Waking up in TWD

This was weird to be honest.. I never got to meet some all powerful entity or god or anything of the like, there was simply a white room that had a wheel that started to spin on its own once I had a moment to look around.

While that's not bad or anything I suppose, the wheel, once it finished its spinning, decided to land on The Walking Dead of all things, though I could think of at least a dozen worse options right off the top of my head if this is what I thought it was so all things considered it was ok.

No the weird part came when that wheel disappeared and the next one appeared with what seemed to be perks of all kinds though I don't think any of them were crazy OP and were probably designed for this world from all the ones I could see before it had started spinning itself. Though the only one that really mattered was the one that the spinner landed on in the end which confused me.

'Companion system with store function' is what the name was and after I got a basic description of the thing… it was almost too good for this world, though that thought was crushed by the fact that it couldn't summon people with powers or more specifically people with powers that are summoned won't have their powers. Still.. the store function could be helpful in a pinch!

I basically had to earn 'zombie tokens' or points, instead of getting some kind of EXP or something for levels and once I have enough tokens for the person or items that I want from the store I want, I can do so. I can also basically use this 'system' to look people up from any fandom almost like google and see how many points someone was worth. For example if I were to summon Natasha Romanoff… she would be worth 50 points which was at the upper end of the spectrum as she was as badass as a non powered person could get but another example would be Daisy Johnson who would be worth like 10 points without her powers.

I also learned that I actually had a bit of a pocket space for myself but it can only hold things that come from the system store itself sadly so I can't put metric shit tons of rnadom things inside of it.

The easiest way to get points is to kill zombies or people in general, though zombies give more tokens. I think that was a small incentive to not become a mass murderer or something maybe?

The best aspect about this system was that I got a free companion in the form of a hot redhead named Natasha Romanoff and a starting pack from the store!

With one thought to the next that very redhead I had been thinking about simply appeared just feet in front of me with a resigned look, and the next second after that we both disappeared and reappeard in a place I recognized quite easily.

"Well this is interesting I guess." I grumble out without much thought only to get a stare from the beautiful red head. Right. "I'm Alex by the way." I tell her reaching out my hand to shake hers which she surprisingly does take.

"Natasha. We should search this place to see what is here, yes?" I just look around again taking in more details of the living room and the kitchen I can see from here.

"I'm fairly sure this is my own house or some version of it. I would check the spare bedroom, it's where I kept my weapons if that's what your looking for first, il check the food situation. Also I seem to have gotten a starter pack from the System store that is attached to the summoning system" She just looked at me for a second, shrugged and agreed before walking off not really making any facial expressions as of yet, her beautiful face almost set in stone.

It only took a moment for me to pull out my starting pack which consisted of a decently sized rucksack and a belt, on closer inspection the belt is a double rigged leather gun belt with a 1873 SAA revolver in each holster! Western guns were always a favorite of mine from my childhood so I would cherish this gift from the system. There were also severa boxes of ammo for the guns.

It took me a moment to notice a piece of paper attached to the belt… 'skill card - Wyatt Earp/Shooting skill'… holy shiiiit! That's awesome! I instinctively knew I had to tear it for me to ge the skill and quickly did so!

Within seconds I knew the ins and outs of these guns and how to expertly fire them with precision and skill! Don't get me wrong I was not a lousy shot before hand but I had never used a revolver before even if I loved the western movies. I quickly put on my awesome leather gun belt and made sure the revolvers were loaded and the belts bullet loops on the gun belt were filled with bullets! It looked badass in my opinion but I'm pretty sure I saw Natasha shake her head at my enthusiasm once or twice while muttering in Russian.

With that out of the way I began taking note of what was stored in the kitchen and pantry and it was pretty much just as I remembered, a couple weeks worth I frozen goodness in the form of steaks in the freezer, I couple of boxes of Ramen and other types of instant noodles, a few cases of both water and sodas and the rest was normal stuff you would find in a kitchen.

It was only a few minutes later that Natasha came back with several cases and boxes setting them on the small round kitchen table, all things I remembered from my home before I died. There were four 9mm pistols, two AR15's and a 12 gage shotgun with at least several thousand rounds of assorted ammo, though I'm fairly sure most of it is 9mm and 2.23.

She almost looked slightly happy about that, if you squint a lot and tilt your head sideways but il take what I can get right now.

We didn't really talk much for a few minutes while she went over the weapons to make sure they are in good working order, which admittedly should probably make me feel slightly insulted but I don't really care about that right now, more interested in mentally planning and preparing what to do in the short and long term.

"What exactly can I expect in this world, Alex, you know where we are, yes?" She asked me without looking up from her task.

I just think about it for a second. I don't really know anything about why she was put on the list I was given to enter this world with me, if she was just plucked from her world or if she died and was given an option.

"Do you know anything about the zombie genre?" She actually looked at me now with a frown on her face. "Yes, I know what a zombie is. I will assume this world will soon be or already is infected some how, what can you tell me about them and this world we find ourselves in now?"

I mull it over for a second to put my thoughts in order. It's been a few years since I watched TWD after all. "Well it's fairly basic I guess… shoot them in the head and they quit moving. Sound, smell and movement will draw their attention, though I'm not sure to what degree they can smell for people, minimum I would guess but if you smell like them and walk like them then they will ignore you, meaning covering yourself in zombie goo." She grimaced at the thought but motioned for me to continue.

"The fresher zombies can do something akin to power walking I think, while later in the seasons for the tv series they were much slower. That could be different directors or it could be real in this universe, I guess we will have to see. If we use guns we should aim to either make or acquire silencers for them first so we don't draw every zombie for a mile from every direction, or use bows/arrows if your any good." I'm pretty sure she was wishing Clint was here right about now.

"That's about everything useful about the zombies of this world, other than if you get bit or scratched you turn into one of them, if you die for any reason other than blunt force trauma to the brain then you also turn in to one of them, everyone is infected, the bites just bring a fever that kills you, that there is no cure for. That's pretty much it.

As for the world, there is no overarching bad guys that I know of, there are bad people all over the place of course, no clue about what happens in Kentucky where we currently are as the television series follows a group that starts off in Georgia and eventually make their way to somewhere in Virginia.

Unless we add the spin-off show FTWD, which starts in Los Angeles California and follows a teen girl and her family which slowly gets whittled away and killed off just leaving her and whoever she runs into as her group.

Personally if I was alone and making decisions I would rent/steal a large cargo van and stuff it with supplies and make my way to king county where canon starts, find either an abandoned house or try to rent one that's vacant and hold up there for a month or so until things calm down a bit while also scavenging for supplies."

She looks at me with a somewhat evaluating look, at least that's what I think I see. "Why King County?"

"Mmm to start, there was a military unit of some sort stationed at the hospital, they either died or evacuated but it looked like they left a lot of gear laying around. It didn't show details but there were Strykers, Helicopters, Hummers and LMTV's and crates all just sitting around, so I simply assume there is gear within or around somewhere." She just nodded and shrugged. It was possible but we wouldn't know until it happened either way.

"There were obviously zombies around but Rick, one of the main characters and a Sheriffs Deputy, managed to make it from the hospital to his house after waking up from a coma without running into more than 1 of them and it was torn in half and could barely even crawl so I assume it's at the least slightly safe and if not safe at least we know how it will be generally.

The hospital is fairly intact, though I don't know what supplies are inside but I do know that the zombies were locked in some part of the hospital and the rest was clear of them to my knowledge.

We can also find Ricks house and get the keys for the sheriffs office, it has its own propane system for power or at least hot water, not to mention it still has guns and ammo, I think it was a dozen hand guns, a few rifles and half dozen shotguns with 700 assorted rounds." She nodded at all this information, I like to think I remembered the important details but I don't know what else she wants right now.

"It's also not horribly far from where the main group is located and will be there for a month or two until Rick finally finds his family there at the rock quarry/camp ground just outside Atlanta. That's probably everything relevant off the top of my head."

"Can I ask you a few questions also?" I asked looking at her eyes when she looked at me. She just shrugged and gave a go ahead gesture.

"How did you end up here stuck looking after my stupid ass?" I was kinda curious about that. I'm assuming she died somehow.

"Do you know my story?" She asked me with a raised eyebrow.

"Well yes, I think I do, at least the basics but there are a bunch of different versions of Natasha Romanoff aka The Black Widow so I'm not exactly sure who I'm dealing with or even if you have a story I'm familiar with." She just sighed at that.

"I died to retrieve an Infinity stone." Ahhh ok so this is the Avengers version of her, cool. "Ok that's the how I guess but what about the why of it?" I was a curious bastard so sue me.

"I was made an offer, help and protect someone and I would get a second chance at life, I was de-aged back to 23 and healed, if you know my backstory even a little bit you probably know why that's important to me as a woman." What could I do but nod to that. It wasn't a bad deal for her but this is also an apocalypse so having a child would be dangerous for her and the child.

"I was also told that if that child was had with the person I'm meant to protect that the child would be born with a diluted version of the super soldier serum."

I couldn't help the blush that appeared at that, that was about as blunt of a way of saying I'm now her sex toy than anything I could think of.

Natasha POV

Well this should be interesting I suppose, zombie world, guy that's going to basically be summoning a harem or potentially doing so anyways, at least he is decent enough I guess, somewhat handsome, athletically built and about 6'.. there were definitely worse choices as at least he doesn't seem like a complete bastard who will hold their circumstances hostage at the very least so let's see how things go from here.