Determination of the other side (Thirteen)

Justine's POV

I watched as Adam climbed out her window, blood dripping from his clothes and face. The fuck tard was a mess and for a minute, I felt a bit of fear spread across my heart about that girl. Shit. Ever since I met her she's been messing with my head. I couldn't think straight. Couldn't focus right. All I saw was her big brown eyes staring at me. She was a mission yes but damn she was a fucking missile you couldn't duck from. And oh how she had made the ice around my heart explode.

Yet this dude was watching her like a prisoner on probation. His lights came on and he drove away. I waited for a few more minutes before heading out my hidden car. I climbed up and found her on her bed. Her skin pale, her lips as rosy as blood, she was drenched in blood. I hurriedly checked her pulse and was glad to at least feel a faint pulse. What had he done to her? I swear I would kill him...

I heard people talking and quickly moved out the window and into the darkness of the night. Watching from afar.

"Go sleep. I got this...she's family too." someone said.

A guy entered the room with a first aid kit and drip. He slowly began to undress her carefully. Cleaning her cuts and quickly dressing her into a gown. As if her body was sacred. I didn't even see her naked. He placed the needle into the back of her hands and stomach to connect the drips.

Once he was done he kissed her forehead and whispered "Good night Lil sister." Walking out and leaving the door slightly opened. I entered again and sat by her side just holding her hand. Slightly noticing the shadow that moved. I quickly moved but there was a shotgun pointed at my head.

The guy's eyes blazing fire. I was about to attack when I felt a knife hit my thigh close to the wound Lena had caused making me wince. Shit, what's with the knives.

I saw a pregnant female holding the same passion as this guy, what a family.

"Bed" the guy commanded. Right then she moved and left.

"Come close to her again. You and Adam. I'll rip you both to fucking shreds, I will have hoods nip and rip at you both, alive, then burn you till you ash." he threatened cocking the gun. “Try me. I dare you.”

I dared him not and backed out the window. Not before hearing a hard doff and click of the window. War my head whispered. For her anytime.