The Great War (17): The Final Act (1) - Lurion's Sacrifice

"Tsk, that was one lucky strike, you bastard. What are you waiting for? Come again!", Shin taunted Devis.

This time, both of them rushed yet again, Shin and Devis, both using Dragon Claws to see who is stronger.

This only resulted in tons of many explosions!

The highly durable arena was going to be blown into pieces and would collapse soon if this kept going on. The barrier that was protecting the audience from any direct attacks already had cracks on it and could shatter anytime soon.

Everyone was anxious, excited, and shocked as they watched the battle continue.

A lot of time had passed and there were a lot of dead bodies on the battlefield.

Most of the members of the Fang clan had either died or were in a half-dead situation.

Many members of other clans were also either dead or were injured gravely. Since Shin was no longer focusing on using Necromancy on other dead bodies, the bodies just continued to pile up.