C190 Finishing School (2)


(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 12 chapters ahead at chapter 202. Taking two days off on patreòn. Chapters will resume on Saturday. Patreòn schedule is 2 chapters a day 6 days a week. Friday is my day off.


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Thanks for the Power Stones and enjoy the chapter!)

Once Tom and every other 7th-year student took their N.E.W.T.'s, Tom decided to throw an end-of-the-year part in the Great Hall.

There is only a week left of school and Tom wants to use that time to get Lady Hogwarts' mission completed.

He knows that he's close. The interaction between Hogwarts houses has been going extremely well. It's just a matter of time before he gains control over the Castle and it's wards.

It wasn't hard to get permission from the Headmaster for the party. The man would let Tom get away with anything except murder at this point.

Of course, since this is a party to bring everyone together, Tom invited every person in the castle from students to faculty. Even the ghosts were welcome to join as well.

Since the majority of students weren't of noble descent, Tom didn't bother treating this as a gathering of nobility. That would just cause a divide in the students as many would feel out of place, so Tom decided to go with a school dance theme.

He even got a few popular bands from the wizarding world to come and play for the party.

Tom just hoped that it wouldn't be awkward, as he remembers these things being that way back in the other earth. Although awkward situations have a possibility to bring people together, hopefully.

Speaking of awkward situations, everyone is still living in Kamar-Taj, waiting for an attack that may never arrive.

This whole year has been especially busy for Tom. With the Ancient One away, Tom has been given the added burden of keeping Kamar-Taj running, which has been fairly smooth at least.

That's the problem though.

Some have voiced their displeasure with living in Kamar-Taj and want to return to their homes, as no sign of an impending attack has been seen at all, but Tom won't allow anyone to leave. At least not until the return of his mother.

Speaking of the Ancient One, Tom can't help but feel as though she's taking advantage of the situation, and relaxing somewhere reading and eating her snacks.

-Bald Sorceress Vacation Home-

"ACHOO!" The Bald One herself sneezes. "Is it dusty in here or something?"

Reaching her hand into a bag of potato chips, the Ancient One finds that the bag is empty.

"Hmm, I need more snacks."

-Back to Tom-

'No, she wouldn't pull something like that.' Tom denies it, but deep down he knows the truth.

Although many wanted to leave, Tom and many of the high-level masters were able to keep everyone from revolting.

There was a good thing about having so many Masters in Kamar-Taj at once though. The students were getting the best training for every subject.

Bored masters with nothing to do volunteered to teach their specialty to any student that was willing to learn.

Suddenly, Kamar-Taj found itself with a large influx of teachers, and a plethora of new subjects being taught. Even Tom attended some classes in his spare time for the subjects he either skimmed over or hasn't even started yet.

It is truly a golden age for students in Kamar-Taj right now. As long as they take advantage of this situation, the next batch of Master will be truly exceptional.

Soon, the day of the year-ending party arrived.

It was a bit awkward in the beginning, as school dances tend to be, but it all seemed to go well.

Tom made sure to have pre-arranged seating, so he could mix and match tables during the dining portion of the evening.

Tom and Druella tried to have a good mix of students from opposing houses at each table in order to better integrate everyone.

When the night ended and everyone left, Tom stayed behind with Druella as the house-elves cleaned the Great Hall.

"Do you think it worked?" Druella asked, knowing that Tom wanted to use this party to complete his task.

"I don't know." Tom answered as they watch the elves disappear after swiftly cleaning everything.

As the elves disappeared, the sorting hat appeared on the table to the right of Tom and Druella.

"Report to the Room of Requirement." The hat said in a hushed tone and disappeared as if it were never there.

"Is that a good sign?" Druella turned to Tom with an upturned eyebrow.

"I have no idea..." Tom replies, hoping he's finished his task. "Let's go and find out, shall we?"

Tom holds out his arm for her to grasp, as a proper gentleman should, and they stroll through the castle halls, making their way to the Room of Requirement.

Walking through the door, one after the other, Tom and Druella are met with a scene they didn't expect.

The room was huge with extremely high ceilings. It's dimly lit everywhere except for the middle of the room, where a humongous metal pillar glows in a purple light.

The pillar is so tall and wide that it would put the biggest giant sequoia tree to shame.

On the pillar itself, Tom could see countless scribbles of runes and glyphs covering every inch from top to bottom.

Suddenly, the light of the pillar grew brighter and an ethereal figure of a woman appeared in front of it.

"You've finally completed the task I've given you. It took you long enough..."