Ch 13 life isn't a fairytale


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previously on 'a guy with powers'

[w-well h-h-host I really wanted you to give me m-my n-n-name] said system with a stutter and Nathan who heard it had his small cute mouth hanging.

and Nathan was not like those dense protagonists who don't even get a single clue even when girls are waving green banners at them, he quickly understood that she may like him but it is too soon to assume stuff and even tho Nathan didn't want to assume it, he still felt bubbly feeling inside when he thinks of having a cute an innocent girl like her as his lover.

as Nathan's mind was running at the speeds of hundreds of bullet trains, the system's brain was literally running at light speeds and this is at her low levels, she even had time to grumble about her slow processing power. but she was really scared when Nathan didn't speak for so long.


But in the end, he just shook his head and leave the problem for his future self to deal with.

he then started to think of a name for his system, there were many names in his mind but one really stood out.

he was in his thinking pose with one hand on his chin and the other one supporting it. he didn't know why but from somewhere he heard someone taking pictures of his cute self.

he thought 'Alfred, just wait I will get my revenge on you' but he didn't know that he was accusing an innocent guy. the main culprit who still doesn't have a body and can hear his thoughts just blushed and looked away.

'Sera... Seraphina!' said Nathan with an expected look on his face.

system who heard him said with a surprised and shocked voice 's-s-sera!!' Nathan cutely nodded his head with a proud look, which fell when he didn't get any reply from her.

' you like it' he asked tentatively, worried that she may not like his poor naming choice.

suddenly there was a loud shout in his mind.



nathan who heard her was glad that she was talking directly in his mind or else he may have lost his hearing if shouted, but still he has a grin on his face.

'well, what can I say, my naming sense is unparalleled' said a smiling Nathan without any hint of shame.

'well glad you liked it that much' said Nathan with a happy smile.

'liked it? I totally loved it' said sera, who was still feeling excited.

'hey, sera...I would still like to know how the system features' said nathan with an awkward smile.

sera who was on cloud nine quickly fell from high and got embarrassed that she forgot her main job.

she quickly got ahold of herself and gave a cute cough to distract them from her mistake and she continued from the point where she was rudely interrupted by her father.

it was actually Nathan who started it but she just ignored that point.

[well host let's continue before we may get interrupted again by someone else}

as she said it Nathan said with a frown 'please sera call me Nathan or Nate,'

sera who got reminded of it smiled to herself and also blushed a bit and gave a meek reply 'w-well thanks N-Nate

she was on the moon with Nathan gave her a name and asking her to call him and that to with a nickname!

she quickly wanted to tell nate about the functions so he can grow strong and and and.

she thought hard about what she wanted him to do and she got into deep thinking and which worried Nate, he quickly questions her silence.

'sera are you ok?' Nathan was feeling weird 'why is she not speaking or stopping so suddenly' thought Nathan worried for his new friend/?.

[y-yes, Nate I am ok lets continue] she took one last breath and focused on her current task.

[well for starters your system features are as follows;










And there may be updates to the system because it is tailor-made for you. so it will change according to your future requirement]

Nathan who heard this was excited that he has so many things available to him and there will be more stuff for him. he wanted to laugh like a maniac, but controlled himself, he didn't want to show her his weird side and scare her off.

sera who can read his thoughts felt happy and disappointed, happy because he cared about her so much and disappointed because she can't take more videos and photos of his maniac laughter. (well I think we are going for the semi-yandere way, so buckle up:)

but Nathan quickly calmed himself down he didn't want to get a high head on his shoulders even before he gets strong like some protagonist who only won because of his power of friendship. but he had to agree in some universes that is a legit power much stronger than infinity stones.

(* author looking towards the fairytale multiverse. "sigh" with a head shake.)

he quickly comes back from his musing and askes sera 'sera, can you please give me a quick rundown of what each of the system functions does'

[ok! nate] said overly hyped sera. Nathan just smiled at her enthusiasm.

[well for starters we have STATUS which shows all of your basic information from your race, titles, power, strength, etc.

then after that, you have SKILLS it shows all the skills you have learned till now and will help you keep track of your skills and their progress, as you know just say status in your mind and you will see the information]


[ NAME: Nathan parks

RACE: Omni-ruler










'sigh, I am still so weak' Nathan was really disappointed in himself because of his low stats.

sera who saw this tried to reassure him.

[don't worry Nate you are really young and still have wayyy lot of time to learn and grow so don't worry about your stats, even if you just do nothing you will reach a level where just your sneeze can destroy multiverses]

sera tried to encourage him to the best of her ability, Nathan was glad that he has her, Nathan quickly took a deep breath and with a serious face, he thought 'i really need to work hard on myself to grow strong and be powerful enough to protect this omniverse, which is my home' thought Nathan with deep conviction.

At that moment many different things happened, first Alfred who was cleaning the master bedroom suddenly stopped and turned his gaze towards Nathan's room towards his left and had a small approving smile on his face, while also being in deep thought.

And another thing that happened was sera having a field day while taking Nathan's pics from different angles, while he was in deep focus mode.

And another iportant thing that happened was Nathan suddenly got a notification from the system, even sera who was busy taking Nathans pics stopped and her eyes became big and he mouth was wide open.

[new mission UNLOCKED]


mission: become the strongest being in your omniverse.

mission difficulty: ????

mission description: you have a goal in your mind and it is to be the powerful entity in your omnivores, which is omni-king. to protect yourself and your future family.

rewards: ?????,?????,?????]

nathan's and sera's minds were blown by this sudden mission. Nathan was flabbergasted by this he didn't expect that his thinking about his future somehow triggered this quest.

sera who was deep in thought heard Nathan calling her ' sera! sera!'.

sera quickly replied [yes Nathan i am here]

'what happened sera why was this quest triggered so suddenly? did you do it' asked a worried Nathan who didn't know if the direction towards which this is going is good or bad.

[no, Nate I didn't give out the quest and the function of the mission was still locked] suddenly sera went silent.

[ well Nate I just talked with father and he said you were able to unlock the mission function because of your deep conviction, which triggered a subconscious command normally only your and my subconscious can affect the quests given but the system]

Nathan who heard her was surprised that he was able to unlock his system with just deep conviction, but he didn't question it and asked 'then is there going to be any punishment if I don't complete the quest?' asked Nathan with an uneasy expression.

[No you will not receive any kind of punishment from the system since it is there for your growth and not to boss you around, but it dosent mean you can just leave them the more you ignore these missions tho more slower you will progress. you may sometimes reject some missions but it will just hinder your growth and even when if you have deep conviction in future like now you may not receive them.]

[remember Nate if i wanted i can give some OP skills to you like ultra instinct or sharingan and many more. nut it isn't our goal to get you stronger as soon as possible. so if you want to grow stronger faster these missions are really important to you. ignoring them will become a big hurdle to your path. even if you tried and failed is ok, but not accepting will lead you to a harsher growth path, it wouldn't even help your growth but rather it will diminish your growth. these missions are tailor made for through the system from your subconscious goals.]

nathan had a thoughtful expression he was worried that if some missions are not up to him he will be forced to do it. but he was glad he had some say in the decision. but it wouldn't mean he would leave them.

nathan gave a firm nod and said 'accept this quest sera this may be my first mission but it will be my greatest achievement in my life I will make sure of it.' said Nathan with a deep fire lit in his heart which will slowly grow warmer and hotter as he lives his life.

sera quickly accepted this quest and was also moved by his declaration and thought 'don't worry Nate I will be with you in every step of your life as you reach to the top and support you with all i got' said sera with deep conviction.

but she was startled to hear Nathan say 'thanks sera it means a lot to me. you being with me' said Nathan with a happy smile.

sera realized she didnt cut the connection with nathan before she said it, Nathan made sure he didn't share everything till he got comfortable with her. but she didn't have anything like that and had her connection totally open.

sera's face heated up and her face got red as a tomato and she quickly cut the connection with him and thought 'i-i-said it to him, kyaaaa-. he must think i am weird or something' while this was tunning in the mind of shot circuited sera, Nathan who didn't hear from her taught she must be talking with the old man and decided to sleep since he exerted too much mental power talking to the old man.

nathan didn't knew at that time his small declaration to sera, was the moment the wheels of fate started to change which not only affected his tiny life but the whole of the megavers.

things like these small declaration may seem simple or not be worth to some people. but, no one can dissmiss the output caused by these tiny things.

After all to reach the highest peak of the mountain everyone has to take the first step at the bottom of the mountain.