playfully, showing off small sharp teeth before she began to gnaw on it. I can't wait for Takara to meet his baby sister... He's going to love her. She looked towards me and gave me a cute look before she ignored the gold piece and rolled onto her back, showing off her tummy to me. Mommy~ I heard her thought stronger this time as she called out to me sweetly. I laughed and picked her up again and kissed her head. "Yeah, I'm your mommy." She looked up at me and I saw her eyes lighting up with happiness as she heard me and then she nipped playfully at one of my fingers, not hurting me.

"Oh right, you might be hungry...." I purred and teleported us up to the kitchen. I placed her in the sink. "Stay there and I'll cut you up some fish to eat." I told her. She looked around curiously and then scratched at the side of the sink before she accidentally turned on the water. She squeaked and started trying to get away from it, looking freaked out as she started to get wet. Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! I could hear her screaming in her head for me in fear, sounding like she was afraid for her life. I laughed and cut the water off and kissed the top of her head. "It's okay. Just make sure to stay still." I told her sweetly. She trembled as she started to calm down and looked up at the faucet in fear then up at me. Mommy... She let out a soft whine, wanting me to pick her up. I shook my head and pointed a finger over her. "It won't take long. It'll take longer because I have to get something to dry you off." I teleported into a bathroom and got a towel for her and teleported back then sat it on the counter. I got a fish out of the fridge and a knife from a drawer and started to cut her up some fish. I heard her scratching around on the inside of the sink again before she managed to climb out then snuck over to the edge of the counter with interest. I felt panic rise up in me so I teleported in front of her and picked her up than walked up to the towel and started to dry her off. I sat her back down in the sink- the dry sink and went back to cutting her fish up into fine pieces she won't choke on. She didn't crawl out this time and seemed a little happier as she played in the sink, her bubbly purr rising up in her. I finished cutting up the fish and picked her up from in the sink and sat her down by the cut up fish. "There you go." She looked towards it as she caught it's scent then sniffed it curiously before she cautiously ate a piece and then moved closer, eating another before she began scarfing it down quickly, acting half starved. I laughed as I watched her in admiration. I started to clean up the knife and put it away to give myself something to do. She finished quickly and was smelling the counter, looking for more. She let out a whine when she didn't find more and looked towards me as she pulled her wings closer and then started for the edge of the counter to get closer to me. I picked her up and teleported us back down to the treasure room and placed her down with her daddy and sat down with them. She looked towards Midori and pounced on him, gnawing on his ear. I laughed as I watched them than started to rub Spencer's egg. Midori groaned and gently pushed her off, making her whine before she looked towards Spencer's egg and pounced on it playfully, making it roll over onto it's side. Midori's eyes snapped open and he looked towards her with a frown.

"Don't do that," he scolded and then pulled her away from the egg. "Go play in the gold." She squirmed in his hands and slipped away from him before she walked up to me and crawled up into my lap. I laughed and rubbed her head.

"He's right," I told her. "No playing with his egg. You've got to wait for your brother to hatch." I looked Spencer's egg over to make sure it was safe then looked at her. "Don't mind your father, he's just a grouchy dragon right now. You will have to mind the fact he doesn't want you to mess with his egg though." I heard the doors open and a squeal from the door way. I looked over to find it was Takara and Solis.

"She's so cute! Look Solis it's our baby sister!" Takara shouted and rushed over to come meet his new sister. He collapsed on the pile of gold by us and reached out for her.

"You're going to scare her," Solis giggled out. She looked towards him and shrunk away slightly before her eyes lit up in recognition and she started to creep out of my lap towards him, looking interested before she squeaked and ran up to him in happiness. Bubba! She stopped right in front of him and then tried to look bigger than she was to impress him, puffing out a little smoke and then collapsed into a purr and nipped playfully at his nose as she pounced at him. He laughed and scooped her up into his arms and gave her a kiss on the top of the head.

"Hey little sis!" Takara purred to her. She nuzzled up against his chest sweetly before she started to crawl up towards his neck, rubbing her head against him as she tried to purr again, but it kept coming out bubbly and faint. I saw Midori smiling faintly as he kept his eyes closed, and I could hear his thoughts as he listened in on our baby, relieved she was doing okay and happy to have her in the nest. I smiled softly and decided to take a nap.

"Watch her for me," I told Takara. "Don't let her leave your sight."

"Yeah, okay!" Takara giggled.

Takara's POV:

Kuriko glanced towards mommy with a loving look before she looked up at me and her golden eyes watched me in admiration. She looked at my horns and I heard something in the likes of a laugh from her before she nipped at me again playfully, giving a small growl as she put her teeth against my hand lightly. I laughed and took her towards Solis. "Let's go show her around the manor and show her off," I suggested and together we showed her off to the rest of the family staying in the manor.