C35 Laying Down the Law (1)

(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 16 chapters ahead at chapter 51. I'll be writing and posting at least 2 chapters tonight.


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After witnessing the other Slytherin Students being portal'd away, Druella didn't have any idea what was going on anymore. Her friend that she thought was a muggleborn is actually the heir to Slytherin. He hid this from everyone, including her, for two whole years. The only question running through Druellas mind right now is why?

"Why?" Druella asks.

"Why what?" Tom replies.

"Why did you hide that you're the heir for so long? You could have walked into Slytherin like a king." She clarifies.

"Yes, but then I would be surrounded by snakes that would try to become my friend because of that. By waiting, I gained a true friend that would ruin her reputation for me. Also, I wanted to use this opportunity to get close to the other houses. As the bullied and shunned Slytherin, I was able to make a good connection to the rest of the houses. Other than that, I wanted to see what Slytherin is really like. I'm afraid that wouldn't have been possible with everyone trying to kiss my *ss for being the heir to Slytherin." Tom says and Druella nods along agreeing with all of his words.

"Alright, but why didn't you tell me sooner? My Occlumency has been top-notch since you started teaching me in first year, so don't use that as an excuse." Druella asks as she crosses her arms.

"Hmm, Truthfully. I just didn't find the right time to tell you. I will tell you now that I'm hiding many things from you. Although I won't be telling you all of them this instant, you will find out about them sooner or later. That is as long as you don't betray our friendship any time soon." Tom adds the last part in almost a whisper, but Druella heard every word of it.

"I would never betray our friendship!" She states as she stomps her foot.

"Good, then you'll learn of all of my secrets in due time. Now, would you like to accompany me to the mirror dimension? I have new followers to convert." Tom asks as he holds out his arm for her to grab.

"The mirror dimension is where you sent them right?" She asks and Tom nods. "How did you do that anyway? Wait, let me guess that's another secret isn't it?"

"You catch on quickly as always, Drue. Now we should be going. That is if you're coming along." Tom says as he gestures to his outstretched arm.

"*sigh* Fine let's go." Druella sighs as she grabs Tom's arm.

Tom opens a portal with the sling ring and they walk casually into the mirror dimension.

As Tom and Druella were talking amongst themselves, the students of Slytherin house fell safely into the mirror dimension. They were all beyond shocked and terrified. The older students tried to use apparition to teleport themselves out, but no matter how they tried, they were stuck in the Mirror Dimension. When the younger children saw the older students fail, they started to truly panic. What if this is their punishment for ruining the good name of Slytherin? They all thought that this is their prison to serve out their time for besmirching Toms noble house.

Suddenly, as the students were panicking, a portal opened a good distance away. Tom and Druella walk casually into the mirror dimension. As the portal opens, some of the more quick witted Slytherins try to make a run for the exit. Before they could even get halfway, the portal closed behind Tom and Druella.

"Hello, how do you all like the mirror dimension? It's a very beautiful place isn't it?" Tom says as he strolls up to the crowd of Slytherin students.

"Get us out of here this instant!" Lestrange yells as he draws his wand.

This causes every member of Slytherin house to draw their wands and point them at Tom as well. Druella looked alarmed, but Tom gave her a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, Drue. They can't do anything here. After all, I'm the only one that can open a portal out of here. If they were to kill me, they would be stuck here until they starved to death." To said loud enough for the students to hear him.

Many of them lowered their wands after hearing this. Although some of them had other ideas floating in their heads.

"We don't have to kill you. We just have to get you to let us out. I wonder how you would feel about your friend Druella being raped in front of you? Would you let us out then, or would you simply watch as I brutalize her before your very eyes?" Lestrange says as he eyes Druella with a perverted smile.

As Lestrange said this, Briar, who was standing fairly close to him, drew his wand and aimed it at him.

"What did you say about my sis..." Briar started but before he could finish with his words.

"Crucio!" Tom drew his wand and called one of the three unforgivable spells.

As the red lightning fired from Tom's wand and collided with Lestrange, he screamed in pain as he collapsed on the floor and started shaking.

"What did you say you would do to my friend?" Tom says as he doesn't stop the red lightning from exiting his wand.

"AHHHHHHH!" Lestrange can't stop screaming as he convulses on the mirror dimension floor.

The crowd of Slytherins watch on as one of their own is tortured with the best spell for the job. Fear grows in their hearts. Fear of Tom and ever getting on his bad side. Fear of the pain it would bring them and their loved ones. At that moment, it was imprinted in these children to never anger Tom Riddle.

"I think that's enough." Druella said from her place beside Tom.

She didn't disagree with Tom using the Cruciatus Curse on that idiot for threatening her purity, but she didn't want him to die, and if the torture continued he might have. She was also surprised that Tom knew one of the unforgivable curses.

'No, this is Tom I'm thinking of. He probably already knows all three.' She thought and was correct in her assumption.

"Yes, you're right." Tom agrees and stops torturing the boy.

As the pain stopped, Lestrange lay heaving for air on the floor. He was on the border of consciousness and couldn't understand what happened. One moment he was talking, and the next he was on the ground in unimaginable pain.

"Now, the Slytherin council is now dissolved. You were given power that never belonged to you in the first place, so I'll be taking that power back as of right now." Tom says and no one dared to utter a single complaint.

The council members didn't dare say a word, as they didn't want to end up like Lestrange. Also, some of them had no quarrel with Tom taking over the house. He is the heir to Slytherin, after all.

"As for your way out of this dimension. That will have to come at a price." Tom says as an evil smile graces his lips. Chills went down the Slytherin student's spines as they sensed the price wouldn't be small.