It had been years since I had made a deal with those mutts. And now that the time had come for me to take what is mine, they tried to give me another. This would not stand. To send a message I would take out the pack from which their decoy came from. This was the only mercy I would show for the sake of her. I would not take her pack unless they refused to uphold the bargain that was struck again.

Calling to my shadow soldiers, I gave the order. Locate the pack and wipe it out. Every last man, women, and child would pay the price of this deception. I will have what is mine. No one can keep her from me.

I should have been more vigilant with her whereabouts but had promised not to interfere with her life until she came of age. Now I was thinking I was a fool.

Calling to my second, Saumur, I gave him a special mission. He was to locate the girl for me and report back. With a wisp of wind, he was gone to carry out his master's orders. Saumur was not one to disappoint. He was quiet, but strong and had fought by my side for a millennium. He was my first recruit and would take over should something happen to me. He was loyal and would die for me if I asked it or not. He had curly, auburn, medium length hair, and bright blue eyes. He was average height and seemed of average strength. His appearance was misleading that way. He could crush you like a bug with his hand alone.

I solemnly looked out the window awaiting for news of her location and what had become of her life during our years apart. Imagine my surprise when I was informed she had a spell put on her blocking the memories of her time with me. My rage was a spark compared to the information I received next.

She had found a mate and had produced a male heir for him. How could those mangy mutts have allowed this to happen. Then it came to me. They didn't let it happen, they made it happen.

"Saumur, bring me the sorcerer that put the spell on her. I have some questions that need answers."

"Yes, master. Right away."

I reminded myself to make a note to reward Saumur should he succeed in returning with the sorcerer.

My impatience was beginning to make me agitated. My people were careful to avoid me as much as possible, but when agitated, they let me be completely so as to not incur my wrath. It was times like these that I remember what it was like when she was here. If only I could have explained. If only I would have told her the truth. Maybe none of this would have happened.

She was 12 when the deal was struck, but was 16 by the time she was officially in my care. She was taken by that stupid council who should have minded their own business. I had to wait 3 years for her to turn 19 before I could make her mine again. But a curve ball was thrown at me. They had tried to replace her and the actress was very convincing, but I had immediately known she was a fraud. I snapped her neck and had sent her body back to her pack with a message. Now that pack has been wiped out and I'm sure the Lightmores know I am coming for them next. But first, I need Saumur to bring me the sorcerer so I know what they did to her and how I can undo it. One thing was for certain, she was mine, and I wasn't about to give her up.