The Aftermath [3]

Chapter 461: The Aftermath [3]

"It's all because of him!" one of the elders bellowed, pointing an accusing finger directly at Shin. "He is the one who brought calamity upon us!"

The room echoed with unspoken thoughts, igniting a spark of anger and fear within the gathered elders. Like wildfire, the blame spread, with more and more voices joining the chorus of condemnation.

"He should have never set foot in our clan!" another elder chimed in, his face twisted with disdain. "If only he hadn't come here, we wouldn't be in this mess!"

The room resonated with the deafening clamor of accusation, drowning out any rational thought or empathy. Shin stood at the center of the storm, with an unsettling fusion of confusion and defiance played out upon his face.