The words came as a massive blow... No one is ever ready to hear their father is dead, that he wont be walking through that door again. And it only gets worse when your told that those men are getting out of it with no strings attached... There are many things that drive people nuts, but there are only a few things that drive them mad. And this was one of them.
Four months after the accident, I finally found them, cause after all, their ain't much a ten year old can do, but I did it without hesitation. John worthing and his friend Samuel lane were driving home drunk after celebrating their release. You would think they would learn from their mistakes, or the police would take their license or something to punish them for taking a young father out of the world... But they didn't, this is why I took things into my own hands. And to do it, I took it to hiding in the back of their vehicle and waiting for the precise moment, and that moment was coming when I was able to spot the bridge in the distance.
Only the light of the full moon gave me enough sight to see we were about to cross the bridge, I reached into my pocket, and pulled out my father's hand crafted pocket knife. He had carved in the face of a wolf with a fierce snarl, I took it in my hand and unlocked the back door, the moment came fast, and before Samuel could react in the passenger seat, John's throat was sliced wide open and was spewing blood in a matter of seconds and I had jumped out of the back door. As I had hoped, Johns lifeless corpse fell to the right, turning the wheel in the process. I heard the vehicle connect with the side of the bridge, and due to the speed... It flew off, taking the living Samuel with it, I could just here his screams before it hit the water, it was finished. I had avenged my father's death.
Now, jumping out of a speeding vehicle hurts like hell for a grown man, just think how it felt for a ten year old boy. I was in tears and it hurt to move, but I had to see my handy work. Crawling over to the collapsed wall,I looked down toward the water, what I had seen had stunned me, while hoping to see it all the way submerged, and to to see no bodies. What I did see, was the vehicle sitting in shallow water and the passenger side door open, a few paces away, I saw Samuel crawling up the bank. It infuriated me, I was so angry I screamed
"You goddamn sonavabitch, why don't you just die!"
He looked up at me and recognized the boy he had seen at the trial.
He ran into the woods that followed the river and that's when the pain hit me, excruciating pain, never had I felt this much pain before, it was almost unbearable until I felt the change of my skeleton fixture. Hoping to crawl away from the pain, I made it to the edge of the forest when I noticed the streaks of blood flowing from my hands, claws started sprouting and my back legs felt powerful, when I looked down, I noticed my legs were just like a canines. I got up, and ran into the woods, I could tell my sight, hearing, and sense of smell was different, more, precise. I caught his sent and caught up to him very soon, when he noticed me he stop, and trembled, I caught my reflection in a nearby pond and new exactly why he was scared. My features were wolf like, my eyes, a pool of blood, and my teeth were fangs, I walked over to him and he yelled for me to get back.
Why would I listen, I had power, moments after he said that, all that was left were a few fragments of his dismembered body. After killing him, my body fully changed into a wolf, black hair, tail and all, I killed any unfortunate animal that crossed my path, it was three before four when I felt the pain again, I changed back to my human form and just laid there for what felt like hours. I didn't feel regret or guilt for what I did, I felt, whole. After I stood up to leave did I notice the girl, she looked to be my age, shorter of course and jet black hair, it even seemed darker then my wolf forms hair, I would've told her to get lost but, she frightened me, she gave me the feeling only death can give.
"Hello little warrior, care to tell me why you have came so close to my home covered in the blood of a man."
Terrifying, nothing has scared me before, but she did.
"I killed the very men who and killed my father, one survived the crash I caused, and he ran, I followed him and killed him. I don't know how I came across your home... I'm sorry, I'll leave."
"Wait little warrior" she said "come here, I feel a powerful beast inside, is that, werewolf?"
Now I was completely petrified she came closer and grabbed my hands.
" No, not just that, there's others. Inside you, this won't due, let me help you."
"I don't even know who you are... And you don't know me, why help a stranger, trust a complete stranger... I don't even trust myself."
"Because." she said "I can feel it, deep in your heart, you wouldn't hurt me, you cant. And as for introduction's, Im Lilith, Lilith Sageborn, but most just call me... Lilly."
"Slade, Slade Jackson, as for helping me, how can you."
Help, bullcrap. My father was the only one that could help me. And he's gone... I didn't trust, and for that matter, didn't even want to speak to her. I wanted to run,and just forget this night.
"I can keep the beasts inside of you at bay, or at least, kept from using there full power. It'll only hurt for a little bit. I promise."
I wasn't getting out of this. At least... Not without hurting her, and I felt that wouldn't go well for me. Besides, If she can keep the pain from happening again, I must try.
"Okay Lilly... Then do it."
And she did, and of course... It came with a cost, my hands started burning. I begged for her to stop, but she didn't, not until the damaged was done. They were like charcoal, scar'd... Never to be the same.
"Finished my little warrior... Now, I must leave. But don't worry Slade, you'll see me once again when you need me the most."
And with that, she was gone, cradling my hands, I walked... No where in piticular, I just walked, day was breaking. And I somehow ended up at my grandmother's, I knocked, and one person who will be there to help me with this curse. Opened the door and rushed me in.