
Chapter 39: Regrouping at the Bizaeat

The sun shone, as it usually did in Garner, the sky was blue and clear, the air was warm. It was the kind of day in which spotted dogs lie on their backs in the greenness with pink tongues lolling out. The extruded rock sidewalk in front of Bizeat was warm and the wall was a flat gray; also quite warm. To the right of Bizeat's door, stood a man in a stylish skindot loosesuit-stylish, but of questionable taste. In Garner, modesty prevailed, but Mica's loosesuit boasted holes through which his bare skin underneath could be glimpsed.It was bright green and gold and of course was topped by Mica's chrome yellow hair. He was grinning boldly.

He was grinning at Vuud, who was approaching from the other side of Bizeat's door. There was something heavy, almost sad about Vuudthat day though he smiled unrestrainedly at his friend. Vuud, of course, was wearing his brown robes, the hood was down and his tall head looked unusually serious and intelligent.