Chapter 1: Two Souls (Edited)

Astria, the world filled with fantasy and unimaginable things such magic, the whole world roaming with monster, treasure and adventure that no one know where it could lead them.

It was already midnight, in the certain village called Blumund village. Kiritsuka Rei who's soul that being pulled out from the gods and finally got reincarnated into Ray Houston's body.

After his reincarnation succeed, he went deep inside his mind. Right now Rei standing in front of the man who looks just like him, his face was in middle of age around 30s. But feature of his face and voice was the same as him.

The man in front of him was wearing a white shirt but with a sheated sword hanging on his waist. While Rei was wearing a black color school uniform.

The man had the same feature as Rei, such as his spiky hair but have different color than him which for Rei, he had black-jet color but this man have a summer brown color.

The color of their eyes was different as well, Rei's eyes had crimson-red color meanwhile this man have golden-yellow color.

Rei who stood there slowly observing this man and the man himself also observing him back as if they looking at the mirror.

After a few minutes of silent from observing each other, the one who spoke first was Rei after clearing his throat.

"A-ahem, My name is Kiritsuka Rei, nice meeting you."

Without a problem Rei introducing himself towards him.

The man nodded his head and replied, "Nice meeting you as well, my name is Ray...[Ray Houston]."

"[Ray Houston]...?" Rei repeated his name.

"Yes, I am...the owner of this body."

"Huh? the owner? W-wait hold on!"

"You are the owner!" Rei pointed his finger at him, as he remember that he supposed to possess a young boy's body.

"But, how come is the owner of this body is an old man like you?!"

Rei who having conversation with this man confused of his statement.

Ray who looked at his reaction, began to laugh, "Hahaha! aren't you quite honest one. But I guess you are right, before coming here you saw and feel your body had become small like a child."


Rei nodded of his words and waiting for him to giving him another answer, but at the same time, he began to feel suspicious of this man.

Ray could tell from his expression alone, and decided to give him another answer, "Indeed for an old man like me considered suspicious."

"But what if I told you that, I am someone from the future, what will you say?"

'Future?' Rei widened his eyes for a moment but still wary of him.

The words "future", just made him nervous, but...

'If it's true then there's no explanation than this.' Rei thinking back, so he began to ask.

"What do you mean by [future]? Or is this some sort of jokes."

Ray looked straight into his eyes, 'How extraordinary, he still try to keep his distance of me.'

"Of course, it isn't a joke. Because this [future] that I am gonna tell you, will be something that you will face it later on."

"But more precisely, this [future] is still my future not yours." Ray gave him assurance by telling him words by words. Showing no any weird gesture or changes from his expression.

To show that he is someone that he can trust.

Rei slowly lowered his guard seeing how serious he is, "Uhhh...okay? Then are you saying that you are this body future self? ...."

"Precisely, well this body still mine, but I am the [Ray Houston] in the next 29 years from now on."

"And this body we reside in, was me at 6 years old."


Rei was suprised of this man bold words and statement, in the end he could only accepted this situation.

"I see."

But deep inside, he still amazed and felt weird of this situation.

Because...'To think I am not alone.'

A two souls had reside within a child body, one is from the Earth world and one is from Astria world who came from the future.

'[Ray Houston].'

'If what he said is true then does that mean I will look just like him?'

Rei who are in his thought, staring at Ray who just smiling in confused.


"Okay, I get it, I gave up! I cannot be picky about this situation, since I need an information of this world."

"Which is why, I'm gonna need you to give me the information." Rei spoke with demanding tone, though he still feel being scammed into this situation after all.

Ray looked at him and chuckled, "Heh, sure then."

"And! Would you mind if I call you Houston?"

"Hm? Of course...but why?"

"I mean, it is awkward to call you by your name [Ray], since our name is quite similar with each other." Rei replied to him.

Like he said their first name sound the same and it's quite hard for them to called each other like that.

"I guess that's true, then I don't mind it, [Kiritsuka]."

"Same here, [Houston]."

Ray accept it easily, and he understood his intentions of asking that question.

"Good, then so let me ask you my first question."

"What is your reason to come back from the future to past?"

When Rei ask that, Ray was stood still on there in silent, as his face was very calm.

Then he began to smile after that silent, an awkward smile that he is unsure of something.

"Well even you ask me that, I don't even know how to begin."

Hearing that, Rei was suprised again and raising one of his eye-brow.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked.

"The truth is...I don't know of how did this happen." Ray replied.

"You don't know?" Rei asked.

"Yeah, the only thing I remembered was when I was in verge of dying during a battle...I heard a voice."

"A voice?" Rei repeated.

Ray nodded, "Yeah a voice, a female voice who called my name over and over."

"So, I answered her call, she asked me, if I have a wish before I died." Ray vaguely answered him.

"And you wished to go back to the past?" Rei continued his words as he already know of what he wished for.

Ray could only laugh it off and giving a smile.

"Yeah, and the thing that I wish I can go back and fix my own mistake .."

"Mistake?" Rei repeated him.

Ray nodded and slowly sat down on this black empty space floor.

"You see, in the future, I had seen many people died in front of my eyes, from friends, teacher, neighbors, lover and including..."

"My family." Ray spoke with this bitter smile on his face.

"....." Rei just silently stood there while listening every words he said.

Ray smiled and began to tell him, his story, "It was a peaceful day, where I played with my sister and my friends."

"We ask about our dreams together, running around and playing pranks to each other like other kids."

"We went back home where our parents are waiting for us, eating dinner together and laughing to each other stories that we had everyday." Ray explained a happy smile yet it felt like he is being immersed with a nostalgic memories.

Until, his expression turned grim.

"Until...that incident happen."

'An incident?' Rei thought.

"A horde of monsters, began to attack the village." Ray answered his question.


"Yes, powerful hordes of monsters just barge into our village, unnoticed."

"They destroy our home, attacking and killing all the villagers, eating their flesh and conquered this village within a minute." Ray explained every single detail of what he remember that day.

"Even we fight back, the monsters are too powerful for us, so we couldn't do anything about it."

Rei gulped down his dry saliva, hearing this story, felt so realistic for him.

"And...what kind of monster is it?" Rei asked since he was unsure of this [Monster] existence.

Ray looked even more grim, "The monster was a giant wolf, they have black fur like the night with red color eyes."

Ray answered and even explained the detail of the monster he had face that day.

Rei could only nodded his head and finally began to sat down in front of him.

"And your family...?" Rei asked it on whim, which he wanted to know about it.

"Of course, they were killed by protecting me."

"My parents shielded me and my little sister to run, but despite that those monsters still chasing us."

"And when we were about to escape from them, my little sister...she..." Ray bit his lips as if he felt too remorseful by the memories.

"She sacrificed herself for escape." Ray's hand began to tremble, Rei could see how he was traumatized by the past he had before.

"They protected me from those monster, giving me the chance to escape."

"And I still remember, the moment when they devoured them in front of my eyes, and that...I promised to kill those monsters, to take revenge on them." Ray's expression start to twisted into madness of hatred.

"I cursed myself over and over while I run with the others."

"Even after escaping, the scream of my dead family still lingers in my sleep, and continue to remind me of how cowardly and weak I am." Ray explained the story he had from the start.

Rei could feel the intensity of his story, from the tragedy, the loss and the hatred that Ray had shown.

All he can do is to listen to him until the end.

Ray sighed after trying to calm himself down, he continued his story.

"As time had pass, we had arrived at another village that is far away from our village."

"At first we were happy to find a place to stay, but the villagers weren't that happy as we do, more like..."

"They didn't welcome us."

"Why is that? Isn't natural to help someone in need, especially after that incident happen?!" Rei got emotional by that statement.

"Because I was there."

"You...? Why?"

"Because a child who survived during a monsters attack, it was told to be a child who bring calamity."

"Since I was the only child who survived in the village." Ray replied to his statement.


Ray chuckled, "Though I don't really care any of those and start to train myself with a sword."

"I trained hard, day by day without a rest, just so I can take my revenge to those bastards."

Rei who listened could only understand, and that reminded of himself where he was also being insulted by those kind names during his childhood but he just ignored them all.

"Until a certain age I finally get to know what kind of [Job] that I will get."

"A [Job]?" Rei repeated.

"Yeah, that's the reason why I trained myself from time to time."

"So I could be [Swordsman], a [Job] oriented for fighting."

"I-i see." Rei replied, while still doesn't know this [Job], he mentioned.

"But the fate, they sure know how to make my situation worst." Ray bitterly smiled again.

"What kind of [Job]?..." Rei decided to ask him.

"The job that have been bestowed to me was...[Blacksmith]."

"A [Job] that meant to forge a weapon and items."

"As soon as I heard it, my heart began to break apart, and the only thing I could feel after that was....despair."

"Why? Because all the efforts, that I have been putting on had completely gone like a dust."

"After that I cried from day to night non-stop and refuse to eat."

"Isn't it hilarious, that I sound like a brat?"

Rei could tell that Ray was trying to comfort himself to joke about himself....but that still doesn't hide the fact was feeling despair that day.

Although, Rei who just arrived into this world and know nothing, could only be silent over this.

After that, Ray continue his story with a smile.

"But one day, there was one person who willingly to help this pitiful me, out from those despairing moment."

"That person told me, that the job which I got, could still help the others." Ray chuckled.

"Heh, at first I wasn't convinced of that person words, so I tried myself the [skill] which I got from my [Job]."

'[Skill]?' Rei reacted to that new word.

"So, the first thing that I made was a farming tool for the village, although it was quite incomplete and shabby one, at least it helps the people of the village."

Ray smiled and being immersed by another memories, "To think they were that happy and praise my works."

Rei still listened to his story, though there is some parts that's still confused him.

"Despite that, the hatred that I bear towards those monsters, remain the same."

"So it makes me thinking, what if I forge a weapon to help others to get rid of them...though it might be stupid, but it is like hitting two birds with one stone! Am I right?" Ray grinned widely at him, showing there's nothing to worried about it any longer.

"And so, I finally start my journey..."

"Though that will another story."

Rei sighed, after hearing such intense backstory.

Ray smiled, "Though, I felt so pathetic, you know?"

"I mean, I just want to save everyone I care and love, so they can keep living and being happy all the time." Ray looking at his own hand and slowly grips it with sorrowful looks.

"But...I don't know if I am capable to change it."

Rei looked at him and closed his eyes, "Houston....I never thought of you as pathetic." Rei replied while looking at Ray with a honest looks.

"I mean, there's no one in this world who doesn't want to fix their own mistake.

"Even someone like me also have regret after making mistake, but....instead thinking about it."

"I need to look forward rather than pondering a useless stuff that is in the past." Rei spoke.

"I know your past is something you cannot forget, but it also to keep reminded you."

"About the goal and the wish that you want in this new chance and path even it may hard."

"So, just do what you think the best and continue the path that you want to take."

"Kiritsuka..." Ray was touched by his words and felt somewhat connection towards him.

Rei smiled, "And of course, I will help you!Houston! Since we are in the same boat, using my knowledge and yours, we can change the bad future that going to happen."

"And I promise you, that I won't disappoint you."

"So trust me."

Rei slowly offered his hand towards Ray with a smile full of confidence.

Ray widened his eyes, surprised from the speech that was given by him. So he extended his arm and held his hand.

"I never thought that I got lectured by a kid like you." Ray muttered.

"Well think of it, a life chance that you cannot miss, since I'm going lecture you more." Rei replied.

"Now then, I am looking forward to work with you, Kiritsuka Rei." Ray spoke.

"I will be in your care, Ray Houston." Rei replied while he shook his hand with him.

But after those long talk and agreement, Ray's body began to disappear slowly from his legs.

"....?! Houston!" Rei who saw this widen his eyes and called his name.

Ray sighed and smiled, "It seems I have I finally reached my limit on talking with you."

"What do you mean by that?!" Rei began to feel worried.

"You don't have to worry, this is just mean that our body couldn't handle the two souls that reside in."

"So before it could damage our souls

"The body will began to react by putting the other soul to sleep, which is why my soul had been chosen to sleep first."


Ray smiled, "You don't have to worry, I will be back after the body had been adjusted."

"It was fun to talk with you ..."

Ray said as half of his body already disappeared.

Rei widened his eyes and nodded his head, "I understand and I had fun too talking with you."

"So, make sure you wake up quickly, since I still wanted to know all the information here regarding about this [future]." Rei replied.

Ray chuckled, "Sure, just look forward to it."

"I will." Rei replied.

"Oh right, I almost forgot."

"Before I go, I have parting gift for you." Ray spoke before his body completely disappeared.

"Huh? What is—"


Ray who still holding his hand, began to send some electrical surge through their hands.

Those surge goes up to Rei's head, as a memories gushed forcefully into his head.

".....?! AAAAAAAAAGGGHHHHH!!!!" Rei immediately screamed in pain.

"Y-you...ughhh...this is..."

When Rei endured the pain, suddenly a memories that never seen nor remember.

Began to show up within his mind. Rei began to remembered the painful training and his hardwork of how to use a sword.

The memories of Ray Houston, it does looks mediocre swordmanship.

"This is the least I can do for you, so I hope this could help you on the hardship you are going to face on.".

"So, make sure you put good use on it, my friend."

"See you next time."

Before he disappeared like a sparkling dust, he gave him the warmest smile he ever had towards him.

After that Rei came back to the real world.

Rei slowly gets up from the bed and felt faint pain on his forehead, the most exact part the pain came from near to his left eye.

"Uggghhh...the pain still there...those hellish training he have been through, how the hell he can do all of that." Rei grunted in pain, after that he sighed.

"But at least it does help me to learn from it, on my next goal."

"So before that, let's check something up ..."

Rei stood up and looked around the room. The room was made from wood log, with only one bed, a table for study and a chair, beside it there's a mirror and a closet for his clothes.

"So this is his room huh, it is quite neat...hmmm???"

When Rei walking around the room he found his reflection from the mirror, as he found himself looking at the body of 6 years old Ray Houston.

"Just as I thought he looks similar to me."

As he slowly touched his face and observing it.


But then there is one thing that makes this body felt different, it was his eyes.

Just like Ray Houston's eyes, it was golden-yellow color but the only part of that color is on his right eye, while his left eye color was different. Yes, it is his own eye color(red-blood).

"Hmmmm... is it because because of effect from reincarnation ...? Hmmmm...."

Rei slowly leaned over the mirror to take closer to look on himself as all of sudden a black board appeared in front of him.

"Huh?!" Rei suprised after seeing the black board that popped out of nowhere in front of him.

The black board, slowly showings some words on it saying [Congratulations on your reincarnation!! –from Ifrit]

As it continued, [This is what they called [Status Board] in RPG terms from your modern world, try to say "Status"]

Rei readed the black board in front of him. Then he said "[Status]..."



NAME: Kiritsuka Rei

JOB :"Blacksmith"

TITLE :"The Reincarnator", "Time Traveler"

Level: 1

[HP: 100]

[MP: 10]


EXP : 0/1000









Blacksmith Mastery Lv1

Sword Mastery Lv1

Battle Instinct Lv1



"Is this my status...?"

Rei said while observing his own status and that was his first night after being reincarnated.

To be continued...