C119 Lord Black

*Double Chaps again!*

(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 15 chapters ahead at chapter 135. I'll be writing and posting at least 2 chapters tonight.


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"Now, those that want to take the first option step forward and make your oaths." Tom calls out and everyone pauses to contemplates their decision.

Many of them were afraid of what the crowd would do if they were to step forward and take the first option. They looked around them to see what those around them would choose.

"Don't be afraid. Those that swear oaths will be placed under my protection for the remainder of the night." Tom announces and a black-haired man with grey eyes steps forward.

As he exits the crowd, everyone gasps in shock and mutters among themselves. They didn't expect that this man would be the first to step out. Let alone to step out at all.

The man falls to his knees and looks up at Tom on the balcony. He could see the situation they were in, especially when members of his own household turned against him.

"Before I make the oath, I have a question." The man says as he looks at Tom curiously.

"Yes?" Tom nods for him to continue.

"Are you truly a muggle-born?" He voices the question everyone was too afraid to ask.

Everyone in the room listens closely for this answer as it could change their future choices.

"I'm a half-blood. My mother was a pure-blood witch and my father was a muggle. Both are deceased." Tom answers truthfully.

"I see..." The man lowers his head in contemplation.

Whispers spread amongst the crowd as he ponders his choice. Some in the crowd look up at Tom in disgust for his muggle father. After a moment of thought, the grey-eyed man stares up at Tom with his mind made up.

"I, Lord Sirius Octavian Black swear loyalty to my Lord heir Slytherin, Thomas Riddle. As his humble servant, I will act as his sword, wand, and shield when need, provide counsel when necessary, and keep his secrets even in death. I swear this oath on my life, should I knowingly break it." Lord Black says as he stares straight into Tom's eyes.

'Sirius must have been named after him.' Tom thought as he eyes the young Lord Black.

Gasps could be heard as the lord of the most prominent dark family just did something truly unexpected.

After his oath was made, Lord Black turned and nodded towards his family members. every single member of house Black stepped forward and swore the same oath as Sirius.

'Very smart adding heir Slytherin to the oath. If I wasn't truly heir Slytherin, the oath wouldn't have worked and he could expose me. Too bad that the oath went through.' Tom thought as he smiles down at the Black family. "Thank you, Lord Black. You and your family may take your place among my followers."

"Yes, my Lord." Sirius bows and moves to the side of the room with his family, drawing their wands and aiming at the crowd they were once a part of.

Due to the shocking turn of events, everyone in the crowd was muttering about Lord Black. Some of them want to follow his lead and others calling him a spineless traitor.

Hearing these people, the Black family simply turns their noses upward in contemt. These people were those that would sell their daughters to house Black just to brag about the familial connection. Now they want to start badmouthing them. Truly disgusting.

"I don't have all night, so those that want to follow in the footsteps of Lord Black and his family, please step forward and swear your oaths." Tom says and the flood gates open.

A large amount of the crowd steps forward and kneels in Tom's direction, showing the sway the Black family wields over other houses.

One by one the tidal wave of wizards and witches start making oaths. All of them similar to the one that Lord Black made.

When they were finished, some of the parents were still hiding their children behind them.

"Thank you all for your oaths, but I'm going to say something some of you may not like. Although I don't want to drag young children into our business, I can't have them running their mouths about today's events." Tom says as the parents shield their children with worried expressions. "As a kind Lord, I give you parents with young children two options. Either have your kids swear the same oaths as you, or I can obliviate them at the end of the night. Though, they will swear oaths to me later in their lives. I'll give you all until the end of the night to make your decisions." Tom says and ushered his new followers to take their place at the side of the room.

Many of the parents were scared for their children and that energy was being picked up by the kids. They didn't fully understand what was happening, but they could tell their parents weren't acting right.

The remainder of the crowd was fairly small in comparison to before. Those that were left behind were the extreme blood purists. They would never submit to a half-blood. Each of them has a strong resolve to stand by their beliefs, even in death.

"I see the rest of you wish to take the second option. Am I correct? I doubt you want to take the third now." Tom says and gestures to his bolstered number of followers.

If they were intimidated before, now they are quaking in their boots at the number of enemies surrounding them.

Many of them nod and voice their agreement to Toms words.

"Good, let's get the dueling area set up then." Tom says as he descends the stairs with Druella on his arm. "Make room, please"

As everyone steps back, Tom draws the elder wand and conjures fire, making a large circle around him and Druella.

"We'll duel one by one until no challengers remain. If you're knocked out, unable to continue, give up, or step out of the flaming circle, you lose." Tom says and Druella whispers something in his ear. "Yeah, if you want to, sure."

"Yes, you didn't let me fight Grindelwald with you, so this is my chance to stretch my legs a bit." Druella says confidently.

"Okay." Tom nods and addressed the challengers. "Druella wants to fight you guys, so she'll be taking my place. The rules are the same and the deal remains. Beat her and you can leave this manor unscathed without swearing any oaths." Tom says as he steps out of the circle leaving Druella inside.

Hearing Tom say this, every challenger is elated. They were prepared to die at the half-bloods hands, but now they actually have a chance at winning. At least they think they have a chance.