Experiment [1]

Chapter 437: Experiment [1]

Elder Ros took deliberate steps forward, his every move drawing Shin's attention. The creases on Shin's forehead deepened, displaying his growing frustration and defiance. 

With a firm and unwavering voice, he commanded, "Release me this moment." His unwavering gaze remained fixated on Elder Ros's extended arm, gradually approaching his forehead with an ominous intent, something that couldn't be described by mere words. 

As Elder Ros's index finger gently made contact with Shin's forehead, a wave of stillness swept over the room. Time seemed to stand still, and everything around them froze in suspended animation. 

Shin's mind struggled to grasp the surreal moment, unable to comprehend the mysterious power coursing through his body. 

The sensation was both electrifying and unsettling, as if the very fabric of reality had momentarily paused.

What followed after was...


Unbearable pain.