My mantra.
My goal.
My hell.
I should be on set instead of hiding out at an abandoned coffee shop down the street.
I should be making sure my actress wasn't setting the director on fire, just like I should be making sure that she was doing her job, the job she was getting paid for.
Two years ago she'd been fired from three different films.
Two years ago she was still doing drugs.
Two years ago I was still in love with her.
Two years ago she broke my heart for a second time without even realizing it and providence brought her to my agency, my doorstep.
I was the freaking Luke Skywalker of her world.
I'd dreamed of that moment. The moment she'd come crawling back and I'd sneer in her face, tell her to drop dead, then laugh while the door hit her in the ass on the way out of my office.
But that was the thing about revenge. Nobody ever warns you about all the other feelings that attach themselves to that one word.
Like regret.
Like what ifs.