Hiding Aura

Chapter 462: Hiding Aura

Shin continued walking alone in the desert, having fulfilled his revenge and obtained the item. He now needed to meet with Pekka and Rekka, or at least that was his plan. However, a sudden strange sensation caused him to stop in his tracks.

It wasn't the Sand Serpents or the scorpions nearby that bothered him. Even though they tried to attack him, mistaking him for a human, he paid them no mind, taking care of them rather easily. It was something entirely different that made him falter and almost fall to the ground.

"Deoras," Shin called out, his voice cold and deep.

"Yes, master," Deoras emerged, bowing before Shin. He could sense Shin's anger, as his aura leaked and weighed heavily on those around him. Thankfully, Deoras had recently increased his strength, or else he would have been suffocated by the aura.