Aaron, who saw Freris dying while screaming, had fear instilled inside him.
'If they catch me, I won't have a peaceful death.'
'They will keep torturing me until I die…', his thoughts were tangled, fear continuously building inside him and growing larger every second. He knew not how to handle the situation right now.
Out of the five emperor-tier wolves, two were dead - two strong ones. Now, only three were left out of which, Devis looked fine in his half-dragon form but his opponent, Shin, too had a half-dragon form. Lurion seemed exhausted, even with the entire HP, he was weak as all of his MP seemed drained out.
As for himself, his HP was quite low thanks to Argant's attacks.
'Should I run away…?', he asked himself, but the question automatically changed the next second.
'Can I run away?'