Elder Ros

Chapter 436: Elder Ros

It was as if he had been reborn, shedding his former self and emerging anew. 

He could feel the weight of his mortal body, the subtle beating of his heart, and the exhilarating rush of breath filling his lungs.

With each step he took, Shin embraced the sensation of solid ground beneath his feet, relishing in the sheer delight of being human once more.

His silvery white hair cascaded in a mesmerizing wave, reflecting the faintest glimmers of light like strands of moonlit silk. It framed his face in a way that accentuated his sharp, chiseled features, making him a vision of captivating allure.

But it was his emerald green eyes that truly stole the show. They sparkled like rare gemstones, glistening with a depth that seemed to hold the secrets of ages.