
Chapter 38: Remembering

I was really looking forward to seeing Mica at last. Really, I was dying to see him. He was supposed to be gone for two weeks and it's been six including his being quarantined for almost a week hanging there over Garner while they tested and examined him, he and that dog, Rogere. All that time and no communication since before they got to Pisto. Except for that dream--- I want to talk to him.

Rogere was supposed to drop Mica off at his partamento.

Oh! here they are; the Skimcraft is bouncing as it pops open and out tumbles Mica. I have seen more graceful exits. Even from this distance I can tell it's him-how thin, how nice! Standing up he waves, I guess, to Rogere and perhaps that plaster colored villain, Clabrous.

Mica peers around for a minute, then plops down on his back on the thick greenness. It is so thick, all I can see is his nose and his toes and a flash of chrome yellow hair. Wow.

I'm running toward him, "Mica!"