Ch 14 a small meeting


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If Patrèon is not your cup of tea, then buy me a coffee 😉.


previously on 'a weak little soul'

nathan didn't knew at that time his small declaration to sera, was the moment the wheels of fate started to change which not only affected his tiny life but the whole of the megavers.

things like these small declaration may seem simple or not be worth to some people. but, no one can dismiss the output caused by these tiny things.

After all to reach the highest peak of the mountain everyone has to take the first step at the bottom of the mountain.


As Alfred worked diligently to remove the stubborn wine stain from the luxurious carpet in the Parker mansion, his mind was consumed with the sheer frustration of the situation. "I cannot fathom who could have been so careless as to spill wine on this pristine rug. If I discover the culprit, they will be met with the full extent of my wrath," he muttered under his breath.

In the midst of his meticulous cleaning, Alfred detected the slightest spatial fluctuation - so small that it would have gone unnoticed by anyone else. However, as the Omni-Ruler, he immediately recognized what it was and who was responsible.

Without hesitation, Alfred dropped his cleaning tools and raised his hand, snapping his fingers in a swift motion. Although there was no visible change in the room, the entire world outside ground to a halt. Birds hung motionless in the air, people were frozen in their tracks, and planes remained suspended mid-flight. It was as if time itself had been frozen.

but this didn't just affect the area around the park mansion, it affected the whole universe and it was separated from other marvel worlds but no one reacted to this phenomenon in the slightest.

even beings like living tribunal and one above all remained ignorant of the changes. which happened in universe 199999, if Nathan saw this he would once again be in awe of the power he may hold.

'i really don't want that kid getting affected by something unexpected' the old Alfred who always smiles and who is filled with all kinds of sarcastic jokes looked too serious. Alfred didn't want Nate to see him like this because he has a grandpa and grandson relationship with Nate. he doesn't want to spoil it. he wants to grow close before showing his serious side to Nate because how normal may the old man act he is still the strongest being in this universe. because of it people subconsciously fear him.

but he was able to control his power with great accuracy and can also turn of the instinctual fear, that they feel when they see him.

that aside he quickly opened a human sizes portal that had a purple glow, with light and dark purple swirls in it which were rotating clockwise, and all around the portal the very space started to crumble and turn into dust.

As Alfred entered the portal which with its very presence was crumbling the space around it started to shrink and vanished from the spot as if it never existed.

when he came out the other end of the portal he was still wearing the butter uniform but he still had a regal aura around him which would discourage people from underestimating him as a normal old man

Alfred took a deep breath and quickly conjured up a portal. The portal was about the size of a human and had a pulsating purple glow that radiated from its core. Light and dark purple swirls were rotating clockwise within the portal and all around it, the very fabric of space began to crumble, as if it was being consumed by an invisible force.

Alfred stepped through the portal. As he passed through, the swirling purple vortex began to shrink and then vanished altogether, as if it had never been there.

Alfred found himself in a completely different location, the air was cool and the scent of freshly cut grass filled his nostrils. The sun was just starting to set, casting long shadows across the ground. Looking down, he saw that he was still wearing his butter-colored uniform, but he had a regal aura surrounding him. It was an aura that would discourage anyone from underestimating him as a normal old man.

Taking a deep breath, he glanced around and spotted a nearby village. He started to make his way towards it. As he walked, he couldn't help but wonder what kind of new issue had been sprouted for them to call for his help.

As Alfred's regal aura continued to grow in strength, the world around him began to shift and change in unexpected ways. The village he had been approaching suddenly vanished from view, replaced by a long table filled with men and women of all shapes and sizes. At first glance, they seemed unremarkable, but if someone looked closer, they would see an unimaginable lurking within each and every one of them.

Alfred approached the table slowly, his eyes scanning the faces of the individuals seated around it. There were powerful sorcerers, fierce warriors, and cunning politicians, each with their own unique abilities and strengths. Despite their differences, they all shared one thing in common: they were all capable of causing incredible harm to the omniverse.

Without a word, Alfred took his place at the table, his eyes scanning the room with a questioning look. As he studied each of the individuals seated around him, a sense of unease settled over the group. Some began to fidget nervously in their seats, while others broke out into a cold sweat.

Despite the uncomfortable atmosphere, Alfred remained calm and composed, his eyes never leaving the faces of those before him. With each passing moment, the regal aura around him grew stronger, radiating a powerful energy that seemed to fill the entire room.

As Alfred's regal aura dissipated, he appeared once again to be a harmless old man. But those who knew him, those who had seen the true extent of his power, knew better than to underestimate him.

A tall and delicate-framed man wearing golden armor suddenly stood up. His skin was fair and his features sharp, his physique strong and his looks divine. His yellowish-brown eyes swelled with power and deep conviction.

"My lord, it has been a long time since I last saw you," he said, a small smile on his face that could cause the destruction of kingdoms and break young maidens' hearts. But the others around the table were not normal people and were not affected by such a beautiful sight.

Alfred regarded the man with a slight nod, his expression unreadable. "Yes, it has been some time," he said, his voice quiet but commanding. "But now I have returned, and I sense there is some kind of urgency that you allow wanted to meet me, as I was busy with some personal work I have been ignoring the omniverse. now tell me what got all of you rattled so much"

"It's about the balance of the omniverse," he began, his voice low and urgent. "There's been a disturbance, something we haven't felt in trillions of years. We've been trying to track down the source, but it's been elusive."

Alfred's expression remained stoic as he listened to the man's words, but inside he felt a sense of concern. The balance of the omniverse was a delicate thing, and any disruption to it could have catastrophic consequences.

"I see," Alfred said finally, his voice measured. "And what kind of disturbance are we talking about here? Is it something we can identify, or is it more nebulous?"

The man hesitated for a moment before responding. "It's both, really. There's a powerful energy signature that we've been able to track, but its nature is unclear. And the effects of this disturbance are already being felt in different parts of the omniverse. Some realities are experiencing strange phenomena, while others are suffering from outright destruction and some are even...mutating" karna said the last part with a bit of fearin his voice.

Alfred frowned. This was not good news. "Very well," he said, rising from his seat. "I will do what I can to investigate this disturbance and restore the balance of our omniverse. But I will need all the information you have, and any resources you can spare."

The man nodded, relieved that Alfred had taken the news seriously. "Of course," he said, leading Alfred toward a room filled with maps, charts, and other data. "We will provide you with everything we have."

everyone was a bit relieved to hear their lord's assurance, but still, they all looked at each other with determination to stop whatever is trying to destroy their home.