C34 Big Reveal

(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 15 chapters ahead at chapter 49. I'll be writing and posting at least 2 chapters tonight.


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Thanks for the Power Stones and enjoy the chapter!)

When Tom and Druella arrived at the school, they went to the great hall for the sorting and dinner. Charlus was sorted into Gryffindor as most of his family was. The potters are a fairly prominent Noble family, so getting a Potter in Gryffindor was good news to the house. Dumbledore seemed quite happy about the whole thing. Other than Charlus, a few other notable people were sorted into Hogwarts. Walburga Black was sorted into Slytherin. Even as a child she looked like she has a stick up her *ss. Hagrid was sorted into Gryffindor and boy was he huge. Lastly, Moaning Myrtle herself was sorted into Ravenclaw.

'Well, she won't be Moaning Myrtle in this reality. I have no plans to kill an innocent girl, especially when I would gain nothing from it.' Tom thought as he looks for any more interesting people, but found no other first years of note.

After a speech by Headmaster Dippet and eating dinner, everyone went back to their dormitory to get a good night's sleep. However, Tom and Druella would not be getting a good night's sleep. Lestrange called a meeting of the Slytherin council the second Slughorn left after welcoming the first years. He called a public meeting, so every member of the house had to attend. Usually, the council would keep their proceedings closed, but Lestrange probably wants to humiliate Tom and Druella for their earlier transgression.

Due to the first years being so young and new to the school, they were excused from all meetings until their second year. It was the same for Tom and Druella when they were first years.

When everyone had arrived at the common room and the first years left to get some sleep, the council members stood in the center of the room. The council members are Alabaster Nott, a 6th year that tended to leave Tom and Druella be. Brighton Lestrange, a 6th year that started this whole mess that's about to take place. Lawrence Avery, a 7th year that was on the same side as Nott when it came to Tom and Druella. Emerson Mulciber, 5th year who is probably worse than Lestrange. Briar Rosier, Druellas older brother and a 7th year. His status in the council has fallen since Druella started fraternizing with Tom.

Everyone in the room is tired and annoyed. They just had to take a long train ride to a school that could easily open its floo for them to arrive. Now they have to sit through some sort of open council meeting when they want nothing more than to sleep for the classes they have tomorrow morning.

"What's this all about?" Nott asks openly towards Lestrange, as he is the one to call this meeting.

"The problem is that this dirty mudblood and the blood traitor are still in our proud house." Lestrange exclaims and a portion of the students cheer him on.

"We've been through this before. They were sorted into Slytherin and there's nothing we can do about that. Just ignore them as we've been doing and in a few years they will graduate as we all will." Nott says as he pretends that Tom and Druella aren't in the room.

Druellas brother, Briar sighs from his place beside Nott. Why can't these people just learn to ignore his sister and her muggleborn friend? He doesn't agree with his sister's choice of friends, but that doesn't mean he will act against her. He loves his sister and would never do anything to hurt her.

"I agree. We may not like the mudblood, but there's nothing we can do about it." Briar says, completely leaving his sister out of it.

"Oh, shut up. We all know that you only hold that stance because your mudblood loving sister is with him." One of the inbred faction jeered from the crowd.

Hearing this, Druellas eyes went straight to the ground and a frown marred her lips. She didn't want to make her brother's life hard, but things just suddenly happened that way.

"What did you say?" Briar almost whispered as went to pull his wand out.

"Now now. Let's all just calm down a bit." Tom says as he walks to the center of the room. "It seems that even in a council meeting, where we're supposed to be calm and collected, you children can't even do that."

The whole room suddenly went silent as every member of Slytherin directed their gaze to Tom Riddle.

"You weren't permitted to speak. Move back and keep your mouth shut if you know what's good for you." Nott says as he directs a glare at Tom.

"Well, as the heir of Salazar Slytherin himself, I'll be taking the privilege to speak from here on out." Tom says as he takes the Slytherin heir ring from his pocket and places it on his finger.

"That is utter bullsh*t. There's no way that Salazar would allow his heir to be a filthy muggleborn." Lestrange exclaims as he stares at the heir run on Tom's finger.

The room erupts in commotion as every student started talking at once. Some didn't believe it while others were asking for proof. Meanwhile, Druella was just staring at her friend in complete shock. She knows Tom and if he says he's e heir of Slytherin, then that's probably the truth. As the room filled with more and more voices, Tom stared at the council members for a moment to see their reactions. All of them were surprised, but the inbred members were steaming with anger.

"QUIET!" Nott yelled as he amplified his voice with a bit of magic. The room settled down and everyone was looking to Nott. "If you have proof of your claim please show it." Nott says as he looks towards Tom.

"I, Thomas Marvolo Riddle, swear on my magic that I am the heir to the most noble and ancient house of Slytherin." Tom pulls his wand and performs a quick Lumos to show he still has his magic.

The room goes silent as everyone stares at Tom with an open mouth. They couldn't form into words what they felt and thought. They are in the same house as the heir to Slytherin himself.

"If you were his heir, why didn't you tell us sooner?" Briar Rosier said in a disgruntled tone.

His sister was shamed heavily for consorting with a mudblood and yet he was the heir to Slytherin. She should be celebrated for befriending such a person, not shunned and made fun of. If Tom came out with this earlier, Druella and his family would have had a lot more standing in Slytherin house.

"I wanted to lay low for a while and see how you all acted, and might I say you all disgrace my house. The house of the cunning and ambitious my *ss. You all are just a bunch of children that are defecating on the good name of Salazar Slytherin, my ancestor!" Tom says as he uses his sling ring to make portals to the mirror dimension appear below the Slytherin students.

They were all too shocked to do or say anything. When the portals below them appeared, they had no time to think nor act and fell through them easily. As they fell through the portals, Tom closed them so no one could escape. With all of the children trapped in the mirror dimension, only Tom and Druella were left behind.

"So, before I go and deal with a bunch of children, do you have any questions?"