C189 Finishing School (1)


(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 12 chapters ahead at chapter 202. Taking two days off on patreòn. Chapters will resume on Saturday. Patreòn schedule is 2 chapters a day 6 days a week. Friday is my day off.


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Thanks for the Power Stones and enjoy the chapter!)

Tom had another day before heading back to Hogwarts, so he used that day to start a search for the missing Masters. Though, he knows that they most likely won't find them.

Masters of the Mystic Arts are very crafty and versatile. The chance of them hiding out in an easily found location is extremely slim.

They could be hiding in another dimension for all Tom knows, or they could be in a tiny shack in the middle of nowhere that's magically expanded on the inside, like the Doctors Tardis.

When it comes to the Mystic Arts, the possibilities for hiding places go on and on, so finding them is highly unlikely.

Although it is unlikely, Tom still sent teams of Masters out searching any possible areas.

Not only does he have people searching, Tom has Masters constantly taking turns, using tracking spells and arrays to magically pinpoint their location.

Soon, time passed and Tom returned to school along with his beautiful fiancé Druella.

In his spare time and during the weekends, Tom would return to Kamar-Taj to give orders and make sure everything was going smoothly.

Due to everyone living together, none of the Masters or students were showing any signs of corruption. Although for all they know, Dormammu has already gained a group of sorcerers, which would explain the lack of problems arising in Kamar-Taj.

Dormammu already has Lestrad and his group as his in, so he has no need to look for others, and even if he wanted to, Tom has made it so that would be very risky.

After a while, everyone in Toms Apparition class mastered teleporting the ball. Each of them could do it 100/100 times just like Tom did on his last day of class.

Seeing as they caught up, Tom was informed that he was to report to class once again.

His first day returning to class was a big one. This is the day every student would be apparating themselves across a small distance of a few feet.

As Tom arrived in the open field once again, he could see the nervous expressions of every student there.

He didn't blame them for being nervous, as even he was nervous as well. Although if anyone there didn't need to be nervous, it was Tom Riddle.

He didn't fully know it yet, but thanks to his Avatar status and his bonding with Arthur, Tom could regenerate from almost any injury, including severed limbs.

Hell, he might even survive being beheaded, but that would be a very risky thing to test.

"Attention students!" The Professor arrived and called for everyone's attention with a very serious demeanor. "This is the most dangerous day our class will ever have. I don't wish to scare you, but this has to be conveyed. There will be no fooling around in this class. If I see a single one of you horsing around, I'll have you expelled before you can even apologize. Does everyone understand?"

""Yes!"" Some students voice their agreement while others simply nod their heads.

"Now, all we will be doing today is apparition of a very small distance. Simply remember all that you've learned and do your best. I'm sure everyone will do splendidly!" She says and looks over at Tom. "Mr. Riddle, since you were the first to master the last exercise, why don't you showcase this one to the rest of the class?"

"Uh, yeah. Sure." Tom says moving to the front of the class.

He knows that she just wants someone among the students to ease the group's nerves a bit. Tom is the best option for that, as he will most likely breeze through any exercise.

"Now, everyone stand back a bit and give Mr. Riddle some room." The Professor says, causing the students to give Tom a wide birth.

None of them want Tom to apparate into them, and become his conjoined twin. Although being conjoined with the Tom Riddle may have its perks, it isn't worth the life-threatening possibilities.

"Remember everything you've learned and move yourself a few feet ahead of you." The teacher says, grabbing Tom's shoulders and pointing him away from the class.

With nothing but an open field ahead, Tom used his Occlumency to calm his mind and execute everything he's learned without any mistakes.

Suddenly, Tom disappeared and appeared a few meters into the distance. He only tried to go a few feet ahead, yet he went far over double the distance he meant to go.

As soon as he appeared, Tom gasps for breath, filling his empty lungs, and stumbles onto the grassy floor.

Once he caught his breath, Tom gave himself a once over, checking for any missing or injured body parts.

While Toms checking himself, the Professor appears next to him and does the same.

"Well done, Mr. Riddle. Although, next time go for a shorter distance." She says after making sure her student wasn't injured.

After that, the rest of the class went one by one, so the Professor could check each of them at a time.

Some of the students injured themselves, but it was nothing compared to the Gryffindor incident on the first day. Just some minor damage and some destroyed belongings.

A few of the students lost a good chunk of their hair as well, which was entertaining to watch.

Time passed once again and the school year started coming to an end. Tom mastered apparition after a few days and didn't need to attend that class anymore.

During one of the weekends after his mastery, he was permitted to use the school's Floo in order to go and take the test for his Apparition license, which was easily obtained.

Now, all Tom has to worry about were the N.E.W.T.'s and trying one last time to get Lady Hogwarts' mission completed. If not, then he would have to continue the mission as a Professor.