Kill and Get Tokens CH2

Kill and get Tokens CH2

It didn't take long for Natasha to help me chart a course off of the information I gave her, both about the world we were in and what I knew about the system, which seemed very basic and nearly useless to use to plan in advance other than the fact we can get random survival stuff and random potentially useful or useless people.

The preparations were simple. I only had around $7000 in my bank account and that wouldnt afford us much so I got as many quick and dirty loans as I could get and that brought our finances closer to $50,000 all combined, but that doesn't really include what Natasha has nicked during the night while I slept like a baby, as she definitely could make it in the world as a thief if she wished to.

Guns, Ammo, other random gear, she wanted it she found it, it was pretty much that simple it would seem. She managed to do all that in just the few hours I was asleep which surprised even me while knowing some of her abilities.

My time was mostly spent gathering stuff on the more legal sides of things. Ways to store water, to purify water, gather water, to get baby supplies for the future that would last for probably years if used wisely. Batteries and items that could run off batterie, camping gear and anything useful. Most of this was simply bought online and shipped to the house.

It wasn't long before we decided and managed to find and rent a house in the same neighborhood as where the grimes family lives, we could only find their house by Natasha sneakily following them home from carls school one day, I had to go with her in order to point Lori out to Natasha.

Other than that, Natasha's nightly activities consisted of hunting down monsters and bad people quickly racking up 15 points by the 48th hour or 2nd day in this world so that I could have enough points for three tickets, we were both some what hoping for someone who was more technically inclined but since the tickets were seemingly random we had no clue what we could get, but at 5 points a ticket we were hoping one of them could be useful at least.

I used all three tickets at the same time, watching the points Natasha had gathered hit zero in the upper left hand side of my peripheral view, kinda like a status screen from an RPG that only told me how many Tokens I had. And with a thought the three people were standing before myself and Natasha as she stood slightly in front of me kinda like a shield.

Honestly after the first time she and I had shared intimacy, she seemed to be quite over protective of me for some reason. I didn't believe the system messed with the peoples minds of those that were summoned even if it was a possibility, so it was more likely more of a personal thing.

The three people that were summoned were certainly a mixed bag of interesting but at least I recognized all of them and this might also mean that the system gives me more of what and or who I need instead of completely random, well one of them was extremely random as fuck as I only recognized her because I rewatched the movie not that long ago, the girl named Trash from 'Return of the living dead' movie.

Don't get me wrong.. she was insanely hot with a rather nice drearier with the perkiest tiddys for their size. She had a fairly provocative personality sexually speaking and seemed to like to dance naked in the movie. All that being said she had a rather quick and useless death in the first few minutes that the zombies appeared making her most probably fairly useless in fighting the soon to be coming Walkers.

The second person was probably the most immediately useful person out of the three summoned, Skye or as she was later know as Daisy Johnson. She was a bit of a genius when it came to hacking and was also an Agent of Shield in the TV series

"Well that was a thing…" The pretty brunette said after a moment. I could only shrug honestly, it was interesting though.

"Welcome to the team Agent Johnson!" I told the girl while holding out my hand to her to which she accepts after Natasha slightly backs out of the way a bit judging them not a threat. "Just call me Daisy please, I'm not an agent of anything anymore." I'm tempted to ask what she was offered to accept coming here if anything but I'm not sure I want to know so I don't ask.

It seemed the other girls were slightly more reserved or in Trash's case looked quite timid which was understandable if she just got mauled by zombies.

The last looked like a youngish Willa Holland, maybe in her late teens or something around that. If I'm not mistaken it's the version of Willa that was in that angel horror movie… Legion if memory serves. She looked more cautious than timid and seemed to be looking for threats until Daisy introduced herself to which she quickly followed suit.

"Audrey… and thank you for this second chance, even if it's about to be a shitty zombie world soon." She was a bit more personal as instead of shaking hands she pulled me into a tight bear hug to which I most certainly did not squeak at in surprise.

After that was over with I looked to the last or first girl depending on how you look at it and she actually introduced herself as Christa and only waved timidly, instead of Trash so I guess I couldn't make any hot garbage jokes. I'm guessing Trash was some goofy nickname of some sort.


It didn't take long for Daisy to completely debo my computer, leaving me with only my sad excuse for a tablet to fiddle online with and search for supplies we would need or could go out and buy but this girl was already ahead of the curve. Daisy may have stolen my laptop but that is tame in comparison to what I watched her do to some other people. They are probably crying to their ancestors about how broke they are now.

I didn't understand like 99.9% of anything Daisy did or said but it's sufficient to say that she put money in a random account not connected to any of us and used it to have supplies shipped and or diverted to an out of the way warehouse in bumfuck Georgia, somewhere close to Hershel's farm in Senoia GA. We would have to split up in the future to defend it from looters, once we had the people to do so.

The scary part was that she worked this magic in under 18 hours with only cheap food and heart attack inducing amounts of energy drinks.

I just stared at her blankly when I saw one of the manifests of one of the trucks she rerouted, it was all female hygiene supplies of one kind or another…. She just stared back at me unfazed by my own staring until I walked away. What could I say or do about this? All my summons will be chicks and they will simply all agree with Daisy about the necessity of all the items she either ordered or rerouted by hacking.

By this time Natasha, still being the busy girl that she is, doing whatever she is doing wherever she is doing it, along with Audrey, made the last of the points we needed for our next summon which was surprisingly fast even for Natasha.

I was both shocked and not when I summoned my fourth person because the woman standing before me was none other than Raven Reyes… I know this because she introduced herself as such after summoning her.

Only Daisy was here and after explaining the woman's skill set she quickly stole the young woman away from me (as I cried my E-tears of having the beauty stolen by another beauty) as she was needed to help install a solar powered system that Daisy had bought for the warehouse, not to mention the several backups of everything she ordered.

The only person left at the house as she didn't seem to like going out right now was Trash or now known as Christa, well she was timid about going outside but when alone.. well she was probably the most freaky girl I had ever had sex with if I'm being honest. She knew how to use her body even if Natasha was certainly better, Christa was simply more available at the moment and she was simply too sexy to say no to when she woke me up giving me head the first night she arrived much to my happy surprise as I thought she would be far too timid for such thing but I guess I was wrong.