I mark what’s mine

Lena's POV

Justine has been making me work seriously hard. He said I was a natural at throwing knives and good with disappearing. I didn't believe that till now. My aims got better and my shots greater. The boss gave me a nod and a big smile many times. Lauren changed my hairstyle and gave me a whole new wardrobe.

I now had a short Bob curly hair with dark blue hair lights. It helped cause I didn't have to tie my hair many times. Justine and I got closer each day, It felt good. It was currently 5 pm and Justine wanted to speak with me. I walked past a few guards, greeting as I had grown used to seeing them. Once I got to the room I found candles lighting the room. Rose petals on the floor. I shut the door and walked deeper into the room.

"I know this is not what you expected from the bad side but you always give me a reason to be good. To explore my good side. I can't help it. I'm hopelessly falling in love with you. I know it’s practically been a few months, okay three to be specific. Yet I love you so much I want to protect you and see you smile but first let me mark you as mine." He said as he walked towards me.

I smiled and my tears just fell. "I think…I love you too." I whispered. He smiled and kissed me. I let him take my clothes off as I desperately shred his off. He carried me up as we continued to make out. With one click my bra was on the floor followed by his pants. I moaned as he bite my neck. Slowly leaving a mark on me. Once we were completely bare he paused at my entrance. Our breaths were heavy.

"Are you sure?" he asked "I'm always sure." I whispered. He smiled and pecked my lips. Before entering me. "Ahhh" I moaned His fullness still halfway as he felt me stretching inside. He pulled out then thrust into me. I felt my innocence being ripped and the fullness in me.

"Justine slow down please" I murmured as it hurt. It hurt so badly but I could feel it changing. The pain felt like pleasure after a while. “More.” I slurred. He began to thrust into me faster and harder, I moaned. We moved as one with screams and moans.

I soon couldn't hold back and convulse. He soon followed.

He kissed my lips and moved the sheets that were underneath me. I felt sore and exhausted. He kissed my forehead and whispered goodnight. I smiled and fell asleep.

Justine's POV

I wanted to really sleep but I pushed myself to clean up. There was blood on the sheets and I didn't want Lena to feel embarrassed. It may have been a bit hard but it was my first also. I can't believe I hadn't told her that. I knew my sister would burge in here and I didn't want that to boost her ego.

I finally got into bed but not before slipping on a ring on her finger. An engagement ring. A blue diamond that had once belonged to my grandma. I kissed her before finally falling asleep dreaming of this girl who had stolen my heart so quickly and easily.