The aftermaths of all great slaughters are always hard to hide or clean up...
My grandmother took care of my first outburst but the ones to come later in my life, will be my problem. She was able fix me up, well most of it, my hands will always be scared, but I have feeling in them. She was also able to answer all my questions, my family line has been a very long and very dangerous line of werewolves, though... Our family is a little different then others, in all werewolf family's all become werewolves. But in my family, only the first born is cursed, and so, the burden of it is much worse.
While the power would be split between children, that power would reside in our first born, making us much more powerful but also makes the pain much worse. While my grandmother wasn't a first born, she never become one, but my father was. I grew up believing my family normal, turns out there crazy. I couldn't believe it, all I knew was a lie, remember when your parents told you there's no such thing as monsters. Well, they lied, I became a monster that night, and instead of hating myself for it, I took it as a gift, a necessary evil, and I loved it.
Eight years... Eight damn years I chose to make myself a deadly beast, once a boy, now a beast. From a small blonde boy, to a 6'4 dark blonde man, while my eyes were a hazel, they became a dark gray. I lost so much that night that it took its toll on me, draining my eyes of its color, like me, they lost all emotions. And to hell with staying neat, I let my hair grow long and grew stubble. For the longest time, all I cared about was taking control of my wolf form and using it to kill those who deserved to die.
While my grandmother was able to help with the most part, she knew I needed some help from those who were like me, that's when she introduced me to the sioux pack. A pack of werewolves that resided in sioux falls, when they first met me, they were sceptical about letting me in. No werewolf unleashed there curse until they were sixteen, so when a scar'd ten year old with the cursed activated, they thought otherwise. But then they thought of what they could do, create a weapon, while being trained at sixteen, there are always difficulties, but a ten year old won't fight back as much as the older boys. So, they trained me, helping me grow stronger, to the monster I am now.
I became a legend, all the kids wanted to be me, a young wolf that can kill if they wanted. I grew up fast those eight years, with kids who idle me alongside me. But I found no comfort in any of them, they just wanted to be friends with the boy who activated his curse early. I didn't trust anyone besides my grandmother, known really earned that respect. That is, until I met the one person I trusted with my life more then my grandmother, Kieth Leigh.
5,8 thin yet built, dark brown short cropped style hair, coffee brown eyes "with a hint of pumpkin spice", Kieth Leigh became a great friend. We met on one of my first jobs, 5 killings, all with magic involved. So of course we were dealing with witches, witches tend to not get involved with mortal, so when we got the call, we knew somethijng was up. Four days this job took, one of my longer jobs, just really tend to be fast, mostly because what do is just kill, these men kept on running. When we finally found them, they were hiding in a smeltery, this is when I met Kieth, nephew of the leader of witches that started the killings, I grew hesitant, thinking I had to kill someone that looked to be my age.
Instead, he turned on his uncle, using some powerful magic that no young witch could possibly use, power comes with years of experience, but it seem this boy and learned it all over generations. What I learned later was that his father and mother were killed by his uncle, before they died, they gave their only son their power. The bloodshed that followed Kieth's betrayal too his uncle was massive, he threw five of his uncle's men into a massive fan that took the heat out of the building, boy, there was a lot of blood. Kieth was covered head to toe, the other four he tossed into a vat of molten metal, their screams I can still here. His uncle tried to stop him, but was to late. With his power, he pulled his uncle's Jaw off and and impaled his head with a metal bar.
After the shock of all what he did, Kieth collapsed and cried in pain, I ran over to him to see if he was alright, of course he wasn't. He just killed ten men, I carried him out of the smeltery and brought him to my grandmother's where I've been staying during the job, she understood and took care of him for the next few days. When I went back he embraced me, told me that he owe me his life, I didn't do anything though, but he ment it. So after that, we became great friends, I resided all secrets I've taken over the years to him, and he became a big help for my jobs, finding people was so much easier. He was always there for me, even after I was disowned by my pack and was exiled, yes, I angered the alpha for the last time, he was done with me.