Chapter 2

Updated chapter 1, go reread or don't, up to you to be confused.

It didn't take long for Natasha to chart a course off of the information I gave her, both about the world we were in and what I knew about the system and how we could summon more allies if we get the points.

The preparations were simple. I only had around $7000 in my bank account and that wouldnt afford us much so I got as many quick and dirty loans as I could get and that brought our finances closer to $50,000 all combined, but that doesn't really include what Natasha has nicked over the last 24 hours or so as she definitely could make it in the world as a thief if she wished to.

Guns, Ammo, other random gear, she wanted it she found it, it was pretty much that simple it seemed.

My time was mostly spent gathering things on the more legal sides of things. Ways to store water, to purify water, gather water, to get baby supplies for the future that would last for probably years if used wisely. Batteries and items that could run off batterie, camping gear and anything useful.

It wasn't long before we managed to find and rent a house in the same neighborhood as where the grimes family lives, we could only find their house by Natasha sneakily following them home from carls school one day, I had to go with her in order to point Lori out to Natasha.

Other than that, Natasha's nightly activities consisted of hunting down monsters and bad people quickly racking up 15 points by the 72nd hour or third day in this world so that I could make my next summon, we both agreed that the individual needed to be technically inclined and it would be useful if they were already familiar with Natasha so they could work together.

That pretty much left either Daisy or Raven Reyes as probably the best choices as we could use a hacker for the next week rather than an engineer and because Daisy Johnson would more easily fall in line under someone like Natasha, not that I think anyone summoned would actually disobey, but this just seemed better.

(I am changing the way to summon people or buy from the store and putting it in a SmartPhone app)

With that thought I went to my list of options that I had picked out, clicked on their name and 'Summon', seeing my points automatically being deducted as she appears before me and Natasha practically out of thin air.

"Well that was a thing…" The pretty brunette said after a moment. I could only shrug honestly, it was interesting though.

"Welcome to the team Agent Johnson!" I told the girl while holding out my hand to her to which she accepts! Yay me I am 2 for 2! "Just call me Daisy please, I'm not an agent of anything anymore." I'm tempted to ask what she was offered to accept coming here but I'm not sure I want to know so I don't ask.


It didn't take long for this chick to completely debo my computer, leaving me with only my tablet to fiddle online and search for supplies we would need or could go out and buy but this girl was already ahead of me. She may have stolen my laptop but that is tame in comparison to what I watched her do to some other people. They are probably crying to their ancestors about how broke they are now.

I didn't understand like 99.9% of anything Daisy did or said but it's sufficient to say that she put money in a random account not connected to any of us and used it to have supplies shipped and or diverted to an out of the way warehouse in bumfuck Georgia, somewhere close to Hershel's farm in Senoia GA. We would have to split up in the future to defend it from looters, once we had the people to do so.

The scary part was that she worked this magic in under 18 hours. I just stared at her blankly when I saw one of the manifests of one of the trucks she rerouted, it was all female hygiene supplies of one kind or another…. She just stared back at me unfazed by my own staring until I walked away. What could I say or do about this? All my summons will be chicks and they will simply all agree with Daisy about the necessity of all the items she either ordered or rerouted by hacking.

By this time Natasha, still being the busy girl that she is, doing whatever she is doing wherever she is doing it, made the last of the points we needed for our next summon which was surprisingly fast. But we honestly needed an engineer like Raven Reyes to help set shit up, which Daisy can also help out with thankfully as she is also pretty brilliant in her own ways.