Chapter 94


You know the dream people have when they're kids? You're naked in front of all of your classmates. They point and laugh while you try to cover up whatever parts you can with two hands all the while wondering why your feet are frozen in place. I mean, why don't you ever run in those dreams? Why do you just stand there? Logic would say to run, right?

Instead, you stand, paralyzed with fear.

And the worst part?

It feels so real.

Like it's really happening.

Like something you won't ever recover from.

I was experiencing one of those moments, only I wasn't dreaming - trust me I even pinched my arm to make sure.

Because standing in front of Will's beach house wasn't just my brother, actor Lincoln Greene with his girlfriend, Dani - because that would be normal right? He was in town shooting, he was blood, end of story.

I could live with that story.

But no.

It was my nemeses.

My past coming back to my present.