C120 Future Plans


(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 15 chapters ahead at chapter 135. I'll be writing and posting at least 2 chapters tonight.


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In a ballroom filled with sharply dressed wizards, a duel could be seen taking place in a flaming circle. The duel is between a fat man and a beautiful red haired girl with green eyes. Although the girl seemed to be hampered down by her red ball gown, she was handling her opponent with relative ease.

This beautiful girl is obviously Druella Rosier. This is her second match and she's already won the first one.

On one side of the ballroom stood a small group of those that refused to bend the knee to Tom Riddle. While the other side of the room is packed with Toms followers, new and old.

While Druella is dispatching all challengers, Tom walks over to one of his newer followers.

"Lord Black, I was happily surprised by your quick decision making." Tom says as he walks up to the Black family.

"My Lord." They greet in unison.

"I could see which way the wind was blowing, and when it comes to jumping bandwagons, it's best to get on as early as possible." Sirius says as he watches the duel intently.

"Very true." Tom comments as he looks over and sees Orion Black. "Hey, Orion. How have you been?"

"I've been well, my Lord." Orion says with a bit of well-hidden regret. 'If I had stayed close to Tom from the beginning, my standing with him would have been as good as Druella. Well... maybe not as good. They do seem very close lately.'

Behind Orion, Tom could see young Walburga Black eyeing him with a dreamy look on her face.

'Hopefully, Druella doesn't see her acting like this, or else she may freak out...' Tom thought as he ignored Walburga.

"Are you sure the young Rosier can handle so many duels in one day?" Lord Black asks as Druella tortures her opponent into giving up. "Though she does seem to handle herself very well."

"Drue is the second strongest person in this room. I've been training her personally since our first year." Tom says as he watches her next opponent enter the ring of fire. "She could beat all of them at once with a hand-tied behind her back."

"Hmm, If what you say is true, then I worried for nothing. So, what are your plans now?" Lord Black asks and everyone nearby listens closely.

"I have many plans now that I've expanded my power base. If I had to give you one major one, then I'd have to say taking over the Ministry of Magic." Tom says offhandedly.

Many that hear his words stood rooted to the ground with their mouths wide open. They knew accomplishing such a feat would be difficult and bloody.

"You wish to start another war so soon?" Lord Black asks disapprovingly.

"Huh? No, I have no plans for war." Tom waves his hand dismissively.

"Then how will you take over the Ministry?" Lord Black asks.

"What is the way anyone could take over the Ministry? Through elections of course." Tom says as if it were the simplest option.

"I see, you're going to use your new fame to run for Minister of Magic? Although, you'll have to wait until you graduate." Lord Black says as Tom is too young to run for a public office.

"Who says that I have to be the Minister to take over the government? I have many followers that could do the job in my stead. With a glowing recommendation from Tom Riddle the future Order of Merlin, First Class and possible Grand Sorcerer, I think many of the populace would throw their vote to just about anyone." Tom says as a spark of ambition shines in Lord Sirius Black's eyes.

He wanted to be the Minister of Magic, but the populace didn't trust one of the darker family's to cast their votes his way. He's run for two consecutive times and lost at every turn.

Lord Black wasn't the only one with a rise in ambition. Everyone in hearing range heard Tom's words and imagined themselves as Minister of Magic. Although, Tom would be calling the shots behind the scenes of course.

"Even then, I can't take over the entire government with just the Ministers office. We do have checks and balances after all. Though, that's one of the reasons I have gathered so many followers." Tom says as Druella decimates yet another pureblood extremist.

"Hmm, you're going to fill as many high-level government positions with us, aren't you?" Lord Black asks as everyone close by salivates at the opportunity before them.

If they aren't chosen to become Minister of Magic, then they could become the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, and if that doesn't work out, then maybe the position as Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement is available? The list goes on and on.

Many that heard Tom's plans became excited and happy that they swore loyalty to him. They aren't fully content yet, as Tom could turn out to be a tyrant, but in time they will see that they made the right choice.

"Exactly. I see no reason to spill blood over something that's so easily attainable. An empire built on death and blood will fall, at least the majority of the time. There's always an exception to every rule, after all." Tom explains as he watches Druella take down her second to last opponent.

"Wise words, my Lord." Lord Black says with a bit of admiration. "How do you feel about your ancestor's beliefs?" He then drops the major question.

"You mean pureblood beliefs, right?" Tom clarifies.

"Yes." He nods.

"I find it nonsensical, but I do understand it from Salazars perspective." Tom says and everyone's ears perk up. "I mean, in his time it was very smart to not trust muggles and muggle-borns. Witches and Wizards were being hunted and killed before they even had a chance to learn about their gifts. Muggles either looked the other way or participated. Then you have these muggle-born students coming to Hogwarts in the early days, and these kids have been told all their life that those with magic are evil spawns of the devil."

As Toms speaks many of the Wizards and Witches nearby were captivated. They were hearing what it was truly like back in the times of the founders.

"I'm sure many muggle-borns betrayed our kind to the church countless times. That was probably why he voiced his views against them so vehemently. He didn't want the children of Hogwarts to be endangered by those that could or would betray them." As Tom finishes, Orion blurts out a question.

"Then why did you say it's nonsensical? If everything you've said is true, our argument against muggle-borns only grows stronger." As he says this, Tom just looks at him as if he were the dumbest person in the room

"Because that was hundred and hundreds of years ago. Times have changed drastically. Maybe not in our society, but the muggles are evolving very quickly. The church doesn't have that sort of sway anymore, and when that was happening, Hogwarts had just opened its doors. Do you think some weak muggles without firearms could take on any Hogwarts graduate now? I don't think so." Tom shakes his head.

"They only had it so easy because the almost every wizard and witch wasn't taught to wield their magic properly. Let's not forget that the majority of those killed by the church were muggle-born. Just because they were born from their own kind doesn't mean they would show the 'devil spawns' any more mercy than the rest of us. Muggle-borns are a very crucial part of our society. They bring in new ideas and innovations. Those that were born in this world are used to magic, but not muggle-borns. They see magic in a new light compared to the rest of us. We can't just shun them as you wish."