I was extremely glad that we had Raven to help us out as it would have been quite a bit more difficult to get the warehouse set up without her or someone like her.
The main reason we chose that warehouse that we did was because it had a large walk in freezer and a large walk in refrigerator to store bulk items easily, we just needed to get everything off the power grid before things fell apart. Between the two women it shouldn't be too difficult for them. They also have a large rented generator there just in case thing deteriorated before we were ready.
The other reason that warehouse was chosen out of the how many hundreds was that the freezer/refrigerator were in a large basement with a large freight elevator and it made things easier to store more securely.
The basement was around 10k square feet while the ground floor was 15k square feet, the building had a basic 12 foot chain link fence surrounding the warehouse with a rolling chain link gate for the entrance. There was enough land within the fence line to turn into decent gardens but they planned to make another more durable fence or wall further out since we had clear views in every direction for about 800 meters
By the 5th day the first shipment of girly stuff had arrived and was just stored off to the side as there was nothing that was immediately necessary and could be dealt with later.
"So have you figured out what you want to do Natasha?" I asked the pretty redhead over the phone on our most recent call.
"I think we should all stay in Georgia as there aren't enough of us to split up half a country away. But we can split up a bit closer to home if we need to as long as there are a few more of us before things start in earnest." I couldn't really disagree as we were hoping to have more than the 6 of us by now but things were slow at the moment and there were only so many evil people or walkers for her to kill in the local region.
We talked for a few more minutes and after adding the others to the voice chat we decided we would meet up on the 10th morning of our final full day free of monsters in this new world, to have one last good meal in a good steak house before the end of the world but we still had a bit of time before that so in the meanwhile I made the next summon which happened to be kinda slightly an iconic mechanic who just so happened to end up being one of the hottest women of their time, Mikaela Banes aka Megan Fox…. Don't judge me, it's not like I got to choose her or even spend any time with her as Daisy was already here and took her away to the warehouse to help Raven deal with shit… I feel gypped!
Whatever! There really wasn't much for me to do at this point as everyone pretty much had everything covered but I had noticed that the closer things got to the world ending the more points that came in which meant Natasha and her new protégé, Audrey, were doing some dangerous shit… so I figured I might be able to help them even if I was slightly hesitant as I didn't want to be a distraction either. So I sent Natasha a quick text message. "Call when your free Natasha, nothing vital."
I almost felt special when I got a call back less than 5 minutes later. "What's up Alex? Everything going ok on your alls side?" She sounded like she was concerned and some why exhausted but I don't know why she would be concerned for us much as what we are doing isn't overly dangerous yet but more importantly she also sounded slightly stressed and probably hasn't been sleeping much.
"We are all fine here Natasha… Daisy quickly stole Mikaela, our new mechanic to the warehouse.." I may have sounded slightly salty but I like to think I wasn't. Natasha actually laughed at that though so screw her too!
"But I also wanted to ask you something, we know I get far more points than you do for Walker kills or kills in general and by the points coming in I can either assume your in a densely populated area or found a bunch of naughty people… I know we talked about it earlier and that it wasn't worth it to come with you as there wasn't much going on but with things picking up, I was wondering if you wanted some help? I might not be able to easily kill a human without hesitation but I have no issue with sticking a knife in the skull of a walking corpse, or a bullet preferably."
She was quiet for more than a minute which concerned me a bit. It concerned me even more when she spoke. " …I am in.. New York City.." I felt myself pale slightly as my breath hitched in my throat… one of the worst places in the world to be during an outbreak but also one of the best places to farm for points..! Fuck she must have went insane! And I must be insane for still offering to go with her because I wanted my Zombie Tokens!
"I still want to help…." She was silent for a moment. "Pack light, toiletries, 2 changes of clothes, essentials only. I will have everything else necessary for you when you arrive at the safe house." A text message with my plane ticket as well as the address of the safe house was sent via text as she hung up… my flight was in 2.5 hours! She also texted that one of them did plan to pick me up from the airport unless something came up.
I texted everyone telling them what I was doing and where I was going. I'm pretty sure there were some dropped jaws at the audacity of actually going to the city even if it was with Natasha, it was fine for her as she was a beast of an assassin with many skills, while I was just Alex, I could shoot really well and walkers didn't particularly scare me overly much other than the horrid smell I knew I would be inflicted upon me but still, I'm just Alex, I have no overly special skills. But then again neither did Audrey and she was fine it seemed.
I had to text the others as well to make sure my own shit made it to the warehouse so I sent a group text. "Hey ladies, can you make sure to grab my stuff as well as I can't take anything with me and don't want to lose those beautiful pair of revolvers please!" It wasn't long after that I got a text back from Mikaela. "I'll come back to the house later when we are done setting things up for the day, I'll pick up Christa and pack up your things if needed but I'm wearing those pea shooters until you get back!" I didn't know what to say to that, I knew there was a nerd in there some where! So I just gave her the 'thumbs up' emoji and a thank you.