C118 Party


(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 15 chapters ahead at chapter 133. I'll be writing and posting at least 2 chapters tonight.


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In the extravagant ballroom of Rosier Manor, Lords, Lady's, government officials, and their extended families packed the room to max capacity. Elves sifted through the crowd carrying trays, and serving refreshments to all guests.

The room is filled with voices as everyone is mingling with those around them. Groups form as people herd to their respective crowds.

Some noticed that the large majority of those attending were Slytherins. Although it was slightly suspicious, they just thought it was the bias of the Rosiers towards the house they were sorted in.

When everyone settled in and partook in the refreshments, Lord and Lady Rosier climbed the stairs to the balcony and clinked their wine glasses, drawing everyone's attention.

"I would like to thank everyone for attending our party on such short notice." Lady Rosier addresses the crowd. "As you all know, Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald was slain only a few days ago. This party is held in celebration of that man that did the deed. Without further a due, please welcome heir Slytherin, Thomas Riddle!"

As soon as she announces Tom's name along with his Slytherin heirship, gasps could be heard from the crowd as the double doors on the balcony swung open.

Lady and Lord Rosier descended the stairs, as Tom and Druella stepped on the balcony and took their place. Druella in her red ball gown and perfect makeup, and Tom in his slim-fit black tuxedo.

As they stood on the balcony, Tom placed his hands on the railing, subtly showing off his Slytherin heir ring.

From this distance, the crowd couldn't see the ring very well, but they could at least tell that it's either an heir or lord ring.

Since the bomb of Tom's lordship was dropped, the room became loud as everyone started muttering amongst one another.

"Quiet down!" Tom exclaimed and the room descended back into silence. "Thank you. Secure the room please!" Tom calls and everyone one of his followers jumps into action.

Suddenly, the children and recent graduates of house Slytherin whipped out their wands and took their places around the ballroom.

Fathers and mothers watched their children follow heir Slytherins orders in shock. They were truly surprised at this turn of events. No one moved as the room was secured with all exits blocked.

The surrounded guests pulled out their wands and prepared for any possible attacks. Mothers and fathers yelled at their children to stop what their doing and holster their wands.

"Settle down!" Tom yells as his followers point their wand at the crowd menacingly. The crowd turns quiet once again and Tom continues. "As you've heard, I'm heir Slytherin. I've known this for a while and have been laying low to build my strength. That plan went out the window when I decided to kill Gellert Grindelwald, so here we are!" Tom says as he opens his arms wide.

The room stays silence as those that had some insight started to put the puzzle pieces together.

All of the Slytherin alumni finally understood that the Salazar Slytherin portrait doesn't exist. They were fooled by heir Slytherin, so he could lay low and consolidate his power.

Every one of them turned their gazes towards the Rosier and Prince couples that lied to them. They now know that both have been serving heir Slytherin for a while now.

Neither couple looked ashamed by their lies either, and why would they? Their bets paid off with a Lord that killed the strongest dark wizard to appear in a very long time.

Some of the crowd became alarmed and tried to apparate away, but the wards of the house kicked in and stopped them.

"Now, as everyone can see, all of the Slytherins of Hogwarts since my 3rd year have sworn oaths of loyalty to me." Tom says gesturing to the armed Slytherins surrounding their families. "While I didn't want to bring the rest of you into the fold so early, many of you started asking questions and looking into my background." Tom continues.

"As some of you have noticed, the wards have activated and there will be no escape. I give you all two options, as I did my current followers. One, swear your loyalty to me, and we can continue with tonight's activities. Two, challenge me to a one on one duel. If you win, I'll gladly let you leave here unscathed." Tom thinks for a moment with his hand to his chin. "You know, there's a third option as well... You could not take my offer and this ballroom will Turn into a war zone."

As Tom announces their options, everyone looked around the room warily. Upon hearing the third option, many of the people looked to the young children that haven't attended Hogwarts yet. Their mothers and fathers shielding them as they cower behind them.

"How could we possibly beat you in a duel? You fought and beat Grindelwald himself! We wouldn't stand a chance. It isn't fair!" Some of the crowd started voicing complaints.

"It's not fair? What are you? Children? Life isn't fair! If you didn't want to be in this position, then you should have become stronger when you had the chance. That's the problem with our society. Just because you have magic doesn't mean you can be lazy. Raise your hand if you stopped honing your skills in magic after you graduated from Hogwarts." Tom calls and nobody raises their hands. "Come on, don't be afraid and raise your hands."

After a moment of pause, hands started going up until the large majority of the room had their hands in the air.

"This is what I'm talking about, you may have the reserves of an adult wizard or witch, but many of you still have the skills of a Hogwarts graduate. Truly disappointing." Tom says with a shake of his head.

Quickly, everyone pulled their hands down in embarrassment. It feels like they were all scolded by their parents.

"My followers have been learning from me since their second year of Hogwarts. Many of them could easily wipe the floor with all of you, and those that have graduated have not slacked in their training either. At least, they better not have been." As Tom says this, all of his graduated followers around the room feel a chill crawl up their spines.

"Anyway, I have many plans for our world. A lot will change and hopefully for the better. Now, those that want to take the first option step forward and make your oaths."