C191 Finishing School (3)


(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 11 chapters ahead at chapter 202. Taking two days off on patreòn. Chapters will resume on Saturday. Patreòn schedule is 2 chapters a day 6 days a week. Friday is my day off.


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"You've finally completed the task I've given you. It took you long enough..." The ethereal female figure said.

"I take it that you're Lady Hogwarts?" Tom asks as he and Druella stare stunned at the pillar she came out of, which just so happens to be the Hogwarts Ward Stone.

"Yes, That me. I would like to thank you for accomplishing the task I've given you. I know it wasn't easy, but you completed it nonetheless." Lady Hogwarts says gratefully as she bows in Toms direction.

"You're welcome. Does this mean you accept me as the owner of the Castle now?" Tom says, knowing that means he would be her owner as well, as she is the castle itself.

Lady Hogwarts goes quiet for a moment as a tense atmosphere fills the room. On one hand, Lady Hogwarts wields the power of a very powerful and old warded castle that sits on a cross section of multiple ley lines, so she could go back on her word and kick Tom out or even kill him if she wanted to.

On the other hand, Tom has grown to be extremely powerful. If she were to try anything funny, Tom would probably have the advantage now. Especially since they are currently in the heart of the castle, which is technically the heart of Lady Hogwarts.

One well-placed attack and Tom could easily kill Lady Hogwarts at any moment, depending on how durable the ward stone is.

After a moment of thought, Lady Hogwarts looked straight into Tom's eyes and spoke up.

"Yes, it does." Lady Hogwarts gets down on one knee and bows her head. "Master."

As she calls Tom Master, the pillar behind her lights up and brightens the entire room like a blinding sun.

Shielding their eyes from the intense amount of light, Tom and Druella wait until the light dies down.

Relying on his other senses, Tom makes sure Lady Hogwarts isn't trying anything funny. Her short pause from earlier made him slightly suspicious of Lady Hogwarts.

Thanks to his heightened senses from his various power-ups, Tom didn't sense anything, but could he even sense anything in the first place? Lady Hogwarts is an ethereal figure after all.

When the light died down, Tom and Druella uncovered their eyes and saw Lady Hogwarts still kneeling before them.

Behind her is the same giant metal ward stone, but something was definitely different about it.

It is completely smooth without a single rune, glyph, or carving in sight. From top to bottom the pillar was completely smooth,

"Please place your hand on the ward stone and push your magic inside." Lady Hogwarts says as she stands and gestures at the pillar. "Be warned that it will take a lot of your magic. Though seeing how much magic you have in your reserves, it would barely take more than 1/100th of it."

Still slightly suspicious of her, Tom walks up to the pillar, leaving Druella standing by the door.

"So, all I have to do is touch the pillar and it will what?" Tom asks as he stands between Lady Hogwarts and ward stone.

"Your magical signature will be registered as the owner of me, Hogwarts Castle, which would give you full control over the castle's defenses, wards, and most of all me." Lady Hogwarts explains and gestures for Tom to touch the pillar.

"Well, alright." Tom shrugs and touches the pillar, pumping as much magic in as it can take.

If she tries anything, Tom should be able to handle it. He has Lady Death keeping him from dying and Druella watching his back from the door.

As Tom pumps magic into the pillar, slowly the former runes and glyphs that covered its surface started to appear as if they were being carved into the metal one by one.

Finally, when every bit of the pillar was covered in markings once again, it wouldn't take any more of Tom's magic no matter how much he tried to give it more.

"Congratulations, Master. You're now the registered owner of Hogwarts Castle." Lady Hogwarts says with a twinge of annoyance in her voice.

Although she was the one to make this deal in the first place, Lady Hogwarts wasn't sure how she felt about having an 'owner'.

She hasn't been truly owned by anyone since the founders, but she wasn't exactly sentient at the time.

'It could be worse...' Lady Death thought as she stared at her new master.

She's been watching every move of Toms since the moment he entered Hogwarts. She knew that he wouldn't be overbearing and cruel, so at least she lucked out in that department.

While Tom was familiarizing himself with everything he now controlled in the castle, from the advanced ward schemes to the moving stairs, Lady Hogwarts firmly grasped her situation and did her best to come to terms with it.

"Hello." Druella greets as she walked up to Lady Hogwarts. "I'm Druella, but I'm sure you already knew that."

"Yes, I know who you are, Ms. Rosier. I remember every student that has ever attended Hogwarts. Thank you for helping bring the school together. I know you played a big part in this as well." Lady Hogwarts says thankfully as she gives Druella a small bow.

"It was no problem at all. Running those clubs was hectic but fun nonetheless." Druella answers politely.

As they're talking, Tom finished his investigation of his new privileges over the castle and speaks up.

"Well, thank you for keeping your word. I was worried for a moment that you would try to renege on our deal." Tom says his thanks as he walks over to Druellas side.

"I won't lie and say it didn't cross my mind."